1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Lifting/lifting_def.ML
2    Author:     Ondrej Kuncar
4Definitions for constants on quotient types.
7signature LIFTING_DEF =
9  datatype code_eq = UNKNOWN_EQ | NONE_EQ | ABS_EQ | REP_EQ
10  type lift_def
11  val rty_of_lift_def: lift_def -> typ
12  val qty_of_lift_def: lift_def -> typ
13  val rhs_of_lift_def: lift_def -> term
14  val lift_const_of_lift_def: lift_def -> term
15  val def_thm_of_lift_def: lift_def -> thm
16  val rsp_thm_of_lift_def: lift_def -> thm
17  val abs_eq_of_lift_def: lift_def -> thm
18  val rep_eq_of_lift_def: lift_def -> thm option
19  val code_eq_of_lift_def: lift_def -> code_eq
20  val transfer_rules_of_lift_def: lift_def -> thm list
21  val morph_lift_def: morphism -> lift_def -> lift_def
22  val inst_of_lift_def: Proof.context -> typ -> lift_def -> lift_def
23  val mk_lift_const_of_lift_def: typ -> lift_def -> term
25  type config = { notes: bool }
26  val map_config: (bool -> bool) -> config -> config
27  val default_config: config
29  val generate_parametric_transfer_rule:
30    Proof.context -> thm -> thm -> thm
32  val add_lift_def:
33    config -> binding * mixfix -> typ -> term -> thm -> thm list -> local_theory ->
34      lift_def * local_theory
36  val prepare_lift_def:
37    (binding * mixfix -> typ -> term -> thm -> thm list -> Proof.context ->
38      lift_def * local_theory) ->
39    binding * mixfix -> typ -> term -> thm list -> local_theory ->
40    term option * (thm -> Proof.context -> lift_def * local_theory)
42  val gen_lift_def:
43    (binding * mixfix -> typ -> term -> thm -> thm list -> local_theory ->
44      lift_def * local_theory) ->
45    binding * mixfix -> typ -> term -> (Proof.context -> tactic) -> thm list ->
46    local_theory -> lift_def * local_theory
48  val lift_def:
49    config -> binding * mixfix -> typ -> term -> (Proof.context -> tactic) -> thm list ->
50    local_theory -> lift_def * local_theory
52  val can_generate_code_cert: thm -> bool
55structure Lifting_Def: LIFTING_DEF =
58open Lifting_Util
60infix 0 MRSL
62datatype code_eq = UNKNOWN_EQ | NONE_EQ | ABS_EQ | REP_EQ
64datatype lift_def = LIFT_DEF of {
65  rty: typ,
66  qty: typ,
67  rhs: term,
68  lift_const: term,
69  def_thm: thm,
70  rsp_thm: thm,
71  abs_eq: thm,
72  rep_eq: thm option,
73  code_eq: code_eq,
74  transfer_rules: thm list
77fun rep_lift_def (LIFT_DEF lift_def) = lift_def;
78val rty_of_lift_def = #rty o rep_lift_def;
79val qty_of_lift_def = #qty o rep_lift_def;
80val rhs_of_lift_def = #rhs o rep_lift_def;
81val lift_const_of_lift_def = #lift_const o rep_lift_def;
82val def_thm_of_lift_def = #def_thm o rep_lift_def;
83val rsp_thm_of_lift_def = #rsp_thm o rep_lift_def;
84val abs_eq_of_lift_def = #abs_eq o rep_lift_def;
85val rep_eq_of_lift_def = #rep_eq o rep_lift_def;
86val code_eq_of_lift_def = #code_eq o rep_lift_def;
87val transfer_rules_of_lift_def = #transfer_rules o rep_lift_def;
89fun mk_lift_def rty qty rhs lift_const def_thm rsp_thm abs_eq rep_eq code_eq transfer_rules =
