1structure GrammarDeltas :> GrammarDeltas =
4open HolKernel type_grammar_dtype term_grammar_dtype term_grammar
5open HOLgrammars LoadableThyData
7val ERROR = mk_HOL_ERR "GrammarDeltas"
8type tmg_delta = term_grammar.user_delta
9type tyg_delta = type_grammar.delta
10datatype gdelta = TYD of tyg_delta | TMD of tmg_delta
11fun fopt >> g = Option.map g o fopt
13open ThyDataSexp
14fun assoc_decode t =
15    case t of
16        String "LEFT" => SOME LEFT
17      | String "RIGHT" => SOME RIGHT
18      | String "NONASSOC" => SOME NONASSOC
19      | _ => NONE
20fun assoc_encode LEFT = String "LEFT"
21  | assoc_encode RIGHT = String "RIGHT"
22  | assoc_encode NONASSOC = String "NONASSOC"
24val tydelta_decode =
25  let
26    open ThyDataSexp
27    infix ||
28    fun new_infix (nm,pnm,assoc,prec) =
29      NEW_INFIX {Name = nm, ParseName = pnm, Assoc = assoc, Prec = prec}
30    fun tyabbrev (kid, ty, p) = TYABBREV (kid, ty, p)
31  in
32    (tag_decode "new-type" kname_decode >> NEW_TYPE) ||
33    (tag_decode "new-tyinfix"
34                (pair4_decode (string_decode,string_decode,assoc_decode,
35                               int_decode)) >> new_infix) ||
36    (tag_decode "type-abbrev"
37                (pair3_decode (kname_decode, type_decode, bool_decode)) >>
38                tyabbrev) ||
39    (tag_decode "disable-typrint" string_decode >> DISABLE_TYPRINT) ||
40    (tag_decode "remove-knm-tyabbrev" kname_decode >> RM_KNM_TYABBREV)||
41    (tag_decode "remove-tyabbrev" string_decode >> RM_TYABBREV)
42  end
44fun tydelta_encode tyd =
45  let
46    open ThyDataSexp
47  in
48    case tyd of
49        NEW_TYPE kid => tag_encode "new-type" KName kid
50      | NEW_INFIX{Name,ParseName,Assoc,Prec} =>
51          tag_encode "new-tyinfix"
52                     (pair4_encode (String,String,assoc_encode,Int))
53                     (Name,ParseName,Assoc,Prec)
54      | TYABBREV (kid, ty, prp) =>
55          tag_encode "type-abbrev" (pair3_encode(KName,Type,Bool)) (kid,ty,prp)
56      | DISABLE_TYPRINT s =>
57          tag_encode "disable-typrint" String s
58      | RM_KNM_TYABBREV kid => tag_encode "remove-knm-tyabbrev" KName kid
59      | RM_TYABBREV s => tag_encode "remove-tyabbrev" String s
60  end
62fun check_tydelta (d: type_grammar.delta) =
63  case d of
64      NEW_TYPE knm => Type.uptodate_kname knm
65    | TYABBREV (_, ty, _) => Type.uptodate_type ty
66    | _ => true
68(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
69    encoding and decoding grammars to and from s-expresions
70   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
71open ThyDataSexp term_grammar_dtype
72infix ||
73fun brks_encode PP.CONSISTENT = String "C"
74  | brks_encode PP.INCONSISTENT = String "I"
75fun brks_decode (String "C") = SOME PP.CONSISTENT
76  | brks_decode (String "I") = SOME PP.INCONSISTENT
77  | brks_decode _ = NONE
79val binfo_encode = pair_encode (brks_encode, Int)
80val binfo_decode = pair_decode (brks_decode, int_decode)
82fun style_encode AroundEachPhrase = String "each-phrase"
83  | style_encode AroundSamePrec = String "same-prec"
84  | style_encode AroundSameName = String "same-name"
85  | style_encode NoPhrasing = String "no-phrasing"
86fun style_decode (String "each-phrase") = SOME AroundEachPhrase
87  | style_decode (String "same-prec") = SOME AroundSamePrec
88  | style_decode (String "same-name") = SOME AroundSameName
89  | style_decode (String "no-phrasing") = SOME NoPhrasing
90  | style_decode _ = NONE
92val block_style_encode = pair_encode (style_encode, binfo_encode)
93val block_style_decode = pair_decode (style_decode, binfo_decode)
95fun rule_element_encode rel =
96    case rel of
97      TOK s => tag_encode "TOK" String s
98    | TM => Sym "TM"
99    | ListTM{nilstr,cons,sep} =>
100        tag_encode "ListTM" (pair3_encode(String,String,String))
101                   (nilstr,cons,sep)
102val rule_element_decode =
103    (tag_decode "TOK" string_decode >> TOK) ||
104    (require_tag "TM" >> (fn _ => TM)) ||
