1structure Cache :> Cache =
4open HolKernel liteLib Trace Abbrev boolSyntax boolLib
7type key = term
8type hypinfo = {hyps : term HOLset.set, thms : term HOLset.set}
9type data = (hypinfo * thm option) list
11type table = (key, data) Redblackmap.dict
12val empty_table = Redblackmap.mkDict Term.compare : table
14type cache = table Sref.t
15fun c_insert c (k,v) = Sref.update c (fn t => Redblackmap.insert(t,k,v))
16fun cvalue (c:cache) = Sref.value c
17fun new_cache() : cache = Sref.new empty_table
19val empty_hypinfo = {hyps = empty_tmset, thms = empty_tmset}
20fun hypinfo_addth (th, {hyps,thms}) =
21    {hyps = HOLset.union(hyps, hypset th), thms = HOLset.add(thms, concl th)}
22val all_hyps = List.foldl hypinfo_addth empty_hypinfo
24infix <<;  (* A subsetof B *)
25fun {hyps=h1,thms=ths1} << {hyps=h2,thms=ths2} =
26    HOLset.isSubset(h1,h2) andalso HOLset.isSubset(ths1, ths2)
27val _ = op<< : hypinfo * hypinfo -> bool
28fun hypinfo_list {hyps,thms} = HOLset.foldl op:: (HOLset.listItems hyps) thms
29fun hypinfo_isEmpty ({hyps,thms}:hypinfo) =
30    HOLset.isEmpty hyps andalso HOLset.isEmpty thms
32exception NOT_FOUND
33exception FIRST
34fun first p [] = raise FIRST
35  | first p (h::t) = if p h then h else first p t
37fun CACHE (filt,conv) = let
38  val cache = new_cache()
39  fun cache_proc thms tm = let
40    val _ = if (filt tm) then ()
41            else failwith "CACHE_CCONV: not applicable"
42    val prevs = Redblackmap.find (cvalue cache, tm)
43                handle Redblackmap.NotFound => []
44    val curr = all_hyps thms
45    fun ok (prev,SOME thm) = prev << curr
46      | ok (prev,NONE) = curr << prev
47  in
48    (case snd (first ok prevs) of
49       SOME x => (trace(1,PRODUCE(tm,"cache hit!",x)); x)
50     | NONE => failwith "cache hit was failure")
51    handle FIRST => let
52             val thm = conv thms tm
53                 handle e as (HOL_ERR _) =>
54                        (trace(2,
55                               REDUCE("Inserting failed ctxt",
56                                      if hypinfo_isEmpty curr then tm
57                                      else
58                                        mk_imp(list_mk_conj (hypinfo_list curr),
59                                               tm))) ;
60                         c_insert cache (tm, (curr,NONE)::prevs);
61                         raise e)
62           in
63             (trace(2,PRODUCE(tm, "Inserting into cache:", thm));
64              c_insert cache (tm,(curr,SOME thm)::prevs);
65              thm)
66           end
67  end
69  (cache_proc, cache)
72fun clear_cache cache = (Sref.update cache (fn c => empty_table))
74fun cache_values (cache : cache) = let
75  val items = Redblackmap.listItems (cvalue cache)
76  fun tolist (set, thmopt) = (hypinfo_list set, thmopt)
77  fun ToList (k, stlist) = (k, map tolist stlist)
79  map ToList items
83(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
84    RCACHE
86    Cached decision procedures have always recorded both the successes
87    and the failures of the underlying d.p.  With failures recorded,
88    the system will not repeatedly try (and fail) to solve the same
89    goal.  However, the underlying decision procedures are
90    context-aware, and the context as well the goal attempted is
91    stored in the cache.
93    If a success is stored with context C, and the context of the
94    latest attempt is a superset of C, then the cache's stored
95    information can be accepted.  Conversely, if there is a failure
96    stored in the cache, and a new attempt is made to prove the same
97    goal, with a smaller context, then the cache's verdict can be
98    accepted immediately.  On the other hand, if this means that the
99    latest attempt has a larger context, and what's stored is a
100    failure, then a fresh call to the underlying decision procedure is
101    called for.
103    However, if the context in the latest attempt is only larger
104    because of the addition of irrelevant new assumptions (those that
105    do not mention any variables from the underlying goal), then they
106    shouldn't make any difference, and trying the goal again with this
107    bigger context will just result in a slower failure.  That is,
108    unless the new assumptions introduce a contradiction with other
109    irrelevants bits of the assumptions.
111    The RCACHE code does a connected components analysis to split
112    problems up, and the sub-problems are tried (and cached!)
113    independently.
115   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
117fun ccs G vs = let
118  (* G is a Binarymap from terms to term sets, with the set representing
119     the adjacent nodes in the graph.  The graph is undirected so
120     there will be two entries for each link.
