2 * Define a HOL datatype and derive a bunch of theorems from it. Return      *
3 * these encapsulated in an element of the TypeBasePure.tyinfo type.         *
4 *                                                                           *
5 * Examples of use:                                                          *
6 *                                                                           *
7 *   local open Datatype                                                     *
8 *   in                                                                      *
9 *   val term_ty_def =                                                       *
10 *       Hol_datatype `term = Var of 'a                                      *
11 *                          | Const of 'a                                    *
12 *                          | App of term => term`                           *
13 *                                                                           *
14 *   val subst_ty_def =                                                      *
15 *       Hol_datatype  `subst = Fail | Subst of ('a#'a term) list`           *
16 *   end;                                                                    *
17 *                                                                           *
18 *                                                                           *
19 * Returns a great deal of information about the datatype: theorems,         *
20 * definition of case-constant, induction tactics, etc.                      *
21 *                                                                           *
22 * Side-effects: it adds the definition of the type and the definition       *
23 * of the case-construct to the current theory.                              *
24 *                                                                           *
25 * Notice that, at least using the current mechanism for defining types,     *
26 * a great many theories get loaded in: numbers, lists, trees, etc. when     *
27 * this module is loaded. If your formalization doesn't want to have these   *
28 * as parents, then TypeBasePure.mk_datatype_info can be used directly.      *
29 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
31(* Interactive:
33    app load ["ind_types", "ParseDatatype", "RecordType"];
34    open Rsyntax ParseDatatype;
37structure Datatype :> Datatype =
40open HolKernel Parse boolLib Prim_rec ParseDatatype DataSize
41local open ind_typeTheory in end;
43type hol_type     = Type.hol_type
44type thm          = Thm.thm
45type tyinfo       = TypeBasePure.tyinfo
46type typeBase     = TypeBasePure.typeBase
47type 'a quotation = 'a Portable.frag list
48type AST          = ParseDatatype.AST;
50type record_rw_names = string list
52type field_name   = string
53type field_names  = string list
54type constructor  = string * hol_type list
57   A tyspec is a type specification.  The first component is a type
58   variable whose name (less the leading quote) is the name of the new
59   type.  Each such is accompanied by a list of constructor specifications.
60   Such a spec. is a string (the constructor name) and a list of types that
61   are the arguments of that constructor.  Recursive occurrences of the
62   types are marked by occurrences of the corresponding type variables.
63 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
65type tyspec = hol_type * constructor list
68(* Fix the grammar used by this file *)
69val ambient_grammars = Parse.current_grammars();
70val _ = Parse.temp_set_grammars arithmeticTheory.arithmetic_grammars;
72val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "Datatype";
74val empty_stringset = HOLset.empty String.compare
77           Basic datatype definition support
78 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
80val define_type = ind_types.define_type;
83(* Generate a string that, when evaluated as ML, will create the given type. *)
84(* Copied from TheoryPP.sml. Parameterized by strings representing code that *)
85(* builds type variables or compound types.                                  *)
88val extern_type = TheoryPP.pp_type
