1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/SMT/verit_proof.ML
2    Author:     Mathias Fleury, ENS Rennes
3    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
5VeriT proofs: parsing and abstract syntax tree.
8signature VERIT_PROOF =
10  (*proofs*)
11  datatype veriT_step = VeriT_Step of {
12    id: string,
13    rule: string,
14    prems: string list,
15    proof_ctxt: term list,
16    concl: term,
17    fixes: string list}
19  datatype veriT_replay_node = VeriT_Replay_Node of {
20    id: string,
21    rule: string,
22    args: term list,
23    prems: string list,
24    proof_ctxt: term list,
25    concl: term,
26    bounds: (string * typ) list,
27    subproof: (string * typ) list * term list * veriT_replay_node list}
29  (*proof parser*)
30  val parse: typ Symtab.table -> term Symtab.table -> string list ->
31    Proof.context -> veriT_step list * Proof.context
32  val parse_replay: typ Symtab.table -> term Symtab.table -> string list ->
33    Proof.context -> veriT_replay_node list * Proof.context
35  val map_replay_prems: (string list -> string list) -> veriT_replay_node -> veriT_replay_node
36  val veriT_step_prefix : string
37  val veriT_input_rule: string
38  val veriT_normalized_input_rule: string
39  val veriT_la_generic_rule : string
40  val veriT_rewrite_rule : string
41  val veriT_simp_arith_rule : string
42  val veriT_tmp_skolemize_rule : string
43  val veriT_subproof_rule : string
44  val veriT_local_input_rule : string
47structure VeriT_Proof: VERIT_PROOF =
50open SMTLIB_Proof
52datatype raw_veriT_node = Raw_VeriT_Node of {
53  id: string,
54  rule: string,
55  args: SMTLIB.tree,
56  prems: string list,
57  concl: SMTLIB.tree,
58  subproof: raw_veriT_node list}
60fun mk_raw_node id rule args prems concl subproof =
61  Raw_VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = args, prems = prems, concl = concl,
62    subproof = subproof}
64datatype veriT_node = VeriT_Node of {
65  id: string,
66  rule: string,
67  prems: string list,
68  proof_ctxt: term list,
69  concl: term,
70  bounds: string list}
72fun mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt concl bounds =
73  VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl,
74    bounds = bounds}
76datatype veriT_replay_node = VeriT_Replay_Node of {
77  id: string,
78  rule: string,
79  args: term list,
80  prems: string list,
81  proof_ctxt: term list,
82  concl: term,
83  bounds: (string * typ) list,
84  subproof: (string * typ) list * term list * veriT_replay_node list}
86fun mk_replay_node id rule args prems proof_ctxt concl bounds subproof =
87  VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = args, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt,
88    concl = concl, bounds = bounds, subproof = subproof}
90datatype veriT_step = VeriT_Step of {
91  id: string,
92  rule: string,
93  prems: string list,
94  proof_ctxt: term list,
95  concl: term,
96  fixes: string list}
98fun mk_step id rule prems proof_ctxt concl fixes =
99  VeriT_Step {id = id, rule = rule, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl,
100    fixes = fixes}
102val veriT_step_prefix = ".c"
103val veriT_input_rule = "input"
104val veriT_la_generic_rule = "la_generic"
105val veriT_normalized_input_rule = "__normalized_input" (* arbitrary *)
106val veriT_rewrite_rule = "__rewrite" (* arbitrary *)
107val veriT_subproof_rule = "subproof"
108val veriT_local_input_rule = "__local_input" (* arbitrary *)
109val veriT_simp_arith_rule = "simp_arith"
111(* Even the veriT developer do not know if the following rule can still appear in proofs: *)
112val veriT_tmp_skolemize_rule = "tmp_skolemize"
114(* proof parser *)
116fun node_of p cx =
117  ([], cx)
118  ||>> `(with_fresh_names (term_of p))
119  |>> snd
121fun find_type_in_formula (Abs (v, T, u)) var_name =
122    if String.isPrefix var_name v then SOME T else find_type_in_formula u var_name
123  | find_type_in_formula (u $ v) var_name =
124    (case find_type_in_formula u var_name of
125      NONE => find_type_in_formula v var_name
126    | some_T => some_T)
127  | find_type_in_formula (Free(v, T)) var_name =
128    if String.isPrefix var_name v then SOME T else NONE
129  | find_type_in_formula _ _ = NONE
131fun find_type_of_free_in_formula (Free (v, T) $ u) var_name =
