2 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
5 *)
7theory SimplExport
9imports GraphLang CommonOpsLemmas GlobalsSwap ExtraSpecs
13lemma field_lvalue_offset_eq:
14  "field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a :: c_type)) f 0 = Some v
15        \<Longrightarrow> field_lvalue (ptr :: 'a ptr) f = ptr_val ptr + of_nat (snd v)"
16  apply (cases v, simp, drule field_lookup_offset_eq)
17  apply (simp add: field_lvalue_def)
18  done
20ML \<open>
21fun dest_binT (Type (@{type_name signed}, [t])) = Word_Lib.dest_binT t
22  | dest_binT t = Word_Lib.dest_binT t
24fun dest_array_type (Type (@{type_name array}, [T, n])) = let
25    val (s, _) = dest_Type n
26    val s = Long_Name.base_name s
27  in if String.isPrefix "tyCopy" s
28    then (T, fst (read_int (raw_explode (unprefix "tyCopy" s))))
29    else (T, dest_binT n)
30  end
31  | dest_array_type typ = raise TYPE ("dest_array_type", [typ], [])
33fun dest_array_init (Const (@{const_name fupdate}, _) $ n $ f $ arr) = let
34    val xs = dest_array_init arr
35    val n = HOLogic.dest_number n |> snd
36  in nth_map n (curry betapply f) xs end
37  | dest_array_init (Const (@{const_name FCP}, T) $ f) = let
38    val (_, width) = dest_array_type (range_type T)
39  in map (curry betapply f) (map (HOLogic.mk_number @{typ nat})
40    (0 upto width - 1))
41  end
42  | dest_array_init t = raise TERM ("dest_array_init", [t])
44val ops = Symtab.make [
45    (@{const_name "plus"}, ("Plus", true)),
46    (@{const_name "minus"}, ("Minus", true)),
47    (@{const_name "times"}, ("Times", true)),
48    (@{const_name "modulo_class.modulo"}, ("Modulus", true)),
49    (@{const_name "divide_class.divide"}, ("DividedBy", true)),
50    (@{const_name "bitAND"}, ("BWAnd", true)),
51    (@{const_name "bitOR"}, ("BWOr", true)),
52    (@{const_name "bitXOR"}, ("BWXOR", true)),
53    (@{const_name "conj"}, ("And", true)),
54    (@{const_name "disj"}, ("Or", true)),
55    (@{const_name "implies"}, ("Implies", true)),
56    (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, ("Equals", false)),
57    (@{const_name "less"}, ("Less", false)),
58    (@{const_name "less_eq"}, ("LessEquals", false)),
59    (@{const_name "ptr_less"}, ("Less", false)),
60    (@{const_name "ptr_le"}, ("LessEquals", false)),
61    (@{const_name "word_sless"}, ("SignedLess", false)),
62    (@{const_name "word_sle"}, ("SignedLessEquals", false)),
63    (@{const_name "Not"}, ("Not", true)),
64    (@{const_name "bitNOT"}, ("BWNot", true)),
65    (@{const_name "ucast"}, ("WordCast", false)),
66    (@{const_name "scast"}, ("WordCastSigned", false)),
67    (@{const_name "True"}, ("True", true)),
68    (@{const_name "False"}, ("False", true)),
69    (@{const_name "If"}, ("IfThenElse", false)),
70    (@{const_name "Set.member"}, ("MemDom", false)),
71    (@{const_name "shiftl"}, ("ShiftLeft", false)),
72    (@{const_name "shiftr"}, ("ShiftRight", false)),
73    (@{const_name "sshiftr"}, ("SignedShiftRight", false)),
74    (@{const_name "bv_clz"}, ("CountLeadingZeroes", true)),
75    (@{const_name "bv_ctz"}, ("CountTrailingZeroes", true)),
76    (@{const_name "all_htd_updates"}, ("HTDUpdate", false))
77  ] |> Symtab.lookup
79fun locals ctxt = Syntax.read_typ ctxt "'a myvars"
80  |> Record.get_recT_fields (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
81  |> fst
82  |> filter_out (fn (s, _) => s = @{const_name "globals"})
83  |> Symtab.make |> Symtab.defined
85fun local_upds ctxt = Syntax.read_typ ctxt "'a myvars"
86  |> Record.get_recT_fields (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
87  |> fst
88  |> filter_out (fn (s, _) => s = @{const_name "globals"})
89  |> map (apfst (suffix Record.updateN))
90  |> Symtab.make |> Symtab.defined
92fun get_field ctxt s = let
93    val xs = space_explode "." s
94    val fld = List.last xs
95    val tp = rev xs |> tl |> rev |> space_implode "."
96    val is_upd = String.isSuffix "_update" fld
97    val fld = if is_upd then unsuffix "_update" fld else fld
98    val _ = Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt
99        (tp ^ "_" ^ fld ^ "_fl_Some")
100  in SOME (tp, fld, is_upd) end
101    handle ERROR _ => NONE
102       | Bind => NONE
104val read_const = Proof_Context.read_const {proper = true, strict = true}
106fun process_struct ctxt csenv (nm, flds) = let
107    val offs = map (ProgramAnalysis.offset csenv (map snd flds))
108        (0 upto (length flds - 1))
109    val cons = read_const ctxt (nm ^ "." ^ nm)
110    val typ = dest_Const cons |> snd |> strip_type |> snd
111    val sz = ProgramAnalysis.sizeof csenv (Absyn.StructTy nm)
112    val algn = ProgramAnalysis.alignof csenv (Absyn.StructTy nm)
113    val accs = map (fst #> prefix (nm ^ ".")
114        #> read_const ctxt) flds
115  in (nm, (cons, typ, sz, algn, map fst flds ~~ (accs ~~ offs))) end
117fun structs ctxt csenv = ProgramAnalysis.get_senv csenv
118  |> map (process_struct ctxt csenv)
119  |> Symtab.make
121fun structs_by_typ ctxt csenv = Symtab.dest (structs ctxt csenv)
122  |> map (fn (nm, (cons, typ, sz, algn, flds)) => (fst (dest_Type typ), (nm, cons, sz, algn, flds)))
123  |> Symtab.make |> Symtab.lookup
125fun cons_fields ctxt csenv = structs ctxt csenv |> Symtab.dest
126  |> map (fn (_, (cons, typ, _, _, flds))
127    => (fst (dest_Const cons), (fst (dest_Type typ),
128           map (snd #> fst #> dest_Const #> fst) flds)))
129  |> Symtab.make |> Symtab.lookup
131fun enums ctxt csenv = let
132    val Absyn.CE ecenv = ProgramAnalysis.cse2ecenv csenv
133  in
134    #enumenv ecenv |> Symtab.dest
135    |> map (fn (s, (n, _)) =>
136        (read_const ctxt s
137            |> dest_Const |> fst, n))
138    |> Symtab.make |> Symtab.lookup
139  end
141fun thm_to_rew thm
142    = ((Thm.concl_of thm |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> HOLogic.dest_eq)
143        handle TERM _ => (Thm.concl_of thm |> Logic.dest_equals))
144    handle TERM _ => (Thm.concl_of thm |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> HOLogic.dest_imp)
146fun cons_field_upds ctxt csenv = let
147  val simps = ProgramAnalysis.get_senv csenv
148    |> maps (fn (tp, vs) => map (pair tp o fst) vs)
149    |> maps (fn (tp, fld) => [Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt
150          (tp ^ "." ^ fld ^ ".simps"),
151        Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt
152          (tp ^ "." ^ fld ^ Record.updateN ^ ".simps")])
153  val accups = ProgramAnalysis.get_senv csenv
154    |> map (fn (tp, _) => (tp, Proof_Context.get_thms ctxt
155          (tp ^ "_accupd_same")))
156    |> maps (fn (_, [t]) => [t]
157              | (tp, ts) => ts @ Proof_Context.get_thms ctxt
158          (tp ^ "_accupd_diff"))
159  val rews = map thm_to_rew (simps @ accups)
160  in Pattern.rewrite_term (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) rews [] end
162type export_params = {cons_field_upds: term -> term,
163         cons_fields: string -> (string * string list) option,
164         const_globals: Termtab.key -> string option,
165         enums: string -> int option,
166         local_upds: string -> bool,
167         locals: string -> bool,
168         rw_global_accs: string -> string option,
169         rw_global_upds: string -> string option,
170         rw_globals_tab: (term * term) Symtab.table,
171         structs_by_typ:
172         string -> (string * term * int * int * (string * (term * int)) list) option}
174fun get_all_export_params ctxt csenv : export_params = let
175    (* assuming DefineGlobalsList has already run *)