90fun with_parens pfn x =
91  let open Portable PP
92  in block CONSISTENT 1 [add_string "(", pfn x, add_string ")"]
93  end
95fun pp_fields fields =
96 let open Portable PP
97     fun pp_field (s,ty) =
98       block CONSISTENT 0 [
99         add_string ("("^Lib.quote s),
100         add_string ",",
101         extern_type "U" "T" ty,
102         add_string ")"
103       ]
104 in
105  block CONSISTENT 0 [
106    add_string "let fun T s t A = mk_thy_type{Thy=t,Tyop=s,Args=A}", NL,
107    add_string "    val U = mk_vartype", NL,
108    add_string "in", NL,
109    block CONSISTENT 1 [
110      add_string "[",
111      block INCONSISTENT 0 (
112        pr_list pp_field [add_string ",", add_break (1,0)] fields
113      ),
114      add_string "]"
115    ],
116    add_string "end"
117  ]
118 end
122      Support for quoted input
123 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
125local fun find_dup [] = NONE
126        | find_dup [x] = NONE
127        | find_dup (x::y::xs) = if x=y then SOME x else find_dup (y::xs)
129val duplicate_names = find_dup o Listsort.sort String.compare
132fun prim_mk_type (Thy, Tyop) = let
133  val arity = valOf (Type.op_arity {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop})
135  Type.mk_thy_type {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop,
136                    Args = List.tabulate (arity, fn n => Type.alpha)}
139val mk_recordtype_constructor = RecordType.mk_recordtype_constructor
141fun check_constrs_unique_in_theory asts = let
142  fun cnames (s, Record _) = [(s,mk_recordtype_constructor s)]
143    | cnames (s, Constructors l) = map (fn s' => (s, #1 s')) l
144  val newtypes = map #1 asts
145  val constrs = List.concat (map cnames asts)
146  val current_types = set_diff (map fst (types "-")) newtypes
147  fun current_constructors (tyname, fm) = let
148    val tys_cons =
149        TypeBase.constructors_of (prim_mk_type (current_theory(), tyname))
150        handle HOL_ERR _ => []
151    fun foldthis (c,fm) =
152        if uptodate_term c then
153          Binarymap.insert(fm, #Name (dest_thy_const c), tyname)
154        else fm
155  in
156    foldl foldthis fm tys_cons
157  end
158  val current_constructors =
159      List.foldl current_constructors (Binarymap.mkDict String.compare)
160                 current_types
161  fun calculate_intersection ((tyname, conname), acc) =
162      case Binarymap.peek(current_constructors, conname) of
163        NONE => acc
164      | SOME ty' => (tyname, conname, ty') :: acc
165  val common = List.rev (foldl calculate_intersection [] constrs)
167  fun warn (newty, conname, oldty) =
168      HOL_WARNING "Datatype" "Hol_datatype"
169      ("Constructor \""^conname^"\" in new type \""^newty^"\"\n\
170       \               duplicates constructor in type \""^oldty^"\", \
171       \which will be\n\
172       \               invalidated by this definition")
174  app warn common
178local fun tyname_as_tyvar n = mk_vartype ("'" ^ n)
179      fun stage1 (s,Constructors l) = (s,l)
180        | stage1 (s,Record fields)  = (s,[(mk_recordtype_constructor s,
181                                           map snd fields)])
182      fun check_fields (s,Record fields) =
183          (case duplicate_names (map fst fields)
184           of NONE => ()
185            | SOME n => raise ERR "check_fields" ("Duplicate field name: "^n))
186        | check_fields _ = ()
187      fun cnames (s,Record _) A = s::A
188        | cnames (_,Constructors l) A = map fst l @ A
189      fun check_constrs asts =
190            case duplicate_names (itlist cnames asts [])
191             of NONE => ()
192              | SOME n => raise ERR "check_constrs"
193                                    ("Duplicate constructor name: "^n)
195fun to_tyspecs ASTs =
196 let val _ = List.app check_fields ASTs
197     val _ = check_constrs ASTs
198     val _ = check_constrs_unique_in_theory ASTs
199     val asts = map stage1 ASTs
200     val new_type_names = map #1 asts
201     fun mk_hol_ty (dAQ ty) = ty
202       | mk_hol_ty (dVartype s) = mk_vartype s
203       | mk_hol_ty (dTyop{Tyop=s, Args, Thy}) =