132    if String.isPrefix var_name v then SOME T else find_type_in_formula u var_name
133  | find_type_of_free_in_formula (Abs (v, T, u)) var_name =
134    if String.isPrefix var_name v then SOME T else find_type_in_formula u var_name
135  | find_type_of_free_in_formula (u $ v) var_name =
136    (case find_type_in_formula u var_name of
137      NONE => find_type_in_formula v var_name
138    | some_T => some_T)
139  | find_type_of_free_in_formula _ _ = NONE
141fun add_bound_variables_to_ctxt concl =
142  fold (update_binding o
143    (fn s => (s, Term (Free (s, the_default dummyT (find_type_in_formula concl s))))))
148  fun remove_Sym (SMTLIB.Sym y) = y
150  fun extract_symbols bds =
151    bds
152    |> map (fn SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Key _, SMTLIB.Sym x, SMTLIB.Sym y] => [x, y]
153            | SMTLIB.S syms => map remove_Sym syms)
154    |> flat
156  fun extract_symbols_map bds =
157    bds
158    |> map (fn SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Key _, SMTLIB.Sym x, _] => [x]
159            | SMTLIB.S syms =>  map remove_Sym syms)
160    |> flat
163fun bound_vars_by_rule "bind" (SMTLIB.S bds) = extract_symbols bds
164  | bound_vars_by_rule "qnt_simplify" (SMTLIB.S bds) = extract_symbols_map bds
165  | bound_vars_by_rule "sko_forall" (SMTLIB.S bds) = extract_symbols_map bds
166  | bound_vars_by_rule "sko_ex" (SMTLIB.S bds) = extract_symbols_map bds
167  | bound_vars_by_rule _ _ = []
169fun global_bound_vars_by_rule _ _ = []
171(* VeriT adds "?" before some variable. *)
172fun remove_all_qm (SMTLIB.Sym v :: l) =
173    SMTLIB.Sym (perhaps (try (unprefix "?")) v) :: remove_all_qm l
174  | remove_all_qm (SMTLIB.S l :: l') = SMTLIB.S (remove_all_qm l) :: remove_all_qm l'
175  | remove_all_qm (SMTLIB.Key v :: l) = SMTLIB.Key v :: remove_all_qm l
176  | remove_all_qm (v :: l) = v :: remove_all_qm l
177  | remove_all_qm [] = []
179fun remove_all_qm2 (SMTLIB.Sym v) = SMTLIB.Sym (perhaps (try (unprefix "?")) v)
180  | remove_all_qm2 (SMTLIB.S l) = SMTLIB.S (remove_all_qm l)
181  | remove_all_qm2 (SMTLIB.Key v) = SMTLIB.Key v
182  | remove_all_qm2 v = v
184val parse_rule_and_args =
185  let
186    fun parse_rule_name (SMTLIB.Sym rule :: l) = (rule, l)
187      | parse_rule_name l = (veriT_subproof_rule, l)
188    fun parse_args (SMTLIB.Key "args" :: args :: l) = (remove_all_qm2 args, l)
189      | parse_args l = (SMTLIB.S [], l)
190  in
191    parse_rule_name
192    ##> parse_args
193  end
197fun parse_raw_proof_step (p :  SMTLIB.tree) : raw_veriT_node =
198  let
199    fun rotate_pair (a, (b, c)) = ((a, b), c)
200    fun get_id (SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "set", SMTLIB.Sym id, SMTLIB.S l]) = (id, l)
201      | get_id t = raise Fail ("unrecognized VeriT proof " ^ \<^make_string> t)
202    fun parse_source (SMTLIB.Key "clauses" :: SMTLIB.S source ::l) =
203        (SOME (map (fn (SMTLIB.Sym id) => id) source), l)
204      | parse_source l = (NONE, l)
205    fun parse_subproof rule args id_of_father_step ((subproof_step as SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "set" :: _)) :: l) =
206        let
207          val subproof_steps = parse_raw_proof_step subproof_step
208        in
209          apfst (curry (op ::) subproof_steps) (parse_subproof rule args id_of_father_step l)
210        end
211      | parse_subproof _ _  _ l = ([], l)
213    fun parse_and_clausify_conclusion (SMTLIB.Key "conclusion" :: SMTLIB.S [] :: []) =
214          SMTLIB.Sym "false"
215      | parse_and_clausify_conclusion (SMTLIB.Key "conclusion" :: SMTLIB.S concl :: []) =
216          (SMTLIB.S (remove_all_qm (SMTLIB.Sym "or" :: concl)))
218    fun to_raw_node ((((((id, rule), args), prems), subproof), concl)) =
219      (mk_raw_node id rule args (the_default [] prems) concl subproof)
220  in
221    (get_id
222    ##> parse_rule_and_args
223    #> rotate_pair
224    #> rotate_pair
225    ##> parse_source
226    #> rotate_pair
227    #> (fn ((((id, rule), args), prems), sub) =>
228      ((((id, rule), args), prems), parse_subproof rule args id sub))
229    #> rotate_pair
230    ##> parse_and_clausify_conclusion
231    #> to_raw_node)
232    p
233  end
235fun proof_ctxt_of_rule "bind" t = t
236  | proof_ctxt_of_rule "sko_forall" t = t
