1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Lifting/lifting_term.ML
2    Author:     Ondrej Kuncar
4Proves Quotient theorem.
7signature LIFTING_TERM =
9  exception QUOT_THM of typ * typ * Pretty.T
10  exception PARAM_QUOT_THM of typ * Pretty.T
11  exception MERGE_TRANSFER_REL of Pretty.T
12  exception CHECK_RTY of typ * typ
14  type 'a fold_quot_thm = { constr: typ -> thm * 'a -> thm * 'a, lift: typ -> thm * 'a -> thm * 'a, 
15  comp_lift: typ -> thm * 'a -> thm * 'a }
17  type quotients = Lifting_Info.quotient Symtab.table
19  val force_qty_type: Proof.context -> typ -> thm -> thm
21  val prove_schematic_quot_thm: 'a fold_quot_thm -> quotients -> Proof.context -> 
22    typ * typ -> 'a -> thm * 'a
24  val instantiate_rtys: Proof.context -> typ * typ -> typ * typ
26  val prove_quot_thm: Proof.context -> typ * typ -> thm
28  val abs_fun: Proof.context -> typ * typ -> term
30  val equiv_relation: Proof.context -> typ * typ -> term
32  val prove_param_quot_thm: Proof.context -> typ -> thm * (typ * thm) list * Proof.context
34  val generate_parametrized_relator: Proof.context -> typ -> term * term list
36  val merge_transfer_relations: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm
38  val parametrize_transfer_rule: Proof.context -> thm -> thm
41structure Lifting_Term: LIFTING_TERM =
43open Lifting_Util
45infix 0 MRSL
47exception QUOT_THM_INTERNAL of Pretty.T
48exception QUOT_THM of typ * typ * Pretty.T
49exception PARAM_QUOT_THM of typ * Pretty.T
50exception MERGE_TRANSFER_REL of Pretty.T
51exception CHECK_RTY of typ * typ
53type quotients = Lifting_Info.quotient Symtab.table
55fun match ctxt err ty_pat ty =
56  Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (ty_pat, ty) Vartab.empty
57    handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => err ctxt ty_pat ty
59fun equiv_match_err ctxt ty_pat ty =
60  let
61    val ty_pat_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty_pat
62    val ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty
63  in
64    raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block
65      [Pretty.str ("The quotient type " ^ quote ty_str),
66       Pretty.brk 1,
67       Pretty.str ("and the quotient type pattern " ^ quote ty_pat_str),
68       Pretty.brk 1,
69       Pretty.str "don't match."])
70  end
72fun get_quot_data (quotients: quotients) s =
73  case Symtab.lookup quotients s of
74    SOME qdata => qdata
75  | NONE => raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block 
76    [Pretty.str ("No quotient type " ^ quote s), 
77     Pretty.brk 1, 
78     Pretty.str "found."])
80fun get_quot_thm quotients ctxt s =
81  Thm.transfer' ctxt (#quot_thm (get_quot_data quotients s))
83fun has_pcrel_info quotients s = is_some (#pcr_info (get_quot_data quotients s))
