2(* EmitML: mapping HOL expressions to ML. The basic HOL theory hierarchy has *)
3(* a loose analogue in the hierarchy of basic ML structures. Thus we have    *)
4(* something like                                                            *)
5(*                                                                           *)
6(*    HOL Theory         ML Structure                                        *)
7(*    ----------         ------------                                        *)
8(*    boolTheory            Bool                                             *)
9(*    numTheory             Arbnum                                           *)
10(*    intTheory             Arbint                                           *)
11(*    optionTheory          Option                                           *)
12(*    listTheory            List                                             *)
13(*    stringTheory          Char,String                                      *)
14(*                                                                           *)
15(* Missing from this list are pairs (pairTheory in HOL, builtin to ML),      *)
16(* which are flat tuples in ML and nested pairs in HOL. Also there is the    *)
17(* unit type, which exists in both HOL and ML. Other structures where there  *)
18(* is a close relationship arise from Anthony Fox's parameterized theory of  *)
19(* n-bit words.                                                              *)
20(*                                                                           *)
21(* The ideal, we assume, is to build formalizations in HOL and then "export" *)
22(* them to ML, with the idea that the executable aspects of a HOL            *)
23(* formalization can be faithfully copied down to ML. If this can be         *)
24(* supported, then ground HOL expressions should be able to be copied to ML  *)
25(* and executed there, with huge speed-ups. This can be used to provide a    *)
26(* code generation facility and a testing environment for HOL definitions.   *)
27(*                                                                           *)
28(* Exporting HOL definitions of types and functions consists of 2 things:    *)
29(* installing those definitions in ML and mapping HOL expressions into       *)
30(* syntactically acceptable ML expressions. The latter operation is "just"   *)
31(* prettyprinting, where the prettyprinter uses a table mapping HOL types    *)
32(* and constants to their ML counterparts. This table needs to be extensible *)
33(* as theories load.                                                         *)
34(*                                                                           *)
37structure EmitML :> EmitML =
40open HolKernel boolSyntax Abbrev;
42val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "EmitML";
43val WARN = HOL_WARNING "EmitML";
44val type_grammar = Parse.type_grammar
47(* All ref cells.                                                            *)
50val emitOcaml = ref false;
51val sigSuffix = ref "ML.sig";
52val structSuffix = ref "ML.sml";
53val sigCamlSuffix = ref "ML.mli";
54val structCamlSuffix = ref "ML.ml";
56val is_int_literal_hook = ref (fn _:term => false);
57val int_of_term_hook = ref
58    (fn _:term => (raise ERR "EmitML" "integers not loaded") : Arbint.int)
61(* Misc. syntax operations                                                   *)
64val is_pair_type = Lib.can pairSyntax.dest_prod;
65val is_num_literal = Lib.can Literal.relaxed_dest_numeral;
66fun nameOfC t = #Name (dest_thy_const t)
69(* Version of dest_string that doesn't care if characters look like          *)
70(*                                                                           *)
71(*   CHAR (NUMERAL n)    or    CHAR n                                        *)
74val is_string_literal = Lib.can Literal.relaxed_dest_string_lit;
76fun strip_cons M =
77 case total (listSyntax.dest_cons) M
78  of SOME (h,t) => h::strip_cons t
79   | NONE => [M];
81fun is_fn_app tm = is_comb tm andalso not(pairSyntax.is_pair tm)
82fun is_infix_app tm = is_conj tm orelse is_disj tm orelse is_eq tm ;
85  val a = mk_var("a",bool)
86  val b = mk_var("b",bool)
88val andalso_tm = list_mk_abs([a,b],mk_conj(a,b))
89val orelse_tm = list_mk_abs([a,b],mk_disj(a,b))
93(* Peculiar names for fake record constructors. These help generate code for *)
94(* projection and access functions automatically defined for records. The    *)
95(* need for this comes from the fact that large records declarations are     *)
96(* modelled differently than small records; the difference in representation *)
97(* is vexatious when defining the ML projection and access functions, since  *)
98(* we want the resulting ML to look the same, i.e., be readable, no matter   *)
99(* how big the record is.                                                    *)
102fun mk_record_vconstr (name,ty) = mk_var(name^"--Record Constr Var",ty)
104fun dest_record_vconstr v =
105 let open Substring
106     val (name,ty) = dest_var v
107     val (ss1,ss2) = position "--Record Constr Var" (full name)
108 in if string ss2 = "--Record Constr Var"
109     then (string ss1,ty)
110     else raise ERR "dest_record_vconstr" ""
111 end handle _ => raise ERR "dest_record_vconstr" "";
113val is_fake_constructor = Lib.can dest_record_vconstr;
116  val reserved_set = Redblackset.addList (Redblackset.empty String.compare,
117    ["abstype", "datatype", "do", "end", "eqtype", "exception", "fn", "fun",
118     "functor", "handle", "include", "infix", "infixr", "local", "nonfix", "op",
119     "open", "raise", "rec", "sharing", "sig", "signature", "struct",
120     "structure", "type", "val", "where", "withtype", "while"])
121  fun is_reserved s = Redblackset.member (reserved_set, s)
123  fun fix_reserved s = if is_reserved s then s ^ "_" else s
126fun fix_symbol c =
127  case c of
128    #"#"  => #"^"
129  | #"\\" => #"!"
130  | #":"  => #"?"
131  | #"~"  => #"$"
132  | #"|"  => #"@"
133  | _     => c;
135fun capitalize s =
136  if !emitOcaml then
137    Char.toString (Char.toUpper (String.sub(s,0))) ^ String.extract(s,1,NONE)
138  else
139    s;
141fun lowerize s =
142  if !emitOcaml then
143    Char.toString (Char.toLower (String.sub(s,0))) ^ String.extract(s,1,NONE)
144  else
145    s;
147fun fix_name (prefix,is_type_cons,s) =
148  let val c0 = String.sub(s,0)
149      val s1 = if not (prefix = "") andalso c0 = #" " then
150                 String.extract(s,1,NONE)
151               else
152                 s
153  in
154    if !emitOcaml then
155      if s = "andalso" then
156        "&&"
157      else if s = "orelse" then
158        "||"
159      else if s = "SOME" then
160        "Some"
161      else if s = "NONE" then
162        "None"
163      else let val s1 = String.map fix_symbol s in
164        if not (Char.isAlphaNum c0 orelse (s1 = "=")) then
165          prefix ^ "(" ^ s1 ^ ")"
166        else if is_type_cons then
167          prefix ^ capitalize s1
168        else
169          prefix ^ (if Char.isUpper c0 then "_" ^ s1 else fix_reserved s1)
170      end
171    else
172      prefix ^ (fix_reserved s1)
173  end;
175fun ML s = capitalize s ^ "ML";
177fun full_name openthys (is_type_cons,s1,s2,_) =
178  let val prefix = if mem s1 openthys orelse (s1="") then
179                     ""