176    val defs = if (can (Proof_Context.get_thms ctxt) "no_global_data_defs")
177      then [] else Proof_Context.get_thms ctxt "global_data_defs"
178    val rhss = map (Thm.concl_of #> Logic.dest_equals #> snd) defs
179    val const_globals = map_filter
180      (fn (Const (@{const_name const_global_data}, _) $ nm $ v)
181            => SOME (HOLogic.dest_string nm, v)
182        | _ => NONE) rhss |> map swap |> Termtab.make |> Termtab.lookup
183    val rw_globals = map_filter (fn (Const (@{const_name global_data}, _) $ nm $ get $ set)
184        => SOME (HOLogic.dest_string nm, get, set) | _ => NONE) rhss
185    val rw_globals_tab = Symtab.make (map (fn x => (#1 x, (#2 x, #3 x))) rw_globals)
186    val rw_global_accs = map (fn (nm, c, _) => (fst (dest_Const c), nm)) rw_globals
187        |> Symtab.make |> Symtab.lookup
188    val rw_global_upds = map (fn (nm, _, c) => (fst (dest_Const c), nm)) rw_globals
189        |> Symtab.make |> Symtab.lookup
190  in {const_globals = const_globals, rw_globals_tab = rw_globals_tab,
191    rw_global_accs = rw_global_accs,
192    rw_global_upds = rw_global_upds,
193    cons_field_upds = cons_field_upds ctxt csenv,
194    enums = enums ctxt csenv,
195    cons_fields = cons_fields ctxt csenv,
196    structs_by_typ = structs_by_typ ctxt csenv,
197    locals = locals ctxt,
198    local_upds = local_upds ctxt} end
201ML \<open>
203val machine_word = case @{typ machine_word} of
204    @{typ word32} => "Word 32"
205  | @{typ word64} => "Word 64"
207fun convert_type _ _ @{typ bool} = "Bool"
208  | convert_type _ _ (Type (@{type_name word}, [n]))
209    = "Word " ^ signed_string_of_int (dest_binT n)
210  | convert_type abs ctxt (Type (@{type_name array}, [t, n]))
211    = "Array " ^ convert_type abs ctxt t ^ " " ^ (string_of_int (dest_binT n)
212        handle TYPE _ => (case n of Type (s, []) => (unprefix "tyCopy" (Long_Name.base_name s)
213            handle Fail _ => raise TYPE ("convert_type", [t, n], []))
214         | _ => raise TYPE ("convert_type", [t, n], [])))
215  | convert_type true ctxt (Type (@{type_name ptr}, [T])) = "Ptr " ^ convert_type true ctxt T
216  | convert_type false _ (Type (@{type_name ptr}, _)) = machine_word
217  | convert_type _ _ @{typ "machine_word \<Rightarrow> word8"} = "Mem"
218  | convert_type _ _ @{typ "machine_word \<Rightarrow> bool"} = "Dom"
219  | convert_type _ _ @{typ "machine_word set"} = "Dom"
220  | convert_type _ _ @{typ heap_typ_desc} = "HTD"
222  | convert_type _ _ @{typ nat} = raise TYPE ("convert_type: nat", [], [])
223  | convert_type _ _ @{typ unit} = "UNIT"
224  | convert_type _ _ (Type ("fun", [Type (@{type_name word}, [i]), Type (@{type_name word}, [j])]))
225    = "WordArray " ^ signed_string_of_int (dest_binT i) ^ " " ^ signed_string_of_int (dest_binT j)
226  | convert_type _ _ (Type (@{type_name itself}, _)) = "Type"
227  | convert_type _ _ @{typ int} = raise TYPE ("convert_type: int", [], [])
228  | convert_type _ ctxt (Type (s, [])) = if Long_Name.base_name s = "machine_state" then "PMS"
229    else (Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt
230        (Long_Name.base_name s ^ "_td_names"); "Struct " ^ s)
231  | convert_type _ _ T = raise TYPE ("convert_type", [T], [])
235  pseudo_acc :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
237text \<open>
239Phase 1 of the conversion, converts accs and upds on SIMPL
240state (a record) to accs of named vars, using the pseudo_acc
241constant above to guard the accesses and lists of upds with strings.
244ML \<open>
246fun naming localname = Long_Name.base_name localname
247    |> unsuffix "_'" |> suffix "#v"
249fun mk_pseudo_acc s T = Const (@{const_name pseudo_acc}, T --> T)
250    $ Free (s, T)
252fun dest_global_mem_acc_addr (params : export_params) t = let
253    val acc = case head_of t of Const (c, _) => #rw_global_accs params c
254        | _ => NONE
255    val const = #const_globals params t
256    val T = fastype_of t
257  in case (const, acc) of
258      (SOME _, _) => NONE
259    | (NONE, SOME nm) => SOME (TermsTypes.mk_global_addr_ptr (nm, T))
260    | (NONE, NONE) => NONE
261  end
263fun dest_ptr_type (Type (@{type_name ptr}, [a])) = a
264  | dest_ptr_type T = raise TYPE ("dest_ptr_type", [T], [])
266fun mk_memacc p = let
267    val T = fastype_of p
268  in Const (@{const_name h_val}, @{typ heap_mem} --> T --> dest_ptr_type T)
269    $ mk_pseudo_acc "Mem" @{typ heap_mem} $ p end
271fun mk_fun_app f x = let
272    val fT = fastype_of f
273  in Const (@{const_name "fun_app"}, fT --> fastype_of x --> range_type fT) $ f $ x end
275val ghost_assns = mk_pseudo_acc "GhostAssertions" @{typ "ghost_assertions"}
277val int_to_ghost_key = @{term "word_of_int :: int \<Rightarrow> 50 word"}
279fun convert_fetch_phase1 _ (@{term hrs_mem} $ _) = mk_pseudo_acc "Mem" @{typ heap_mem}
280  | convert_fetch_phase1 _ (@{term hrs_htd} $ _) = mk_pseudo_acc "HTD" @{typ heap_typ_desc}
281  | convert_fetch_phase1 _ (Const (@{const_name ghost_assertion_data_get}, _) $ k $ _ $ _)
282    = mk_fun_app ghost_assns (int_to_ghost_key $ k)
283  | convert_fetch_phase1 params (Abs (s, T, t))
284    = Abs (s, T, convert_fetch_phase1 params t)
285  | convert_fetch_phase1 params t = if not (is_Const (head_of t)) then t
286  else let
287    val (f, xs) = strip_comb t
288    val (c, _) = dest_Const f
289    val T = fastype_of t
290  in case (#locals params c, dest_global_mem_acc_addr params t, #enums params c) of
291    (true, _, _) => (case xs of [Free ("s", _)] => mk_pseudo_acc (naming c) T
292        | [Free ("rv", _)] => mk_pseudo_acc ("rv#space#" ^ naming c) T
293        | _ => raise TERM ("convert_fetch_phase1: acc?", [t])
294    )
295  | (_, SOME p, _) => mk_memacc p
296  | (_, _, SOME n) => HOLogic.mk_number T n
297  | _ => list_comb (f, map (convert_fetch_phase1 params) xs)
298  end
300fun mk_memupd1 ptr v m = if dest_ptr_type (fastype_of ptr) = fastype_of v
301    then Const (@{const_name heap_update}, fastype_of ptr --> fastype_of v
302            --> @{typ "heap_mem \<Rightarrow> heap_mem"})
303        $ ptr $ v $ m
304    else raise TERM ("mk_memupd1: types disagree", [ptr, v])
306fun mk_memupd2 ptr v = mk_memupd1 ptr v (mk_pseudo_acc "Mem" @{typ heap_mem})
308fun mk_fun_upd f x v = Const (@{const_name fun_upd},
309    fastype_of f --> fastype_of x --> fastype_of v --> fastype_of f) $ f $ x $ v
311fun convert_upd_phase1 ctxt params (t as (Const (@{const_name globals_update}, _)
312    $ (Const (c, _) $ f) $ s)) = (case (Envir.beta_eta_contract f,
313            String.isPrefix NameGeneration.ghost_state_name
314            (Long_Name.base_name c), #rw_global_upds params c) of
315        (Const (@{const_name hrs_mem_update}, _)
316            $ (Const (@{const_name heap_update}, _) $ p $ v), _, _)
317        => [("Mem", convert_fetch_phase1 params (mk_memupd2 p v))]
318        | (Const (@{const_name hrs_htd_update}, _) $ g, _, _)
319        => [("HTD", (convert_fetch_phase1 params
320            (betapply (g, mk_pseudo_acc "HTD" @{typ heap_typ_desc}))))]
321        | (Const (@{const_name ghost_assertion_data_set}, _) $ k $ v $ _, _, _)
322        => [("GhostAssertions", mk_fun_upd ghost_assns (int_to_ghost_key $ k)
323            (convert_fetch_phase1 params v))]
324        | (_, true, _) => ((Syntax.pretty_term ctxt f |> Pretty.writeln); [])
325        | (_, _, SOME nm) => let
326    val acc = the (Symtab.lookup (#rw_globals_tab params) nm) |> fst
327    val v = convert_fetch_phase1 params (betapply (f, acc $ s))
328    val ptr = TermsTypes.mk_global_addr_ptr (nm, fastype_of v)