204            if Lib.mem s new_type_names andalso
205               (Thy = NONE orelse Thy = SOME (current_theory()))
206            then if null Args then tyname_as_tyvar s
207                 else raise ERR "to_tyspecs"
208                     ("Omit arguments to new type:"^Lib.quote s)
209            else
210              case Thy of
211                NONE => mk_type(s, map mk_hol_ty Args)
212              | SOME t => mk_thy_type {Tyop = s, Thy = t,
213                                       Args = map mk_hol_ty Args}
214     fun mk_hol_type pty = let
215       val ty = mk_hol_ty pty
216     in
217       if Theory.uptodate_type ty then ty
218       else let val tyname = #1 (dest_type ty)
219            in raise ERR "to_tyspecs" (tyname^" not up-to-date")
220            end
221     end
223     fun constructor (cname, ptys) = (cname, map mk_hol_type ptys)
224  in
225     map (tyname_as_tyvar##map constructor) asts
226  end
229fun tyspecs_of tyg q = to_tyspecs (ParseDatatype.parse tyg q);
231val new_asts_datatype = define_type o to_tyspecs;
232fun new_datatype q =
233  new_asts_datatype (ParseDatatype.parse (type_grammar()) q);
237(* Determine if a parsed type spec is calling for an enumerated type.        *)
238(* Returns false if there is more than one type called for, because an       *)
239(* earlier sorting process will ensure that enumerated types are presented   *)
240(* singly.                                                                   *)
243fun is_enum_type_spec astl =
244    case astl of
245      [(ty,Constructors constrs)] => List.all (null o #2) constrs
246    (* recall that constrs is a list of constr-name - type arguments pairs *)
247    | _ => false
251(*  Build a tyinfo list for an enumerated type.                              *)
254fun build_enum_tyinfo (tyname, ast) =
255 let open EnumType
256 in case ast
257    of Constructors clist =>
258       let val constructors = map #1 clist
259       in case duplicate_names constructors
260          of NONE => (enum_type_to_tyinfo (tyname, constructors))
261           | SOME s => raise ERR "build_enum"("Duplicate constructor name: "^s)
262       end
263    | otherwise => raise ERR "build_enum_tyinfo" "Should never happen"
266fun build_enum_tyinfos astl = let
267  val _ = check_constrs_unique_in_theory astl
269  map build_enum_tyinfo astl
274    Returns a list of tyinfo thingies
275 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
278  fun insert_size {def, const_tyopl} tyinfol =
279   case tyinfol
280    of [] => raise ERR "build_tyinfos" "empty tyinfo list"
281     | tyinfo::rst =>
282       let val first_tyname = TypeBasePure.ty_name_of tyinfo
283           fun insert_size info size_eqs =
284            let val tyname = TypeBasePure.ty_name_of info
285            in case assoc2 tyname const_tyopl
286                of SOME(c,tyop) => TypeBasePure.put_size(c,size_eqs) info
287                 | NONE => (HOL_MESG
288                              ("Can't find size constant for"^(snd tyname))
289                             ; raise ERR "build_tyinfos" "")
290            end
291       in
292         insert_size tyinfo (TypeBasePure.ORIG def)
293         :: map (C insert_size (TypeBasePure.COPY (first_tyname,def))) rst
294       end
295       handle HOL_ERR _ => tyinfol
298fun build_tyinfos db {induction,recursion} =
299 let val case_defs = Prim_rec.define_case_constant recursion
300     val tyinfol = TypeBasePure.gen_datatype_info
301                    {ax=recursion, ind=induction, case_defs=case_defs}
302 in
303   case define_size recursion db
304    of NONE => (HOL_MESG "Couldn't define size function"; tyinfol)
305     | SOME s => insert_size s tyinfol
306    end
309(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
310    Topological sort of datatype declarations so that the system can
311    automatically separate out those types that aren't recursively linked
312   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
314fun pretype_ops acc ptysl =
315    (* find all of the operator names in a list of pretype lists *)
316    case ptysl of
317      [] => acc
