1structure IntDP_Munge :> IntDP_Munge =
4structure Parse = struct
5  open Parse
6  val (Type,Term) = parse_from_grammars int_arithTheory.int_arith_grammars
8open Parse
10open HolKernel boolLib intSyntax boolSyntax CooperSyntax integerTheory
11     int_arithTheory intReduce
13val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "IntDP_Munge";
15val normalise_mult = OmegaMath.NORMALISE_MULT
17(* this draws on similar code in Richard Boulton's natural number
18   arithmetic decision procedure *)
20fun contains_var tm =
21    if numSyntax.is_numeral tm then false
22    else
23      case dest_term tm of
24        COMB(f,x) => contains_var f orelse contains_var x
25      | LAMB(v,b) => contains_var b
26      | VAR _ => true
27      | CONST{Ty, ...} => Ty = numSyntax.num orelse Ty = int_ty
28fun is_linear_mult tm =
29  is_mult tm andalso
30  not (contains_var (rand tm) andalso contains_var (rand (rator tm)))
31fun land tm = rand (rator tm)
33fun non_zero tm =
34    if is_negated tm then non_zero (rand tm)
35    else tm !~ zero_tm
37(* returns a list of pairs, where the first element of each pair is a non-
38   Presburger term that occurs in tm, and where the second is a boolean
39   that is true if none of the variables that occur in the term are
40   bound by a quantifier. *)
41fun bcmp (b1, b2) = if b1 = b2 then EQUAL else if not b1 then LESS else GREATER
42val cmp = pair_compare (Term.compare, bcmp)
43val E = HOLset.empty cmp
44fun non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt tm =
45  if
46    (is_forall tm orelse is_exists1 tm orelse is_exists tm) andalso
47    (type_of (bvar (rand tm)) = int_ty)
48  then let
49    val abst = rand tm
50  in
51    non_presburger_subterms0 (listset [bvar abst] Un ctxt) (body abst)
52  end
53  else if is_neg tm orelse is_absval tm orelse is_negated tm then
54    non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt (rand tm)
55  else if (is_cond tm) then let
56    val (b, t1, t2) = dest_cond tm
57  in
58    non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt b Un non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt t1 Un
59    non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt t2
60  end
61  else if (is_greater tm orelse is_geq tm orelse is_eq tm orelse
62           is_less tm orelse is_leq tm orelse is_conj tm orelse
63           is_disj tm orelse is_imp tm orelse is_plus tm orelse
64           is_minus tm orelse is_linear_mult tm) then
65    non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt (land tm) Un
66    non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt (rand tm)
67  else if (is_divides tm andalso is_int_literal (land tm)) then
68    non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt (rand tm)
69  else if ((is_div tm orelse is_mod tm) andalso
70           is_int_literal (rand tm) andalso
71           non_zero (rand tm)) then
72    non_presburger_subterms0 ctxt (land tm)
73  else if is_int_literal tm then E
74  else if is_var tm andalso type_of tm = int_ty then E
75  else if Teq tm orelse Feq tm then E
76  else HOLset.add(E,
77                  (tm, not (HOLset.foldl
78                              (fn (v,acc) => acc orelse free_in v tm)
79                              false
80                              ctxt)))
82val is_presburger = HOLset.isEmpty o non_presburger_subterms0 ES
83fun non_presburger_subterms t =
84  HOLset.foldl (fn ((t,b),A) => t::A) [] (non_presburger_subterms0 ES t)
86fun is_natlin_mult tm =
87    numSyntax.is_mult tm andalso
88    not (contains_var (land tm) andalso contains_var (rand tm))
90fun nat_nonpresburgers tm =
91    if is_forall tm orelse is_exists tm orelse is_exists1 tm then
92      nat_nonpresburgers (body (rand tm))
93    else if is_conj tm orelse is_disj tm orelse
94            (is_imp tm andalso not (is_neg tm)) orelse
95            is_greater tm orelse is_leq tm orelse is_eq tm orelse
96            is_minus tm orelse is_less tm orelse is_geq tm orelse
