1(* ===================================================================== *)
2(* FILE          : Drule.sml                                             *)
3(* DESCRIPTION   : Derived theorems and rules. Largely translated from   *)
4(*                 hol88.                                                *)
5(*                                                                       *)
6(* AUTHORS       : (c) Mike Gordon and                                   *)
7(*                     Tom Melham, University of Cambridge, for hol88    *)
8(* TRANSLATOR    : Konrad Slind, University of Calgary                   *)
9(* DATE          : September 11, 1991                                    *)
10(* ===================================================================== *)
12structure Drule :> Drule =
15open Feedback HolKernel Parse boolTheory boolSyntax Abbrev;
17val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "Drule"
20 * Eta-conversion                                                            *
21 *                                                                           *
22 *   "(\x.t x)"   --->    |- (\x.t x) = t  (if x not free in t)              *
23 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
25(* Cursory profiling indicates that an implementation of ETA_CONV as a
26   primitive inference rule in Thm is about 20 times faster than this
27   implementation, which instantiates ETA_AX.  The difference in overall
28   HOL build time, however, is negligible. *)
30fun ETA_CONV t =
31   let
32      val (var, cmb) = dest_abs t
33      val tysubst = [alpha |-> type_of var, beta |-> type_of cmb]
34      val th = SPEC (rator cmb) (INST_TYPE tysubst ETA_AX)
35   in
36      TRANS (ALPHA t (lhs (concl th))) th
37   end
38   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "ETA_CONV" ""
41 *    A |- t = (\x.f x)                                                      *
42 *  --------------------- x not free in f                                    *
43 *     A |- t = f                                                            *
44 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
46fun RIGHT_ETA thm =
47   TRANS thm (ETA_CONV (rhs (concl thm)))
48   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RIGHT_ETA" ""
51 *  Add an assumption                                                        *
52 *                                                                           *
53 *      A |- t'                                                              *
54 *   -----------                                                             *
55 *    A,t |- t'                                                              *
56 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
58fun ADD_ASSUM t th = MP (DISCH t th) (ASSUME t)
61 * Transitivity of ==>                                                       *
62 *                                                                           *
63 *   A1 |- t1 ==> t2            A2 |- t2 ==> t3                              *
64 * ---------------------------------------------                             *
65 *           A1 u A2 |- t1 ==> t3                                            *
66 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
68fun IMP_TRANS th1 th2 =
69   let
70      val (ant, conseq) = dest_imp (concl th1)
71   in
72      DISCH ant (MP th2 (MP th1 (ASSUME ant)))
73   end
74   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "IMP_TRANS" ""
77 *   A1 |- t1 ==> t2         A2 |- t2 ==> t1                                 *
78 *  -----------------------------------------                                *
79 *            A1 u A2 |- t1 = t2                                             *
80 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
82 fun IMP_ANTISYM_RULE th1 th2 =
83    let
84       val (ant, conseq) = dest_imp (concl th1)
85    in
86       MP (MP (SPEC conseq (SPEC ant IMP_ANTISYM_AX)) th1) th2
87    end
88    handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "IMP_ANTISYM_RULE" ""
91 * Introduce  =T                                                             *
92 *                                                                           *
93 *     A |- t                                                                *
94 *   ------------                                                            *
95 *     A |- t=T                                                              *
96 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
99   val eq_thm =
100      let
101         val (Bvar, _) = dest_forall (concl boolTheory.EQ_CLAUSES)
102         val thm = CONJUNCT1 (CONJUNCT2 (SPEC Bvar boolTheory.EQ_CLAUSES))
103      in
104         GEN Bvar (SYM thm)
105      end
107   fun EQT_INTRO th = EQ_MP (SPEC (concl th) eq_thm) th
108                      handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "EQT_INTRO" ""
112 *  |- !x. t    ---->    x', |- t[x'/x]                                      *
113 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
115fun SPEC_VAR th =
116   let
117      val (Bvar, _) = dest_forall (concl th)
118      val bv' = prim_variant (HOLset.listItems (hyp_frees th)) Bvar
119   in
120      (bv', SPEC bv' th)
121   end
124 *       A |-  (!x. t1 = t2)                                                 *
125 *   ---------------------------                                             *
126 *    A |- (?x.t1)  =  (?x.t2)                                               *
127 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
129fun MK_EXISTS bodyth =
130   let
131      val (x, sth) = SPEC_VAR bodyth
132      val (a, b) = dest_eq (concl sth)
133      val (abimp, baimp) = EQ_IMP_RULE sth
134      fun HALF (p, q) pqimp =
135         let
136            val xp = mk_exists (x, p)
137            and xq = mk_exists (x, q)
138         in
139            DISCH xp (CHOOSE (x, ASSUME xp)
140                             (EXISTS (xq, x) (MP pqimp (ASSUME p))))
141         end
142   in
143      IMP_ANTISYM_RULE (HALF (a, b) abimp) (HALF (b, a) baimp)
144   end
145   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "MK_EXISTS" ""
148 *               A |-  t1 = t2                                               *
149 *   ------------------------------------------- (xi not free in A)          *
150 *    A |- (?x1 ... xn. t1)  =  (?x1 ... xn. t2)                             *
151 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
153fun LIST_MK_EXISTS l th = itlist (fn x => fn th => MK_EXISTS (GEN x th)) l th
155fun SIMPLE_EXISTS v th = EXISTS (mk_exists (v, concl th), v) th
157fun SIMPLE_CHOOSE v th =
158   case HOLset.find (fn _ => true) (Thm.hypset th) of
159      SOME h => CHOOSE (v, ASSUME (boolSyntax.mk_exists (v, h))) th
160    | NONE => raise ERR "SIMPLE_CHOOSE" ""
163 *     A1 |- t1 = u1   ...   An |- tn = un       A |- t[ti]                  *
164 *    -------------------------------------------------------                *
165 *               A1 u ... An u A |-  t[ui]                                   *
166 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
169   fun combine [] [] = []
170     | combine (v :: rst1) (t :: rst2) = (v |-> t) :: combine rst1 rst2
171     | combine _ _ = raise ERR "GSUBS.combine" "Different length lists"
173   fun GSUBS substfn ths th =
174      let
175         val ls = map (lhs o concl) ths
176         val vars = map (genvar o type_of) ls
177         val w = substfn (combine ls vars) (concl th)
178      in
179         SUBST (combine vars ths) w th
180      end
183fun SUBS ths th = GSUBS subst ths th handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "SUBS" ""
185fun SUBS_OCCS nlths th =
186   let
187      val (nll, ths) = unzip nlths
188   in
189      GSUBS (subst_occs nll) ths th
190   end
191   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "SUBS_OCCS" ""
194 *       A |- ti == ui                                                       *
195 *    --------------------                                                   *
196 *     A |- t[ti] = t[ui]                                                    *
197 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
199fun SUBST_CONV theta template tm =
200   let
201      fun retheta {redex, residue} = (redex |-> genvar (type_of redex))
202      val theta0 = map retheta theta
203      val theta1 = map (op |-> o (#residue ## #residue)) (zip theta0 theta)
204   in
205      SUBST theta1 (mk_eq (tm, subst theta0 template)) (REFL tm)
206   end
207   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "SUBST_CONV" ""
210 * Extensionality                                                            *
211 *                                                                           *
212 *     A |- !x. t1 x = t2 x                                                  *
213 *    ----------------------     (x not free in A, t1 or t2)                 *
214 *        A |- t1 = t2                                                       *
215 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
217fun EXT th =
218   let
219      val (Bvar, _) = dest_forall (concl th)
220      val th1 = SPEC Bvar th
221       (* th1 = |- t1 x = t2 x *)
222      val (t1x, t2x) = dest_eq (concl th1)
223      val x = rand t1x
224      val th2 = ABS x th1
225       (* th2 = |- (\x. t1 x) = (\x. t2 x) *)
226   in
227      TRANS (TRANS (SYM (ETA_CONV (mk_abs (x, t1x)))) th2)
228            (ETA_CONV (mk_abs (x, t2x)))
229   end
230   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "EXT" ""
233 *       A |- !x. (t1 = t2)                                                  *
234 *     ----------------------                                                *
235 *     A |- (\x.t1) = (\x.t2)                                                *
236 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
238fun MK_ABS qth =
239   let
240      val (Bvar, Body) = dest_forall (concl qth)
241      val ufun = mk_abs (Bvar, lhs Body)
242      and vfun = mk_abs (Bvar, rhs Body)
243      val gv = genvar (type_of Bvar)
244   in
245      EXT (GEN gv (TRANS (TRANS (BETA_CONV (mk_comb (ufun, gv))) (SPEC gv qth))
246                         (SYM (BETA_CONV (mk_comb (vfun, gv))))))
247   end
248   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "MK_ABS" ""
251 *  Contradiction rule                                                       *
252 *                                                                           *
253 *   A |- F                                                                  *
254 *   ------                                                                  *
255 *   A |- t                                                                  *
256 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
258fun CONTR tm th =
259   MP (SPEC tm FALSITY) th handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "CONTR" ""
262 * "t1 /\ ... /\ tn"   --->   [t1, ..., tn] |- t1 /\ ... /\ tn               *
263 *                                                                           *
264 *  constructs a theorem proving conjunction from individual conjuncts       *
265 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
267fun ASSUME_CONJS tm =
268  let val (tm1, tm2) = dest_conj tm ;
269  in CONJ (ASSUME_CONJS tm1) (ASSUME_CONJS tm2) end
270  handle _ => ASSUME tm ;
273 *  Undischarging - UNDISCH                                                  *
274 *                                                                           *
275 *   A |- t1 ==> t2                                                          *
276 *   --------------                                                          *
277 *    A, t1 |- t2                                                            *
278 *                                                                           *
279 * UNDISCH_TM also returns t1, UNDISCH_SPLIT splits t1 into its conjuncts    *
280 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
282fun UNDISCH th =
283   MP th (ASSUME (fst (dest_imp (concl th))))
284   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "UNDISCH" ""
286fun UNDISCH_TM th =
287   let val (ant, conseq) = dest_imp (concl th) ;
288   in (ant, MP th (ASSUME ant)) end
289   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "UNDISCH_TM" ""
291fun UNDISCH_SPLIT th =
292  let val (ant, conseq) = dest_imp (concl th) ;
293  in MP th (ASSUME_CONJS ant) end
294  handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "UNDISCH_SPLIT" ""
297 * =T elimination                                                            *
298 *                                                                           *
299 *   A |- t = T                                                              *
300 *  ------------                                                             *
301 *    A |- t                                                                 *
302 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
304fun EQT_ELIM th =
305   EQ_MP (SYM th) TRUTH handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "EQT_ELIM" ""
308 *      |- !x1 ... xn. t[xi]                                                 *
309 *    --------------------------    SPECL [t1, ..., tn]                      *
310 *          |-  t[ti]                                                        *
311 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
313fun SPECL tml th =
314   rev_itlist SPEC tml th handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "SPECL" ""
317 * SELECT introduction                                                       *
318 *                                                                           *
319 *    A |- P t                                                               *
320 *  -----------------                                                        *
321 *   A |- P($@ P)                                                            *
322 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
324fun SELECT_INTRO th =
325   let
326      val (Rator, Rand) = dest_comb (concl th)
