1(*  Author:  S��bastien Gou��zel   sebastien.gouezel@univ-rennes1.fr
2    Author:  Johannes H��lzl (TUM) -- ported to Limsup
3    License: BSD
6theory Essential_Supremum
7imports "HOL-Analysis.Analysis"
10lemma ae_filter_eq_bot_iff: "ae_filter M = bot \<longleftrightarrow> emeasure M (space M) = 0"
11  by (simp add: AE_iff_measurable trivial_limit_def)
13section \<open>The essential supremum\<close>
15text \<open>In this paragraph, we define the essential supremum and give its basic properties. The
16essential supremum of a function is its maximum value if one is allowed to throw away a set
17of measure $0$. It is convenient to define it to be infinity for non-measurable functions, as
18it allows for neater statements in general. This is a prerequisiste to define the space $L^\infty$.\<close>
20definition esssup::"'a measure \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b::{second_countable_topology, dense_linorder, linorder_topology, complete_linorder}) \<Rightarrow> 'b"
21  where "esssup M f = (if f \<in> borel_measurable M then Limsup (ae_filter M) f else top)"
23lemma esssup_non_measurable: "f \<notin> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel \<Longrightarrow> esssup M f = top"
24  by (simp add: esssup_def)
26lemma esssup_eq_AE:
27  assumes f: "f \<in> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel" shows "esssup M f = Inf {z. AE x in M. f x \<le> z}"
28  unfolding esssup_def if_P[OF f] Limsup_def
29proof (intro antisym INF_greatest Inf_greatest; clarsimp)
30  fix y assume "AE x in M. f x \<le> y"
31  then have "(\<lambda>x. f x \<le> y) \<in> {P. AE x in M. P x}"
32    by simp
33  then show "(INF P\<in>{P. AE x in M. P x}. SUP x\<in>Collect P. f x) \<le> y"
34    by (rule INF_lower2) (auto intro: SUP_least)
36  fix P assume P: "AE x in M. P x"
37  show "Inf {z. AE x in M. f x \<le> z} \<le> (SUP x\<in>Collect P. f x)"
38  proof (rule Inf_lower; clarsimp)
39    show "AE x in M. f x \<le> (SUP x\<in>Collect P. f x)"
40      using P by (auto elim: eventually_mono simp: SUP_upper)
41  qed
44lemma esssup_eq: "f \<in> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel \<Longrightarrow> esssup M f = Inf {z. emeasure M {x \<in> space M. f x > z} = 0}"
45  by (auto simp add: esssup_eq_AE not_less[symmetric] AE_iff_measurable[OF _ refl] intro!: arg_cong[where f=Inf])
47lemma esssup_zero_measure:
48  "emeasure M {x \<in> space M. f x > esssup M f} = 0"
49proof (cases "esssup M f = top")
50  case True
51  then show ?thesis by auto
53  case False
54  then have f[measurable]: "f \<in> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel" unfolding esssup_def by meson
55  have "esssup M f < top" using False by (auto simp: less_top)
56  have *: "{x \<in> space M. f x > z} \<in> null_sets M" if "z > esssup M f" for z
57  proof -
58    have "\<exists>w. w < z \<and> emeasure M {x \<in> space M. f x > w} = 0"
59      using \<open>z > esssup M f\<close> f by (auto simp: esssup_eq Inf_less_iff)
60    then obtain w where "w < z" "emeasure M {x \<in> space M. f x > w} = 0" by auto
61    then have a: "{x \<in> space M. f x > w} \<in> null_sets M" by auto
62    have b: "{x \<in> space M. f x > z} \<subseteq> {x \<in> space M. f x > w}" using \<open>w < z\<close> by auto
63    show ?thesis using null_sets_subset[OF a _ b] by simp
64  qed
65  obtain u::"nat \<Rightarrow> 'b" where u: "\<And>n. u n > esssup M f" "u \<longlonglongrightarrow> esssup M f"
66    using approx_from_above_dense_linorder[OF \<open>esssup M f < top\<close>] by auto
67  have "{x \<in> space M. f x > esssup M f} = (\<Union>n. {x \<in> space M. f x > u n})"
68    using u apply auto