97            is_linear_mult tm
98    then
99      HOLset.union (nat_nonpresburgers (land tm), nat_nonpresburgers (rand tm))
100    else if is_neg tm orelse is_injected tm orelse is_Num tm orelse
101            numSyntax.is_suc tm
102    then
103      nat_nonpresburgers (rand tm)
104    else if is_cond tm then
105      HOLset.union
106      (HOLset.union (nat_nonpresburgers (rand (rator (rator tm))),
107                     nat_nonpresburgers (land tm)),
108       nat_nonpresburgers (rand tm))
109    else
110      let open numSyntax
111      in
112        if is_greater tm orelse is_geq tm orelse is_less tm orelse
113           is_leq tm orelse is_plus tm orelse is_minus tm orelse
114           is_natlin_mult tm
115        then
116          HOLset.union (nat_nonpresburgers (land tm),
117                        nat_nonpresburgers (rand tm))
118        else if is_numeral tm then empty_tmset
119        else if is_var tm then empty_tmset
120        else HOLset.add(empty_tmset, tm)
121      end
123val x_var = mk_var("x", int_ty)
124val c_var = mk_var("c", int_ty)
125fun elim_div_mod0 exp t = let
126  val divmods =
127      HOLset.listItems (find_free_terms (fn t => is_mod t orelse is_div t) t)
128  fun elim_t to_elim = let
129    val ((num,divisor), c1, c2, thm) = let
130      val (c1, c2) = if exp then (RAND_CONV o LAND_CONV, RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV)
131                     else (LAND_CONV o RAND_CONV, RAND_CONV)
132    in
133      (dest_div to_elim, c1, c2, if exp then INT_DIV_P else INT_DIV_FORALL_P)
134      handle HOL_ERR _ => (dest_mod to_elim, c1, c2,
135                           if exp then INT_MOD_P else INT_MOD_FORALL_P)
136    end
137    val div_nzero = EQT_ELIM (REDUCE_CONV (mk_neg(mk_eq(divisor, zero_tm))))
138    val abs_div = REDUCE_CONV (mk_absval divisor)
139    val rwt = MP (Thm.INST [x_var |-> num, c_var |-> divisor] (SPEC_ALL thm))
140                 div_nzero
141  in
144  end
146  case divmods of
147    [] => ALL_CONV
148  | _ => FIRST_CONV (map elim_t divmods) THENC elim_div_mod0 exp
149end t
151fun elim_div_mod t = let
152  (* can't just apply elim_div_mod to a term with quantifiers because the
153     elimination of x/c relies on x being free.  So we need to traverse
154     the term underneath the quantifiers.  It may also help to get the
155     quantifiers to have scope over as little of the term as possible. *)
156  val exp = goal_qtype t = qsEXISTS
157  fun recurse passed_a_binder tm = let
158  in
159    if is_exists tm orelse is_forall tm orelse is_exists1 tm then
160      BINDER_CONV (recurse true)
161    else if is_abs tm then ABS_CONV (recurse true)
162    else
163      (if passed_a_binder then TRY_CONV (elim_div_mod0 exp)
164       else ALL_CONV) THENC
165      SUB_CONV (recurse false)
166  end tm
168  recurse true t
172fun decide_fv_presburger DPname DP tm = let
173  fun is_int_const tm = type_of tm = int_ty andalso is_const tm
174  val fvs = free_vars tm @ (Lib.op_mk_set aconv (find_terms is_int_const tm))
175  fun dest_atom tm = dest_const tm handle HOL_ERR _ => dest_var tm
176  fun gen(bv, t) =
177    if is_var bv then mk_forall(bv, t)
178    else let
179      val gv = genvar int_ty
180    in
181      mk_forall(gv, subst [bv |-> gv] t)
182    end
183  val preprocess = elim_div_mod THENC REWRITE_CONV [INT_ABS]
184  val doit = preprocess THENC DP
186  if null fvs then doit tm
187  else let
188    val newtm = List.foldr gen tm fvs   (* as there are no non-presburger
189                                           sub-terms, all these variables
190                                           will be of integer type *)
191  in
192    EQT_INTRO (SPECL fvs (EQT_ELIM (doit newtm)))
193  end handle HOL_ERR _ =>
194    raise ERR DPname
195      ("Tried to prove generalised goal (generalising "^
196       #1 (dest_atom (hd fvs))^"...) but it was false")
200fun abs_inj inj_n tm = let
