1(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_sugar.ML
2    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
3    Copyright   2013
5Suggared flattening of nested to mutual (co)recursion.
8signature BNF_FP_N2M_SUGAR =
10  val unfold_lets_splits: term -> term
11  val unfold_splits_lets: term -> term
12  val dest_map: Proof.context -> string -> term -> term * term list
13  val dest_pred: Proof.context -> string -> term -> term * term list
15  val mutualize_fp_sugars: (string -> bool) -> BNF_Util.fp_kind -> int list -> binding list ->
16    typ list -> term list -> term list list list list -> BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list ->
17    local_theory ->
18    (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list
19     * (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.lfp_sugar_thms option * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.gfp_sugar_thms option))
20    * local_theory
21  val nested_to_mutual_fps: (string -> bool) -> BNF_Util.fp_kind -> binding list -> typ list ->
22    term list -> (term * term list list) list list -> local_theory ->
23    (typ list * int list * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.fp_sugar list
24     * (BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.lfp_sugar_thms option * BNF_FP_Def_Sugar.gfp_sugar_thms option))
25    * local_theory
28structure BNF_FP_N2M_Sugar : BNF_FP_N2M_SUGAR =
31open Ctr_Sugar
32open BNF_Util
33open BNF_Def
34open BNF_Comp
35open BNF_FP_Util
36open BNF_FP_Def_Sugar
37open BNF_FP_N2M
39val n2mN = "n2m_";
41type n2m_sugar = fp_sugar list * (lfp_sugar_thms option * gfp_sugar_thms option);
43structure Data = Generic_Data
45  type T = n2m_sugar Typtab.table;
46  val empty = Typtab.empty;
47  val extend = I;
48  fun merge data : T = Typtab.merge (K true) data;
51fun morph_n2m_sugar phi (fp_sugars, (lfp_sugar_thms_opt, gfp_sugar_thms_opt)) =
52  (map (morph_fp_sugar phi) fp_sugars,
53   (Option.map (morph_lfp_sugar_thms phi) lfp_sugar_thms_opt,
54    Option.map (morph_gfp_sugar_thms phi) gfp_sugar_thms_opt));
56val transfer_n2m_sugar = morph_n2m_sugar o Morphism.transfer_morphism;
58fun n2m_sugar_of ctxt =
59  Typtab.lookup (Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt))
60  #> Option.map (transfer_n2m_sugar (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt));
62fun register_n2m_sugar key n2m_sugar =
63  Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = false}
64    (fn phi => Data.map (Typtab.update (key, morph_n2m_sugar phi n2m_sugar)));
66fun unfold_lets_splits (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Let\<close>, _) $ t $ u) =
67    unfold_lets_splits (betapply (unfold_splits_lets u, t))
68  | unfold_lets_splits (t $ u) = betapply (unfold_lets_splits t, unfold_lets_splits u)
69  | unfold_lets_splits (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, unfold_lets_splits t)
70  | unfold_lets_splits t = t
71and unfold_splits_lets ((t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>case_prod\<close>, _)) $ u) =
72    (case unfold_splits_lets u of
73      u' as Abs (s1, T1, Abs (s2, T2, _)) =>
74      let val v = Var ((s1 ^ s2, Term.maxidx_of_term u' + 1), HOLogic.mk_prodT (T1, T2)) in
75        lambda v (incr_boundvars 1 (betapplys (u', [HOLogic.mk_fst v, HOLogic.mk_snd v])))
76      end
77    | _ => t $ unfold_lets_splits u)
78  | unfold_splits_lets (t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Let\<close>, _) $ _ $ _) = unfold_lets_splits t