90  LIFT_DEF {rty = rty, qty = qty,
91            rhs = rhs, lift_const = lift_const,
92            def_thm = def_thm, rsp_thm = rsp_thm, abs_eq = abs_eq, rep_eq = rep_eq,
93            code_eq = code_eq, transfer_rules = transfer_rules };
95fun map_lift_def f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10
96  (LIFT_DEF {rty = rty, qty = qty, rhs = rhs, lift_const = lift_const,
97  def_thm = def_thm, rsp_thm = rsp_thm, abs_eq = abs_eq, rep_eq = rep_eq, code_eq = code_eq,
98  transfer_rules = transfer_rules }) =
99  LIFT_DEF {rty = f1 rty, qty = f2 qty, rhs = f3 rhs, lift_const = f4 lift_const,
100            def_thm = f5 def_thm, rsp_thm = f6 rsp_thm, abs_eq = f7 abs_eq, rep_eq = f8 rep_eq,
101            code_eq = f9 code_eq, transfer_rules = f10 transfer_rules }
103fun morph_lift_def phi =
104  let
105    val mtyp = Morphism.typ phi
106    val mterm = Morphism.term phi
107    val mthm = Morphism.thm phi
108  in
109    map_lift_def mtyp mtyp mterm mterm mthm mthm mthm (Option.map mthm) I (map mthm)
110  end
112fun mk_inst_of_lift_def qty lift_def = Vartab.empty |> Type.raw_match (qty_of_lift_def lift_def, qty)
114fun mk_lift_const_of_lift_def qty lift_def = Envir.subst_term_types (mk_inst_of_lift_def qty lift_def)
115  (lift_const_of_lift_def lift_def)
117fun inst_of_lift_def ctxt qty lift_def =
118  let
119    val instT =
120      Vartab.fold (fn (a, (S, T)) => cons ((a, S), Thm.ctyp_of ctxt T))
121        (mk_inst_of_lift_def qty lift_def) []
122    val phi = Morphism.instantiate_morphism (instT, [])
123  in morph_lift_def phi lift_def end
126(* Config *)
128type config = { notes: bool };
129fun map_config f1 { notes = notes } = { notes = f1 notes }
130val default_config = { notes = true };
132(* Reflexivity prover *)
134fun mono_eq_prover ctxt prop =
135  let
136    val refl_rules = Lifting_Info.get_reflexivity_rules ctxt
137    val transfer_rules = Transfer.get_transfer_raw ctxt
139    fun main_tac i = (REPEAT_ALL_NEW (DETERM o resolve_tac ctxt refl_rules) THEN_ALL_NEW
140      (REPEAT_ALL_NEW (DETERM o resolve_tac ctxt transfer_rules))) i
141  in
142    SOME (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] prop (K (main_tac 1)))
143      handle ERROR _ => NONE
144  end
146fun try_prove_refl_rel ctxt rel =
147  let
148    fun mk_ge_eq x =
149      let
150        val T = fastype_of x
151      in
152        Const (\<^const_name>\<open>less_eq\<close>, T --> T --> HOLogic.boolT) $
153          (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, T)) $ x
154      end;
155    val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mk_ge_eq rel);
156  in
157     mono_eq_prover ctxt goal
158  end;
160fun try_prove_reflexivity ctxt prop =
161  let
162    val cprop = Thm.cterm_of ctxt prop
163    val rule = @{thm ge_eq_refl}
164    val concl_pat = Drule.strip_imp_concl (Thm.cprop_of rule)
165    val insts = Thm.first_order_match (concl_pat, cprop)
166    val rule = Drule.instantiate_normalize insts rule
167    val prop = hd (Thm.prems_of rule)
