1structure FCNet :> FCNet =
4open Lib HolKernel
5type term = Term.term
7val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "FCNet";
10 *   Tags corresponding to the underlying term constructors.                 *
11 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
13datatype label
14    = V
15    | Cmb
16    | Lam
17    | Cnst of string * string ;  (* name * segment *)
20 *    Term nets.                                                             *
21 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
23datatype 'a t
24    = LEAF of (term * 'a) list
25    | NODE of (label * 'a t) list;
28val empty = NODE [];
30fun is_empty (NODE[]) = true
31  | is_empty    _     = false;
34 * Determining the top constructor of a term.                                *
35 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
38  open Term GrammarSpecials HolKernel
40fun label_of tm =
41  case dest_term tm of
42      LAMB _ => Lam
43    | VAR (s, _) =>
44      let
45      in
46        case dest_fakeconst_name s of
47            SOME {original = SOME kid, ...} => Cnst (#Name kid, #Thy kid)
48          | _ => V
49      end
50    | CONST{Name,Thy,...} => Cnst(Name,Thy)
51    | _ => Cmb
54fun net_assoc label =
55 let fun get (LEAF _) = raise ERR "net_assoc" "LEAF: no children"
56       | get (NODE subnets) =
57            case Lib.assoc1 label subnets
58             of NONE => empty
59              | SOME (_,net) => net
60 in get
61 end;
65  fun mtch tm (NODE []) = []
66    | mtch tm net =
67       let val label = label_of tm
68           val Vnet = net_assoc V net
69           val nets =
70            case label
71             of V => []
72              | Cnst _ => [net_assoc label net]
73              | Lam    => mtch (Term.body tm) (net_assoc Lam net)
74              | Cmb    => let val (Rator,Rand) = Term.dest_comb tm
75                          in itlist(append o mtch Rand)
76                                   (mtch Rator (net_assoc Cmb net)) []
77                           end
78       in itlist (fn NODE [] => I | net => cons net) nets [Vnet]
79       end
81fun match tm net =
82  if is_empty net then []
83  else
84    itlist (fn LEAF L => append (map #2 L) | _ => fn y => y)
85           (mtch tm net) []
89        Finding the elements mapped by a term in a term net.
90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
92fun index x net = let
93  fun appl  _   _  (LEAF L) = SOME L
94    | appl defd tm (NODE L) =
95      let val label = label_of tm
96      in case assoc1 label L
97          of NONE => NONE
98           | SOME (_,net) =>
99              case label
100               of Lam => appl defd (Term.body tm) net
101                | Cmb => let val (Rator,Rand) = Term.dest_comb tm
102                         in appl (Rand::defd) Rator net end
103                |  _  => let fun exec_defd [] (NODE _) = raise ERR "appl"
104                                  "NODE: should be at a LEAF instead"
105                               | exec_defd [] (LEAF L) = SOME L
106                               | exec_defd (h::rst) net =  appl rst h net
107                         in
108                           exec_defd defd net
109                         end
110      end
112  case appl [] x net
113   of SOME L => map #2 L
114    | NONE   => []
118 *        Adding to a term net.                                              *
119 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
121fun overwrite (p as (a,_)) =
122  let fun over [] = [p]
123        | over ((q as (x,_))::rst) =
124            if (a=x) then p::rst else q::over rst
125  in over
126  end;
128fun insert (p as (tm,_)) N =
129let fun enter _ _  (LEAF _) = raise ERR "insert" "LEAF: cannot insert"
130   | enter defd tm (NODE subnets) =
131      let val label = label_of tm
132          val child =
133             case assoc1 label subnets of NONE => empty | SOME (_,net) => net
134          val new_child =
135            case label
136             of Cmb => let val (Rator,Rand) = Term.dest_comb tm
137                       in enter (Rand::defd) Rator child end
138              | Lam => enter defd (Term.body tm) child
139              | _   => let fun exec [] (LEAF L)  = LEAF(p::L)
140                             | exec [] (NODE _)  = LEAF[p]
141                             | exec (h::rst) net = enter rst h net
142                       in
143                          exec defd child
144                       end
145      in
146         NODE (overwrite (label,new_child) subnets)
147      end
148in enter [] tm N
153     Removing an element from a term net. It is not an error if the
154     element is not there.
