1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/SMT/verit_replay_methods.ML
2    Author:     Mathias Fleury, MPII
4Proof methods for replaying veriT proofs.
10  val is_skolemisation: string -> bool
11  val is_skolemisation_step: VeriT_Proof.veriT_replay_node -> bool
13  (* methods for veriT proof rules *)
14  val method_for: string -> Proof.context -> thm list -> term list -> term ->
15     thm
17  val veriT_step_requires_subproof_assms : string -> bool
18  val eq_congruent_pred: Proof.context -> 'a -> term -> thm
22structure Verit_Replay_Methods: VERIT_REPLAY_METHODS =
25(*Some general comments on the proof format:
26  1. Double negations are not always removed. This means for example that the equivalence rules
27     cannot assume that the double negations have already been removed. Therefore, we match the
28     term, instantiate the theorem, then use simp (to remove double negations), and finally use
29     assumption.
30  2. The reconstruction for rule forall_inst is buggy and tends to be very fragile, because the rule
31     is doing much more that is supposed to do. Moreover types can make trivial goals (for the
32     boolean structure) impossible to prove.
33  3. Duplicate literals are sometimes removed, mostly by the SAT solver. We currently do not care
34     about it, since in all cases we have met, a rule like tmp_AC_simp is called to do the
35     simplification.
37  Rules unsupported on purpose:
38    * Distinct_Elim, XOR, let (we don't need them).
39    * tmp_skolemize (because it is not clear if veriT still generates using it).
42datatype verit_rule =
43   False | True |
45   (* input: a repeated (normalized) assumption of  assumption of in a subproof *)
46   Normalized_Input | Local_Input |
47   (* Subproof: *)
48   Subproof |
49   (* Conjunction: *)
50   And | Not_And | And_Pos | And_Neg |
51   (* Disjunction"" *)
52   Or | Or_Pos | Not_Or | Or_Neg |
53   (* Disjunction: *)
54   Implies | Implies_Neg1 | Implies_Neg2 | Implies_Pos | Not_Implies1 | Not_Implies2 |
55   (* Equivalence: *)
56   Equiv_neg1 | Equiv_pos1 | Equiv_pos2 | Equiv_neg2 | Not_Equiv1 | Not_Equiv2 | Equiv1 | Equiv2 |
57   (* If-then-else: *)
58   ITE_Pos1 | ITE_Pos2 | ITE_Neg1 | ITE_Neg2 | Not_ITE1 | Not_ITE2 | ITE_Intro | ITE1 | ITE2 |
59   (* Equality: *)
60   Eq_Congruent | Eq_Reflexive | Eq_Transitive | Eq_Congruent_Pred | Trans |  Refl |  Cong |
61   (* Arithmetics: *)
62   LA_Disequality | LA_Generic | LA_Tautology |  LIA_Generic | LA_Totality | LA_RW_Eq |
63   NLA_Generic |
64   (* Quantifiers: *)
65   Forall_Inst | Qnt_Rm_Unused | Qnt_Join | Qnt_Simplify | Bind | Skolem_Forall | Skolem_Ex |
66   (* Resolution: *)
67   Theory_Resolution | Resolution |
68   (* Various transformation: *)
69   Connective_Equiv |
70   (* Temporary rules, that the veriT developpers want to remove: *)
71   Tmp_AC_Simp |
72   Tmp_Bfun_Elim |
73   (* Unsupported rule *)
74   Unsupported
76val is_skolemisation = member (op =) ["sko_forall", "sko_ex"]
77fun is_skolemisation_step (VeriT_Proof.VeriT_Replay_Node {id, ...}) = is_skolemisation id
79fun verit_rule_of "bind" = Bind
80  | verit_rule_of "cong" = Cong
81  | verit_rule_of "refl" = Refl
82  | verit_rule_of "equiv1" = Equiv1
83  | verit_rule_of "equiv2" = Equiv2
84  | verit_rule_of "equiv_pos1" = Equiv_pos1
85  | verit_rule_of "equiv_pos2" = Equiv_pos2
86  | verit_rule_of "equiv_neg1" = Equiv_neg1
87  | verit_rule_of "equiv_neg2" = Equiv_neg2
88  | verit_rule_of "sko_forall" = Skolem_Forall
89  | verit_rule_of "sko_ex" = Skolem_Ex
90  | verit_rule_of "eq_reflexive" = Eq_Reflexive
91  | verit_rule_of "th_resolution" = Theory_Resolution
92  | verit_rule_of "forall_inst" = Forall_Inst
93  | verit_rule_of "implies_pos" = Implies_Pos
94  | verit_rule_of "or" = Or
95  | verit_rule_of "not_or" = Not_Or
96  | verit_rule_of "resolution" = Resolution
97  | verit_rule_of "eq_congruent" = Eq_Congruent
98  | verit_rule_of "connective_equiv" = Connective_Equiv
99  | verit_rule_of "trans" = Trans
100  | verit_rule_of "false" = False
101  | verit_rule_of "tmp_AC_simp" = Tmp_AC_Simp
102  | verit_rule_of "and" = And
103  | verit_rule_of "not_and" = Not_And
104  | verit_rule_of "and_pos" = And_Pos
