1(*                                                    *)
2(* Formalisation of the chapter on Logical Relations  *)
3(* and a Case Study in Equivalence Checking           *)
4(* by Karl Crary from the book on Advanced Topics in  *)
5(* Types and Programming Languages, MIT Press 2005    *)
7(* The formalisation was done by Julien Narboux and   *)
8(* Christian Urban.                                   *)
10theory Crary
11  imports "HOL-Nominal.Nominal"
14atom_decl name 
16nominal_datatype ty = 
17    TBase 
18  | TUnit 
19  | Arrow "ty" "ty" ("_\<rightarrow>_" [100,100] 100)
21nominal_datatype trm = 
22    Unit
23  | Var "name" ("Var _" [100] 100)
24  | Lam "\<guillemotleft>name\<guillemotright>trm" ("Lam [_]._" [100,100] 100)
25  | App "trm" "trm" ("App _ _" [110,110] 100)
26  | Const "nat"
28type_synonym Ctxt  = "(name\<times>ty) list"
29type_synonym Subst = "(name\<times>trm) list" 
32lemma perm_ty[simp]: 
33  fixes T::"ty"
34  and   pi::"name prm"
35  shows "pi\<bullet>T = T"
36  by (induct T rule: ty.induct) (simp_all)
38lemma fresh_ty[simp]:
39  fixes x::"name" 
40  and   T::"ty"
41  shows "x\<sharp>T"
42  by (simp add: fresh_def supp_def)
44lemma ty_cases:
45  fixes T::ty
46  shows "(\<exists> T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2. T=T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2) \<or> T=TUnit \<or> T=TBase"
47by (induct T rule:ty.induct) (auto)
49instantiation ty :: size
52nominal_primrec size_ty
54  "size (TBase) = 1"
55| "size (TUnit) = 1"
56| "size (T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2) = size T\<^sub>1 + size T\<^sub>2"
57by (rule TrueI)+
59instance ..
63lemma ty_size_greater_zero[simp]:
64  fixes T::"ty"
65  shows "size T > 0"
66by (nominal_induct rule: ty.strong_induct) (simp_all)
68section \<open>Substitutions\<close>
71  lookup :: "Subst \<Rightarrow> name \<Rightarrow> trm"   
73  "lookup [] x        = Var x"
74| "lookup ((y,T)#\<theta>) x = (if x=y then T else lookup \<theta> x)"
76lemma lookup_eqvt[eqvt]:
77  fixes pi::"name prm"
78  shows "pi\<bullet>(lookup \<theta> x) = lookup (pi\<bullet>\<theta>) (pi\<bullet>x)"
79by (induct \<theta>) (auto simp add: perm_bij)
81lemma lookup_fresh:
82  fixes z::"name"
83  assumes a: "z\<sharp>\<theta>" "z\<sharp>x"
84  shows "z\<sharp> lookup \<theta> x"
85using a
86by (induct rule: lookup.induct) 
87   (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons)
89lemma lookup_fresh':
90  assumes a: "z\<sharp>\<theta>"
91  shows "lookup \<theta> z = Var z"
92using a
93by (induct rule: lookup.induct)
94   (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_prod fresh_atm)
97  psubst :: "Subst \<Rightarrow> trm \<Rightarrow> trm"  ("_<_>" [100,100] 130)
99  "\<theta><(Var x)> = (lookup \<theta> x)"
100| "\<theta><(App t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2)> = App \<theta><t\<^sub>1> \<theta><t\<^sub>2>"
101| "x\<sharp>\<theta> \<Longrightarrow> \<theta><(Lam [x].t)> = Lam [x].(\<theta><t>)"
102| "\<theta><(Const n)> = Const n"
103| "\<theta><(Unit)> = Unit"
105apply(rule TrueI)+
106apply(simp add: abs_fresh)+
111 subst :: "trm \<Rightarrow> name \<Rightarrow> trm \<Rightarrow> trm" ("_[_::=_]" [100,100,100] 100)
113  "t[x::=t']  \<equiv> ([(x,t')])<t>" 
115lemma subst[simp]:
116  shows "(Var x)[y::=t'] = (if x=y then t' else (Var x))"
117  and   "(App t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2)[y::=t'] = App (t\<^sub>1[y::=t']) (t\<^sub>2[y::=t'])"
118  and   "x\<sharp>(y,t') \<Longrightarrow> (Lam [x].t)[y::=t'] = Lam [x].(t[y::=t'])"
119  and   "Const n[y::=t'] = Const n"
120  and   "Unit [y::=t'] = Unit"
121  by (simp_all add: fresh_list_cons fresh_list_nil)
123lemma subst_eqvt[eqvt]:
124  fixes pi::"name prm" 
125  shows "pi\<bullet>(t[x::=t']) = (pi\<bullet>t)[(pi\<bullet>x)::=(pi\<bullet>t')]"
126  by (nominal_induct t avoiding: x t' rule: trm.strong_induct)
127     (perm_simp add: fresh_bij)+
129lemma subst_rename: 
130  fixes c::"name"
131  assumes a: "c\<sharp>t\<^sub>1"
132  shows "t\<^sub>1[a::=t\<^sub>2] = ([(c,a)]\<bullet>t\<^sub>1)[c::=t\<^sub>2]"
133using a
134apply(nominal_induct t\<^sub>1 avoiding: a c t\<^sub>2 rule: trm.strong_induct)
135apply(simp add: trm.inject calc_atm fresh_atm abs_fresh perm_nat_def)+
138lemma fresh_psubst: 
139  fixes z::"name"
140  assumes a: "z\<sharp>t" "z\<sharp>\<theta>"
141  shows "z\<sharp>(\<theta><t>)"
142using a
143by (nominal_induct t avoiding: z \<theta> t rule: trm.strong_induct)
144   (auto simp add: abs_fresh lookup_fresh)
146lemma fresh_subst'':
147  fixes z::"name"
148  assumes "z\<sharp>t\<^sub>2"
149  shows "z\<sharp>t\<^sub>1[z::=t\<^sub>2]"
150using assms 
151by (nominal_induct t\<^sub>1 avoiding: t\<^sub>2 z rule: trm.strong_induct)
152   (auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_nat fresh_atm)
154lemma fresh_subst':
155  fixes z::"name"
156  assumes "z\<sharp>[y].t\<^sub>1" "z\<sharp>t\<^sub>2"
157  shows "z\<sharp>t\<^sub>1[y::=t\<^sub>2]"
158using assms 
159by (nominal_induct t\<^sub>1 avoiding: y t\<^sub>2 z rule: trm.strong_induct)
160   (auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_nat fresh_atm)
162lemma fresh_subst:
163  fixes z::"name"
164  assumes a: "z\<sharp>t\<^sub>1" "z\<sharp>t\<^sub>2"
165  shows "z\<sharp>t\<^sub>1[y::=t\<^sub>2]"
166using a 
167by (auto simp add: fresh_subst' abs_fresh) 
169lemma fresh_psubst_simp:
170  assumes "x\<sharp>t"
171  shows "((x,u)#\<theta>)<t> = \<theta><t>" 
172using assms
173proof (nominal_induct t avoiding: x u \<theta> rule: trm.strong_induct)
174  case (Lam y t x u)
175  have fs: "y\<sharp>\<theta>" "y\<sharp>x" "y\<sharp>u" by fact+
176  moreover have "x\<sharp> Lam [y].t" by fact 
177  ultimately have "x\<sharp>t" by (simp add: abs_fresh fresh_atm)
178  moreover have ih:"\<And>n T. n\<sharp>t \<Longrightarrow> ((n,T)#\<theta>)<t> = \<theta><t>" by fact
179  ultimately have "((x,u)#\<theta>)<t> = \<theta><t>" by auto
180  moreover have "((x,u)#\<theta>)<Lam [y].t> = Lam [y].(((x,u)#\<theta>)<t>)" using fs 
181    by (simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_prod)
182  moreover have " \<theta><Lam [y].t> = Lam [y]. (\<theta><t>)" using fs by simp
183  ultimately show "((x,u)#\<theta>)<Lam [y].t> = \<theta><Lam [y].t>" by auto
184qed (auto simp add: fresh_atm abs_fresh)
186lemma forget: 
187  fixes x::"name"
188  assumes a: "x\<sharp>t" 
189  shows "t[x::=t'] = t"
190  using a
191by (nominal_induct t avoiding: x t' rule: trm.strong_induct)
192   (auto simp add: fresh_atm abs_fresh)
194lemma subst_fun_eq:
195  fixes u::trm
196  assumes h:"[x].t\<^sub>1 = [y].t\<^sub>2"
197  shows "t\<^sub>1[x::=u] = t\<^sub>2[y::=u]"
198proof -
199  { 
200    assume "x=y" and "t\<^sub>1=t\<^sub>2"
201    then have ?thesis using h by simp
202  }
203  moreover 
204  {
205    assume h1:"x \<noteq> y" and h2:"t\<^sub>1=[(x,y)] \<bullet> t\<^sub>2" and h3:"x \<sharp> t\<^sub>2"
206    then have "([(x,y)] \<bullet> t\<^sub>2)[x::=u] = t\<^sub>2[y::=u]" by (simp add: subst_rename)
207    then have ?thesis using h2 by simp 
208  }
209  ultimately show ?thesis using alpha h by blast
212lemma psubst_empty[simp]:
213  shows "[]<t> = t"
214by (nominal_induct t rule: trm.strong_induct) 
215   (auto simp add: fresh_list_nil)
217lemma psubst_subst_psubst:
218  assumes h:"c\<sharp>\<theta>"
219  shows "\<theta><t>[c::=s] = ((c,s)#\<theta>)<t>"
220  using h