168  in
169    case mono_eq_prover ctxt prop of
170      SOME thm => SOME (thm RS rule)
171    | NONE => NONE
172  end
175  Generates a parametrized transfer rule.
176  transfer_rule - of the form T t f
177  parametric_transfer_rule - of the form par_R t' t
179  Result: par_T t' f, after substituing op= for relations in par_R that relate
180    a type constructor to the same type constructor, it is a merge of (par_R' OO T) t' f
181    using Lifting_Term.merge_transfer_relations
184fun generate_parametric_transfer_rule ctxt0 transfer_rule parametric_transfer_rule =
185  let
186    fun preprocess ctxt thm =
187      let
188        val tm = (strip_args 2 o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.concl_of) thm;
189        val param_rel = (snd o dest_comb o fst o dest_comb) tm;
190        val free_vars = Term.add_vars param_rel [];
192        fun make_subst (xi, typ) subst =
193          let
194            val [rty, rty'] = binder_types typ
195          in
196            if Term.is_TVar rty andalso Term.is_Type rty' then
197              (xi, Thm.cterm_of ctxt (HOLogic.eq_const rty')) :: subst
198            else
199              subst
200          end;
202        val inst_thm = infer_instantiate ctxt (fold make_subst free_vars []) thm;
203      in
204        Conv.fconv_rule
205          ((Conv.concl_conv (Thm.nprems_of inst_thm) o
206            HOLogic.Trueprop_conv o Conv.fun2_conv o Conv.arg1_conv)
207            (Raw_Simplifier.rewrite ctxt false (Transfer.get_sym_relator_eq ctxt))) inst_thm
208      end
210    fun inst_relcomppI ctxt ant1 ant2 =
211      let
212        val t1 = (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.concl_of) ant1
213        val t2 = (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.prop_of) ant2
214        val fun1 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (strip_args 2 t1)
215        val args1 = map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt) (get_args 2 t1)
216        val fun2 = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (strip_args 2 t2)
217        val args2 = map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt) (get_args 1 t2)
218        val relcomppI = Drule.incr_indexes2 ant1 ant2 @{thm relcomppI}
219        val vars = map #1 (rev (Term.add_vars (Thm.prop_of relcomppI) []))
220      in
221        infer_instantiate ctxt (vars ~~ ([fun1] @ args1 @ [fun2] @ args2)) relcomppI
222      end
224    fun zip_transfer_rules ctxt thm =
225      let
226        fun mk_POS ty = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>POS\<close>, ty --> ty --> HOLogic.boolT)
227        val rel = (Thm.dest_fun2 o Thm.dest_arg o Thm.cprop_of) thm
228        val typ = Thm.typ_of_cterm rel
229        val POS_const = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (mk_POS typ)
230        val var = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (Var (("X", Thm.maxidx_of_cterm rel + 1), typ))
231        val goal =
232          Thm.apply (Thm.cterm_of ctxt HOLogic.Trueprop) (Thm.apply (Thm.apply POS_const rel) var)
233      in
234        [Lifting_Term.merge_transfer_relations ctxt goal, thm] MRSL @{thm POS_apply}
235      end
237    val thm =
238      inst_relcomppI ctxt0 parametric_transfer_rule transfer_rule
239        OF [parametric_transfer_rule, transfer_rule]
240    val preprocessed_thm = preprocess ctxt0 thm
241    val (fixed_thm, ctxt1) = ctxt0
242      |> yield_singleton (apfst snd oo Variable.import true) preprocessed_thm
243    val assms = cprems_of fixed_thm
244    val add_transfer_rule = Thm.attribute_declaration Transfer.transfer_add
245    val (prems, ctxt2) = ctxt1 |> fold_map Thm.assume_hyps assms
246    val ctxt3 =  ctxt2 |> Context.proof_map (fold add_transfer_rule prems)
247    val zipped_thm =
248      fixed_thm
249      |> undisch_all
250      |> zip_transfer_rules ctxt3
251      |> implies_intr_list assms
252      |> singleton (Variable.export ctxt3 ctxt0)
253  in
254    zipped_thm
255  end
257fun print_generate_transfer_info msg =
258  let
259    val error_msg = cat_lines
260      ["Generation of a parametric transfer rule failed.",
