2 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
5 *)
7(* A theory of guarded monadic bisimulation. *)
9theory Bisim_UL
11  NonDetMonadVCG
12  Corres_UL
13  EmptyFailLib
16(* This still looks a bit wrong to me, although it is more or less what I want \<emdash> we want to be
17   able to move hoare triples across bisimulations, and this allows guards to be left behind, more or less
19  "bisim_underlying SR R P P' m m' \<equiv>
20    \<forall>s s'. SR s s' \<longrightarrow> (P s \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>(r, t) \<in> fst (m s). \<exists>(r', t') \<in> fst (m' s'). R r r' \<and> SR t t')) \<and>
21                       (P' s' \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>(r', t') \<in> fst (m' s'). \<exists>(r, t) \<in> fst (m s). R r r' \<and> SR t t'))"
25  bisim_underlying :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('c \<Rightarrow> 'd \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> (('c \<times> 'a) set) \<times> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> (('d \<times> 'b) set) \<times> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool"
27  "bisim_underlying SR R P P' m m' \<equiv>
28    \<forall>s s'. SR s  s' \<and> P s \<and> P' s' \<longrightarrow> ((\<forall>(r, t) \<in> fst (m s). \<exists>(r', t') \<in> fst (m' s'). R r r' \<and> SR t t') \<and>
29                                      (\<forall>(r', t') \<in> fst (m' s'). \<exists>(r, t) \<in> fst (m s). R r r' \<and> SR t t'))"
32lemma bisim_is_corres_both_ways:
33  "bisim_underlying SR R P P' m m' = (corres_underlying SR False R P P' m m' \<and> corres_underlying (converse SR) False (swp R) P' P m' m)"
34  unfolding bisim_underlying_def corres_underlying_def
35  by (fastforce simp: swp_def Ball_def Bex_def)
38lemma bisim_valid:
39  assumes ac: "bisim_underlying (=)  (=) P P' a a'"
40  and     rl: "\<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>S\<rbrace>"
41  shows   "\<lbrace>P and P' and Q\<rbrace> a' \<lbrace>S\<rbrace>"
42  using ac rl
43  unfolding bisim_underlying_def valid_def
44  by (fastforce simp: split_def)
46lemma bisim_valid2:
47  assumes ac: "bisim_underlying (=) (=) P P' a a'"
48  and     rl: "\<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> a' \<lbrace>S\<rbrace>"
49  shows   "\<lbrace>P and P' and Q\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>S\<rbrace>"
50  using ac rl
51  unfolding bisim_underlying_def valid_def
52  by (fastforce simp: split_def)
54lemma bisim_underlyingI [consumes 0, case_names Left Right]:
55  assumes r1: "\<And>s s' r t. \<lbrakk>SR s s'; P s; P' s'; (r, t) \<in> fst (m s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>(r', t') \<in> fst (m' s'). R r r' \<and> SR t t'"
56  and     r2: "\<And>s s' r' t'. \<lbrakk>SR s s'; P s; P' s'; (r', t') \<in> fst (m' s') \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>(r, t) \<in> fst (m s). R r r' \<and> SR t t'"
57  shows   "bisim_underlying SR R P P' m m'"
58  unfolding bisim_underlying_def
59  by (fastforce dest: r1 r2 simp: split_def)
61lemma bisim_underlyingE1:
62  assumes bs: "bisim_underlying SR R P P' m m'"
63  and     sr: "SR s s'"
64  and     ps: "P s" "P' s'"
65  and     ms: "(r, t) \<in> fst (m s)"
66  and     rl: "\<And>r' t'. \<lbrakk> (r', t') \<in> fst (m' s'); R r r'; SR t t' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> X"
67  shows X
68  using bs sr ps ms unfolding bisim_underlying_def
69  by (fastforce intro: rl)
71lemma bisim_underlyingE2:
72  assumes bs: "bisim_underlying SR R P P' m m'"