85fun get_pcrel_info quotients s =
86  case #pcr_info (get_quot_data quotients s) of
87    SOME pcr_info => pcr_info
88  | NONE => raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block 
89    [Pretty.str ("No parametrized correspondce relation for " ^ quote s), 
90     Pretty.brk 1, 
91     Pretty.str "found."])
93fun get_pcrel_def quotients ctxt s =
94  Thm.transfer' ctxt (#pcrel_def (get_pcrel_info quotients s))
96fun get_pcr_cr_eq quotients ctxt s =
97  Thm.transfer' ctxt (#pcr_cr_eq (get_pcrel_info quotients s))
99fun get_rel_quot_thm ctxt s =
100  (case Lifting_Info.lookup_quot_maps ctxt s of
101    SOME map_data => Thm.transfer' ctxt (#rel_quot_thm map_data)
102  | NONE => raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block 
103      [Pretty.str ("No relator for the type " ^ quote s), 
104       Pretty.brk 1,
105       Pretty.str "found."]))
107fun get_rel_distr_rules ctxt s tm =
108  (case Lifting_Info.lookup_relator_distr_data ctxt s of
109    SOME rel_distr_thm =>
110      (case tm of
111        Const (\<^const_name>\<open>POS\<close>, _) => map (Thm.transfer' ctxt) (#pos_distr_rules rel_distr_thm)
112      | Const (\<^const_name>\<open>NEG\<close>, _) => map (Thm.transfer' ctxt) (#neg_distr_rules rel_distr_thm))
113  | NONE => raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block
114      [Pretty.str ("No relator distr. data for the type " ^ quote s), 
115       Pretty.brk 1,
116       Pretty.str "found."]))
118fun is_id_quot thm = Thm.eq_thm_prop (thm, @{thm identity_quotient})
120fun zip_Tvars ctxt0 type_name rty_Tvars qty_Tvars =
121  case try (get_rel_quot_thm ctxt0) type_name of
122    NONE => rty_Tvars ~~ qty_Tvars
123    | SOME rel_quot_thm =>
124      let 
125        fun quot_term_absT quot_term = 
126          let 
127            val (_, abs, _, _) = (dest_Quotient o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop) quot_term
128          in
129            fastype_of abs
130          end
132        fun equiv_univ_err ctxt ty_pat ty =
133          let
134            val ty_pat_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty_pat
135            val ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty
136          in
137            raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block
138              [Pretty.str ("The type " ^ quote ty_str),
139               Pretty.brk 1,
140               Pretty.str ("and the relator type pattern " ^ quote ty_pat_str),
141               Pretty.brk 1,
142               Pretty.str "don't unify."])
143          end
145        fun raw_match (TVar (v, S), T) subs =
146              (case Vartab.defined subs v of
147                false => Vartab.update_new (v, (S, T)) subs
148              | true => subs)
149          | raw_match (Type (_, Ts), Type (_, Us)) subs =
150              raw_matches (Ts, Us) subs
151          | raw_match _ subs = subs
152        and raw_matches (T :: Ts, U :: Us) subs = raw_matches (Ts, Us) (raw_match (T, U) subs)
153          | raw_matches _ subs = subs
155        val rty = Type (type_name, rty_Tvars)
156        val qty = Type (type_name, qty_Tvars)
157        val rel_quot_thm_concl = (Logic.strip_imp_concl o Thm.prop_of) rel_quot_thm
158        val schematic_rel_absT = quot_term_absT rel_quot_thm_concl;
159        val absT = rty --> qty
160        val schematic_absT = 
161          absT 
162          |> Logic.type_map (singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt0))
163          |> Logic.incr_tvar (maxidx_of_typ schematic_rel_absT + 1) 
164            (* because absT can already contain schematic variables from rty patterns *)
165        val maxidx = Term.maxidx_of_typs [schematic_rel_absT, schematic_absT]
166        val _ =
167          Sign.typ_unify (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt0) (schematic_rel_absT, schematic_absT)
168            (Vartab.empty, maxidx)
169          handle Type.TUNIFY => equiv_univ_err ctxt0 schematic_rel_absT schematic_absT
170        val subs = raw_match (schematic_rel_absT, absT) Vartab.empty
171        val rel_quot_thm_prems = (Logic.strip_imp_prems o Thm.prop_of) rel_quot_thm
172      in
173        map (dest_funT o Envir.subst_type subs o quot_term_absT) rel_quot_thm_prems
174      end
176fun gen_rty_is_TVar quotients ctxt qty =
177  qty |> Tname |> get_quot_thm quotients ctxt
178  |> quot_thm_rty_qty |> fst |> is_TVar
180fun gen_instantiate_rtys quotients ctxt (rty, (qty as Type (qty_name, _))) =
181  let
182    val quot_thm = get_quot_thm quotients ctxt qty_name
183    val (rty_pat, qty_pat) = quot_thm_rty_qty quot_thm
185    fun inst_rty (Type (s, tys), Type (s', tys')) = 
186        if s = s' then Type (s', map inst_rty (tys ~~ tys'))
187        else raise QUOT_THM_INTERNAL (Pretty.block 
188          [Pretty.str "The type",
189           Pretty.brk 1,