105    (tag_decode "ListTM"
106                (pair3_decode(string_decode,string_decode,string_decode)) >>
107     (fn (n,c,s) => ListTM {nilstr=n,cons=c,sep=s}))
109fun paren_style_encode Always = String "A"
110  | paren_style_encode OnlyIfNecessary = String "O"
111  | paren_style_encode ParoundPrec = String "C"
112  | paren_style_encode ParoundName = String "N"
113  | paren_style_encode NotEvenIfRand = String "R"
114fun paren_style_decode t =
115    case t of
116        String "A" => SOME Always
117      | String "O" => SOME OnlyIfNecessary
118      | String "C" => SOME ParoundPrec
119      | String "N" => SOME ParoundName
120      | String "R" => SOME NotEvenIfRand
121      | _ => NONE
123fun ppel_encode ppel =
124    case ppel of
125      PPBlock (ppels, binfo) =>
126        tag_encode "P" (pair_encode (mk_list ppel_encode, binfo_encode))
127                   (ppels, binfo)
128    | EndInitialBlock binfo => tag_encode "E" binfo_encode binfo
129    | BeginFinalBlock binfo => tag_encode "B" binfo_encode binfo
130    | HardSpace i => tag_encode "H" Int i
131    | BreakSpace (x,y) => tag_encode "S" (pair_encode(Int,Int)) (x,y)
132    | RE rel => tag_encode "R" rule_element_encode rel
133    | ListForm lspec => tag_encode "ListForm" lspec_encode lspec
134    | LastTM => Sym "L"
135    | FirstTM => Sym "F"
136and lspec_encode {separator, block_info, cons, nilstr} =
137    pair4_encode (mk_list ppel_encode, String, String, binfo_encode)
138                 (separator, cons, nilstr, block_info)
141fun ppel_decode s =
142    ((tag_decode "P" (pair_decode (list_decode ppel_decode, binfo_decode)) >>
143                 PPBlock) ||
144     (tag_decode "E" binfo_decode >> EndInitialBlock) ||
145     (tag_decode "B" binfo_decode >> BeginFinalBlock) ||
146     (tag_decode "H" int_decode >> HardSpace) ||
147     (tag_decode "S" (pair_decode(int_decode,int_decode)) >> BreakSpace) ||
148     (tag_decode "R" rule_element_decode >> RE) ||
149     (tag_decode "ListForm" lspec_decode >> ListForm) ||
150     (require_tag "L" >> (fn _ => LastTM)) ||
151     (require_tag "F" >> (fn _ => FirstTM))) s
152and lspec_decode s = let
153  fun f (separator,cons,nilstr,binfo) =
154      {separator = separator, nilstr = nilstr, block_info = binfo, cons = cons}
156  (pair4_decode
157     (list_decode ppel_decode,string_decode,string_decode,binfo_decode) >> f) s
160fun rrule_encode {term_name,elements,timestamp,block_style,paren_style} =
161    pair_encode(String,
162                pair4_encode(mk_list ppel_encode, Int,
163                             block_style_encode, paren_style_encode))
164               (term_name, (elements, timestamp, block_style, paren_style))
165val rrule_decode = let
166  fun f (term_name, (elements, timestamp, block_style, paren_style)) =
167      {term_name = term_name, timestamp = timestamp,
168       block_style = block_style, paren_style = paren_style,
169       elements = elements}
171  pair_decode(string_decode,
172              pair4_decode(list_decode ppel_decode, int_decode,
173                           block_style_decode, paren_style_decode)) >> f
176fun binder_encode b =
177    case b of
178      LAMBDA => Sym "L"
179    | BinderString{tok,term_name,timestamp} =>
180      tag_encode "B" (pair3_encode (String,String,Int))
181                 (tok,term_name,timestamp)
182val binder_decode = let
183  fun f (tok,term_name,timestamp) =
184      BinderString {tok = tok, term_name = term_name,
185                    timestamp = timestamp}
187  (require_tag "L" >> (fn _ => LAMBDA)) ||
188  (tag_decode "B" (pair3_decode(string_decode, string_decode, int_decode)) >> f)
191fun pfxrule_encode prule =
192    case prule of
193      STD_prefix rrl => tag_encode "S" (mk_list rrule_encode) rrl
194    | BINDER bl => tag_encode "B" (mk_list binder_encode) bl
195val pfxrule_decode =
196    (tag_decode "S" (list_decode rrule_decode) >> STD_prefix) ||
197    (tag_decode "B" (list_decode binder_decode) >> BINDER)