180                   else
181                     ML s1 ^ "."
182  in
183    fix_name (prefix,is_type_cons,s2)
184  end;
186fun const_map openthys c = full_name openthys (ConstMapML.apply c);
188val COMMA_PREC = 50;
189val CONS_PREC  = 450;
191fun prec_of c =
192  if same_const c boolSyntax.equality then 100 else
193  if same_const c boolSyntax.disjunction then 300 else
194  if same_const c boolSyntax.conjunction then 400 else
195  if same_const c pairSyntax.comma_tm then COMMA_PREC else 0;
197val minprec = ~1;
198val maxprec = 9999;
200datatype side = LEFT | RIGHT;
202fun pick_name slist n (s1,s2) = if mem n slist then s1 else s2;
204fun vars_of_types alist =
205  map (fn (i,ty) => mk_var("v"^Int.toString i,ty)) (Lib.enumerate 0 alist);
208(* Convert a constructor application (C t1 ... tn) to C'(t1,...,tn) where    *)
209(* C' is a variable with the same name as C. This code only deals with       *)
210(* pseudo-constructors, like INSERT for sets and BAG_INSERT for bags. These  *)
211(* are *not* constructors, but we will generate programs in which they are   *)
212(* constructors for abstract datatypes.                                      *)
213(*                                                                           *)
214(* Real constructors are detected in the term prettyprinter by testing       *)
215(* TypeBase.is_constructor. In contrast, pseudo-constructors are dealt with  *)
216(* in a pre-processing pass over the theorems that code is being generated   *)
217(* from.                                                                     *)
220local val emit_tag = "EmitML"
221  val pseudo_constr_defs = ref [] : thm list ref;
223fun pseudo_constr_rws() = map concl (!pseudo_constr_defs)
224val reshape_thm_hook = ref (fn th =>
225     pairLib.GEN_BETA_RULE (Rewrite.PURE_REWRITE_RULE (!pseudo_constr_defs) th))
227fun new_pseudo_constr (c,a) =
228 let fun nstrip_fun 0 ty = ([],ty)
229       | nstrip_fun n ty =
230         let val (d,r) = dom_rng ty
231             val (f,b) = nstrip_fun (n-1) r
232         in (d::f,b)
233         end
234     val (argtys,target) = nstrip_fun a (type_of c)
235     val args = vars_of_types argtys
236     val pvar = mk_var("^" ^ fst(dest_const c),
237                       pairSyntax.list_mk_prod argtys --> target)
238     val new = pairSyntax.list_mk_pabs
239                 (args,mk_comb(pvar,pairSyntax.list_mk_pair args))
240     val thm = mk_oracle_thm emit_tag ([],mk_eq(c,new))
241 in
242    pseudo_constr_defs := thm :: !pseudo_constr_defs
243 end
246fun generic_type_of tm =
247  if is_const tm
248   then let val {Name,Thy,...} = dest_thy_const tm
249        in type_of (prim_mk_const{Name=Name,Thy=Thy})
250        end
251   else type_of tm;
254fun is_supported_PMATCH tm = let
255  val pmi = patternMatchesLib.analyse_pmatch false tm
257  if !emitOcaml then patternMatchesLib.is_ocaml_pmatch pmi
258                else patternMatchesLib.is_sml_pmatch pmi
261fun strip_supported_PMATCH tm = let
262  val (i, rows) = patternMatchesSyntax.dest_PMATCH tm
263  fun dest_r r = let
264     val (_, p, g, r) = patternMatchesSyntax.dest_PMATCH_ROW_ABS r
265  in (p, r, g) end
267  (i, List.map dest_r rows)
272(* A prettyprinter from HOL to very simple ML, dealing with basic paired     *)
273(* lambda calculus terms, plus literals (strings, nums, ints), notation for  *)
274(* lists, and case expressions.                                              *)
276val B = smpp.block PP.CONSISTENT
277fun term_to_ML openthys side =
278 let open Portable PP smpp
279     fun prec_paren p i j = if i >= j then add_string p else nothing
280     val lparen = prec_paren "("
281     val rparen = prec_paren ")"
282     val const_map = const_map openthys
283     val numML = if !emitOcaml then "NumML." else "numML."
284     val intML = if !emitOcaml then "IntML." else "intML."
285     val fcpML = if !emitOcaml then "FcpML." else "fcpML."
286     fun fix s = fix_name("", false, s)
287  fun pp i tm =
288     if is_var tm then pp_var tm else
289     if is_cond tm then pp_cond i tm else
290     if is_arb tm then pp_arb i else
291     if is_num_literal tm then pp_num_literal i tm else
292     if !is_int_literal_hook tm then pp_int_literal tm else
293     if is_string_literal tm then pp_string tm else
294     if listSyntax.is_list tm then pp_list tm else
295     if listSyntax.is_cons tm then pp_cons i tm else
296     if listSyntax.is_mem tm then pp_mem i (listSyntax.dest_mem tm) else
297     if is_infix_app tm then pp_binop i tm else
298     if pairSyntax.is_pair tm then pp_pair i tm else
299     if boolSyntax.is_let tm then pp_lets i tm else
300     if pairSyntax.is_pabs tm then pp_abs i tm else
301     if combinSyntax.is_fail tm then pp_fail i tm else
302     if oneSyntax.is_one tm  then pp_one tm else
303     if TypeBase.is_record tm then pp_record i (TypeBase.dest_record tm) else
304     if is_supported_PMATCH tm then
305        pp_case_with_guard i (strip_supported_PMATCH tm) else
306     if TypeBase.is_case tm then pp_case i (TypeBase.strip_case tm) else
307     if is_the_value tm then pp_itself tm else
308     if is_const tm then pp_const i tm else
309     if is_comb tm then pp_comb i tm
310     else raise ERR "term_to_ML"
311                    ("Unknown syntax with term: "^Parse.term_to_string tm)
312  and pp_cond i tm = let
313    val (b,a1,a2) = dest_cond tm
314    val parens = i >= (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 70)
315    fun doparens p = if parens then B 1 (add_string "(" >> p >> add_string ")")
316                     else p
317  in
318    doparens (
319      B 0 (
320        add_string"if" >>
321        add_break(1,2) >>
322        block PP.INCONSISTENT 0 (pp 70 b) >>
323        add_break(1,0) >>
324        add_string"then"
325      ) >>
326      add_break(1,2) >>
327      block INCONSISTENT 0 (pp 70 a1) >>
328      add_break(1,0) >>
329      B 0(add_string"else" >> add_break(1,2) >> pp minprec a2)
330    )
331  end
332  and pp_num_from_string s =
333        if s="0" then
334          add_string (pick_name openthys "num" ("ZERO",numML ^ "ZERO"))
335        else if s="1" then
336          add_string (pick_name openthys "num" (fix "ONE",numML ^ fix "ONE"))
337        else if s="2" then
338          add_string (pick_name openthys "num" (fix "TWO",numML ^ fix "TWO"))
339        else
340          block INCONSISTENT 0 (
341             add_string"(" >>
342             add_string (pick_name openthys "num"
343                                   ("fromString ", numML ^ "fromString ")) >>
344             add_break(0,0) >>
345             add_string (quote s) >>
346             add_string")"
347          )
348  and pp_num_literal i tm =
349      (*------------------------------------------------------------*)
350      (* Numeric literals can be built from strings or constructors *)
351      (*------------------------------------------------------------*)
352      let val s = Arbnum.toString(Literal.relaxed_dest_numeral tm)
353      in if side = RIGHT (* use fromString *)
354         then
355           pp_num_from_string s
356         else (* side = LEFT, so use constructors *)
357           if s = "0"
358           then add_string (pick_name openthys "num" ("ZERO",numML ^ "ZERO"))
359           else pp_comb i tm
360      end
361  and pp_int_literal tm =
362         let val s = Arbint.toString(!int_of_term_hook tm)
363         in B 0 (
364             add_string"(" >> add_break(0,0) >>
365             add_string (pick_name openthys "int"
366                                   ("fromString", intML ^ "fromString")) >>
367             add_break(0,0) >>
368             add_string (mlquote s) >>
369             add_break(0,0) >>
370             add_string")"
371           )
372         end
373  and pp_string tm = add_string (mlquote (Literal.relaxed_dest_string_lit tm))
374  and pp_list tm =
375       let val els = fst (listSyntax.dest_list tm)
376       in B 0 (
377            add_string "[" >>
378            block INCONSISTENT 0 (
379              pr_list (pp minprec)
380                  (add_string (if !emitOcaml then ";" else ",") >>
381                   add_break(0,0))
382                  els
383            ) >>
384          add_string "]"
385         )
386       end
387  and pp_binop i tm =
388      let val (c,t1,t2) = case strip_comb tm
389                          of (c,[t1,t2]) => (c,t1,t2)
390                           | _ => raise ERR "term_to_ML" ""
391          val j = prec_of c
392      in B 0 (
393           lparen i j >>
394           block INCONSISTENT 0 (
395             pp (j+1) t1 >> add_break(1,0) >>
396             add_string (const_map c) >> add_break(1,0) >>
397             pp j t2
398           ) >>
399           rparen i j
400        )
401      end
402  and pp_cons i tm =
403      let val alist = strip_cons tm
404          val j = CONS_PREC
405      in B 0 (
406          lparen i j >>
407          block INCONSISTENT 0 (
408            pr_list (pp j)
409                    (add_string "::" >> add_break(0,0)) alist
410          ) >>
411          rparen i j