221by (nominal_induct t avoiding: \<theta> c s rule: trm.strong_induct)
222   (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_atm forget lookup_fresh lookup_fresh' fresh_psubst)
224lemma subst_fresh_simp:
225  assumes a: "x\<sharp>\<theta>"
226  shows "\<theta><Var x> = Var x"
227using a
228by (induct \<theta> arbitrary: x) (auto simp add:fresh_list_cons fresh_prod fresh_atm)
230lemma psubst_subst_propagate: 
231  assumes "x\<sharp>\<theta>" 
232  shows "\<theta><t[x::=u]> = \<theta><t>[x::=\<theta><u>]"
233using assms
234proof (nominal_induct t avoiding: x u \<theta> rule: trm.strong_induct)
235  case (Var n x u \<theta>)
236  { assume "x=n"
237    moreover have "x\<sharp>\<theta>" by fact 
238    ultimately have "\<theta><Var n[x::=u]> = \<theta><Var n>[x::=\<theta><u>]" using subst_fresh_simp by auto
239  }
240  moreover 
241  { assume h:"x\<noteq>n"
242    then have "x\<sharp>Var n" by (auto simp add: fresh_atm) 
243    moreover have "x\<sharp>\<theta>" by fact
244    ultimately have "x\<sharp>\<theta><Var n>" using fresh_psubst by blast
245    then have " \<theta><Var n>[x::=\<theta><u>] =  \<theta><Var n>" using forget by auto
246    then have "\<theta><Var n[x::=u]> = \<theta><Var n>[x::=\<theta><u>]" using h by auto
247  }
248  ultimately show ?case by auto  
250  case (Lam n t x u \<theta>)
251  have fs:"n\<sharp>x" "n\<sharp>u" "n\<sharp>\<theta>" "x\<sharp>\<theta>" by fact+
252  have ih:"\<And> y s \<theta>. y\<sharp>\<theta> \<Longrightarrow> ((\<theta><(t[y::=s])>) = ((\<theta><t>)[y::=(\<theta><s>)]))" by fact
253  have "\<theta> <(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = \<theta><Lam [n]. (t [x::=u])>" using fs by auto
254  then have "\<theta> <(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = Lam [n]. \<theta><t [x::=u]>" using fs by auto
255  moreover have "\<theta><t[x::=u]> = \<theta><t>[x::=\<theta><u>]" using ih fs by blast
256  ultimately have "\<theta> <(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = Lam [n].(\<theta><t>[x::=\<theta><u>])" by auto
257  moreover have "Lam [n].(\<theta><t>[x::=\<theta><u>]) = (Lam [n].\<theta><t>)[x::=\<theta><u>]" using fs fresh_psubst by auto
258  ultimately have "\<theta><(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = (Lam [n].\<theta><t>)[x::=\<theta><u>]" using fs by auto
259  then show "\<theta><(Lam [n].t)[x::=u]> = \<theta><Lam [n].t>[x::=\<theta><u>]" using fs by auto
260qed (auto)
262section \<open>Typing\<close>
265  valid :: "Ctxt \<Rightarrow> bool"
267  v_nil[intro]:  "valid []"
268| v_cons[intro]: "\<lbrakk>valid \<Gamma>;a\<sharp>\<Gamma>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> valid ((a,T)#\<Gamma>)"
270equivariance valid 
273  valid_cons_elim_auto[elim]:"valid ((x,T)#\<Gamma>)"
276  "sub_context" :: "Ctxt \<Rightarrow> Ctxt \<Rightarrow> bool" (" _ \<subseteq> _ " [55,55] 55)
278  "\<Gamma>\<^sub>1 \<subseteq> \<Gamma>\<^sub>2 \<equiv> \<forall>a T. (a,T)\<in>set \<Gamma>\<^sub>1 \<longrightarrow> (a,T)\<in>set \<Gamma>\<^sub>2"
280lemma valid_monotonicity[elim]:
281 fixes \<Gamma> \<Gamma>' :: Ctxt
282 assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>'" 
283 and     b: "x\<sharp>\<Gamma>'"
284 shows "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<subseteq> (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>'"
285using a b by auto
287lemma fresh_context: 
288  fixes  \<Gamma> :: "Ctxt"
289  and    a :: "name"
290  assumes "a\<sharp>\<Gamma>"
291  shows "\<not>(\<exists>\<tau>::ty. (a,\<tau>)\<in>set \<Gamma>)"
292using assms 
293by (induct \<Gamma>)
294   (auto simp add: fresh_prod fresh_list_cons fresh_atm)
296lemma type_unicity_in_context:
297  assumes a: "valid \<Gamma>" 
298  and     b: "(x,T\<^sub>1) \<in> set \<Gamma>" 
299  and     c: "(x,T\<^sub>2) \<in> set \<Gamma>"
300  shows "T\<^sub>1=T\<^sub>2"
301using a b c
302by (induct \<Gamma>)
303   (auto dest!: fresh_context)
306  typing :: "Ctxt\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>ty\<Rightarrow>bool" (" _ \<turnstile> _ : _ " [60,60,60] 60) 
308  T_Var[intro]:   "\<lbrakk>valid \<Gamma>; (x,T)\<in>set \<Gamma>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x : T"
309| T_App[intro]:   "\<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> e\<^sub>1 : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> e\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>1\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> App e\<^sub>1 e\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>2"
310| T_Lam[intro]:   "\<lbrakk>x\<sharp>\<Gamma>; (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : T\<^sub>2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Lam [x].t : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2"
311| T_Const[intro]: "valid \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Const n : TBase"
312| T_Unit[intro]:  "valid \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Unit : TUnit"
314equivariance typing
316nominal_inductive typing
317  by (simp_all add: abs_fresh)
319lemma typing_implies_valid:
320  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : T"
321  shows "valid \<Gamma>"
322  using a by (induct) (auto)
324declare trm.inject [simp add]
325declare ty.inject  [simp add]
327inductive_cases typing_inv_auto[elim]:
328  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Lam [x].t : T"
329  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x : T"
330  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App x y : T"
331  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Const n : T"
332  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Unit : TUnit"
333  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s : TUnit"
335declare trm.inject [simp del]
336declare ty.inject [simp del]
339section \<open>Definitional Equivalence\<close>
342  def_equiv :: "Ctxt\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>ty\<Rightarrow>bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<equiv> _ : _" [60,60] 60) 
344  Q_Refl[intro]:  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<equiv> t : T"
345| Q_Symm[intro]:  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<equiv> s : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> t : T"
346| Q_Trans[intro]: "\<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> t : T; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<equiv> u : T\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> u : T"
347| Q_Abs[intro]:   "\<lbrakk>x\<sharp>\<Gamma>; (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<^sub>2 \<equiv> t\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Lam [x]. s\<^sub>2 \<equiv>  Lam [x]. t\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2"
348| Q_App[intro]:   "\<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<^sub>1 \<equiv> t\<^sub>1 : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2 ; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<^sub>2 \<equiv> t\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>1\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> App s\<^sub>1 s\<^sub>2 \<equiv> App t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>2"
349| Q_Beta[intro]:  "\<lbrakk>x\<sharp>(\<Gamma>,s\<^sub>2,t\<^sub>2); (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<^sub>1 \<equiv> t\<^sub>1 : T\<^sub>2 ; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<^sub>2 \<equiv> t\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>1\<rbrakk> 