201  val gv = genvar int_ty
202  val tm1 = subst [inj_n |-> gv] tm
204  GSYM (BETA_CONV (mk_comb(mk_abs(gv,tm1), inj_n)))
207fun eliminate_nat_quants tm = let
209  if is_forall tm orelse is_exists tm orelse is_exists1 tm then let
210    val (bvar, body) = dest_abs (rand tm)
211  in
212    if type_of bvar = num_ty then let
213      val inj_bvar = mk_comb(int_injection, bvar)
214      val rewrite_qaway =
215        REWR_CONV (if is_forall tm then INT_NUM_FORALL
216                   else if is_exists tm then INT_NUM_EXISTS
217                   else INT_NUM_UEXISTS) THENC
219    in
220      BINDER_CONV (abs_inj inj_bvar) THENC rewrite_qaway THENC
221      RENAME_VARS_CONV [#1 (dest_var bvar)] THENC
222      BINDER_CONV eliminate_nat_quants
223    end
224    else
225      BINDER_CONV eliminate_nat_quants
226  end
227    else if is_neg tm then (* must test for is_neg before is_imp *)
228      RAND_CONV eliminate_nat_quants
229    else if (is_conj tm orelse is_disj tm orelse is_eq tm orelse
230             is_imp tm) then
231      BINOP_CONV eliminate_nat_quants
232    else if is_cond tm then
233      RAND_CONV eliminate_nat_quants THENC
234      LAND_CONV eliminate_nat_quants THENC
235      RATOR_CONV (RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV eliminate_nat_quants))
236    else ALL_CONV
237end tm handle HOL_ERR {origin_function = "REWR_CONV", ...} =>
238  raise ERR "IntDP_Munge" "Uneliminable natural number term remains"
241fun tacTHEN t1 t2 tm = let
242  val (g1, v1) = t1 tm
243  val (g2, v2) = t2 g1
245  (g2, v1 o v2)
247fun tacALL tm = (tm, I)
248fun tacMAP_EVERY tlist =
249    case tlist of
250      [] => tacALL
251    | (t1::ts) => tacTHEN t1 (tacMAP_EVERY ts)
252fun tacCONV c tm = let
253  val thm = c tm
255  (rhs (concl thm), TRANS thm)
256end handle UNCHANGED => (tm, I)
257fun tacRGEN t = let
258  val (fvs, body) = strip_forall t
259  val prove_it = EQT_INTRO o GENL fvs o EQT_ELIM
261  (body, prove_it)
263val op tTHEN = fn (t1, t2) => tacTHEN t1 t2
264infix tTHEN
267fun subtm_rel (t1, t2) =
268    case Int.compare(term_size t1, term_size t2) of
269      LESS => GREATER
270    | EQUAL => EQUAL
271    | GREATER => LESS
274  open arithmeticTheory numSyntax
275  val Num_lemma = prove(
276    ``&(Num i) = if 0 <= i then i else & ((Num o I) i)``,
278    ASM_REWRITE_TAC [combinTheory.o_THM, integerTheory.INT_OF_NUM,
279                     combinTheory.I_THM])
281  val rewrites = [GSYM INT_INJ, GSYM INT_LT, GSYM INT_LE,
282                  GREATER_DEF, GREATER_EQ, GSYM INT_ADD,
283                  GSYM INT_MUL, INT, INT_NUM_COND, Num_lemma]
284  val p_var = mk_var("p", num)
285  val q_var = mk_var("q", num)
286  fun elim_div_mod0 exp t = let
287    val divmods =
288        HOLset.listItems (find_free_terms (fn t => is_mod t orelse is_div t) t)
289    fun elim_t to_elim = let
290      val ((num,divisor), (thm, c)) =
291          (dest_div to_elim, if exp then (DIV_P, RAND_CONV)
292                             else (DIV_P_UNIV, I))
293          handle HOL_ERR _ => (dest_mod to_elim, if exp then (MOD_P, RAND_CONV)
294                                                 else (MOD_P_UNIV, I))
295      val div_nzero = EQT_ELIM (REDUCE_CONV (mk_less(zero_tm, divisor)))
296      fun findinst thm =
297          Thm.INST (#1 (match_term (rand (lhs (#2 (dest_imp (concl thm)))))
298                                   to_elim))
299                   thm
300      val rwt = MP (findinst (SPEC_ALL thm)) div_nzero
301    in
304    end
305  in
306    case divmods of
307      [] => ALL_CONV
308    | _ => FIRST_CONV (map elim_t divmods) THENC elim_div_mod0 exp
309  end t
310  fun elim_div_mod t = let
311    val exp = goal_qtype t = qsEXISTS andalso
312              HOLset.isEmpty (nat_nonpresburgers t)
313    fun recurse passed_a_binder tm = let
314    in
315      if is_exists tm orelse is_forall tm orelse is_exists1 tm then
316        BINDER_CONV (recurse true)
317      else if is_abs tm then