318    | (ptys :: rest) => let
319      in
320        case ptys of
321          [] => pretype_ops acc rest
322        | (pty :: more_ptys) => let
323          in
324            case pty of
325              dTyop {Args, Thy, Tyop} =>
326              pretype_ops (HOLset.add(acc, Tyop)) (Args :: more_ptys :: rest)
327            | _ => pretype_ops acc (more_ptys :: rest)
328          end
329      end
331fun build_reference_matrix astl = let
332  (* turns a astl into an adjacency matrix, position (n,m) is true if
333     ast n refers to ast m. *)
334  val newnames = map #1 astl
335  val n = length newnames
336  exception NoDex
337  fun dex s [] = raise NoDex
338    | dex s (h::t) = if s = h then 0 else 1 + dex s t
339  val array = Array2.array(n,n,false)
340  fun refers_to ast =
341      case ast of
342        Record flds => let
343          fun foldthis ((_, pty), acc) = pretype_ops acc [[pty]]
344        in
345          foldl foldthis (HOLset.empty String.compare) flds
346        end
347      | Constructors cs => let
348          fun foldthis ((_, ptys), acc) = pretype_ops acc [ptys]
349        in
350          foldl foldthis (HOLset.empty String.compare) cs
351        end
352  fun record_refs (tyname, ast) = let
353    val i = dex tyname newnames
354    fun appthis s = Array2.update(array, i, dex s newnames, true)
355                    handle NoDex => ()
356  in
357    HOLset.app appthis (refers_to ast)
358  end
360  app record_refs astl ;
361  array
364fun calculate_transitive_closure a = let
365  (* updates a 2D array so that it represents the transitive closure of the
366     relation it used to represent  O(n^3) *)
367  open Array2
368  nonfix via
369  val n = nCols a
370  fun check i =
371      modifyi RowMajor
372              (fn (j,k,v) => v orelse (sub(a,j,i) andalso sub(a,i,k)))
373              { base = a, row = 0, col = 0, nrows = NONE, ncols = NONE}
374  fun via i =
375      if i = n then ()
376      else (check i ; via (i + 1))
378  via 0
381fun topo_sort a = let
382  (* return the elements of the graph in a topological order,
383     treating elements in loops as equivalent.  Function returns a list of
384     lists of integers, where the integers index the nodes.  Lists are
385     never empty.  If not singleton, this represents a loop *)
386  open Array2
387  val n = nRows a
388  fun findloops () = let
389    (* return a list of lists,  not sorted topologically, but which
390       encompasses loop structure *)
391    val done = Array.array(n, false)
392    fun check_row i = let
393      fun findothers acc j =
394          if j = n then List.rev acc
395          else if sub(a, i, j) andalso sub(a, j, i) andalso i <> j then
396            (Array.update(done, j, true);
397             findothers (j::acc) (j + 1))
398          else findothers acc (j + 1)
399    in
400      findothers [i] 0
401    end
402    fun check_rows i =
403        if i = n then []
404        else if Array.sub(done, i) then check_rows (i + 1)
405        else (check_row i :: check_rows (i + 1))
406  in
407    check_rows 0
408  end
409  val blocks = findloops()
410  fun zero_column j =
411      modifyi ColMajor (fn _ => false)
412              {base = a, col = j, row = 0, nrows = NONE, ncols = SOME 1}
413  fun pull_out_next bs =
414      case bs of
415        [] => raise Fail "Can't happen"
416      | [b] => (List.app zero_column b; (b, []))
417      | b :: rest => let
418          val i = hd b
419          fun check j =
420              (* j and later indices are ok iff : *)
421              j = n orelse
422              ((not (sub(a, i, j)) orelse mem j b) andalso
423               check (j + 1))
424        in
425          if check 0 then (List.app zero_column b; (b, rest))
426          else let
427              val (best, rest') = pull_out_next rest
428            in
429              (best, (b :: rest'))
430            end
431        end
432  fun pull_out_oks blist =
433      case blist of
434        [] => []
435      | _ => let
436          val (b, rest) = pull_out_next blist
437        in
438          b :: pull_out_oks rest
439        end
441  pull_out_oks blocks
