2 * Building records of facts about datatypes.                                *
3 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
5structure TypeBase :> TypeBase =
8open HolKernel TypeBasePure;
10val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "TypeBase";
12(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
13    Functions used to tweak "bare" tyinfo values
14   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
15fun list_compose [] x = x | list_compose (f :: fs) x = list_compose fs (f x);
17(* tyinfo values can include references to conversions through the
18   ssfrag database
20fun resolve_ssfragconvs tyi =
21  let
22    open ThyDataSexp
23    fun apply_extra s tyi =
24      case s of
25          List [Sym tag, String str, Thm th] =>
26            if tag = simpfrag.simpfrag_conv_tag then
27              case simpfrag.lookup_simpfrag_conv str of
28                  SOME f => SOME (TypeBasePure.add_ssfrag_convs [f th] tyi)
29                | NONE => (HOL_WARNING "TypeBase" "resolve_ssfragconvs"
30                                       ("No function "^str^" registered");
31                           NONE)
32            else NONE
33        | _ => NONE
34    fun apply_all unapplied extras tyi =
35      case extras of
36          [] => TypeBasePure.put_extra (List.rev unapplied) tyi
37        | e::es => (case apply_extra e tyi of
38                        SOME tyi' => apply_all unapplied es tyi'
39                      | NONE => apply_all (e::unapplied) es tyi)
40  in
41    apply_all [] (TypeBasePure.extra_of tyi) tyi
42  end
44(* tyinfos lacking the "standard simplifications" have those added here. *)
45fun maybe_add_simpls tyi =
46    let
47      open boolSyntax
48      val cc = case_const_of tyi
49      val rwts = #rewrs (simpls_of tyi) |> map Drule.CONJUNCTS |> List.concat
50                        |> map (#2 o strip_forall o concl)
51      fun iscasedef t =
52          same_const cc (t |> lhs |> strip_comb |> #1) handle HOL_ERR _ => false
53    in
54      if List.exists iscasedef rwts then tyi else add_std_simpls tyi
55    end handle HOL_ERR _ => tyi
57fun tweak_tyi tyi = tyi |> maybe_add_simpls |> resolve_ssfragconvs
59(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
60    Initial value of the database
61   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
63val bool_info =
64    TypeBasePure.mk_datatype_info
65      {ax=ORIG boolTheory.boolAxiom,
66       induction = ORIG boolTheory.bool_INDUCT,
67       case_def = boolTheory.bool_case_thm,
68       case_eq =
69         Prim_rec.prove_case_eq_thm{
70           case_def = boolTheory.bool_case_thm,
71           nchotomy = boolTheory.BOOL_CASES_AX
72         },
73       case_cong = boolTheory.COND_CONG,
74       distinct = SOME (CONJUNCT1 boolTheory.BOOL_EQ_DISTINCT),
75       nchotomy = boolTheory.BOOL_CASES_AX,
76       fields = [], accessors = [], updates = [], one_one = NONE,
77       recognizers=[], destructors = [],
78       size = NONE, encode = NONE, lift = NONE} |> tweak_tyi
80(* and similarly for the itself type constructor *)
81val [itself_info0] = let
82  open boolTheory
84  TypeBasePure.gen_datatype_info {ax = itself_Axiom, ind = itself_induction,
85                                  case_defs = [itself_case_thm]}
87val itself_info = tweak_tyi itself_info0
90 * Create the database.                                                     *
91 *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
94  val update_fns = ref ([]:(tyinfo -> tyinfo) list)
96  fun register_update_fn f = (update_fns := !update_fns @ [f])
97  fun apply_update_fns tyi = list_compose (!update_fns) tyi
100fun apply_delta tyi tyb = TypeBasePure.insert tyb (tweak_tyi tyi)
101fun apply_to_global tyi tyb =
102    TypeBasePure.insert tyb (apply_update_fns $ tweak_tyi tyi)
