2 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
5 *)
6theory WPFix
9  Datatype_Schematic
10  Strengthen
14text \<open>
15WPFix handles four issues which are annoying with precondition schematics:
16  1. Schematics in obligation (postcondition) positions which remain unset
17after goals are solved. They should be instantiated to True.
18  2. Schematics which appear in multiple precondition positions. They should
19be instantiated to a conjunction and then separated.
20  3/4. Schematics applied to datatype expressions such as @{term True} or
21@{term "Some x"}. See @{theory "Lib.Datatype_Schematic"} for details.
24lemma use_strengthen_prop_intro:
25  "PROP P \<Longrightarrow> PROP (strengthen_implementation.st_prop1 (PROP Q) (PROP P))
26    \<Longrightarrow> PROP Q"
27  unfolding strengthen_implementation.st_prop1_def
28  apply (drule(1) meta_mp)+
29  apply assumption
30  done
33  target_var :: "int \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
35  "target_var n x = x"
37lemma strengthen_to_conjunct1_target:
38  "strengthen_implementation.st True (\<longrightarrow>)
39    (target_var n (P \<and> Q)) (target_var n P)"
40  by (simp add: strengthen_implementation.st_def target_var_def)
42lemma strengthen_to_conjunct2_target_trans:
43  "strengthen_implementation.st True (\<longrightarrow>)
44        (target_var n Q) R
45    \<Longrightarrow> strengthen_implementation.st True (\<longrightarrow>)
46        (target_var n (P \<and> Q)) R"
47  by (simp add: strengthen_implementation.st_def target_var_def)
49lemma target_var_drop_func:
50  "target_var n f = (\<lambda>x. target_var n (f x))"
51  by (simp add: target_var_def)
53named_theorems wp_fix_strgs
55lemma strg_target_to_true:
56  "strengthen_implementation.st F (\<longrightarrow>) (target_var n True) True"
57  by (simp add: target_var_def strengthen_implementation.strengthen_refl)
59ML \<open>
60structure WPFix = struct
62val st_refl = @{thm strengthen_implementation.strengthen_refl}
63val st_refl_True = @{thm strengthen_implementation.strengthen_refl[where x=True]}
64val st_refl_target_True = @{thm strg_target_to_true}
65val st_refl_non_target
66    = @{thm strengthen_implementation.strengthen_refl[where x="target_var (-1) v" for v]}
68val conv_to_target = mk_meta_eq @{thm target_var_def[symmetric]}
70val tord = Term_Ord.fast_term_ord
71fun has_var vars t = not (null (Ord_List.inter tord vars
72        (Ord_List.make tord (map Var (Term.add_vars t [])))))
74fun get_vars prop = map Var (Term.add_vars prop [])
75    |> Ord_List.make tord
76    |> filter (fn v => snd (strip_type (fastype_of v)) = HOLogic.boolT)
78val st_intro = @{thm use_strengthen_prop_intro}
79val st_not = @{thms strengthen_implementation.strengthen_Not}
80val st_conj2_trans = @{thm strengthen_to_conjunct2_target_trans}
81val st_conj1 = @{thm strengthen_to_conjunct1_target}
83(* assumes Strengthen.goal_predicate g is "st" *)
84fun dest_strg g = case Strengthen.goal_predicate g of
85    "st" => (case HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_assums_concl g) of
86        (Const _ $ mode $ rel $ lhs $ rhs) => ("st", SOME (mode, rel, lhs, rhs))
87      | _ => error ("dest_strg " ^ @{make_string} g)
88    )
89  | nm => (nm, NONE)
91fun get_target (Const (@{const_name target_var}, _) $ n $ _)
92  = (try (HOLogic.dest_number #> snd) n)
93  | get_target _ = NONE
95fun is_target P t = case get_target t of NONE => false