444fun sort_astl astl = let
445  val adjs = build_reference_matrix astl
446  val _ = calculate_transitive_closure adjs
447  val sorted = topo_sort adjs
448  fun dex_to_astl i = List.nth(astl, i)
450  map (map dex_to_astl) sorted
455(*   Do the hard work of type definition                                     *)
456(*                                                                           *)
457(* [tyis] is a list of tyinfos coupled with strings representing how to      *)
458(*   recreate them (strings which when eval-ed will be a function of type    *)
459(*   tyinfo -> tyinfo; these functions will be applied to the basic tyinfo   *)
460(*   created for the record type).                                           *)
461(*                                                                           *)
462(* [thminfo_list] is of type                                                 *)
463(*        (string * (string * thm) list * (string * hol_type) list) list,    *)
464(*                                                                           *)
465(*   basically an association list from type names to extra stuff.           *)
466(*   The second component of each triple is theorems which need to be        *)
467(*   added to the corresponding tyinfos, and they are accompanied by         *)
468(*   the names under which they have been stored in the theory               *)
469(*   segment.  The third component is field information for that type.       *)
470(*                                                                           *)
471(* [persistp] is true iff we need to adjoin stuff to make the change         *)
472(*    persistent.                                                            *)
475val tyi_compare =
476   inv_img_cmp TypeBasePure.ty_name_of
477               (Lib.pair_compare(String.compare,String.compare))
479fun alist_comp ((s1,_,_), (s2,_,_)) = String.compare(s1,s2);
481fun augment_tyinfos tyis thminfo_list = let
482  val tyis = Listsort.sort tyi_compare tyis
483  val thminfo_list = Listsort.sort alist_comp thminfo_list
484  type thmdata = (string * thm) list
485  type flddata = (string * TypeBase.rcd_fieldinfo) list * thm list * thm list
486  fun merge acc tyis (thmi_list : (string * thmdata * flddata) list) =
487      case (tyis, thmi_list) of
488        ([], _ :: _ ) => raise Fail "Datatype.sml: invariant failure 101"
489      | ([],[]) => acc
490      | (_, []) => tyis @ acc
491      | (tyi::tyi_rest, (th_s, thms, flds)::thmi_rest) => let
492        in
493          case String.compare (snd(TypeBasePure.ty_name_of tyi), th_s) of
494            LESS => merge (tyi::acc) tyi_rest thmi_list
495          | GREATER => raise Fail "Datatype.sml: invariant failure 102"
496          | EQUAL => let
497              val tyi' = RecordType.update_tyinfo (SOME flds) (map #2 thms) tyi
498            in
499              merge (tyi' :: acc) tyi_rest thmi_rest
500            end
501        end
503  merge [] tyis thminfo_list
508  fun add_record_facts (tyinfo, NONE) = tyinfo
509    | add_record_facts (tyinfo, SOME fields) =
510      RecordType.prove_recordtype_thms (tyinfo, fields)
511  fun field_names_of (_,Record l) = SOME (map fst l)
512    | field_names_of _ = NONE
513  fun astpty_map f ast = let
514    open ParseDatatype
515  in
516    case ast of
517      Constructors clist =>
518        Constructors (map (fn (s, ptys) => (s, map f ptys)) clist)
519    | Record flds => Record (map (fn (s, pty) => (s, f pty)) flds)
520  end
521  fun reform_tyops prevtypes pty = let
522    open ParseDatatype
523  in
524    case pty of
525      dTyop{Tyop, Thy, Args} => let
526      in
527        case (Lib.assoc1 Tyop prevtypes, Args) of
528          (SOME (_, strset), []) => let
529            val thytyop =
530                case Thy of
531                  NONE => hd (Type.decls Tyop)
532                | SOME s => {Thy = s, Tyop = Tyop}
533            val arity = valOf (Type.op_arity thytyop)
534            val _ = arity = HOLset.numItems strset orelse
535                    raise ERR "reform_tyops" (Tyop ^ " has unexpected arity")
536          in