327      val SELECT_AX' = INST_TYPE [alpha |-> type_of Rand] SELECT_AX
328   in
329      MP (SPEC Rand (SPEC Rator SELECT_AX')) th
330   end
331   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "SELECT_INTRO" ""
333(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
334 *  SELECT elimination (cases)                                               *
335 *                                                                           *
336 *   A1 |- P($@ P)         A2, "P v" |- t                                    *
337 *  ---------------------------------------- (v occurs nowhere else in th2)  *
338 *              A1 u A2 |- t                                                 *
339 *                                                                           *
340 *  In line with the documentation in REFERENCE, this function succeeds even *
341 *  if v occurs in t (giving a rather useless result).  It also succeeds no  *
342 *  matter what the rand of the conclusion of th1 is.                        *
343 *                                                                           *
344 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
346fun SELECT_ELIM th1 (v, th2) =
347   let
348      val (Rator, Rand) = dest_comb (concl th1)
349      val th3 = DISCH (mk_comb (Rator, v)) th2
350      (* th3 = |- P v ==> t *)
351   in
352      MP (SPEC Rand (GEN v th3)) th1
353   end
354   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "SELECT_ELIM" ""
357 * SELECT introduction                                                       *
358 *                                                                           *
359 *    A |- ?x. t[x]                                                          *
360 *  -----------------                                                        *
361 *   A |- t[@x.t[x]]                                                         *
362 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
364fun SELECT_RULE th =
365   let
366      val (tm as (Bvar, Body)) = dest_exists (concl th)
367      val v = genvar (type_of Bvar)
368      val P = mk_abs (Bvar, Body)
369      val SELECT_AX' = INST_TYPE [alpha |-> type_of Bvar] SELECT_AX
370      val th1 = SPEC v (SPEC P SELECT_AX')
371      val (ant, conseq) = dest_imp (concl th1)
372      val th2 = BETA_CONV ant
373      and th3 = BETA_CONV conseq
374      val th4 = EQ_MP th3 (MP th1 (EQ_MP (SYM th2) (ASSUME (rhs (concl th2)))))
375   in
376      CHOOSE (v, th) th4
377   end
378   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "SELECT_RULE" ""
381 * ! abstraction                                                             *
382 *                                                                           *
383 *          A |- t1 = t2                                                     *
384 *     -----------------------                                               *
385 *      A |- (!x.t1) = (!x.t2)                                               *
386 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
388fun FORALL_EQ x =
389   let
390      val forall = AP_TERM (inst [alpha |-> type_of x] boolSyntax.universal)
391   in
392      fn th => forall (ABS x th)
393   end
394   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "FORALL_EQ" ""
397 * ? abstraction                                                             *
398 *                                                                           *
399 *          A |- t1 = t2                                                     *
400 *     -----------------------                                               *
401 *      A |- (?x.t1) = (?x.t2)                                               *
402 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
404fun EXISTS_EQ x =
405   let
406      val exists = AP_TERM (inst [alpha |-> type_of x] boolSyntax.existential)
407   in
408      fn th => exists (ABS x th)
409   end
410   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "EXISTS_EQ" ""
413 * @ abstraction                                                             *
414 *                                                                           *
415 *          A |- t1 = t2                                                     *
416 *     -----------------------                                               *
417 *      A |- (@x.t1) = (@x.t2)                                               *
418 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
420fun SELECT_EQ x =
421   let
422      val ty = type_of x
423      val choose = inst [alpha |-> ty] boolSyntax.select
424   in
425      fn th => AP_TERM choose (ABS x th)
426   end
427   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "SELECT_EQ" ""
430 * Beta-conversion to the rhs of an equation                                 *
431 *                                                                           *
432 *   A |- t1 = (\x.t2)t3                                                     *
433 *  --------------------                                                     *
434 *   A |- t1 = t2[t3/x]                                                      *
435 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
437fun RIGHT_BETA th =
438   TRANS th (BETA_CONV (rhs (concl th)))
439   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RIGHT_BETA" ""
442 *  "(\x1 ... xn.t)t1 ... tn" -->                                            *
443 *    |- (\x1 ... xn.t)t1 ... tn = t[t1/x1] ... [tn/xn]                      *
444 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
446fun LIST_BETA_CONV tm =
447   let
448      val (Rator, Rand) = dest_comb tm
449   in
450      RIGHT_BETA (AP_THM (LIST_BETA_CONV Rator) Rand)
451   end
452   handle HOL_ERR _ => REFL tm
454fun RIGHT_LIST_BETA th = TRANS th (LIST_BETA_CONV (rhs (concl th)))
457 * "A |- t1 /\ ... /\ tn"   --->   ["A|-t1", ..., "A|-tn"],  where n>0       *
458 *                                                                           *
459 * Flattens out all conjuncts, regardless of grouping                        *
460 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
462val CONJUNCTS =
463   let
464      fun aux acc th =
465         aux (aux acc (CONJUNCT2 th)) (CONJUNCT1 th)
466         handle HOL_ERR _ => th :: acc
467   in
468      aux []
469   end
472 * |- t1 = t2  if t1 and t2 are equivalent using idempotence, symmetry and   *
473 *                associativity of /\.                                       *
474 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
476fun CONJUNCTS_AC (t1, t2) =
477   let
478      fun conjuncts dict th =
479         conjuncts (conjuncts dict (CONJUNCT1 th)) (CONJUNCT2 th)
480         handle HOL_ERR _ => Redblackmap.insert (dict, concl th, th)
481      fun prove_conj dict t =
482         let
483            val (l, r) = dest_conj t
484         in
485            CONJ (prove_conj dict l) (prove_conj dict r)
486         end
487         handle HOL_ERR _ => Redblackmap.find (dict, t)
488      val empty = Redblackmap.mkDict compare
489      val t1_imp_t2 = prove_conj (conjuncts empty (ASSUME t1)) t2
490      val t2_imp_t1 = prove_conj (conjuncts empty (ASSUME t2)) t1
491   in
492      IMP_ANTISYM_RULE (DISCH t1 t1_imp_t2) (DISCH t2 t2_imp_t1)
493   end
494   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "CONJUNCTS_AC" ""
495        | Redblackmap.NotFound => raise ERR "CONJUNCTS_AC" ""
498 * |- t1 = t2  if t1 and t2 are equivalent using idempotence, symmetry and   *
499 *                associativity of \/.                                       *
500 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
504 The implementation is dual to that of CONJUNCTS_AC. We first show that t2
505 follows from each of its disjuncts. These intermediate theorems are stored in
506 a dictionary with logarithmic time access. Combining them, we then show that
507 since each disjunct of t1 implies t2, t1 implies t2.
509 Note that deriving t2 from each of its disjuncts is not completely
510 straightforward. An implementation that, for each disjunct, assumes the
511 disjunct and derives t2 by disjunction introduction would have quadratic
512 complexity. The given implementation achieves linearithmic complexity by
513 assuming t2, and then deriving "l |- t2" and "r |- t2" from "l \/ r |- t2".
515 We found the implementation of this inference step that is used in "disjuncts"
516 (below) to be roughly twice as fast as one that instantiates a proforma
517 theorem "(l \/ r ==> t2) ==> l ==> t2" (and a similar proforma theorem for r).
518 Still, it is relatively expensive. If the number of disjuncts is small, an
519 implementation with quadratic complexity (as outlined above) is faster. Of
520 course, these figures very much depend on the primitive inference rules
521 available and their performance relative to each other.
525fun DISJUNCTS_AC (t1, t2) =
526   let
527      fun disjuncts dict (t, th) =
528         let
529            val (l, r) = dest_disj t
530            val th = DISCH t th
531            val l_th = MP th (DISJ1 (ASSUME l) r)
532            val r_th = MP th (DISJ2 l (ASSUME r))
533         in
534            disjuncts (disjuncts dict (l, l_th)) (r, r_th)
535         end
536         handle HOL_ERR _ => Redblackmap.insert (dict, t, th)
537      fun prove_from_disj dict t =
538         let
539            val (l, r) = dest_disj t
540         in
541            DISJ_CASES (ASSUME t) (prove_from_disj dict l)
542                                  (prove_from_disj dict r)
543         end
544         handle HOL_ERR _ => Redblackmap.find (dict, t)
545      val empty = Redblackmap.mkDict compare
546      val t1_imp_t2 = prove_from_disj (disjuncts empty (t2, ASSUME t2)) t1
547      val t2_imp_t1 = prove_from_disj (disjuncts empty (t1, ASSUME t1)) t2
548   in
549      IMP_ANTISYM_RULE (DISCH t1 t1_imp_t2) (DISCH t2 t2_imp_t1)
550   end
551   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "DISJUNCTS_AC" ""
552        | Redblackmap.NotFound => raise ERR "DISJUNCTS_AC" ""
555 *           A,t |- t1 = t2                                                  *
556 *    -----------------------------                                          *
557 *      A |- (t /\ t1) = (t /\ t2)                                           *
558 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
560fun CONJ_DISCH t th =
561   let
562      val (lhs, rhs) = dest_eq (concl th)
563      and th1 = DISCH t th
564      val left_t  = mk_conj (t, lhs)
565      val right_t = mk_conj (t, rhs)
566      val th2 = ASSUME left_t
567      and th3 = ASSUME right_t
568      val th4 = DISCH left_t
569                      (CONJ (CONJUNCT1 th2)
570                            (EQ_MP (MP th1 (CONJUNCT1 th2))
571                                   (CONJUNCT2 th2)))
572      and th5 = DISCH right_t
573                      (CONJ (CONJUNCT1 th3)
574                            (EQ_MP (SYM (MP th1 (CONJUNCT1 th3)))
575                                   (CONJUNCT2 th3)))
576   in
577      IMP_ANTISYM_RULE th4 th5
578   end
581 *                    A,t1,...,tn |- t = u                                   *
582 *    --------------------------------------------------------               *
583 *      A |- (t1 /\ ... /\ tn /\ t) = (t1 /\ ... /\ tn /\ u)                 *
584 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
586val CONJ_DISCHL = itlist CONJ_DISCH
589 *       A,t1 |- t2                A,t |- F                                  *
590 *     --------------              --------                                  *
591 *     A |- t1 ==> t2               A |- ~t                                  *
592 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
594fun NEG_DISCH t th =
595   (if aconv (concl th) boolSyntax.F then NOT_INTRO (DISCH t th)
596    else DISCH t th)
597   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "NEG_DISCH" ""
600 *    A |- ~(t1 = t2)                                                        *
601 *   -----------------                                                       *
602 *    A |- ~(t2 = t1)                                                        *
603 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
605fun NOT_EQ_SYM th =
606   let
607      val t = (mk_eq o Lib.swap o dest_eq o dest_neg o concl) th
608   in
609      MP (SPEC t IMP_F) (DISCH t (MP th (SYM (ASSUME t))))
610   end
612(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
613 * EQF_INTRO: inference rule for introducing equality with "F".              *
614 *                                                                           *
615 *                  ~tm                                                      *
616 *             -----------    EQF_INTRO                                      *
617 *                tm = F                                                     *
618 *                                                                           *
619 * [TFM 90.05.08]                                                            *
620 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
623   val Fth = ASSUME F
625   fun EQF_INTRO th =
627                       (DISCH F (CONTR (dest_neg (concl th)) Fth))
628      handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "EQF_INTRO" ""
631(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
632 * EQF_ELIM: inference rule for eliminating equality with "F".               *
633 *                                                                           *
634 *              |- tm = F                                                    *
635 *             -----------    EQF_ELIM                                       *
636 *                |- ~ tm                                                    *
637 *                                                                           *
638 * [TFM 90.08.23]                                                            *
639 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
641fun EQF_ELIM th =
642   let
643      val (lhs, rhs) = dest_eq (concl th)
644      val _ = assert (aconv boolSyntax.F) rhs