199fun sfxrule_encode srule =
200    case srule of
201      STD_suffix rrl => tag_encode "S" (mk_list rrule_encode) rrl
202    | TYPE_annotation => Sym "T"
203val sfxrule_reader =
204    (tag_decode "S" (list_decode rrule_decode) >> STD_suffix) ||
205    (require_tag "T" >> (fn _ => TYPE_annotation))
207fun ifxrule_encode irule =
208    case irule of
209      STD_infix (rrl,a) =>
210        tag_encode "S" (pair_encode (mk_list rrule_encode, assoc_encode))
211                   (rrl, a)
212    | RESQUAN_OP => Sym "R"
213    | VSCONS => Sym "V"
214    | FNAPP rrl => tag_encode "F" (mk_list rrule_encode) rrl
215val ifxrule_reader =
216    (tag_decode "S" (pair_decode(list_decode rrule_decode, assoc_decode)) >>
217                STD_infix) ||
218    (require_tag "R" >> K RESQUAN_OP) ||
219    (require_tag "V" >> K VSCONS) ||
220    (tag_decode "F" (list_decode rrule_decode) >> FNAPP);
222fun fixity_encode f =
223    case f of
224      Infix(a,p) => tag_encode "I" (pair_encode(assoc_encode,Int)) (a,p)
225    | Suffix p => tag_encode "S" Int p
226    | Prefix p => tag_encode "P" Int p
227    | Closefix => Sym "C"
228    | Binder => Sym "B"
229val fixity_decode =
230    (tag_decode "I" (pair_decode(assoc_decode, int_decode)) >> Infix) ||
231    (tag_decode "S" int_decode >> Suffix) ||
232    (tag_decode "P" int_decode >> Prefix) ||
233    (require_tag "C" >> K Closefix) ||
234    (require_tag "B" >> K Binder)
236fun grule_encode (gr : grule) =
237  let
238    val {term_name, pp_elements, paren_style, block_style, fixity} = gr
239  in
240    pair_encode (String,
241                 pair4_encode(paren_style_encode,
242                              block_style_encode,
243                              fixity_encode,
244                              mk_list ppel_encode))
245                (term_name, (paren_style, block_style, fixity, pp_elements))
246  end
247val grule_decode : grule dec = let
248  fun grule (tn,(ps,bs,f,ppels)) =
249      {term_name = tn, paren_style = ps, block_style = bs,
250       fixity = f, pp_elements = ppels}
252  pair_decode(string_decode,
253              pair4_decode(paren_style_decode, block_style_decode,
254                           fixity_decode, list_decode ppel_decode)) >> grule
257val skid_encode = pair_encode (String, KName)
258val skid_decode = pair_decode (string_decode, kname_decode)
260fun user_delta_encode ud =
261    case ud of
262      ADD_ABSYN_POSTP {codename} => tag_encode "AAPP" String codename
263    | ADD_NUMFORM (c,s) =>
264        tag_encode "AN" (pair_encode(Char,option_encode String)) (c,s)
265    | ADD_STRLIT {tmnm,ldelim} =>
266        tag_encode "AS" (pair_encode(String,String)) (tmnm,ldelim)
267    | ADD_UPRINTER{codename=s,pattern=tm} =>
268        tag_encode "AUP" (pair_encode(String,Term)) (s,tm)
269    | ASSOC_RESTR {binder,resbinder} =>
270        tag_encode "AR" (pair_encode (option_encode String, String))
271                   (binder,resbinder)
272    | CLR_OVL s => tag_encode "COV" String s
273    | GRMOVMAP(s,tm) =>
274        tag_encode "RMG" (pair_encode(String,Term)) (s,tm)
275    | GRULE gr => tag_encode "G" grule_encode gr
276    | IOVERLOAD_ON (s,t) => tag_encode "OI" (pair_encode(String,Term)) (s,t)
277    | MOVE_OVLPOSN {frontp,skid} =>
278        tag_encode "MOP" (pair_encode(Bool,skid_encode)) (frontp,skid)
279    | OVERLOAD_ON (s,t) => tag_encode "OO" (pair_encode(String,Term)) (s,t)
280    | RMOVMAP skid => tag_encode "RMO" skid_encode skid
281    | RMTMNM s => tag_encode "RN" String s
282    | RMTMTOK {term_name,tok} =>
283        tag_encode "RK" (pair_encode(String,String)) (term_name,tok)
284    | RMTOK s => tag_encode "RMT" String s
285    | RM_STRLIT {tmnm} => tag_encode "RMS" String tmnm;
288val user_delta_decode =
289  (tag_decode "AAPP" string_decode >> (fn s => ADD_ABSYN_POSTP{codename = s}))||
290  (tag_decode "AN" (pair_decode(char_decode, option_decode string_decode)) >>
291              ADD_NUMFORM) ||