537            dTyop{Tyop = Tyop, Thy = Thy,
538                  Args = map dVartype (HOLset.listItems strset)}
539          end
540        | _ => dTyop{Tyop = Tyop, Thy = Thy,
541                     Args = map (reform_tyops prevtypes) Args}
542      end
543    | _ => pty
544  end
546  fun insert_tyarguments prevtypes astl =
547      map (fn (s, dt) => (s, astpty_map (reform_tyops prevtypes) dt)) astl
549  fun getfldinfo bigrecinfo = let
550      fun mapthis (s, l) = (s, map (I ## ParseDatatype.pretypeToType) l)
551  in
552      map mapthis bigrecinfo
553  end
554  fun merge_alists alist1 alist2 = let
555      fun recurse acc alist1 alist2 =
556          case (alist1, alist2) of
557              ([], []) => List.rev acc
558            | (_, []) => List.rev acc @ map (fn (s,d) => (s, d, ([],[],[]))) alist1
559            | ([], _) => List.rev acc @ map (fn (s,d) => (s, [],(d,[],[]))) alist2
560            | ((a1k, a1d)::a1s, (a2k, a2d)::a2s) =>
561              case String.compare (a1k, a2k) of
562                  LESS => recurse ((a1k,a1d,([],[],[])) :: acc) a1s alist2
563                | EQUAL => recurse ((a1k,a1d,(a2d,[],[])) :: acc) a1s a2s
564                | GREATER => recurse ((a2k,[],(a2d,[],[])) :: acc) alist1 a2s
565      fun alistcomp ((s1, d1), (s2, d2)) = String.compare(s1, s2)
566  in
567      recurse [] (Listsort.sort alistcomp alist1) (Listsort.sort alistcomp alist2)
568  end
572(* precondition: astl has been sorted, so that, for example,  those          *)
573(* ast elements not referring to any others will be present only as          *)
574(*     singleton lists                                                       *)
577fun prim_define_type_from_astl prevtypes f db astl0 = let
578  val astl = insert_tyarguments prevtypes astl0
580  if is_enum_type_spec astl then (db, build_enum_tyinfos astl)
581  else (db,
582        map add_record_facts
583            (zip (build_tyinfos db (new_asts_datatype astl))
584                 (map field_names_of astl)))
585end (* let *)
586end (* local *)
589fun find_vartypes (pty, acc) =
590 let open ParseDatatype
591 in
592  case pty of
593    dVartype s => HOLset.add(acc, s)
594  | dAQ ty => List.foldl (fn (ty, acc) => HOLset.add(acc, dest_vartype ty))
595                         acc (Type.type_vars ty)
596  | dTyop {Args, ...} => List.foldl find_vartypes acc Args
597 end
599fun dtForm_vartypes (dtf, acc) =
600    case dtf of
601      Constructors clist => List.foldl (fn ((s, ptyl), acc) =>
602                                           List.foldl find_vartypes acc ptyl)
603                                       acc clist
604    | Record fldlist => List.foldl
605                          (fn ((s, pty), acc) => find_vartypes (pty, acc))
606                          acc fldlist
610(* prevtypes below is an association list mapping the names of types         *)
611(* previously defined in this "session" to the list of type variables that   *)
612(* occurred on the RHS of the type definitions.                              *)
615fun define_type_from_astl prevtypes db astl = let
616  val sorted_astll = sort_astl astl
617  val f = define_type_from_astl
618  fun handle_astl (astl, (prevtypes, db, tyinfo_acc)) = let
619    val (db, new_tyinfos) = prim_define_type_from_astl prevtypes f db astl
620    fun addtyi (tyi, db) = TypeBasePure.insert db tyi
621    val alltyvars =
622        List.foldl (fn ((_, dtf), acc) => dtForm_vartypes(dtf, acc))
623                   empty_stringset
624                   astl
625  in
626    (prevtypes @ map (fn (s, dtf) => (s, alltyvars)) astl,
627     List.foldl addtyi db new_tyinfos,
628     tyinfo_acc @ new_tyinfos)
629  end
630  val (_,db,tyinfos) = List.foldl handle_astl (prevtypes, db, []) sorted_astll
632  (db, tyinfos)
636fun primHol_datatype db astl = define_type_from_astl [] db astl;
640    For a datatype named "ty", Hol_datatype stores the following
641    theorems in the current theory, and in TypeBase.theTypeBase. (Some
642    other definitions and theorems used in defining the datatype are
643    also stored in the current theory, but we will ignore them.)