318        ABS_CONV (recurse true)
319      else
320        (if passed_a_binder then TRY_CONV (elim_div_mod0 exp)
321         else ALL_CONV) THENC
322        SUB_CONV (recurse false)
323    end tm
324  in
325    recurse true t
326  end
327  fun term_size t = let
328    val (f,x) = dest_comb t
329  in
330    term_size f + term_size x
331  end handle HOL_ERR _ => term_size (body t) + 1
332      handle HOL_ERR _ => 1
334  (* two functions below derived from RJB's Sub_and_cond.sml *)
335  fun op_of_app tm = op_of_app (rator tm) handle _ => tm
337  fun COND_ABS_CONV tm = let
338    open Rsyntax
339    val {Bvar=v,Body=bdy} = dest_abs tm
340    val {cond,larm=x,rarm=y} = Rsyntax.dest_cond bdy
341    val b = assert (not o tmem v o free_vars) cond
342    val _ = assert (fn t => type_of t <> bool) x
343    val xf = mk_abs{Bvar=v,Body=x}
344    val yf = mk_abs{Bvar=v,Body=y}
345    val th1 = INST_TYPE [alpha |-> type_of v, beta |-> type_of x] COND_ABS
346    val th2 = SPECL [b,xf,yf] th1
347  in
349                 (RAND_CONV (ABS_CONV
350                               (RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) THENC
351                                RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) THENC
352                               ALPHA_CONV v))) th2
353  end handle HOL_ERR _ => failwith "COND_ABS_CONV"
355  fun NBOOL_COND_RAND_CONV tm = let
356    val (f, cnd) = dest_comb tm
357  in
358    if same_const f conditional orelse
359       (type_of (rand cnd) <> bool andalso
360        not (same_const (op_of_app f) conditional))
361    then
362      (* guard above allows rewrite of
363           COND (COND p q r) x y
364         which will go to
365           (COND p (COND q) (COND r)) x y
366         COND q and COND r will get exposed to x and y ; term duplicates
367         x and y; hope this doens't happen too often. *)
369    else
370      NO_CONV tm
371  end
373val nat_rewrites =
374    [arithmeticTheory.LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB, arithmeticTheory.RIGHT_ADD_DISTRIB,
375     arithmeticTheory.MAX_DEF, arithmeticTheory.MIN_DEF,
376     arithmeticTheory.ODD_EXISTS, arithmeticTheory.EVEN_EXISTS]
378val dealwith_nats = let
379  val phase1 =
380      tacCONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV nat_rewrites THENC
381               ONCE_DEPTH_CONV normalise_mult THENC
382               elim_div_mod THENC
383               (* eliminate nasty subtractions *)
384               TOP_DEPTH_CONV (Thm_convs.SUB_NORM_CONV ORELSEC
385                               NBOOL_COND_RATOR_CONV ORELSEC
386                               NBOOL_COND_RAND_CONV ORELSEC
387                               COND_ABS_CONV))
388  fun do_pbs tm = let
389    val non_pbs0 = HOLset.listItems (nat_nonpresburgers tm)
390    val non_pbs = Listsort.sort subtm_rel
391                                (List.filter (equal num_ty o type_of) non_pbs0)
392    val initially =
393        if null non_pbs then tacALL
394        else if goal_qtype tm = qsUNIV then
395          tacCONV move_quants_up tTHEN tacRGEN
396        else tacRGEN
397    fun tactic subtm tm = let
398      (* return both a newtm and a function that will convert a theorem
399         of the form <new term> = T into tm = T *)
400      val gv = genvar numSyntax.num
401      val newterm = mk_forall (gv, Term.subst [subtm |-> gv] tm)
402      fun prove_it thm =
403          EQT_INTRO (SPEC subtm (EQT_ELIM thm))
404          handle HOL_ERR _ =>
405                 raise ERR "COOPER_CONV"
406                           ("Tried to prove generalised goal (generalising "^
407                            Parse.term_to_string subtm^"...) but it was false")
408    in
409      (newterm, prove_it)
410    end
411  in
412    initially tTHEN tacMAP_EVERY (map tactic non_pbs)
413  end tm
415 phase1 tTHEN do_pbs tTHEN
416 tacCONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV rewrites THENC eliminate_nat_quants)