105  | verit_rule_of "and_neg" = And_Neg
106  | verit_rule_of "or_pos" = Or_Pos
107  | verit_rule_of "or_neg" = Or_Neg
108  | verit_rule_of "not_equiv1" = Not_Equiv1
109  | verit_rule_of "not_equiv2" = Not_Equiv2
110  | verit_rule_of "not_implies1" = Not_Implies1
111  | verit_rule_of "not_implies2" = Not_Implies2
112  | verit_rule_of "implies_neg1" = Implies_Neg1
113  | verit_rule_of "implies_neg2" = Implies_Neg2
114  | verit_rule_of "implies" = Implies
115  | verit_rule_of "tmp_bfun_elim" = Tmp_Bfun_Elim
116  | verit_rule_of "ite1" = ITE1
117  | verit_rule_of "ite2" = ITE2
118  | verit_rule_of "not_ite1" = Not_ITE1
119  | verit_rule_of "not_ite2" = Not_ITE2
120  | verit_rule_of "ite_pos1" = ITE_Pos1
121  | verit_rule_of "ite_pos2" = ITE_Pos2
122  | verit_rule_of "ite_neg1" = ITE_Neg1
123  | verit_rule_of "ite_neg2" = ITE_Neg2
124  | verit_rule_of "ite_intro" = ITE_Intro
125  | verit_rule_of "la_disequality" = LA_Disequality
126  | verit_rule_of "lia_generic" = LIA_Generic
127  | verit_rule_of "la_generic" = LA_Generic
128  | verit_rule_of "la_tautology" = LA_Tautology
129  | verit_rule_of "la_totality" = LA_Totality
130  | verit_rule_of "la_rw_eq"= LA_RW_Eq
131  | verit_rule_of "nla_generic"= NLA_Generic
132  | verit_rule_of "eq_transitive" = Eq_Transitive
133  | verit_rule_of "qnt_rm_unused" = Qnt_Rm_Unused
134  | verit_rule_of "qnt_simplify" = Qnt_Simplify
135  | verit_rule_of "qnt_join" = Qnt_Join
136  | verit_rule_of "eq_congruent_pred" = Eq_Congruent_Pred
137  | verit_rule_of "subproof" = Subproof
138  | verit_rule_of r =
139     if r = VeriT_Proof.veriT_normalized_input_rule then Normalized_Input
140     else if r = VeriT_Proof.veriT_local_input_rule then Local_Input
141     else Unsupported
143fun string_of_verit_rule Bind = "Bind"
144  | string_of_verit_rule Cong = "Cong"
145  | string_of_verit_rule Refl = "Refl"
146  | string_of_verit_rule Equiv1 = "Equiv1"
147  | string_of_verit_rule Equiv2 = "Equiv2"
148  | string_of_verit_rule Equiv_pos1 = "Equiv_pos1"
149  | string_of_verit_rule Equiv_pos2 = "Equiv_pos2"
150  | string_of_verit_rule Equiv_neg1 = "Equiv_neg1"
151  | string_of_verit_rule Equiv_neg2 = "Equiv_neg2"
152  | string_of_verit_rule Skolem_Forall = "Skolem_Forall"
153  | string_of_verit_rule Skolem_Ex = "Skolem_Ex"
154  | string_of_verit_rule Eq_Reflexive = "Eq_Reflexive"
155  | string_of_verit_rule Theory_Resolution = "Theory_Resolution"
156  | string_of_verit_rule Forall_Inst = "forall_inst"
157  | string_of_verit_rule Or = "Or"
158  | string_of_verit_rule Not_Or = "Not_Or"
159  | string_of_verit_rule Resolution = "Resolution"
160  | string_of_verit_rule Eq_Congruent = "eq_congruent"
161  | string_of_verit_rule Connective_Equiv = "connective_equiv"
162  | string_of_verit_rule Trans = "trans"
163  | string_of_verit_rule False = "false"
164  | string_of_verit_rule And = "and"
165  | string_of_verit_rule And_Pos = "and_pos"
166  | string_of_verit_rule Not_And = "not_and"
167  | string_of_verit_rule And_Neg = "and_neg"
168  | string_of_verit_rule Or_Pos = "or_pos"
169  | string_of_verit_rule Or_Neg = "or_neg"
170  | string_of_verit_rule Tmp_AC_Simp = "tmp_AC_simp"
171  | string_of_verit_rule Not_Equiv1 = "not_equiv1"
172  | string_of_verit_rule Not_Equiv2 = "not_equiv2"
173  | string_of_verit_rule Not_Implies1 = "not_implies1"
174  | string_of_verit_rule Not_Implies2 = "not_implies2"
175  | string_of_verit_rule Implies_Neg1 = "implies_neg1"
176  | string_of_verit_rule Implies_Neg2 = "implies_neg2"
177  | string_of_verit_rule Implies = "implies"
178  | string_of_verit_rule Tmp_Bfun_Elim = "tmp_bfun_elim"
179  | string_of_verit_rule ITE1 = "ite1"
180  | string_of_verit_rule ITE2 = "ite2"
181  | string_of_verit_rule Not_ITE1 = "not_ite1"
182  | string_of_verit_rule Not_ITE2 = "not_ite2"
183  | string_of_verit_rule ITE_Pos1 = "ite_pos1"
184  | string_of_verit_rule ITE_Pos2 = "ite_pos2"
185  | string_of_verit_rule ITE_Neg1 = "ite_neg1"
186  | string_of_verit_rule ITE_Neg2 = "ite_neg2"
187  | string_of_verit_rule ITE_Intro = "ite_intro"
188  | string_of_verit_rule LA_Disequality = "la_disequality"
189  | string_of_verit_rule LA_Generic = "la_generic"
190  | string_of_verit_rule LIA_Generic = "lia_generic"