412        )
413      end
414  and pp_mem i (t1, t2) =
415        block INCONSISTENT 0 (
416          lparen i maxprec >>
417          add_string (full_name openthys (false,"list","MEM",bool)) >>
418          add_break(1,0) >>
419          pr_list (pp maxprec) (add_break(1,0)) [t1, t2] >>
420          rparen i maxprec
421        )
422  and pp_pair i tm =
423      let val (t1,t2) = pairSyntax.dest_pair tm
424          val j = COMMA_PREC
425      in block INCONSISTENT 0 (
426           lparen maxprec i >>
427           block INCONSISTENT 0 (
428             pp (j+1) t1 >>
429             add_string "," >> add_break(0,0) >>
430             pp j t2
431           ) >>
432           rparen maxprec i
433        )
434      end
435  and pp_lets i tm = (* a sequence of lets *)
436      let val (blists,body) = pairSyntax.strip_anylet tm
437          fun pp_binding (k,(l,r)) =
438            block INCONSISTENT 4 (
439              add_string k >> add_break(1,0) >>
440              pp minprec l >>add_break(1,0) >>
441              add_string "=" >> add_break(1,0) >>
442              B 0 (pp minprec r)
443            )
444      in  B 0 (
445          if !emitOcaml then
446            let
447              fun keyword [] = raise ERR "term_to_ML" "pp_lets"
448                | keyword l = ("let", hd l) :: (map (pair "and") (tl l))
449              val blist' = map keyword blists
450              fun droplast [] = []
451                | droplast l = List.take(l, length l - 1)
452            in
453                lparen i minprec >>
454                B 0 (
455                  mapp (fn l =>
456                           pr_list pp_binding add_newline l >>
457                           add_break(1,0) >> add_string "in" >> add_break(1,0))
458                       (droplast blist') >>
459                  pr_list pp_binding add_newline (last blist') >>
460                  add_break(1,0) >>
461                  add_string "in" >> add_break(1,3) >>
462                  pp minprec body
463                ) >>
464                rparen i minprec
465            end
466          else
467            let
468              fun keyword1 (l,r) = (if is_fn_app l then "fun" else "val", (l,r))
469              fun keyword [] = raise ERR "term_to_ML" "pp_lets"
470                | keyword l = map keyword1 l
471              val blist' = flatten (map keyword blists)
472            in
473                lparen i 5000 >>
474                B 0 (
475                  add_string "let " >>
476                  B 0 (pr_list pp_binding add_newline blist') >>
477                  add_break(1,0) >> add_string"in" >>
478                  add_break(1,3) >> pp minprec body >>
479                  add_break(1,0) >> add_string "end"
480                ) >>
481                rparen i 5000
482            end
483        )
484      end
485  and pp_case i (a,cases) =
486    pp_case_with_guard i
487      (a, List.map (fn (pat, rhs) => (pat, rhs, T)) cases)
488  and pp_case_with_guard i (a,cases) =
489      B 1 (
490                   (* from HOL term grammar *)
491       lparen i (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 7) >>
492       block INCONSISTENT 2 (
493         add_string (if !emitOcaml then "match" else "case") >>
494         add_break(1,0) >>
495         pp minprec a
496       ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
497       block CONSISTENT 1 (
498          add_string (if !emitOcaml then "with " else "of ") >>
499          pp_case_clause (hd cases) >>
500          add_break(1,0) >>
501          pr_list (fn cl => (add_string "| " >> pp_case_clause cl))
502                  (add_break(1,0)) (tl cases)
503       ) >>
504       rparen i (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 7)
505      )
506  and pp_case_clause (pat,rhs,guard) =
507     B 3 (
508       pp minprec pat >>
509       (if (aconv guard T) then nothing
510        else
511             (* guards only occur for Ocaml *)
512             add_string (" when") >> add_break (1,0) >> pp 7 guard) >>
513       add_string (if !emitOcaml then " ->" else " =>") >>
514       add_break (1,0) >>
515       pp 7 rhs
516     )
517  and pp_record i (ty,flds) =
518       pp_open_comb i (hd(TypeBase.constructors_of ty), map snd flds)
519  and pp_fail i tm =
520       let val (f,s,args) = combinSyntax.dest_fail tm
521           val fname = fst(dest_const f)
522       in
523         block CONSISTENT 3 (
524            add_string "raise (" >>
525            add_string (if !emitOcaml then "Failure" else "Fail") >>
526            add_break (1,0) >>
527            add_string (Lib.quote (fname^": "^s)^")")
528         )
529       end
530  and pp_arb i =
531      lparen i maxprec >>
532      B 3 (
533       add_string
534           (if !emitOcaml then "raise (Failure \"ARB\")"
535                          else "raise Fail \"ARB\"")
536      ) >>
537      rparen i maxprec
538  and pp_itself tm =
539    let fun skip1 s = String.extract(s, 1, NONE)
540        fun num_type typ =
541              let val pp_n = !type_pp.pp_num_types
542                  val _ = type_pp.pp_num_types := true
543              in
544                skip1 (Hol_pp.type_to_string typ) before
545                type_pp.pp_num_types := pp_n
546              end
547        fun itself x =
548          block INCONSISTENT 2 (
549            add_string "(" >>
550            add_string
551              (pick_name openthys "fcp" ("ITSELF", fcpML ^ "ITSELF")) >>
552            add_break (1,0) >>
553            pp_num_from_string x >>
554            add_string ")"
555          )
556        fun pp_itself_type typ =
557         if is_vartype typ then
558           add_string (skip1 (dest_vartype typ))
559         else
560           case (dest_type typ) of
561             ("one", [])   => itself "1"
562           | ("num", [])   => itself "1"
563           | ("int", [])   => itself "1"
564           | ("list", [a]) => itself "1"
565           | ("bool", [])  => itself "2"
566           | ("bit0", [a]) => itself (num_type typ)
567           | ("bit1", [a]) => itself (num_type typ)
568           | ("string", []) => itself "1"
569           | (tyop, [a, b]) =>
570                block INCONSISTENT 0 (
571                  add_string (
572                    "(" ^
573                    pick_name openthys "fcp"
574                              (case tyop of
575                                   "sum"  => (fix "SUMi", fcpML ^ fix "SUMi")
576                                 | "prod" => (fix "MULi", fcpML ^ fix "MULi")
577                                 | "cart" => (fix "EXPi", fcpML ^ fix "EXPi")
578                                 | _ => raise ERR "term_to_ML" "pp_itself") ^
579                    "(") >>
580                  block INCONSISTENT 0 (
581                    pp_itself_type a >>
582                    add_string ", " >>
583                    add_break (0,0) >>
584                    pp_itself_type b
585                  ) >> add_string "))"
586                )
587           | _ => raise ERR "term_to_ML" "pp_itself"
588    in
589      (pp_itself_type o hd o snd o dest_type o type_of) tm
590    end
592  and pp_var tm = let val s = fst(dest_var tm)
593                      val c = String.sub(s,0)
594                  in
595                    if c = #"^" then
596                      add_string (fix_reserved (String.extract(s,1,NONE)))
597                    else if c = #"_" then
598                      add_string "_"
599                    else if !emitOcaml andalso Char.isUpper c then
600                      add_string ("_" ^ s)
601                    else
602                      add_string (fix_reserved s)
603                  end
604  and pp_const i tm =
605      if same_const tm boolSyntax.conjunction
606         then pp_abs i andalso_tm else
607       if same_const tm boolSyntax.disjunction
608         then pp_abs i orelse_tm
609       else add_string (const_map tm)
610  and pp_one tm = add_string "()"
611  and pp_nil tm = add_string "[]"
612  and pp_open_comb i (f,args) =
613       let val constrname =
614               case Lib.total ConstMapML.apply f of
615                   SOME (true,_,nm,_) => SOME nm
616                 | _ => NONE
617       in B 0(
618           lparen i maxprec >>
619           (if TypeBase.is_constructor f andalso isSome constrname
620               orelse is_fake_constructor f
621            then
622              let
623                val fname = case constrname of
624                                SOME s => s
625                              | _ => fst(dest_record_vconstr f)
626              in
627                (* instead of: pp maxprec f; *)
628                add_string (fix_name ("", true, fname)) >>
629                add_string "(" >>
630                block INCONSISTENT 1 (
631                  pr_list (pp minprec)
632                          (add_string "," >> add_break(0,0)) args
633                ) >>
634               add_string ")"
635             end
636           else
637             block INCONSISTENT 2 (
638               pr_list (pp maxprec) (add_break(1,0)) (f::args)