645   in
646      NOT_INTRO (DISCH lhs (EQ_MP th (ASSUME lhs)))
647   end
648   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "EQF_ELIM" ""
650(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
651 * ISPEC: specialization, with type instantation if necessary.               *
652 *                                                                           *
653 *     A |- !x:ty.tm                                                         *
654 *  -----------------------   ISPEC "t:ty'"                                  *
655 *      A |- tm[t/x]                                                         *
656 *                                                                           *
657 * (where t is free for x in tm, and ty' is an instance of ty)               *
658 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
661   fun err s = raise ERR "ISPEC" (": " ^ s)
663   fun ISPEC t th =
664      let
665         val (Bvar, _) =
666            dest_forall (concl th)
667            handle HOL_ERR _ => err "input theorem not universally quantified"
668         val (_, inst) =
669            match_term Bvar t
670            handle HOL_ERR _ => err "can't type-instantiate input theorem"
671      in
672         SPEC t (INST_TYPE inst th)
673         handle HOL_ERR _ => err "type variable free in assumptions"
674      end
677(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
678 * ISPECL: iterated specialization, with type instantiation if necessary.    *
679 *                                                                           *
680 *        A |- !x1...xn.tm                                                   *
681 *  ---------------------------------   ISPECL ["t1",...,"tn"]               *
682 *      A |- tm[t1/x1,...,tn/xn]                                             *
683 *                                                                           *
684 * (where ti is free for xi in tm)                                           *
685 *                                                                           *
686 * Note: the following is simpler but it DOESN'T WORK.                       *
687 *                                                                           *
688 *  fun ISPECL tms th = rev_itlist ISPEC tms th                              *
689 *                                                                           *
690 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
693   fun strip [] _ = []     (* Returns a list of (pat,ob) pairs. *)
694     | strip (tm :: tml) M =
695         let
696            val (Bvar, Body) = dest_forall M
697         in
698            (type_of Bvar, type_of tm)::strip tml Body
699         end
700   fun merge [] theta = theta
701     | merge ((x as {redex, residue})::rst) theta =
702       case subst_assoc (equal redex) theta of
703          NONE      => x :: merge rst theta
704        | SOME rdue => if residue = rdue then merge rst theta
705                       else raise ERR "ISPECL" ""
706   fun err s = raise ERR "ISPECL" s
708   fun ISPECL [] = I
709     | ISPECL [tm] = ISPEC tm
710     | ISPECL tms =
711        fn th =>
712           let
713              val pairs =
714                 strip tms (concl th)
715                 handle HOL_ERR _ => err "list of terms too long for theorem"
716              val inst =
717                 rev_itlist
718                    (fn (pat, ob) => fn ty_theta =>
719                        let
720                           val theta = Type.match_type pat ob
721                        in
722                           merge theta ty_theta
723                        end) pairs []
724                 handle HOL_ERR _ => err "can't type-instantiate input theorem"
725           in
726              SPECL tms (INST_TYPE inst th)
727              handle HOL_ERR _ => err "type variable free in assumptions"
728           end
732 * Generalise a theorem over all variables free in conclusion but not in hyps*
733 *                                                                           *
734 *         A |- t[x1,...,xn]                                                 *
735 *    ----------------------------                                           *
736 *     A |- !x1...xn.t[x1,...,xn]                                            *
737 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
739fun GEN_ALL th =
740   HOLset.foldl (Lib.uncurry GEN) th
741      (HOLset.difference (FVL [concl th] empty_tmset, hyp_frees th))
744 *  Discharge all hypotheses                                                 *
745 *                                                                           *
746 *       t1, ... , tn |- t                                                   *
747 *  ------------------------------                                           *
748 *    |- t1 ==> ... ==> tn ==> t                                             *
749 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
751fun DISCH_ALL th = HOLset.foldl (Lib.uncurry DISCH) th (hypset th)
754 *    A |- t1 ==> ... ==> tn ==> t                                           *
755 *  -------------------------------                                          *
756 *        A, t1, ..., tn |- t                                                *
757 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
759fun UNDISCH_ALL th = if is_imp (concl th) then UNDISCH_ALL (UNDISCH th) else th
761(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
762 * SPEC_ALL : thm -> thm                                                     *
763 *                                                                           *
764 *     A |- !x1 ... xn. t[xi]                                                *
765 *    ------------------------   where the xi' are distinct                  *
766 *        A |- t[xi'/xi]         and not free in the input theorem           *
767 *                                                                           *
768 * BUGFIX: added the "distinct" part and code to make the xi's not free      *
769 * in the conclusion !x1...xn.t[xi].                        [TFM 90.10.04]   *
770 *                                                                           *
771 * OLD CODE:                                                                 *
772 *                                                                           *
773 * let SPEC_ALL th =                                                         *
774 *     let vars,() = strip_forall(concl th) in                               *
775 *     SPECL (map (variant (freesl (hyp th))) vars) th;;                     *
776 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
779   fun varyAcc v (V, l) = let val v' = prim_variant V v in (v'::V, v'::l) end
781   fun SPEC_ALL th =
782      if is_forall (concl th) then
783         let
784            val (hvs, con) = (HOLset.listItems ## I) (hyp_frees th, concl th)
785            val fvs = free_vars con
786            val vars = fst (strip_forall con)
787         in
788            SPECL (snd (itlist varyAcc vars (hvs @ fvs, []))) th
789         end
790      else th
794 * !x. A ==> !y. B ==> !z. C ==> !w. D                                       *
795 * -----------------------------------                                       *
796 *     C ==> B ==> A ==> D' (for example)                                    *
797 *                                                                           *
798 * reorders antecedents, modifies the conclusion D                           *
799 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
801fun REORDER_ANTS_MOD f g th =
802  let val (ants, uth) = strip_gen_left (UNDISCH_TM o SPEC_ALL) th ;
803  in Lib.itlist DISCH (f ants) (g (SPEC_ALL uth)) end ;
805fun REORDER_ANTS f th = REORDER_ANTS_MOD f (fn c => c) th ;
806fun MODIFY_CONS g th = REORDER_ANTS_MOD (fn hs => hs) g th ;
809 * Use the conclusion of the first theorem to delete a hypothesis of         *
810 * the second theorem.                                                       *
811 *                                                                           *
812 *    A |- t1   B, t1 |- t2                                                  *
813 *    -----------------------                                                *
814 *         A u B |- t2                                                       *
815 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
817fun PROVE_HYP ath bth = MP (DISCH (concl ath) bth) ath
820 * A |- t1 /\ t2  ---> A |- t1, A |- t2                                      *
821 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
823fun CONJ_PAIR th = (CONJUNCT1 th, CONJUNCT2 th)
824                   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "CONJ_PAIR" ""
827 * ["A1|-t1", ..., "An|-tn"]  ---> "A1u...uAn|-t1 /\ ... /\ tn", where n>0   *
828 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
830val LIST_CONJ = end_itlist CONJ
833 * "A |- t1 /\ (...(... /\ tn)...)"                                          *
834 *   --->                                                                    *
835 *   [ "A|-t1", ..., "A|-tn"],  where n>0                                    *
836 *                                                                           *
837 * Inverse of LIST_CONJ : flattens only right conjuncts.                     *
838 * You must specify n, since tn could itself be a conjunction                *
839 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
841fun CONJ_LIST 1 th = [th]
842  | CONJ_LIST n th = CONJUNCT1 th :: CONJ_LIST (n - 1) (CONJUNCT2 th)
843                     handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "CONJ_LIST" ""
846 * "|- !x. (t1 /\ ...) /\ ... (!y. ... /\ tn)"                               *
847 *   --->  [ "|-t1", ..., "|-tn"],  where n>0                                *
848 *                                                                           *
849 * Flattens out conjuncts even in bodies of forall's                         *
850 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
852fun BODY_CONJUNCTS th =
853   if is_forall (concl th)
854      then BODY_CONJUNCTS (SPEC_ALL th)
855   else if is_conj (concl th)
857   else [th]
860 * Put a theorem                                                             *
861 *                                                                           *
862 *       |- !x. t1 ==> !y. t2 ==> ... ==> tm ==>  t                          *
863 *                                                                           *
864 * into canonical form by stripping out quantifiers and splitting            *
865 * conjunctions apart.                                                       *
866 *                                                                           *
867 *      t1 /\ t2          --->      t1,   t2                                 *
868 *      (t1/\t2)==>t      --->      t1==> (t2==>t)                           *
869 *      (t1\/t2)==>t      --->      t1==>t, t2==>t                           *
870 *      (?x.t1)==>t2      --->      t1[x'/x] ==> t2                          *
871 *      !x.t1             --->      t1[x'/x]                                 *
872 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
874fun IMP_CANON th =
875   let
876      val w = concl th
877   in
878      if is_forall w
879         then IMP_CANON (SPEC_ALL th)
880      else if is_conj w
881         then IMP_CANON (CONJUNCT1 th) @ IMP_CANON (CONJUNCT2 th)
882      else if is_imp w
883         then let
884                 val (ant, _) = dest_imp w
885              in
886                 if is_conj ant
887                    then let
888                            val (conj1, conj2) = dest_conj ant
889                         in
890                            IMP_CANON
891                              (DISCH conj1
892                                 (DISCH conj2
893                                    (MP th (CONJ (ASSUME conj1)
894                                                 (ASSUME conj2)))))
895                         end
896                 else if is_disj ant
897                    then let
898                            val (disj1, disj2) = dest_disj ant
899                         in
900                            IMP_CANON
901                              (DISCH disj1
902                                 (MP th (DISJ1 (ASSUME disj1) disj2))) @
903                            IMP_CANON
904                              (DISCH disj2 (MP th (DISJ2 disj1 (ASSUME disj2))))
905                         end
906                 else if is_exists ant
907                    then let
908                            val (Bvar, Body) = dest_exists ant
909                            val bv' = variant (thm_frees th) Bvar
910                            val body' = subst [Bvar |-> bv'] Body
911                         in
912                            IMP_CANON
913                              (DISCH body'
914                                 (MP th (EXISTS (ant, bv') (ASSUME body'))))
915                         end
916                 else map (DISCH ant) (IMP_CANON (UNDISCH th))
917              end
918      else [th]
919   end
922 | MP_CANON puts a theorem
923 |
924 |       |- !x. t1 ==> !y. t2 ==> ... ==> tm ==>  t
925 |
926 | into canonical form for applying MATCH_MP_TAC by moving quantifiers to
927 | the outmost level and combining implications
928 |
929 |      t1 ==> !x. t2     --->  !x. t1 ==> t2
930 |      t1 ==> t2 ==> t3  --->  t1 /\ t2 ==> t3
931 |
932 | It might be useful to replace equivalences with implications while
933 | normalising. MP_GENEQ_CANON gets a list of boolean values as an extra
934 | argument to configure such replacements. The occuring equations are split
935 | according to the elements of this list. true focuses on the left hand side,
936 | i.e. the right-hand side is put into the antecedent. false focuses on the
937 | right hand side. If the list is empty, the equation is not splitted.