191  | string_of_verit_rule LA_Tautology = "la_tautology"
192  | string_of_verit_rule LA_RW_Eq = "la_rw_eq"
193  | string_of_verit_rule LA_Totality = "LA_Totality"
194  | string_of_verit_rule NLA_Generic = "nla_generic"
195  | string_of_verit_rule Eq_Transitive = "eq_transitive"
196  | string_of_verit_rule Qnt_Rm_Unused = "qnt_remove_unused"
197  | string_of_verit_rule Qnt_Simplify = "qnt_simplify"
198  | string_of_verit_rule Qnt_Join = "qnt_join"
199  | string_of_verit_rule Eq_Congruent_Pred = "eq_congruent_pred"
200  | string_of_verit_rule Normalized_Input = VeriT_Proof.veriT_normalized_input_rule
201  | string_of_verit_rule Local_Input = VeriT_Proof.veriT_normalized_input_rule
202  | string_of_verit_rule Subproof = "subproof"
203  | string_of_verit_rule r = "Unsupported rule: " ^ \<^make_string> r
205(*** Methods to Replay Normal steps ***)
206(* sko_forall requires the assumptions to be able to SMT_Replay_Methods.prove the equivalence in case of double
207skolemization. See comment below. *)
208fun veriT_step_requires_subproof_assms t =
209  member (op =) ["refl", "cong", VeriT_Proof.veriT_local_input_rule, "sko_forall",
210    "sko_ex"] t
212fun simplify_tac ctxt thms =
213  ctxt
214  |> empty_simpset
215  |> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
216  |> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps @{thms not_not eq_commute} addsimps thms)
217  |> Simplifier.full_simp_tac
219val bind_thms =
220  [@{lemma "(\<And>x x'. P x = Q x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x) = (\<forall>y. Q y)"
221      by blast},
222   @{lemma "(\<And>x x'.  P x = Q x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>x. P x) = (\<exists>y. Q y)"
223      by blast},
224   @{lemma "(\<And>x x'.  P x = Q x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>x. P x = Q x)"
225      by blast},
226   @{lemma "(\<And>x x'.  P x = Q x) \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x = Q x)"
227      by blast}]
229fun TRY' tac = fn i => TRY (tac i)
230fun REPEAT' tac = fn i => REPEAT (tac i)
231fun REPEAT_CHANGED tac = fn i => REPEAT (CHANGED (tac i))
233fun bind ctxt [prems] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
234    REPEAT' (resolve_tac ctxt bind_thms)
235    THEN' match_tac ctxt [prems]
236    THEN' simplify_tac ctxt []
237    THEN' REPEAT' (match_tac ctxt [@{thm refl}]))
240fun refl ctxt thm t =
241  (case find_first (fn thm => t = Thm.full_prop_of thm) thm of
242      SOME thm => thm
243    | NONE =>
244        (case try (Z3_Replay_Methods.refl ctxt thm) t of
245          NONE =>
246          ( Z3_Replay_Methods.cong ctxt thm t)
247        | SOME thm => thm))
250  fun equiv_pos_neg_term ctxt thm (\<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $
251         (\<^term>\<open>HOL.disj\<close> $ (_) $
252            ((\<^term>\<open>HOL.disj\<close> $ a $ b)))) =
253     Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt (map (SOME o Thm.cterm_of ctxt) [a, b]) thm
255  fun prove_equiv_pos_neg thm ctxt _ t =
256    let val thm = equiv_pos_neg_term ctxt thm t
257    in
258      SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
259        Method.insert_tac ctxt [thm]
260        THEN' simplify_tac ctxt [])
261    end
264val equiv_pos1_thm =
265  @{lemma "\<not>(a \<longleftrightarrow> ~b) \<or> a \<or> b"
266      by blast+}
268val equiv_pos1 = prove_equiv_pos_neg equiv_pos1_thm
270val equiv_pos2_thm =
271  @{lemma  "\<And>a b. ((\<not>a) \<noteq> b) \<or> a \<or> b"
272      by blast+}
274val equiv_pos2 = prove_equiv_pos_neg equiv_pos2_thm
276val equiv_neg1_thm =
277  @{lemma "(~a \<longleftrightarrow> ~b) \<or> a \<or> b"
278      by blast}
280val equiv_neg1 = prove_equiv_pos_neg equiv_neg1_thm
282val equiv_neg2_thm =
283  @{lemma "(a \<longleftrightarrow> b) \<or> a \<or> b"
284      by blast}
286val equiv_neg2 = prove_equiv_pos_neg equiv_neg2_thm
290(* Most of the code below is due to the proof output of veriT: The description of the rule is wrong
291(and according to Pascal Fontaine, it is a bug). Anyway, currently, forall_inst does:
292  1. swapping out the forall quantifiers
293  2. instantiation
294  3. boolean.