329  in [("Mem", mk_memupd2 ptr v)] end
330    | _ => raise TERM ("convert_upd", [t]))
331  | convert_upd_phase1 _ params (t as (Const (c, _) $ f $ s)) = let
332    val c' = unsuffix Record.updateN c
333    val cT' = fastype_of s --> fastype_of (f $ s)
334    val _ = (#local_upds params c) orelse raise TERM ("convert_upd_phase1: nonlocal", [t])
335    val v = betapply (f, Const (c', cT') $ s)
336  in [(naming c', convert_fetch_phase1 params v)] end
337  | convert_upd_phase1 _ _ t = raise TERM ("convert_upd_phase1", [t])
340text \<open>Phase 2 eliminates compound types, so we access and
341update only words from memory and local values.\<close>
343ML \<open>
344fun ptr_simp ctxt = ctxt addsimps @{thms CTypesDefs.ptr_add_def size_of_def size_td_array
345        field_lvalue_offset_eq align_td_array' word_of_int scast_def[symmetric]
346        ucast_def[symmetric]
347        sint_sbintrunc' word_smod_numerals word_sdiv_numerals sdiv_int_def smod_int_def}
348  |> Simplifier.rewrite
350val trace_ptr_simp = false
352fun ptr_simp_term ctxt s pat t = let
353    val rew_thm = pat |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt |> ptr_simp ctxt
354    val rew = rew_thm |> Thm.concl_of |> Logic.varify_global |> Logic.dest_equals
355    val _ = (not (fst rew aconv snd rew))
356        orelse raise TERM ("ptr_simp_term: " ^ s, [fst rew])
357    val _ = if not trace_ptr_simp then () else
358        (Thm.pretty_thm ctxt rew_thm |> Pretty.writeln;
359         Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t |> Pretty.writeln)
360  in Pattern.rewrite_term (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) [rew] [] t end
362fun convert_ghost_key ctxt k = let
363    val procs = Term.add_const_names k []
364      |> filter (String.isSuffix HoarePackage.proc_deco)
365    val proc_defs = map (suffix "_def" #> Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt) procs
366    val conv = Simplifier.rewrite (ctxt addsimps proc_defs)
367      (Thm.cterm_of ctxt k)
369    val n = Thm.rhs_of conv |> Thm.term_of
370    val _ = HOLogic.dest_number n
372  in n end
374fun dest_arrayT (Type (@{type_name array}, [elT, nT])) = let
375  in (elT, dest_binT nT) end
376  | dest_arrayT T = raise TYPE ("dest_arrayT", [T], [])
378fun dest_nat (@{term Suc} $ n) = dest_nat n + 1
379  | dest_nat (@{term "0 :: nat"}) = 0
380  | dest_nat n = HOLogic.dest_number n |> snd
382fun get_c_type_size ctxt T = let
383    val TT = Logic.mk_type T
384    val size_of = Const (@{const_name size_of}, type_of TT --> @{typ nat}) $ TT
385  in (ptr_simp_term ctxt "c_type_size" size_of size_of |> dest_nat) end
387val ptr_to_typ = Logic.mk_type o dest_ptr_type o fastype_of
389fun mk_arr_idx arr i = let
390    val arrT = fastype_of arr
391    val elT = case arrT of Type (@{type_name "array"}, [elT, _])
392        => elT | _ => raise TYPE ("mk_arr_idx", [arrT], [arr])
393  in Const (@{const_name "Arrays.index"}, arrT --> @{typ nat} --> elT)
394    $ arr $ i
395  end
397fun get_ptr_val (Const (@{const_name "Ptr"}, _) $ x) = x
398  | get_ptr_val p = Const (@{const_name ptr_val},
399        fastype_of p --> @{typ machine_word}) $ p
401fun mk_ptr_offs opt_T p offs = let
402    val pT = fastype_of p
403    val T = case opt_T of NONE => pT
404      | SOME T => Type (@{type_name ptr}, [T])
405  in Const (@{const_name Ptr}, @{typ machine_word} --> T)
406       $ (@{term "(+) :: machine_word \<Rightarrow> _"}
407            $ get_ptr_val p $ offs)
408  end
410fun get_acc_type [] T = T
411  | get_acc_type accs _ = (List.last accs $ @{term x})
412      |> fastype_of
414val normalise_ring_ops = let
415    fun gather_plus (Const (@{const_name "plus"}, _) $ a $ b)
416        = gather_plus a @ gather_plus b
417      | gather_plus x = [x]
418    fun gather_times (Const (@{const_name "times"}, _) $ a $ b)
419        = gather_times a @ gather_times b
420      | gather_times x = [x]
421    fun fold_op _ [x] = x
422      | fold_op oper (x :: xs) = oper $ x $ (fold_op oper xs)
423      | fold_op _ [] = error "fold_op: shouldn't get empty list"
424    fun inner (x as (Const (@{const_name "plus"}, _) $ _ $ _))
425      = gather_plus x |> map inner
426          |> sort Term_Ord.fast_term_ord
427          |> fold_op (head_of x)
428      | inner (x as (Const (@{const_name "times"}, _) $ _ $ _))
429      = gather_times x |> map inner
430          |> sort Term_Ord.fast_term_ord
431          |> fold_op (head_of x)
432      | inner (f $ x) = inner f $ inner x
433      | inner x = x
434  in inner end
436fun dest_mem_acc_addr (Const (@{const_name h_val}, _) $ _ $ p)
437        = SOME p
438  | dest_mem_acc_addr _ = NONE
440fun narrow_mem_upd ctxt (params : export_params) p v = let
441    val T = fastype_of v
442    fun mk_offs T = mk_ptr_offs (SOME T) p
443    fun mk_offs2 T = mk_offs T o HOLogic.mk_number @{typ machine_word}
444    val sterm = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt #> Pretty.string_of
445    val styp = Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt #> Pretty.string_of
446  in if (dest_mem_acc_addr v = SOME p) then []
447    else if #structs_by_typ params (fst (dest_Type T)) <> NONE
448    then let
449      val (_, _, _, _, flds) = the (#structs_by_typ params (fst (dest_Type T)))
450      val fld_writes = map (fn (_, (acc, offs))
451          => (mk_offs2 (fastype_of (acc $ v)) offs,
452              #cons_field_upds params (acc $ v))) flds
453    in maps (uncurry (narrow_mem_upd ctxt params)) fld_writes end
454    else if fst (dest_Type T) = @{type_name array}
455    then let
456        val (elT, n) = dest_arrayT T
457        val elT_size = get_c_type_size ctxt elT
458      in case v of (Const (@{const_name Arrays.update}, _) $ arr $ i $ x)
459          => narrow_mem_upd ctxt params (mk_offs elT (@{term "(*) :: machine_word => _"}
460                  $ HOLogic.mk_number @{typ machine_word} elT_size
461                      $ (@{term "of_nat :: nat \<Rightarrow> machine_word"} $ i)))
462              x @ narrow_mem_upd ctxt params p arr
463      | _ => let
464          val addrs = map (fn i => (mk_offs2 elT (i * elT_size)))
465              (0 upto (n - 1))
466          val elems = dest_array_init v
467              handle TERM _ => map
468                    (fn i => mk_arr_idx v (HOLogic.mk_number @{typ nat} i))
469                    (0 upto (n - 1))
470          val _ = (if n < 16 then () else
471            warning ("expanding " ^ string_of_int n ^ ": "
472                ^ sterm p ^ styp (fastype_of p) ^ ": " ^ sterm v))
473      in maps (uncurry (narrow_mem_upd ctxt params)) (addrs ~~ elems) end
474    end
475    else if fst (dest_Type T) <> @{type_name word}
476        andalso fst (dest_Type T) <> @{type_name ptr}
477    then raise TERM ("narrow_mem_upd failed to narrow:", [p, v])
478    else [(p, v)]
479  end
481fun triv_mem_upd ctxt p v = case dest_mem_acc_addr v of
482      NONE => false
483    | SOME p' => p aconv p' orelse let
484      val t = @{term "(-) :: machine_word \<Rightarrow> _"} $ get_ptr_val p $ get_ptr_val p'
485      val thm = ptr_simp ctxt (Thm.cterm_of ctxt t)
486      val t' = Thm.rhs_of thm |> Thm.term_of
487    in t' = @{term "0 :: machine_word"}
488        orelse (Thm.pretty_thm ctxt thm |> Pretty.writeln; false)
489    end
491fun narrow_mem_acc _ _ [] p = p
492  | narrow_mem_acc ctxt params accs p = let
493    fun get_offs (Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, idxT) $ i) = let
494        val (elT, _) = dest_arrayT (domain_type idxT)