103val initial_tydb = TypeBasePure.empty
104                     |> rev_itlist apply_delta [bool_info, itself_info]
106val fullresult as {DB = thy_typebase, get_global_value = theTypeBase,
107                   record_delta, get_deltas = thy_updates,
108                   merge = merge_typebases, update_global_value, ...} =
109    let open TypeBasePure
110    in
111      AncestryData.fullmake{
112        adinfo = {tag = "TypeBase", initial_values = [("min", initial_tydb)],
113                  apply_delta = apply_delta
114                 },
115        uptodate_delta = K true,
116        sexps = { dec = fromSEXP, enc = toSEXP },
117        globinfo = {apply_to_global = apply_to_global,
118                    thy_finaliser = NONE,
119                    initial_value = initial_tydb}
120      }
121    end
123fun write tyis = update_global_value (rev_itlist apply_to_global tyis)
124fun export tyis = (write tyis; List.app record_delta tyis)
126(* various ways to access the global value *)
127fun read {Thy,Tyop} = prim_get (theTypeBase()) (Thy,Tyop);
128fun fetch ty = TypeBasePure.fetch (theTypeBase()) ty;
129val elts = listItems o theTypeBase;
131fun print_sp_type ty =
132  let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = dest_thy_type ty
133  in Thy ^ "$" ^ Tyop
134  end;
136fun valOf2 ty t opt =
137  case opt of
138    NONE => raise ERR t ("No "^t^" information for type "^print_sp_type ty)
139  | SOME x => x
141fun pfetch s ty =
142 case TypeBasePure.fetch (theTypeBase()) ty
143  of SOME x => x
144   | NONE => raise ERR s
145              ("unable to find "^
146               Lib.quote (print_sp_type ty)^" in the TypeBase");
148fun axiom_of ty        = TypeBasePure.axiom_of (pfetch "axiom_of" ty)
149fun induction_of ty    = TypeBasePure.induction_of (pfetch "induction_of" ty)
150fun constructors_of ty = TypeBasePure.constructors_of (pfetch "constructors_of" ty)
151fun destructors_of ty  = TypeBasePure.destructors_of (pfetch "destructors_of" ty)
152fun recognizers_of ty  = TypeBasePure.recognizers_of (pfetch "recognizers_of" ty)
153fun case_const_of ty   = TypeBasePure.case_const_of (pfetch "case_const_of" ty)
154fun case_cong_of ty    = TypeBasePure.case_cong_of (pfetch "case_cong_of" ty)
155fun case_def_of ty     = TypeBasePure.case_def_of (pfetch "case_def_of" ty)
156fun case_eq_of ty      = TypeBasePure.case_eq_of (pfetch "case_eq_of" ty)
157fun nchotomy_of ty     = TypeBasePure.nchotomy_of (pfetch "nchotomy_of" ty)
158fun fields_of ty       = TypeBasePure.fields_of (pfetch "fields_of" ty)
159fun accessors_of ty    = TypeBasePure.accessors_of (pfetch "accessors_of" ty)
160fun updates_of ty      = TypeBasePure.updates_of (pfetch "updates_of" ty)
161fun simpls_of ty       = TypeBasePure.simpls_of (pfetch "simpls_of" ty)
162fun axiom_of0 ty       = TypeBasePure.axiom_of0 (pfetch "axiom_of" ty)
163fun induction_of0 ty   = TypeBasePure.induction_of0 (pfetch "induction_of0" ty)
165fun distinct_of ty     = valOf2 ty "distinct_of"
166                           (TypeBasePure.distinct_of (pfetch "distinct_of" ty))
167fun one_one_of ty      = valOf2 ty "one_one_of"
168                            (TypeBasePure.one_one_of (pfetch "one_one_of" ty))
169fun size_of0 ty        = TypeBasePure.size_of0 (pfetch "size_of0" ty)
170fun encode_of0 ty      = TypeBasePure.encode_of0 (pfetch "encode_of0" ty)
171fun size_of ty         = valOf2 ty "size_of"
172                           (TypeBasePure.size_of (pfetch "size_of" ty))
173fun encode_of ty       = valOf2 ty "encode_of"
174                            (TypeBasePure.encode_of (pfetch "encode_of" ty))
179fun tyi_from_name s =
180  let
181    open type_grammar
182    fun tyi_from_kid thy nm =
183      case Type.op_arity{Tyop=nm,Thy=thy} of
184          NONE => raise ERR "tyi_from_name" ("No such type: "^thy^"$"^nm)
