1219820Sjeff(*  Title:      HOL/Proofs/Lambda/StrongNorm.thy
2219820Sjeff    Author:     Stefan Berghofer
3219820Sjeff    Copyright   2000 TU Muenchen
6219820Sjeffsection \<open>Strong normalization for simply-typed lambda calculus\<close>
8219820Sjefftheory StrongNorm imports LambdaType InductTermi begin
10219820Sjefftext \<open>
11219820SjeffFormalization by Stefan Berghofer. Partly based on a paper proof by
12219820SjeffFelix Joachimski and Ralph Matthes @{cite "Matthes-Joachimski-AML"}.
16219820Sjeffsubsection \<open>Properties of \<open>IT\<close>\<close>
18219820Sjefflemma lift_IT [intro!]: "IT t \<Longrightarrow> IT (lift t i)"
19219820Sjeff  apply (induct arbitrary: i set: IT)
20219820Sjeff    apply (simp (no_asm))
21219820Sjeff    apply (rule conjI)
22219820Sjeff     apply
23219820Sjeff      (rule impI,
24219820Sjeff       rule IT.Var,
25219820Sjeff       erule listsp.induct,
26219820Sjeff       simp (no_asm),
27219820Sjeff       simp (no_asm),
28219820Sjeff       rule listsp.Cons,
29219820Sjeff       blast,
30219820Sjeff       assumption)+
31219820Sjeff     apply auto
32219820Sjeff   done
34219820Sjefflemma lifts_IT: "listsp IT ts \<Longrightarrow> listsp IT (map (\<lambda>t. lift t 0) ts)"
35219820Sjeff  by (induct ts) auto
37219820Sjefflemma subst_Var_IT: "IT r \<Longrightarrow> IT (r[Var i/j])"
38219820Sjeff  apply (induct arbitrary: i j set: IT)
39219820Sjeff    txt \<open>Case \<^term>\<open>Var\<close>:\<close>
40219820Sjeff    apply (simp (no_asm) add: subst_Var)
41219820Sjeff    apply
42219820Sjeff    ((rule conjI impI)+,
43219820Sjeff      rule IT.Var,
44219820Sjeff      erule listsp.induct,
45219820Sjeff      simp (no_asm),
46219820Sjeff      simp (no_asm),
47219820Sjeff      rule listsp.Cons,
48219820Sjeff      fast,
49219820Sjeff      assumption)+
50219820Sjeff   txt \<open>Case \<^term>\<open>Lambda\<close>:\<close>
51219820Sjeff   apply atomize
52219820Sjeff   apply simp
53219820Sjeff   apply (rule IT.Lambda)
54219820Sjeff   apply fast
55219820Sjeff  txt \<open>Case \<^term>\<open>Beta\<close>:\<close>
56219820Sjeff  apply atomize
57219820Sjeff  apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: subst_subst [symmetric])
58219820Sjeff  apply (rule IT.Beta)
59219820Sjeff   apply auto
60219820Sjeff  done
62219820Sjefflemma Var_IT: "IT (Var n)"
63219820Sjeff  apply (subgoal_tac "IT (Var n \<degree>\<degree> [])")
64219820Sjeff   apply simp
65219820Sjeff  apply (rule IT.Var)
66219820Sjeff  apply (rule listsp.Nil)
67219820Sjeff  done
69219820Sjefflemma app_Var_IT: "IT t \<Longrightarrow> IT (t \<degree> Var i)"
70219820Sjeff  apply (induct set: IT)
71219820Sjeff    apply (subst app_last)
72219820Sjeff    apply (rule IT.Var)
73219820Sjeff    apply simp
74219820Sjeff    apply (rule listsp.Cons)
75219820Sjeff     apply (rule Var_IT)
76219820Sjeff    apply (rule listsp.Nil)
77219820Sjeff   apply (rule IT.Beta [where ?ss = "[]", unfolded foldl_Nil [THEN eq_reflection]])
78219820Sjeff    apply (erule subst_Var_IT)
79219820Sjeff   apply (rule Var_IT)
80219820Sjeff  apply (subst app_last)
81219820Sjeff  apply (rule IT.Beta)
82219820Sjeff   apply (subst app_last [symmetric])
83219820Sjeff   apply assumption
84219820Sjeff  apply assumption
85219820Sjeff  done
88219820Sjeffsubsection \<open>Well-typed substitution preserves termination\<close>
90219820Sjefflemma subst_type_IT:
91219820Sjeff  "\<And>t e T u i. IT t \<Longrightarrow> e\<langle>i:U\<rangle> \<turnstile> t : T \<Longrightarrow>