296However, types can mess-up things:
297  lemma  \<open>(0 < degree a) = (0 \<noteq> degree a) \<Longrightarrow> 0 = degree a \<or> 0 < degree a\<close>
298    by fast
299works unlike
300  lemma  \<open>((0::nat) < degree a) = (0 \<noteq> degree a) \<Longrightarrow> 0 = degree a \<or> 0 < degree a\<close>
301    by fast.
302Therefore, we use fast and auto as fall-back.
304fun forall_inst ctxt _ args t =
305  let
306    val instantiate =
307       fold (fn inst => fn tac =>
308         let val thm = Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [NONE, SOME (Thm.cterm_of ctxt inst)] @{thm spec}
309         in tac THEN' dmatch_tac ctxt [thm]end)
310         args
311         (K all_tac)
312  in
313    SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
314      resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm disj_not1} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF [@{thm impI}]]
315      THEN' TRY' (Raw_Simplifier.rewrite_goal_tac ctxt @{thms all_simps[symmetric] not_all})
316      THEN' TRY' instantiate
317      THEN' TRY' (simplify_tac ctxt [])
318      THEN' TRY' (SOLVED' (fn _ => HEADGOAL ( (assume_tac ctxt)
319         ORELSE'
320            TRY' (dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjE}
321              THEN_ALL_NEW assume_tac ctxt)
322         ORELSE'
323            TRY' (dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_forall_inst}
324              THEN_ALL_NEW assume_tac ctxt))))
325      THEN' (TRY' (Classical.fast_tac ctxt))
326      THEN' (TRY' (K (Clasimp.auto_tac ctxt))))
327    end
329fun or _ [thm] _ = thm
331val implies_pos_thm =
332  [@{lemma "\<not>(A \<longrightarrow> B) \<or> \<not>A \<or> B"
333      by blast},
334  @{lemma "\<not>(\<not>A \<longrightarrow> B) \<or> A \<or> B"
335      by blast}]
337fun implies_pos ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
338  resolve_tac ctxt implies_pos_thm)
340fun extract_rewrite_rule_assumption thms =
341  let
342    fun is_rewrite_rule thm =
343      (case Thm.prop_of thm of
344        \<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ Free(_, _) $ _) => true
345      | _ => false)
346  in
347    thms
348    |> filter is_rewrite_rule
349    |> map (fn thm => thm COMP @{thm eq_reflection})
350  end
352(* We need to unfold the assumptions if we are in a subproof: For multiple skolemization, the context
353contains a mapping "verit_vrX \<leadsto> Eps f". The variable "verit_vrX" must be unfolded to "Eps f".