185        | SOME i =>
186          let
187            val st = TYOP {Args = List.tabulate(i, PARAM), Thy = thy, Tyop = nm}
188          in
189            case fetch (structure_to_type st) of
190                NONE => raise ERR "tyi_from_name" ("No tyinfo for "^thy^"$"^nm)
191              | SOME tyi => tyi
192          end
193  in
194    case String.fields (equal #"$") s of
195        [nm] =>
196        let
197          val tyg = Parse.type_grammar()
198        in
199          case Binarymap.peek(privileged_abbrevs tyg, nm) of
200              NONE => raise ERR "tyi_from_name"
201                            ("Ty-grammar doesn't know name: "^nm)
202            | SOME thy =>
203              (case Binarymap.peek(parse_map tyg, {Thy = thy, Name = nm}) of
204                   NONE => raise ERR "tyi_from_name"
205                                 ("Ty-grammar has bad abbrev-map for name: "^nm)
206                 | SOME (TYOP {Thy,Tyop,...}) => tyi_from_kid Thy Tyop)
207        end
208      | [thy,nm] => tyi_from_kid thy nm
209      | _ => raise ERR "tyi_from_name" ("Malformed tyname: "^s)
210  end
212val CaseEq = TypeBasePure.case_eq_of o tyi_from_name
213val CaseEqs = Drule.LIST_CONJ o map CaseEq
214fun AllCaseEqs() =
215  let
216    fun foldthis(ty, tyi, acc) =
217      case Lib.total TypeBasePure.case_eq_of tyi of
218          NONE => acc
219        | SOME th => if aconv (concl acc) boolSyntax.T then th
220                     else CONJ th acc
221  in
222    TypeBasePure.fold foldthis boolTheory.TRUTH (theTypeBase())
223  end
225(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *
226 * Install case transformation function for parser                        *
227 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
229val _ =
230  let fun lookup s =
231        case read s
232         of SOME tyi => SOME {constructors = TypeBasePure.constructors_of tyi,
233                              case_const = TypeBasePure.case_const_of tyi}
234          | NONE => NONE
235      open GrammarSpecials
236  in
237    set_case_specials ((fn t => #functional (Pmatch.mk_functional lookup t)),
238                       (fn s =>
239                             case lookup s of
240                               NONE => []
241                             | SOME {constructors,...} => constructors))
242  end
245(* Is a term a constructor for some datatype.                                *)
248fun is_constructor x = TypeBasePure.is_constructor (theTypeBase()) x;
251(* Syntax operations on case expressions                                     *)
254fun mk_case x   = TypeBasePure.mk_case (theTypeBase()) x
255fun dest_case x = TypeBasePure.dest_case (theTypeBase()) x
256fun is_case x   = TypeBasePure.is_case (theTypeBase()) x;
257fun strip_case x = TypeBasePure.strip_case (theTypeBase()) x
259fun mk_pattern_fn css =
260   let
261      val pmthry = TypeBasePure.toPmatchThry (theTypeBase ())
262   in
263      Pmatch.mk_pattern_fn pmthry css
264   end
267(* Syntax operations on records                                              *)
270fun mk_record x   = TypeBasePure.mk_record (theTypeBase()) x
271fun dest_record x = TypeBasePure.dest_record (theTypeBase()) x
272fun is_record x   = TypeBasePure.is_record (theTypeBase()) x;
274fun dest_record_type x = TypeBasePure.dest_record_type (theTypeBase()) x;
275fun is_record_type x = TypeBasePure.is_record_type (theTypeBase()) x;
277fun ty2knm ty =
278    let
279      val {Thy,Tyop,...} = dest_thy_type ty
280    in
281      {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop}
282    end
284fun update_induction th =
285    let
286      open boolSyntax
287      val (Ps, _) = strip_forall (concl th)
288      fun upd1 knm =
289          case read knm of
290              NONE => HOL_WARNING "TypeBase" "update_induction"