350                   \<Longrightarrow>  \<Gamma> \<turnstile> App (Lam [x]. s\<^sub>1) s\<^sub>2 \<equiv> t\<^sub>1[x::=t\<^sub>2] : T\<^sub>2"
351| Q_Ext[intro]:   "\<lbrakk>x\<sharp>(\<Gamma>,s,t); (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App s (Var x) \<equiv> App t (Var x) : T\<^sub>2\<rbrakk> 
352                   \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> t : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2"
353| Q_Unit[intro]:  "\<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s : TUnit; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t: TUnit\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> t : TUnit"
355equivariance def_equiv
357nominal_inductive def_equiv
358  by (simp_all add: abs_fresh fresh_subst'')
360lemma def_equiv_implies_valid:
361  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<equiv> s : T"
362  shows "valid \<Gamma>"
363using a by (induct) (auto elim: typing_implies_valid)
365section \<open>Weak Head Reduction\<close>
368  whr_def :: "trm\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>bool" ("_ \<leadsto> _" [80,80] 80) 
370  QAR_Beta[intro]: "App (Lam [x]. t\<^sub>1) t\<^sub>2 \<leadsto> t\<^sub>1[x::=t\<^sub>2]"
371| QAR_App[intro]:  "t\<^sub>1 \<leadsto> t\<^sub>1' \<Longrightarrow> App t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2 \<leadsto> App t\<^sub>1' t\<^sub>2"
373declare trm.inject  [simp add]
374declare ty.inject  [simp add]
376inductive_cases whr_inv_auto[elim]: 
377  "t \<leadsto> t'"
378  "Lam [x].t \<leadsto> t'"
379  "App (Lam [x].t12) t2 \<leadsto> t"
380  "Var x \<leadsto> t"
381  "Const n \<leadsto> t"
382  "App p q \<leadsto> t"
383  "t \<leadsto> Const n"
384  "t \<leadsto> Var x"
385  "t \<leadsto> App p q"
387declare trm.inject  [simp del]
388declare ty.inject  [simp del]
390equivariance whr_def
392section \<open>Weak Head Normalisation\<close>
395 nf :: "trm \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<leadsto>|" [100] 100)
397  "t\<leadsto>|  \<equiv> \<not>(\<exists> u. t \<leadsto> u)" 
400  whn_def :: "trm\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>bool" ("_ \<Down> _" [80,80] 80) 
402  QAN_Reduce[intro]: "\<lbrakk>s \<leadsto> t; t \<Down> u\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s \<Down> u"
403| QAN_Normal[intro]: "t\<leadsto>|  \<Longrightarrow> t \<Down> t"
405declare trm.inject[simp]
407inductive_cases whn_inv_auto[elim]: "t \<Down> t'"
409declare trm.inject[simp del]
411equivariance whn_def
413lemma red_unicity : 
414  assumes a: "x \<leadsto> a" 
415  and     b: "x \<leadsto> b"
416  shows "a=b"
417  using a b
418apply (induct arbitrary: b)
419apply (erule whr_inv_auto(3))
420apply (clarify)
421apply (rule subst_fun_eq)
422apply (simp)
423apply (force)
424apply (erule whr_inv_auto(6))
425apply (blast)+
428lemma nf_unicity :
429  assumes "x \<Down> a" and "x \<Down> b"
430  shows "a=b"
431  using assms 
432proof (induct arbitrary: b)
433  case (QAN_Reduce x t a b)
434  have h:"x \<leadsto> t" "t \<Down> a" by fact+
435  have ih:"\<And>b. t \<Down> b \<Longrightarrow> a = b" by fact
436  have "x \<Down> b" by fact
437  then obtain t' where "x \<leadsto> t'" and hl:"t' \<Down> b" using h by auto
438  then have "t=t'" using h red_unicity by auto
439  then show "a=b" using ih hl by auto
440qed (auto)
443section \<open>Algorithmic Term Equivalence and Algorithmic Path Equivalence\<close>
446  alg_equiv :: "Ctxt\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>ty\<Rightarrow>bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<Leftrightarrow> _ : _" [60,60,60,60] 60) 
448  alg_path_equiv :: "Ctxt\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>trm\<Rightarrow>ty\<Rightarrow>bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leftrightarrow> _ : _" [60,60,60,60] 60) 
450  QAT_Base[intro]:  "\<lbrakk>s \<Down> p; t \<Down> q; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> q : TBase\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : TBase"
451| QAT_Arrow[intro]: "\<lbrakk>x\<sharp>(\<Gamma>,s,t); (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App s (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App t (Var x) : T\<^sub>2\<rbrakk> 
452                     \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2"
453| QAT_One[intro]:   "valid \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : TUnit"
454| QAP_Var[intro]:   "\<lbrakk>valid \<Gamma>;(x,T) \<in> set \<Gamma>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x \<leftrightarrow> Var x : T"
455| QAP_App[intro]:   "\<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> q : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>1\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> App p s \<leftrightarrow> App q t : T\<^sub>2"
456| QAP_Const[intro]: "valid \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Const n \<leftrightarrow> Const n : TBase"
458equivariance alg_equiv
460nominal_inductive alg_equiv
461  avoids QAT_Arrow: x
462  by simp_all
464declare trm.inject [simp add]
465declare ty.inject  [simp add]
467inductive_cases alg_equiv_inv_auto[elim]: 
468  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<Leftrightarrow>t : TBase"
469  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<Leftrightarrow>t : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2"
470  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<leftrightarrow>t : TBase"
471  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<leftrightarrow>t : TUnit"
472  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s\<leftrightarrow>t : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2"
474  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x \<leftrightarrow> t : T"
475  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x \<leftrightarrow> t : T'"
476  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> Var x : T"
477  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> Var x : T'"
478  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Const n \<leftrightarrow> t : T"
479  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> Const n : T"
480  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App p s \<leftrightarrow> t : T"
481  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> App q t : T"
482  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Lam[x].s \<leftrightarrow> t : T"
483  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<leftrightarrow> Lam[x].s : T"
485declare trm.inject [simp del]
486declare ty.inject [simp del]
488lemma Q_Arrow_strong_inversion:
489  assumes fs: "x\<sharp>\<Gamma>" "x\<sharp>t" "x\<sharp>u" 
490  and h: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<Leftrightarrow> u : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2"
491  shows "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App t (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App u (Var x) : T\<^sub>2"
492proof -
493  obtain y where fs2: "y\<sharp>(\<Gamma>,t,u)" and "(y,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App t (Var y) \<Leftrightarrow> App u (Var y) : T\<^sub>2" 
494    using h by auto
495  then have "([(x,y)]\<bullet>((y,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>)) \<turnstile> [(x,y)]\<bullet> App t (Var y) \<Leftrightarrow> [(x,y)]\<bullet> App u (Var y) : T\<^sub>2" 