190           Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt rty,
191           Pretty.brk 1,
192           Pretty.str ("is not a raw type for the quotient type " ^ quote qty_name ^ ";"),
193           Pretty.brk 1,
194           Pretty.str "the correct raw type must be an instance of",
195           Pretty.brk 1,
196           Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt rty_pat])
197      | inst_rty (t as Type (_, _), TFree _) = t
198      | inst_rty ((TVar _), rty) = rty
199      | inst_rty ((TFree _), rty) = rty
200      | inst_rty (_, _) = error "check_raw_types: we should not be here"
202    val qtyenv = match ctxt equiv_match_err qty_pat qty
203  in
204    (inst_rty (rty_pat, rty), Envir.subst_type qtyenv rty_pat)
205  end
206  | gen_instantiate_rtys _ _ _ = error "gen_instantiate_rtys: not Type"
208fun instantiate_rtys ctxt (rty, qty) = 
209  gen_instantiate_rtys (Lifting_Info.get_quotients ctxt) ctxt (rty, qty)
211type 'a fold_quot_thm = { constr: typ -> thm * 'a -> thm * 'a, lift: typ -> thm * 'a -> thm * 'a, 
212  comp_lift: typ -> thm * 'a -> thm * 'a }
214fun prove_schematic_quot_thm (actions: 'a fold_quot_thm) quotients ctxt (rty, qty) fold_val =
215  let
216    fun lifting_step (rty, qty) =
217      let
218        val (rty', rtyq) = gen_instantiate_rtys quotients ctxt (rty, qty)
219        val (rty's, rtyqs) = if gen_rty_is_TVar quotients ctxt qty then ([rty'],[rtyq]) 
220          else (Targs rty', Targs rtyq) 
221        val (args, fold_val) = 
222          fold_map (prove_schematic_quot_thm actions quotients ctxt) (rty's ~~ rtyqs) fold_val
223      in
224        if forall is_id_quot args
225        then
226          let
227            val quot_thm = get_quot_thm quotients ctxt (Tname qty)
228          in
229            #lift actions qty (quot_thm, fold_val)
230          end
231        else
232          let
233            val quot_thm = get_quot_thm quotients ctxt (Tname qty)
234            val rel_quot_thm = if gen_rty_is_TVar quotients ctxt qty then the_single args else
235              args MRSL (get_rel_quot_thm ctxt (Tname rty))
236            val comp_quot_thm = [rel_quot_thm, quot_thm] MRSL @{thm Quotient_compose}
237          in
238            #comp_lift actions qty (comp_quot_thm, fold_val)
239         end
240      end
241  in
242    (case (rty, qty) of
243      (Type (s, tys), Type (s', tys')) =>
244        if s = s'
245        then
246          let
247            val (args, fold_val) = 
248              fold_map (prove_schematic_quot_thm actions quotients ctxt) 
249                (zip_Tvars ctxt s tys tys') fold_val
250          in
251            if forall is_id_quot args
252            then
253              (@{thm identity_quotient}, fold_val)
254            else
255              let
256                val quot_thm = args MRSL (get_rel_quot_thm ctxt s)
257              in
258                #constr actions qty (quot_thm, fold_val)
259              end
260          end
261        else
262          lifting_step (rty, qty)
263      | (_, Type (s', tys')) => 
264        (case try (get_quot_thm quotients ctxt) s' of
265          SOME quot_thm => 
266            let
267              val rty_pat = (fst o quot_thm_rty_qty) quot_thm
268            in
269              lifting_step (rty_pat, qty)              
270            end
271          | NONE =>
272            let                                               
273              val rty_pat = Type (s', map (fn _ => TFree ("a",[])) tys')
274            in
275              prove_schematic_quot_thm actions quotients ctxt (rty_pat, qty) fold_val
276            end)
277      | _ => (@{thm identity_quotient}, fold_val)
278      )
279  end
280  handle QUOT_THM_INTERNAL pretty_msg => raise QUOT_THM (rty, qty, pretty_msg)
282fun force_qty_type ctxt qty quot_thm =
283  let
284    val (_, qty_schematic) = quot_thm_rty_qty quot_thm
285    val match_env = Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (qty_schematic, qty) Vartab.empty
286    fun prep_ty (x, (S, ty)) = ((x, S), Thm.ctyp_of ctxt ty)
287    val ty_inst = Vartab.fold (cons o prep_ty) match_env []
288  in Thm.instantiate (ty_inst, []) quot_thm end
290fun check_rty_type ctxt rty quot_thm =
291  let  
292    val (rty_forced, _) = quot_thm_rty_qty quot_thm
293    val rty_schematic = Logic.type_map (singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt)) rty
294    val _ = Sign.typ_match (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) (rty_schematic, rty_forced) Vartab.empty
295      handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => raise CHECK_RTY (rty_schematic, rty_forced)
296  in () end
299  The function tries to prove that rty and qty form a quotient.
301  Returns: Quotient theorem; an abstract type of the theorem is exactly
302    qty, a representation type of the theorem is an instance of rty in general.
