2# Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
4# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
7cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.2)
10function(ApplyData61ElfLoaderSettings kernel_platform kernel_sel4_arch)
11    set(binary_list "tx1;hikey;odroidc2;imx8mq-evk;rockpro64;zynqmp;imx8mm-evk;hifive")
12    set(efi_list "tk1")
13    set(uimage_list "tx2;am335x")
14    if(
15        ${kernel_platform} IN_LIST efi_list
16        OR (${kernel_platform} STREQUAL "hikey" AND ${kernel_sel4_arch} STREQUAL "aarch64")
17    )
18        set(ElfloaderImage "efi" CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
19    elseif(${kernel_platform} IN_LIST uimage_list)
20        set(ElfloaderImage "uimage" CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
21    elseif(${kernel_platform} STREQUAL "rpi3" AND ${kernel_sel4_arch} STREQUAL "aarch64")
22        set(ElfloaderImage "binary" CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
23    elseif(${kernel_platform} IN_LIST binary_list)
24        set(ElfloaderImage "binary" CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
25    else()
26        set(ElfloaderImage "elf" CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
27    endif()
29    if(${kernel_platform} STREQUAL "tk1" AND ${kernel_sel4_arch} STREQUAL "arm_hyp")
30        set(ElfloaderMode "hypervisor" CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
31        set(ElfloaderMonitorHook ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
32    endif()
33    if((KernelPlatformImx8mm-evk OR KernelPlatformImx8mq-evk) AND KernelSel4ArchAarch32)
34        set(ElfloaderArmV8LeaveAarch64 ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
35        # This applies to imx8mm and imx8mq when in aarch32 configuration
36        # It should be possible to use a uimage format but when tried nothing
37        # runs after uboot.
38        set(IMAGE_START_ADDR 0x41000000 CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE)
39    endif()
40    if(KernelPlatformHikey AND KernelSel4ArchAarch32)
41        # This is preserving what the Hikey's bootloader requires.
43    endif()
44    if(KernelPlatformZynqmp AND KernelSel4ArchAarch32)
45        set(IMAGE_START_ADDR 0x8000000 CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE)
46    endif()
49function(ApplyCommonSimulationSettings kernel_arch)
50    if("${kernel_arch}" STREQUAL "x86")
51        # Generally we cannot simulate some more recent features
52        set(KernelSupportPCID OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
53        set(KernelFSGSBase msr CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
54        set(KernelIOMMU OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
55        set(KernelFPU FXSAVE CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
56    endif()
59function(ApplyCommonReleaseVerificationSettings release verification)
60    # Setup flags for different combinations of 'release' (performance optimized builds) and
61    # 'verification' (verification friendly features) builds
62    if(release)
63        set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
64        set(KernelPrinting OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
65    else()
67    endif()
68    if(verification)
69        set(KernelVerificationBuild ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
70    else()
71        set(KernelVerificationBuild OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
72    endif()
73    # If neither release nor verification then enable debug facilities, otherwise turn them off
74    if((NOT release) AND (NOT verification))
75        set(KernelDebugBuild ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
76        set(KernelPrinting ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
77    else()
78        set(KernelDebugBuild OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
79    endif()
80    mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)
83# Try and map a PLATFORM value to a valid kernel platform and architecture
84# setting based on some established conventions:
85#  - Any previous value taken by KernelARMPlatform
86#  - Any value accepted by KernelPlatform
87#  - x86_64 and ia32 map to pc99
89# Additionally use the following boolean configs to indicate which seL4 arch
90# to select:
91#  - aarch32: ARM, AARCH32, AARCH32HF
92#  - arm_hyp: ARM_HYP
93#  - aarch64: AARCH64
94#  - riscv64: RISCV64
95#  - riscv32: RISCV32
97# Calling this function will result in forced updates to the cache.