496    using  alg_equiv.eqvt[simplified] by blast
497  then show ?thesis using fs fs2 by (perm_simp)
501Warning this lemma is false:
503lemma algorithmic_type_unicity:
504  shows "\<lbrakk> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T ; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> u : T' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> T = T'"
505  and "\<lbrakk> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T ; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> u : T' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> T = T'"
507Here is the counter example : 
508\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Const n \<Leftrightarrow> Const n : Tbase and \<Gamma> \<turnstile> Const n \<Leftrightarrow> Const n : TUnit
511lemma algorithmic_path_type_unicity:
512  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> u : T' \<Longrightarrow> T = T'"
513proof (induct arbitrary:  u T' 
514       rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.inducts(2) [of _ _ _ _ _  "%a b c d . True"    ])
515  case (QAP_Var \<Gamma> x T u T')
516  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x \<leftrightarrow> u : T'" by fact
517  then have "u=Var x" and "(x,T') \<in> set \<Gamma>" by auto
518  moreover have "valid \<Gamma>" "(x,T) \<in> set \<Gamma>" by fact+
519  ultimately show "T=T'" using type_unicity_in_context by auto
521  case (QAP_App \<Gamma> p q T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 s t u T\<^sub>2')
522  have ih:"\<And>u T. \<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> u : T \<Longrightarrow> T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2 = T" by fact
523  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App p s \<leftrightarrow> u : T\<^sub>2'" by fact
524  then obtain r t T\<^sub>1' where "u = App r t"  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> r : T\<^sub>1' \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2'" by auto
525  with ih have "T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2 = T\<^sub>1' \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2'" by auto
526  then show "T\<^sub>2=T\<^sub>2'" using ty.inject by auto
527qed (auto)
529lemma alg_path_equiv_implies_valid:
530  shows  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> valid \<Gamma>" 
531  and    "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> valid \<Gamma>"
532by (induct rule : alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.inducts) auto
534lemma algorithmic_symmetry:
535  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<Leftrightarrow> s : T" 
536  and   "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<leftrightarrow> s : T"
537by (induct rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.inducts) 
538   (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
540lemma algorithmic_transitivity:
541  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<Leftrightarrow> u : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> u : T"
542  and   "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<leftrightarrow> u : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> u : T"
543proof (nominal_induct \<Gamma> s t T and \<Gamma> s t T avoiding: u rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.strong_inducts)
544  case (QAT_Base s p t q \<Gamma> u)
545  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<Leftrightarrow> u : TBase" by fact
546  then obtain r' q' where b1: "t \<Down> q'" and b2: "u \<Down> r'" and b3: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> q' \<leftrightarrow> r' : TBase" by auto
547  have ih: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> q \<leftrightarrow> r' : TBase \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> r' : TBase" by fact
548  have "t \<Down> q" by fact
549  with b1 have eq: "q=q'" by (simp add: nf_unicity)
550  with ih b3 have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> r' : TBase" by simp
551  moreover
552  have "s \<Down> p" by fact
553  ultimately show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> u : TBase" using b2 by auto
555  case (QAT_Arrow  x \<Gamma> s t T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 u)
556  have ih:"(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App t (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App u (Var x) : T\<^sub>2 
557                                   \<Longrightarrow> (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App s (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App u (Var x) : T\<^sub>2" by fact
558  have fs: "x\<sharp>\<Gamma>" "x\<sharp>s" "x\<sharp>t" "x\<sharp>u" by fact+
559  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<Leftrightarrow> u : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by fact
560  then have "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App t (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App u (Var x) : T\<^sub>2" using fs 
561    by (simp add: Q_Arrow_strong_inversion)
562  with ih have "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App s (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App u (Var x) : T\<^sub>2" by simp
563  then show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> u : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" using fs by (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
565  case (QAP_App \<Gamma> p q T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 s t u)
566  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App q t \<leftrightarrow> u : T\<^sub>2" by fact
567  then obtain r T\<^sub>1' v where ha: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> q \<leftrightarrow> r : T\<^sub>1'\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" and hb: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<Leftrightarrow> v : T\<^sub>1'" and eq: "u = App r v" 
568    by auto
569  have ih1: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> q \<leftrightarrow> r : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2 \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> r : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by fact
570  have ih2:"\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t \<Leftrightarrow> v : T\<^sub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> v : T\<^sub>1" by fact
571  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> q : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by fact
572  then have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> q \<leftrightarrow> p : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by (simp add: algorithmic_symmetry)
573  with ha have "T\<^sub>1'\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2 = T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" using algorithmic_path_type_unicity by simp
574  then have "T\<^sub>1' = T\<^sub>1" by (simp add: ty.inject) 
575  then have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> v : T\<^sub>1" "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> r : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" using ih1 ih2 ha hb by auto
576  then show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App p s \<leftrightarrow> u : T\<^sub>2" using eq by auto
577qed (auto)
579lemma algorithmic_weak_head_closure:
580  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> s' \<leadsto> s \<Longrightarrow> t' \<leadsto> t \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s' \<Leftrightarrow> t' : T"
581apply (nominal_induct \<Gamma> s t T avoiding: s' t'  
582    rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.strong_inducts(1) [of _ _ _ _ "%a b c d e. True"])
583apply(auto intro!: QAT_Arrow)
586lemma algorithmic_monotonicity:
587  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>' \<Longrightarrow> valid \<Gamma>' \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T"
588  and   "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>' \<Longrightarrow> valid \<Gamma>' \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T"
589proof (nominal_induct \<Gamma> s t T and \<Gamma> s t T avoiding: \<Gamma>' rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.strong_inducts)
590 case (QAT_Arrow x \<Gamma> s t T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 \<Gamma>')
591  have fs:"x\<sharp>\<Gamma>" "x\<sharp>s" "x\<sharp>t" "x\<sharp>\<Gamma>'" by fact+
592  have h2:"\<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>'" by fact
593  have ih:"\<And>\<Gamma>'. \<lbrakk>(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>'; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk>  \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> App s (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App t (Var x) : T\<^sub>2" by fact
594  have "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact
595  then have "valid ((x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>')" using fs by auto
596  moreover
597  have sub: "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<subseteq> (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>'" using h2 by auto
598  ultimately have "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> App s (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App t (Var x) : T\<^sub>2" using ih by simp
599  then show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" using fs by (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
600qed (auto)
602lemma path_equiv_implies_nf:
603  assumes "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T"
604  shows "s \<leadsto>|" and "t \<leadsto>|"
605using assms
606by (induct rule: alg_equiv_alg_path_equiv.inducts(2)) (simp, auto)
608section \<open>Logical Equivalence\<close>
610function log_equiv :: "(Ctxt \<Rightarrow> trm \<Rightarrow> trm \<Rightarrow> ty \<Rightarrow> bool)" ("_ \<turnstile> _ is _ : _" [60,60,60,60] 60) 
612   "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : TUnit = True"
613 | "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : TBase = \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : TBase"
614 | "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : (T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2) =  
615    (\<forall>\<Gamma>' s' t'. \<Gamma>\<subseteq>\<Gamma>' \<longrightarrow> valid \<Gamma>' \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s' is t' : T\<^sub>1 \<longrightarrow>  (\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> (App s s') is (App t t') : T\<^sub>2))"
616apply (auto simp add: ty.inject)
617apply (subgoal_tac "(\<exists>T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2. b=T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2) \<or> b=TUnit \<or> b=TBase" )
618apply (force)
619apply (rule ty_cases)
622termination by lexicographic_order
624lemma logical_monotonicity:
625 fixes \<Gamma> \<Gamma>' :: Ctxt
626 assumes a1: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T" 
627 and     a2: "\<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>'" 
628 and     a3: "valid \<Gamma>'"
629 shows "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s is t : T"
630using a1 a2 a3
631proof (induct arbitrary: \<Gamma>' rule: log_equiv.induct)
632  case (2 \<Gamma> s t \<Gamma>')
633  then show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s is t : TBase" using algorithmic_monotonicity by auto
635  case (3 \<Gamma> s t T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 \<Gamma>')
636  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" 
637  and  "\<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>'" 
638  and  "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact+
639  then show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by simp
640qed (auto)
642lemma main_lemma:
643  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T \<Longrightarrow> valid \<Gamma> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T" 
644    and "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> q : T \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> p is q : T"
645proof (nominal_induct T arbitrary: \<Gamma> s t p q rule: ty.strong_induct)
646  case (Arrow T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2)
647  { 
648    case (1 \<Gamma> s t)
649    have ih1:"\<And>\<Gamma> s t. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>2; valid \<Gamma>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>2" by fact
650    have ih2:"\<And>\<Gamma> s t. \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1" by fact
651    have h:"\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by fact
652    obtain x::name where fs:"x\<sharp>(\<Gamma>,s,t)" by (erule exists_fresh[OF fs_name1])
653    have "valid \<Gamma>" by fact
654    then have v: "valid ((x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>)" using fs by auto
655    then have "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x \<leftrightarrow> Var x : T\<^sub>1" by auto
656    then have "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x is Var x : T\<^sub>1" using ih2 by auto
657    then have "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App s (Var x) is App t (Var x) : T\<^sub>2" using h v by auto
658    then have "(x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma> \<turnstile> App s (Var x) \<Leftrightarrow> App t (Var x) : T\<^sub>2" using ih1 v by auto
659    then show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" using fs by (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
660  next
661    case (2 \<Gamma> p q)
662    have h: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> q : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by fact
663    have ih1:"\<And>\<Gamma> s t. \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>2 \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>2" by fact
664    have ih2:"\<And>\<Gamma> s t. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1; valid \<Gamma>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>1" by fact
665    {
666      fix \<Gamma>' s t
667      assume "\<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>'" and hl:"\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1" and hk: "valid \<Gamma>'"
668      then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> p \<leftrightarrow> q : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2" using h algorithmic_monotonicity by auto
669      moreover have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T\<^sub>1" using ih2 hl hk by auto
670      ultimately have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> App p s \<leftrightarrow> App q t : T\<^sub>2" by auto
671      then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> App p s is App q t : T\<^sub>2" using ih1 by auto
672    }