639             )) >>
640           rparen i maxprec
641         )
642       end
643  and pp_comb i tm =
644       let val (h,args) = strip_comb tm
645           val (argtys,target) = strip_fun(generic_type_of h)
646       in if length argtys < length args
647          then let val (app,rst) = split_after (length argtys) args
648               in
649                 lparen i maxprec >>
650                 pp maxprec (list_mk_comb(h,app)) >>
651                 add_break (1,0) >>
652                 pr_list (pp maxprec) (add_break(1,0)) rst >>
653                 rparen i maxprec
654               end
655          else pp_open_comb i (h,args)
656       end
657  and pp_abs i tm =
658       let val (vstruct,body) = pairSyntax.dest_pabs tm
659       in lparen i (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 5000)
660          >> add_string (if !emitOcaml then "function" else "fn")
661          >> add_break (1,0)
662          >> pp 50 vstruct
663          >> add_break (1,0)
664          >> add_string (if !emitOcaml then "->" else "=>")
665          >> add_break (1,0)
666          >> pp minprec body
667          >> rparen i (if !emitOcaml then minprec else 5000)
668       end
670 in fn i => fn M => block INCONSISTENT 0 (pp i M)
671 end;
673fun pp_term_as_ML openthys side M = term_to_ML openthys side minprec M;
675fun same_fn eq1 eq2 =
676  same_const (fst(strip_comb(lhs eq1))) (fst(strip_comb(lhs eq2)));
679(* Print a function definition as ML, i.e., fun f ... = ...                  *)
682fun partitions P [] = []
683  | partitions P (h::t) =
684     case partition (P h) t
685      of (L1,L2) => (h::L1) :: partitions P L2;
687fun pp_defn_as_ML openthys =
688 let open Portable PP smpp
689     val toML = term_to_ML openthys
690     fun pp_clause i eq =
691         let val (L,R) = dest_eq eq
692         in
693           block INCONSISTENT 2 (
694              toML LEFT minprec L >> add_break(1,0) >> add_string "=" >>
695              add_break(1,0) >>
696              toML RIGHT i R
697           )
698         end
699     fun pp_clauses (s,els) =
700       let val s' = if is_fn_app(lhs(hd els)) then s else "val"
701       in  B 2 (
702             add_string (s'^" ") >>
703             pp_clause (if length els = 1 then minprec else 100) (hd els) >>
704             add_newline >>
705             (case tl els of
706                  [] => nothing
707                | els' =>
708                    pr_list (fn c => (add_string "| " >> pp_clause 100 c))
709                            add_newline els' >>
710                    add_newline)
711         )
712       end
713     fun pp tm =
714       let val eqns = map (snd o strip_forall)
715                          (strip_conj (snd (strip_forall tm)))
716           val clauses = partitions same_fn eqns (* term list list *)
717           val clauses' = ("fun",hd clauses)::map (pair "and") (tl clauses)
718       in
719         B 0 (pr_list pp_clauses add_newline clauses')
720       end
721 in
722    pp
723 end;
725fun pp_defn_as_OCAML openthys =
726 let open Portable PP smpp
727     val const_map = const_map openthys
728     val toML = term_to_ML openthys
729     fun pp_clause i eq =
730         let val (L,R) = dest_eq eq
731         in block INCONSISTENT 2 (
732             toML LEFT minprec L >>
733             add_break(1,0) >>
734             add_string "=" >>
735             add_break(1,0) >>
736             toML RIGHT i R
737           )
738         end
739     fun pp_pattern i s (L,R) =
740       block INCONSISTENT 0 (
741         add_string (fix_reserved s) >>
742         block INCONSISTENT 2 (
743           block INCONSISTENT 0 (
744             pr_list (toML LEFT minprec) (add_string "," >> add_break(0,0)) L
745           ) >>
746           add_string " ->" >>
747           add_break(1,0) >>
748           toML RIGHT i R
749         ) >>
750         add_newline
751       )
752     fun caml_strip_comb t = let
753       val (t1, t2) = listSyntax.dest_mem t
754     in
755       (full_name openthys (false, "list", "MEM", bool), [t1, t2])
756     end handle _ => apfst const_map (strip_comb t)
757     fun clauses_to_patterns els = map (((snd o caml_strip_comb)##I) o dest_eq) els
758     fun pp_clauses (s,els) =
759       block INCONSISTENT 2 (
760         add_string (s^" ") >>
761         (if length els = 1 then
762            pp_clause minprec (hd els) >> add_newline
763          else
764            let
765              val (fname, args) = caml_strip_comb (lhs (hd els))
766              val vs = vars_of_types (map type_of args)
767              val pats = clauses_to_patterns els
768            in
769              add_string fname >> add_break(1,0) >>
770              pr_list (toML LEFT minprec) (add_break(1,0)) vs >>
771              add_break(1,0) >>
772              add_string "=" >>
773              add_break(1,0) >>
774              add_string "match " >>
775              block INCONSISTENT 0 (
776                pr_list (toML LEFT minprec)
777                        (add_string "," >> add_break(0,0))
778                        vs
779              ) >>
780              add_string " with" >>
781              add_break(1,0) >>
782              block INCONSISTENT 0 (
783                pp_pattern 100 "  " (hd pats) >>
784                (case tl pats of
785                     [] => nothing
786                   | pats' =>
787                       pr_list (pp_pattern 100 "| ") nothing pats')
788              )
789             end)
790       )
791     fun contains_const c t = can (find_term (same_const c)) t;
792     fun contains_consts l t =
793           isSome (List.find (fn c => contains_const c t) l);
794     fun pp tm =
795       let val eqns = map (snd o strip_forall)
796                          (strip_conj (snd (strip_forall tm)))
797           val clauses = partitions same_fn eqns (* term list list *)
798           val rhsides = map rhs eqns
799           val lhsides = eqns |> map lhs |> filter is_fn_app
800                              |> map (fst o strip_comb)
801                              |> filter (not o same_const IN_tm)
802           val possibly_recursive =
803                 isSome (List.find (contains_consts lhsides) rhsides)
804           val s = if possibly_recursive then "let rec" else "let"
805           val clauses' = (s,hd clauses)::map (pair "and") (tl clauses)
806       in B 0 (pr_list pp_clauses add_newline clauses')
807       end
808 in
809    pp
810 end;
813(* Now print datatype declarations in ML. First tweak the existing type      *)
814(* prettyprinter so it generates syntactically correct ML types              *)
817fun adjust_tygram tygram =
818 let open type_grammar HOLgrammars
819     val g0 = List.foldl (fn (s,g) => remove_binary_tyop g s)
820                         tygram
821                         ["+", "#", "|->", "**"]
822 in
823   new_binary_tyop g0 {precedence = 70, infix_form = "*",
824                       opname = "prod", associativity = NONASSOC}
825 end;
827fun prim_pp_type_as_ML tygram ppstrm =
828   trace ("Greek tyvars",0)
829      (type_pp.pp_type (adjust_tygram tygram) PPBackEnd.raw_terminal ppstrm)
831fun pp_type_as_ML ppstrm = prim_pp_type_as_ML (Parse.type_grammar()) ppstrm;
834(* Elements of a theory presentation.                                        *)
837datatype elem
838    = DEFN of thm
839    | DEFN_NOSIG of thm
840    | DATATYPE of hol_type quotation
841    | EQDATATYPE of string list * hol_type quotation
842    | ABSDATATYPE of string list * hol_type quotation
843    | OPEN of string list
844    | MLSIG of string
845    | MLSTRUCT of string;
848(* Internal version of elem (nearly identical, except that datatype          *)
849(* declarations have been parsed) and some standard definitions from         *)
850(* datatypes (e.g. size functions) and record types (accessor and field      *)
851(* update functions) are automatically added.                                *)
854datatype elem_internal
855    = iDEFN of thm
856    | iDEFN_NOSIG of thm
857    | iDATATYPE of ParseDatatype.AST list
858    | iEQDATATYPE of string list * ParseDatatype.AST list
859    | iABSDATATYPE of string list * ParseDatatype.AST list
860    | iOPEN of string list
861    | iMLSIG of string
862    | iMLSTRUCT of string;
865(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
866    A datatype declaration results in some extra HOL function
867    definitions being automatically made. These are, usually,
868    invisible to the user, but are important and usually need to have
869    ML generated for them. Currently, only the access and update
870    functions for records are generated. We used to also write out the
871    size functions for datatypes as well, but they were not used, so
872    they are going for the time being. In many cases suitable update
873    and access functions are defined by the datatype package and stuck
874    into the TypeBase. All record declarations are handled by the
875    following code, which generates "fake" theorems as definitions for
876    the various constants.