155 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
157fun split_assoc P =
158 let fun split front [] = raise ERR "split_assoc" "not found"
159       | split front (h::t) =
160          if P h then (rev front,h,t) else split (h::front) t
161 in
162    split []
163 end;
166fun delete (tm,P) N =
167let fun del [] = []
168      | del ((p as (x,q))::rst) =
169          if Term.aconv x tm andalso P q then del rst else p::del rst
170 fun remv  _   _ (LEAF L) = LEAF(del L)
171   | remv defd tm (NODE L) =
172     let val label = label_of tm
173         fun pred (x,_) = (x=label)
174         val (left,(_,childnet),right) = split_assoc pred L
175         val childnet' =
176           case label
177            of Lam => remv defd (Term.body tm) childnet
178             | Cmb => let val (Rator,Rand) = Term.dest_comb tm
179                      in remv (Rand::defd) Rator childnet end
180             |  _  => let fun exec_defd [] (NODE _) = raise ERR "remv"
181                                "NODE: should be at a LEAF instead"
182                            | exec_defd [] (LEAF L) = LEAF(del L)
183                            | exec_defd (h::rst) net =  remv rst h net
184                      in
185                        exec_defd defd childnet
186                      end
187         val childnetl =
188           case childnet' of NODE [] => [] | LEAF [] => [] | y => [(label,y)]
189     in
190       NODE (List.concat [left,childnetl,right])
191     end
193  remv [] tm N handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => N
196fun filter P =
197 let fun filt (LEAF L) = LEAF(List.filter (fn (x,y) => P y) L)
198       | filt (NODE L) =
199          NODE (itlist  (fn (l,n) => fn list =>
200                 case filt n
201                  of LEAF [] => list
202                   | NODE [] => list
203                   |   n'    => (l,n')::list) L [])
204 in
205    filt
206 end;
208fun listItems0 (LEAF L) = L
209  | listItems0 (NODE L) = rev_itlist (append o listItems0 o #2) L [];
211fun union net1 net2 = rev_itlist insert (listItems0 net1) net2;
213fun listItems net = map #2 (listItems0 net);
215fun map f (LEAF L) = LEAF (List.map (fn (x,y) => (x, f y)) L)
216  | map f (NODE L) = NODE (List.map (fn (l,net) => (l,map f net)) L);
218fun itnet f (LEAF L) b = itlist f (List.map #2 L) b
219  | itnet f (NODE L) b = itlist (itnet f) (List.map #2 L) b;
221fun size net = itnet (fn x => fn y => y+1) net 0;
225                Compatibility mode.
226 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
228fun get_tip_list (LEAF L) = L
229  | get_tip_list (NODE _) = [];
231fun get_edge label =
232   let fun get (NODE edges) =
233              (case Lib.assoc1 label edges
234                 of SOME (_,net) => net
235                  | NONE => empty)
236         | get (LEAF _) = raise ERR "get_edge" "tips have no edges"
237   in get
238   end;
240fun net_update elem =
241let fun update _ _ (LEAF _) = raise ERR "net_update" "cannot update a tip"
242      | update defd tm (net as (NODE edges)) =
243           let fun exec_defd [] net = LEAF (elem::get_tip_list net)
244                 | exec_defd (h::rst) net = update rst h net
245               val label = label_of tm
246               val child = get_edge label net
247               val new_child =
248                 case label
249                   of Cmb => let val (Rator,Rand) = Term.dest_comb tm
250                             in update (Rator::defd) Rand child
251                             end
252                    | Lam => update defd (Term.body tm) child
253                    | _   => exec_defd defd child
254           in NODE (overwrite (label,new_child) edges)
255           end
256in  update
259fun enter (tm,elem) net = net_update (tm,elem) [] tm net;
261fun follow tm net =
262 let val nets =
263       case (label_of tm)
264       of (label as Cnst _) => [get_edge label net]
265        | V   => []
266        | Lam => follow (Term.body tm) (get_edge Lam net)
267        | Cmb => let val (Rator,Rand) = Term.dest_comb tm
268                 in Lib.itlist(fn i => fn A => (follow Rator i @ A))
269                              (follow Rand (get_edge Cmb net)) []
270                 end
271 in List.filter (not o is_empty) (get_edge V net::nets)
272 end;
274fun lookup tm net =
275 if is_empty net then []
276 else
277   itlist (fn (LEAF L) => (fn A => (List.map #2 L @ A)) | (NODE _) => I)
278          (follow tm net)  [];
280(* term match *)
281structure Map = Binarymap
282fun bvar_free (bvmap, tm) = let