261      (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
262         [Pretty.str "Reason:", Pretty.brk 2, msg]))]
263  in
264    error error_msg
265  end
267fun map_ter _ x [] = x
268    | map_ter f _ xs = map f xs
270fun generate_transfer_rules lthy quot_thm rsp_thm def_thm par_thms =
271  let
272    val transfer_rule =
273      ([quot_thm, rsp_thm, def_thm] MRSL @{thm Quotient_to_transfer})
274      |> Lifting_Term.parametrize_transfer_rule lthy
275  in
276    (map_ter (generate_parametric_transfer_rule lthy transfer_rule) [transfer_rule] par_thms
277    handle Lifting_Term.MERGE_TRANSFER_REL msg => (print_generate_transfer_info msg; [transfer_rule]))
278  end
280(* Generation of the code certificate from the rsp theorem *)
282fun get_body_types (Type ("fun", [_, U]), Type ("fun", [_, V])) = get_body_types (U, V)
283  | get_body_types (U, V)  = (U, V)
285fun get_binder_types (Type ("fun", [T, U]), Type ("fun", [V, W])) = (T, V) :: get_binder_types (U, W)
286  | get_binder_types _ = []
288fun get_binder_types_by_rel (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>rel_fun\<close>, _) $ _ $ S) (Type ("fun", [T, U]), Type ("fun", [V, W])) =
289    (T, V) :: get_binder_types_by_rel S (U, W)
290  | get_binder_types_by_rel _ _ = []
292fun get_body_type_by_rel (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>rel_fun\<close>, _) $ _ $ S) (Type ("fun", [_, U]), Type ("fun", [_, V])) =
293    get_body_type_by_rel S (U, V)
294  | get_body_type_by_rel _ (U, V)  = (U, V)
296fun get_binder_rels (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>rel_fun\<close>, _) $ R $ S) = R :: get_binder_rels S
297  | get_binder_rels _ = []
299fun force_rty_type ctxt rty rhs =
300  let
301    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
302    val rhs_schematic = singleton (Variable.polymorphic ctxt) rhs
303    val rty_schematic = fastype_of rhs_schematic
304    val match = Sign.typ_match thy (rty_schematic, rty) Vartab.empty
305  in
306    Envir.subst_term_types match rhs_schematic
307  end
309fun unabs_def ctxt def =
310  let
311    val (_, rhs) = Thm.dest_equals (Thm.cprop_of def)
312    fun dest_abs (Abs (var_name, T, _)) = (var_name, T)
313      | dest_abs tm = raise TERM("get_abs_var",[tm])
314    val (var_name, T) = dest_abs (Thm.term_of rhs)
315    val (new_var_names, ctxt') = Variable.variant_fixes [var_name] ctxt
316    val refl_thm = Thm.reflexive (Thm.cterm_of ctxt' (Free (hd new_var_names, T)))
317  in
318    Thm.combination def refl_thm |>
319    singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt' ctxt)
320  end
322fun unabs_all_def ctxt def =
323  let
324    val (_, rhs) = Thm.dest_equals (Thm.cprop_of def)
325    val xs = strip_abs_vars (Thm.term_of rhs)
326  in
327    fold (K (unabs_def ctxt)) xs def
328  end
330val map_fun_unfolded =
331  @{thm map_fun_def[abs_def]} |>
332  unabs_def \<^context> |>
333  unabs_def \<^context> |>
334  Local_Defs.unfold0 \<^context> [@{thm comp_def}]
336fun unfold_fun_maps ctm =
337  let
338    fun unfold_conv ctm =
339      case (Thm.term_of ctm) of
340        Const (\<^const_name>\<open>map_fun\<close>, _) $ _ $ _ =>
341          (Conv.arg_conv unfold_conv then_conv Conv.rewr_conv map_fun_unfolded) ctm
342        | _ => Conv.all_conv ctm
343  in
344    (Conv.fun_conv unfold_conv) ctm
345  end
347fun unfold_fun_maps_beta ctm =
348  let val try_beta_conv = Conv.try_conv (Thm.beta_conversion false)
349  in
350    (unfold_fun_maps then_conv try_beta_conv) ctm
351  end
353fun prove_rel ctxt rsp_thm (rty, qty) =
354  let
355    val ty_args = get_binder_types (rty, qty)
356    fun disch_arg args_ty thm =
357      let
358        val quot_thm = Lifting_Term.prove_quot_thm ctxt args_ty
359      in
360        [quot_thm, thm] MRSL @{thm apply_rsp''}
361      end
362  in
363    fold disch_arg ty_args rsp_thm
364  end
366exception CODE_CERT_GEN of string
368fun simplify_code_eq ctxt def_thm =
369  Local_Defs.unfold0 ctxt [@{thm o_apply}, @{thm map_fun_def}, @{thm id_apply}] def_thm
372  quot_thm - quotient theorem (Quotient R Abs Rep T).