79  | unfold_splits_lets (t $ u) = betapply (unfold_splits_lets t, unfold_lets_splits u)
80  | unfold_splits_lets (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, unfold_splits_lets t)
81  | unfold_splits_lets t = unfold_lets_splits t;
83fun dest_either_map_or_pred map_or_pred_of_bnf ctxt T_name call =
84  let
85    val bnf = the (bnf_of ctxt T_name);
86    val const0 = map_or_pred_of_bnf bnf;
87    val live = live_of_bnf bnf;
88    val (f_Ts, _) = strip_typeN live (fastype_of const0);
89    val fs = map_index (fn (i, T) => Var (("f", i), T)) f_Ts;
90    val pat = betapplys (const0, fs);
91    val (_, tenv) = fo_match ctxt call pat;
92  in
93    (const0, Vartab.fold_rev (fn (_, (_, f)) => cons f) tenv [])
94  end;
96val dest_map = dest_either_map_or_pred map_of_bnf;
97val dest_pred = dest_either_map_or_pred pred_of_bnf;
99fun dest_map_or_pred ctxt T_name call =
100  (case try (dest_map ctxt T_name) call of
101    SOME res => res
102  | NONE => dest_pred ctxt T_name call);
104fun dest_abs_or_applied_map_or_pred _ _ (Abs (_, _, t)) = (Term.dummy, [t])
105  | dest_abs_or_applied_map_or_pred ctxt s (t1 $ _) = dest_map_or_pred ctxt s t1;
107fun map_partition f xs =
108  fold_rev (fn x => fn (ys, (good, bad)) =>
109      case f x of SOME y => (y :: ys, (x :: good, bad)) | NONE => (ys, (good, x :: bad)))
110    xs ([], ([], []));
112fun key_of_fp_eqs fp As fpTs Xs ctrXs_repTs =
113  Type (case_fp fp "l" "g", fpTs @ Xs @ ctrXs_repTs)
114  |> Term.map_atyps (fn T as TFree (_, S) =>
115    (case find_index (curry (op =) T) As of
116      ~1 => T
117    | j => TFree ("'" ^ string_of_int j, S)));
119fun get_indices callers t =
120  callers
121  |> map_index (fn (i, v) => if exists_subterm (equal v) t then SOME i else NONE)
122  |> map_filter I;
124fun mutualize_fp_sugars plugins fp mutual_cliques bs fpTs callers callssss fp_sugars0 no_defs_lthy =
125  let
126    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of no_defs_lthy;
128    val qsotm = quote o Syntax.string_of_term no_defs_lthy;
130    fun incompatible_calls ts =
131      error ("Incompatible " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "recursive calls: " ^ commas (map qsotm ts));
132    fun mutual_self_call caller t =
133      error ("Unsupported mutual self-call " ^ qsotm t ^ " from " ^ qsotm caller);
134    fun nested_self_call t =
135      error ("Unsupported nested self-call " ^ qsotm t);
137    val b_names = map Binding.name_of bs;
138    val fp_b_names = map base_name_of_typ fpTs;
140    val nn = length fpTs;
141    val kks = 0 upto nn - 1;
143    fun target_ctr_sugar_of_fp_sugar fpT ({T, fp_ctr_sugar = {ctr_sugar, ...}, ...} : fp_sugar) =
144      let
145        val rho = Vartab.fold (cons o apsnd snd) (Sign.typ_match thy (T, fpT) Vartab.empty) [];
146        val phi = Morphism.term_morphism "BNF" (Term.subst_TVars rho);
147      in
148        morph_ctr_sugar phi ctr_sugar
149      end;
151    val ctor_iff_dtors = map (#ctor_iff_dtor o #fp_ctr_sugar) fp_sugars0;
152    val ctr_defss = map (#ctr_defs o #fp_ctr_sugar) fp_sugars0;
153    val mapss = map (#map_thms o #fp_bnf_sugar) fp_sugars0;
154    val ctr_sugars = map2 target_ctr_sugar_of_fp_sugar fpTs fp_sugars0;
156    val ctrss = map #ctrs ctr_sugars;
157    val ctr_Tss = map (map fastype_of) ctrss;
159    val As' = fold (fold Term.add_tfreesT) ctr_Tss [];
160    val As = map TFree As';
162    val ((Cs, Xs), _) =
163      no_defs_lthy
