1structure BuildCommand :> BuildCommand =
4open Systeml Holmake_tools Holmake_types
5structure FileSys = OS.FileSys
6structure Path = OS.Path
7structure Process = OS.Process
9infix |>
11open HM_GraphBuildJ1
13val MOSMLDIR0 = Systeml.MOSMLDIR;
15fun variant str =  (* get an unused file name in the current directory *)
16 if FileSys.access(str,[])
17 then let fun vary i =
18           let val s = str^Int.toString i
19           in if FileSys.access(s,[])  then vary (i+1) else s
20           end
21      in vary 0
22      end
23 else str;
25fun includify [] = []
26  | includify (h::t) = "-I" :: h :: includify t
28val SYSTEML = Systeml.systeml
29val UNQUOTER  = xable_string(fullPath [HOLDIR, "bin/unquote"])
30fun has_unquoter() = FileSys.access(UNQUOTER, [FileSys.A_EXEC])
31fun unquote_to intp file1 file2 =
32    SYSTEML (UNQUOTER :: (if intp then ["-i"] else []) @ [file1, file2])
35val failed_script_cache = ref (Binaryset.empty String.compare)
37fun make_build_command (buildinfo : HM_Cline.t buildinfo_t) = let
38  val {optv,actual_overlay,SIGOBJ,outs,hmenv,...} = buildinfo
39  val {warn,tgtfatal,info,chatty,diag,...} = outs
40  val debug = #debug (#core optv)
41  val allfast = #fast (#core optv)
42  val keep_going = #keep_going (#core optv)
43  val quit_on_failure = #quit_on_failure (#core optv)
44  val quiet_flag = #quiet (#core optv)
45  val interactive_flag = #interactive (#core optv)
46  val no_overlay = #no_overlay (#core optv)
47  val overlay_stringl = case actual_overlay of NONE => [] | SOME s => [s]
48  val MOSMLDIR =  case #mosmldir optv of NONE => MOSMLDIR0 | SOME s => s
49  val MOSMLCOMP = fullPath [MOSMLDIR, "mosmlc"]
50  fun compile debug args = let
51    val _ = if isSome debug then
52              print ("  with command "^ spacify(MOSMLCOMP::args)^"\n")
53            else ()
54  in
56  end
57  fun build_command g (ii as {preincludes,includes}) c arg = let
58    val include_flags = includify (preincludes @ includes)
59    exception CompileFailed
60    exception FileNotFound
61  in
62    case c of
63        Compile _ (* deps *) =>
64        let
65          val file = fromFile arg
66          val intp = case arg of SML (Script _) => true | _ => false
67          val _ = exists_readable file orelse
68                  (print ("Wanted to compile "^file^", but it wasn't there\n");
69                   raise FileNotFound)
70          val _ = info ("Compiling "^file)
71          open Process
72          val res =
73              if has_unquoter() then let
74                (* force to always use unquoter if present, so as to generate
75                   location pragmas. Must test for existence, for bootstrapping.
