1(*  Title:      HOL/Auth/OtwayRees.thy
2    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
3    Copyright   1996  University of Cambridge
6section\<open>The Original Otway-Rees Protocol\<close>
8theory OtwayRees imports Public begin
10text\<open>From page 244 of
11  Burrows, Abadi and Needham (1989).  A Logic of Authentication.
12  Proc. Royal Soc. 426
14This is the original version, which encrypts Nonce NB.\<close>
16inductive_set otway :: "event list set"
17  where
18         (*Initial trace is empty*)
19   Nil:  "[] \<in> otway"
21         (*The spy MAY say anything he CAN say.  We do not expect him to
22           invent new nonces here, but he can also use NS1.  Common to
23           all similar protocols.*)
24 | Fake: "\<lbrakk>evsf \<in> otway;  X \<in> synth (analz (knows Spy evsf)) \<rbrakk>
25          \<Longrightarrow> Says Spy B X  # evsf \<in> otway"
27         (*A message that has been sent can be received by the
28           intended recipient.*)
29 | Reception: "\<lbrakk>evsr \<in> otway;  Says A B X \<in>set evsr\<rbrakk>
30               \<Longrightarrow> Gets B X # evsr \<in> otway"
32         (*Alice initiates a protocol run*)
33 | OR1:  "\<lbrakk>evs1 \<in> otway;  Nonce NA \<notin> used evs1\<rbrakk>
34          \<Longrightarrow> Says A B \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Agent A, Agent B,
35                         Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace> \<rbrace>
36                 # evs1 \<in> otway"
38         (*Bob's response to Alice's message.  Note that NB is encrypted.*)
39 | OR2:  "\<lbrakk>evs2 \<in> otway;  Nonce NB \<notin> used evs2;
40             Gets B \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Agent A, Agent B, X\<rbrace> \<in> set evs2\<rbrakk>
41          \<Longrightarrow> Says B Server
42                  \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Agent A, Agent B, X,
43                    Crypt (shrK B)
44                      \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Nonce NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
45                 # evs2 \<in> otway"
47         (*The Server receives Bob's message and checks that the three NAs
48           match.  Then he sends a new session key to Bob with a packet for
49           forwarding to Alice.*)
50 | OR3:  "\<lbrakk>evs3 \<in> otway;  Key KAB \<notin> used evs3;
51             Gets Server
52                  \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Agent A, Agent B,
53                    Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>,
54                    Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Nonce NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
55               \<in> set evs3\<rbrakk>
56          \<Longrightarrow> Says Server B
57                  \<lbrace>Nonce NA,
58                    Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Key KAB\<rbrace>,
59                    Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>Nonce NB, Key KAB\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
60                 # evs3 \<in> otway"
62         (*Bob receives the Server's (?) message and compares the Nonces with
63           those in the message he previously sent the Server.
64           Need B \<noteq> Server because we allow messages to self.*)
65 | OR4:  "\<lbrakk>evs4 \<in> otway;  B \<noteq> Server;
66             Says B Server \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Agent A, Agent B, X',
67                             Crypt (shrK B)
68                                   \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Nonce NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
69               \<in> set evs4;
70             Gets B \<lbrace>Nonce NA, X, Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>Nonce NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
71               \<in> set evs4\<rbrakk>
72          \<Longrightarrow> Says B A \<lbrace>Nonce NA, X\<rbrace> # evs4 \<in> otway"
74         (*This message models possible leaks of session keys.  The nonces
75           identify the protocol run.*)
76 | Oops: "\<lbrakk>evso \<in> otway;
77             Says Server B \<lbrace>Nonce NA, X, Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>Nonce NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
78               \<in> set evso\<rbrakk>
79          \<Longrightarrow> Notes Spy \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Nonce NB, Key K\<rbrace> # evso \<in> otway"
82declare Says_imp_analz_Spy [dest]
83declare parts.Body  [dest]
84declare analz_into_parts [dest]
85declare Fake_parts_insert_in_Un  [dest]
88text\<open>A "possibility property": there are traces that reach the end\<close>
89lemma "\<lbrakk>B \<noteq> Server; Key K \<notin> used []\<rbrakk>
90      \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>evs \<in> otway.