164      |> fold Variable.declare_typ As
165      |> mk_TFrees nn
166      ||>> variant_tfrees fp_b_names;
168    fun check_call_dead live_call call =
169      if null (get_indices callers call) then () else incompatible_calls [live_call, call];
171    fun freeze_fpTs_type_based_default (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
172        (case filter (curry (op =) T o snd) (map_index I fpTs) of
173          [(kk, _)] => nth Xs kk
174        | _ => Type (s, map freeze_fpTs_type_based_default Ts))
175      | freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T = T;
177    fun freeze_fpTs_mutual_call kk fpT calls T =
178      (case fold (union (op =)) (map (get_indices callers) calls) [] of
179        [] => if T = fpT then nth Xs kk else freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T
180      | [kk'] =>
181        if T = fpT andalso kk' <> kk then
182          mutual_self_call (nth callers kk)
183            (the (find_first (not o null o get_indices callers) calls))
184        else if T = nth fpTs kk' then
185          nth Xs kk'
186        else
187          freeze_fpTs_type_based_default T
188      | _ => incompatible_calls calls);
190    fun freeze_fpTs_map kk (fpT as Type (_, Ts')) (callss, (live_call :: _, dead_calls))
191        (Type (s, Ts)) =
192      if Ts' = Ts then
193        nested_self_call live_call
194      else
195        (List.app (check_call_dead live_call) dead_calls;
196         Type (s, map2 (freeze_fpTs_call kk fpT)
197           (flatten_type_args_of_bnf (the (bnf_of no_defs_lthy s)) [] (transpose callss)) Ts))
198    and freeze_fpTs_call kk fpT calls (T as Type (s, _)) =
199        (case map_partition (try (snd o dest_map no_defs_lthy s)) calls of
200          ([], _) =>
201          (case map_partition (try (snd o dest_abs_or_applied_map_or_pred no_defs_lthy s)) calls of
202            ([], _) => freeze_fpTs_mutual_call kk fpT calls T
203          | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map kk fpT callsp T)
204        | callsp => freeze_fpTs_map kk fpT callsp T)
205      | freeze_fpTs_call _ _ _ T = T;
207    val ctr_Tsss = map (map binder_types) ctr_Tss;
208    val ctrXs_Tsss = @{map 4} (map2 o map2 oo freeze_fpTs_call) kks fpTs callssss ctr_Tsss;
209    val ctrXs_repTs = map mk_sumprodT_balanced ctrXs_Tsss;
211    val ns = map length ctr_Tsss;
212    val kss = map (fn n => 1 upto n) ns;
213    val mss = map (map length) ctr_Tsss;
215    val key = key_of_fp_eqs fp As fpTs Xs ctrXs_repTs;
216  in
217    (case n2m_sugar_of no_defs_lthy key of
218      SOME n2m_sugar => (n2m_sugar, no_defs_lthy)
219    | NONE =>
220      let
221        val base_fp_names = Name.variant_list [] fp_b_names;
222        val fp_bs = map2 (fn b_name => fn base_fp_name =>
223            Binding.qualify true b_name (Binding.name (n2mN ^ base_fp_name)))
224          b_names base_fp_names;
226        val Type (s, Us) :: _ = fpTs;
227        val killed_As' =
228          (case bnf_of no_defs_lthy s of
229            NONE => As'
230          | SOME bnf =>
231            let
232              val Type (_, Ts) = T_of_bnf bnf;
233              val deads = deads_of_bnf bnf;
234              val dead_Us =
235                map_filter (fn (T, U) => if member (op =) deads T then SOME U else NONE) (Ts ~~ Us);
236            in fold Term.add_tfreesT dead_Us [] end);
238        val fp_absT_infos = map #absT_info fp_sugars0;
239        val indexed_fp_ress = map (apsnd #fp_res o `(#fp_res_index)) fp_sugars0;