938 |
939 | MP_GENEQ_CANON [true]  |- !x. A x ==> (!y. (B1 x y):bool = B2 y) --->
940 |                           !x y. A x /\ B2 y ===> B1 x y
941 | MP_GENEQ_CANON [false] |- !x. A x ==> (!y. (B1 x y):bool = B2 y) --->
942 |                           !x y. A x /\ B1 x y ===> B2 y
943 |
944 | For convinience the most common cases of this parameter are introduced
945 | own functions
946 |
947 | val MP_CANON     = MP_GENEQ_CANON []
948 | val MP_LEQ_CANON = MP_GENEQ_CANON [true]
949 | val MP_REQ_CANON = MP_GENEQ_CANON [false]
950 |---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
954      let
955         val w = concl th
956      in
957         if is_imp_only w
958            then let
959                    val (ant, conc) = dest_imp w
960                 in
961                    if is_forall conc
962                       then let
963                               val (Bvar, Body) = dest_forall conc
964                               val bv' = variant (thm_frees th) Bvar
965                               val th1 = MP th (ASSUME ant)
966                               val th2 = SPEC bv' th1
967                               val th3 = DISCH ant th2
968                               val th4 = RIGHT_IMP_IMP_FORALL_RULE th3
969                               val th5 = GEN bv' th4
970                            in
971                               th5
972                            end
973                    else if is_imp_only conc
974                       then let
975                               val (ant2, conc2) = dest_imp conc
976                               val conc_t = mk_conj (ant, ant2)
977                               val conc_thm = ASSUME conc_t
978                               val th1 = MP th  (CONJUNCT1 conc_thm)
979                               val th2 = MP th1 (CONJUNCT2 conc_thm)
980                               val th3 = DISCH conc_t th2
981                            in
982                               RIGHT_IMP_IMP_FORALL_RULE th3
983                            end
984                    else th
985                 end
986         else th
987      end
989   fun MP_GENEQ_CANON eqL th =
990      let
991         val w = concl th
992      in
993         if is_forall w
994            then let
995                    val (Bvar, Body) = dest_forall w
996                    val bv' = variant (thm_frees th) Bvar
997                    val th1 = MP_GENEQ_CANON eqL (SPEC bv' th)
998                    val th2 = GEN bv' th1
999                 in
1000                    th2
1001                 end
1002         else if is_imp_only w
1003            then let
1004                    val (ant, conc) = dest_imp w
1005                    val th1 = MP th (ASSUME ant)
1006                    val th2 = MP_GENEQ_CANON eqL th1
1007                    val th3 = DISCH ant th2
1008                    val th4 = RIGHT_IMP_IMP_FORALL_RULE th3
1009                 in
1010                    th4
1011                 end
1012         else if not (null eqL) andalso is_eq w
1013            then MP_GENEQ_CANON (tl eqL)
1014                    ((if hd eqL then snd else fst) (EQ_IMP_RULE th))
1015                 handle HOL_ERR _ => th
1016         else th
1017      end
1020val MP_CANON     = MP_GENEQ_CANON []
1021val MP_LEQ_CANON = MP_GENEQ_CANON [true]
1022val MP_REQ_CANON = MP_GENEQ_CANON [false]
1025 *  A1 |- t1   ...   An |- tn      A |- t1==>...==>tn==>t                    *
1026 *   -----------------------------------------------------                   *
1027 *            A u A1 u ... u An |- t                                         *
1028 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1030val LIST_MP = rev_itlist (fn x => fn y => MP y x)
1033 *      A |-t1 ==> t2                                                        *
1034 *    -----------------                                                      *
1035 *    A |-  ~t2 ==> ~t1                                                      *
1036 *                                                                           *
1037 * Rewritten by MJCG to return "~t2 ==> ~t1" rather than "~t2 ==> t1 ==>F".  *
1038 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1041   val imp_th = GEN_ALL (el 5 (CONJUNCTS (SPEC_ALL IMP_CLAUSES)))
1043   fun CONTRAPOS impth =
1044      let
1045         val (ant, conseq) = dest_imp (concl impth)
1046         val notb = mk_neg conseq
1047      in
1048         DISCH notb
1049           (EQ_MP (SPEC ant imp_th)
1050                  (DISCH ant (MP (ASSUME notb) (MP impth (ASSUME ant)))))
1051      end
1052      handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "CONTRAPOS" ""
1056 *      A |- t1 \/ t2                                                        *
1057 *   --------------------                                                    *
1058 *     A |-  ~ t1 ==> t2                                                     *
1059 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1061fun DISJ_IMP dth =
1062   let
1063      val (disj1, disj2) = dest_disj (concl dth)
1064      val nota = mk_neg disj1
1065   in
1066      DISCH nota
1067        (DISJ_CASES dth (CONTR disj2 (MP (ASSUME nota) (ASSUME disj1)))
1068                        (ASSUME disj2))
1069   end
1070   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "DISJ_IMP" ""
1073 *  A |- t1 ==> t2                                                           *
1074 *  ---------------                                                          *
1075 *   A |- ~t1 \/ t2                                                          *
1076 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1078fun IMP_ELIM th =
1079   let
1080      val (ant, conseq) = dest_imp (concl th)
1081      val not_t1 = mk_neg ant
1082   in
1084                 (DISJ2 not_t1 (MP th (ASSUME ant)))
1085                 (DISJ1 (ASSUME not_t1) conseq)
1086   end
1087   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "IMP_ELIM" ""
1090 *  A |- t1 \/ t2     A1, t1 |- t3      A2, t2 |- t4                         *
1091 *   ------------------------------------------------                        *
1092 *                A u A1 u A2 |- t3 \/ t4                                    *
1093 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1095fun DISJ_CASES_UNION dth ath bth =
1096   DISJ_CASES dth (DISJ1 ath (concl bth)) (DISJ2 (concl ath) bth)
1099 *                                                                           *
1100 *       |- A1 \/ ... \/ An     [H1,A1 |- M,  ...,  Hn,An |- M]              *
1101 *     ---------------------------------------------------------             *
1102 *                   H1 u ... u Hn |- M                                      *
1103 *                                                                           *
1104 * The order of the theorems in the list doesn't matter: an operation akin   *
1105 * to sorting lines them up with the disjuncts in the theorem.               *
1106 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1109   fun ishyp tm th = HOLset.member (hypset th, tm)
1110   fun organize (tm :: rst) (alist as (_ :: _)) =
1111         let
1112            val (th, next) = Lib.pluck (ishyp tm) alist
1113         in
1114            th :: organize rst next
1115         end
1116     | organize [] [] = []
1117     | organize other wise =
1118         raise ERR "DISJ_CASESL.organize" "length difference"
1120   fun DISJ_CASESL disjth thl =
1121    let
1122       val cases = strip_disj (concl disjth)
1123       val thl' = organize cases thl
1124       fun DL th [] = raise ERR "DISJ_CASESL" "no cases"
1125         | DL th [th1] = PROVE_HYP th th1
1126         | DL th [th1, th2] = DISJ_CASES th th1 th2
1127         | DL th (th1 :: rst) =
1128             DISJ_CASES th th1 (DL (ASSUME (snd (dest_disj (concl th)))) rst)
1129    in
1130       DL disjth thl'
1131    end
1132    handle e => raise wrap_exn "Drule" "DISJ_CASESL" e
1136 * Rename the bound variable of a lambda-abstraction                         *
1137 *                                                                           *
1138 *       "x"   "(\y.t)"   --->   |- "\y.t = \x. t[x/y]"                      *
1139 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1142   fun err s = raise ERR "ALPHA_CONV" s
1144   fun ALPHA_CONV x t =
1145      let
1146         (* avoid calling dest_abs *)
1147         val (dty, _) = dom_rng (type_of t)
1148                        handle HOL_ERR _ => err "Second term not an abstraction"
1149         val (xstr, xty) = with_exn dest_var x
1150                             (ERR "ALPHA_CONV" "First term not a variable")
1151         val _ = Type.compare (dty, xty) = EQUAL
1152                 orelse err "Type of variable not compatible with abstraction"
1153         val t' = rename_bvar xstr t
1154      in
1155         ALPHA t t'
1156      end
1160   Version of  ALPHA_CONV that renames "x" when necessary, but then it doesn't
1161   meet the specification. Is that really a problem? Notice that this version
1162   of ALPHA_CONV is more efficient.
1164  fun ALPHA_CONV x t =
1165    if Term.free_in x t
1166    then ALPHA_CONV (variant (free_vars t) x) t
1167    else ALPHA t (mk_abs{Bvar = x,
1168                         Body = Term.beta_conv(mk_comb{Rator = t,Rand = x})})
1169 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1172 * Rename bound variables                                                    *
1173 *                                                                           *
1174 *       "x"   "(\y.t)"   --->    |- "\y.t  = \x. t[x/y]"                    *
1175 *       "x"   "(!y.t)"   --->    |- "!y.t  = !x. t[x/y]"                    *
1176 *       "x"   "(?y.t)"   --->    |- "?y.t  = ?x. t[x/y]"                    *
1177 *       "x"   "(?!y.t)"  --->    |- "?!y.t = ?!x. t[x/y]"                   *
1178 *       "x"   "(@y.t)"   --->    |- "@y.t  = @x. t[x/y]"                    *
1179 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1181fun GEN_ALPHA_CONV x t =
1182   if is_abs t
1183      then ALPHA_CONV x t
1184   else let
1185           val (Rator, Rand) = dest_comb t
1186        in
1187           AP_TERM Rator (ALPHA_CONV x Rand)
1188        end
1189        handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "GEN_ALPHA_CONV" ""
1191(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
1192 *  A1 |- P ==> Q    A2 |- R ==> S                                           *
1193 * --------------------------------- IMP_CONJ                                *
1194 *   A1 u A2 |- P /\ R ==> Q /\ S                                            *
1195 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1197fun IMP_CONJ th1 th2 =
1198   let
1199      val (A1, _) = dest_imp (concl th1)
1200      and (A2, _) = dest_imp (concl th2)
1201      val conj = mk_conj (A1, A2)
1202      val (a1, a2) = CONJ_PAIR (ASSUME conj)
1203   in
1204      DISCH conj (CONJ (MP th1 a1) (MP th2 a2))
1205   end
1207(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
1208 * EXISTS_IMP : existentially quantify the antecedent and conclusion         *
1209 * of an implication.                                                        *
1210 *                                                                           *
1211 *        A |- P ==> Q                                                       *
1212 * -------------------------- EXISTS_IMP `x`                                 *
1213 *   A |- (?x.P) ==> (?x.Q)                                                  *
1214 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1216fun EXISTS_IMP x th =
1217  if not (is_var x)
1218     then raise ERR "EXISTS_IMP" "first argument not a variable"
1219  else let
1220          val (ant, conseq) = dest_imp (concl th)
1221          val th1 = EXISTS (mk_exists (x, conseq), x) (UNDISCH th)
1222          val asm = mk_exists (x, ant)
1223       in
1224          DISCH asm (CHOOSE (x, ASSUME asm) th1)
1225       end
1226       handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "EXISTS_IMP" "variable free in assumptions"
1229 * Instantiate terms and types of a theorem. This is pretty slow, because    *
1230 * it makes two full traversals of the theorem.                              *
1231 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1233fun INST_TY_TERM (Stm, Sty) th = INST Stm (INST_TYPE Sty th)
1236 * Instantiate terms and types of a theorem, also returning a list of        *
1237 * substituted hypotheses in the same order as in hyp th                     *
1238 * (required for predictability of order of new subgoals from (prim_)irule)  *
1239 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1241fun INST_TT_HYPS subs th =
1242  let val nhyps = HOLset.numItems (hypset th) ;
1243    val thd = DISCH_ALL th ;
1244    val thdsub = INST_TY_TERM subs thd ;
1245    (* UNDISCH_TM nhyps times only *)
1246    fun UNDISCH_TM_L (th, tms) =
1247      let val (tm, th') = UNDISCH_TM th ;
1248      in (th', tm :: tms) end ;
1249  in Lib.funpow nhyps UNDISCH_TM_L (thdsub, []) end ;
1252 *   |- !x y z. w   --->  |- w[g1/x][g2/y][g3/z]                             *
1253 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1255fun GSPEC th =
1256   let
1257      val (_, w) = dest_thm th
1258   in
1259      if is_forall w
1260         then GSPEC (SPEC (genvar (type_of (fst (dest_forall w)))) th)
1261      else th
1262   end
1265 * Match a given part of "th" to a term, instantiating "th". The part        *
1266 * should be free in the theorem, except for outer bound variables.          *
1267 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1269fun PART_MATCH partfn th =
1270   let
1271      val th = SPEC_ALL th
1272      val conclfvs = Term.FVL [concl th] empty_tmset
1273      val hypfvs = Thm.hyp_frees th
1274      val hyptyvars = HOLset.listItems (Thm.hyp_tyvars th)
1275      val pat = partfn (concl th)
1276      val matchfn =
1277         match_terml hyptyvars (HOLset.intersection (conclfvs, hypfvs)) pat
1278   in
1279      fn tm => INST_TY_TERM (matchfn tm) th
1280   end
1283 * version of PART_MATCH which allows substituting in assumptions            *
1284 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1285fun PART_MATCH_A partfn th =
1286   let
1287      val pat = partfn (concl (SPEC_ALL th))
1288   in
1289      fn tm => INST_TY_TERM (match_term pat tm) th
1290   end
1292(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1293    version of PART_MATCH that only specialises universally quantified
1294    variables that are necessary to make the match go through.