237  | proof_ctxt_of_rule "sko_ex" t = t
238  | proof_ctxt_of_rule "let" t = t
239  | proof_ctxt_of_rule "qnt_simplify" t = t
240  | proof_ctxt_of_rule _ _ = []
242fun args_of_rule "forall_inst" t = t
243  | args_of_rule _ _ = []
245fun map_replay_prems f (VeriT_Replay_Node {id, rule, args, prems, proof_ctxt, concl, bounds,
246      subproof = (bound, assms, subproof)}) =
247  (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = args, prems = f prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt,
248    concl = concl, bounds = bounds, subproof = (bound, assms, map (map_replay_prems f) subproof)})
250fun map_replay_id f (VeriT_Replay_Node {id, rule, args, prems, proof_ctxt, concl, bounds,
251      subproof = (bound, assms, subproof)}) =
252  (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = f id, rule = rule, args = args, prems = prems, proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt,
253    concl = concl, bounds = bounds, subproof = (bound, assms, map (map_replay_id f) subproof)})
255fun id_of_last_step prems =
256  if null prems then []
257  else
258    let val VeriT_Replay_Node {id, ...} = List.last prems in [id] end
260val extract_assumptions_from_subproof =
261  let fun extract_assumptions_from_subproof (VeriT_Replay_Node {rule, concl, ...}) =
262    if rule = veriT_local_input_rule then [concl] else []
263  in
264    map extract_assumptions_from_subproof
265    #> flat
266  end
268fun normalized_rule_name id rule =
269  (case (rule = veriT_input_rule, can (unprefix SMTLIB_Interface.assert_prefix) id) of
270    (true, true) => veriT_normalized_input_rule
271  | (true, _) => veriT_local_input_rule
272  | _ => rule)
274fun is_assm_repetition id rule =
275  rule = veriT_input_rule andalso can (unprefix SMTLIB_Interface.assert_prefix) id
277fun postprocess_proof ctxt step =
278  let fun postprocess (Raw_VeriT_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = args,
279     prems = prems, concl = concl, subproof = subproof}) cx =
280    let
281      val ((concl, bounds), cx') = node_of concl cx
283      val bound_vars = bound_vars_by_rule rule args
285      (* postprocess conclusion *)
286      val new_global_bounds = global_bound_vars_by_rule rule args
287      val concl = SMTLIB_Isar.unskolemize_names ctxt concl
289      val _ = (SMT_Config.veriT_msg ctxt) (fn () => \<^print> ("id =", id, "concl =", concl))
290      val _ = (SMT_Config.veriT_msg ctxt) (fn () => \<^print> ("id =", id, "cx' =", cx',
291        "bound_vars =", bound_vars))
292      val bound_vars = filter_out (member ((op =)) new_global_bounds) bound_vars
293      val bound_tvars =
294        map (fn s => (s, the (find_type_in_formula concl s))) bound_vars
295      val subproof_cx = add_bound_variables_to_ctxt concl bound_vars cx
296      val (p : veriT_replay_node list list, _) =
297        fold_map postprocess subproof subproof_cx
299      (* postprocess assms *)
300      val SMTLIB.S stripped_args = args
301      val sanitized_args =
302        proof_ctxt_of_rule rule stripped_args
303        |> map
304            (fn SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Key "=", x, y] => SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", x, y]
305            | SMTLIB.S syms =>
306                SMTLIB.S (SMTLIB.Sym "and" :: map (fn x => SMTLIB.S [SMTLIB.Sym "=", x, x]) syms)
307            | x => x)
308      val (termified_args, _) = fold_map node_of sanitized_args subproof_cx |> apfst (map fst)
309      val normalized_args = map (SMTLIB_Isar.unskolemize_names ctxt) termified_args
311      val subproof_assms = proof_ctxt_of_rule rule normalized_args
313      (* postprocess arguments *)
314      val rule_args = args_of_rule rule stripped_args
315      val (termified_args, _) = fold_map term_of rule_args subproof_cx
316      val normalized_args = map (SMTLIB_Isar.unskolemize_names ctxt) termified_args
317      val rule_args = normalized_args
319      (* fix subproof *)
320      val p = flat p
321      val p = map (map_replay_prems (map (curry (op ^) id))) p
322      val p = map (map_replay_id (curry (op ^) id)) p
324      val extra_assms2 =
325        (if rule = veriT_subproof_rule then extract_assumptions_from_subproof p else [])
327      (* fix step *)
328      val bound_t =