645        1. ty               (* datatype characterization theorem *)
646        2. ty_case_def      (* case_expression defn *)
647        3. ty_case_cong     (* congruence theorem for case expression *)
648        4. ty_induction     (* induction thm for datatype *)
649        5. ty_nchotomy      (* case completeness *)
650        6. ty_size_def      (* size of type defn *)
651        7. ty_to_bool_def   (* encoder for the type *)
652        8. lift             (* lifter (ML -> HOL) for the type  *)
653        9. one_one          (* one-one-ness of the constructors *)
654        10. distinct        (* distinctness of the constructors *)
655        11. fields          (* fields, if it is a record type *)
656        12. accessors       (* accessors, if it is a record type *)
657        13. updates         (* update fns, if it is a record type *)
659   We also adjoin some ML to the current theory so that if the theory
660   gets exported and loaded in a later session, these "datatype"
661   theorems are loaded automatically into theTypeBase.
663 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
665fun persistent_tyinfo tyinfos =
666  let
667      fun ovl tyi = Parse.overload_on ("case", TypeBasePure.case_const_of tyi)
668      fun save_thms tyi =
669        let
670          open TypeBasePure
671          val tname = snd (ty_name_of tyi)
672          fun name s = tname ^ s
673          fun optsave nm thopt =
674            case thopt of NONE => () | SOME th => ignore (save_thm(name nm, th))
675        in
676          optsave "_11" (one_one_of tyi);
677          optsave "_distinct" (distinct_of tyi);
678          save_thm(name "_nchotomy", nchotomy_of tyi);
679          save_thm(name "_Axiom", axiom_of tyi);
680          save_thm(name "_induction", induction_of tyi);
681          save_thm(name "_case_cong", case_cong_of tyi);
682          save_thm(name "_case_eq", case_eq_of tyi);
683          ()
684        end
685  in
686    TypeBase.export tyinfos;
687    app save_thms tyinfos;
688    app ovl tyinfos;
689    app computeLib.write_datatype_info tyinfos
690  end;
693(* Construct trivial theorem from which structure of original datatype can   *)
694(* be recovered.                                                             *)
697fun mk_datatype_presentation thy tyspecl =
698  let open ParseDatatype
699      fun mkc (n,_) = prim_mk_const{Name=n,Thy=thy}
700      fun type_dec (tyname,Constructors dforms) =
701          let val constrs = map mkc dforms
702              val tyn_var = mk_var(tyname,list_mk_fun(map type_of constrs,bool))
703          in
704            list_mk_comb(tyn_var,constrs)
705          end
706        | type_dec (tyname,Record fields) =
707          let
708            val hdc =
709                prim_mk_const{Name = tyname ^ "_" ^ #1 (hd fields), Thy = thy}
710            fun fieldvar (n, _) = let
711              val c = prim_mk_const{Name = tyname ^ "_" ^ n, Thy = thy}
712              val (_, ty) = dom_rng (type_of c)
713            in
714              mk_var(n, ty)
715            end
716            val fvars = map fieldvar fields
717            val tyn_var = mk_var(tyname,hdc |> type_of |> dom_rng |> #1)
718            val record_var =
719                mk_var("record",
720                       list_mk_fun(type_of tyn_var::map type_of fvars,bool))
721          in
722            list_mk_comb(record_var,tyn_var::fvars)
723          end
724  in
725   (fst(hd tyspecl),list_mk_conj (map type_dec tyspecl))
726  end
728fun datatype_thm (n,M) = save_thm
729  ("datatype_"^n,
732fun astHol_datatype astl =
733 let
734  val (_,tyinfos) = primHol_datatype (TypeBase.theTypeBase()) astl
735  val _ = Theory.scrub()
736  val _ = datatype_thm (mk_datatype_presentation (current_theory()) astl)
737  val tynames = map TypeBasePure.ty_name_of tyinfos
738  val tynames = map (Lib.quote o snd) tynames
739  val message = "Defined type"^(if length tynames > 1 then "s" else "")^
740                ": "^String.concat (Lib.commafy tynames)
741 in
742  persistent_tyinfo tyinfos;
743  HOL_MESG message
744 end handle e as HOL_ERR _ => Raise (wrap_exn "Datatype" "Hol_datatype" e);
746fun Hol_datatype q = astHol_datatype (ParseDatatype.parse (type_grammar()) q)
747fun Datatype q = astHol_datatype (ParseDatatype.hparse (type_grammar()) q)
749val _ = Parse.temp_set_grammars ambient_grammars