241        val (((pre_bnfs, absT_infos), _), (fp_res as {xtor_co_recs = xtor_co_recs0, xtor_co_induct,
242               dtor_injects, dtor_ctors, xtor_co_rec_thms, ...}, lthy)) =
243          fixpoint_bnf false I (construct_mutualized_fp fp mutual_cliques fpTs indexed_fp_ress)
244            fp_bs As' killed_As' (map dest_TFree Xs) ctrXs_repTs empty_comp_cache no_defs_lthy;
246        val time = time lthy;
247        val timer = time (Timer.startRealTimer ());
249        val fp_abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse fp_absT_infos;
250        val fp_type_definitions = map #type_definition fp_absT_infos;
252        val abss = map #abs absT_infos;
253        val reps = map #rep absT_infos;
254        val absTs = map #absT absT_infos;
255        val repTs = map #repT absT_infos;
256        val abs_inverses = map #abs_inverse absT_infos;
258        val fp_nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy ctrXs_Tsss Xs;
259        val live_nesting_bnfs = nesting_bnfs lthy ctrXs_Tsss As;
261        val (xtor_co_recs, recs_args_types, corecs_args_types) =
262          mk_co_recs_prelims lthy fp ctr_Tsss fpTs Cs absTs repTs ns mss xtor_co_recs0;
264        fun mk_binding b pre = Binding.prefix_name (pre ^ "_") b;
266        val ((co_recs, co_rec_defs), lthy) =
267          @{fold_map 2} (fn b =>
268              if fp = Least_FP then define_rec (the recs_args_types) (mk_binding b) fpTs Cs reps
269              else define_corec (the corecs_args_types) (mk_binding b) fpTs Cs abss)
270            fp_bs xtor_co_recs lthy
271          |>> split_list;
273        val timer = time (timer ("High-level " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "recursors"));
275        val ((common_co_inducts, co_inductss', co_rec_thmss, co_rec_disc_thmss, co_rec_sel_thmsss),
276             fp_sugar_thms) =
277          if fp = Least_FP then
278            derive_induct_recs_thms_for_types plugins pre_bnfs recs_args_types xtor_co_induct
279              xtor_co_rec_thms live_nesting_bnfs fp_nesting_bnfs fpTs Cs Xs ctrXs_Tsss
280              fp_abs_inverses fp_type_definitions abs_inverses ctrss ctr_defss co_recs co_rec_defs
281              lthy
282            |> `(fn ((inducts, induct, _), (rec_thmss, _)) =>
283              ([induct], [inducts], rec_thmss, replicate nn [], replicate nn []))
284            ||> (fn info => (SOME info, NONE))
285          else
286            derive_coinduct_corecs_thms_for_types lthy pre_bnfs (the corecs_args_types)
287              xtor_co_induct dtor_injects dtor_ctors xtor_co_rec_thms live_nesting_bnfs fpTs Cs Xs
288              ctrXs_Tsss kss mss ns fp_abs_inverses abs_inverses
289              (fn thm => thm RS @{thm vimage2p_refl}) ctr_defss ctr_sugars co_recs co_rec_defs
290            |> `(fn ((coinduct_thms_pairs, _), corec_thmss, corec_disc_thmss, _,
291                     (corec_sel_thmsss, _)) =>
292              (map snd coinduct_thms_pairs, map fst coinduct_thms_pairs, corec_thmss,
293               corec_disc_thmss, corec_sel_thmsss))
294            ||> (fn info => (NONE, SOME info));
296        val timer = time (timer ("High-level " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "induction principles"));
298        val names_lthy = lthy |> fold Variable.declare_typ (As @ Cs @ Xs);
299        val phi = Proof_Context.export_morphism names_lthy lthy;
301        fun mk_target_fp_sugar T X kk pre_bnf absT_info ctrXs_Tss ctor_iff_dtor ctr_defs ctr_sugar