877   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
879fun diag vlist flist = tl
880  (itlist2 (fn v => fn f => fn A =>
881           case A of [] => [[v],[f v]]
882                   | h::t => (v::h) :: (f v::h) :: map (cons v) t)
883         vlist flist []);
885fun gen_updates ty (fields : (string * TypeBase.rcd_fieldinfo) list) =
886 let open pairSyntax
887     val {Tyop,Thy,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
888     fun mk_upd_const (fname,{fupd,...}) = fupd
889     val upds = map mk_upd_const fields
890     val fns = map (fn upd_t => mk_var ("f", #1(dom_rng (type_of upd_t)))) upds
891     val fake_tyc =
892         mk_record_vconstr(Tyop,list_mk_fun(map (#ty o snd) fields, ty))
893     val vars = itlist
894          (fn (n,(_,{ty,...})) => fn acc =>
895              mk_var("v"^int_to_string n,ty) :: acc)
896          (enumerate 1 fields) []
897     val pat = list_mk_comb(fake_tyc,vars)
898     val lefts = map2 (fn upd => fn f => list_mk_comb(upd,[f,pat])) upds fns
899     val diags = diag vars (map (curry mk_comb) fns)
900     fun mapthis (l, d) = let
901       val rtys = map type_of d
902       val rtyc = mk_record_vconstr(Tyop, list_mk_fun(rtys, type_of l))
903     in
904       mk_eq(l, list_mk_comb(rtyc, d))
905     end
906     val eqns = ListPair.map mapthis (lefts, diags)
907     val mk_thm = mk_oracle_thm "EmitML fake thm"
908 in
909   map (curry mk_thm []) eqns
910 end
911 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "gen_updates" e;
913fun gen_accesses ty (fields : (string * TypeBase.rcd_fieldinfo) list) =
914 let open pairSyntax
915     val {Tyop,Thy,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
916     fun mk_proj_const (fname,{accessor,...}) = accessor
917     val projs = map mk_proj_const fields
918     val fake_tyc =
919         mk_record_vconstr(Tyop,list_mk_fun(map (#ty o snd) fields, ty))
920     val vars = itlist
921          (fn (n,(_,{ty,...})) => fn acc =>
922             mk_var("v"^int_to_string n,ty) :: acc)
923          (enumerate 1 fields) []
924     val pat = list_mk_comb(fake_tyc,vars)
925     val lefts = map (fn proj => mk_comb(proj,pat)) projs
926     val eqns = rev(map2 (curry mk_eq) lefts vars)
927     val mk_thm = mk_oracle_thm "EmitML fake thm"
928 in
929   map (curry mk_thm []) eqns
930 end
931 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "gen_accesses" e;
933fun datatype_silent_defs tyAST =
934 let val tyop = hd (map fst tyAST)
935     val tyrecd = hd (Type.decls tyop)
936 in
937  if tyop = "num" then [] else
938  case TypeBase.read tyrecd
939   of NONE => (WARN "datatype_silent_defs"
940                ("No info in the TypeBase for "^Lib.quote tyop); [])
941   | SOME tyinfo =>
942     let open TypeBasePure
943          val size_def = [] (* [snd (valOf(size_of tyinfo))] handle _ => [] *)
944          val (updates_defs, access_defs) =
945            case fields_of tyinfo  (* test for record type *)
946             of [] => ([],[])
947              | fields => let val ty = ty_of tyinfo
948                          in (gen_updates ty fields, gen_accesses ty fields)
949                          end
950     in
951       map (iDEFN o !reshape_thm_hook)
952           (size_def @ updates_defs @ access_defs)
953     end
954 end;
957(* Map from external presentation to internal                                *)
960(* Ocaml won't accept capitalized types            *)
961(* Adds abbreviations with lowercase first letters *)
963fun ocaml_type_abbrevs decls =
965  val type_names = map fst decls
966  val candidate_tyis =
967        TypeBasePure.get (TypeBase.theTypeBase()) (hd type_names)
968  val newtypes = if null candidate_tyis then [] else
969                   Prim_rec.doms_of_tyaxiom
970                     (TypeBasePure.axiom_of (hd candidate_tyis))
971  fun do_abbrev(name, typ) =
972        if Char.isUpper (String.sub(name,0)) then
973          Parse.temp_type_abbrev(lowerize name, typ)
974        else
975          ()
977  if length type_names = length newtypes then
978    app do_abbrev (zip type_names newtypes)
979  else
980    ()
984  open ParseDatatype
985  fun cmk s = {name = s, terms = Term.decls s}
986  fun rmk s =
987    {name = s, terms = Term.decls (RecordType.mk_recordtype_constructor s)}
989fun constructors decls =
990    case decls of
991        [] => []
992      | (s, Constructors clist) :: rst => map (cmk o #1) clist @ constructors rst
993      | (s,Record flds)::rst => rmk s :: constructors rst
995fun constrl [] = []
996  | constrl ((s,Constructors clist)::rst) = (s,clist)::constrl rst
997  | constrl ((s,Record flds)::rst) =
998      (s, [(RecordType.mk_recordtype_constructor s,map snd flds)])::constrl rst
1005fun elemi (DEFN th) (cs,il) = (cs,iDEFN (!reshape_thm_hook th) :: il)
1006  | elemi (DEFN_NOSIG th) (cs,il) = (cs,iDEFN_NOSIG (!reshape_thm_hook th)::il)
1007  | elemi (DATATYPE q) (cs,il) =
1008       let val tyAST = ParseDatatype.hparse (type_grammar()) q
1009           val _ = if !emitOcaml then ocaml_type_abbrevs tyAST else ()
1010           val defs = datatype_silent_defs tyAST
1011       in (cs, defs @ (iDATATYPE tyAST :: il))
1012       end
1013  | elemi (EQDATATYPE(sl,q)) (cs,il) =
1014       let val tyAST = ParseDatatype.hparse (type_grammar()) q
1015           val _ = if !emitOcaml then ocaml_type_abbrevs tyAST else ()
1016           val defs = datatype_silent_defs tyAST
1017       in (cs,defs @ (iEQDATATYPE(sl,tyAST) :: il))
1018       end
1019  | elemi (ABSDATATYPE(sl,q)) (cs,il) = (* build rewrites for pseudo constrs *)
1020     let open ParseDatatype
1021         val tyAST = hparse (type_grammar()) q
1022         val _ = if !emitOcaml then ocaml_type_abbrevs tyAST else ()
1023         val pconstrs = constrl tyAST
1024         val constr_names = flatten(map (map fst o snd) pconstrs)
1025         val constr_arities = flatten(map (map (length o snd) o snd) pconstrs)
1026         val constrs = map (hd o Term.decls) constr_names
1027         val constrs' = zip constrs constr_arities
1028         fun is_multi (_,n) = n >= 2
1029         val mconstrs = filter is_multi constrs'
1030         val _ = List.app new_pseudo_constr mconstrs
1031         (* val _ = schedule this call for exported theory *)
1032      in
1033        (mconstrs@cs, iABSDATATYPE(sl,tyAST) :: il)
1034      end
1035  | elemi (OPEN sl) (cs,il) = (cs,iOPEN sl :: il)
1036  | elemi (MLSIG s) (cs,il) = (cs,iMLSIG s :: il)
1037  | elemi (MLSTRUCT s) (cs,il) = (cs,iMLSTRUCT s :: il);
1039fun internalize elems =
1040  let val (cs, ielems) = rev_itlist elemi elems ([],[])
1041  in (rev cs, rev ielems)
1042  end;
1044local open ParseDatatype
1045fun replace f (v as dVartype _) = v
1046  | replace f (aq as dAQ _)     = aq
1047  | replace f (dTyop{Tyop,Thy,Args}) =
1048      f Tyop handle _ => dTyop{Tyop=Tyop,Thy=Thy,Args=map (replace f) Args}
1050fun replaceForm f (Constructors alist) =
1051                   Constructors (map (I##map (replace f)) alist)
1052  | replaceForm f other = other
1054fun pretype_of ty =
1055   dVartype(dest_vartype ty)
1056   handle _ =>
1057     let val (s,args) = dest_type ty
1058     in dTyop{Tyop=s,Thy=NONE,Args=map pretype_of args}