673    then show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> p is q : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2"  by simp
674  }
676  case TBase
677  { case 2
678    have h:"\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : TBase" by fact
679    then have "s \<leadsto>|" and "t \<leadsto>|" using path_equiv_implies_nf by auto
680    then have "s \<Down> s" and "t \<Down> t" by auto
681    then have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : TBase" using h by auto
682    then show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : TBase" by auto
683  }
684qed (auto elim: alg_path_equiv_implies_valid) 
686corollary corollary_main:
687  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T"
688  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T"
689using a main_lemma alg_path_equiv_implies_valid by blast
691lemma logical_symmetry:
692  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T"
693  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t is s : T"
694using a 
695by (nominal_induct arbitrary: \<Gamma> s t rule: ty.strong_induct) 
696   (auto simp add: algorithmic_symmetry)
698lemma logical_transitivity:
699  assumes "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T" "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t is u : T" 
700  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is u : T"
701using assms
702proof (nominal_induct arbitrary: \<Gamma> s t u  rule:ty.strong_induct)
703  case TBase
704  then show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is u : TBase" by (auto elim:  algorithmic_transitivity)
706  case (Arrow T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 \<Gamma> s t u)
707  have h1:"\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2" by fact
708  have h2:"\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t is u : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2" by fact
709  have ih1:"\<And>\<Gamma> s t u. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t is u : T\<^sub>1\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is u : T\<^sub>1" by fact
710  have ih2:"\<And>\<Gamma> s t u. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>2; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t is u : T\<^sub>2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is u : T\<^sub>2" by fact
711  {
712    fix \<Gamma>' s' u'
713    assume hsub:"\<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>'" and hl:"\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s' is u' : T\<^sub>1" and hk: "valid \<Gamma>'"
714    then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> u' is s' : T\<^sub>1" using logical_symmetry by blast
715    then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> u' is u' : T\<^sub>1" using ih1 hl by blast
716    then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> App t u' is App u u' : T\<^sub>2" using h2 hsub hk by auto
717    moreover have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile>  App s s' is App t u' : T\<^sub>2" using h1 hsub hl hk by auto
718    ultimately have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile>  App s s' is App u u' : T\<^sub>2" using ih2 by blast
719  }
720  then show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is u : T\<^sub>1 \<rightarrow> T\<^sub>2" by auto
721qed (auto)
723lemma logical_weak_head_closure:
724  assumes a: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T" 
725  and     b: "s' \<leadsto> s" 
726  and     c: "t' \<leadsto> t"
727  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s' is t' : T"
728using a b c algorithmic_weak_head_closure 
729by (nominal_induct arbitrary: \<Gamma> s t s' t' rule: ty.strong_induct) 
730   (auto, blast)
732lemma logical_weak_head_closure':
733  assumes "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T" and "s' \<leadsto> s" 
734  shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s' is t : T"
735using assms
736proof (nominal_induct arbitrary: \<Gamma> s t s' rule: ty.strong_induct)
737  case (TBase  \<Gamma> s t s')
738  then show ?case by force
740  case (TUnit \<Gamma> s t s')
741  then show ?case by auto
743  case (Arrow T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 \<Gamma> s t s')
744  have h1:"s' \<leadsto> s" by fact
745  have ih:"\<And>\<Gamma> s t s'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>2; s' \<leadsto> s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s' is t : T\<^sub>2" by fact
746  have h2:"\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by fact
747  then 
748  have hb:"\<forall>\<Gamma>' s' t'. \<Gamma>\<subseteq>\<Gamma>' \<longrightarrow> valid \<Gamma>' \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s' is t' : T\<^sub>1 \<longrightarrow> (\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> (App s s') is (App t t') : T\<^sub>2)" 
749    by auto
750  {
751    fix \<Gamma>' s\<^sub>2 t\<^sub>2
752    assume "\<Gamma> \<subseteq> \<Gamma>'" and "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s\<^sub>2 is t\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>1" and "valid \<Gamma>'"
753    then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> (App s s\<^sub>2) is (App t t\<^sub>2) : T\<^sub>2" using hb by auto
754    moreover have "(App s' s\<^sub>2)  \<leadsto> (App s s\<^sub>2)" using h1 by auto  
755    ultimately have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> App s' s\<^sub>2 is App t t\<^sub>2 : T\<^sub>2" using ih by auto
756  }
757  then show "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s' is t : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by auto
761 log_equiv_for_psubsts :: "Ctxt \<Rightarrow> Subst \<Rightarrow> Subst \<Rightarrow> Ctxt \<Rightarrow> bool"  ("_ \<turnstile> _ is _ over _" [60,60] 60) 
763  "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma> \<equiv> \<forall>x T. (x,T) \<in> set \<Gamma> \<longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><Var x> is  \<theta>'<Var x> : T"
765lemma logical_pseudo_reflexivity:
766  assumes "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> t is s over \<Gamma>"
767  shows "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s is s over \<Gamma>" 
768proof -
769  from assms have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s is t over \<Gamma>" using logical_symmetry by blast
770  with assms show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s is s over \<Gamma>" using logical_transitivity by blast
773lemma logical_subst_monotonicity :
774  fixes \<Gamma> \<Gamma>' \<Gamma>'' :: Ctxt
775  assumes a: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" 
776  and     b: "\<Gamma>' \<subseteq> \<Gamma>''"
777  and     c: "valid \<Gamma>''"
778  shows "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>"
779using a b c logical_monotonicity by blast
781lemma equiv_subst_ext :
782  assumes h1: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" 
783  and     h2: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> s is t : T" 
784  and     fs: "x\<sharp>\<Gamma>"
785  shows "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> (x,s)#\<theta> is (x,t)#\<theta>' over (x,T)#\<Gamma>"
786using assms
787proof -
788  {
789    fix y U
790    assume "(y,U) \<in> set ((x,T)#\<Gamma>)"
791    moreover
792    { 
793      assume "(y,U) \<in> set [(x,T)]"