302            co_rec co_rec_def map_thms co_inducts co_rec_thms co_rec_disc_thms co_rec_sel_thmss
303            ({fp_ctr_sugar = {ctr_transfers, case_transfers, disc_transfers, sel_transfers, ...},
304              fp_bnf_sugar = {map_disc_iffs, map_selss, rel_injects, rel_distincts, rel_sels,
305                rel_intros, rel_cases, pred_injects, set_thms, set_selssss, set_introssss,
306                set_cases, ...},
307              fp_co_induct_sugar = SOME {co_rec_disc_iffs, co_rec_codes, co_rec_transfers,
308                co_rec_o_maps, common_rel_co_inducts, rel_co_inducts, common_set_inducts,
309                set_inducts, ...},
310              ...} : fp_sugar) =
311          {T = T, BT = T (*wrong but harmless*), X = X, fp = fp, fp_res = fp_res, fp_res_index = kk,
312           pre_bnf = pre_bnf, fp_bnf = nth (#bnfs fp_res) kk, absT_info = absT_info,
313           fp_nesting_bnfs = fp_nesting_bnfs, live_nesting_bnfs = live_nesting_bnfs,
314           fp_ctr_sugar =
315             {ctrXs_Tss = ctrXs_Tss,
316              ctor_iff_dtor = ctor_iff_dtor,
317              ctr_defs = ctr_defs,
318              ctr_sugar = ctr_sugar,
319              ctr_transfers = ctr_transfers,
320              case_transfers = case_transfers,
321              disc_transfers = disc_transfers,
322              sel_transfers = sel_transfers},
323           fp_bnf_sugar =
324             {map_thms = map_thms,
325              map_disc_iffs = map_disc_iffs,
326              map_selss = map_selss,
327              rel_injects = rel_injects,
328              rel_distincts = rel_distincts,
329              rel_sels = rel_sels,
330              rel_intros = rel_intros,
331              rel_cases = rel_cases,
332              pred_injects = pred_injects,
333              set_thms = set_thms,
334              set_selssss = set_selssss,
335              set_introssss = set_introssss,
336              set_cases = set_cases},
337           fp_co_induct_sugar = SOME
338             {co_rec = co_rec,
339              common_co_inducts = common_co_inducts,
340              co_inducts = co_inducts,
341              co_rec_def = co_rec_def,
342              co_rec_thms = co_rec_thms,
343              co_rec_discs = co_rec_disc_thms,
344              co_rec_disc_iffs = co_rec_disc_iffs,
345              co_rec_selss = co_rec_sel_thmss,
346              co_rec_codes = co_rec_codes,
347              co_rec_transfers = co_rec_transfers,
348              co_rec_o_maps = co_rec_o_maps,
349              common_rel_co_inducts = common_rel_co_inducts,
350              rel_co_inducts = rel_co_inducts,
351              common_set_inducts = common_set_inducts,
352              set_inducts = set_inducts}}
353          |> morph_fp_sugar phi;
355        val target_fp_sugars =
356          @{map 17} mk_target_fp_sugar fpTs Xs kks pre_bnfs absT_infos ctrXs_Tsss ctor_iff_dtors
357            ctr_defss ctr_sugars co_recs co_rec_defs mapss (transpose co_inductss') co_rec_thmss
358            co_rec_disc_thmss co_rec_sel_thmsss fp_sugars0;
360        val n2m_sugar = (target_fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms);
361      in
362        (n2m_sugar, lthy |> register_n2m_sugar key n2m_sugar)
363      end)
364  end;
366fun indexify_callsss ctrs callsss =
367  let
368    fun indexify_ctr ctr =
369      (case AList.lookup Term.aconv_untyped callsss ctr of
370        NONE => replicate (num_binder_types (fastype_of ctr)) []