291                                  ("No type corresponding to " ^
292                                   #Thy knm ^ "$" ^ #Tyop knm ^ " to update")
293            | SOME tyi =>
294                export [TypeBasePure.put_induction (TypeBasePure.ORIG th) tyi]
295    in
296      List.app (fn v => v |> type_of |> dom_rng |> #1 |> ty2knm |> upd1) Ps
297    end
299fun update_axiom th =
300    let
301      open boolSyntax
302      val (_, b) = strip_forall (concl th)
303      val (exvs, _) = strip_exists b
304      fun upd1 knm =
305          case read knm of
306              NONE => HOL_WARNING "TypeBase" "update_axiom"
307                                  ("No type corresponding to " ^
308                                   #Thy knm ^ "$" ^ #Tyop knm ^ " to update")
309            | SOME tyi =>
310                export [TypeBasePure.put_axiom (TypeBasePure.ORIG th) tyi]
311    in
312      List.app (fn v => v |> type_of |> dom_rng |> #1 |> ty2knm |> upd1) exvs
313    end
315(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
316    Initialise the case-split munger in the pretty-printer
317   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
320  This is broken because it can re-order rows in the case expression in a semantically significant way
322  fun group_by f =
323    let
324      fun i x [] = [[x]]
325        | i x (y::ys) =
326          if f x (hd y)
327          then ((x::y)::ys)
328          else y::(i x ys)
329      fun g acc [] = acc
330        | g acc (x::xs) =
331          g (i x acc) xs
332    in
333      g []
334    end
335  fun aconv_snd x y = aconv (snd x) (snd y)
336  fun max x y = if x < y then y else x
337  fun lengths [] n acc = (n,acc)
338    | lengths (l::ls) n acc =
339      let
340        val m = length l
341      in
342        lengths ls (max n m) ((m,l)::acc)
343      end
345  fun pp_strip_case tm =
346    let
347      val (split_on, splits) = strip_case tm
348      val reduced_splits =
349        let
350          val groups = group_by aconv_snd splits
351          (* groups are in order, but each group is reversed *)
352          val (maxl,lgs) = lengths groups 0 []
353          (* lgs are now reversed *)
354        in
355          case total (pluck (equal maxl o fst)) lgs of
356            SOME ((_,(p,v)::_),lgs) =>
357              rev ((mk_var("_",type_of p),v)::flatten (map snd lgs))
358          | _ => splits
359        end
360    in
361      (split_on, reduced_splits)
362    end
366(* Less ambitious version, which only fires if all (>1) but one row have
367   the same right-hand-side and it doesn't depend on any pattern variables.
369   NOTE: This is also broken, since
370      ``case x of 0n => T | 2 => T | _ => F``
371   is printed as
372      ``case x of v => F | _ => T``
375  fun disjoint x = HOLset.isEmpty (HOLset.intersection x)
376  fun FV tm = FVL [tm] empty_varset
378  fun pp_strip_case tm =
379    let
380      val (split_on, splits) = strip_case tm
381      fun sole_exception (p,v) =
382        let
383          val (l1,l2) = partition (aconv v o snd) splits
384          val v_rest = snd (hd l2)
385          fun good (p,v) = aconv v_rest v andalso disjoint (FV p, FV v)
386        in
387          if length l1 = 1 andalso all good l2
388          then (hd l1, v_rest)
389          else raise Match
390        end
391      val reduced_splits =
392        case splits of
393          [] => splits
394        | [_] => splits
395        | [_,_] => splits
396        | _ =>
397          let
398            val (u as (p,_),v_rest) = tryfind sole_exception splits
399          in
400            [u,(mk_var("_",type_of p),v_rest)]
401          end
402          handle HOL_ERR _ => splits
403    in
404      (split_on, reduced_splits)
405    end
409val _ = term_pp.init_casesplit_munger strip_case