1059     end
1063(* Initially, datatype descriptions do not have arguments to the type        *)
1064(* operators being defined. This function finds out what they should be      *)
1065(* and substitutes them through the rhs of the datatype declaration.         *)
1066(* The DATATYPE description requires looking info up in the type base, in    *)
1067(* order to see what order multiple type variables should be in. The         *)
1068(* EQDATATYPE clause expects the type variables to be given in the correct   *)
1069(* order in the first argument.                                              *)
1072fun repair_type_decls (iDATATYPE decls) =
1073     let val type_names = map fst decls
1074         val candidate_tyis =
1075             TypeBasePure.get (TypeBase.theTypeBase()) (hd type_names)
1076         val tyax = TypeBasePure.axiom_of (hd candidate_tyis)
1077         val newtypes = Prim_rec.doms_of_tyaxiom tyax
1078         val tyvars = map dest_vartype (snd (dest_type (hd newtypes)))
1079         val alist = map (fn x => (fst(dest_type x),pretype_of x)) newtypes
1080         fun alist_fn name = snd (valOf (assoc1 name alist))
1081     in
1082        (tyvars, map (I##replaceForm alist_fn) decls)
1083     end
1084  | repair_type_decls (iEQDATATYPE (tyvars,decls)) =
1085     let open ParseDatatype
1086         val tyvarsl = map dVartype tyvars
1087         val tynames = map fst decls
1088         val newtypes = map (fn s => dTyop{Tyop=s,Thy=NONE,Args=tyvarsl}) tynames
1089         val alist = zip tynames newtypes
1090         fun alist_fn name = snd (valOf (assoc1 name alist))
1091     in
1092       (tyvars, map (I##replaceForm alist_fn) decls)
1093     end
1094  | repair_type_decls (iABSDATATYPE stuff) = repair_type_decls (iEQDATATYPE stuff)
1095  | repair_type_decls arg = raise ERR "repair_type_decls" "unexpected input";
1097fun pp_datatype_as_ML (tyvars,decls) =
1098 let open Portable ParseDatatype PP smpp
1099     val fix_cons = fix_reserved o capitalize
1100     val fix_type = fix_reserved o lowerize
1101     val ppty = pp_type_as_ML
1102     fun pp_comp_ty ty =
1103          if Lib.can dom_rng ty orelse is_pair_type ty
1104          then (add_string "(" >> ppty ty >> add_string")")
1105          else ppty ty
1106     fun pp_tyl tyl =
1107        block INCONSISTENT 0 (
1108          pr_list pp_comp_ty (add_string" *" >> add_break(1,0)) tyl
1109        )
1110     fun pp_tyvars [] = nothing
1111       | pp_tyvars [v] = add_string v >> add_break(1,0)
1112       | pp_tyvars vlist =
1113          B 1 (
1114           add_string"(" >>
1115           pr_list add_string (add_string",") vlist >>
1116           add_string")"
1117          )
1118     fun pp_clause r clause =
1119       (if !r then (r := false; add_string "= ") else add_string "| ") >>
1120       (case clause of
1121            (con,[]) => add_string (fix_cons con)
1122          | (con,args) =>
1123              block INCONSISTENT 0 (
1124                 B 0 (add_string (fix_cons con) >> add_string " of ") >>
1125                 pp_tyl (map ParseDatatype.pretypeToType args)
1126              )
1127       )
1128     fun pp_decl (tyvars,r) (name,Constructors clauselist) =
1129           B 5 (
1130             B 0 (
1131               (if !r then
1132                  (r := false;
1133                   add_string (if !emitOcaml then "type" else "datatype"))
1134                else
1135                  nothing) >>
1136               add_break(1,0) >> pp_tyvars tyvars >> add_string (fix_type name)
1137             ) >> add_break(1,0) >>
1138             B 0 (
1139              pr_list (pp_clause (ref true)) (add_break(1,0)) clauselist
1140             )
1141           )
1142       | pp_decl (tyvars,_) (name,Record flist) =
1143           let open ParseDatatype
1144               val fields = map (I##pretypeToType) flist
1145           in
1146             B 0 (
1147               add_string (if !emitOcaml then "type" else "datatype") >>
1148               add_break(1,0) >>
1149               pp_tyvars tyvars >>
1150               add_string(fix_type name^" = ") >>
1151               add_string(fix_cons name^" of ") >>
1152               pp_tyl (map snd fields)
1153             )
1154           end
1155 in
1156    B 0 (
1157      pr_list (pp_decl (tyvars,ref true))
1158              (add_newline >> add_string "and" >> add_newline)
1159              decls
1160    )
1161 end;
1164(* Get the name of all constants introduced by the definition. Probably      *)
1165(* won't work in general for constant specifications.                        *)
1168fun consts_of_def thm =
1169  let val eqns = strip_conj (snd (strip_forall (concl thm)))
1170      val allCs = map (fst o strip_comb o lhs o snd o strip_forall) eqns
1171  in op_mk_set same_const allCs
1172  end;
1174fun original_type name ty =
1175let val l = size name
1176    val s = if String.sub(name,0) = #" " andalso String.sub(name,l - 1) = #" "
1177            then String.substring(name,1,l - 2)
1178            else name
1179    val d = decls s
1180            handle Option => raise ERR "original_type"
1181               ("Cannot find " ^ quote name ^ Hol_pp.type_to_string ty)
1182    val tm = valOf (List.find (fn t => can (match_type ty) (type_of t)) d)
1184  type_of tm
1187fun pp_sig (s,elems) =
1188 let open Portable PP smpp
1189    val ppty = pp_type_as_ML
1190    val pp_datatype = pp_datatype_as_ML
1191    fun pp_eqdatatype b (tyvars,astl) =
1192     let val tynames = map fst astl
1193         val tys = map (fn s => (tyvars,s)) tynames
1194         fun pp_tydec (tyvars,s) =
1195           B 0 (
1196             add_string (if b andalso not (!emitOcaml)
1197                         then "eqtype " else "type ") >>
1198             (if null tyvars then add_string s
1199              else if List.length tyvars = 1 then
1200                add_string (hd tyvars) >> add_string(" "^s)
1201              else
1202                add_string "(" >>
1203                pr_list add_string (add_string",") tyvars >>
1204                add_string(") "^s))
1205           )
1206     in
1207       block CONSISTENT 0 (
1208         pr_list pp_tydec add_newline (map (pair tyvars) tynames)
1209       )
1210     end
1211    fun pp_valdec c =
1212     let val (is_type_cons,_,name,ty) = ConstMapML.apply c
1213         val ty = if !emitOcaml then original_type name ty else ty
1214     in
1215       B 3 (
1216        add_string "val " >>
1217        add_string (fix_name ("",is_type_cons,name)) >> add_break(1,0) >>
1218        add_string ": " >> ppty ty
1219       )
1220     end
1221    fun pp_el (iDATATYPE astl) = pp_datatype (repair_type_decls (iDATATYPE astl))
1222      | pp_el (iEQDATATYPE (tyvarsl,astl)) = pp_eqdatatype true (tyvarsl,astl)
1223      | pp_el (iABSDATATYPE (tyvarsl,astl)) = pp_eqdatatype false (tyvarsl,astl)
1224      | pp_el (iDEFN thm) =
1225            pr_list pp_valdec add_newline (consts_of_def thm)
1226      | pp_el (iMLSIG s) = add_string s
1227      | pp_el (iDEFN_NOSIG thm) = nothing
1228      | pp_el (iMLSTRUCT s) = nothing
1229      | pp_el (iOPEN slist) = nothing
1230 in
1231   B 0 (