1295    Others are left as quantifiers
1296   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1298fun avSPEC_ALL avds th =
1299  let
1300    fun recurse avds acc th =
1301      case Lib.total dest_forall (concl th) of
1302          SOME (v,bod) =>
1303          let
1304            val v' = variant avds v
1305          in
1306            recurse (v'::avds) (v'::acc) (SPEC v' th)
1307          end
1308        | NONE => (List.rev acc, th)
1309  in
1310    recurse avds [] th
1311  end
1313fun PART_MATCH' f th t =
1314  let
1315    val (vs, _) = strip_forall (concl th)
1316    val hypfvs_set = hyp_frees th
1317    val hypfvs = HOLset.listItems hypfvs_set
1318    val hyptyvs = HOLset.listItems (hyp_tyvars th)
1319    val tfvs = free_vars t
1320    val dontspec = op_union aconv tfvs hypfvs
1321    val (vs, speccedth) = avSPEC_ALL dontspec th
1322    val s as (tmsig,tysig) =
1323        match_terml hyptyvs hypfvs_set (f (concl speccedth)) t
1324    val dontgen = op_union aconv (map #redex tmsig) dontspec
1325  in
1326    GENL (op_set_diff aconv (map (Term.inst tysig) vs) dontgen)
1327         (INST_TY_TERM s speccedth)
1328  end
1330(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
1332    existentially quantifying variables which appear only in the hypotheses
1334                        [x = y, y = z] |- x = z
1335        (eg)   -------------------------------- EXISTS_LEFT1 ``y``
1336               [���y. (x = y) ��� (y = z)] |- x = z                         (UOK)
1338 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1340(* EXISTS_LEFT' : bool ->
1341   term list -> {fvs: term list, hyp: term} list -> term list -> thm -> thm
1342   used below, saves hyps, their free vars, and free vars of conclusion,
1343   across recursive calls
1344   arg1 - whether to ignore errors, ie, free vars which are either in the
1345     conclusion or not in any hypothesis
1346   arg2 - list of free vars in the conclusion
1347   arg3 - list of assumptions of the theorem, each with the list of free vars
1348     which it contains
1349   arg4 - list of free vars to become existentially quantified
1352fun EXISTS_LEFT' strict fvs_c hfvs [] th = th
1353  | EXISTS_LEFT' strict fvs_c hfvs (fv :: fvs) th =
1354    let
1355      val _ = if is_var fv then ()
1356        else raise mk_HOL_ERR "Drule" "EXISTS_LEFT'" "not free variable" ;
1357      (* following raises Bind if fv in conclusion *)
1358      val _ = List.all (not o aconv fv) fvs_c orelse raise Bind
1359      fun hyp_ctns_fv {hyp, fvs} = List.exists (aconv fv) fvs ;
1360      val (hyps_ctg_fv, hyps_nc) = List.partition hyp_ctns_fv hfvs ;
1361      (* following raises Bind if fv not in any hypothesis *)
1362      val _ = not (null hyps_ctg_fv) orelse raise Bind
1363      (* select and conjoin the hyps containing fv *)
1364      val conj_tm = list_mk_conj (map #hyp hyps_ctg_fv) ;
1365      (* using CONJ_LIST gives original hyps, even if they are conjunctions *)
1366      val sep_ths = CONJ_LIST (length hyps_ctg_fv) (ASSUME conj_tm) ;
1367      (* replace the previous hyps with the single new one, which is
1368        conjunction of the previous ones *)
1369      val th2 = Lib.itlist PROVE_HYP sep_ths th ;
1370      val ex_conj_tm = mk_exists (fv, conj_tm) ;
1371      val the = CHOOSE (fv, ASSUME ex_conj_tm) th2 ;
1372      val thex = EXISTS_LEFT' strict fvs_c
1373        ({hyp = ex_conj_tm, fvs = free_vars ex_conj_tm} :: hyps_nc) fvs the ;
1374    in thex end
1375    handle Bind =>
1376           if strict then
1377             raise mk_HOL_ERR "Drule" "EXISTS_LEFT'"
1378                   "free variable in conclusion or not in any hypothesis"
1379           else EXISTS_LEFT' strict fvs_c hfvs fvs th ;
1381(* EXISTS_LEFT : term list -> thm -> thm
1382  for each free var in turn, do the following:
1383  replace hyps containing the free var by their conjunction,
1384  existentially quantified over the free var;
1385  ignore free vars for which this can't be done *)
1386fun EXISTS_LEFT [] th = th
1387  | EXISTS_LEFT fvs th =
1388    let val hfvs = map (fn h => {hyp = h, fvs = free_vars h}) (Thm.hyp th) ;
1389      val fvs_c = free_vars (concl th) ;
1390    in EXISTS_LEFT' false fvs_c hfvs fvs th end ;
1392(* EXISTS_LEFT1 : term -> thm -> thm
1393  for the free var argument, replace hyps containing the free var
1394  by their conjunction, existentially quantified over the free var;
1395  error if this can't be done for a free var *)
1396fun EXISTS_LEFT1 fv th =
1397    let val hfvs = map (fn h => {hyp = h, fvs = free_vars h}) (Thm.hyp th) ;
1398      val fvs_c = free_vars (concl th) ;
1399    in EXISTS_LEFT' true fvs_c hfvs [fv] th end ;
1401(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
1402 * SPEC_UNDISCH_EXL: strips !x, ant ==>, (splitting conjuncts of ant)        *
1403 * then EXISTS_LEFT for stripped vars                                        *
1404 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1406fun SPEC_UNDISCH_EXL thm =
1407  let val (fvs, th1) = strip_gen_left (SPEC_VAR o repeat UNDISCH_SPLIT) thm ;
1408    val th2 = repeat UNDISCH_SPLIT th1 ;
1409    val th3 = EXISTS_LEFT (rev fvs) th2 ;
1410  in th3 end ;
1412(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
1413 * MATCH_MP: Matching Modus Ponens for implications.                         *
1414 *                                                                           *
1415 *    |- !x1 ... xn. P ==> Q     |- P'                                       *
1416 * ---------------------------------------                                   *
1417 *                |- Q'                                                      *
1418 *                                                                           *
1419 * Matches all types in conclusion except those mentioned in hypotheses.     *
1420 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1423   fun variants (_, []) = []
1424     | variants (av, h::rst) =
1425         let val vh = variant av h in vh :: variants (vh :: av, rst) end
1426   fun rassoc_total x theta = Option.getOpt (subst_assoc (aconv x) theta, x)
1427   fun req {redex, residue} = aconv redex residue
1429   fun MATCH_MP ith =
1430      let
1431         val bod = fst (dest_imp (snd (strip_forall (concl ith))))
1432         val hyptyvars = HOLset.listItems (hyp_tyvars ith)
1433         val lconsts = HOLset.intersection
1434                          (FVL [concl ith] empty_tmset, hyp_frees ith)
1435      in
1436         fn th =>
1437            let
1438               val mfn = C (Term.match_terml hyptyvars lconsts) (concl th)
1439               val tth = INST_TYPE (snd (mfn bod)) ith
1440               val tbod = fst (dest_imp (snd (strip_forall (concl tth))))
1441               val tmin = fst (mfn tbod)
1442               val hy1 = HOLset.listItems (hyp_frees tth)
1443               and hy2 = HOLset.listItems (hyp_frees th)
1444               val (avs, (ant, conseq)) =
1445                  (I ## dest_imp) (strip_forall (concl tth))
1446               val (rvs, fvs) = partition (C free_in ant) (free_vars conseq)
1447               val afvs = op_set_diff aconv fvs (op_set_diff aconv hy1 avs)
1448               val cvs = free_varsl (map (C rassoc_total tmin) rvs)
1449               val vfvs =
1450                  map (op |->) (zip afvs (variants (cvs @ hy1 @ hy2, afvs)))
1451               val atmin = (filter (op not o op req) vfvs) @ tmin
1452               val (spl, ill) = partition (C (op_mem aconv) avs o #redex) atmin
1453               val fspl = map (C rassoc_total spl) avs
1454               val mth = MP (SPECL fspl (INST ill tth)) th
1455               fun loop [] = []
1456                 | loop (tm :: rst) =
1457                      case subst_assoc (aconv tm) vfvs of
1458                         NONE => loop rst
1459                       | SOME x => x :: loop rst
1460            in
1461               GENL (loop avs) mth
1462            end
1463      end
1467 * Now higher-order versions of PART_MATCH and MATCH_MP                      *
1468 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1470(* IMPORTANT: See the bottom of this file for a longish discussion of some
1471              of the ways this implementation attempts to keep bound variable
1472              names sensible.
1476 * Attempt alpha conversion.                                                 *
1477 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1479fun tryalpha v tm =
1480   let
1481      val (Bvar, Body) = dest_abs tm
1482   in
1483      if aconv v Bvar then tm
1484      else if var_occurs v Body then
1485        tryalpha (variant (free_vars tm) v) tm
1486      else mk_abs (v, subst [Bvar |-> v] Body)
1487   end
1490 * Match up bound variables names.                                           *
1491 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1493(* first argument is actual term, second is from theorem being matched *)
1495fun match_bvs t1 t2 acc =
1496   case (dest_term t1, dest_term t2) of
1497      (LAMB (v1, b1), LAMB (v2, b2)) =>
1498         let
1499            val n1 = fst (dest_var v1)
1500            val n2 = fst (dest_var v2)
1501            val newacc = if n1 = n2 then acc else insert (n1, n2) acc
1502         in
1503            match_bvs b1 b2 newacc
1504         end
1505    | (COMB (l1, r1), COMB (l2, r2)) => match_bvs l1 l2 (match_bvs r1 r2 acc)
1506    | otherwise => acc
1508(* bindings come from match_bvs, telling us which bound variables are going
1509   to get renamed, and thmc is the conclusion of the pattern theorem.
1510   acc is a set of free variables that need to get instantiated away *)
1512fun look_for_avoids bindings thmc acc =
1513   let
1514      val lfa = look_for_avoids bindings
1515   in
1516      case dest_term thmc of
1517         LAMB (v, b) =>
1518            let
1519               val (thm_n, _) = dest_var v
1520            in
1521               case Lib.total (rev_assoc thm_n) bindings of
1522                  SOME n =>
1523                     let
1524                        val fvs = FVL [b] empty_tmset
1525                        fun f (v, acc) =
1526                           if #1 (dest_var v) = n
1527                              then HOLset.add (acc, v)
1528                           else acc
1529                     in
1530                        lfa b (HOLset.foldl f acc fvs)
1531                     end
1532                | NONE => lfa b acc
1533            end
1534       | COMB (l, r) => lfa l (lfa r acc)
1535       | _ => acc
1536   end
1539 * Modify bound variable names at depth. (Not very efficient...)             *
1540 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
1542fun deep_alpha [] tm = tm
1543  | deep_alpha env tm =
1544     case dest_term tm of
1545        LAMB (Bvar, Body) =>
1546          (let
1547              val (Name, Ty) = dest_var Bvar
1548              val ((vn', _), newenv) = Lib.pluck (fn (_, x) => x = Name) env
1549              val tm' = tryalpha (mk_var (vn', Ty)) tm
1550              val (iv, ib) = dest_abs tm'
1551           in
1552              mk_abs (iv, deep_alpha newenv ib)
1553           end
1554           handle HOL_ERR _ => mk_abs (Bvar, deep_alpha env Body))
1555      | COMB (Rator, Rand) =>
1556           mk_comb (deep_alpha env Rator, deep_alpha env Rand)
1557      | otherwise => tm
1559(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1560   BETA_VAR
1562   Set up beta-conversion for head instances of free variable v in tm.
1566     BETA_VAR (--`x:num`--) (--`(P:num->num->bool) x x`--);
1567     BETA_VAR (--`x:num`--) (--`x + 1`--);
1569   Note (kxs): I am defining this before Conv, so some conversion(al)s are
1570   p(re)-defined here. Ugh.