121     vs is a list of all the terms in G. *)
122  fun recurse acc visited v = let
123    (* v is already in acc and visited *)
124    val neighbours = Binarymap.find (G, v)
125        handle Binarymap.NotFound => empty_tmset
126    fun visit_neighbour(n, (acc, visited)) =
127        if HOLset.member(visited, n) then (acc, visited)
128        else recurse (n::acc) (HOLset.add(visited, n)) n
129  in
130    HOLset.foldl visit_neighbour (acc, visited) neighbours
131  end
132  fun find_component visited v = (* v is not in visited *)
133    recurse [v] (HOLset.add(visited, v)) v
134  fun find_component_acc(v, (acc,visited)) =
135      if HOLset.member (visited, v) then (acc,visited)
136      else let
137          val (vcomp, visited') = find_component visited v
138        in
139          (vcomp::acc, visited')
140        end
142  List.foldl find_component_acc ([], empty_tmset) vs
145fun make_links fvs_of (t, G) = let
146  val fvs = fvs_of t
147  fun mk_link1 t1 t2 G = let
148    val newset =
149        case Binarymap.peek(G, t1) of
150          NONE => HOLset.singleton Term.compare t2
151        | SOME s => HOLset.add(s, t2)
152  in
153    Binarymap.insert(G, t1, newset)
154  end
155  fun mk_link t1 t2 G = mk_link1 t1 t2 (mk_link1 t2 t1 G)
156  fun mk_links [] G = G
157    | mk_links [_] G = G
158    | mk_links (x::y::rest) G = mk_link x y (mk_links (y::rest) G)
159  fun enter_domain x G =
160      case Binarymap.peek (G, x) of
161        NONE => Binarymap.insert(G, x, HOLset.empty Term.compare)
162      | SOME _ => G
164  case fvs of
165    [x] => enter_domain x G
166  | _ => mk_links fvs G
169(* Creates a graph. Each node is a term where two terms are linked (by
170   the transitive closure of the adjacency relation) if each appears
171   in a term from tmlist.  The function parameter fvs_of calculates
172   which sub-terms should be inserted into the graph.
174   The "idea" is that only free variables are linked, but the
175   specified fvs_of function may additionally cause other sorts of
176   sub-terms to be treated as variables.
178   The implementation (see make_links) just creates a linear sub-graph
179   for each element of tmlist.  In other words, if a term gives rise
180   to n subterms, the K_n subgraph is not inserted, only a connected
181   linear graph of those n subterms.  The later connected components
182   analysis will realise that all of these sub-terms are part of the
183   same component anyway.
185fun build_graph fvs_of tmlist =
186    List.foldl (make_links fvs_of) (Binarymap.mkDict Term.compare) tmlist
188(* given a list of list of variables; build a map where all the variables
189   in the same list point to the same updatable reference cell *)
190val build_var_to_group_map = let
191  fun foldthis (tlist, acc) = let
192    val r = Uref.new (empty_hypinfo, [] : thm list)
193  in
194    List.foldl (fn (t, acc) => Binarymap.insert(acc, t, r)) acc tlist
195  end
197  List.foldl foldthis (Binarymap.mkDict Term.compare)
201fun thmlistrefcmp(r1, r2) =
202    if r1 = r2 then EQUAL
203    else Term.compare (concl (hd (!r1)), concl (hd (!r2)))
205type context = hypinfo * thm list
206               (* terms are the union of all the theorems hypotheses *)
207datatype result = proved_it of thm
208                | possible_ctxts of context list
209fun mk_goal t = let
210  val ty = type_of t
212  mk_eq(t, if ty = bool then T else mk_arb ty)
215fun consider_false_context_cache table original_goal (ctxtlist:context list) =
216    let
217      val cache_F = Redblackmap.find (table, boolSyntax.F)
218                    handle Redblackmap.NotFound => []
219      fun recurse acc ctxts =
220          case ctxts of
221            [] => possible_ctxts acc
222          | (c as (hyps, thlist))::cs => let
223              fun ok (cached, SOME _) = cached << hyps
224                | ok (cached, NONE) = hyps << cached
225            in
226              case List.find ok cache_F of
227                NONE => recurse (c::acc) cs
228              | SOME (_, NONE) => recurse acc cs
229              | SOME (_, SOME th) =>
230                (trace(1,PRODUCE(original_goal,
231                                 "cache hit for contradiction", th));
232                 proved_it (CCONTR (mk_goal original_goal) (EQT_ELIM th)))
233            end
234    in
235      recurse [] ctxtlist
236    end
238fun prove_false_context (conv:thm list -> conv) (cache:cache) (ctxtlist:context list) original_goal = let
239  fun recurse clist =
240      case clist of
241        [] => raise mk_HOL_ERR "Cache" "RCACHE"
242                               "No (more) possibly false contexts"
243      | (hyps,thms)::cs => let
244          val oldval = Redblackmap.find (cvalue cache, F)
245                       handle Redblackmap.NotFound => []
246          val conjs = list_mk_conj (map concl thms)
247        in
248          case Lib.total (conv thms) boolSyntax.F of
249            SOME th => let
250              val newth = CCONTR (mk_goal original_goal) (EQT_ELIM th)
251            in
252              trace(2,PRODUCE(conjs, "Inserting into cache:", th));
253              c_insert cache (F, (hyps, SOME th) :: oldval);
254              newth