92219820Sjeff    IT u \<Longrightarrow> e \<turnstile> u : U \<Longrightarrow> IT (t[u/i])"
93219820Sjeff  (is "PROP ?P U" is "\<And>t e T u i. _ \<Longrightarrow> PROP ?Q t e T u i U")
94219820Sjeffproof (induct U)
95219820Sjeff  fix T t
96219820Sjeff  assume MI1: "\<And>T1 T2. T = T1 \<Rightarrow> T2 \<Longrightarrow> PROP ?P T1"
97219820Sjeff  assume MI2: "\<And>T1 T2. T = T1 \<Rightarrow> T2 \<Longrightarrow> PROP ?P T2"
98219820Sjeff  assume "IT t"
99219820Sjeff  thus "\<And>e T' u i. PROP ?Q t e T' u i T"
100219820Sjeff  proof induct
101219820Sjeff    fix e T' u i
102219820Sjeff    assume uIT: "IT u"
103219820Sjeff    assume uT: "e \<turnstile> u : T"
104219820Sjeff    {
105219820Sjeff      case (Var rs n e1 T'1 u1 i1)
106219820Sjeff      assume nT: "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var n \<degree>\<degree> rs : T'"
107219820Sjeff      let ?ty = "\<lambda>t. \<exists>T'. e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> t : T'"
108219820Sjeff      let ?R = "\<lambda>t. \<forall>e T' u i.
109219820Sjeff        e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> t : T' \<longrightarrow> IT u \<longrightarrow> e \<turnstile> u : T \<longrightarrow> IT (t[u/i])"
110219820Sjeff      show "IT ((Var n \<degree>\<degree> rs)[u/i])"
111219820Sjeff      proof (cases "n = i")
112219820Sjeff        case True
113219820Sjeff        show ?thesis
114219820Sjeff        proof (cases rs)
115219820Sjeff          case Nil
116219820Sjeff          with uIT True show ?thesis by simp
117219820Sjeff        next
118219820Sjeff          case (Cons a as)
119219820Sjeff          with nT have "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var n \<degree> a \<degree>\<degree> as : T'" by simp
120219820Sjeff          then obtain Ts
121219820Sjeff              where headT: "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var n \<degree> a : Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'"
122219820Sjeff              and argsT: "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<tturnstile> as : Ts"
123219820Sjeff            by (rule list_app_typeE)
124219820Sjeff          from headT obtain T''
125219820Sjeff              where varT: "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var n : T'' \<Rightarrow> Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'"
126219820Sjeff              and argT: "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> a : T''"
127219820Sjeff            by cases simp_all
128219820Sjeff          from varT True have T: "T = T'' \<Rightarrow> Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'"
129219820Sjeff            by cases auto
130219820Sjeff          with uT have uT': "e \<turnstile> u : T'' \<Rightarrow> Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'" by simp
131219820Sjeff          from T have "IT ((Var 0 \<degree>\<degree> map (\<lambda>t. lift t 0)
132219820Sjeff            (map (\<lambda>t. t[u/i]) as))[(u \<degree> a[u/i])/0])"
133          proof (rule MI2)
134            from T have "IT ((lift u 0 \<degree> Var 0)[a[u/i]/0])"
135            proof (rule MI1)
136              have "IT (lift u 0)" by (rule lift_IT [OF uIT])
137              thus "IT (lift u 0 \<degree> Var 0)" by (rule app_Var_IT)
138              show "e\<langle>0:T''\<rangle> \<turnstile> lift u 0 \<degree> Var 0 : Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'"
139              proof (rule typing.App)
140                show "e\<langle>0:T''\<rangle> \<turnstile> lift u 0 : T'' \<Rightarrow> Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'"