292  (tag_decode "AS" (pair_decode(string_decode,string_decode)) >>
293              (fn (tmnm,ldelim) => ADD_STRLIT{tmnm=tmnm,ldelim=ldelim})) ||
294  (tag_decode "AUP" (pair_decode(string_decode,term_decode)) >>
295              (fn (s,p) => ADD_UPRINTER {codename = s, pattern = p})) ||
296  (tag_decode  "AR" (pair_decode(option_decode string_decode, string_decode)) >>
297               (fn (b,rb) => ASSOC_RESTR {binder = b, resbinder = rb})) ||
298  (tag_decode "COV" string_decode >> CLR_OVL) ||
299  (tag_decode "RMG" (pair_decode (string_decode,term_decode)) >> GRMOVMAP) ||
300  (tag_decode "G" grule_decode >> GRULE) ||
301  (tag_decode "OI" (pair_decode(string_decode,term_decode)) >> IOVERLOAD_ON) ||
302  (tag_decode "MOP" (pair_decode(bool_decode, skid_decode)) >>
303              (fn (frontp,skid) => MOVE_OVLPOSN {frontp=frontp,skid=skid})) ||
304  (tag_decode "OO" (pair_decode(string_decode,term_decode)) >> OVERLOAD_ON) ||
305  (tag_decode "RMO" skid_decode >> RMOVMAP) ||
306  (tag_decode "RN" string_decode >> RMTMNM) ||
307  (tag_decode "RK" (pair_decode(string_decode,string_decode)) >>
308              (fn (nm,tok) => RMTMTOK {term_name = nm, tok = tok})) ||
309  (tag_decode "RMT" string_decode >> RMTOK) ||
310  (tag_decode "RMS" string_decode >> (fn s => RM_STRLIT{tmnm=s}));
312fun grammar_rule_encode grule =
313    case grule of
314      PREFIX pr => tag_encode "P" pfxrule_encode pr
315    | SUFFIX sr => tag_encode "S" sfxrule_encode sr
316    | INFIX ir => tag_encode "I" ifxrule_encode ir
317    | CLOSEFIX rrl => tag_encode "C" (mk_list rrule_encode) rrl
319val grammar_rule_decode =
320    (tag_decode "P" pfxrule_decode >> PREFIX) ||
321    (tag_decode "S" sfxrule_reader >> SUFFIX) ||
322    (tag_decode "I" ifxrule_reader >> INFIX) ||
323    (tag_decode "C" (list_decode rrule_decode) >> CLOSEFIX);
325fun gdelta_encode (TMD udelta) = user_delta_encode udelta
326  | gdelta_encode (TYD tydelta) = tydelta_encode tydelta
327val gdelta_decode = (user_delta_decode >> TMD) || (tydelta_decode >> TYD);
329fun check_delta (d: user_delta) =
330  case d of
331      MOVE_OVLPOSN {skid = (_, kid), ...} => can prim_mk_const kid
332    | RMOVMAP (_, kid) => can prim_mk_const kid
333    | OVERLOAD_ON(_, t) => Term.uptodate_term t
334    | IOVERLOAD_ON(_, t) => Term.uptodate_term t
335    | GRMOVMAP(_, t) => Term.uptodate_term t
336    | ADD_UPRINTER{pattern,...} => Term.uptodate_term pattern
337    | _ => true
339fun nopp s _ = HOLPP.add_string ("<" ^ s ^ ">")
341fun check_gdelta (TMD tmd) = check_delta tmd
342  | check_gdelta (TYD tyd) = check_tydelta tyd
344fun other_tds (t, thyevent) =
345    case list_decode gdelta_decode t of
346        NONE => raise Fail ("GrammarDelta: encoding failure: t = \n  " ^
347                            HOLPP.pp_to_string 70
348                             (pp_sexp (nopp"ty") (nopp"tm") (nopp"thm"))
349                             t)
350      | SOME gds =>
351        let
352          val (goodgds, badgds) = Lib.partition check_gdelta gds
353        in
354          if null badgds then NONE
355          else
356            SOME (mk_list gdelta_encode goodgds)
357        end
359val {export, segment_data, set} = ThyDataSexp.new {
360      thydataty = "grammardelta",
361      merge = append_merge,
362      load = fn _ => (),
363      other_tds = other_tds
364    }
366fun thy_deltas {thyname} =
367    case segment_data {thyname = thyname} of
368        NONE => []
369      | SOME gds =>
370        case list_decode gdelta_decode gds of
371            NONE => raise Fail "GrammarDelta: encoding failure 2"
372          | SOME gds => gds
376fun userdelta_toString ud =
377  case ud of
378      OVERLOAD_ON (s, _) => "overload_on(" ^ Lib.mlquote s ^ ")"
379    | CLR_OVL s => "clear_overloads_on(" ^ Lib.mlquote s ^ ")"
380    | _ => ""
382fun record_tmdelta d = export (mk_list gdelta_encode [TMD d])
384fun record_tydelta d = export (mk_list gdelta_encode [TYD d])
386fun clear_deltas() = set (mk_list gdelta_encode [])