354Otherwise, the proof cannot be done. *)
355fun skolem_forall ctxt (thms) t  =
356  let
357    val ts = extract_rewrite_rule_assumption thms
358  in
359    SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
360      REPEAT_CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_sko_forall'})
361      THEN' TRY' (simplify_tac ctxt ts)
362      THEN' TRY'(resolve_tac ctxt thms THEN_ALL_NEW resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl})
363      THEN' TRY' (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl}))
364  end
366fun skolem_ex ctxt (thms) t  =
367  let
368    val ts = extract_rewrite_rule_assumption thms
369  in
370    SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
371      Raw_Simplifier.rewrite_goal_tac ctxt ts
372      THEN' REPEAT_CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_sko_ex'})
373      THEN' REPEAT_CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt thms THEN_ALL_NEW resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl})
374      THEN' TRY' (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl}))
375  end
377fun eq_reflexive ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
378  resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm refl}])
380fun connective_equiv ctxt thms t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
381  Method.insert_tac ctxt thms
382  THEN' K (Clasimp.auto_tac ctxt))
385fun normalized_input ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
386  Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
387  THEN' TRY' (simplify_tac ctxt [])
388  THEN' TRY' (K (Clasimp.auto_tac ctxt)))
390val false_rule_thm = @{lemma "\<not>False" by blast}
392fun false_rule ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
393  resolve_tac ctxt [false_rule_thm])
396(* transitivity *)
398val trans_bool_thm =
399  @{lemma "P = Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<Longrightarrow> P" by blast}
400fun trans _ [thm1, thm2] _ =
401      (case (Thm.full_prop_of thm1, Thm.full_prop_of thm2) of
402        (\<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ _ $ t2),
403         \<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t3 $ _)) =>
404        if t2 = t3 then thm1 RSN (1, thm2 RSN (2, @{thm trans}))
405        else thm1 RSN (1, (thm2 RS sym) RSN (2, @{thm trans}))
406      | _ => trans_bool_thm OF [thm1, thm2])
407  | trans ctxt (thm1 :: thm2 :: thms) t =
408      trans ctxt (trans ctxt [thm1, thm2] t :: thms) t
410fun tmp_AC_rule ctxt _ t =
411 let
412   val simplify =
413     ctxt
414     |> empty_simpset
415     |> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
416     |> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps @{thms ac_simps conj_ac})
417     |> Simplifier.full_simp_tac
418 in SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
419   REPEAT_ALL_NEW (simplify_tac ctxt []
420     THEN' TRY' simplify
421     THEN' TRY' (Classical.fast_tac ctxt))) end
423fun and_rule ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
424   Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
425   THEN' (fn i => REPEAT (dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjE} i THEN assume_tac ctxt (i+1)))
426   THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
427   THEN' TRY' (simplify_tac ctxt []))
429fun not_and_rule ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
430   Method.insert_tac ctxt prems THEN'
431   Classical.fast_tac ctxt ORELSE' Clasimp.force_tac ctxt)
433fun not_or_rule ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
434   Method.insert_tac ctxt prems THEN'
435   Classical.fast_tac ctxt ORELSE' Clasimp.force_tac ctxt)
438  fun simplify_and_pos ctxt =
439    ctxt
440    |> empty_simpset
441    |> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
442    |> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps @{thms eq_commute verit_ite_intro_simp if_cancel}
443         addsimps @{thms simp_thms de_Morgan_conj})
444    |> Simplifier.full_simp_tac
447fun and_pos ctxt _ t =
448  SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
449  REPEAT_CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_pos})
450  THEN' TRY' (simplify_and_pos ctxt)
451  THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)
452  THEN' TRY' (Classical.fast_tac ctxt))
456fun and_neg_rule ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
457  REPEAT_CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_and_neg})
458  THEN' simplify_tac ctxt @{thms de_Morgan_conj[symmetric] excluded_middle
459    excluded_middle[of \<open>\<not>_\<close>, unfolded not_not]})
461fun or_pos_rule ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
462  simplify_tac ctxt @{thms simp_thms})
464fun or_neg_rule ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
465  resolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_or_neg}
466  THEN' (fn i => dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_subst_bool} i
467     THEN assume_tac ctxt (i+1))
468  THEN' simplify_tac ctxt @{thms simp_thms})
470val not_equiv1_thm =