73  and     sr: "SR s s'"
74  and     ps: "P s" "P' s'"
75  and     ms: "(r', t') \<in> fst (m' s')"
76  and     rl: "\<And>r t. \<lbrakk> (r, t) \<in> fst (m s); R r r'; SR t t' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> X"
77  shows X
78  using bs sr ps ms unfolding bisim_underlying_def
79  by (fastforce intro: rl)
81lemma bisim_split:
82  assumes ac: "bisim_underlying SR R' P P' a c"
83  and     bd: "\<And>r r'. R' r r' \<Longrightarrow> bisim_underlying SR R (Q r) (Q' r') (b r) (d r')"
84  and     v1: "\<lbrace>S\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
85  and     v2: "\<lbrace>S'\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>"
86  shows "bisim_underlying SR R (P and S) (P' and S') (a >>= b) (c >>= d)"
87  using ac
88  apply -
89  apply (rule bisim_underlyingI)
90   apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad split_def)
91   apply (erule (4) bisim_underlyingE1)
92   apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v1])
93   apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v2])
94   apply (erule (4) bisim_underlyingE1 [OF bd])
95   apply (rename_tac r'' t'')
96   apply (rule_tac x = "(r'', t'')" in bexI)
97    apply clarsimp
98   apply (fastforce simp: in_monad)
99  apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad split_def)
100  apply (erule (4) bisim_underlyingE2)
101  apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v1])
102  apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v2])
103  apply (erule (4) bisim_underlyingE2 [OF bd])
104  apply (rename_tac r'' t'')
105   apply (rule_tac x = "(r'', t'')" in bexI)
106    apply clarsimp
107   apply (fastforce simp: in_monad)
108  done
111  "bisim \<equiv> bisim_underlying (=)"
113lemma bisim_refl:
114  assumes rrefl: "\<And>r. R r r"
115  shows "bisim R P P' m m"
116  apply (rule bisim_underlyingI)
117   apply (clarsimp simp: split_def)
118   apply (erule bexI [rotated])
119   apply (simp add: rrefl)
120  apply (clarsimp simp: split_def)
121  apply (erule bexI [rotated])
122  apply (simp add: rrefl)
123  done
125lemma bisim_guard_imp:
126  assumes bs: "bisim_underlying SR R Q Q' m m'"
127  and   rls: "\<And>s. P s \<Longrightarrow> Q s" "\<And>s. P' s \<Longrightarrow> Q' s"
128  shows "bisim_underlying SR R P P' m m'"
129  using bs rls
130  by (fastforce intro!: bisim_underlyingI elim: bisim_underlyingE1  bisim_underlyingE2)
132lemma bisim_return':
133  assumes Rxx: "R x x'"
134  shows "bisim_underlying SR R P P' (return x) (return x')"
135  apply (rule bisim_underlyingI)
136  apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad split_def Bex_def Rxx)
137  apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad split_def Bex_def Rxx)
138  done
140lemmas bisim_return = bisim_return' [where P = \<top> and P' = \<top>]
142lemma bisim_split_handle:
143  assumes bm: "bisim (f' \<oplus> r) Pn Pn' m m'"
144  and     bc: "\<And>x x'. f' x x' \<Longrightarrow> bisim (f \<oplus> r) (Pf x) (Pf' x') (c x) (c' x')"
145  and     v1: "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ _. True\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>Pf\<rbrace>"
146  and     v2: "\<lbrace>P'\<rbrace> m' \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ _. True\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>Pf'\<rbrace>"
147  shows "bisim (f \<oplus> r) (Pn and P) (Pn' and P') (m <handle> c) (m' <handle> c')"
148  unfolding handleE_def handleE'_def