371      | SOME callss => map (map (Envir.beta_eta_contract o unfold_lets_splits)) callss);
372  in
373    map indexify_ctr ctrs
374  end;
376fun retypargs tyargs (Type (s, _)) = Type (s, tyargs);
378fun fold_subtype_pairs f (T as Type (s, Ts), U as Type (s', Us)) =
379    f (T, U) #> (if s = s' then fold (fold_subtype_pairs f) (Ts ~~ Us) else I)
380  | fold_subtype_pairs f TU = f TU;
382val impossible_caller = Bound ~1;
384fun nested_to_mutual_fps plugins fp actual_bs actual_Ts actual_callers actual_callssss0 lthy =
385  let
386    val qsoty = quote o Syntax.string_of_typ lthy;
387    val qsotys = space_implode " or " o map qsoty;
389    fun not_co_datatype0 T = error (qsoty T ^ " is not a " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "datatype");
390    fun not_co_datatype (T as Type (s, _)) =
391        if fp = Least_FP andalso
392           is_some (Old_Datatype_Data.get_info (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) s) then
393          error (qsoty T ^ " is an old-style datatype")
394        else
395          not_co_datatype0 T
396      | not_co_datatype T = not_co_datatype0 T;
397    fun not_mutually_nested_rec Ts1 Ts2 =
398      error (qsotys Ts1 ^ " is neither mutually " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "recursive with " ^ qsotys Ts2 ^
399        " nor nested " ^ co_prefix fp ^ "recursive through " ^
400        (if Ts1 = Ts2 andalso length Ts1 = 1 then "itself" else qsotys Ts2));
402    val sorted_actual_Ts =
403      sort (prod_ord int_ord Term_Ord.typ_ord o apply2 (`Term.size_of_typ)) actual_Ts;
405    fun the_ctrs_of (Type (s, Ts)) = map (mk_ctr Ts) (#ctrs (the (ctr_sugar_of lthy s)));
407    fun gen_rhss_in gen_Ts rho (subTs as Type (_, sub_tyargs) :: _) =
408      let
409        fun maybe_insert (T, Type (_, gen_tyargs)) =
410            member (op =) subTs T ? insert (op =) gen_tyargs
411          | maybe_insert _ = I;
413        val gen_ctrs = maps the_ctrs_of gen_Ts;
414        val gen_ctr_Ts = maps (binder_types o fastype_of) gen_ctrs;
415        val ctr_Ts = map (Term.typ_subst_atomic rho) gen_ctr_Ts;
416      in
417        (case fold (fold_subtype_pairs maybe_insert) (ctr_Ts ~~ gen_ctr_Ts) [] of
418          [] => [map (typ_subst_nonatomic (map swap rho)) sub_tyargs]
419        | gen_tyargss => gen_tyargss)
420      end;
422    fun the_fp_sugar_of (T as Type (T_name, _)) =
423      (case fp_sugar_of lthy T_name of
424        SOME (fp_sugar as {fp = fp', fp_co_induct_sugar = SOME _, ...}) =>
425        if fp = fp' then fp_sugar else not_co_datatype T
426      | _ => not_co_datatype T);
428    fun gather_types _ _ rev_seens gen_seen [] = (rev rev_seens, gen_seen)
429      | gather_types lthy rho rev_seens gen_seen ((T as Type (_, tyargs)) :: Ts) =
430        let
431          val {T = Type (_, tyargs0), fp_res = {Ts = mutual_Ts0, ...}, ...} = the_fp_sugar_of T;
432          val mutual_Ts = map (retypargs tyargs) mutual_Ts0;
434          val rev_seen = flat rev_seens;
435          val _ = null rev_seens orelse exists (exists_strict_subtype_in rev_seen) mutual_Ts orelse
436            not_mutually_nested_rec mutual_Ts rev_seen;
438          fun fresh_tyargs () =
439            let
440              val (unsorted_gen_tyargs, lthy') =
441                variant_tfrees (replicate (length tyargs) "z") lthy
442                |>> map Logic.varifyT_global;
443              val gen_tyargs =