495        val elT_size = get_c_type_size ctxt elT
496      in @{term "(*) :: machine_word \<Rightarrow> _"} $ HOLogic.mk_number @{typ machine_word} elT_size
497              $ (@{term "of_nat :: nat \<Rightarrow> machine_word"} $ i) end
498      | get_offs (Const (s, T)) = let
499        val struct_typ = domain_type T |> dest_Type |> fst
500        val (_, _, _, _, flds) = the (#structs_by_typ params struct_typ)
501        val matches = filter (fn (_, (c, _)) => c = Const (s, T)) flds
502        val _ = (length matches = 1)
503            orelse raise TERM ("narrow_mem_acc: get_offs: ", [Const (s, T)])
504        val offs = snd (snd (hd matches))
505      in HOLogic.mk_number @{typ machine_word} offs end
506      | get_offs t = raise TERM ("narrow_mem_acc: get_offs: ", [t])
507    val T' = get_acc_type accs (@{typ nat} (* doesn't matter *))
508    val offs = foldr1 (fn (x, y) => @{term "(+) :: machine_word \<Rightarrow> _"} $ x $ y)
509        (map get_offs accs)
510    in mk_ptr_offs (SOME T') p offs end
512fun try_norm_index ctxt i = let
513    val i' = ptr_simp_term ctxt "idx_simp" i i
514  in dest_nat i'; i' end handle TERM _ => i
516fun mk_acc_array i xs = let
517    val n = length xs
518    val _ = warning ("expanding acc array, width " ^ string_of_int n)
519    val i = @{term "of_nat :: nat \<Rightarrow> machine_word"} $ i
520    fun inner [(x, _)] = x
521      | inner ((x, j) :: xs) = let
522        val y = inner xs
523        val T = fastype_of x
524      in Const (@{const_name "If"}, HOLogic.boolT --> T --> T --> T)
525        $ HOLogic.mk_eq (i, HOLogic.mk_number @{typ machine_word} j) $ x $ y end
526      | inner [] = error "mk_acc_array: empty"
527  in inner (xs ~~ (0 upto (n - 1))) end
529fun phase2_convert_global ctxt params accs
530    ((idx as Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, _)) $ i $ t)
531    = phase2_convert_global ctxt params ((idx $ try_norm_index ctxt i) :: accs) t
532  | phase2_convert_global ctxt params accs (Const acc $ t)
533    = phase2_convert_global ctxt params (Const acc :: accs) t
534  | phase2_convert_global ctxt params accs t = case #const_globals params t
535  of SOME nm => let
536    val known_offs = forall (fn Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, _) $ i
537          => (try dest_nat i) <> NONE
538        | _ => true) accs
539    val (c, _) = dest_Const t
540    val c_def = Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt (c ^ "_def")
541    val def_body = safe_mk_meta_eq c_def |> Thm.rhs_of |> Thm.term_of
542        |> Envir.beta_eta_contract
543    val p = TermsTypes.mk_global_addr_ptr (nm, fastype_of t)
544    val t' = if known_offs then def_body else mk_memacc p
545    val t_thm = if known_offs then SOME c_def else NONE
546  in SOME (t', t_thm) end
547    | _ => NONE
549fun convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params ((Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, _) $ i) :: accs)
550            (t as (Const (@{const_name fupdate}, _) $ _ $ _ $ _)) = let
551        val xs = dest_array_init (#cons_field_upds (params : export_params) t)
552      in case (try dest_nat i) of
553        SOME i => convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs (nth xs i)
554      | NONE => mk_acc_array (convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params [] i)
555            (map (convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs) xs)
556      end
557  | convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params ((Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, _) $ i) :: accs)
558            (t as (Const (@{const_name FCP}, _) $ _)) = let
559        val xs = dest_array_init (#cons_field_upds params t)
560      in case (try dest_nat i) of
561        SOME i => convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs (nth xs i)
562      | NONE => mk_acc_array (convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params [] i)
563            (map (convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs) xs)
564      end
565  | convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs ((idx as Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, _)) $ arr $ i) = let
566        val i' = convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs i
567        val i'' = try_norm_index ctxt i'
568      in convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params (idx $ i'' :: accs) arr end
569  | convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params ((idx as Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, _)) $ i :: accs)
570        (Const (@{const_name Arrays.update}, _) $ arr' $ i' $ v)
571     = let
572         val eq = HOLogic.mk_eq (i, i')
573         val eq = ptr_simp_term ctxt "idx_eq_simp" eq eq handle TERM _ => eq
574         val x = convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs v
575         val y = convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params (idx $ i :: accs) arr'
576         val T = fastype_of x
577      in case eq of @{term True} => x | @{term False} => y
578        | _ => Const (@{const_name If}, HOLogic.boolT --> T --> T --> T)
579            $ convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params [] eq $ x $ y end
580  | convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs (Const (@{const_name h_val}, _) $ _ $ p)
581    = let
582      val p = convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params [] p
583      val p = narrow_mem_acc ctxt params accs p
584    in mk_memacc p end
585  | convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params [] (Const (@{const_name heap_update}, _) $ p $ v $ m)
586    = let
587      val xs = narrow_mem_upd ctxt params p v
588        |> map (apply2 (convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params []))
589        |> filter_out (uncurry (triv_mem_upd ctxt))
590      val m = convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params [] m
591    in fold (uncurry mk_memupd1) xs m end
592  | convert_fetch_ph2 _ _ [] (t as (Const (@{const_name pseudo_acc}, _) $ _)) = t
593  | convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs (Const (@{const_name pseudo_acc}, _) $ Free (s, T)) = let
594    val T = get_acc_type accs T
595    fun canon s [] = mk_pseudo_acc s T
596      | canon s (Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, idxT) $ i :: accs) = (case
597            (try dest_nat i)
598        of SOME i => canon (s ^ "." ^ string_of_int i) accs
599          | NONE => let val (_, n) = dest_arrayT (domain_type idxT)
600          in mk_acc_array (convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params [] i)
601            (map (fn j => canon (s ^ "." ^ string_of_int j) accs)
602              (0 upto (n - 1))) end)
603      | canon s (Const (acc_nm, _) :: accs)
604        = canon (s ^ "." ^ Long_Name.base_name acc_nm) accs
605      | canon _ (t :: _) = raise TERM ("convert_fetch_ph2: canon: ", [t])
606  in canon s accs end
607  | convert_fetch_ph2 _ _ [] (t as (Free ("symbol_table", _) $ _))
608      = t
609  | convert_fetch_ph2 _ _ [] (t as Free ("domain", _))
610      = t
611  | convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs t = let
612    val (f, xs) = strip_comb t
613    val (c, _) = dest_Const f
614    val cnv = phase2_convert_global ctxt params accs f
615        |> Option.map (fst #> convert_fetch_phase1 params)
616  in if (get_field ctxt c |> Option.map #3) = SOME false
617    then case xs of [x] => convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params (f :: accs) x