794      with h2 have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> ((x,s)#\<theta>)<Var y> is ((x,t)#\<theta>')<Var y> : U" by auto 
795    }
796    moreover
797    {
798      assume hl:"(y,U) \<in> set \<Gamma>"
799      then have "\<not> y\<sharp>\<Gamma>" by (induct \<Gamma>) (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_atm fresh_prod)
800      then have hf:"x\<sharp> Var y" using fs by (auto simp add: fresh_atm)
801      then have "((x,s)#\<theta>)<Var y> = \<theta><Var y>" "((x,t)#\<theta>')<Var y> = \<theta>'<Var y>" 
802        using fresh_psubst_simp by blast+ 
803      moreover have  "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><Var y> is \<theta>'<Var y> : U" using h1 hl by auto
804      ultimately have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> ((x,s)#\<theta>)<Var y> is ((x,t)#\<theta>')<Var y> : U" by auto
805    }
806    ultimately have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> ((x,s)#\<theta>)<Var y> is ((x,t)#\<theta>')<Var y> : U" by auto
807  }
808  then show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> (x,s)#\<theta> is (x,t)#\<theta>' over (x,T)#\<Gamma>" by auto
811theorem fundamental_theorem_1:
812  assumes a1: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : T" 
813  and     a2: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>"
814  and     a3: "valid \<Gamma>'" 
815  shows "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><t> is \<theta>'<t> : T"   
816using a1 a2 a3
817proof (nominal_induct \<Gamma> t T avoiding: \<theta> \<theta>' arbitrary: \<Gamma>' rule: typing.strong_induct)
818  case (T_Lam x \<Gamma> T\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2 T\<^sub>2 \<theta> \<theta>' \<Gamma>')
819  have vc: "x\<sharp>\<theta>" "x\<sharp>\<theta>'" "x\<sharp>\<Gamma>" by fact+
820  have asm1: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" by fact
821  have ih:"\<And>\<theta> \<theta>' \<Gamma>'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><t\<^sub>2> is \<theta>'<t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>2" by fact
822  show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><Lam [x].t\<^sub>2> is \<theta>'<Lam [x].t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" using vc
823  proof (simp, intro strip)
824    fix \<Gamma>'' s' t'
825    assume sub: "\<Gamma>' \<subseteq> \<Gamma>''" 
826    and    asm2: "\<Gamma>''\<turnstile> s' is t' : T\<^sub>1" 
827    and    val: "valid \<Gamma>''"
828    from asm1 val sub have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" using logical_subst_monotonicity by blast
829    with asm2 vc have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> (x,s')#\<theta> is (x,t')#\<theta>' over (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>" using equiv_subst_ext by blast
830    with ih val have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> ((x,s')#\<theta>)<t\<^sub>2> is ((x,t')#\<theta>')<t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>2" by auto
831    with vc have "\<Gamma>''\<turnstile>\<theta><t\<^sub>2>[x::=s'] is \<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>[x::=t'] : T\<^sub>2" by (simp add: psubst_subst_psubst)
832    moreover 
833    have "App (Lam [x].\<theta><t\<^sub>2>) s' \<leadsto> \<theta><t\<^sub>2>[x::=s']" by auto
834    moreover 
835    have "App (Lam [x].\<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>) t' \<leadsto> \<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>[x::=t']" by auto
836    ultimately show "\<Gamma>''\<turnstile> App (Lam [x].\<theta><t\<^sub>2>) s' is App (Lam [x].\<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>) t' : T\<^sub>2" 
837      using logical_weak_head_closure by auto
838  qed
839qed (auto)
842theorem fundamental_theorem_2:
843  assumes h1: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> t : T" 
844  and     h2: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>"
845  and     h3: "valid \<Gamma>'"
846  shows "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s> is \<theta>'<t> : T"
847using h1 h2 h3
848proof (nominal_induct \<Gamma> s t T avoiding: \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>' rule: def_equiv.strong_induct)
849  case (Q_Refl \<Gamma> t T \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>')
850  have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : T" 
851  and  "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact+
852  moreover 
853  have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" by fact
854  ultimately show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><t> is \<theta>'<t> : T" using fundamental_theorem_1 by blast
856  case (Q_Symm \<Gamma> t s T \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>')
857  have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" 
858  and "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact+
859  moreover 
860  have ih: "\<And> \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><t> is \<theta>'<s> : T" by fact
861  ultimately show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s> is \<theta>'<t> : T" using logical_symmetry by blast
863  case (Q_Trans \<Gamma> s t T u \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>')
864  have ih1: "\<And> \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s> is \<theta>'<t> : T" by fact
865  have ih2: "\<And> \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><t> is \<theta>'<u> : T" by fact
866  have h: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" 
867  and  v: "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact+
868  then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta>' is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" using logical_pseudo_reflexivity by auto
869  then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta>'<t> is \<theta>'<u> : T" using ih2 v by auto
870  moreover have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s> is \<theta>'<t> : T" using ih1 h v by auto
871  ultimately show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s> is \<theta>'<u> : T" using logical_transitivity by blast
873  case (Q_Abs x \<Gamma> T\<^sub>1 s\<^sub>2 t\<^sub>2 T\<^sub>2 \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>')
874  have fs:"x\<sharp>\<Gamma>" by fact
875  have fs2: "x\<sharp>\<theta>" "x\<sharp>\<theta>'" by fact+
876  have h2: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" 
877  and  h3: "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact+
878  have ih:"\<And>\<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s\<^sub>2> is \<theta>'<t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>2" by fact
879  {
880    fix \<Gamma>'' s' t'
881    assume "\<Gamma>' \<subseteq> \<Gamma>''" and hl:"\<Gamma>''\<turnstile> s' is t' : T\<^sub>1" and hk: "valid \<Gamma>''"
882    then have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" using h2 logical_subst_monotonicity by blast
883    then have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> (x,s')#\<theta> is (x,t')#\<theta>' over (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>" using equiv_subst_ext hl fs by blast
884    then have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> ((x,s')#\<theta>)<s\<^sub>2> is ((x,t')#\<theta>')<t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>2" using ih hk by blast