283  (* return true if none of the free variables occur as keys in bvmap *)
284  fun recurse bs t =
285      case dest_term t of
286        v as VAR _ => HOLset.member(bs, t) orelse
287                      not (isSome (Map.peek(bvmap, t)))
288      | CONST _ => true
289      | COMB(f,x) => recurse bs f andalso recurse bs x
290      | LAMB(v, body) => recurse (HOLset.add(bs, v)) body
292  Map.numItems bvmap = 0 orelse recurse empty_varset tm
295type tminfo = {ids : term HOLset.set, n : int,
296               patbvars : (term,int)Map.dict,
297               obbvars :  (term,int)Map.dict,
298               theta : (term,term) Lib.subst}
300datatype tmpair = TMP of term * term
301                | BVrestore of {patbvars : (term,int)Map.dict,
302                                obbvars : (term,int)Map.dict,
303                                n : int}
304fun add_id v {ids, patbvars, obbvars, theta, n} =
305    {ids = HOLset.add(ids, v), patbvars = patbvars, obbvars = obbvars, n = n,
306     theta = theta}
307fun add_binding v tm {ids, patbvars, obbvars, theta, n} =
308    {ids = ids, patbvars = patbvars, obbvars = obbvars, n = n,
309     theta = (v |-> tm) :: theta}
311fun MERR s = raise ERR "can_match_term" s
313fun mlookup x ids = let
314  fun look [] = if HOLset.member(ids, x) then SOME x else NONE
315    | look ({redex,residue}::t) = if aconv x redex then SOME residue else look t
317  look
320fun RM patobs (theta0 as (tminfo, tyS)) =
321    case patobs of
322      [] => true
323    | TMP (t1,t2)::rest => let
324      in
325        case (dest_term t1, dest_term t2) of
326          (VAR(_, ty), _) => let
327          in
328            case Map.peek(#patbvars tminfo, t1) of
329              NONE => (* var on left not bound *) let
330              in
331                if bvar_free (#obbvars tminfo, t2) then
332                  (* TODO: aconv below should be "aconv wrt fake-consts" *)
333                  RM rest ((case mlookup t1 (#ids tminfo) (#theta tminfo) of
334                              NONE => if aconv t1 t2 then add_id t1 tminfo
335                                      else add_binding t1 t2 tminfo
336                            | SOME tm' => if aconv tm' t2 then tminfo
337                                          else MERR "double bind"),
338                           Type.raw_match_type ty (type_of t2) tyS)
339                else
340                  MERR "Attempt to capture bound variable"
341              end
342            | SOME i => if is_var t2 andalso
343                           Map.peek(#obbvars tminfo, t2) = SOME i
344                        then
345                          RM rest theta0
346                        else false
347          end
348        | (CONST{Name=n1,Thy=thy1,Ty=ty1}, CONST{Name=n2,Thy=thy2,Ty=ty2}) =>
349          if n1 <> n2 orelse thy1 <> thy2 then false
350          else RM rest (tminfo, Type.raw_match_type ty1 ty2 tyS)
351        | (CONST{Name,Thy,Ty}, VAR(vnm, vty)) =>
352          let
353          in
354            case GrammarSpecials.dest_fakeconst_name vnm of
355                SOME {original = SOME {Name=vnm,Thy=vthy}, ...} =>
356                if vnm = Name andalso vthy = Thy then
357                  RM rest (tminfo, Type.raw_match_type Ty vty tyS)
358                else false
359              | _ => false
360          end
361        | (COMB(f1, x1), COMB(f2, x2)) =>
362          RM (TMP (f1, f2) :: TMP (x1, x2) :: rest) theta0
363        | (LAMB(x1, bdy1), LAMB(x2, bdy2)) => let
364            val tyS' = Type.raw_match_type (type_of x1) (type_of x2) tyS
365            val {ids, patbvars, obbvars, n, theta} = tminfo
366          in
367            RM (TMP (bdy1, bdy2) ::
368                BVrestore {patbvars = patbvars, obbvars = obbvars, n = n} ::
369                rest)
370               ({ids = #ids tminfo, n = n + 1, theta = theta,
371                 patbvars = Map.insert(patbvars, x1, n),
372                 obbvars = Map.insert(obbvars, x2, n)}, tyS')
373          end
374        | _ => false
375      end
376    | BVrestore{patbvars, obbvars, n} :: rest => let
377        val {ids, theta, ...} = tminfo
378      in
379        RM rest ({ids = ids, theta = theta, patbvars = patbvars,
380                  obbvars = obbvars, n = n}, tyS)
381      end
383val empty_subst = Map.mkDict Term.compare
384fun can_match_term pat t =
385  RM [TMP (pat,t)] ({ids = empty_tmset, n = 0, theta = [],
386                     patbvars = empty_subst, obbvars = empty_subst},
387                    ([], [])) handle HOL_ERR _ => false
389end (* Net *)