76                 *)
77                val _ = diag "build_command" (fn _ => "Using unquoter")
78                val clone = variant file
79                val _ = FileSys.rename {old=file, new=clone}
80                fun revert() =
81                  if FileSys.access (clone, [FileSys.A_READ]) then
82                    ((if isSome debug then
83                        FileSys.rename{old=file, new=file ^ ".quoted"}
84                      else
85                        FileSys.remove file) handle _ => ();
86                     FileSys.rename{old=clone, new=file})
87                  else ()
88              in
89                (if Process.isSuccess (unquote_to intp clone file)
90                    handle e => (revert();
91                                 print ("Unquoting "^file^
92                                        " raised exception\n");
93                                 raise CompileFailed)
94                 then
95                   compile debug ("-q"::(include_flags @ ["-c"] @
96                                         overlay_stringl @ [file])) before
97                   revert()
98                 else (print ("Unquoting "^file^" ran and failed\n");
99                       revert();
100                       raise CompileFailed))
101                handle CompileFailed => raise CompileFailed
102                     | e => (revert();
103                             print("Unable to compile: "^file^
104                                   " - raised exception "^exnName e^"\n");
105                             raise CompileFailed)
106              end
107              else
108                compile debug ("-q"::(include_flags@ ("-c"::(overlay_stringl @
109                                                             [file]))))
110        in
111          Process.isSuccess res
112        end
113      | BuildArticle _ => (print "Can't handle article building yet";
114                           false)
115      | ProcessArticle _ => (print "Can't handle article processing yet";
116                             false)
117      | BuildScript (s, deps, ex) =>
118        let
119          val _ = not (Binaryset.member(!failed_script_cache, s)) orelse
120                  (print ("Not re-running "^s^"Script; believe it will fail\n");
121                   raise CompileFailed)
122          val scriptsml_file = SML (Script s)
123          val scriptsml = fromFile scriptsml_file
124          val script   = s^"Script"
125          val scriptuo = script^".uo"
126          val scriptui = script^".ui"
127          open Process
128          (* first thing to do is to create the Script.uo file *)
129          val b = build_command g ii (Compile (deps, ex)) scriptsml_file
130          val _ = b orelse raise CompileFailed
131          val _ = print ("Linking "^scriptuo^
132                         " to produce theory-builder executable\n")
133          val objectfiles0 =
134              if allfast then ["fastbuild.uo", scriptuo]
135              else if quit_on_failure then [scriptuo]
136              else ["holmakebuild.uo", scriptuo]
137          val objectfiles =
138              if interactive_flag then "holmake_interactive.uo" :: objectfiles0
139              else objectfiles0
140        in
141          if
142            isSuccess (
143              compile debug (
144                include_flags @ ["-o", script, "holmake_holpathdb.uo"] @
145                objectfiles
146              )
147            )
148          then
149            let
150              val _ = exists_readable script orelse
151                      die_with ("Can't see script executable: "^script)
152              val status = Systeml.mk_xable script
153              val _ = OS.Process.isSuccess status orelse
154                      die_with ("Couldn't make script "^script^" executable")
155              val script' = xable_string script |> hm_target.filestr_to_tgt
156                                                |> tgt_toString
157              val _ = diag "build_command"
158                           (fn _ => "Created executable "^script')
159              val thysmlfile = s^"Theory.sml"
160              val thysigfile = s^"Theory.sig"
161              fun safedelete s = FileSys.remove s handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
162              val _ = app safedelete [thysmlfile, thysigfile]
163              val res2 = Systeml.systeml [script']
164              val _ = app safedelete [script', scriptuo, scriptui]
165              val () = if not (isSuccess res2) then
166                         failed_script_cache :=
167                           Binaryset.add(!failed_script_cache, s)
168                       else ()
169            in
170              isSuccess res2 andalso
171              (exists_readable thysmlfile orelse
172               (print ("Couldn't find required output file: "^thysmlfile^ "\n");
173                print ("Script file "^script'^
174                       " didn't produce "^thysmlfile^"; \n\
175                       \  maybe need export_theory() at end of "^
176                       scriptsml^"\n");
177                false)) andalso
178              (exists_readable thysigfile orelse
179               (print ("Script file "^script'^" didn't produce "^
180                       thysigfile^"; \n\
181                       \  maybe need export_theory() at end of "^
182                       scriptsml^"\n");
183                false))
184            end
185          else (print ("Failed to build script file, "^script^"\n"); false)
186        end handle CompileFailed => false
187                 | FileNotFound => false
188  end (* fun's let *)
189  fun mosml_build_command _ _ _ _ = NONE
190  val build_graph = graphbuildj1 { build_command = build_command,
191                                   mosml_build_command = mosml_build_command,
192                                   outs = outs,
193                                   keep_going = keep_going,
194                                   quiet = quiet_flag,
195                                   system = Systeml.system_ps,
196                                   hmenv = hmenv}
198  {extra_impl_deps = [], build_graph = build_graph}
199end (* make_build_command's let *)
201end (* struct *)