255            end
256          | NONE => (
257              trace(2, REDUCE("Inserting failed contradictory context", conjs));
258              c_insert cache (F, (hyps, NONE)::oldval);
259              recurse cs
260            )
261        end
263  recurse ctxtlist
266fun RCACHE (dpfvs, check, conv) = let
267  open Uref
268  val cache = new_cache()
269  fun build_up_ctxt mp th = let
270    val c = concl th
271  in
272    case dpfvs c of
273      [] => ()
274    | (v::_) => let
275        val r = Binarymap.find(mp,v)
276        val (oldhyps, oldthms) = !r
277      in
278        r := (hypinfo_addth(th, oldhyps), th::oldthms)
279      end
280  end
281  fun decider ctxt t = let
282    val _ = if check t then ()
283            else raise mk_HOL_ERR "Cache" "RCACHE" "not applicable"
284    val prevs = Redblackmap.find (cvalue cache, t) handle NotFound => []
285    val curr = all_hyps ctxt
286    fun oksome (prev, SOME thm) = prev << curr
287      | oksome (_, NONE) = false
288  in
289    case List.find oksome prevs of
290      SOME (_, SOME x) => (trace(1,PRODUCE(t, "cache hit!", x)); x)
291    | SOME (_, NONE) => raise Fail "RCACHE: Invariant failure"
292    | NONE => let
293        (* do connected component analysis to test for false *)
294        fun foldthis (th, (ctxt_ts, ground_ths)) = let
295          val c = concl th
296        in
297          if null (dpfvs c) then (ctxt_ts, th::ground_ths)
298          else (c::ctxt_ts, ground_ths)
299        end
300        val (ctxt_ts,ground_ctxt_ths) =
301            List.foldl foldthis ([], []) ctxt
302        val G = build_graph dpfvs (t::ctxt_ts)
303                (* G a map from v to v's neighbours *)
304        val vs = Binarymap.foldl (fn (k,v,acc) => k::acc) [] G
305        val (comps, _) = ccs G vs
306                (* a list of lists of variables *)
307        val group_map = build_var_to_group_map comps
308        val _ = app (build_up_ctxt group_map) ctxt
309                  (* group map is a map from variables to all the
310                     ctxts (theorems) that are in that variable's component *)
312        (* now extract the ctxt relevant for the goal statement *)
313        val (group_map', glstmtref) =
314          case dpfvs t of
315            [] => (group_map, Uref.new (empty_hypinfo, []))
316          | (glvar::_) => Binarymap.remove(group_map, glvar)
318        (* and the remaining contexts, ensuring there are no
319           duplicate copies *)
320        fun foldthis (k, v, acc as (setlist, seenreflist)) =
321            if mem v seenreflist then acc
322            else (!v::setlist, v::seenreflist)
323        val (divided_clist0, _) =
324            Binarymap.foldl foldthis ([], [glstmtref]) group_map'
326        (* fold in every ground hypothesis as a separate context, entire
327           unto itself *)
328        val divided_clist =
329            divided_clist0 @
330            map (fn th => (hypinfo_addth(th, empty_hypinfo), [th]))
331                ground_ctxt_ths
333        val (glhyps, thmlist) = !glstmtref
334        fun oknone (prev, NONE) = glhyps << prev
335          | oknone _ = false
336      in
337        case List.find oknone prevs of
338          NONE => let
339            (* nothing cached, but should still try cache for proving
340               false from the context *)
341          in
342            case consider_false_context_cache (cvalue cache) t divided_clist
343            of
344              proved_it th => th
345            | possible_ctxts cs => let
346                (* cs is the list of things worth trying to prove, but
347                   in this situation should first try conv on the original
348                   goal because there's nothing in the cache about it *)
349              in
350                case Lib.total (conv thmlist) t of
351                  SOME th => let
352                  in
353                    trace(2,PRODUCE(t,"Inserting into cache:", th));
354                    c_insert cache (t, (glhyps,SOME th)::prevs);
355                    th
356                  end
357                | NONE => let
358                  in
359                    trace(2, REDUCE("Inserting failure to prove",
360                                    if hypinfo_isEmpty glhyps then t
361                                    else mk_imp(list_mk_conj
362                                                  (map concl thmlist), t)));
363                    c_insert cache (t, (glhyps, NONE)::prevs);
364                    prove_false_context conv cache cs t
365                  end
366              end
367          end
368        | SOME (_, NONE) => let
369            (* with the relevant context, our goal doesn't resolve one
370               way or the other.  However, it's possible that part of the
371               rest of the context goes to false *)
372          in
373            case consider_false_context_cache (cvalue cache) t divided_clist of
374              proved_it th => th
375            | possible_ctxts cs => prove_false_context conv cache cs t
376          end
377        | SOME _ => raise Fail "RCACHE: invariant failure the second"
378      end
379  end
381  (decider,cache)
384end (* struct *)