618        | _ => raise TERM ("convert_fetch_ph2: expected single", f :: xs)
619  else if cnv <> NONE then convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs (the cnv)
620  else if (get_field ctxt c <> NONE orelse #cons_fields params c <> NONE)
621  then let
622    val _ = (accs <> []) orelse raise TERM ("convert_fetch_ph2: no accs", [t])
623    val t' = hd accs $ t
624    val t'' = #cons_field_upds params t'
625  in if t'' aconv t' then raise TERM ("convert_fetch_ph2: irreducible upd:", [t'])
626    else convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params (tl accs) t'' end
627  else list_comb (f, map (convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params []) xs) end
629fun convert_upd_ph2_worker ctxt params s v T accs =
630  if #structs_by_typ params (fst (dest_Type T)) <> NONE
631  then let
632    val (_, _, _, _, flds) = the (#structs_by_typ params (fst (dest_Type T)))
633  in maps (fn (fld_nm, (acc, _)) => convert_upd_ph2_worker ctxt params (s ^ "." ^ fld_nm)
634    v (range_type (fastype_of acc)) (accs @ [acc])) flds end
635  else if fst (dest_Type T) = @{type_name array}
636  then let
637    val (elT, n) = dest_arrayT T
638  in maps (fn i => convert_upd_ph2_worker ctxt params (s ^ "." ^ string_of_int i)
639    v elT (accs @ [Const (@{const_name Arrays.index}, T --> @{typ nat} --> elT)
640        $ HOLogic.mk_number @{typ nat} i])) (0 upto (n - 1))
641  end
642  else [(s, convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params accs v)]
644fun convert_upd_ph2 ctxt params (s, v)
645    = convert_upd_ph2_worker ctxt params s v (fastype_of v) []
646(*      |> tap (map (snd #> Syntax.pretty_term ctxt #> Pretty.writeln)) *)
649text \<open>The final conversion reduces Isabelle terms to strings\<close>
651ML \<open>
652val space_pad = space_implode " "
654fun space_pad_list xs = space_pad (string_of_int (length xs) :: xs)
656fun s_st ctxt = Syntax.read_term ctxt "s :: globals myvars"
657fun rv_st ctxt = Syntax.read_term ctxt "rv :: globals myvars"
659fun convert_op ctxt params nm tp xs = "Op " ^ nm ^ " " ^ tp
660    ^ " " ^ space_pad_list (map (convert_ph3 ctxt params) xs)
662and convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name Collect}, _) $ S $ x)
663    = convert_ph3 ctxt params (betapply (S, x))
664  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name Lattices.inf}, _) $ S $ T $ x)
665    = convert_op ctxt params "And" "Bool" [betapply (S, x), betapply (T, x)]
666  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name Ptr}, _) $ p) = convert_ph3 ctxt params p
667  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name ptr_val}, _) $ p) = convert_ph3 ctxt params p
668  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (t as (Const (@{const_name CTypesDefs.ptr_add}, T) $ _ $ _))
669    = convert_ph3 ctxt params (ptr_simp_term ctxt "ptr_add"
670        (head_of t $ Free ("p", domain_type T) $ Free ("n", @{typ int})) t)
671  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (t as (Const (@{const_name field_lvalue}, T) $ _ $ s))
672    = convert_ph3 ctxt params (ptr_simp_term ctxt "field_lvalue"
673        (head_of t $ Free ("p", domain_type T) $ s) t)
674  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name store_word64}, _) $ p $ w $ m)
675        = convert_op ctxt params "MemUpdate" "Mem" [m, p, w]
676  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name store_word32}, _) $ p $ w $ m)
677        = convert_op ctxt params "MemUpdate" "Mem" [m, p, w]
678  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name store_word8}, _) $ p $ w $ m)
679        = convert_op ctxt params "MemUpdate" "Mem" [m, p, w]
680  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name heap_update}, _) $ p $ v $ m)
681        = convert_op ctxt params "MemUpdate" "Mem" [m, p, v]
682  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (t as (Const (@{const_name h_val}, _) $ m $ p))
683        = convert_op ctxt params "MemAcc" (convert_type false ctxt (fastype_of t)) [m, p]
684  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name load_word64}, _) $ p $ m)
685        = convert_op ctxt params "MemAcc" "Word 64" [m, p]
686  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name load_word32}, _) $ p $ m)
687        = convert_op ctxt params "MemAcc" "Word 32" [m, p]
688  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name load_word8}, _) $ p $ m)
689        = convert_op ctxt params "MemAcc" "Word 8" [m, p]
690  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name fun_upd}, _) $ f $ x $ v)
691        = convert_op ctxt params "WordArrayUpdate"
692            (convert_type false ctxt (fastype_of f)) [f, x, v]
693  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name fun_app}, _) $ f $ x)
694        = convert_op ctxt params "WordArrayAccess"
695            (convert_type false ctxt (fastype_of (f $ x))) [f, x]
696  | convert_ph3 ctxt params ((le as Const (@{const_name less_eq}, _))
697        $ (Const (@{const_name insert}, _) $ p $ S) $ D)
698        = convert_op ctxt params "And" "Bool" [HOLogic.mk_mem (p, D), le $ S $ D]
699  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name less_eq}, _)
700        $ Const (@{const_name bot_class.bot}, _) $ _) = convert_ph3 ctxt params @{term True}
701  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name htd_safe}, _) $ _ $ _)
702        = convert_ph3 ctxt params @{term True}
703  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name uminus}, T) $ v)
704        = let val T = domain_type T
705          in convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name minus}, T --> T --> T)
706                $ Const (@{const_name zero_class.zero}, T) $ v) end
707  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name h_t_valid}, _) $ htd
708            $ Const (@{const_name c_guard}, _) $ p)
709        = convert_op ctxt params "PValid" "Bool" [htd, ptr_to_typ p, p]
710  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name array_assertion}, _) $ p $ n $ htd)
711        = convert_op ctxt params "PArrayValid" "Bool"
712            [htd, ptr_to_typ p, p, @{term "of_nat :: nat => machine_word"} $ n]
713  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name ptr_add_assertion'}, assT)
714            $ p $ n $ str $ htd)
715        = convert_ph3 ctxt params let val T = dest_ptr_type (fastype_of p)
716            val ass' = (Const (@{const_name ptr_add_assertion}, assT)) $ p $ n $ str $ htd
717            val ass'' = Pattern.rewrite_term (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
718              (map thm_to_rew @{thms ptr_add_assertion_uintD ptr_add_assertion_sintD
719                                     if_True if_False}) [] ass'
720          in if T = @{typ unit} orelse T = @{typ word8}
721            then @{term True} else ass'' end
722  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name ptr_inverse_safe}, _) $ p $ htd)
723        = convert_op ctxt params "PGlobalValid" "Bool" [htd, ptr_to_typ p, p]
724  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name ptr_safe}, _) $ p $ htd)
725        = convert_op ctxt params "PWeakValid" "Bool" [htd, ptr_to_typ p, p]
726  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name globals_list_distinct}, _) $
727        (Const (@{const_name image}, _) $ Const (@{const_name fst}, _)
728            $ (Const (@{const_name s_footprint}, _) $ _)) $ _ $ _)
729        = convert_ph3 ctxt params @{term True}
730  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name c_guard}, _) $ p)
