218316Swollman% Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
418316Swollman% SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
718316Swollman\chapter{\label{ch:bootup}System Bootstrapping}
918316Swollman\section{Initial Thread's Environment}
1118316SwollmanThe seL4 kernel creates a minimal boot environment for the initial thread, which
1218316Swollman is started at priority \texttt{seL4\_MaxPrio} and maximum control priority \texttt{seL4\_MaxPrio}.
1318316SwollmanThis environment consists of the initial thread's TCB, CSpace and VSpace,
1418316Swollmanconsisting of frames that contain the userland image (code/data of the initial
1518316Swollmanthread) and the IPC buffer.
1718316SwollmanOn the MCS kernel, the initial thread is configured with a round-robin scheduling context
1818316Swollmanwith \texttt{CONFIG\_BOOT\_THREAD\_TIME\_SLICE} milliseconds timeslice.
1918316SwollmanWithout MCS, all threads including the initial thread are scheduled round-robin with
2018316Swollman\texttt{CONFIG\_TIMER\_TICK\_MS} $*$ \texttt{CONFIG\_TIME\_SLICE} timeslices.
2218316SwollmanThe initial thread's CSpace consists of exactly one CNode
2318316Swollmanwhich contains capabilities to the initial
2418316Swollmanthread's own resources as well as to all available global resources.
2518316SwollmanThe CNode size can be configured at compile time (default is $2^{12}$
2618316Swollmanslots), but the guard is always chosen so that the CNode resolves exactly
2718316Swollmanthe number of bits in the architecture (32 bits or 64 bits). This means, the
2818316Swollmanfirst slot of the CNode has CPTR 0x0, the second slot has CPTR 0x1 etc.
3046303SmarkmThe first 12 slots contain specific capabilities as listed in
3418316Swollman  \begin{center}
3518316Swollman    \caption{Initial thread's CNode content.}
3618316Swollman    \label{tab:cnode_content}
3718316Swollman    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lX}
3818316Swollman      \toprule
3918316Swollman      Enum Constant & Capability \\
40126250Sbms      \midrule
4146303Smarkm      \texttt{seL4\_CapNull}                & null \\
42126250Sbms      \texttt{seL4\_CapInitThreadTCB}       & initial thread's TCB \\
43126250Sbms      \texttt{seL4\_CapInitThreadCNode}     & initial thread's CNode \\
44126250Sbms      \texttt{seL4\_CapInitThreadVSpace}    & initial thread's VSpace \\
45126250Sbms      \texttt{seL4\_CapIRQControl}          & global IRQ controller (see \autoref{sec:interrupts}) \\
46126250Sbms      \texttt{seL4\_CapASIDControl}         & global ASID controller (see \autoref{ch:vspace}) \\
4746303Smarkm      \texttt{seL4\_CapInitThreadASIDPool}  & initial thread's ASID pool (see \autoref{ch:vspace}) \\
4846303Smarkm      \texttt{seL4\_CapIOPort}              & global I/O port cap, null cap if unsupported
5018316Swollman(see \autoref{sec:ioports})
5318316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_CapIOSpace}             & global I/O space cap, null cap if unsupported
55190715Sphk(see \autoref{sec:iospace})
58190715Sphk      \texttt{seL4\_CapBootInfoFrame}       & BootInfo frame (see \autoref{ch:bootup:bootinfo}) \\
5918316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_CapInitThreadIPCBuffer} & initial thread's IPC buffer (see \autoref{sec:messageinfo}) \\
6018316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_CapDomain}              & domain cap (see \autoref{sec:domains}) \\
6118316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_CapInitThreadSC}        & initial thread's scheduling context (MCS only) \\
6246303Smarkm      \bottomrule
6346303Smarkm    \end{tabularx}
6418316Swollman  \end{center}
67190715Sphk\section{\label{ch:bootup:bootinfo}BootInfo Frame}
69190715SphkCNode slots with CPTR \texttt{seL4\_NumInitialCaps} (defined in the seL4
7018316Swollmanuserland library) and above are filled dynamically during
7118316Swollmanbootstrapping. Their exact contents depend on the userland image size,
7218316Swollmanplatform configuration (devices) etc. In order to tell the initial thread
7318316Swollmanwhich capabilities are stored where in its CNode, the kernel provides
7418316Swollmana \emph{BootInfo Frame} which is mapped into the initial thread's address
7518316Swollmanspace. The mapped address is chosen by the kernel and given to the initial
7618316Swollmanthread via a CPU register.
7818316SwollmanThe BootInfo Frame contains the C struct described in
8018316SwollmanIt is defined in the seL4 userland library. Besides talking about
8118316Swollmancapabilities, it also informs the initial thread about
8218316Swollmanthe current platform's configuration.
8418316SwollmanThe type \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion} is a C struct
8518316Swollmanwhich contains \texttt{start} and \texttt{end} slot CPTRs. It denotes a region
8618316Swollmanof slots in the initial thread's CNode, starting with CPTR \texttt{start} and with
8718316Swollman\texttt{end} being the CPTR of the first slot after the region ends, i.e.\
8818316Swollman\texttt{end - 1} points to the last slot of the region.