471  @{lemma "\<not>(A \<longleftrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> A \<or> B"
472      by blast}
474fun not_equiv1 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
475  Method.insert_tac ctxt [not_equiv1_thm OF [thm]]
476  THEN' simplify_tac ctxt [])
478val not_equiv2_thm =
479  @{lemma "\<not>(A \<longleftrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>A \<or> \<not>B"
480      by blast}
482fun not_equiv2 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
483  Method.insert_tac ctxt [not_equiv2_thm OF [thm]]
484  THEN' simplify_tac ctxt [])
486val equiv1_thm =
487  @{lemma "(A \<longleftrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>A \<or> B"
488      by blast}
490fun equiv1 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
491  Method.insert_tac ctxt [equiv1_thm OF [thm]]
492  THEN' simplify_tac ctxt [])
494val equiv2_thm =
495  @{lemma "(A \<longleftrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> A \<or> \<not>B"
496      by blast}
498fun equiv2 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
499  Method.insert_tac ctxt [equiv2_thm OF [thm]]
500  THEN' simplify_tac ctxt [])
503val not_implies1_thm =
504  @{lemma "\<not>(A \<longrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> A"
505      by blast}
507fun not_implies1 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
508  Method.insert_tac ctxt [not_implies1_thm OF [thm]]
509  THEN' simplify_tac ctxt [])
511val not_implies2_thm =
512  @{lemma "\<not>(A \<longrightarrow>B) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>B"
513      by blast}
515fun not_implies2 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
516  Method.insert_tac ctxt [not_implies2_thm OF [thm]]
517  THEN' simplify_tac ctxt [])
521  fun implies_pos_neg_term ctxt thm (\<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $
522         (\<^term>\<open>HOL.disj\<close> $ (\<^term>\<open>HOL.implies\<close> $ a $ b) $ _)) =
523     Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt (map (SOME o Thm.cterm_of ctxt) [a, b]) thm
525  fun prove_implies_pos_neg thm ctxt _ t =
526    let val thm = implies_pos_neg_term ctxt thm t
527    in
528      SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
529        Method.insert_tac ctxt [thm]
530        THEN' simplify_tac ctxt [])
531    end
534val implies_neg1_thm =
535  @{lemma "(a \<longrightarrow> b) \<or> a"
536      by blast}
538val implies_neg1  = prove_implies_pos_neg implies_neg1_thm
540val implies_neg2_thm =
541  @{lemma "(a \<longrightarrow> b) \<or> \<not>b" by blast}
543val implies_neg2 = prove_implies_pos_neg implies_neg2_thm
547val implies_thm =
548  @{lemma "(~a \<longrightarrow> b) \<Longrightarrow> a \<or> b"
549       "(a \<longrightarrow> b) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>a \<or> b"
550     by blast+}
552fun implies_rules ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
553  Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
554  THEN' resolve_tac ctxt implies_thm
555  THEN' assume_tac ctxt)
559Here is a case where force_tac fails, but auto_tac succeeds:
560   Ex (P x) \<noteq> P x c \<Longrightarrow>
561   (\<exists>v0. if x then P True v0 else P False v0) \<noteq> (if x then P True c else P False c)
563(this was before we added the eqsubst_tac). Therefore, to be safe, we add the fast, auto, and force.
565fun tmp_bfun_elim ctxt prems t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
566  Method.insert_tac ctxt prems
567  THEN' REPEAT_CHANGED (EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt [0] @{thms verit_tmp_bfun_elim})
568  THEN' TRY' (simplify_tac ctxt [])
569  THEN' (Classical.fast_tac ctxt
570    ORELSE' K (Clasimp.auto_tac ctxt)
571    ORELSE' Clasimp.force_tac ctxt))
573val ite_pos1_thm =
574  @{lemma "\<not>(if x then P else Q) \<or> x \<or> Q"
575      by auto}
577fun ite_pos1 ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
578  resolve_tac ctxt [ite_pos1_thm])
580val ite_pos2_thms =
581  @{lemma "\<not>(if x then P else Q) \<or> \<not>x \<or> P" "\<not>(if \<not>x then P else Q) \<or> x \<or> P"
582      by auto}
584fun ite_pos2 ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
585  resolve_tac ctxt ite_pos2_thms)
587val ite_neg1_thms =
588  @{lemma "(if x then P else Q) \<or> x \<or> \<not>Q" "(if x then P else \<not>Q) \<or> x \<or> Q"
589      by auto}
591fun ite_neg1 ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
592  resolve_tac ctxt ite_neg1_thms)
594val ite_neg2_thms =
595  @{lemma "(if x then P else Q) \<or> \<not>x \<or> \<not>P" "(if \<not>x then P else Q) \<or> x \<or> \<not>P"
596          "(if x then \<not>P else Q) \<or> \<not>x \<or> P" "(if \<not>x then \<not>P else Q) \<or> x \<or> P"
597      by auto}
599fun ite_neg2 ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
600  resolve_tac ctxt ite_neg2_thms)
602val ite1_thm =
603  @{lemma "(if x then P else Q) \<Longrightarrow> x \<or> Q"
604      by (auto split: if_splits) }
606fun ite1 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
607  resolve_tac ctxt [ite1_thm OF [thm]])