91             Says B A \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>Nonce NA, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
92               \<in> set evs"
93apply (intro exI bexI)
94apply (rule_tac [2] otway.Nil
95                    [THEN otway.OR1, THEN otway.Reception,
96                     THEN otway.OR2, THEN otway.Reception,
97                     THEN otway.OR3, THEN otway.Reception, THEN otway.OR4]) 
98apply (possibility, simp add: used_Cons) 
101lemma Gets_imp_Says [dest!]:
102     "\<lbrakk>Gets B X \<in> set evs; evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>A. Says A B X \<in> set evs"
103apply (erule rev_mp)
104apply (erule otway.induct, auto)
108(** For reasoning about the encrypted portion of messages **)
110lemma OR2_analz_knows_Spy:
111     "\<lbrakk>Gets B \<lbrace>N, Agent A, Agent B, X\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
112      \<Longrightarrow> X \<in> analz (knows Spy evs)"
113by blast
115lemma OR4_analz_knows_Spy:
116     "\<lbrakk>Gets B \<lbrace>N, X, Crypt (shrK B) X'\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
117      \<Longrightarrow> X \<in> analz (knows Spy evs)"
118by blast
120(*These lemmas assist simplification by removing forwarded X-variables.
121  We can replace them by rewriting with parts_insert2 and proving using
122  dest: parts_cut, but the proofs become more difficult.*)
123lemmas OR2_parts_knows_Spy =
124    OR2_analz_knows_Spy [THEN analz_into_parts]
126(*There could be OR4_parts_knows_Spy and Oops_parts_knows_Spy, but for
127  some reason proofs work without them!*)
130text\<open>Theorems of the form \<^term>\<open>X \<notin> parts (spies evs)\<close> imply that
131NOBODY sends messages containing X!\<close>
133text\<open>Spy never sees a good agent's shared key!\<close>
134lemma Spy_see_shrK [simp]:
135     "evs \<in> otway \<Longrightarrow> (Key (shrK A) \<in> parts (knows Spy evs)) = (A \<in> bad)"
136by (erule otway.induct, force,
137    drule_tac [4] OR2_parts_knows_Spy, simp_all, blast+)
140lemma Spy_analz_shrK [simp]:
141     "evs \<in> otway \<Longrightarrow> (Key (shrK A) \<in> analz (knows Spy evs)) = (A \<in> bad)"
142by auto
144lemma Spy_see_shrK_D [dest!]:
145     "\<lbrakk>Key (shrK A) \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<in> bad"
146by (blast dest: Spy_see_shrK)
149subsection\<open>Towards Secrecy: Proofs Involving \<^term>\<open>analz\<close>\<close>
151(*Describes the form of K and NA when the Server sends this message.  Also
152  for Oops case.*)
153lemma Says_Server_message_form:
154     "\<lbrakk>Says Server B \<lbrace>NA, X, Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
155         evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
156      \<Longrightarrow> K \<notin> range shrK \<and> (\<exists>i. NA = Nonce i) \<and> (\<exists>j. NB = Nonce j)"
157by (erule rev_mp, erule otway.induct, simp_all)