418end (* local *)
420(* subterms is a list of subterms all of integer type *)
421fun decide_nonpbints_presburger DPname DP subterms tm = let
422  fun tactic subtm tm =
423    (* return both a new term and a function that will convert a theorem
424       of the form <new term> = T into tm = T *)
425    if is_comb subtm andalso rator subtm ~~ int_injection then let
426      val n = rand subtm
427      val thm0 = abs_inj subtm tm (* |- tm = P subtm *)
428      val tm0 = rhs (concl thm0)
429      val gv = genvar num_ty
430      val tm1 = mk_forall(gv, mk_comb (rator tm0, mk_comb(int_injection, gv)))
431      val thm1 =  (* |- (!gv. P gv) = !x. 0 <= x ==> P x *)
434      fun prove_it thm = let
435        val without_true = EQT_ELIM thm (* |- !x. 0 <= x ==> P x *)
436        val univ_nat = EQ_MP (SYM thm1) without_true
437        val spec_nat = SPEC n univ_nat
438      in
439        EQT_INTRO (EQ_MP (SYM thm0) spec_nat)
440      end
441    in
442      (rhs (concl thm1), prove_it)
443    end
444    else let
445      val gv = genvar int_ty
446    in
447      (mk_forall(gv, subst [subtm |-> gv] tm),
448       EQT_INTRO o SPEC subtm o EQT_ELIM)
449    end
450  val (goal, vfn) = tacMAP_EVERY (map tactic subterms) tm
451  val thm = decide_fv_presburger DPname DP goal
453  vfn thm handle HOL_ERR _ =>
454    raise ERR DPname
455      ("Tried to prove generalised goal (generalising "^
456       Parse.term_to_string (hd subterms)^"...) but it was false")
459val int_rewrites =
462fun BASIC_CONV DPname DP tm = let
463  val (natgoal, natvalidation) = dealwith_nats tm
464  val stage1 = PURE_REWRITE_CONV int_rewrites THENC
465               ONCE_DEPTH_CONV normalise_mult
466  fun stage2 tm =
467    let
468      val non_pbs = non_presburger_subterms0 ES tm
469    in
470      if HOLset.isEmpty non_pbs then decide_fv_presburger DPname DP tm
471      else
472        case HOLset.find (fn (t,_) => type_of t <> int_ty) non_pbs of
473          NONE => let
474            val (igoal, initvfn) =
475                case HOLset.find (fn (_, b) => not b) non_pbs of
476                  NONE => (tm, I)
477                | SOME _ =>
478                  if goal_qtype tm = qsUNIV then
479                    (tacCONV move_quants_up tTHEN tacRGEN) tm
480                  else tacRGEN tm
481            val init_nonpbs =
482                Listsort.sort (inv_img_cmp #1 subtm_rel)
483                              (HOLset.listItems
484                                 (non_presburger_subterms0 ES igoal))
485          in
486            case List.find (fn (_, b) => not b) init_nonpbs of
487              NONE =>
488              initvfn (decide_nonpbints_presburger
489                       DPname
490                       DP
491                       (map #1 init_nonpbs) igoal)
492            | SOME (t, _) =>
493              raise ERR DPname
494                    ("Couldn't free quantification over non-Presburger "^
495                     "sub-term "^Parse.term_to_string t)
496          end
497        | SOME (t,_) => raise ERR DPname
498            ("Not in the allowed subset; consider "^Parse.term_to_string t)
499      end
501  natvalidation ((stage1 THENC stage2) natgoal)
504fun ok_asm th = let
505  val exists_th = goal_qtype (concl th) = qsEXISTS
506  fun check(t, free_p) =
507      mem (type_of t) [intSyntax.int_ty, numSyntax.num] andalso
508      (exists_th orelse free_p)
509  val dodgy_subterms0 = non_presburger_subterms0 ES (concl th)
510  fun ignore_nats ((t, free_p), acc) = let
511    val nat_set = nat_nonpresburgers t
512    fun foldthis (nt, acc) = HOLset.add(acc, (nt, free_p))
513  in
514    HOLset.foldl foldthis acc nat_set
515  end
516  val dodgy_subterms = HOLset.foldl ignore_nats E dodgy_subterms0
518  not (isSome (HOLset.find (not o check) dodgy_subterms))
521fun conv_tac c =
522    REPEAT (FIRST_X_ASSUM (MP_TAC o assert ok_asm)) THEN
523    CONV_TAC c
525end; (* struct *)