69    apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) order_tendsto_iff eventually_mono LIMSEQ_unique)
70    using less_imp_le less_le_trans by blast
71  also have "... \<in> null_sets M"
72    using *[OF u(1)] by auto
73  finally show ?thesis by auto
76lemma esssup_AE: "AE x in M. f x \<le> esssup M f"
77proof (cases "f \<in> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel")
78  case True then show ?thesis
79    by (intro AE_I[OF _ esssup_zero_measure[of _ f]]) auto
80qed (simp add: esssup_non_measurable)
82lemma esssup_pos_measure:
83  "f \<in> borel_measurable M \<Longrightarrow> z < esssup M f \<Longrightarrow> emeasure M {x \<in> space M. f x > z} > 0"
84  using Inf_less_iff mem_Collect_eq not_gr_zero by (force simp: esssup_eq)
86lemma esssup_I [intro]: "f \<in> borel_measurable M \<Longrightarrow> AE x in M. f x \<le> c \<Longrightarrow> esssup M f \<le> c"
87  unfolding esssup_def by (simp add: Limsup_bounded)
89lemma esssup_AE_mono: "f \<in> borel_measurable M \<Longrightarrow> AE x in M. f x \<le> g x \<Longrightarrow> esssup M f \<le> esssup M g"
90  by (auto simp: esssup_def Limsup_mono)
92lemma esssup_mono: "f \<in> borel_measurable M \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>x. f x \<le> g x) \<Longrightarrow> esssup M f \<le> esssup M g"
93  by (rule esssup_AE_mono) auto
95lemma esssup_AE_cong:
96  "f \<in> borel_measurable M \<Longrightarrow> g \<in> borel_measurable M \<Longrightarrow> AE x in M. f x = g x \<Longrightarrow> esssup M f = esssup M g"
97  by (auto simp: esssup_def intro!: Limsup_eq)
99lemma esssup_const: "emeasure M (space M) \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> esssup M (\<lambda>x. c) = c"
100  by (simp add: esssup_def Limsup_const ae_filter_eq_bot_iff)
102lemma esssup_cmult: assumes "c > (0::real)" shows "esssup M (\<lambda>x. c * f x::ereal) = c * esssup M f"
103proof -
104  have "(\<lambda>x. ereal c * f x) \<in> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel \<Longrightarrow> f \<in> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel"
105  proof (subst measurable_cong)
106    fix \<omega> show "f \<omega> = ereal (1/c) * (ereal c * f \<omega>)"
107      using \<open>0 < c\<close> by (cases "f \<omega>") auto
108  qed auto
109  then have "(\<lambda>x. ereal c * f x) \<in> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel \<longleftrightarrow> f \<in> M \<rightarrow>\<^sub>M borel"
110    by(safe intro!: borel_measurable_ereal_times borel_measurable_const)
111  with \<open>0<c\<close> show ?thesis
112    by (cases "ae_filter M = bot")
113       (auto simp: esssup_def bot_ereal_def top_ereal_def Limsup_ereal_mult_left)
116lemma esssup_add:
117  "esssup M (\<lambda>x. f x + g x::ereal) \<le> esssup M f + esssup M g"
118proof (cases "f \<in> borel_measurable M \<and> g \<in> borel_measurable M")
119  case True
120  then have [measurable]: "(\<lambda>x. f x + g x) \<in> borel_measurable M" by auto
121  have "f x + g x \<le> esssup M f + esssup M g" if "f x \<le> esssup M f" "g x \<le> esssup M g" for x
122    using that add_mono by auto
123  then have "AE x in M. f x + g x \<le> esssup M f + esssup M g"
124    using esssup_AE[of f M] esssup_AE[of g M] by auto
125  then show ?thesis using esssup_I by auto
127  case False
128  then have "esssup M f + esssup M g = \<infinity>" unfolding esssup_def top_ereal_def by auto
129  then show ?thesis by auto
132lemma esssup_zero_space:
133  "emeasure M (space M) = 0 \<Longrightarrow> f \<in> borel_measurable M \<Longrightarrow> esssup M f = (- \<infinity>::ereal)"
134  by (simp add: esssup_def ae_filter_eq_bot_iff[symmetric] bot_ereal_def)