161 The following is to prove theorems of the form
163  Key K \<in> analz (insert (Key KAB) (knows Spy evs)) \<Longrightarrow>
164  Key K \<in> analz (knows Spy evs)
166 A more general formula must be proved inductively.
170text\<open>Session keys are not used to encrypt other session keys\<close>
172text\<open>The equality makes the induction hypothesis easier to apply\<close>
173lemma analz_image_freshK [rule_format]:
174 "evs \<in> otway \<Longrightarrow>
175   \<forall>K KK. KK \<subseteq> -(range shrK) \<longrightarrow>
176          (Key K \<in> analz (Key`KK \<union> (knows Spy evs))) =
177          (K \<in> KK | Key K \<in> analz (knows Spy evs))"
178apply (erule otway.induct)
179apply (frule_tac [8] Says_Server_message_form)
180apply (drule_tac [7] OR4_analz_knows_Spy)
181apply (drule_tac [5] OR2_analz_knows_Spy, analz_freshK, spy_analz, auto) 
184lemma analz_insert_freshK:
185  "\<lbrakk>evs \<in> otway;  KAB \<notin> range shrK\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
186      (Key K \<in> analz (insert (Key KAB) (knows Spy evs))) =
187      (K = KAB | Key K \<in> analz (knows Spy evs))"
188by (simp only: analz_image_freshK analz_image_freshK_simps)
191text\<open>The Key K uniquely identifies the Server's  message.\<close>
192lemma unique_session_keys:
193     "\<lbrakk>Says Server B \<lbrace>NA, X, Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, K\<rbrace>\<rbrace>   \<in> set evs;
194         Says Server B' \<lbrace>NA',X',Crypt (shrK B') \<lbrace>NB',K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
195         evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> X=X' \<and> B=B' \<and> NA=NA' \<and> NB=NB'"
196apply (erule rev_mp)
197apply (erule rev_mp)
198apply (erule otway.induct, simp_all)
199apply blast+  \<comment> \<open>OR3 and OR4\<close>
203subsection\<open>Authenticity properties relating to NA\<close>
205text\<open>Only OR1 can have caused such a part of a message to appear.\<close>
206lemma Crypt_imp_OR1 [rule_format]:
207 "\<lbrakk>A \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
208  \<Longrightarrow> Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace> \<in> parts (knows Spy evs) \<longrightarrow>
209      Says A B \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B,
210                 Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
211        \<in> set evs"
212by (erule otway.induct, force,
213    drule_tac [4] OR2_parts_knows_Spy, simp_all, blast+)
215lemma Crypt_imp_OR1_Gets:
216     "\<lbrakk>Gets B \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B,
217                  Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
218         A \<notin> bad; evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
219       \<Longrightarrow> Says A B \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B,
220                      Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
221             \<in> set evs"
222by (blast dest: Crypt_imp_OR1)
225text\<open>The Nonce NA uniquely identifies A's message\<close>
226lemma unique_NA:
227     "\<lbrakk>Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace> \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
228         Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent C\<rbrace> \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
229         evs \<in> otway;  A \<notin> bad\<rbrakk>
230      \<Longrightarrow> B = C"
231apply (erule rev_mp, erule rev_mp)
232apply (erule otway.induct, force,
233       drule_tac [4] OR2_parts_knows_Spy, simp_all, blast+)
237text\<open>It is impossible to re-use a nonce in both OR1 and OR2.  This holds because
238  OR2 encrypts Nonce NB.  It prevents the attack that can occur in the
239  over-simplified version of this protocol: see \<open>OtwayRees_Bad\<close>.\<close>
240lemma no_nonce_OR1_OR2:
241   "\<lbrakk>Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace> \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
242       A \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
243    \<Longrightarrow> Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA', NA, Agent A', Agent A\<rbrace> \<notin> parts (knows Spy evs)"
244apply (erule rev_mp)
245apply (erule otway.induct, force,
246       drule_tac [4] OR2_parts_knows_Spy, simp_all, blast+)
249text\<open>Crucial property: If the encrypted message appears, and A has used NA
250  to start a run, then it originated with the Server!\<close>
251lemma NA_Crypt_imp_Server_msg [rule_format]:
252     "\<lbrakk>A \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
253      \<Longrightarrow> Says A B \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B,
254                     Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs \<longrightarrow>
255          Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace> \<in> parts (knows Spy evs)
256          \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>NB. Says Server B
257                         \<lbrace>NA,
258                           Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>,
259                           Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs)"
260apply (erule otway.induct, force,
261       drule_tac [4] OR2_parts_knows_Spy, simp_all, blast)
262  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR1: by freshness\<close>
263    by blast  
264  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR3\<close>
265    by (blast dest!: no_nonce_OR1_OR2 intro: unique_NA)