149  apply (rule bisim_split [where Q = "\<lambda>r s. case_sum (\<lambda>l. Pf l s) (\<lambda>_. True) r" and Q' = "\<lambda>r s. case_sum (\<lambda>l. Pf' l s) (\<lambda>_. True) r", OF bm, folded validE_def])
150  apply (case_tac ra)
151   apply clarsimp
152   apply (erule bc)
153  apply clarsimp
154  apply (rule bisim_return')
155  apply simp
156  apply (rule v1)
157  apply (rule v2)
158  done
160(* Set up wpc *)
161lemma wpc_helper_bisim:
162  "bisim_underlying SR r Q Q' f f' \<Longrightarrow> wpc_helper (P, P') (Q, {s. Q' s}) (bisim_underlying SR r P (\<lambda>s. s \<in> P') f f')"
163  apply (clarsimp simp: wpc_helper_def)
164  apply (erule bisim_guard_imp)
165   apply simp
166  apply fastforce
167  done
169wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. bisim_underlying SR r P P' a m" wpc_helper_bisim
170wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. bisim_underlying SR r P P' a (m >>= c)" wpc_helper_bisim
172lemma bisim_split_refl:
173  assumes bs: "\<And>r. bisim R (Q r) (Q' r) (b r) (d r)"
174  and    v1: "\<lbrace>S\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
175  and   v2: "\<lbrace>S'\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>"
176  shows "bisim R S S' (a >>= b) (a >>= d)"
177  apply (rule bisim_guard_imp)
178  apply (rule bisim_split [OF _ _ v1 v2])
179   apply (rule bisim_refl [where P = \<top> and P' = \<top> and R = "(=)", OF refl])
180  apply simp
181  apply (rule bs)
182  apply simp_all
183  done
185lemma bisim_throwError':
186  "f e e' \<Longrightarrow> bisim_underlying SR (f \<oplus> R') P P' (throwError e) (throwError e')"
187  apply (rule bisim_underlyingI)
188  apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad Bex_def)+
189  done
191lemmas bisim_throwError = bisim_throwError' [where P = \<top> and P' = \<top>]
193lemma bisim_splitE:
194  assumes ac: "bisim_underlying SR (f \<oplus> R') P P' a c"
195  and     bd: "\<And>r r'. R' r r' \<Longrightarrow> bisim_underlying SR (f \<oplus> R) (Q r) (Q' r') (b r) (d r')"
196  and     v1: "\<lbrace>S\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, -"
197  and     v2: "\<lbrace>S'\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>, -"
198  shows "bisim_underlying SR (f \<oplus> R) (P and S) (P' and S') (a >>=E b) (c >>=E d)"
199  apply (simp add: bindE_def lift_def[abs_def])
200  apply (rule bisim_split [where Q = "\<lambda>r s. case_sum  (\<lambda>_. True) (\<lambda>l. Q l s) r" and Q' = "\<lambda>r s. case_sum  (\<lambda>_. True) (\<lambda>l. Q' l s) r", OF ac, folded validE_def, folded validE_R_def])
201  apply (case_tac r')
202   apply clarsimp
203   apply (erule bisim_throwError')
204  apply clarsimp
205  apply (erule bd)
206  apply (rule v1)
207  apply (rule v2)
208  done
210lemma bisim_split_reflE:
211  assumes ab: "\<And>r. bisim (f \<oplus> R) (Q r) (Q' r) (a r) (b r)"
212  and     v1: "\<lbrace>S\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, -"
213  and     v2: "\<lbrace>S'\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>, -"
214  and  refls: "\<And>e. f e e" "\<And>r. R r r"
215  shows "bisim (f \<oplus> R) S S' (m >>=E a) (m >>=E b)"
216  using refls
217  apply -
218  apply (rule bisim_guard_imp)
219  apply (rule bisim_splitE [where R' = "(=)", OF _ _ v1 v2])
220  apply (rule bisim_refl)
221  apply (case_tac r, simp_all)[1]
222  apply simp
223  apply (rule ab)
224  apply simp+
225  done
227lemma bisim_split_bind_case_sum:
228  "\<lbrakk>bisim_underlying sr (lr \<oplus> rr) P P' a d;
229   \<And>rv rv'. lr rv rv' \<Longrightarrow> bisim_underlying sr r (R rv) (R' rv') (b rv) (e rv');