307  val id_actions = { constr = K I, lift = K I, comp_lift = K I }
309  fun prove_quot_thm ctxt (rty, qty) =
310    let
311      val quotients = Lifting_Info.get_quotients ctxt
312      val (schematic_quot_thm, _) = prove_schematic_quot_thm id_actions quotients ctxt (rty, qty) ()
313      val quot_thm = force_qty_type ctxt qty schematic_quot_thm
314      val _ = check_rty_type ctxt rty quot_thm
315    in quot_thm end
319  Computes the composed abstraction function for rty and qty.
322fun abs_fun ctxt (rty, qty) =
323  quot_thm_abs (prove_quot_thm ctxt (rty, qty))
326  Computes the composed equivalence relation for rty and qty.
329fun equiv_relation ctxt (rty, qty) =
330  quot_thm_rel (prove_quot_thm ctxt (rty, qty))
332val get_fresh_Q_t =
333  let
334    val Q_t = \<^term>\<open>Trueprop (Quotient R Abs Rep T)\<close>
335    val frees_Q_t = Term.add_free_names Q_t []
336    val tfrees_Q_t = rev (Term.add_tfree_names Q_t [])
337  in
338    fn ctxt =>
339      let
340        fun rename_free_var tab (Free (name, typ)) =
341              Free (the_default name (AList.lookup op= tab name), typ)
342          | rename_free_var _ t = t
344        fun rename_free_vars tab = map_aterms (rename_free_var tab)
346        fun rename_free_tvars tab =
347          map_types (map_type_tfree (fn (name, sort) =>
348            TFree (the_default name (AList.lookup op= tab name), sort)))
350        val (new_frees_Q_t, ctxt') = Variable.variant_fixes frees_Q_t ctxt
351        val tab_frees = frees_Q_t ~~ new_frees_Q_t
353        val (new_tfrees_Q_t, ctxt'') = Variable.invent_types (replicate (length tfrees_Q_t) []) ctxt'
354        val tab_tfrees = tfrees_Q_t ~~ (fst o split_list) new_tfrees_Q_t
356        val renamed_Q_t = rename_free_vars tab_frees Q_t
357        val renamed_Q_t = rename_free_tvars tab_tfrees renamed_Q_t
358      in
359        (renamed_Q_t, ctxt'')
360      end
361  end
364  For the given type, it proves a composed Quotient map theorem, where for each type variable
365  extra Quotient assumption is generated. E.g., for 'a list it generates exactly
366  the Quotient map theorem for the list type. The function generalizes this for the whole
367  type universe. New fresh variables in the assumptions are fixed in the returned context.
369  Returns: the composed Quotient map theorem and list mapping each type variable in ty
370  to the corresponding assumption in the returned theorem.
373fun prove_param_quot_thm ctxt0 ty = 
374  let 
375    fun generate (ty as Type (s, tys)) (table, ctxt) =
376          if null tys then
377            let 
378              val instantiated_id_quot_thm =
379                Thm.instantiate' [SOME (Thm.ctyp_of ctxt ty)] [] @{thm identity_quotient}
380            in (instantiated_id_quot_thm, (table, ctxt)) end
381          else
382            let val (args, table_ctxt') = fold_map generate tys (table, ctxt)
383            in (args MRSL (get_rel_quot_thm ctxt s), table_ctxt') end
384      | generate ty (table, ctxt) =
385          if AList.defined (op =) table ty
386          then (the (AList.lookup (op =) table ty), (table, ctxt))
387          else
388            let
389              val (Q_t, ctxt') = get_fresh_Q_t ctxt
390              val Q_thm = Thm.assume (Thm.cterm_of ctxt' Q_t)
391              val table' = (ty, Q_thm) :: table
392            in (Q_thm, (table', ctxt')) end
394    val (param_quot_thm, (table, ctxt1)) = generate ty ([], ctxt0)
395  in (param_quot_thm, rev table, ctxt1) end
396  handle QUOT_THM_INTERNAL pretty_msg => raise PARAM_QUOT_THM (ty, pretty_msg)
399  It computes a parametrized relator for the given type ty. E.g., for 'a dlist:
400  list_all2 ?R OO cr_dlist with parameters [?R].