96  | SOME v => P v
98fun is_target_head P (f $ v) = is_target P (f $ v) orelse is_target_head P f
99  | is_target_head _ _ = false
101fun has_target P (f $ v) = is_target P (f $ v)
102    orelse has_target P f orelse has_target P v
103  | has_target P (Abs (_, _, t)) = has_target P t
104  | has_target _ _ = false
106fun apply_strgs congs ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => case
107        dest_strg t of
108    ("st_prop1", _) => resolve_tac ctxt congs i
109  | ("st_prop2", _) => resolve_tac ctxt congs i
110  | ("st", SOME (_, _, lhs, _)) => resolve_tac ctxt st_not i
111    ORELSE eresolve_tac ctxt [thin_rl] i
112    ORELSE resolve_tac ctxt [st_refl_non_target] i
113    ORELSE (if is_target_head (fn v => v >= 0) lhs
114        then no_tac
115        else if not (has_target (fn v => v >= 0) lhs)
116        then resolve_tac ctxt [st_refl] i
117        else if is_Const (head_of lhs)
118        then (resolve_tac ctxt congs i ORELSE resolve_tac ctxt [st_refl] i)
119        else resolve_tac ctxt [st_refl] i
120    )
121  | _ => no_tac
122  )
124fun strg_proc ctxt = let
125    val congs1 = Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems wp_fix_strgs}
126    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
127    val congs2 = Strengthen.Congs.get thy
128    val strg = apply_strgs (congs1 @ congs2) ctxt
129  in REPEAT_ALL_NEW strg end
131fun target_var_conv vars ctxt ct = case Thm.term_of ct of
132    Abs _ => Conv.sub_conv (target_var_conv vars) ctxt ct
133  | Var v => Conv.rewr_conv (Drule.infer_instantiate ctxt
134        [(("n", 1), Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.mk_number @{typ int}
135            (find_index (fn v2 => v2 = Var v) vars)))] conv_to_target) ct
136  | _ $ _ => Datatype_Schematic.combs_conv (target_var_conv vars) ctxt ct
137  | _ => raise Option
139fun st_intro_tac ctxt = CSUBGOAL (fn (ct, i) => fn thm => let
140        val intro = Drule.infer_instantiate ctxt [(("Q", 0), ct)]
141          (Thm.incr_indexes (Thm.maxidx_of thm + 1) st_intro)
142      in compose_tac ctxt (false, intro, 2) i
143      end thm)
145fun intro_tac ctxt vs = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => if has_var vs t
146    then CONVERSION (target_var_conv vs ctxt) i
147        THEN CONVERSION (Simplifier.full_rewrite (clear_simpset ctxt
148            addsimps @{thms target_var_drop_func}
149        )) i
150        THEN st_intro_tac ctxt i
151    else all_tac)
153fun classify v thm = let
154    val has_t = has_target (fn v' => v' = v)
155    val relevant = filter (has_t o fst)
156        (Thm.prems_of thm ~~ (1 upto Thm.nprems_of thm))
157        |> map (apfst (Logic.strip_assums_concl #> Envir.beta_eta_contract))
158    fun class t = case dest_strg t of
159        ("st", SOME (@{term True}, @{term "(-->)"}, lhs, _))
160            => if has_t lhs then SOME true else NONE
161      | ("st", SOME (@{term False}, @{term "(-->)"}, lhs, _))
162            => if has_t lhs then SOME false else NONE
163      | _ => NONE
164    val classn = map (apfst class) relevant
165    fun get k = map snd (filter (fn (k', _) => k' = k) classn)
166  in if (null relevant) then NONE
167    else if not (null (get NONE))
168    then NONE
169    else if null (get (SOME true))
170    then SOME ("to_true", map snd relevant)
171    else if length (get (SOME true)) > 1
172    then SOME ("to_conj", get (SOME true))
173    else NONE
174  end