731        = convert_op ctxt params "PAlignValid" "Bool" [ptr_to_typ p, p]
732  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name bot}, _) $ _)
733        = convert_ph3 ctxt params @{term False}
734  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name top_class.top}, _) $ _)
735        = convert_ph3 ctxt params @{term True}
736  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name insert}, _) $ v $ S $ x)
737        = convert_op ctxt params "Or" "Bool" [HOLogic.mk_eq (v, x), betapply (S, x)]
738  | convert_ph3 _ _ (Free ("symbol_table", _) $ s)
739        = "Symbol " ^ HOLogic.dest_string s ^ " " ^ machine_word
740  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name of_nat}, T) $ (Const (@{const_name unat}, _) $ x))
741        = let
742            val t1 = fastype_of x
743            val t2 = range_type T
744          in if t1 = t2 then convert_ph3 ctxt params x
745            else convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name ucast}, t1 --> t2) $ x)
746          end
747  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (t as (Const (@{const_name of_nat}, _) $ _))
748        = convert_ph3 ctxt params (ptr_simp_term ctxt "of_nat" t t)
749  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (t as (Const (@{const_name power}, _) $ x $ y))
750        = (case try HOLogic.dest_number x of
751            SOME ((typ as Type (@{type_name word}, _)), 2) => convert_ph3 ctxt params
752                (Const (@{const_name shiftl}, typ --> @{typ nat} --> typ)
753                    $ HOLogic.mk_number typ 1 $ y)
754        | _ => convert_ph3 ctxt params (ptr_simp_term ctxt "power" t t))
755  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (Const (@{const_name ptr_coerce}, _) $ p)
756        = convert_ph3 ctxt params p
757  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (t as (Const (@{const_name word_of_int}, _) $ _))
758    = if head_of t = int_to_ghost_key then convert_ph3 ctxt params (convert_ghost_key ctxt t)
759     else let
760        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
761        val t' = Pattern.rewrite_term thy (map (Thm.concl_of #> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
762            #> HOLogic.dest_eq) @{thms word_uint.Rep_inverse word_sint.Rep_inverse}) [] t
763      in if t' aconv t then convert_ph3 ctxt params (ptr_simp_term ctxt "word_of_int" t t)
764        else convert_ph3 ctxt params t' end
765  | convert_ph3 ctxt params (t as (Const (@{const_name sdiv}, _) $ _ $ _))
766    = convert_ph3 ctxt params (ptr_simp_term ctxt "sdiv" t t)
767  | convert_ph3 ctxt _ (t as (Const (@{const_name numeral}, _) $ _))
768    = let
769    val n = HOLogic.dest_number t |> snd
770        handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("convert_ph3", [t])
771    val _ = (fastype_of t <> @{typ int}) orelse raise TERM ("convert_ph3: int", [t])
772  in "Num " ^ signed_string_of_int n ^ " " ^ convert_type false ctxt (fastype_of t) end
773  | convert_ph3 ctxt _ (Const (@{const_name Pure.type}, Type (_, [T])))
774    = "Type " ^ convert_type true ctxt T
775  | convert_ph3 ctxt _ (Const (@{const_name pseudo_acc}, _) $ Free (s, T))
776    = "Var " ^ s ^ " " ^ convert_type false ctxt T
777  | convert_ph3 ctxt params t = let
778    val (f, xs) = strip_comb t
779    val (c, _) = dest_Const f
780    val xs = if member (op =) [@{const_name shiftl},
781        @{const_name shiftr}, @{const_name sshiftr}] c
782      then case xs of
783        [x, y] => [x, Const (@{const_name of_nat}, @{typ nat} --> fastype_of x) $ y]
784        | _ => raise TERM ("convert_ph3: shift", [t])
785      else xs
786  in case ops c of
787    (SOME (nm, _)) => convert_op ctxt params nm (convert_type false ctxt (fastype_of t)) xs
788  | NONE => ("Num " ^ signed_string_of_int (snd (HOLogic.dest_number t))
789        ^ " " ^ convert_type false ctxt (fastype_of t)
790    handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("convert_ph3", [t]))
791  end
793fun htd_simp ctxt = ctxt addsimps @{thms fold_all_htd_updates
794        unat_less_2p_word_bits[simplified word_bits_conv]}
795  |> Simplifier.add_cong @{thm if_cong} |> Simplifier.rewrite
797fun simp_htd ctxt t = let
798    val rew_thm = Thm.cterm_of ctxt t |> htd_simp ctxt
799  in Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of rew_thm) end
801fun convert_upd_ph3 ctxt params (s, v) =
802  let
803    val nm = if s = "HTD" then "HTD HTD"
804        else s ^ " " ^ convert_type false ctxt (fastype_of v)
805    val v = if s = "HTD" then simp_htd ctxt v else v
806    val v = convert_ph3 ctxt params v
807  in (nm, v) end
808    handle TERM (s, ts) => raise TERM ("convert_upd_ph3: " ^ s, v :: ts)
811ML \<open>
812fun convert_fetch ctxt params t =
813    Envir.beta_eta_contract t
814    |> convert_fetch_phase1 params
815    |> convert_fetch_ph2 ctxt params []
816    |> convert_ph3 ctxt params
818fun tracet (s, t) = ((Syntax.pretty_term @{context} t |> Pretty.writeln); (s, t))
820fun convert_param_upds ctxt params (t as (Const (c, _) $ _ $ s))
821    = if #local_upds params c orelse c = @{const_name globals_update}
822      then convert_param_upds ctxt params s
823        @ (Envir.beta_eta_contract t
824(*        |> tap (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt #> Pretty.writeln) *)
825        |> convert_upd_phase1 ctxt params
826(*        |> map tracet *)
827(*        |> map (apsnd (Syntax.check_term ctxt)) *)
828        |> maps (convert_upd_ph2 ctxt params)
829(*        |> map (apsnd (Syntax.check_term ctxt)) *)
830        |> map (convert_upd_ph3 ctxt params)
831        )
832      else raise TERM ("convert_param_upds", [t])
833  | convert_param_upds ctxt _ t = (if t = s_st ctxt then []
834    else raise TERM ("convert_param_upds", [t]))
838ML \<open>
840val all_c_params = ["Mem Mem", "HTD HTD", "PMS PMS",
841                    "GhostAssertions WordArray 50 " ^ ParseGraph.ptr_size_str]
842val all_c_in_params = map (prefix "Var ") all_c_params
843val all_asm_params = ["Mem Mem", "PMS PMS"]
844val all_asm_in_params = map (prefix "Var ") all_asm_params
846fun asm_spec_name_to_fn_name _ specname = let
847    val name = space_implode "_" (space_explode " " specname)
848  in "asm_instruction'" ^ name end
850fun mk_safe f ctxt params s = (
851    Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt (s ^ "_body_def");
852    Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt (s ^ "_impl");
853  f ctxt params s) handle ERROR _ => false
855fun mk_set_int s t = let
856    val T = fastype_of s
857  in Const (@{const_name Lattices.inf}, T --> T --> T) $ s $ t end
859val reduce_set_mem_eqs = @{thms mem_Collect_eq Int_iff Un_iff empty_iff iffI[OF TrueI UNIV_I]}
860      |> map (mk_meta_eq #> Thm.concl_of #> Logic.dest_equals)
862fun reduce_set_mem ctxt x S = let
863    val t = HOLogic.mk_mem (x, S)
864    val t' = Pattern.rewrite_term (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
865    reduce_set_mem_eqs [] t
866  in if t aconv t' then Pretty.writeln (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (HOLogic.mk_prod (t, t')))
867     else (); t'
868  end
871fun is_spec_body_const @{const_name Spec} = true
872  | is_spec_body_const @{const_name guarded_spec_body} = true
873  | is_spec_body_const _ = false
875fun has_reads body = exists_Const (fn (s, T) =>
876    snd (strip_type T) = @{typ heap_raw_state}
877        orelse is_spec_body_const s) body
879fun has_reads_globals (params : export_params) body = exists_Const (fn (s, T) =>
880    snd (strip_type T) = @{typ heap_raw_state}