402  Returns: the definitional term and list of parameters (relations).
405fun generate_parametrized_relator ctxt ty =
406  let
407    val (quot_thm, table, ctxt') = prove_param_quot_thm ctxt ty
408    val parametrized_relator = quot_thm_crel quot_thm
409    val args = map (fn (_, q_thm) => quot_thm_crel q_thm) table
410    val exported_terms = Variable.exportT_terms ctxt' ctxt (parametrized_relator :: args)
411  in
412    (hd exported_terms, tl exported_terms)
413  end
415(* Parametrization *)
418  fun get_lhs rule = (Thm.dest_fun o Thm.dest_arg o strip_imp_concl o Thm.cprop_of) rule;
420  fun no_imp _ = raise CTERM ("no implication", []);
422  infix 0 else_imp
424  fun (cv1 else_imp cv2) ct =
425    (cv1 ct
426      handle THM _ => cv2 ct
427        | CTERM _ => cv2 ct
428        | TERM _ => cv2 ct
429        | TYPE _ => cv2 ct);
431  fun first_imp cvs = fold_rev (curry op else_imp) cvs no_imp
433  fun rewr_imp rule ct = 
434    let
435      val rule1 = Thm.incr_indexes (Thm.maxidx_of_cterm ct + 1) rule;
436      val lhs_rule = get_lhs rule1;
437      val rule2 = Thm.rename_boundvars (Thm.term_of lhs_rule) (Thm.term_of ct) rule1;
438      val lhs_ct = Thm.dest_fun ct
439    in
440        Thm.instantiate (Thm.match (lhs_rule, lhs_ct)) rule2
441          handle Pattern.MATCH => raise CTERM ("rewr_imp", [lhs_rule, lhs_ct])
442   end
444  fun rewrs_imp rules = first_imp (map rewr_imp rules)
447  fun gen_merge_transfer_relations quotients ctxt0 ctm =
448    let
449      val ctm = Thm.dest_arg ctm
450      val tm = Thm.term_of ctm
451      val rel = (hd o get_args 2) tm
453      fun same_constants (Const (n1,_)) (Const (n2,_)) = n1 = n2
454        | same_constants _ _  = false
456      fun prove_extra_assms ctxt ctm distr_rule =
457        let
458          fun prove_assm assm =
459            try (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] (Thm.term_of assm)) (fn {context = goal_ctxt, ...} =>
460              SOLVED' (REPEAT_ALL_NEW (resolve_tac goal_ctxt (Transfer.get_transfer_raw goal_ctxt))) 1)
462          fun is_POS_or_NEG ctm =
463            case (head_of o Thm.term_of o Thm.dest_arg) ctm of
464              Const (\<^const_name>\<open>POS\<close>, _) => true
465            | Const (\<^const_name>\<open>NEG\<close>, _) => true
466            | _ => false
468          val inst_distr_rule = rewr_imp distr_rule ctm
469          val extra_assms = filter_out is_POS_or_NEG (cprems_of inst_distr_rule)
470          val proved_assms = map_interrupt prove_assm extra_assms
471        in
472          Option.map (curry op OF inst_distr_rule) proved_assms
473        end
474        handle CTERM _ => NONE
476      fun cannot_merge_error_msg () = Pretty.block
477         [Pretty.str "Rewriting (merging) of this term has failed:",
478          Pretty.brk 1,
479          Syntax.pretty_term ctxt0 rel]
481    in
482      case get_args 2 rel of
483          [Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _), _] => rewrs_imp @{thms neg_eq_OO pos_eq_OO} ctm
484          | [_, Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _)] => rewrs_imp @{thms neg_OO_eq pos_OO_eq} ctm
485          | [_, trans_rel] =>
486            let
487              val (rty', qty) = (relation_types o fastype_of) trans_rel
488            in
489              if same_type_constrs (rty', qty) then
490                let
491                  val distr_rules = get_rel_distr_rules ctxt0 ((fst o dest_Type) rty') (head_of tm)
492                  val distr_rule = get_first (prove_extra_assms ctxt0 ctm) distr_rules
493                in
494                  case distr_rule of
495                    NONE => raise MERGE_TRANSFER_REL (cannot_merge_error_msg ())
496                  | SOME distr_rule =>
497                      map (gen_merge_transfer_relations quotients ctxt0) (cprems_of distr_rule)
498                        MRSL distr_rule
499                end
500              else
501                let 
502                  val pcrel_def = get_pcrel_def quotients ctxt0 ((fst o dest_Type) qty)
503                  val pcrel_const = (head_of o fst o Logic.dest_equals o Thm.prop_of) pcrel_def
504                in
505                  if same_constants pcrel_const (head_of trans_rel) then
506                    let
507                      val unfolded_ctm = Thm.rhs_of (Conv.arg1_conv (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.rewr_conv pcrel_def)) ctm)
508                      val distr_rule = rewrs_imp @{thms POS_pcr_rule NEG_pcr_rule} unfolded_ctm
509                      val result = (map (gen_merge_transfer_relations quotients ctxt0) 
510                        (cprems_of distr_rule)) MRSL distr_rule
511                      val fold_pcr_rel = Conv.rewr_conv (Thm.symmetric pcrel_def)
512                    in  
513                      Conv.fconv_rule (HOLogic.Trueprop_conv (Conv.combination_conv 
514                        (Conv.arg_conv (Conv.arg_conv fold_pcr_rel)) fold_pcr_rel)) result
515                    end
516                  else
517                    raise MERGE_TRANSFER_REL (Pretty.str "Non-parametric correspondence relation used.")