373  returns: whether the Lifting package is capable to generate code for the abstract type
374    represented by quot_thm
377fun can_generate_code_cert quot_thm  =
378  case quot_thm_rel quot_thm of
379    Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) => true
380    | Const (\<^const_name>\<open>eq_onp\<close>, _) $ _  => true
381    | _ => false
383fun generate_rep_eq ctxt def_thm rsp_thm (rty, qty) =
384  let
385    val unfolded_def = Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.arg_conv unfold_fun_maps_beta) def_thm
386    val unabs_def = unabs_all_def ctxt unfolded_def
387  in
388    if body_type rty = body_type qty then
389      SOME (simplify_code_eq ctxt (HOLogic.mk_obj_eq unabs_def))
390    else
391      let
392        val quot_thm = Lifting_Term.prove_quot_thm ctxt (get_body_types (rty, qty))
393        val rel_fun = prove_rel ctxt rsp_thm (rty, qty)
394        val rep_abs_thm = [quot_thm, rel_fun] MRSL @{thm Quotient_rep_abs_eq}
395      in
396        case mono_eq_prover ctxt (hd (Thm.prems_of rep_abs_thm)) of
397          SOME mono_eq_thm =>
398            let
399              val rep_abs_eq = mono_eq_thm RS rep_abs_thm
400              val rep = Thm.cterm_of ctxt (quot_thm_rep quot_thm)
401              val rep_refl = HOLogic.mk_obj_eq (Thm.reflexive rep)
402              val repped_eq = [rep_refl, HOLogic.mk_obj_eq unabs_def] MRSL @{thm cong}
403              val code_cert = [repped_eq, rep_abs_eq] MRSL trans
404            in
405              SOME (simplify_code_eq ctxt code_cert)
406            end
407          | NONE => NONE
408      end
409  end
411fun generate_abs_eq ctxt def_thm rsp_thm quot_thm =
412  let
413    val abs_eq_with_assms =
414      let
415        val (rty, qty) = quot_thm_rty_qty quot_thm
416        val rel = quot_thm_rel quot_thm
417        val ty_args = get_binder_types_by_rel rel (rty, qty)
418        val body_type = get_body_type_by_rel rel (rty, qty)
419        val quot_ret_thm = Lifting_Term.prove_quot_thm ctxt body_type
421        val rep_abs_folded_unmapped_thm =
422          let
423            val rep_id = [quot_thm, def_thm] MRSL @{thm Quotient_Rep_eq}
424            val ctm = Thm.dest_equals_lhs (Thm.cprop_of rep_id)
425            val unfolded_maps_eq = unfold_fun_maps ctm
426            val t1 = [quot_thm, def_thm, rsp_thm] MRSL @{thm Quotient_rep_abs_fold_unmap}
427            val prems_pat = (hd o Drule.cprems_of) t1
428            val insts = Thm.first_order_match (prems_pat, Thm.cprop_of unfolded_maps_eq)
429          in
430            unfolded_maps_eq RS (Drule.instantiate_normalize insts t1)
431          end
432      in
433        rep_abs_folded_unmapped_thm
434        |> fold (fn _ => fn thm => thm RS @{thm rel_funD2}) ty_args
435        |> (fn x => x RS (@{thm Quotient_rel_abs2} OF [quot_ret_thm]))
436      end
438    val prem_rels = get_binder_rels (quot_thm_rel quot_thm);
439    val proved_assms = prem_rels |> map (try_prove_refl_rel ctxt)
440      |> map_index (apfst (fn x => x + 1)) |> filter (is_some o snd) |> map (apsnd the)
441      |> map (apsnd (fn assm => assm RS @{thm ge_eq_refl}))