609val ite2_thm =
610  @{lemma "(if x then P else Q) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>x \<or> P"
611      by (auto split: if_splits) }
613fun ite2 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
614  resolve_tac ctxt [ite2_thm OF [thm]])
617val not_ite1_thm =
618  @{lemma "\<not>(if x then P else Q) \<Longrightarrow> x \<or> \<not>Q"
619      by (auto split: if_splits) }
621fun not_ite1 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
622  resolve_tac ctxt [not_ite1_thm OF [thm]])
624val not_ite2_thm =
625  @{lemma "\<not>(if x then P else Q) \<Longrightarrow> \<not>x \<or> \<not>P"
626      by (auto split: if_splits) }
628fun not_ite2 ctxt [thm] t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
629  resolve_tac ctxt [not_ite2_thm OF [thm]])
632fun unit_res ctxt thms t =
633  let
634    val thms = map (Conv.fconv_rule Thm.eta_long_conversion) thms
635    val t' = Thm.eta_long_conversion (Object_Logic.dest_judgment ctxt (Thm.cterm_of ctxt t))
636    val (_, t2) = Logic.dest_equals (Thm.prop_of t')
637    val thm = Z3_Replay_Methods.unit_res ctxt thms t2
638  in
639    @{thm verit_Pure_trans} OF [t', thm]
640  end
642fun ite_intro ctxt _ t =
643  let
644    fun simplify_ite ctxt =
645      ctxt
646      |> empty_simpset
647      |> put_simpset HOL_basic_ss
648      |> (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps @{thms eq_commute verit_ite_intro_simp if_cancel}
649           addsimps @{thms simp_thms})
650      |> Simplifier.full_simp_tac
651  in
652    SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
653     (simplify_ite ctxt
654     THEN' TRY' (Blast.blast_tac ctxt
655       ORELSE' K (Clasimp.auto_tac ctxt)
656       ORELSE' Clasimp.force_tac ctxt)))
657  end
660(* Quantifiers *)
662fun qnt_rm_unused ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
663  Classical.fast_tac ctxt)
665fun qnt_simplify ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
666  Classical.fast_tac ctxt)
668fun qnt_join ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
669  Classical.fast_tac ctxt)
672(* Equality *)
674fun eq_transitive ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn  _ =>
675  REPEAT_CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm disj_not1} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF @{thms impI}])
676  THEN' REPEAT' (resolve_tac ctxt @{thms impI})
677  THEN' REPEAT' (eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjI})
678  THEN' REPEAT' (fn i => dresolve_tac ctxt @{thms verit_eq_transitive} i THEN assume_tac ctxt (i+1))
679  THEN' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl})
683  (* Rewrite might apply below choice. As we do not want to change them (it can break other
684  rewriting steps), we cannot use Term.lambda *)
685  fun abstract_over_no_choice (v, body) =
686    let
687      fun abs lev tm =
688        if v aconv tm then Bound lev
689        else
690          (case tm of
691            Abs (a, T, t) => Abs (a, T, abs (lev + 1) t)
692          | t as (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Hilbert_Choice.Eps\<close>, _) $ _) => t
693          | t $ u =>
694              (abs lev t $ (abs lev u handle Same.SAME => u)
695                handle Same.SAME => t $ abs lev u)
696          | _ => raise Same.SAME);
697    in abs 0 body handle Same.SAME => body end;
699  fun lambda_name (x, v) t =
700    Abs (if x = "" then Term.term_name v else x, fastype_of v, abstract_over_no_choice (v, t));
702  fun lambda v t = lambda_name ("", v) t;
704  fun extract_equal_terms (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>Trueprop\<close>, _) $ t) =
705    let fun ext (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.disj\<close>, _) $ (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.Not\<close>, _) $
706             (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t1 $ t2)) $ t) =
707           apfst (curry (op ::) (t1, t2)) (ext t)
708          | ext t = ([], t)
709    in ext t end
710  fun eq_congruent_tac ctxt t =
711    let
712       val (eqs, g) = extract_equal_terms t
713       fun replace1 (t1, t2) (g, tac) =
714         let
715           val abs_t1 = lambda t2 g
716           val subst = Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt (map (SOME o Thm.cterm_of ctxt) [t1, t2, abs_t1])
717                @{thm subst}
718         in (Term.betapply (abs_t1, t1),
719             tac THEN' resolve_tac ctxt [subst]
720                 THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt)) end
721       val (_, tac) = fold replace1 eqs (g, K all_tac)
722    in
723       tac
724    end
727fun eq_congruent_pred ctxt _ t =
728   SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
729   REPEAT' (resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm disj_not1[of \<open>_ = _\<close>]} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF @{thms impI}])
730   THEN' REPEAT' (eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms conjI})
731   THEN' eq_congruent_tac ctxt t
732   THEN' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms refl excluded_middle