1232     add_string ((if !emitOcaml then "module type " else "signature ") ^
1233                 ML s ^ " =") >>
1234     add_newline >>
1235     B 2 (
1236       add_string "sig" >> add_newline >>
1237       B 0 (
1238         pr_list pp_el add_newline
1239             (filter (fn (iDEFN_NOSIG _) => false
1240                       | (iOPEN _) => false
1241                       | (iMLSTRUCT _) => false
1242                       | otherwise => true) elems)
1243       )
1244     ) >>
1245     add_newline >>
1246     add_string "end" >> add_newline
1247   )
1248 end
1249 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "pp_sig" e;
1251val MLinfixes =
1252  String.fields Char.isSpace "* / div mod + - ^ @ <> > < >= <= := o before";
1254fun pp_struct (s,elems,cnames) =
1255 let open Portable PP smpp
1256    val openthys = ref []
1257    fun opens() = !openthys
1258    val pp_datatype = pp_datatype_as_ML
1259    fun pp_el (iDATATYPE astl) = pp_datatype (repair_type_decls (iDATATYPE astl))
1260      | pp_el (iEQDATATYPE (tyvarsl,astl)) =
1261           pp_datatype (repair_type_decls (iEQDATATYPE(tyvarsl,astl)))
1262      | pp_el (iABSDATATYPE (tyvarsl,astl)) =
1263           pp_datatype (repair_type_decls (iABSDATATYPE(tyvarsl,astl)))
1264      | pp_el (iDEFN thm) =
1265           (if !emitOcaml then pp_defn_as_OCAML else pp_defn_as_ML)
1266             (s::opens())
1267             (concl thm)
1268      | pp_el (iDEFN_NOSIG thm) = pp_el (iDEFN thm)
1269      | pp_el (iMLSIG s) = nothing
1270      | pp_el (iMLSTRUCT s) = add_string s >> add_newline
1271      | pp_el (iOPEN slist) = (openthys := union slist (!openthys);
1272                               B 0 (
1273                                 pr_list
1274                                   (add_string o curry String.^ "open " o ML)
1275                                   add_newline slist >>
1276                                 add_newline
1277                               ))
1278    val (struct_mod, punct) = if !emitOcaml then
1279                                ("module ", " : ")
1280                              else
1281                                ("structure ", " :> ")
1282 in
1283   block CONSISTENT 0 (
1284     add_string (struct_mod ^ ML s ^ punct ^ ML s ^ " =") >>
1285     add_newline >>
1286     block CONSISTENT 2 (
1287       add_string "struct" >> add_newline >>
1288       block CONSISTENT 0 (
1289         (if !emitOcaml then nothing
1290          else
1291            block INCONSISTENT 7 (
1292              add_string"nonfix " >>
1293              pr_list add_string (add_break(1,0)) (union cnames MLinfixes) >>
1294              add_string ";"
1295            ) >> add_newline) >>
1296         add_newline >>
1297         pr_list pp_el add_newline
1298           (filter (fn (iMLSIG _) => false | otherwise => true) elems)
1299       )
1300     ) >> add_newline >>
1301     add_string"end" >> add_newline
1302   )
1303 end
1304 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "pp_struct" e;
1308(* Dealing with eqtypes. When a HOL function uses equality on the rhs, the   *)
1309(* type of the function does not reflect this. However, in ML, eqtypes       *)
1310(* are used to signal this. The compiler generates code for the equality     *)
1311(* test in that case. So we need to take a HOL definition and compute an ML  *)
1312(* type for it, which can include eqtypes. The strategy taken is to search   *)
1313(* the rhs for any constants whose generic type has eqtype constraints on    *)
1314(* some type variables. By matching the generic constant against the instance*)
1315(* we can find if any eqtype variables are bound to polymorphic types. If so,*)
1316(* the type variables in the polymorphic type get the eqtype attribute.      *)
1319fun is_eqtyvar ty =
1320  (case String.explode (dest_vartype ty)
1321    of #"'" :: #"'" ::rst => true
1322     | otherwise => false)
1323   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "is_eqtyvar" "not a type variable";
1325fun tyvar_to_eqtyvar ty =
1326 let val tyname = dest_vartype ty
1327 in
1328  case String.explode tyname
1329   of #"'" :: #"'" :: _ => raise ERR "tyvar_to_eqtyvar" "already an eqtyvar"
1330    | #"'" :: _ => with_flag (Feedback.emit_WARNING,false)
1331                     mk_vartype ("'"^tyname)
1332    | otherwise => raise ERR "tyvar_to_eqtyvar" "unexpected syntax"
1333 end;
1335fun const_eqtyvars genty c2 =
1336 let val bindings = match_type genty (type_of c2)
1337     val bindings' = Lib.filter (is_eqtyvar o #redex) bindings
1338     val bindings'' = Lib.filter (polymorphic o #residue) bindings'
1339 in
1340    Type.type_varsl (map #residue bindings'')
1341  end;
1343fun generic_const thy name = Term.prim_mk_const{Thy=thy,Name=name};
1346(* Gets possibly eq-style type from const map.                               *)
1349fun generic_type c =
1350   #4 (ConstMapML.apply c) handle HOL_ERR _ => type_of c;
1352fun term_eqtyvars tm =
1353 case dest_term tm
1354  of CONST _     => const_eqtyvars (generic_type tm) tm
1355   | VAR _       => []
1356   | COMB(t1,t2) => union (term_eqtyvars t1) (term_eqtyvars t2)
1357   | LAMB(_,tm)  => term_eqtyvars tm;
1360(* Translate the type of a defined constant to reflect any uses of equality  *)
1361(* in the body of the definition.                                            *)
1364fun munge_def_type def =
1365 let val (L,R) = unzip (map (dest_eq o snd o strip_forall)
1366                            (strip_conj (snd (strip_forall (concl def)))))
1367     val clist = op_mk_set same_const (map (fst o strip_comb) L)
1368     val tainted = U (map term_eqtyvars R)
1369     val theta = map (fn tyv => tyv |-> tyvar_to_eqtyvar tyv) tainted
1370 in
1371   map (inst theta) clist
1372 end
1373 handle e => raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "munge_def_type" e;
1376(* Get the newly introduced constants out of a list of function definitions  *)
1377(* and datatype definitions. We have to be aware that a constant may have    *)
1378(* been defined in an ancestor theory.                                       *)
1381fun add (is_constr, s) {name, terms} = let
1382  fun perterm c =
1383    case ConstMapML.exact_peek c of
1384        NONE => ConstMapML.prim_insert(c, (is_constr, s, name, type_of c))
1385      | SOME _ => ()
1387  List.app perterm terms
1390fun install_consts _ [] k = k ([], [])
1391  | install_consts s (iDEFN_NOSIG thm::rst) k = install_consts s (iDEFN thm::rst) k
1392  | install_consts s (iDEFN thm::rst) k =
1393       let val clist0 = munge_def_type thm
1394           val clist =
1395               (* IN is only allowed to be defined in the setML module/structure;
1396                  due to the special-case of MEM, listML may appear to define it too
1397                *)
1398               if s <> "set" then filter (not o same_const IN_tm) clist0
1399               else clist0
1400           val _ = List.app
1401                     (fn c => add (false, s) {name = nameOfC c, terms = [c]})
1402                     clist
1403       in
1404         install_consts s rst
1405                        (fn (cs, nms) => k (clist @ cs, map nameOfC clist @ nms))
1406       end