1572   =========================================================================
1575   Match (higher-order) part of a theorem to a term.
1577   PART_MATCH (snd o strip_forall) BOOL_CASES_AX (--`(P = T) \/ (P = F)`--);
1578   val f = PART_MATCH lhs;
1579   profile2 f NOT_FORALL_THM (--`~!x. (P:num->num->bool) x y`--);
1580   profile2 f NOT_EXISTS_THM (--`?x. ~(P:num->num->bool) x y`--);
1581   profile2 f LEFT_AND_EXISTS_THM
1582               (--`(?x. (P:num->num->bool) x x) /\ Q (y:num)`--);
1583   profile LEFT_AND_EXISTS_CONV
1584             (--`(?x. (P:num->num->bool) x x) /\ Q (x:num)`--);
1585   profile2 f NOT_FORALL_THM (--`~!x. (P:num->num->bool) y x`--);
1586   profile NOT_FORALL_CONV (--`~!x. (P:num->num->bool) y x`--);
1587   val f = PART_MATCH (lhs o snd o strip_imp);
1588   val CRW_THM = mk_thm([],(--`P x ==> Q x (y:num) ==> (x + 0 = x)`--));
1589   f CRW_THM (--`y + 0`--);
1591   val beta_thm = prove(--`(\x:'a. P x) b = (P b:'b)`--)--,
1592                        BETA_TAC THEN REFL_TAC);
1593   val f = profile PART_MATCH lhs beta_thm;
1594   profile f (--`(\x. I x) 1`--);
1595   profile f (--`(\x. x) 1`--);
1596   profile f (--`(\x. P x x:num) 1`--);
1598   The current version attempts to keep variable names constant.  This
1599   is courtesy of JRH.
1601   Non renaming version (also courtesy of JRH!!)
1603   fun PART_MATCH partfn th =
1604     let val sth = SPEC_ALL th
1605         val bod = concl sth
1606         val possbetas = mapfilter (fn v => (v,BETA_VAR v bod)) (free_vars bod)
1607         fun finish_fn tyin bvs =
1608           let val npossbetas = map (inst tyin ## I) possbetas
1609           in CONV_RULE (EVERY_CONV (mapfilter (C assoc npossbetas) bvs))
1610           end
1611         val pbod = partfn bod
1612     in fn tm =>
1613       let val (tmin,tyin) = match_term pbod tm
1614           val th0 = INST tmin (INST_TYPE tyin sth)
1615       in finish_fn tyin (map #redex tmin) th0
1616       end
1617     end;
1619   EXAMPLES:
1621   val CET = mk_thm([],(--`(!c. P ($COND c x y) c) = (P x T /\ P y F)`--));
1623   PART_MATCH lhs FORALL_SIMP (--`!x. y + 1 = 2`--);
1624   PART_MATCH lhs FORALL_SIMP (--`!x. x + 1 = 2`--); (* fails *)
1625   PART_MATCH lhs CET (--`!b. ~(f (b => t | e))`--);
1626   PART_MATCH lhs option_CASE_ELIM (--`!b. ~(P (option_CASE e f b))`--);
1627   PART_MATCH lhs (MK_FORALL (--`c:bool`--) COND_ELIM_THM)
1628                  (--`!b. ~(f (b => t | e))`--);
1629   PART_MATCH lhs (MK_FORALL (--`c:bool`--) COND_ELIM_THM)
1630                   (--`!b. ~(f (b => t | e))`--);
1631   ho_term_match [] (--`!c.  P ($COND c x y)`--)
1635   Variable Renaming:
1636   PART_MATCH (lhs o snd o strip_forall) SKOLEM_THM (--`!p. ?GI. Q GI p`--);
1637   Before renaming this produced: |- (!x. ?y. Q y x) = (?y. !x. Q (y x) x)
1638   After renaming this produced: |- (!p. ?GI. Q GI p) = (?GI. !p. Q (GI p) p)
1640   Variable renaming problem (DRS, Feb 1996):
1641   PART_MATCH lhs NOT_FORALL_THM (--`~!y. P x`--);
1642   Before fix produced:  |- ~(!x'. P x) = (?x'. ~(P x)) : thm
1643   After fix produced:  |- ~(!y. P x) = (?y. ~(P x))
1644   Fix:
1645        val bvms = match_bvs tm (inst tyin pbod) []
1646   Became:
1647        val bvms = match_bvs tm (partfn (concl th0)) []
1649   Variable renaming problem (DRS, Feb 1996):
1650   PART_MATCH lhs NOT_FORALL_THM (--`~!x. (\y. t) T`--);
1651   Before fix produced (--`?y. ~(\y. t) T`--);
1652   After fix produced (--`?x. ~(\y. t) T`--);
1653   Fix:
1654        Moved beta reduction to be before alpha renaming.  This makes
1655   match_bvs more accurate.  This was not a problem before the previous
1656   fix.
1658   Another bug (unfixed).  bvms =  [("x","y"),("E'","x")]
1659     PART_MATCH lhs SWAP_EXISTS_THM  (--`?E' x const'.
1660         ((s = s') /\
1661           (E = E') /\
1662         (val = Val_Constr (const',x)) /\
1663         (sym = const)) /\
1664        (a1 = NONE) /\
1665        ~(const = const')`--)
1666   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
1668nonfix THENC
1671   fun COMB_CONV2 c1 c2 M =
1672      let val (f, x) = dest_comb M in MK_COMB (c1 f, c2 x) end
1673   fun ABS_CONV c M =
1674      let val (Bvar, Body) = dest_abs M in ABS Bvar (c Body) end
1675   fun RAND_CONV c M =
1676      let val (Rator, Rand) = dest_comb M in AP_TERM Rator (c Rand) end
1677   fun RATOR_CONV c M =
1678      let val (Rator, Rand) = dest_comb M in AP_THM (c Rator) Rand end
1679   fun TRY_CONV c M = c M handle HOL_ERR _ => REFL M
1680   fun THENC c1 c2 M =
1681      let val th = c1 M in TRANS th (c2 (rhs (concl th))) end
1682   fun EVERY_CONV convl = itlist THENC convl REFL
1683   fun CONV_RULE conv th = EQ_MP (conv (concl th)) th
1684   fun BETA_CONVS n =
1685      if n = 1 then TRY_CONV BETA_CONV
1688   fun BETA_VAR v tm =
1689      if is_abs tm
1690         then let
1691                 val (Bvar, Body) = dest_abs tm
1692              in
1693                 if aconv v Bvar then failwith "BETA_VAR: UNCHANGED"
1694                 else ABS_CONV (BETA_VAR v Body) end
1695      else case strip_comb tm of
1696              (_, []) => failwith "BETA_VAR: UNCHANGED"
1697            | (oper, args) =>
1698                 if aconv oper v then BETA_CONVS (length args)
1699                 else let
1700                         val (Rator, Rand) = dest_comb tm
1701                      in
1702                         let
1703                            val lconv = BETA_VAR v Rator
1704                         in
1705                            let
1706                               val rconv = BETA_VAR v Rand
1707                            in
1708                               COMB_CONV2 lconv rconv
1709                            end
1710                            handle HOL_ERR _ => RATOR_CONV lconv
1711                         end
1712                         handle HOL_ERR _ => RAND_CONV (BETA_VAR v Rand)
1713                      end
1715   structure Map = Redblackmap
1717   (* count from zero to indicate last argument, up to #args - 1 to indicate
1718      first argument *)
1720   fun arg_CONV 0 c = RAND_CONV c
1721     | arg_CONV n c = RATOR_CONV (arg_CONV (n - 1) c)
1723   fun foldri f acc list =
1724      let
1725         fun foldthis (e, (acc, n)) = (f (n, e, acc), n + 1)
1726      in
1727         #1 (foldr foldthis (acc, 0) list)
1728      end
1730   fun munge_bvars absmap th =
1731      let
1732         fun recurse curposn bvarposns (donebvars, acc) t =
1733            case dest_term t of
1734               LAMB (bv, body) =>
1735                 let
1736                   val newposnmap = Map.insert (bvarposns, bv, curposn)
1737                   val (newdonemap, restore) =
1738                      (HOLset.delete (donebvars, bv),
1739                       fn m => HOLset.add (m, bv))
1740                      handle HOLset.NotFound =>
1741                              (donebvars, (fn m => HOLset.delete (m, bv)
1742                                                   handle HOLset.NotFound => m))
1743                   val (dbvars, actions) =
1744                      recurse
1745                        (curposn o ABS_CONV) newposnmap (newdonemap, acc) body
1746                 in
1747                    (restore dbvars, actions)
1748                 end
1749             | COMB _ =>
1750                 let
1751                   val (f, args) = strip_comb t
1752                   fun argfold (n, arg, A) =
1753                      recurse (curposn o arg_CONV n) bvarposns A arg
1754                 in
1755                    case Map.peek (absmap, f) of
1756                      NONE => foldri argfold (donebvars, acc) args
1757                    | SOME abs_t =>
1758                       let
1759                          val (abs_bvars, _) = strip_abs abs_t
1760                          val paired_up = ListPair.zip (args, abs_bvars)
1761                          fun foldthis
1762                                ((arg, absv), acc as (dbvars, actionlist)) =
1763                             if HOLset.member (dbvars, arg)
1764                                then acc
1765                             else case Map.peek (bvarposns, arg) of
1766                                    NONE => acc
1767                                  | SOME p =>
1768                                    (HOLset.add (dbvars, arg),
1769                                     p (ALPHA_CONV absv) :: actionlist)
1770                          val (A as (newdbvars, newacc)) =
1771                             List.foldl foldthis (donebvars, acc) paired_up
1772                       in
1773                          foldri argfold A args
1774                       end
1775                 end
1776             | _ => (donebvars, acc)
1777      in
1778         recurse I (Map.mkDict Term.compare) (empty_tmset, []) (concl th)
1779      end
1781   (* Modified HO_PART_MATCH by PVH on Apr. 25, 2005: code was broken;
1782      repaired by tightening "foldthis" condition for entry to "bound_to_abs";
1783      see longish note at bottom for more details. *)
1785   (* "bound_vars" returns set of bound variables within term t *)
1786   (* "t" argument is actual term, "acc" is accumulating set, orig. empty *)
1788   local
1789      fun bound_vars1 t acc =
1790         case dest_term t of
1791            LAMB (v, b) => bound_vars1 b (HOLset.add (acc, v))
1792          | COMB (l, r) => bound_vars1 l (bound_vars1 r acc)
1793          | otherwise => acc
1794   in
1795      fun bound_vars t = bound_vars1 t empty_tmset
1796   end
1798   fun HO_PART_MATCH partfn th =
1799      let
1800         val sth = SPEC_ALL th
1801         val bod = concl sth
1802         val pbod = partfn bod
1803         val possbetas =
1804            mapfilter (fn v => (v, BETA_VAR v bod))
1805                      (filter (can dom_rng o type_of) (free_vars bod))
1806         fun finish_fn tyin ivs =
1807            let
1808               val npossbetas =
1809                  if null tyin
1810                     then possbetas
1811                  else map (inst tyin ## I) possbetas
1812            in
1813               if null npossbetas then Lib.I
1814               else
1815                 CONV_RULE
1816                   (EVERY_CONV
1817                      (mapfilter (TRY_CONV o C(op_assoc aconv) npossbetas) ivs))
1818            end
1819          val lconsts =
1820             HOLset.intersection (FVL [pbod] empty_tmset, hyp_frees th)
1821          val ltyconsts = HOLset.listItems (hyp_tyvars th)
1822      in
1823         fn tm =>
1824            let
1825               val (tmin, tyin) = ho_match_term ltyconsts lconsts pbod tm
1826               val tmbvs = bound_vars tm
1827               fun foldthis ({redex, residue}, acc) =
1828                  if is_abs residue
1829                     andalso all (fn v => HOLset.member (tmbvs, v))
1830                                 (fst (strip_abs residue))
1831                    then Map.insert (acc, redex, residue) else acc
1832               val bound_to_abs =
1833                  List.foldl foldthis (Map.mkDict Term.compare) tmin
1834               val sth0 = INST_TYPE tyin sth
1835               val sth0c = concl sth0
1836               val (sth1, tmin') =
1837                    case match_bvs tm (partfn sth0c) [] of
1838                       [] => (sth0, tmin)
1839                     | bvms =>
1840                       let
1841                          val avoids = look_for_avoids bvms sth0c empty_tmset
1842                          fun f (v, acc) = (v |-> genvar (type_of v)) :: acc
1843                          val newinst = HOLset.foldl f [] avoids
1844                          val newthm = INST newinst sth0
1845                          val tmin' = map (fn {residue, redex} =>
1846                                             {residue = residue,
1847                                              redex = Term.subst newinst redex})
1848                                          tmin
1849                          val thmc = concl newthm
1850                       in
1851                          (EQ_MP (ALPHA thmc (deep_alpha bvms thmc)) newthm,
1852                           tmin')
1853                       end
1854               val sth2 =
1855                    if Map.numItems bound_to_abs = 0
1856                       then sth1
1857                    else CONV_RULE
1858                           (EVERY_CONV (#2 (munge_bvars bound_to_abs sth1)))
1859                           sth1
1860               val th0 = INST tmin' sth2
1861               val th1 = finish_fn tyin (map #redex tmin) th0
1862            in
1863               th1
1864            end
1865      end
1868fun HO_MATCH_MP ith =
1869   let
1870      val sth =
1871         let
1872            val tm = concl ith
1873            val (avs, bod) = strip_forall tm
1874            val (ant, _) = dest_imp_only bod
1875         in
1876            case partition (C free_in ant) avs of
1877               (_, []) => ith
1878             | (svs, pvs) =>
1879                  let
1880                     val th1 = SPECL avs (ASSUME tm)
1881                     val th2 = GENL svs (DISCH ant (GENL pvs (UNDISCH th1)))
1882                  in
1883                     MP (DISCH tm th2) ith
1884                  end
1885         end
1886         handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "MATCH_MP" "Not an implication"
1887      val match_fun = HO_PART_MATCH (fst o dest_imp_only) sth
1888   in
1889      fn th =>
1890         MP (match_fun (concl th)) th
1891         handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "MATCH_MP" "No match"
1892   end
1894(* =====================================================================
1895   The "resolution" tactics for HOL (outmoded technology, but
1896   sometimes useful) uses RES_CANON and SPEC_ALL
1897   =====================================================================
1899   Put a theorem
1901     |- !x. t1 ==> !y. t2 ==> ... ==> tm ==>  t
1903   into canonical form for resolution by splitting conjunctions apart
1904   (like IMP_CANON but without the stripping out of quantifiers and only
1905   outermost negations being converted to implications).