230   \<And>rv rv'. rr rv rv' \<Longrightarrow> bisim_underlying sr r (S rv) (S' rv') (c rv) (f rv'); \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>S\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>R\<rbrace>; \<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace> d \<lbrace>S'\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>R'\<rbrace>\<rbrakk>
231  \<Longrightarrow> bisim_underlying sr r (P and Q) (P' and Q') (a >>= case_sum b c) (d >>= case_sum e f)"
232  apply (erule bisim_split [where Q = "\<lambda>rv s. case_sum (\<lambda>l. R l s) (\<lambda>r. S r s) rv" and Q' = "\<lambda>rv s. case_sum (\<lambda>l. R' l s) (\<lambda>r. S' r s) rv", folded validE_def])
233   apply (case_tac r')
234    apply clarsimp
235   apply clarsimp
236  apply assumption+
237  done
239lemma bisim_liftE [simp]:
240  "bisim_underlying SR (f \<oplus> R) P P' (liftE a) (liftE b) = bisim_underlying SR R P P' a b"
241  by (fastforce simp: in_monad intro: bisim_underlyingI elim: bisim_underlyingE1  bisim_underlyingE2)
243lemma bisim_when:
244  assumes bs:  "b \<Longrightarrow> bisim_underlying SR R P P' m m'"
245  and     rr: "R () ()"
246  shows   "bisim_underlying SR R (\<lambda>s. b \<longrightarrow> P s) (\<lambda>s. b \<longrightarrow> P' s) (when b m) (when b m')"
247  using assms
248  apply (cases b, simp_all add: when_def)
249  apply (erule bisim_return)
250  done
253(* not really used *)
255  "det_on P f \<equiv> \<forall>s. P s \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r. f s = ({r}, False))"
257lemma det_onE:
258  "\<lbrakk>det_on P f; P s; \<And>r s'. \<lbrakk> (r, s') \<in> fst (f s); \<not> snd (f s)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
259  unfolding det_on_def by fastforce
261lemma bisim_noop_det_on:
262  assumes a: "\<And>s. \<lbrace>Pa and (=) s\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. (=) s\<rbrace>"
263  and     b: "\<And>s. \<lbrace>Pb and (=) s\<rbrace> b \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. (=) s\<rbrace>"
264  and    da: "det_on P a"
265  and    db: "det_on P' b"
266  shows   "bisim_underlying sr dc (Pa and P) (Pb and P') a b"
267  using da db
268  apply -
269  apply (rule bisim_underlyingI)
270  apply clarsimp
271  apply (erule (1) det_onE)+
272  apply (frule use_valid [OF _ a], fastforce)
273  apply (frule use_valid [OF _ b], fastforce)
274  apply fastforce
276  apply clarsimp
277  apply (erule (1) det_onE)+
278  apply (frule use_valid [OF _ a], fastforce)
279  apply (frule use_valid [OF _ b], fastforce)
280  apply fastforce
281  done
283lemma det_on_gets:
284  "det_on \<top> (gets f)" unfolding det_on_def
285  by (clarsimp simp: gets_def return_def bind_def get_def)
287lemma hoare_gen_asmE':
288  "(P \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P'\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>R\<rbrace>) \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P' and K P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>R\<rbrace>"
289  unfolding validE_def
290  by (erule hoare_gen_asm)
292lemma det_onE':
293  "\<lbrakk>det_on P f; P s; \<And>r s'. \<lbrakk> f s = ({(r, s')}, False)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
294  unfolding det_on_def by fastforce
296(* ugh *)
297lemma det_on_guard_imp [wp_comb]:
298  assumes da: "det_on P' a"
299  and   "\<And>s. P s \<Longrightarrow> P' s"
300  shows "det_on P a"
301  using assms unfolding det_on_def by auto
303lemma det_on_split [wp_split]:
304  assumes da: "det_on Pa a"
305  and     db: "\<And>x. det_on (Pb x) (b x)"