442    val abs_eq = fold_rev (fn (i, assm) => fn thm => assm RSN (i, thm)) proved_assms abs_eq_with_assms
443  in
444    simplify_code_eq ctxt abs_eq
445  end
448fun register_code_eq_thy abs_eq_thm opt_rep_eq_thm (rty, qty) thy =
449  let
450    fun no_abstr (t $ u) = no_abstr t andalso no_abstr u
451      | no_abstr (Abs (_, _, t)) = no_abstr t
452      | no_abstr (Const (name, _)) = not (Code.is_abstr thy name)
453      | no_abstr _ = true
454    fun is_valid_eq eqn = can (Code.assert_eqn thy) (mk_meta_eq eqn, true)
455      andalso no_abstr (Thm.prop_of eqn)
456    fun is_valid_abs_eq abs_eq = can (Code.assert_abs_eqn thy NONE) (mk_meta_eq abs_eq)
458  in
459    if is_valid_eq abs_eq_thm then
460      (ABS_EQ, Code.declare_default_eqns_global [(abs_eq_thm, true)] thy)
461    else
462      let
463        val (rty_body, qty_body) = get_body_types (rty, qty)
464      in
465        if rty_body = qty_body then
466          (REP_EQ, Code.declare_default_eqns_global [(the opt_rep_eq_thm, true)] thy)
467        else
468          if is_some opt_rep_eq_thm andalso is_valid_abs_eq (the opt_rep_eq_thm)
469          then
470            (REP_EQ, Code.declare_abstract_eqn_global (the opt_rep_eq_thm) thy)
471          else
472            (NONE_EQ, thy)
473      end
474  end
477  fun no_no_code ctxt (rty, qty) =
478    if same_type_constrs (rty, qty) then
479      forall (no_no_code ctxt) (Targs rty ~~ Targs qty)
480    else
481      if Term.is_Type qty then
482        if Lifting_Info.is_no_code_type ctxt (Tname qty) then false
483        else
484          let
485            val (rty', rtyq) = Lifting_Term.instantiate_rtys ctxt (rty, qty)
486            val (rty's, rtyqs) = (Targs rty', Targs rtyq)
487          in
488            forall (no_no_code ctxt) (rty's ~~ rtyqs)
489          end
490      else
491        true
493  fun encode_code_eq ctxt abs_eq opt_rep_eq (rty, qty) =
494    let
495      fun mk_type typ = typ |> Logic.mk_type |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt |> Drule.mk_term
496    in
497      Conjunction.intr_balanced [abs_eq, (the_default TrueI opt_rep_eq), mk_type rty, mk_type qty]
498    end
500  exception DECODE
502  fun decode_code_eq thm =
503    if Thm.nprems_of thm > 0 then raise DECODE
504    else
505      let
506        val [abs_eq, rep_eq, rty, qty] = Conjunction.elim_balanced 4 thm
507        val opt_rep_eq = if Thm.eq_thm_prop (rep_eq, TrueI) then NONE else SOME rep_eq
508        fun dest_type typ = typ |> Drule.dest_term |> Thm.term_of |> Logic.dest_type
509      in
510        (abs_eq, opt_rep_eq, (dest_type rty, dest_type qty))
511      end
513  structure Data = Generic_Data
514  (
515    type T = code_eq option
516    val empty = NONE
517    val extend = I
518    fun merge _ = NONE
519  );
521  fun register_encoded_code_eq thm thy =
522    let
523      val (abs_eq_thm, opt_rep_eq_thm, (rty, qty)) = decode_code_eq thm
524      val (code_eq, thy) = register_code_eq_thy abs_eq_thm opt_rep_eq_thm (rty, qty) thy
525    in
526      Context.theory_map (Data.put (SOME code_eq)) thy
527    end
528    handle DECODE => thy
530  val register_code_eq_attribute = Thm.declaration_attribute
531    (fn thm => Context.mapping (register_encoded_code_eq thm) I)