1907     ~t            --->          t ==> F        (at outermost level)
1908     t1 /\ t2      --->          t1,   t2
1909     (t1/\t2)==>t  --->          t1==> (t2==>t)
1910     (t1\/t2)==>t  --->          t1==>t, t2==>t
1912   Modification provided by David Shepherd of Inmos to make resolution
1913   work with equalities as well as implications. HOL88.1.08,23 jun 1989.
1915     t1 = t2      --->          t1=t2, t1==>t2, t2==>t1
1917   Modification provided by T Melham to deal with the scope of
1918   universal quantifiers. [TFM 90.04.24]
1920     !x. t1 ==> t2  --->  t1 ==> !x.t2   (x not free in t1)
1922   The old code is given below:
1924      letrec RES_CANON_FUN th =
1925       let w = concl th in
1926       if is_conj w
1928       else if is_imp w & not(is_neg w) then
1929           let ante,conc = dest_imp w in
1930           if is_conj ante then
1931               let a,b = dest_conj ante in
1932               RES_CANON_FUN
1933               (DISCH a (DISCH b (MP th (CONJ (ASSUME a) (ASSUME b)))))
1934           else if is_disj ante then
1935               let a,b = dest_disj ante in
1936               RES_CANON_FUN (DISCH a (MP th (DISJ1 (ASSUME a) b))) @
1937               RES_CANON_FUN (DISCH b (MP th (DISJ2 a (ASSUME b))))
1938           else
1939           map (DISCH ante) (RES_CANON_FUN (UNDISCH th))
1940       else [th];
1942   This version deleted for HOL 1.12 (see below)  [TFM 91.01.17]
1944   let RES_CANON =
1945       letrec FN th =
1946         let w = concl th in
1947         if (is_conj w) then FN(CONJUNCT1 th) @ FN(CONJUNCT2 th) else
1948         if ((is_imp w) & not(is_neg w)) then
1949         let ante,conc = dest_imp w in
1950         if (is_conj ante) then
1951            let a,b = dest_conj ante in
1952            let ath = ASSUME a and bth = ASSUME b
1953            in FN (DISCH a (DISCH b (MP th (CONJ ath bth)))) else
1954         if is_disj ante then
1955           let a,b = dest_disj ante in
1956           let ath = ASSUME a and bth = ASSUME b
1957           in FN (DISCH a (MP th (DISJ1 ath b))) @
1958              FN (DISCH b (MP th (DISJ2 a bth)))
1959         else map (GEN_ALL o (DISCH ante)) (FN (UNDISCH th))
1960         else if is_eq w then
1961          let l,r = dest_eq w in
1962              if (type_of l = ":bool")
1963              then let (th1,th2) = EQ_IMP_RULE th
1964                   in (GEN_ALL th) . ((FN  th1) @ (FN  th2))
1965              else [GEN_ALL th]
1966          else [GEN_ALL th] in
1967       \th. (let vars,w = strip_forall(concl th) in
1968             let th1 = if (is_neg w)
1969                         then NOT_ELIM(SPEC_ALL th)
1970                         else (SPEC_ALL th) in
1971                 map GEN_ALL (FN th1) ? failwith `RES_CANON`);
1973   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1974   New RES_CANON for version 1.12.   [TFM 90.12.07]
1976   The complete list of transformations is now:
1978     ~t              --->       t ==> F        (at outermost level)
1979     t1 /\ t2        --->       t1, t2         (at outermost level)
1980     (t1/\t2)==>t    --->       t1==>(t2==>t), t2==>(t1==>t)
1981     (t1\/t2)==>t    --->       t1==>t, t2==>t
1982     t1 = t2         --->       t1==>t2, t2==>t1
1983     !x. t1 ==> t2   --->       t1 ==> !x.t2   (x not free in t1)
1984     (?x.t1) ==> t2  --->       !x'. t1[x'/x] ==> t2
1986   The function now fails if no implications can be derived from the
1987   input theorem.
1989   =====================================================================*)
1992   fun not_elim th =
1993      if is_neg (concl th) then (true, NOT_ELIM th) else (false, th)
1994   fun canon (fl, th) =
1995      let
1996         val w = concl th
1997      in
1998         if is_conj w
1999           then let
2000                   val (th1, th2) = CONJ_PAIR th
2001                in
2002                   canon (fl, th1) @ canon (fl, th2)
2003                end
2004         else if is_imp w andalso not (is_neg w)
2005            then
2006               let
2007                  val (ant, _) = dest_imp w
2008               in
2009                  if is_conj ant
2010                     then
2011                        let
2012                           val (conj1, conj2) = dest_conj ant
2013                           val cth = MP th (CONJ (ASSUME conj1) (ASSUME conj2))
2014                           val th1 = DISCH conj2 cth
2015                           and th2 = DISCH conj1 cth
2016                        in
2017                           canon (true, DISCH conj1 th1) @
2018                           canon (true, DISCH conj2 th2)
2019                        end
2020                  else if is_disj ant
2021                     then
2022                        let
2023                           val (disj1, disj2) = dest_disj ant
2024                           val ath = DISJ1 (ASSUME disj1) disj2
2025                           and bth = DISJ2 disj1 (ASSUME disj2)
2026                           val th1 = DISCH disj1 (MP th ath)
2027                           and th2 = DISCH disj2 (MP th bth)
2028                        in
2029                           canon (true, th1) @ canon (true, th2)
2030                        end
2031                  else if is_exists ant
2032                     then
2033                        let
2034                           val (Bvar, Body) = dest_exists ant
2035                           val newv = variant (thm_frees th) Bvar
2036                           val newa = subst [Bvar |-> newv] Body
2037                           val th1  = MP th (EXISTS (ant, newv) (ASSUME newa))
2038                        in
2039                           canon (true, DISCH newa th1)
2040                        end
2041                  else map (GEN_ALL o (DISCH ant)) (canon (true, UNDISCH th))
2042               end
2043         else if is_eq w andalso type_of (rand w) = Type.bool
2044            then
2045               let
2046                  val (th1, th2) = EQ_IMP_RULE th
2047               in
2048                  (if fl then [GEN_ALL th] else []) @
2049                  canon (true, th1) @ canon (true, th2)
2050                end
2051         else if is_forall w
2052            then
2053               let
2054                  val (vs, _) = strip_forall w
2055                  val fvs = HOLset.listItems (FVL [concl th] (hyp_frees th))
2056                  val nvs =
2057                     itlist (fn v => fn nv => variant (nv @ fvs) v::nv) vs []
2058               in
2059                  canon (fl, SPECL nvs th)
2060               end
2061         else if fl
2062            then [GEN_ALL th]
2063         else []
2064      end
2066   fun RES_CANON th =
2067      let
2068         val conjlist = CONJUNCTS (SPEC_ALL th)
2069         fun operate th accum =
2070            accum @ map GEN_ALL (canon (not_elim (SPEC_ALL th)))
2071         val imps = Lib.rev_itlist operate conjlist []
2072       in
2073          Lib.assert (op not o null) imps
2074       end
2075       handle HOL_ERR _ =>
2076                raise ERR "RES_CANON"
2077                          "No implication is derivable from input thm"
2080(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2083    Aggressive canonicalisation of introduction rules so that it takes on
2084    the form
2086     |- !vs. cs ==> concl
2088    where vs all appear in concl, and may appear among cs.