9118316Swollman  \begin{center}
9218316Swollman    \caption{BootInfo struct.}
9318316Swollman    \label{tab:bootinfo_struct}
9418316Swollman    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{llX}
9518316Swollman      \toprule
9618316Swollman      Field Type & Field Name & Description \\
9718316Swollman      \midrule
9818316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_Word}           & \texttt{extraLen}                & length of additional bootinfo information in bytes \\
9918316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_NodeId}         & \texttt{nodeID}                  & node ID \\
100229778Suqs      \texttt{seL4\_Word}           & \texttt{numNodes}                & number of nodes \\
10118316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_Word}           & \texttt{numIOPTLevels}           & number of I/O page-table levels (-1 if CONFIG\_IOMMU unset) \\
10218316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_IPCBuffer*}     & \texttt{ipcBuffer}               & pointer to the initial thread's IPC buffer \\
10318316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion}     & \texttt{empty}                   & empty slots (null caps) \\
10418316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion}     & \texttt{sharedFrames}            & reserved \\
105190715Sphk      \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion}     & \texttt{userImageFrames}         & frames containing the userland image \\
10618316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion}     & \texttt{userImagePaging}         & userland-image paging structure caps \\
10718316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion}     & \texttt{ioSpaceCaps}             & I/O space capabilities for ARM SMMU \\
10818316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion}     & \texttt{extraBIPages}            & frames backing additional bootinfo information \\
10946303Smarkm      \texttt{seL4\_Uint8}          & \texttt{initThreadCNodeSizeBits} & CNode size ($2^n$ slots) \\
11046303Smarkm      \texttt{seL4\_Word}           & \texttt{initThreadDomain}        & domain of the initial thread (see \autoref{sec:domains}) \\
11118316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion}     & \texttt{schedcontrol}            & seL4\_SchedControl capabilities, one for each node (MCS only). \\
11218316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_SlotRegion}     & \texttt{untyped}                 & untyped-memory capabilities \\
11318316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_UntypedDesc[]}  & \texttt{untypedList}             & array of information about each untyped \\
11418316Swollman      \bottomrule
11518316Swollman    \end{tabularx}
11618316Swollman  \end{center}
11918316SwollmanDepending on the architecture and platform there might be additional pieces of boot
12018316Swollmaninformation. If \texttt{extraLen} is greater then zero then 4K after the start of bootinfo
121190715Sphkis a region of extraLen bytes containing additional bootinfo structures. Each chunk starts
12218316Swollmanwith a \texttt{seL4\_BootInfoHeader}, described in \autoref{tab:bi_header_struct}, that
12318316Swollmandescribes what the chunk is and how long it is, where the length includes the header. The
12418316Swollmanlength can be used to skip over chunks that you do not understand. The only generally
12518316Swollmandefined chunk type is \texttt{SEL4\_BOOTINFO\_HEADER\_PADDING} and describes an empty
12646303Smarkmchunk that has no data, any other types are platform or architecture specific. The
12746303Smarkm\texttt{extraBIPages} slot region gives the frames capabilities for the pages that make up
12818316Swollmanthe additional boot info region.
13118316Swollman  \begin{center}
13218316Swollman    \caption{BootInfoHeader struct.}
13318316Swollman    \label{tab:bi_header_struct}
13418316Swollman    \begin{tabular}{lll}
13518316Swollman      \toprule
13618316Swollman      Field Type & Field Name & Description \\
13718316Swollman      \midrule
13818316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_Word}  & \texttt{id}  & Identifier indicating the contents of the chunk \\
139190715Sphk      \texttt{seL4\_Uint8} & \texttt{len} & Length in bytes of the chunk \\
14018316Swollman      \bottomrule
14118316Swollman    \end{tabular}
14246303Smarkm  \end{center}
14518316SwollmanThe capabilities in \texttt{userImageFrames} are
14618316Swollmanordered such that the first capability references the first frame of the
14718316Swollmanuserland image and so on.
14818316SwollmanThe capabilities in \texttt{userImagePaging} are ordered in descending order
14918316Swollmanof paging structure size. Within a given paging structure size, capabilities are
15018316Swollmanordered by the virtual address at which the corresponding objects are mapped
15118316Swollmaninto the initial thread's address space.
15318316SwollmanIt is up to userland to infer the virtual address of frames referenced by
15418316Swollmanthe capabilities in \texttt{userImageFrames} and the virtual address and
15518316Swollmantypes of paging structures
15618316Swollmanreferenced by the capabilities in \texttt{userImagePaging}.
15718316SwollmanUserland typically has a way of finding out to which virtual addresses its
15818316Swollmancode and data is mapped (e.g.\ in GCC, with the standard linker script, the
15918316Swollmansymbols \texttt{\_\_executable\_start} and \texttt{\_end} are available).