141                  by (rule lift_type) (rule uT')
142                show "e\<langle>0:T''\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var 0 : T''"
143                  by (rule typing.Var) simp
144              qed
145              from Var have "?R a" by cases (simp_all add: Cons)
146              with argT uIT uT show "IT (a[u/i])" by simp
147              from argT uT show "e \<turnstile> a[u/i] : T''"
148                by (rule subst_lemma) simp
149            qed
150            thus "IT (u \<degree> a[u/i])" by simp
151            from Var have "listsp ?R as"
152              by cases (simp_all add: Cons)
153            moreover from argsT have "listsp ?ty as"
154              by (rule lists_typings)
155            ultimately have "listsp (\<lambda>t. ?R t \<and> ?ty t) as"
156              by simp
157            hence "listsp IT (map (\<lambda>t. lift t 0) (map (\<lambda>t. t[u/i]) as))"
158              (is "listsp IT (?ls as)")
159            proof induct
160              case Nil
161              show ?case by fastforce
162            next
163              case (Cons b bs)
164              hence I: "?R b" by simp
165              from Cons obtain U where "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> b : U" by fast
166              with uT uIT I have "IT (b[u/i])" by simp
167              hence "IT (lift (b[u/i]) 0)" by (rule lift_IT)
168              hence "listsp IT (lift (b[u/i]) 0 # ?ls bs)"
169                by (rule listsp.Cons) (rule Cons)
170              thus ?case by simp
171            qed
172            thus "IT (Var 0 \<degree>\<degree> ?ls as)" by (rule IT.Var)
173            have "e\<langle>0:Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var 0 : Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'"
174              by (rule typing.Var) simp
175            moreover from uT argsT have "e \<tturnstile> map (\<lambda>t. t[u/i]) as : Ts"
176              by (rule substs_lemma)
177            hence "e\<langle>0:Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'\<rangle> \<tturnstile> ?ls as : Ts"
178              by (rule lift_types)
179            ultimately show "e\<langle>0:Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var 0 \<degree>\<degree> ?ls as : T'"
180              by (rule list_app_typeI)
181            from argT uT have "e \<turnstile> a[u/i] : T''"
182              by (rule subst_lemma) (rule refl)
183            with uT' show "e \<turnstile> u \<degree> a[u/i] : Ts \<Rrightarrow> T'"
184              by (rule typing.App)
185          qed
186          with Cons True show ?thesis
187            by (simp add: comp_def)
188        qed
189      next
190        case False
191        from Var have "listsp ?R rs" by simp
192        moreover from nT obtain Ts where "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<tturnstile> rs : Ts"
193          by (rule list_app_typeE)
194        hence "listsp ?ty rs" by (rule lists_typings)
195        ultimately have "listsp (\<lambda>t. ?R t \<and> ?ty t) rs"
196          by simp
197        hence "listsp IT (map (\<lambda>x. x[u/i]) rs)"
198        proof induct
199          case Nil
200          show ?case by fastforce
201        next
202          case (Cons a as)
203          hence I: "?R a" by simp
204          from Cons obtain U where "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> a : U" by fast
205          with uT uIT I have "IT (a[u/i])" by simp