306  and      v: "\<lbrace>Pb'\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Pb\<rbrace>"
307  shows "det_on (Pa and Pb') (a >>= b)"
308  unfolding det_on_def using da
309  apply -
310  apply clarsimp
311  apply (erule (1) det_onE)
312  apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v])
313  apply (erule det_onE' [OF da])
314  apply (erule det_onE' [OF db])
315  apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def split_def)
316  done
318lemma det_det_on:
319  "det m \<Longrightarrow> det_on \<top> m"
320  unfolding det_def det_on_def by auto
322lemma det_on_liftE [wp]:
323  "det_on P m \<Longrightarrow> det_on P (liftE m)"
324  unfolding liftE_def
325  apply (rule det_on_guard_imp)
326  apply (erule det_on_split [OF _ det_det_on])
327   apply simp
328  apply wp
329  apply simp
330  done
332lemma det_on_lift [wp]:
333  "(\<And>y. det_on (P y) (m y)) \<Longrightarrow> det_on (case_sum (\<lambda>_. \<top>) P x) (lift m x)"
334  unfolding lift_def
335  by (auto simp: det_on_def throwError_def return_def split: sum.splits)
337lemma det_on_assert_opt [wp]:
338  "det_on (\<lambda>_. x \<noteq> None) (assert_opt x)"
339  unfolding det_on_def assert_opt_def by (fastforce split: option.splits simp: fail_def return_def)
341lemmas dets_to_det_on [wp] = det_det_on [OF det_gets] det_det_on [OF return_det]
343(* Set up wpc *)
344lemma wpc_helper_det_on:
345  "det_on Q f \<Longrightarrow> wpc_helper (P, P') (Q, Q') (det_on P f)"
346  apply (clarsimp simp: wpc_helper_def det_on_def)
347  done
349wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. det_on P m" wpc_helper_det_on
350wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. det_on P (m >>= c)" wpc_helper_det_on
352lemma bisim_symb_exec_r_det_on:
353  assumes z: "\<And>rv. bisim_underlying sr r P (Q' rv) x (y rv)"
354  assumes y: "\<lbrace>P'\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>"
355  assumes x: "\<And>s. \<lbrace>Pe and (=) s\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. (=) s\<rbrace>"
356  assumes nf: "det_on Pd m"
357  shows      "bisim_underlying sr r P (P' and Pe and Pd) x (m >>= (\<lambda>rv. y rv))"
358  apply (rule bisim_guard_imp)
359    apply (subst gets_bind_ign [symmetric], rule bisim_split)
360      apply (rule bisim_noop_det_on [OF _ x det_on_gets])
361      apply (rule hoare_pre, wp)
362      apply fastforce
363     apply (rule nf)
364    apply (rule z)
365   apply (wp y)+
366  apply simp+
367  done
370  not_empty :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b set \<times> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool"
372  "not_empty P f \<equiv> \<forall>s. P s \<longrightarrow> (fst (f s) \<noteq> {})"
374lemma not_emptyE:
375  "\<lbrakk> not_empty P f; P s; \<And>r s'. \<lbrakk> (r, s') \<in> fst (f s)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
376  unfolding not_empty_def by fastforce
378(* ugh *)
379lemma not_empty_guard_imp [wp_comb]:
380  assumes da: "not_empty P' a"
381  and   "\<And>s. P s \<Longrightarrow> P' s"
382  shows "not_empty P a"
383  using assms unfolding not_empty_def by auto
385lemma not_empty_split [wp_split]:
386  assumes da: "not_empty Pa a"
387  and     db: "\<And>x. not_empty (Pb x) (b x)"
388  and      v: "\<lbrace>Pb'\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Pb\<rbrace>"
389  shows "not_empty (Pa and Pb') (a >>= b)"
390  unfolding not_empty_def using da
391  apply -
392  apply clarsimp
393  apply (erule (1) not_emptyE)
394  apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v])