518                end
519            end
520    end
521    handle QUOT_THM_INTERNAL pretty_msg => raise MERGE_TRANSFER_REL pretty_msg
523  (*
524    ctm - of the form "[POS|NEG] (par_R OO T) t f) ?X", where par_R is a parametricity transfer 
525    relation for t and T is a transfer relation between t and f, which consists only from
526    parametrized transfer relations (i.e., pcr_?) and equalities op=. POS or NEG encodes
527    co-variance or contra-variance.
529    The function merges par_R OO T using definitions of parametrized correspondence relations
530    (e.g., (rel_S R) OO (pcr_T op=) --> pcr_T R using the definition pcr_T R = (rel_S R) OO cr_T).
531  *)
533  fun merge_transfer_relations ctxt ctm =
534    gen_merge_transfer_relations (Lifting_Info.get_quotients ctxt) ctxt ctm
537fun gen_parametrize_transfer_rule quotients ctxt thm =
538  let
539    fun parametrize_relation_conv ctm =
540      let
541        val (rty, qty) = (relation_types o fastype_of) (Thm.term_of ctm)
542      in
543        if same_type_constrs (rty, qty) then
544          if forall op= (Targs rty ~~ Targs qty) then
545            Conv.all_conv ctm
546          else
547            all_args_conv parametrize_relation_conv ctm
548        else
549          if is_Type qty then
550            let
551              val q = (fst o dest_Type) qty
552            in
553              let
554                val (rty', rtyq) = gen_instantiate_rtys quotients ctxt (rty, qty)
555                val (rty's, rtyqs) = if gen_rty_is_TVar quotients ctxt qty then ([rty'],[rtyq]) 
556                  else (Targs rty', Targs rtyq)
557              in
558                if forall op= (rty's ~~ rtyqs) then
559                  let
560                    val pcr_cr_eq = (Thm.symmetric o mk_meta_eq) (get_pcr_cr_eq quotients ctxt q)
561                  in      
562                    Conv.rewr_conv pcr_cr_eq ctm
563                  end
564                  handle QUOT_THM_INTERNAL _ => Conv.all_conv ctm
565                else
566                  if has_pcrel_info quotients q then
567                    let 
568                      val pcrel_def = Thm.symmetric (get_pcrel_def quotients ctxt q)
569                    in
570                      (Conv.rewr_conv pcrel_def then_conv all_args_conv parametrize_relation_conv) ctm
571                    end
572                  else Conv.arg1_conv (all_args_conv parametrize_relation_conv) ctm
573              end  
574            end
575          else Conv.all_conv ctm
576      end
577    in
578      Conv.fconv_rule (HOLogic.Trueprop_conv (Conv.fun2_conv parametrize_relation_conv)) thm
579    end
582  It replaces cr_T by pcr_T op= in the transfer relation. For composed
583  abstract types, it replaces T_rel R OO cr_T by pcr_T R. If the parametrized
584  correspondce relation does not exist, the original relation is kept.
586  thm - a transfer rule
589fun parametrize_transfer_rule ctxt thm = 
590  gen_parametrize_transfer_rule (Lifting_Info.get_quotients ctxt) ctxt thm