733     excluded_middle[of \<open>\<not>_\<close>, unfolded not_not]})
738(* subproof *)
740fun subproof ctxt [prem] t =
741 SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
742   (resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm disj_not1} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF [@{thm impI}],
743        @{thm disj_not1[of \<open>\<not>_\<close>, unfolded not_not]} RSN (1, @{thm iffD2}) OF [@{thm impI}]]
744     THEN' resolve_tac ctxt [prem]
745     THEN_ALL_NEW assume_tac ctxt
746     THEN' TRY' (assume_tac ctxt))
747   ORELSE' TRY' (Method.insert_tac ctxt [prem] THEN' Blast.blast_tac ctxt))
750(* la_rw_eq *)
752val la_rw_eq_thm = @{lemma \<open>(a :: nat) = b \<or> (a \<le> b) \<or> (a \<ge> b)\<close>
753  by auto}
755fun la_rw_eq ctxt _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.prove ctxt t (fn _ =>
756  resolve_tac ctxt [la_rw_eq_thm])
758(* congruence *)
759fun cong ctxt thms = SMT_Replay_Methods.try_provers ctxt
760    (string_of_verit_rule Cong) [
761  ("basic", SMT_Replay_Methods.cong_basic ctxt thms),
762  ("full", SMT_Replay_Methods.cong_full ctxt thms),
763  ("unfolding then auto", SMT_Replay_Methods.cong_unfolding_first ctxt thms)] thms
766fun unsupported rule ctxt thms _ t = SMT_Replay_Methods.replay_error ctxt "Unsupported verit rule"
767  rule thms t
769fun ignore_args f ctxt thm _ t = f ctxt thm t
771fun choose Bind = ignore_args bind
772  | choose Refl = ignore_args refl
773  | choose And_Pos = ignore_args and_pos
774  | choose And_Neg = ignore_args and_neg_rule
775  | choose Cong = ignore_args cong
776  | choose Equiv_pos1 = ignore_args equiv_pos1
777  | choose Equiv_pos2 = ignore_args equiv_pos2
778  | choose Equiv_neg1 = ignore_args equiv_neg1
779  | choose Equiv_neg2 = ignore_args equiv_neg2
780  | choose Equiv1 = ignore_args equiv1
781  | choose Equiv2 = ignore_args equiv2
782  | choose Not_Equiv1 = ignore_args not_equiv1
783  | choose Not_Equiv2 = ignore_args not_equiv2
784  | choose Not_Implies1 = ignore_args not_implies1
785  | choose Not_Implies2 = ignore_args not_implies2
786  | choose Implies_Neg1 = ignore_args implies_neg1
787  | choose Implies_Neg2 = ignore_args implies_neg2
788  | choose Implies_Pos = ignore_args implies_pos
789  | choose Implies = ignore_args implies_rules
790  | choose Forall_Inst = forall_inst
791  | choose Skolem_Forall = ignore_args skolem_forall
792  | choose Skolem_Ex = ignore_args skolem_ex
793  | choose Or = ignore_args or
794  | choose Theory_Resolution = ignore_args unit_res
795  | choose Resolution = ignore_args unit_res
796  | choose Eq_Reflexive = ignore_args eq_reflexive
797  | choose Connective_Equiv = ignore_args connective_equiv
798  | choose Trans = ignore_args trans
799  | choose False = ignore_args false_rule
800  | choose Tmp_AC_Simp = ignore_args tmp_AC_rule
801  | choose And = ignore_args and_rule
802  | choose Not_And = ignore_args not_and_rule
803  | choose Not_Or = ignore_args not_or_rule
804  | choose Or_Pos = ignore_args or_pos_rule
805  | choose Or_Neg = ignore_args or_neg_rule
806  | choose Tmp_Bfun_Elim = ignore_args tmp_bfun_elim
807  | choose ITE1 = ignore_args ite1
808  | choose ITE2 = ignore_args ite2
809  | choose Not_ITE1 = ignore_args not_ite1
810  | choose Not_ITE2 = ignore_args not_ite2
811  | choose ITE_Pos1 = ignore_args ite_pos1
812  | choose ITE_Pos2 = ignore_args ite_pos2
813  | choose ITE_Neg1 = ignore_args ite_neg1
814  | choose ITE_Neg2 = ignore_args ite_neg2
815  | choose ITE_Intro = ignore_args ite_intro
816  | choose LA_Disequality = ignore_args Z3_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma
817  | choose LIA_Generic = ignore_args Z3_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma
818  | choose LA_Generic = ignore_args Z3_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma
819  | choose LA_Totality = ignore_args Z3_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma
820  | choose LA_Tautology = ignore_args Z3_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma
821  | choose LA_RW_Eq = ignore_args la_rw_eq
822  | choose NLA_Generic = ignore_args Z3_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma
823  | choose Normalized_Input = ignore_args normalized_input
824  | choose Qnt_Rm_Unused = ignore_args qnt_rm_unused
825  | choose Qnt_Simplify = ignore_args qnt_simplify
826  | choose Qnt_Join = ignore_args qnt_join
827  | choose Eq_Congruent_Pred = ignore_args eq_congruent_pred
828  | choose Eq_Congruent = ignore_args eq_congruent_pred
829  | choose Eq_Transitive = ignore_args eq_transitive
830  | choose Local_Input = ignore_args refl
831  | choose Subproof = ignore_args subproof
832  | choose r = unsupported (string_of_verit_rule r)
834type Verit_method = Proof.context -> thm list -> term -> thm
835type abs_context = int * term Termtab.table
837fun with_tracing rule method ctxt thms args t =
838  let val _ = SMT_Replay_Methods.trace_goal ctxt rule thms t
839  in method ctxt thms args t end
841fun method_for rule = with_tracing rule (choose (verit_rule_of rule))