395  apply (erule not_emptyE [OF da])
396  apply (erule not_emptyE [OF db])
397  apply (fastforce simp: bind_def split_def)
398  done
400lemma not_empty_return [wp]:
401  "not_empty \<top> (return x)"
402  unfolding not_empty_def
403  by (simp add: return_def)
405lemma not_empty_liftE [wp]:
406  assumes ne: "not_empty P m"
407  shows "not_empty P (liftE m)"
408  unfolding liftE_def
409  apply (rule not_empty_guard_imp)
410  apply (wp ne)
411  apply simp
412  done
414lemma not_empty_lift [wp]:
415  "(\<And>y. not_empty (P y) (m y)) \<Longrightarrow> not_empty (case_sum (\<lambda>_. \<top>) P x) (lift m x)"
416  unfolding lift_def
417  by (auto simp: not_empty_def throwError_def return_def split: sum.splits)
419lemma not_empty_assert_opt [wp]:
420  "not_empty (\<lambda>_. x \<noteq> None) (assert_opt x)"
421  unfolding not_empty_def assert_opt_def by (fastforce split: option.splits simp: fail_def return_def)
423lemma not_empty_gets [wp]:
424  "not_empty \<top> (gets f)" unfolding not_empty_def
425  by (clarsimp simp: gets_def return_def bind_def get_def)
427(* Set up wpc *)
428lemma wpc_helper_not_empty:
429  "not_empty Q f \<Longrightarrow> wpc_helper (P, P') (Q, Q') (not_empty P f)"
430  apply (clarsimp simp: wpc_helper_def not_empty_def)
431  done
433wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. not_empty P m" wpc_helper_not_empty
434wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. not_empty P (m >>= c)" wpc_helper_not_empty
436lemma bisim_noop:
437  assumes a: "\<And>s. \<lbrace>Pa and (=) s\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. (=) s\<rbrace>"
438  and     b: "\<And>s. \<lbrace>Pb and (=) s\<rbrace> b \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. (=) s\<rbrace>"
439  and    da: "not_empty P a"
440  and    db: "not_empty P' b"
441  shows   "bisim_underlying sr dc (Pa and P) (Pb and P') a b"
442  using da db
443  apply -
444  apply (rule bisim_underlyingI)
445  apply clarsimp
446  apply (erule (1) not_emptyE)+
447  apply (frule use_valid [OF _ a], fastforce)
448  apply (frule use_valid [OF _ b], fastforce)
449  apply fastforce
451  apply clarsimp
452  apply (erule (1) not_emptyE)+
453  apply (frule use_valid [OF _ a], fastforce)
454  apply (frule use_valid [OF _ b], fastforce)
455  apply fastforce
456  done
458lemma bisim_symb_exec_r:
459  assumes  z: "\<And>rv. bisim_underlying sr r P (Q' rv) x (y rv)"
460  assumes  y: "\<lbrace>P'\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>Q'\<rbrace>"
461  assumes  x: "\<And>s. \<lbrace>Pe and (=) s\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. (=) s\<rbrace>"
462  assumes ne: "not_empty Pd m"
463  shows      "bisim_underlying sr r P (P' and Pe and Pd) x (m >>= (\<lambda>rv. y rv))"
464  apply (rule bisim_guard_imp)
465    apply (subst gets_bind_ign [symmetric], rule bisim_split)
466      apply (rule bisim_noop [OF _ x not_empty_gets])
467      apply (rule hoare_pre, wp)
468      apply fastforce
469     apply (rule ne)
470    apply (rule z)
471   apply (wp y)+
472  apply simp+
473  done
475lemma bisim_not_empty:
476  assumes bs: "bisim r P P' m m'"
477  and     ne: "not_empty R m"
478  shows   "not_empty (P and P' and R) m'"
479  unfolding not_empty_def using bs ne
480  apply clarsimp
481  apply (erule (1) not_emptyE)
482  apply (erule_tac s=s and s'=s in bisim_underlyingE1 [where SR = "(=)"])
483      apply simp+
484  done
486lemma bisim_split_req:
487  assumes ac: "bisim (=) P P' a c"
488  and     bd: "\<And>r. bisim R (Q r) (Q' r) (b r) (d r)"