444                map2 (resort_tfree_or_tvar o snd o dest_TFree_or_TVar) tyargs0 unsorted_gen_tyargs;
445              val rho' = (gen_tyargs ~~ tyargs) @ rho;
446            in
447              (rho', gen_tyargs, gen_seen, lthy')
448            end;
450          val (rho', gen_tyargs, gen_seen', lthy') =
451            if exists (exists_subtype_in (flat rev_seens)) mutual_Ts then
452              (case gen_rhss_in gen_seen rho mutual_Ts of
453                [] => fresh_tyargs ()
454              | gen_tyargs :: gen_tyargss_tl =>
455                let
456                  val unify_pairs = split_list (maps (curry (op ~~) gen_tyargs) gen_tyargss_tl);
457                  val mgu = Type.raw_unifys unify_pairs Vartab.empty;
458                  val gen_tyargs' = map (Envir.norm_type mgu) gen_tyargs;
459                  val gen_seen' = map (Envir.norm_type mgu) gen_seen;
460                in
461                  (rho, gen_tyargs', gen_seen', lthy)
462                end)
463            else
464              fresh_tyargs ();
466          val gen_mutual_Ts = map (retypargs gen_tyargs) mutual_Ts0;
467          val other_mutual_Ts = remove1 (op =) T mutual_Ts;
468          val Ts' = fold (remove1 (op =)) other_mutual_Ts Ts;
469        in
470          gather_types lthy' rho' (mutual_Ts :: rev_seens) (gen_seen' @ gen_mutual_Ts) Ts'
471        end
472      | gather_types _ _ _ _ (T :: _) = not_co_datatype T;
474    val (perm_Tss, perm_gen_Ts) = gather_types lthy [] [] [] sorted_actual_Ts;
475    val (perm_mutual_cliques, perm_Ts) =
476      split_list (flat (map_index (fn (i, perm_Ts) => map (pair i) perm_Ts) perm_Tss));
478    val perm_frozen_gen_Ts = map Logic.unvarifyT_global perm_gen_Ts;
480    val missing_Ts = fold (remove1 (op =)) actual_Ts perm_Ts;
481    val Ts = actual_Ts @ missing_Ts;
483    val nn = length Ts;
484    val kks = 0 upto nn - 1;
486    val callssss0 = pad_list [] nn actual_callssss0;
488    val common_name = mk_common_name (map Binding.name_of actual_bs);
489    val bs = pad_list (Binding.name common_name) nn actual_bs;
490    val callers = pad_list impossible_caller nn actual_callers;
492    fun permute xs = permute_like (op =) Ts perm_Ts xs;
493    fun unpermute perm_xs = permute_like (op =) perm_Ts Ts perm_xs;
495    (* The assignment of callers to mutual cliques is incorrect in general. This code would need to
496       inspect the actual calls to discover the correct cliques in the presence of type duplicates.
497       However, the naive scheme implemented here supports "prim(co)rec" specifications following
498       reasonable ordering of the duplicates (e.g., keeping the cliques together). *)
499    val perm_bs = permute bs;
500    val perm_callers = permute callers;
501    val perm_kks = permute kks;
502    val perm_callssss0 = permute callssss0;
503    val perm_fp_sugars0 = map (the o fp_sugar_of lthy o fst o dest_Type) perm_Ts;
505    val perm_callssss =
506      map2 (indexify_callsss o #ctrs o #ctr_sugar o #fp_ctr_sugar) perm_fp_sugars0 perm_callssss0;
508    val ((perm_fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms), lthy) =
509      if length perm_Tss = 1 then
510        ((perm_fp_sugars0, (NONE, NONE)), lthy)
511      else
512        mutualize_fp_sugars plugins fp perm_mutual_cliques perm_bs perm_frozen_gen_Ts perm_callers
513          perm_callssss perm_fp_sugars0 lthy;
515    val fp_sugars = unpermute perm_fp_sugars;
516  in
517    ((missing_Ts, perm_kks, fp_sugars, fp_sugar_thms), lthy)
518  end;