881  orelse is_spec_body_const s
882  orelse #rw_global_accs params s <> NONE
883  orelse #const_globals params (Const (s, T)) <> NONE
884  ) body
886fun get_reads_calls ctxt params globals name = let
887    val thm = Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt (name ^ "_body_def")
888        |> simplify (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms call_def block_def})
889    fun calls (Const (@{const_name com.Call}, _) $ proc) = [proc]
890      | calls (f $ x) = calls f @ calls x
891      | calls (Abs (_, _, t)) = calls t
892      | calls _ = []
893    val reads = (if globals then has_reads_globals params else has_reads)
894        (Thm.concl_of thm)
895    val call_to_name = dest_Const #> fst #> Long_Name.base_name
896        #> unsuffix "_'proc"
897  in (reads, calls (Thm.concl_of thm) |> map call_to_name) end
899fun is_no_read ctxt params globals s = let
900    fun inner stack s = if member (op =) stack s then true else let
901        val (reads, calls) = get_reads_calls ctxt params globals s
902      in not reads andalso forall I (map (inner (s :: stack)) calls) end
903  in inner [] s end
905fun is_no_write ctxt s = let
906    val thm = Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt (s ^ "_modifies")
907    val mex = exists_Const (fn (s, _) => s = @{const_name mex}) (Thm.concl_of thm)
908  in not mex end
910fun synthetic_updates ctxt params pref (Const (c, T)) = let
911    val s = s_st ctxt
912    val sT = fastype_of s
913    val xT = range_type T
914    val upd = Const (suffix Record.updateN c, (xT --> xT) --> sT --> sT)
915        $ Abs ("v", xT, Bound 0) $ s
916      |> Syntax.check_term ctxt
917    val upds = convert_param_upds ctxt params upd
918  in map (apfst (prefix pref)) upds end
919  | synthetic_updates _ _ _ t = raise TERM ("synthetic_updates", [t])
921fun is_no_read_globals ctxt params = is_no_read ctxt params true
923fun get_global_valid_assertion ctxt (params : export_params) t = let
924    val tnames = Term.add_const_names t []
925    val globs = map_filter (#rw_global_accs params) tnames
926        @ map_filter (#rw_global_upds params) tnames
927    fun assert nm = let
928        val T = Symtab.lookup (#rw_globals_tab params) nm
929            |> the |> fst |> fastype_of |> range_type
930        val p = TermsTypes.mk_global_addr_ptr (nm, T)
931      in convert_op ctxt params "PGlobalValid" "Bool"
932          [mk_pseudo_acc "HTD" @{typ heap_typ_desc}, ptr_to_typ p, p]
933      end
934    val globs = sort_distinct fast_string_ord globs
935      |> map assert
936    fun conj (x, y) = "Op And Bool 2 " ^ x ^ " " ^ y
937  in case globs of [] => NONE
938    | _ => SOME (foldr1 conj globs)
939  end
941fun emit outfile s = TextIO.output (outfile, s ^ "\n")
943fun add_global_valid_assertion outfile ctxt params t n =
944  case get_global_valid_assertion ctxt params t of NONE =>
945        (n + 1, string_of_int n)
946      | SOME ass => (emit outfile (string_of_int (n + 1) ^ " Cond " ^ string_of_int n ^ " Err " ^ ass);
947        (n + 2, string_of_int (n + 1)))
949fun emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name Seq}, _) $ a $ b) n c e = let
950    val (n, nm) = emit_body ctxt outfile params b n c e
951        handle TERM (s, ts) => raise TERM (s, b :: ts)
952            | Empty => raise TERM ("emit_body: got Empty", [b])
953    val (n, nm) = emit_body ctxt outfile params a n nm e
954        handle TERM (s, ts) => raise TERM (s, a :: ts)
955            | Empty => raise TERM ("emit_body: got Empty", [a])
956  in (n, nm) end
957  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name Catch}, _) $ a $ b) n c e = (case b of
958    Const (@{const_name com.Skip}, _) => emit_body ctxt outfile params a n c (c, c)
959  | Const (@{const_name ccatchbrk}, _) $ _ => emit_body ctxt outfile params a n c (fst e, c)
960  | t => raise TERM ("emit_body ctxt params (Catch)", [t])
961  )
962  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name creturn}, _) $ _ $ upd $ f) n _ (r, b) =
963    emit_body ctxt outfile params (@{term com.Basic} $ Abs ("s", dummyT, betapplys (upd,
964        [Abs ("_", dummyT, betapply (f, Bound 1)), Bound 0]))) n r (r, b)
965  | emit_body _ _ _ (Const (@{const_name creturn_void}, _) $ _) n _ (r, _) = (n, r)
966  | emit_body _ _ _ (Const (@{const_name cbreak}, _) $ _) n _ (_, b) = (n, b)
967  | emit_body _ _ _ (Const (@{const_name com.Skip}, _)) n c _ = (n, c)
968  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name com.Cond}, _) $ S $ a $ b) n c e = let
969    val (n, nm_a) = emit_body ctxt outfile params a n c e
970    val (n, nm_b) = emit_body ctxt outfile params b n c e
971    val s = convert_fetch ctxt params (reduce_set_mem ctxt (s_st ctxt) S)
972  in
973    emit outfile (string_of_int n ^ " Cond " ^ nm_a ^ " " ^ nm_b ^ " " ^ s);
974    add_global_valid_assertion outfile ctxt params S n
975  end
976  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name Guard}, T) $ F $ G $
977            (Const (@{const_name Guard}, _) $ _ $ G' $ a)) n c e
978        = emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name Guard}, T) $ F
979            $ (mk_set_int G G') $ a) n c e
980  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name Guard}, _) $ _ $ G $ a) n c e = let
981    val (n, nm) = emit_body ctxt outfile params a n c e
982    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
983    val G = Pattern.rewrite_term thy
984      (@{thms guard_arith_simps meta_eq_to_obj_eq[OF ptr_arr_retyps_def]}
985        |> map (Thm.concl_of #> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop #> HOLogic.dest_eq)) [] G
986    val s = convert_fetch ctxt params (reduce_set_mem ctxt (s_st ctxt) G)
987  in
988    emit outfile (string_of_int n ^ " Cond " ^ nm ^ " Err " ^ s);
989    add_global_valid_assertion outfile ctxt params G n
990  end
991  | emit_body _ _ _ (Const (@{const_name com.Basic}, _) $ Abs (_, _, Bound 0)) n c _
992    = (n, c)
993  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name com.Basic}, _) $ f) n c _ = let
994    val upds = convert_param_upds ctxt params (betapply (f, s_st ctxt))
995      |> filter_out (fn (s, v) => v = "Var " ^ s)
996      |> map (fn (s, v) => s ^ " " ^ v)
998  in
999    emit outfile (string_of_int n ^ " Basic " ^ c ^ " " ^ space_pad_list upds);
1000    add_global_valid_assertion outfile ctxt params f n
1001  end
1002  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name Spec}, _)
1003        $ (Const (@{const_name asm_spec}, _) $ _ $ _ $ vol $ spec $ lhs $ vs))
1004    n c _ = let
1005    val spec = HOLogic.dest_string spec
1006    val lhss = convert_param_upds ctxt params
1007      (betapplys (lhs, [@{term "0 :: machine_word"}, s_st ctxt]))
1008    val args = HOLogic.dest_list (betapply (vs, s_st ctxt))
1009      |> map (convert_fetch ctxt params)
1010    val args = args @ all_asm_in_params
1011    val outs = map fst lhss @ all_asm_params
1012    val _ = HOLogic.mk_prod
1013  in emit outfile (string_of_int n ^ " Call " ^ c ^ " " ^ asm_spec_name_to_fn_name vol spec
1014    ^ " " ^ space_pad_list args ^ " " ^ space_pad_list outs);
1015     add_global_valid_assertion outfile ctxt params (HOLogic.mk_prod (lhs, vs)) n
1016  end
1017  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name call}, _) $ f $ Const (p, _)
1018        $ _ $ r2) n c e = let
1019    val proc_info = Hoare.get_data ctxt |> #proc_info
1020    val ret_vals = Symtab.lookup proc_info (Long_Name.base_name p)
1021        |> the |> #params
1022        |> filter (fn (v, _) => v = HoarePackage.Out)