489  and     v1: "\<lbrace>S\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q r and Q' r\<rbrace>"
490  shows "bisim R (P and S) P' (a >>= b) (c >>= d)"
491  using ac
492  apply -
493  apply (rule bisim_underlyingI)
494   apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad split_def)
495   apply (erule bisim_underlyingE1)
496    apply simp
497    apply assumption+
498   apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v1])
499   apply clarsimp
500   apply (rule bisim_underlyingE1 [OF bd])
501    apply simp
502    apply assumption+
503   apply (rename_tac r'' t'')
504   apply (rule_tac x = "(r'', t'')" in bexI)
505    apply clarsimp
506   apply (fastforce simp: in_monad)
508   apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad split_def)
509   apply (erule bisim_underlyingE2)
510    apply simp
511    apply assumption+
512   apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v1])
513   apply clarsimp
514   apply (rule bisim_underlyingE2 [OF bd])
515    apply simp
516    apply assumption+
517   apply (rename_tac r'' t'')
518   apply (rule_tac x = "(r'', t'')" in bexI)
519    apply clarsimp
520   apply (fastforce simp: in_monad)
521  done
523lemma bisim_splitE_req:
524  assumes ac: "bisim (f \<oplus> (=)) P P' a c"
525  and     bd: "\<And>r. bisim (f \<oplus> R) (Q r) (Q' r) (b r) (d r)"
526  and     v1: "\<lbrace>S\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. Q r and Q' r\<rbrace>, -"
527  shows "bisim (f \<oplus> R) (P and S) P' (a >>=E b) (c >>=E d)"
528  using ac
529  apply -
530  apply (simp add: bindE_def lift_def[abs_def])
531  apply (rule bisim_underlyingI)
532   apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad split_def)
533   apply (erule bisim_underlyingE1)
534    apply simp
535    apply assumption+
536   apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v1 [unfolded validE_R_def validE_def]])
537   apply clarsimp
538   apply (case_tac x)
539    apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad)
540    apply (rule_tac x = "(Inl y', t')" in bexI)
541    apply fastforce
542   apply (fastforce simp: in_monad)
543   apply clarsimp
544   apply (rule bisim_underlyingE1 [OF bd])
545    apply simp
546    apply assumption+
547   apply (rename_tac r'' t'')
548   apply (rule_tac x = "(r'', t'')" in bexI)
549    apply clarsimp
550   apply (fastforce simp: in_monad)
552   apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad split_def)
553   apply (erule bisim_underlyingE2)
554    apply simp
555    apply assumption+
556   apply (frule (1) use_valid [OF _ v1 [unfolded validE_R_def validE_def]])
557   apply clarsimp
558   apply (case_tac r)
559    apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad)
560    apply (rule_tac x = "(Inl aa, s'')" in bexI)
561    apply fastforce
562   apply (fastforce simp: in_monad)
563   apply clarsimp
564   apply (rule bisim_underlyingE2 [OF bd])
565    apply simp
566    apply assumption+
567   apply (rename_tac r'' t'')
568   apply (rule_tac x = "(r'', t'')" in bexI)
569    apply clarsimp
570   apply (fastforce simp: in_monad)
571  done
573lemma bisim_symb_exec_r_bs:
574  assumes bs: "bisim (=) R R' (return ()) m"
575  and      z: "\<And>rv. bisim r P P' x (y rv)"
576  shows      "bisim r (P and R and P') R' x (m >>= (\<lambda>rv. y rv))"
577  apply (rule bisim_guard_imp)
578    apply (subst return_bind [symmetric, where f = "\<lambda>(_ :: unit).x"],  rule bisim_split_req)
579    apply (rule bs)
580     apply (rule z)
581     apply wp
582   apply simp
583  apply simp+
584  done