1407  | install_consts s (iDATATYPE ty::rst) k =
1408      let
1409        val constrs = constructors ty
1410        val allterms = op_U aconv (map #terms constrs)
1411        val _ = List.app (add (true, s)) constrs
1412      in
1413        install_consts s rst
1414          (fn (cs,nms) => k (allterms @ cs, map #name constrs @ nms))
1415      end
1416  | install_consts s (iEQDATATYPE (tyvars,ty)::rst) k =
1417      let
1418        val constrs = constructors ty
1419        val allterms = op_U aconv (map #terms constrs)
1420        val _ = List.app (add (true, s)) constrs
1421      in
1422        install_consts s rst
1423          (fn (cs,nms) => k (allterms @ cs, map #name constrs @ nms))
1424      end
1425  | install_consts s (iABSDATATYPE (tyvars,ty)::rst) k =
1426      install_consts s (iEQDATATYPE (tyvars,ty)::rst) k
1427  | install_consts s (other::rst) k = install_consts s rst k;
1431(* Append code to the theory file that will load the const map with the      *)
1432(* definitions and datatype constructors exported as ML.                     *)
1435fun emit_adjoin_call thy (consts,pcs) = let
1436  fun extern_pc (c,a) =
1437      let val {Thy=thy,Name=n,...} = dest_thy_const c
1438          val n' = mlquote n
1439          val thy' = mlquote thy
1440      in ("(prim_mk_const{Name="^n'^",Thy="^thy'^"},"^Int.toString a^")")
1441     end
1442  fun safetyprint ty = String.toString
1443                        (trace ("Unicode",0)
1444                           (HOLPP.pp_to_string 10000
1445                              (Parse.mlower o
1446                               type_pp.pp_type (fst Parse.min_grammars)
1447                                               PPBackEnd.raw_terminal))
1448                           ty)
1450  fun pr3 ({Name,Thy,Ty}, (b,s2,ty)) = let
1451    open PP smpp
1452    val S = add_string
1453    val BB = block INCONSISTENT 0
1454    fun brk n = add_break (1,n)
1455    fun ppty ty =
1456      BB (S "typ" >> brk 0 >> S "\"" >> S (safetyprint Ty) >> S "\"")
1457  in
1458    S "(" >> BB (
1459      S "{" >> BB (
1460        BB (S "Name =" >> brk 0 >> S (mlquote Name ^ ",")) >> brk 0 >>
1461        BB (S "Thy =" >> brk 0 >> S (mlquote Thy ^",")) >> brk 0 >>
1462        BB (S "Ty =" >> brk 2 >> ppty Ty)
1463      )  >> S "}," >> brk 0 >>
1464     S "(" >> BB (
1465       S (Bool.toString b ^ ",") >> brk 0 >>
1466       S (Lib.mlquote s2 ^ ",") >> brk 0 >>
1467       ppty ty
1468      ) >> S ")"
1469    ) >> S ")"
1470  end
1471 in
1472  Theory.adjoin_to_theory
1473  {sig_ps = NONE,
1474   struct_ps = SOME (fn _ =>
1475    let open PP
1476        val S = add_string
1477        val BR = add_break
1478        val B = PP.block PP.CONSISTENT 0
1479        fun getdata c = let
1480          val (b,pfx,s,ty) = ConstMapML.apply c
1481        in
1482          (b,s,ty)
1483        end
1484    in
1485      B (
1486        [
1487        S "val _ = ", NL,
1488        S "   let open Parse", NL,
1489        S "       fun doit (r,(b,s,ty)) = ", NL,
1490        S "         let val c = Term.mk_thy_const r", NL,
1491        S ("         in ConstMapML.prim_insert(c,(b,"^Lib.quote thy^",s,ty))"),
1492        NL,
1493        S "         end", NL,
1494        S "       fun typ s = Feedback.trace(\"Vartype Format Complaint\", 0)\n\
1495          \                      (#1 (parse_from_grammars min_grammars))\n\
1496          \                      [QUOTE (\":\"^s)]", NL,
1497        S "   in", NL,
1498        S "     List.app doit [", NL,
1499        S "       ",
1500        block INCONSISTENT 0 (
1501          pr_list (Parse.mlower o pr3) [S",", BR(1,0)]
1502                  (map (fn c => (dest_thy_const c, getdata c)) consts)
1503        ), NL,
1504        S "     ]", NL,
1505        S "   end", NL, NL] @
1506        (if null pcs then []
1507         else [
1508           S "val _ = List.app EmitML.new_pseudo_constr", NL,
1509           S "                 [",
1510           block INCONSISTENT 0 (
1511             pr_list S [S",", BR(1,0)] (map extern_pc pcs)
1512           ),
1513           S"]", NL, NL
1514         ])
1515      )
1516    end)}
1517   handle e => raise ERR "emit_adjoin_call" ""
1518 end;
1521(* Write the ML out to a signature and structure file. We first run over the *)
1522(* definitions and lift out the newly defined constants. These get inserted  *)
1523(* into the "const map", which is accessed when prettyprinting the           *)
1524(* definitions. We also have to detect eqtypes and ensure that the const map *)
1525(* is properly updated when the theory is loaded.                            *)
1528fun emit_xML (Ocaml,sigSuffix,structSuffix) p (s,elems_0) =
1529 let val _ = emitOcaml := Ocaml
1530     val (pcs,elems) = internalize elems_0  (* pcs = pseudo-constrs *)
1531     val path = if p="" then FileSys.getDir() else p
1532     val pathPrefix = Path.concat(path, capitalize s)
1533     val sigfile = pathPrefix^ sigSuffix
1534     val structfile = pathPrefix^ structSuffix
1535     fun trydelete s = OS.FileSys.remove s handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
1536     fun cleanFiles() = (trydelete sigfile; trydelete structfile)
1537 in
1538   let val sigStrm = TextIO.openOut sigfile
1539       val structStrm = TextIO.openOut structfile
1540       val out = curry TextIO.output
1541       val (consts, usednames) = install_consts s elems (fn x => x)
1542   in
1543   (PP.prettyPrint(out sigStrm, 75) (Parse.mlower (pp_sig (s,elems)));
1544    PP.prettyPrint(out structStrm, 75)
1545                  (Parse.mlower (pp_struct (s,elems,usednames)));
1546    TextIO.closeOut sigStrm;
1547    TextIO.closeOut structStrm;
1548    HOL_MESG ("emitML: " ^ s ^ "{" ^ sigSuffix ^ "," ^ structSuffix ^ "}\n\
1549              \ written to directory "^path);
1550    emit_adjoin_call s (consts,pcs)
1551   )
1552   handle e => (List.app TextIO.closeOut [sigStrm, structStrm];
1553                cleanFiles();
1554                raise wrap_exn "EmitML" "emitML" e)
1555   end handle Io _ =>
1556              raise mk_HOL_ERR "EmitML" "emitML"
1557                    ("I/O error prevented exporting files to "^Lib.quote path)
1558 end
1560val emit_xML =
1561    (fn info => fn p => fn stuff =>
1562                           Feedback.trace ("Unicode", 0)
1563                                          (emit_xML info p)
1564                                          stuff)
1566val emitML = emit_xML (false,!sigSuffix,!structSuffix);
1568val emitCAML = emit_xML (true,!sigCamlSuffix,!structCamlSuffix);
1570fun eSML d l = with_flag (type_pp.pp_array_types, false)
1571                 (emitML (!Globals.emitMLDir)) (d, l);
1572fun eCAML d l = with_flag (type_pp.pp_array_types, false)
1573                 (emitCAML (!Globals.emitCAMLDir)) (d, l);
1575fun MLSIGSTRUCT ll =
1576  foldr (fn (x,l) => MLSIG x :: MLSTRUCT x :: l) [] (ll @ [""]);
1578val pp_datatype_as_ML = fn dty => Parse.mlower (pp_datatype_as_ML dty)
1579val pp_defn_as_ML = fn sl => Parse.mlower o pp_defn_as_ML sl
1580val pp_term_as_ML = fn sl => fn sd => Parse.mlower o pp_term_as_ML sl sd
1581val pp_type_as_ML = Parse.mlower o pp_type_as_ML
1583end (* struct *)