885    then have "\<Gamma>''\<turnstile> \<theta><s\<^sub>2>[x::=s'] is \<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>[x::=t'] : T\<^sub>2" using fs2 psubst_subst_psubst by auto
886    moreover have "App (Lam [x]. \<theta><s\<^sub>2>) s' \<leadsto>  \<theta><s\<^sub>2>[x::=s']" 
887              and "App (Lam [x].\<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>) t' \<leadsto> \<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>[x::=t']" by auto
888    ultimately have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> App (Lam [x]. \<theta><s\<^sub>2>) s' is App (Lam [x].\<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>) t' : T\<^sub>2" 
889      using logical_weak_head_closure by auto
890  }
891  moreover have "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact
892  ultimately have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> Lam [x].\<theta><s\<^sub>2> is Lam [x].\<theta>'<t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by auto
893  then show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><Lam [x].s\<^sub>2> is \<theta>'<Lam [x].t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" using fs2 by auto
895  case (Q_App \<Gamma> s\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 s\<^sub>2 t\<^sub>2 \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>')
896  then show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><App s\<^sub>1 s\<^sub>2> is \<theta>'<App t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>2" by auto 
898  case (Q_Beta x \<Gamma> s\<^sub>2 t\<^sub>2 T\<^sub>1 s12 t12 T\<^sub>2 \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>')
899  have h: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" 
900  and  h': "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact+
901  have fs: "x\<sharp>\<Gamma>" by fact
902  have fs2: " x\<sharp>\<theta>" "x\<sharp>\<theta>'" by fact+
903  have ih1: "\<And>\<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s\<^sub>2> is \<theta>'<t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>1" by fact
904  have ih2: "\<And>\<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s12> is \<theta>'<t12> : T\<^sub>2" by fact
905  have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s\<^sub>2> is \<theta>'<t\<^sub>2> : T\<^sub>1" using ih1 h' h by auto
906  then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> (x,\<theta><s\<^sub>2>)#\<theta> is (x,\<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>)#\<theta>' over (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>" using equiv_subst_ext h fs by blast
907  then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> ((x,\<theta><s\<^sub>2>)#\<theta>)<s12> is ((x,\<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>)#\<theta>')<t12> : T\<^sub>2" using ih2 h' by auto
908  then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s12>[x::=\<theta><s\<^sub>2>] is \<theta>'<t12>[x::=\<theta>'<t\<^sub>2>] : T\<^sub>2" using fs2 psubst_subst_psubst by auto
909  then have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s12>[x::=\<theta><s\<^sub>2>] is \<theta>'<t12[x::=t\<^sub>2]> : T\<^sub>2" using fs2 psubst_subst_propagate by auto
910  moreover have "App (Lam [x].\<theta><s12>) (\<theta><s\<^sub>2>) \<leadsto> \<theta><s12>[x::=\<theta><s\<^sub>2>]" by auto 
911  ultimately have "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> App (Lam [x].\<theta><s12>) (\<theta><s\<^sub>2>) is \<theta>'<t12[x::=t\<^sub>2]> : T\<^sub>2" 
912    using logical_weak_head_closure' by auto
913  then show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><App (Lam [x].s12) s\<^sub>2> is \<theta>'<t12[x::=t\<^sub>2]> : T\<^sub>2" using fs2 by simp
915  case (Q_Ext x \<Gamma> s t T\<^sub>1 T\<^sub>2 \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>')
916  have h2: "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" 
917  and  h2': "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact+
918  have fs:"x\<sharp>\<Gamma>" "x\<sharp>s" "x\<sharp>t" by fact+
919  have ih:"\<And>\<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>'. \<lbrakk>\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>; valid \<Gamma>'\<rbrakk> 
920                          \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><App s (Var x)> is \<theta>'<App t (Var x)> : T\<^sub>2" by fact
921   {
922    fix \<Gamma>'' s' t'
923    assume hsub: "\<Gamma>' \<subseteq> \<Gamma>''" and hl: "\<Gamma>''\<turnstile> s' is t' : T\<^sub>1" and hk: "valid \<Gamma>''"
924    then have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> \<theta> is \<theta>' over \<Gamma>" using h2 logical_subst_monotonicity by blast
925    then have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> (x,s')#\<theta> is (x,t')#\<theta>' over (x,T\<^sub>1)#\<Gamma>" using equiv_subst_ext hl fs by blast
926    then have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> ((x,s')#\<theta>)<App s (Var x)>  is ((x,t')#\<theta>')<App t (Var x)> : T\<^sub>2" using ih hk by blast
927    then 
928    have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> App (((x,s')#\<theta>)<s>) (((x,s')#\<theta>)<(Var x)>) is App (((x,t')#\<theta>')<t>) (((x,t')#\<theta>')<(Var x)>) : T\<^sub>2"
929      by auto
930    then have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> App ((x,s')#\<theta>)<s> s'  is App ((x,t')#\<theta>')<t> t' : T\<^sub>2" by auto
931    then have "\<Gamma>'' \<turnstile> App (\<theta><s>) s' is App (\<theta>'<t>) t' : T\<^sub>2" using fs fresh_psubst_simp by auto
932  }
933  moreover have "valid \<Gamma>'" by fact
934  ultimately show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s> is \<theta>'<t> : T\<^sub>1\<rightarrow>T\<^sub>2" by auto
936  case (Q_Unit \<Gamma> s t \<Gamma>' \<theta> \<theta>')  
937  then show "\<Gamma>' \<turnstile> \<theta><s> is \<theta>'<t> : TUnit" by auto
941theorem completeness:
942  assumes asm: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> t : T"
943  shows   "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T"
944proof -
945  have val: "valid \<Gamma>" using def_equiv_implies_valid asm by simp
946  moreover
947  {
948    fix x T
949    assume "(x,T) \<in> set \<Gamma>" "valid \<Gamma>"
950    then have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> Var x is Var x : T" using main_lemma(2) by blast
951  }
952  ultimately have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> [] is [] over \<Gamma>" by auto 
953  then have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> []<s> is []<t> : T" using fundamental_theorem_2 val asm by blast
954  then have "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s is t : T" by simp
955  then show  "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T" using main_lemma(1) val by simp
958text \<open>We leave soundness as an exercise - just like Crary in the ATS book :-) \\ 
959 @{prop[mode=IfThen] "\<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<Leftrightarrow> t : T; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : T; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s : T\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> t : T"} \\
960 \<^prop>\<open>\<lbrakk>\<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<leftrightarrow> t : T; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> t : T; \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s : T\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> s \<equiv> t : T\<close> 