329        bounds
330        |> map (fn s => (s, the_default dummyT (find_type_of_free_in_formula concl s)))
331      val fixed_prems =
332        (if null subproof then prems else map (curry (op ^) id) prems) @
333        (if is_assm_repetition id rule then [id] else []) @
334        id_of_last_step p
335      val normalized_rule = normalized_rule_name id rule
336      val step = mk_replay_node id normalized_rule rule_args fixed_prems subproof_assms concl
337        bound_t (bound_tvars, subproof_assms @ extra_assms2, p)
338    in
339       ([step], cx')
340    end
341  in postprocess step end
344(*subproofs are written on multiple lines: SMTLIB can not parse then, because parentheses are
345unbalanced on each line*)
346fun seperate_into_steps lines =
347  let
348    fun count ("(" :: l) n = count l (n + 1)
349      | count (")" :: l) n = count l (n - 1)
350      | count (_ :: l) n = count l n
351      | count [] n = n
352    fun seperate (line :: l) actual_lines m =
353        let val n = count (raw_explode line) 0 in
354          if m + n = 0 then
355            [actual_lines ^ line] :: seperate l "" 0
356          else
357            seperate l (actual_lines ^ line) (m + n)
358        end
359      | seperate [] _ 0 = []
360  in
361    seperate lines "" 0
362  end
364fun unprefix_all_syms c (SMTLIB.Sym v :: l) =
365    SMTLIB.Sym (perhaps (try (unprefix c)) v) :: unprefix_all_syms c l
366  | unprefix_all_syms c (SMTLIB.S l :: l') = SMTLIB.S (unprefix_all_syms c l) :: unprefix_all_syms c l'
367  | unprefix_all_syms c (SMTLIB.Key v :: l) = SMTLIB.Key v :: unprefix_all_syms c l
368  | unprefix_all_syms c (v :: l) = v :: unprefix_all_syms c l
369  | unprefix_all_syms _ [] = []
371(* VeriT adds "@" before every variable. *)
372val remove_all_ats = unprefix_all_syms "@"
374val linearize_proof =
375  let
376    fun linearize (VeriT_Replay_Node {id = id, rule = rule, args = _, prems = prems,
377        proof_ctxt = proof_ctxt, concl = concl, bounds = bounds, subproof = (_, _, subproof)}) =
378      let
379        fun mk_prop_of_term concl =
380          concl |> fastype_of concl = \<^typ>\<open>bool\<close> ? curry (op $) \<^term>\<open>Trueprop\<close>
381        fun remove_assumption_id assumption_id prems =
382          filter_out (curry (op =) assumption_id) prems
383        fun inline_assumption assumption assumption_id
384            (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, proof_ctxt, concl, bounds}) =
385          mk_node id rule (remove_assumption_id assumption_id prems) proof_ctxt
386            (\<^const>\<open>Pure.imp\<close> $ mk_prop_of_term assumption $ mk_prop_of_term concl) bounds
387        fun find_input_steps_and_inline [] = []
388          | find_input_steps_and_inline
389              (VeriT_Node {id = id', rule, prems, concl, bounds, ...} :: steps) =
390            if rule = veriT_input_rule then
391              find_input_steps_and_inline (map (inline_assumption concl id') steps)
392            else
393              mk_node (id') rule prems [] concl bounds :: find_input_steps_and_inline steps
395        val subproof = flat (map linearize subproof)
396        val subproof' = find_input_steps_and_inline subproof
397      in
398        subproof' @ [mk_node id rule prems proof_ctxt concl (map fst bounds)]
399      end
400  in linearize end
403  fun import_proof_and_post_process typs funs lines ctxt =
404    let
405      val smtlib_lines_without_at =
406      seperate_into_steps lines
407      |> map SMTLIB.parse
408      |> remove_all_ats
409    in apfst flat (fold_map (fn l => postprocess_proof ctxt (parse_raw_proof_step l))
410      smtlib_lines_without_at (empty_context ctxt typs funs)) end
413fun parse typs funs lines ctxt =
414  let
415    val (u, env) = import_proof_and_post_process typs funs lines ctxt
416    val t = flat (map linearize_proof u)
417    fun node_to_step (VeriT_Node {id, rule, prems, concl, bounds, ...}) =
418      mk_step id rule prems [] concl bounds
419  in
420    (map node_to_step t, ctxt_of env)
421  end
423fun parse_replay typs funs lines ctxt =
424  let
425    val (u, env) = import_proof_and_post_process typs funs lines ctxt
426    val _ = (SMT_Config.veriT_msg ctxt) (fn () => \<^print> u)
427  in
428    (u, ctxt_of env)
429  end