16018316SwollmanAdditionally, the initial thread can assume that its address space is virtually
16118316Swollmancontiguous, and is made up of the smallest frames available on the architecture.
16218316SwollmanIt's also assumed that the initial thread knows which paging structures are
16318316Swollmanavailable on the architecture it's running on.
16418316SwollmanThis, along with knowledge of how capabilities in \texttt{userImageFrames} and
165190715Sphk\texttt{userImagePaging} are ordered, is sufficient information for userland to infer
16646303Smarkmthe virtual address of each
16718316Swollmanframe capability, and the virtual address and type of each paging structure capability.
16918316SwollmanUntyped memory is given in no particular order. The array entry
17018316Swollman\texttt{untypedList[i]} stores the untyped-memory information of
17118316Swollmanthe i-th untyped cap of the slot region \texttt{untyped}. Therefore, the array
172299768Spfglength is at least \texttt{untyped.end - untyped.start}. The actual length is
173299768Spfghardcoded in the kernel and irrelevant to the reader of the array. The untyped
17418316Swollmanmemory information is stored in a \texttt{seL4\_UntypedDesc} struct, described
17518316Swollmanin \autoref{tab:untyped_desc_struct}, and details the address, size and kind of
17618316Swollmanthe memory backing the untyped. This allows userland to infer physical memory
17718316Swollmanaddresses of retyped frames and use them to initiate DMA transfers when no
17818316SwollmanIOMMU is available. The kernel makes no guarantees about certain sizes of untyped
17918316Swollmanmemory being available.
18218316Swollman  \begin{center}
18318316Swollman    \caption{seL4\_UntypedDesc struct}
18418316Swollman    \label{tab:untyped_desc_struct}
18518316Swollman    \begin{tabular}{lll}
18646303Smarkm      \toprule
18746303Smarkm      Field Type & Field Name & Description \\
18818316Swollman      \midrule
18918316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_Word}  & \texttt{paddr}    & physical base address of the untyped object \\
19046303Smarkm      \texttt{seL4\_Uint8} & \texttt{sizeBits} & size ($2^n$ bytes) of the untyped object \\
19118316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_Uint8} & \texttt{isDevice} & is this untyped a device or not (see \autoref{sec:kernmemalloc}) \\
19218316Swollman      \texttt{seL4\_Uint8[]} & \texttt{padding} & manual padding so final struct is a multiple of the word size \\
19318316Swollman      \bottomrule
194299768Spfg    \end{tabular}
19518316Swollman  \end{center}
19818316SwollmanIf the platform has an seL4-supported IOMMU, \texttt{numIOPTLevels} contains
19918316Swollmanthe number of IOMMU-page-table levels. This information is needed by userland
20018316Swollmanwhen constructing an IOMMU address space (IOSpace). If there is no IOMMU
20118316Swollmansupport, \texttt{numIOPTLevels} is \texttt{0}.
20318316SwollmanOn ARM if the platform has any available SMMU units the capabilities for them
20418316Swollmanwill be described by the \texttt{ioSpaceCaps} slot region. The mapping of a
205190715Sphkcapability from this region to a specific SMMU is platform specific.
20818316Swollman\section{Boot Command-line Arguments}
21046303SmarkmOn IA-32, seL4 accepts boot command-line arguments which are passed to the
21146303Smarkmkernel via a multiboot-compliant bootloader (e.g.\ GRUB, syslinux). Multiple
21218316Swollmanarguments are separated from each other by whitespace. Two forms of arguments
21318316Swollmanare accepted:
21418316Swollman(1) key-value arguments of the form ``key=value'' and (2) single keys of the
21546303Smarkmform ``key''. The value field of the key-value form may be a string, a decimal
21618316Swollmaninteger, a hexadecimal integer beginning with ``0x'', or an integer list where
21718316Swollmanlist elements are separated by commas.
21818316SwollmanKeys and values can't have any whitespace in them and there can be no
21918316Swollmanwhitespace before or after an ``='' or a comma either.
22018316SwollmanArguments are listed in \autoref{tab:bootargs} along with their default values (if left unspecified).
22418316Swollman    \caption{IA-32 boot command-line arguments.}
22518316Swollman        \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lXX}
22618316Swollman            \toprule
22718316Swollman              Key & Value & Default \\
22818316Swollman            \midrule
22918316Swollman            \texttt{console\_port} &
23018316Swollman            I/O-port base of the serial port that the kernel prints to
23118316Swollman            (if compiled in debug mode) &
23218316Swollman            0x3f8 \\
23318316Swollman            \texttt{debug\_port} &
23418316Swollman            I/O-port base of the serial port that is used for kernel debugging
23518316Swollman            (if compiled in debug mode) &
23618316Swollman            0x3f8 \\
23718316Swollman            \texttt{disable\_iommu} &
23818316Swollman            none &
23918316Swollman            The IOMMU is enabled by default on VT-d-capable platforms \\
24018316Swollman            \bottomrule
24118316Swollman        \end{tabularx}
24218316Swollman    \label{tab:bootargs}