206          hence "listsp IT (a[u/i] # map (\<lambda>t. t[u/i]) as)"
207            by (rule listsp.Cons) (rule Cons)
208          thus ?case by simp
209        qed
210        with False show ?thesis by (auto simp add: subst_Var)
211      qed
212    next
213      case (Lambda r e1 T'1 u1 i1)
214      assume "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> Abs r : T'"
215        and "\<And>e T' u i. PROP ?Q r e T' u i T"
216      with uIT uT show "IT (Abs r[u/i])"
217        by fastforce
218    next
219      case (Beta r a as e1 T'1 u1 i1)
220      assume T: "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> Abs r \<degree> a \<degree>\<degree> as : T'"
221      assume SI1: "\<And>e T' u i. PROP ?Q (r[a/0] \<degree>\<degree> as) e T' u i T"
222      assume SI2: "\<And>e T' u i. PROP ?Q a e T' u i T"
223      have "IT (Abs (r[lift u 0/Suc i]) \<degree> a[u/i] \<degree>\<degree> map (\<lambda>t. t[u/i]) as)"
224      proof (rule IT.Beta)
225        have "Abs r \<degree> a \<degree>\<degree> as \<rightarrow>\<^sub>\<beta> r[a/0] \<degree>\<degree> as"
226          by (rule apps_preserves_beta) (rule beta.beta)
227        with T have "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> r[a/0] \<degree>\<degree> as : T'"
228          by (rule subject_reduction)
229        hence "IT ((r[a/0] \<degree>\<degree> as)[u/i])"
230          using uIT uT by (rule SI1)
231        thus "IT (r[lift u 0/Suc i][a[u/i]/0] \<degree>\<degree> map (\<lambda>t. t[u/i]) as)"
232          by (simp del: subst_map add: subst_subst subst_map [symmetric])
233        from T obtain U where "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> Abs r \<degree> a : U"
234          by (rule list_app_typeE) fast
235        then obtain T'' where "e\<langle>i:T\<rangle> \<turnstile> a : T''" by cases simp_all
236        thus "IT (a[u/i])" using uIT uT by (rule SI2)
237      qed
238      thus "IT ((Abs r \<degree> a \<degree>\<degree> as)[u/i])" by simp
239    }
240  qed
244subsection \<open>Well-typed terms are strongly normalizing\<close>
246lemma type_implies_IT:
247  assumes "e \<turnstile> t : T"
248  shows "IT t"
249  using assms
250proof induct
251  case Var
252  show ?case by (rule Var_IT)
254  case Abs
255  show ?case by (rule IT.Lambda) (rule Abs)
257  case (App e s T U t)
258  have "IT ((Var 0 \<degree> lift t 0)[s/0])"
259  proof (rule subst_type_IT)
260    have "IT (lift t 0)" using \<open>IT t\<close> by (rule lift_IT)
261    hence "listsp IT [lift t 0]" by (rule listsp.Cons) (rule listsp.Nil)
262    hence "IT (Var 0 \<degree>\<degree> [lift t 0])" by (rule IT.Var)
263    also have "Var 0 \<degree>\<degree> [lift t 0] = Var 0 \<degree> lift t 0" by simp
264    finally show "IT \<dots>" .
265    have "e\<langle>0:T \<Rightarrow> U\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var 0 : T \<Rightarrow> U"
266      by (rule typing.Var) simp
267    moreover have "e\<langle>0:T \<Rightarrow> U\<rangle> \<turnstile> lift t 0 : T"
268      by (rule lift_type) (rule App.hyps)
269    ultimately show "e\<langle>0:T \<Rightarrow> U\<rangle> \<turnstile> Var 0 \<degree> lift t 0 : U"
270      by (rule typing.App)
271    show "IT s" by fact
272    show "e \<turnstile> s : T \<Rightarrow> U" by fact
273  qed
274  thus ?case by simp
277theorem type_implies_termi: "e \<turnstile> t : T \<Longrightarrow> termip beta t"
278proof -
279  assume "e \<turnstile> t : T"
280  hence "IT t" by (rule type_implies_IT)
281  thus ?thesis by (rule IT_implies_termi)