532  val register_code_eq_attrib = Attrib.internal (K register_code_eq_attribute)
536fun register_code_eq abs_eq_thm opt_rep_eq_thm (rty, qty) lthy =
537  let
538    val encoded_code_eq = encode_code_eq lthy abs_eq_thm opt_rep_eq_thm (rty, qty)
539  in
540    if no_no_code lthy (rty, qty) then
541      let
542        val lthy' = lthy
543          |> (#2 oo Local_Theory.note) ((Binding.empty, [register_code_eq_attrib]), [encoded_code_eq])
544        val opt_code_eq = Data.get (Context.Theory (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy'))
545        val code_eq =
546          if is_some opt_code_eq then the opt_code_eq
547          else UNKNOWN_EQ (* UNKNOWN_EQ means that we are in a locale and we do not know
548            which code equation is going to be used. This is going to be resolved at the
549            point when an interpretation of the locale is executed. *)
550        val lthy'' = lthy'
551          |> Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = true} (K (Data.put NONE))
552      in (code_eq, lthy'') end
553    else
554      (NONE_EQ, lthy)
555  end
559  Defines an operation on an abstract type in terms of a corresponding operation
560    on a representation type.
562  var - a binding and a mixfix of the new constant being defined
563  qty - an abstract type of the new constant
564  rhs - a term representing the new constant on the raw level
565  rsp_thm - a respectfulness theorem in the internal tagged form (like '(R ===> R ===> R) f f'),
566    i.e. "(Lifting_Term.equiv_relation (fastype_of rhs, qty)) $ rhs $ rhs"
567  par_thms - a parametricity theorem for rhs
570fun add_lift_def (config: config) (binding, mx) qty rhs rsp_thm par_thms lthy0 =
571  let
572    val rty = fastype_of rhs
573    val quot_thm = Lifting_Term.prove_quot_thm lthy0 (rty, qty)
574    val absrep_trm =  quot_thm_abs quot_thm
575    val rty_forced = (domain_type o fastype_of) absrep_trm
576    val forced_rhs = force_rty_type lthy0 rty_forced rhs
577    val lhs = Free (Binding.name_of binding, qty)
578    val prop = Logic.mk_equals (lhs, absrep_trm $ forced_rhs)
579    val (_, prop') = Local_Defs.cert_def lthy0 (K []) prop
580    val (_, newrhs) = Local_Defs.abs_def prop'
581    val var = ((#notes config = false ? Binding.concealed) binding, mx)
582    val def_name = Thm.make_def_binding (#notes config) (#1 var)
584    val ((lift_const, (_ , def_thm)), lthy1) = lthy0
585      |> Local_Theory.define (var, ((def_name, []), newrhs))
587    val transfer_rules = generate_transfer_rules lthy1 quot_thm rsp_thm def_thm par_thms
589    val abs_eq_thm = generate_abs_eq lthy1 def_thm rsp_thm quot_thm
590    val opt_rep_eq_thm = generate_rep_eq lthy1 def_thm rsp_thm (rty_forced, qty)
592    fun notes names =
593      let
594        val lhs_name = Binding.reset_pos (#1 var)
595        val rsp_thmN = Binding.qualify_name true lhs_name "rsp"
596        val abs_eq_thmN = Binding.qualify_name true lhs_name "abs_eq"
597        val rep_eq_thmN = Binding.qualify_name true lhs_name "rep_eq"
598        val transfer_ruleN = Binding.qualify_name true lhs_name "transfer"
599        val notes =