1023        |> maps (snd #> read_const ctxt
1024         #> synthetic_updates ctxt params "rv#space#")
1025        |> map fst
1027    val p_short = unsuffix "_'proc" (Long_Name.base_name p)
1028    val no_read = mk_safe is_no_read_globals ctxt params p_short
1029    val no_write = mk_safe (K o is_no_write) ctxt params p_short
1030    (* writes implicitly require reads, really *)
1031    val no_read = no_read andalso no_write
1033    val args = ((convert_param_upds ctxt params (betapply (f, s_st ctxt))
1034            |> map snd (* discard the local names of the updated variables *))
1035        @ (if no_read then [] else all_c_in_params))
1036      handle TERM (s, ts) => raise TERM ("emit_body call: " ^ s, f :: ts)
1038    val out = ret_vals @ (if no_write then [] else all_c_params)
1040    val (n, nm_save) = emit_body ctxt outfile params (betapplys (r2, [@{term i}, rv_st ctxt])) n c e
1042  in emit outfile (string_of_int n ^ " Call " ^ nm_save ^ " " ^ (unsuffix "_'proc" p)
1043    ^ " " ^ space_pad_list args ^ " " ^ space_pad_list out);
1044     add_global_valid_assertion outfile ctxt params f n
1045  end
1046  | emit_body _ _ _ (Const (@{const_name lvar_nondet_init}, _) $ _ $ _) n c _
1047    = (n, c)
1048  | emit_body ctxt outfile params (Const (@{const_name whileAnno}, _) $ C $ _ $ _ $ bd) n c e = let
1049    fun sn i = string_of_int (n + i)
1050    val lc = "loop#" ^ sn 0 ^ "#count" ^ " " ^ machine_word
1051    val (n', nm) = emit_body ctxt outfile params bd (n + 4) (sn 0) e
1052    val cond = convert_fetch ctxt params (reduce_set_mem ctxt (s_st ctxt) C)
1053    val err_cond = case get_global_valid_assertion ctxt params C
1054        of NONE => "Op True Bool 0"
1055        | SOME s => s
1056  in emit outfile (sn 0 ^ " Basic " ^ sn 1 ^ " 1 " ^ lc
1057      ^ " Op Plus " ^ machine_word ^ " 2 Var " ^ lc ^ " Num 1 " ^ machine_word);
1058    emit outfile (sn 1 ^ " Cond " ^ sn 2 ^ " Err " ^ err_cond);
1059    emit outfile (sn 2 ^ " Cond " ^ nm ^ " " ^ c ^ " " ^ cond);
1060    emit outfile (sn 3 ^ " Basic " ^ sn 1 ^ " 1 " ^ lc ^ " Num 0 " ^ machine_word);
1061    (n', sn 3)
1062  end
1063  | emit_body _ _ _ t _ _ _ = raise TERM ("emit_body", [t])
1065fun emit_func_body ctxt outfile eparams name = let
1066    val proc_info = Hoare.get_data ctxt |> #proc_info
1067    val params = Symtab.lookup proc_info (name ^ "_'proc")
1068        |> the |> #params
1069        |> map (apsnd (read_const ctxt
1070                #> synthetic_updates ctxt eparams ""
1071                #> map fst))
1073    val no_read = mk_safe is_no_read_globals ctxt eparams name
1074    val no_write = mk_safe (K o is_no_write) ctxt eparams name
1075    (* writes implicitly require reads, really *)
1076    val no_read = no_read andalso no_write
1078    val inputs = (filter (fn p => fst p = HoarePackage.In) params
1079      |> maps snd) @ (if no_read then [] else all_c_params)
1081    val outputs = (filter (fn p => fst p = HoarePackage.Out) params
1082      |> maps snd) @ (if no_write then [] else all_c_params)
1084    val body = Get_Body_Refines.get ctxt name
1085      |> simplify (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt
1086                addsimps @{thms switch.simps fst_conv snd_conv
1087                                insert_iff empty_iff
1088                                ptr_add_assertion_def if_True if_False
1089                                bv_clz_def[symmetric] bv_ctz_def[symmetric]
1090                 })
1091      |> Thm.concl_of |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
1092      |> (fn t => (case t of Const (@{const_name simple_simpl_refines}, _) $ _ $ lhs $ _ => lhs
1093            | _ => raise Option))
1094        handle Option => @{term "Spec S"}
1095         | THM _ => @{term "Spec S"}
1097    val full_nm = read_const ctxt (name ^ "_'proc")
1098        |> dest_Const |> fst |> unsuffix "_'proc"
1099  in emit outfile "";
1100    emit outfile ("Function " ^ full_nm ^ " " ^ space_pad_list inputs
1101                ^ " " ^ space_pad_list outputs);
1102    if (try (head_of #> dest_Const #> fst #> is_spec_body_const) body)
1103        = SOME true
1104    then ()
1105    else (emit outfile ("1 Basic Ret 0");
1106          emit_body ctxt outfile eparams body 2 "1" ("ErrExc", "ErrExc")
1107            |> snd |> prefix "EntryPoint " |> emit outfile
1108          handle TERM (s, ts) => raise TERM ("emit_func_body: " ^ name ^ ": " ^ s, body :: @{term True} :: ts)
1109            | TYPE (s, Ts, ts) => raise TYPE ("emit_func_body: " ^ name ^ ": " ^ s, Ts, body :: @{term True} :: ts)
1110            | Empty => raise TERM ("emit_func_body: Empty", [body]))
1111  end
1113fun emit_struct ctxt outfile csenv (nm, flds) = let
1114    val offs = map (ProgramAnalysis.offset csenv (map snd flds))
1115        (0 upto (length flds - 1))
1116    val full_nm = read_const ctxt (nm ^ "." ^ nm)
1117        |> dest_Const |> snd |> strip_type |> snd |> dest_Type |> fst
1118    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
1119    val sz = ProgramAnalysis.sizeof csenv (Absyn.StructTy nm)
1120    val algn = ProgramAnalysis.alignof csenv (Absyn.StructTy nm)
1121    fun emit_fld ((fld_nm, fld_ty), offs) = emit outfile (space_pad
1122        ["StructField", fld_nm, convert_type false ctxt
1123            (CalculateState.ctype_to_typ (thy, fld_ty)), string_of_int offs])
1124  in emit outfile (space_pad ["Struct", full_nm, string_of_int sz,
1125    string_of_int algn]); app emit_fld (flds ~~ offs) end
1127fun scan_func_body_asm_instructions ctxt name = let
1128    val body = Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt (name ^ "_body_def")
1129    fun has_lhs lhs = betapplys (lhs, [Bound 0, Bound 1]) <> Bound 1
1130    fun nm_args vs = betapply (vs, s_st ctxt) |> HOLogic.dest_list |> length
1131    fun gather (Const (@{const_name asm_spec}, _) $ _ $ _ $ vol $ nm $ lhs $ vs) xs
1132        = (asm_spec_name_to_fn_name vol (HOLogic.dest_string nm),
1133            has_lhs lhs, nm_args vs) :: xs
1134      | gather (f $ x) xs = gather f (gather x xs)
1135      | gather _ xs = xs
1136  in gather (Thm.concl_of body) [] end
1137        handle ERROR _ => []
1139fun emit_asm_protoes ctxt outfile fs = let
1140    val asm_info = maps (scan_func_body_asm_instructions ctxt) fs
1141      |> sort_distinct (fn ((s, _, _), (t, _, _)) => fast_string_ord (s, t))
1142    fun mk_args n = (map (fn i => "arg" ^ string_of_int i ^ " " ^ machine_word) (1 upto n))
1143    fun mk_rets has_lhs = (if has_lhs then ["ret1 " ^ machine_word] else [])
1144    fun emit_it (nm, has_lhs, nm_args) = emit outfile
1145      ("Function " ^ nm
1146              ^ " " ^ space_pad_list (mk_args nm_args @ all_asm_params)
1147              ^ " " ^ space_pad_list (mk_rets has_lhs @ all_asm_params)
1148    )
1149  in app emit_it asm_info end
1151fun emit_C_everything ctxt csenv outfile = let
1152    val fs = ProgramAnalysis.get_functions csenv
1153    val structs = ProgramAnalysis.get_senv csenv
1154    val params = get_all_export_params ctxt csenv
1155  in app (emit_struct ctxt outfile csenv) structs;
1156     app (emit_func_body ctxt outfile params) fs;
1157     emit_asm_protoes ctxt outfile fs end
1160ML \<open>
1161fun openOut_relative thy = ParseGraph.filename_relative thy #> TextIO.openOut;
1163fun emit_C_everything_relative ctxt csenv fname = let
1164    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
1165    val outfile = openOut_relative thy fname
1166  in emit_C_everything ctxt csenv outfile; TextIO.closeOut outfile end