176fun ONGOALS tac is = let
177    val is = rev (sort int_ord is)
178  in EVERY (map tac is) end
180fun act_on ctxt ("to_true", is)
181    = ONGOALS (resolve_tac ctxt [st_refl_target_True]) is
182  | act_on ctxt ("to_conj", is)
183    = ONGOALS (resolve_tac ctxt [st_conj2_trans]) (drop 1 is)
184      THEN (if length is > 2 then act_on ctxt ("to_conj", drop 1 is)
185        else ONGOALS (resolve_tac ctxt [st_refl]) (drop 1 is))
186      THEN ONGOALS (resolve_tac ctxt [st_conj1]) (take 1 is)
187  | act_on _ (s, _) = error ("act_on: " ^ s)
189fun act ctxt check vs thm = let
190    val acts = map_filter (fn v => classify v thm) vs
191  in if null acts
192    then (if check then no_tac else all_tac) thm
193    else (act_on ctxt (hd acts) THEN act ctxt false vs) thm end
195fun cleanup ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => case Strengthen.goal_predicate t of
196    "st" => resolve_tac ctxt [st_refl] i
197  | _ => all_tac)
199fun tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, _) => let
200    val vs = get_vars t
201  in if null vs then no_tac else ALLGOALS (intro_tac ctxt vs)
202    THEN ALLGOALS (TRY o strg_proc ctxt)
203    THEN act ctxt true (0 upto (length vs - 1))
204    THEN ALLGOALS (cleanup ctxt)
205    THEN Local_Defs.unfold_tac ctxt @{thms target_var_def}
206  end)
208fun both_tac ctxt = (Datatype_Schematic.tac ctxt THEN' (TRY o tac ctxt))
209    ORELSE' tac ctxt
211val method =
212  Method.sections [Datatype_Schematic.add_section] >>
213    (fn _ => fn ctxt => Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' (both_tac ctxt));
218method_setup wpfix = \<open>WPFix.method\<close>
220lemma demo1:
221  "(\<exists>Ia Ib Ic Id Ra.
222    (Ia (Suc 0) \<longrightarrow> Qa)
223  \<and> (Ib \<longrightarrow> Qb)
224  \<and> (Ic \<longrightarrow> Ra)
225  \<and> (Id \<longrightarrow> Qc)
226  \<and> (Id \<longrightarrow> Qd)
227  \<and> (Qa \<and> Qb \<and> Qc \<and> Qd \<longrightarrow> Ia v \<and> Ib \<and> Ic \<and> Id))"
228  apply (intro exI conjI impI)
229   (* apply assumption+ won't work here, since it will pick Id
230      incorrectly. the presence of the goal ?Ra is also dangerous.
231      wpfix handles this by setting Ra to True and splitting
232      Id into a conjunction. *)
233  apply (wpfix | assumption)+
234  apply auto
235  done
237lemma demo2:
238  assumes P: "\<And>x. P (x + Suc x) \<longrightarrow> R (Inl x)"
239        "\<And>x. P ((x * 2) - 1) \<longrightarrow> R (Inr x)"
240  assumes P17: "P 17"
241  shows "\<exists>I. I (Some 9)
242    \<and> (\<forall>x. I x \<longrightarrow> (case x of None \<Rightarrow> R (Inl 8) | Some y \<Rightarrow> R (Inr y)))
243    \<and> (\<forall>x. I x \<longrightarrow> (case x of None \<Rightarrow> R (Inr 9) | Some y \<Rightarrow> R (Inl (y - 1))))"
244  apply (intro exI conjI[rotated] allI)
245    apply (case_tac x; simp)
246     apply wpfix
247     apply (rule P)
248    apply wpfix
249    apply (rule P)
250   apply (case_tac x; simp)
251    apply wpfix
252    apply (rule P)
253   apply wpfix
254   apply (rule P)
255  apply (simp add: P17)
256  done
258\<comment> \<open>
259  Shows how to use @{attribute datatype_schematic} rules as "accessors".
261lemma (in datatype_schem_demo) demo3:
262  "\<exists>x. \<forall>a b. x (basic a b) = a"
263  apply (rule exI, (rule allI)+)
264  apply (wpfix add: get_basic_0.simps) \<comment> \<open>Only exposes `a` to the schematic.\<close>
265  by (rule refl)