266  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR4\<close>
267    by (blast intro!: Crypt_imp_OR1) 
271text\<open>Corollary: if A receives B's OR4 message and the nonce NA agrees
272  then the key really did come from the Server!  CANNOT prove this of the
273  bad form of this protocol, even though we can prove
274  \<open>Spy_not_see_encrypted_key\<close>\<close>
275lemma A_trusts_OR4:
276     "\<lbrakk>Says A  B \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B,
277                     Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
278         Says B' A \<lbrace>NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
279     A \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
280  \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>NB. Says Server B
281               \<lbrace>NA,
282                 Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>,
283                 Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
284                 \<in> set evs"
285by (blast intro!: NA_Crypt_imp_Server_msg)
288text\<open>Crucial secrecy property: Spy does not see the keys sent in msg OR3
289    Does not in itself guarantee security: an attack could violate
290    the premises, e.g. by having \<^term>\<open>A=Spy\<close>\<close>
291lemma secrecy_lemma:
292 "\<lbrakk>A \<notin> bad;  B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
293  \<Longrightarrow> Says Server B
294        \<lbrace>NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>,
295          Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs \<longrightarrow>
296      Notes Spy \<lbrace>NA, NB, Key K\<rbrace> \<notin> set evs \<longrightarrow>
297      Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
298  apply (erule otway.induct, force, simp_all)
299  subgoal \<comment> \<open>Fake\<close>
300    by spy_analz
301  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR2\<close>
302    by (drule OR2_analz_knows_Spy) (auto simp: analz_insert_eq)
303  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR3\<close>
304    by (auto simp add: analz_insert_freshK pushes)
305  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR4\<close>
306    by (drule OR4_analz_knows_Spy) (auto simp: analz_insert_eq)
307  subgoal \<comment> \<open>Oops\<close>
308    by (auto simp add: Says_Server_message_form analz_insert_freshK unique_session_keys)
309  done
311theorem Spy_not_see_encrypted_key:
312     "\<lbrakk>Says Server B
313          \<lbrace>NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>,
314                Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
315         Notes Spy \<lbrace>NA, NB, Key K\<rbrace> \<notin> set evs;
316         A \<notin> bad;  B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
317      \<Longrightarrow> Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
318by (blast dest: Says_Server_message_form secrecy_lemma)
320text\<open>This form is an immediate consequence of the previous result.  It is 
321similar to the assertions established by other methods.  It is equivalent
322to the previous result in that the Spy already has \<^term>\<open>analz\<close> and
323\<^term>\<open>synth\<close> at his disposal.  However, the conclusion 
324\<^term>\<open>Key K \<notin> knows Spy evs\<close> appears not to be inductive: all the cases
325other than Fake are trivial, while Fake requires 
326\<^term>\<open>Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)\<close>.\<close>
327lemma Spy_not_know_encrypted_key:
328     "\<lbrakk>Says Server B
329          \<lbrace>NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>,
330                Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
331         Notes Spy \<lbrace>NA, NB, Key K\<rbrace> \<notin> set evs;
332         A \<notin> bad;  B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
333      \<Longrightarrow> Key K \<notin> knows Spy evs"
334by (blast dest: Spy_not_see_encrypted_key)
337text\<open>A's guarantee.  The Oops premise quantifies over NB because A cannot know
338  what it is.\<close>
339lemma A_gets_good_key:
340     "\<lbrakk>Says A  B \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B,
341                     Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
342         Says B' A \<lbrace>NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
343         \<forall>NB. Notes Spy \<lbrace>NA, NB, Key K\<rbrace> \<notin> set evs;
344         A \<notin> bad;  B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
345      \<Longrightarrow> Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
346by (blast dest!: A_trusts_OR4 Spy_not_see_encrypted_key)
349subsection\<open>Authenticity properties relating to NB\<close>
351text\<open>Only OR2 can have caused such a part of a message to appear.  We do not
352  know anything about X: it does NOT have to have the right form.\<close>
353lemma Crypt_imp_OR2:
354     "\<lbrakk>Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NA, NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace> \<in> parts (knows Spy evs);
355         B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
356      \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>X. Says B Server
357                 \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B, X,
358                   Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NA, NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
359                 \<in> set evs"
360apply (erule rev_mp)