600          [(rsp_thmN, [], [rsp_thm]),
601          (transfer_ruleN, @{attributes [transfer_rule]}, transfer_rules),
602          (abs_eq_thmN, [], [abs_eq_thm])]
603          @ (case opt_rep_eq_thm of SOME rep_eq_thm => [(rep_eq_thmN, [], [rep_eq_thm])] | NONE => [])
604      in
605        if names then map (fn (name, attrs, thms) => ((name, []), [(thms, attrs)])) notes
606        else map_filter (fn (_, attrs, thms) => if null attrs then NONE
607          else SOME (Binding.empty_atts, [(thms, attrs)])) notes
608      end
609    val (code_eq, lthy2) = lthy1
610      |> register_code_eq abs_eq_thm opt_rep_eq_thm (rty_forced, qty)
611    val lift_def = mk_lift_def rty_forced qty newrhs lift_const def_thm rsp_thm abs_eq_thm
612          opt_rep_eq_thm code_eq transfer_rules
613  in
614    lthy2
615    |> Local_Theory.open_target |> snd
616    |> Local_Theory.notes (notes (#notes config)) |> snd
617    |> `(fn lthy => morph_lift_def (Local_Theory.target_morphism lthy) lift_def)
618    ||> Local_Theory.close_target
619  end
621(* This is not very cheap way of getting the rules but we have only few active
622  liftings in the current setting *)
623fun get_cr_pcr_eqs ctxt =
624  let
625    fun collect (data : Lifting_Info.quotient) l =
626      if is_some (#pcr_info data)
627      then ((Thm.symmetric o safe_mk_meta_eq o Thm.transfer' ctxt o #pcr_cr_eq o the o #pcr_info) data :: l)
628      else l
629    val table = Lifting_Info.get_quotients ctxt
630  in
631    Symtab.fold (fn (_, data) => fn l => collect data l) table []
632  end
634fun prepare_lift_def add_lift_def var qty rhs par_thms ctxt =
635  let
636    val rsp_rel = Lifting_Term.equiv_relation ctxt (fastype_of rhs, qty)
637    val rty_forced = (domain_type o fastype_of) rsp_rel;
638    val forced_rhs = force_rty_type ctxt rty_forced rhs;
639    val cr_to_pcr_conv = HOLogic.Trueprop_conv (Conv.fun2_conv
640      (Raw_Simplifier.rewrite ctxt false (get_cr_pcr_eqs ctxt)))
641    val (prsp_tm, rsp_prsp_eq) = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (rsp_rel $ forced_rhs $ forced_rhs)
642      |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt
643      |> cr_to_pcr_conv
644      |> `Thm.concl_of
645      |>> Logic.dest_equals
646      |>> snd
647    val to_rsp = rsp_prsp_eq RS Drule.equal_elim_rule2
648    val opt_proven_rsp_thm = try_prove_reflexivity ctxt prsp_tm
650    fun after_qed internal_rsp_thm =
651      add_lift_def var qty rhs (internal_rsp_thm RS to_rsp) par_thms
652  in
653    case opt_proven_rsp_thm of
654      SOME thm => (NONE, K (after_qed thm))
655      | NONE => (SOME prsp_tm, after_qed)
656  end
658fun gen_lift_def add_lift_def var qty rhs tac par_thms lthy =
659  let
660    val (goal, after_qed) = prepare_lift_def add_lift_def var qty rhs par_thms lthy
661  in
662    case goal of
663      SOME goal =>
664        let
665          val rsp_thm =
666            Goal.prove_sorry lthy [] [] goal (tac o #context)
667            |> Thm.close_derivation \<^here>
668        in
669          after_qed rsp_thm lthy
670        end
671      | NONE => after_qed Drule.dummy_thm lthy
672  end
674val lift_def = gen_lift_def o add_lift_def
676end (* structure *)