99    set(_REWRITE ON)
100    set(
101        correct_platform_strings_platform_aliases
102        sabre
103        wandq
104        kzm
105        rpi3
106        exynos5250
107        exynos5410
108        exynos5422
109        am335x-boneblack
110        am335x-boneblue
111        x86_64
112        ia32
113    )
114    set(
115        correct_platform_strings_platform_aliases ${correct_platform_strings_platform_aliases}
116        CACHE INTERNAL ""
117    )
118    if("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "sabre")
119        set(KernelPlatform imx6 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
120        set(KernelARMPlatform sabre CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
121    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "wandq")
122        set(KernelPlatform imx6 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
123        set(KernelARMPlatform wandq CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
124    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "kzm")
125        set(KernelPlatform imx31 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
126    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "rpi3")
127        set(KernelPlatform bcm2837 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
128    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "exynos5250")
129        set(KernelPlatform exynos5 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
130        set(KernelARMPlatform exynos5250 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
131    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "exynos5410")
132        set(KernelPlatform exynos5 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
133        set(KernelARMPlatform exynos5410 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
134    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "exynos5422")
135        set(KernelPlatform exynos5 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
136        set(KernelARMPlatform exynos5422 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
137    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "am335x-boneblack")
138        set(KernelPlatform am335x CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
139        set(KernelARMPlatform am335x-boneblack CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
140    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "am335x-boneblue")
141        set(KernelPlatform am335x CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
142        set(KernelARMPlatform am335x-boneblue CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
143    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "x86_64")
144        set(KernelPlatform pc99 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
145        set(KernelSel4Arch x86_64 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
146    elseif("${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "ia32")
147        set(KernelPlatform pc99 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
148        set(KernelSel4Arch ia32 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
149    elseif(NOT "${PLATFORM}" STREQUAL "")
150        set(KernelPlatform ${PLATFORM} CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
151        set(_REWRITE OFF)
152    else()
153        set(_REWRITE OFF)
154    endif()
155    if(_REWRITE AND (NOT correct_platform_strings_no_print))
156        message("correct_platform_strings: Attempting to correct PLATFORM: ${PLATFORM}
157            to new valid KernelPlatform: ${KernelPlatform}")
158        if("${KernelPlatform}" STREQUAL pc99)
159            message("                         KernelSel4Arch: ${KernelSel4Arch}")
160        else()
161            message("                      KernelARMPlatform: ${KernelARMPlatform}")
162        endif()
163    endif()
164    set(_REWRITE ON)
166    if(ARM OR AARCH32 OR AARCH32HF)
167        if(
168            ARM_HYP
169            OR ("${KernelSel4Arch}" STREQUAL arm_hyp)
170            OR ("${KernelArmSel4Arch}" STREQUAL arm_hyp)
171        )
172            set(KernelSel4Arch arm_hyp CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
173        else()
174            set(KernelSel4Arch aarch32 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
175        endif()
176    elseif(AARCH64)
177        set(KernelSel4Arch aarch64 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
178    elseif(RISCV64)
179        set(KernelSel4Arch riscv64 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
180    elseif(RISCV32)
181        set(KernelSel4Arch riscv32 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
182    else()
183        set(_REWRITE OFF)
184    endif()
185    if(_REWRITE AND (NOT correct_platform_strings_no_print))
186        message(
187            "correct_platform_strings: Based on toolchain, setting KernelSel4Arch: ${KernelSel4Arch}"
188        )
189    endif()
191    # This is a common mechanism for how x86 architectures were selected
192    if("${KernelX86Sel4Arch}" STREQUAL ia32)
193        set(KernelSel4Arch ia32 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
194    elseif("${KernelX86Sel4Arch}" STREQUAL x86_64)
195        set(KernelSel4Arch x86_64 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)
196    endif()
198    # Only print out these info messages on first initialisation
199    # otherwise the ccache gets interrupted with output everytime it is used.
200    # The ccache also has a mechanism for showing what config options get chagned
201    # after a configuration anyway so the user will still be informed.
202    set(correct_platform_strings_no_print ON CACHE INTERNAL "")