361apply (erule otway.induct, force,
362       drule_tac [4] OR2_parts_knows_Spy, simp_all, blast+)
366text\<open>The Nonce NB uniquely identifies B's  message\<close>
367lemma unique_NB:
368     "\<lbrakk>Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NA, NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace> \<in> parts(knows Spy evs);
369         Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NC, NB, Agent C, Agent B\<rbrace> \<in> parts(knows Spy evs);
370           evs \<in> otway;  B \<notin> bad\<rbrakk>
371         \<Longrightarrow> NC = NA \<and> C = A"
372apply (erule rev_mp, erule rev_mp)
373apply (erule otway.induct, force,
374       drule_tac [4] OR2_parts_knows_Spy, simp_all)
375apply blast+  \<comment> \<open>Fake, OR2\<close>
378text\<open>If the encrypted message appears, and B has used Nonce NB,
379  then it originated with the Server!  Quite messy proof.\<close>
380lemma NB_Crypt_imp_Server_msg [rule_format]:
381 "\<lbrakk>B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
382  \<Longrightarrow> Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace> \<in> parts (knows Spy evs)
383      \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>X'. Says B Server
384                     \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B, X',
385                       Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NA, NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
386           \<in> set evs
387           \<longrightarrow> Says Server B
388                \<lbrace>NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>,
389                      Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
390                    \<in> set evs)"
391apply simp
392apply (erule otway.induct, force, simp_all)
393  subgoal \<comment> \<open>Fake\<close>
394    by blast 
395  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR2\<close>
396    by (force dest!: OR2_parts_knows_Spy)
397  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR3\<close>
398    by (blast dest: unique_NB dest!: no_nonce_OR1_OR2)  \<comment> \<open>OR3\<close>
399  subgoal \<comment> \<open>OR4\<close>
400    by (blast dest!: Crypt_imp_OR2) 
404text\<open>Guarantee for B: if it gets a message with matching NB then the Server
405  has sent the correct message.\<close>
406theorem B_trusts_OR3:
407     "\<lbrakk>Says B Server \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B, X',
408                         Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NA, NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
409           \<in> set evs;
410         Gets B \<lbrace>NA, X, Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
411         B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
412      \<Longrightarrow> Says Server B
413               \<lbrace>NA,
414                 Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>,
415                 Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
416                 \<in> set evs"
417by (blast intro!: NB_Crypt_imp_Server_msg)
420text\<open>The obvious combination of \<open>B_trusts_OR3\<close> with 
421      \<open>Spy_not_see_encrypted_key\<close>\<close>
422lemma B_gets_good_key:
423     "\<lbrakk>Says B Server \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B, X',
424                         Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NA, NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
425           \<in> set evs;
426         Gets B \<lbrace>NA, X, Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
427         Notes Spy \<lbrace>NA, NB, Key K\<rbrace> \<notin> set evs;
428         A \<notin> bad;  B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
429      \<Longrightarrow> Key K \<notin> analz (knows Spy evs)"
430by (blast dest!: B_trusts_OR3 Spy_not_see_encrypted_key)
433lemma OR3_imp_OR2:
434     "\<lbrakk>Says Server B
435              \<lbrace>NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>,
436                Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NB, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
437         B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
438  \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>X. Says B Server \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B, X,
439                            Crypt (shrK B) \<lbrace>NA, NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
440              \<in> set evs"
441apply (erule rev_mp)
442apply (erule otway.induct, simp_all)
443apply (blast dest!: Crypt_imp_OR2)+
447text\<open>After getting and checking OR4, agent A can trust that B has been active.
448  We could probably prove that X has the expected form, but that is not
449  strictly necessary for authentication.\<close>
450theorem A_auths_B:
451     "\<lbrakk>Says B' A \<lbrace>NA, Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Key K\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
452         Says A  B \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B,
453                     Crypt (shrK A) \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
454         A \<notin> bad;  B \<notin> bad;  evs \<in> otway\<rbrakk>
455  \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>NB X. Says B Server \<lbrace>NA, Agent A, Agent B, X,
456                               Crypt (shrK B)  \<lbrace>NA, NB, Agent A, Agent B\<rbrace>\<rbrace>
457                 \<in> set evs"
458by (blast dest!: A_trusts_OR4 OR3_imp_OR2)