2090    The cs may not be present at all, but if so is a conjunction of
2091    exhyps, where each exhyp is of the form
2093      ?e1 e2 .. en. c1 /\ c2 /\ .. cm
2095   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2099  fun AIMP_RULE th =
2100    let
2101      val (l, r) = dest_imp (concl th)
2102      val (c1, c2) = dest_conj l
2103      val cth = CONJ (ASSUME c1) (ASSUME c2)
2104    in
2105      DISCH c1 (DISCH c2 (MP th cth))
2106    end
2108  fun (s1 - s2) = HOLset.difference(s1,s2)
2109  fun norm th =
2110    if is_forall (concl th) then norm (SPEC_ALL th)
2111    else
2112      case Lib.total dest_imp_only (concl th) of
2113          NONE => th
2114        | SOME (l,r) =>
2115          if is_conj l then norm (AIMP_RULE th)
2116          else norm (UNDISCH th)
2118fun group_hyps gfvs tlist =
2119  let
2120    fun overlaps fvset (tfvs,_) =
2121      not (HOLset.isEmpty (HOLset.intersection(fvset, tfvs)))
2122    fun union ((fvset1, tlist1), (fvset2, tlist2)) =
2123      (HOLset.union(fvset1, fvset2), tlist1 @ tlist2)
2124    fun recurse acc tlist =
2125      case tlist of
2126          [] => acc
2127        | t::ts =>
2128          let
2129            val tfvs = FVL [t] empty_tmset - gfvs
2130          in
2131            case List.partition (overlaps tfvs) acc of
2132                ([], _) => recurse ((tfvs,[t])::acc) ts
2133              | (ovlaps, rest) =>
2134                recurse (List.foldl union (tfvs, [t]) ovlaps :: rest) ts
2135          end
2136  in
2137    recurse [] tlist
2138  end
2140fun CHOOSEL vs t th =
2141  let
2142    fun foldthis (v,(t,th)) =
2143      let val ext = mk_exists(v,t)
2144      in
2145        (ext, CHOOSE (v,ASSUME ext) th)
2146      end
2147  in
2148    List.foldr foldthis (t,th) vs
2149  end
2151fun CONJL ts th = let
2152  val c = list_mk_conj ts
2153  val cths = CONJUNCTS (ASSUME c)
2155  (List.foldl (fn (c,th) => PROVE_HYP c th) th cths, c)
2158fun reconstitute groups th =
2159  let
2160    fun recurse acc groups th =
2161      case groups of
2162          [] => (acc, th)
2163        | (fvset, ts) :: rest =>
2164          let
2165            val (th1,c) = CONJL ts th
2166            val (ext, th2) = CHOOSEL (HOLset.listItems fvset) c th1
2167          in
2168            recurse (ext::acc) rest th2
2169          end
2170  in
2171    recurse [] groups th
2172  end
2174fun IRULE_CANON th =
2175  let
2176    val th1 = norm (GEN_ALL th)
2177    val orighyps = hypset th
2178    val origl = HOLset.listItems orighyps
2179    val gfvs = FVL (concl th1 :: origl) empty_tmset
2180    val newhyps = hypset th1 - orighyps
2181    val grouped = group_hyps gfvs (HOLset.listItems newhyps)
2182    val (cs, th2) = reconstitute grouped th1
2183  in
2184    case cs of
2185        [] => GEN_ALL th2
2186      | _ =>
2187        let
2188          val (th3,c) = CONJL cs th2
2189        in
2190          DISCH c th3 |> GEN_ALL
2191        end
2192  end
2193end (* local *)
2196 *       Routines supporting the definition of types                         *
2197 *                                                                           *
2198 * AUTHOR        : (c) Tom Melham, University of Cambridge                   *
2199 *                                                                           *
2200 * NAME: define_new_type_bijections                                          *
2201 *                                                                           *
2202 * DESCRIPTION: define isomorphism constants based on a type definition.     *
2203 *                                                                           *
2204 * USAGE: define_new_type_bijections name ABS REP tyax                       *
2205 *                                                                           *
2206 * ARGUMENTS: tyax -- a type-defining axiom of the form returned by          *
2207 *                    new_type_definition. For example:                      *
2208 *                                                                           *
2209 *                      ?rep. TYPE_DEFINITION P rep                          *
2210 *                                                                           *
2211 *            ABS  --- the name of the required abstraction function         *
2212 *                                                                           *
2213 *            REP  --- the name of the required representation function      *
2214 *                                                                           *
2215 *            name --- the name under which the definition is stored         *
2216 *                                                                           *
2217 * SIDE EFFECTS: Introduces a definition for two constants `ABS` and         *
2218 *               (--`REP`--) by the constant specification:                  *
2219 *                                                                           *
2220 *                 |- ?ABS REP. (!a. ABS(REP a) = a) /\                      *
2221 *                              (!r. P r = (REP(ABS r) = r)                  *
2222 *                                                                           *
2223 *                 The resulting constant specification is stored under      *
2224 *                 the name given as the first argument.                     *
2225 *                                                                           *
2226 * FAILURE: if input theorem of wrong form.                                  *
2227 *                                                                           *
2228 * RETURNS: The defining property of the representation and abstraction      *
2229 *          functions, given by:                                             *
2230 *                                                                           *
2231 *           |- (!a. ABS(REP a) = a) /\ (!r. P r = (REP(ABS r) = r)          *
2232 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
2234fun define_new_type_bijections {name, ABS, REP, tyax} =
2235   if not (HOLset.isEmpty (hypset tyax))
2236      then raise ERR "define_new_type_bijections"
2237                     "input theorem must have no assumptions"
2238   else
2239      let
2240         val (P, rep) = case strip_comb (snd (dest_exists (concl tyax))) of
2241                           (_, [P, rep]) => (P, rep)
2242                         | _ => raise Match
2243          val (a, r) = Type.dom_rng (type_of rep)
2244      in
2245         Rsyntax.new_specification
2246          {name = name,
2247           sat_thm =
2248             MP (SPEC P (INST_TYPE [beta |-> a, alpha |-> r] ABS_REP_THM)) tyax,
2249           consts = [{const_name = REP, fixity = NONE},
2250                     {const_name = ABS, fixity = NONE}]}
2251      end
2252      handle e =>
2253       raise (wrap_exn "Drule"
2254                       ("define_new_type_bijections {name=\""^name^"\"...}")
2255                       e)
2257(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
2258 * NAME: prove_rep_fn_one_one                                                *
2259 *                                                                           *
2260 * DESCRIPTION: prove that a type representation function is one-to-one.     *
2261 *                                                                           *
2262 * USAGE: if th is a theorem of the kind returned by the ML function         *
2263 *        define_new_type_bijections:                                        *
2264 *                                                                           *
2265 *           |- (!a. ABS(REP a) = a) /\ (!r. P r = (REP(ABS r) = r)          *
2266 *                                                                           *
2267 *        then prove_rep_fn_one_one th will prove and return a theorem       *
2268 *        stating that the representation function REP is one-to-one:        *
2269 *                                                                           *
2270 *           |- !a a'. (REP a = REP a') = (a = a')                           *
2271 *                                                                           *
2272 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
2274fun prove_rep_fn_one_one th =
2275   let
2276      val thm = CONJUNCT1 th
2277      val (_, Body) = dest_forall (concl thm)
2278      val (A, Rand) = dest_comb (lhs Body)
2279      val (R, _)= dest_comb Rand
2280      val (aty, rty) = case Type.dest_type (type_of R) of
2281                          (_, [aty, rty]) => (aty, rty)
2282                        | _ => raise Match
2283      val a = mk_primed_var ("a", aty)
2284      val a' = variant [a] a
2285      val a_eq_a' = mk_eq (a, a')
2286      and Ra_eq_Ra' = mk_eq (mk_comb (R, a), mk_comb (R, a'))
2287      val th1 = AP_TERM A (ASSUME Ra_eq_Ra')
2288      val ga1 = genvar aty
2289      and ga2 = genvar aty
2290      val th2 = SUBST [ga1 |-> SPEC a thm, ga2 |-> SPEC a' thm]
2291                      (mk_eq (ga1, ga2)) th1
2292      val th3 = DISCH a_eq_a' (AP_TERM R (ASSUME a_eq_a'))
2293   in
2294      GEN a (GEN a' (IMP_ANTISYM_RULE (DISCH Ra_eq_Ra' th2) th3))
2295   end
2296   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "prove_rep_fn_one_one"  ""
2297        | Bind => raise ERR "prove_rep_fn_one_one"
2298                            ("Theorem not of right form: must be\n\
2299                             \ |- (!a. to (from a) = a) /\\\
2300                             \ (!r. P r = (from (to r) = r))")
2302(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
2303 * NAME: prove_rep_fn_onto                                                   *
2304 *                                                                           *
2305 * DESCRIPTION: prove that a type representation function is onto.           *
2306 *                                                                           *
2307 * USAGE: if th is a theorem of the kind returned by the ML function         *
2308 *        define_new_type_bijections:                                        *
2309 *                                                                           *
2310 *           |- (!a. ABS(REP a) = a) /\ (!r. P r = (REP(ABS r) = r)          *
2311 *                                                                           *
2312 *        then prove_rep_fn_onto th will prove and return a theorem          *
2313 *        stating that the representation function REP is onto:              *
2314 *                                                                           *
2315 *           |- !r. P r = (?a. r = REP a)                                    *
2316 *                                                                           *
2317 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
2319fun prove_rep_fn_onto th =
2320   let
2321      val (th1, th2) = case CONJUNCTS th of
2322                          [th1, th2] => (th1, th2)
2323                        | _ => raise Match
2324      val (Bvar, Body) = dest_forall (concl th2)
2325      val (_, eq) = dest_eq Body
2326      val (RE, ar) = dest_comb (lhs eq)
2327      val a = mk_primed_var ("a", type_of ar)
2328      val sra = mk_eq (Bvar, mk_comb (RE, a))
2329      val ex = mk_exists (a, sra)
2330      val imp1 = EXISTS (ex, ar) (SYM (ASSUME eq))
2331      val v = genvar (type_of Bvar)
2332      and A = rator ar
2333      and ass = AP_TERM RE (SPEC a th1)
2334      val th = SUBST [v |-> SYM (ASSUME sra)]
2335                     (mk_eq (mk_comb (RE, mk_comb (A, v)), v)) ass
2336      val imp2 = CHOOSE (a, ASSUME ex) th
2337      val swap = IMP_ANTISYM_RULE (DISCH eq imp1) (DISCH ex imp2)
2338   in
2339      GEN Bvar (TRANS (SPEC Bvar th2) swap)
2340   end
2341   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "prove_rep_fn_onto" ""
2342        | Bind => raise ERR "prove_rep_fn_onto"
2343                            ("Theorem not of right form: must be\n\
2344                             \ (!a. to (from a) = a) /\\\
2345                             \ (!r. P r = (from (to r) = r))")
2347(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
2348 * NAME: prove_abs_fn_onto                                                   *
2349 *                                                                           *
2350 * DESCRIPTION: prove that a type abstraction function is onto.              *
2351 *                                                                           *
2352 * USAGE: if th is a theorem of the kind returned by the ML function         *
2353 *        define_new_type_bijections:                                        *
2354 *                                                                           *
2355 *           |- (!a. ABS(REP a) = a) /\ (!r. P r = (REP(ABS r) = r)          *
2356 *                                                                           *
2357 *        then prove_abs_fn_onto th will prove and return a theorem          *
2358 *        stating that the abstraction function ABS is onto:                 *
2359 *                                                                           *
2360 *           |- !a. ?r. (a = ABS r) /\ P r                                   *
2361 *                                                                           *
2362 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
2364fun prove_abs_fn_onto th =
2365   let
2366      val (th1, th2) = case CONJUNCTS th of
2367                          [th1, th2] => (th1, th2)
2368                        | _ => raise Match
2369      val (bv_th1, Body) = dest_forall (concl th1)
2370      val (A, Rand) = dest_comb (lhs Body)
2371      val R = rator Rand
2372      val rb = mk_comb (R, bv_th1)
2373      val bth1 = SPEC bv_th1 th1
2374      val thm1 = EQT_ELIM (TRANS (SPEC rb th2) (EQT_INTRO (AP_TERM R bth1)))
2375      val thm2 = SYM bth1
2376      val (r, Body) = dest_forall (concl th2)
2377      val P = rator (lhs Body)
2378      val ex =
2379         mk_exists (r, mk_conj (mk_eq (bv_th1, mk_comb (A, r)), mk_comb (P, r)))
2380   in
2381      GEN bv_th1 (EXISTS (ex, rb) (CONJ thm2 thm1))
2382   end
2383   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "prove_abs_fn_onto" ""
2384        | Bind => raise ERR "prove_abs_fn_one_onto"
2385                            ("Theorem not of right form: must be\n\
2386                             \ |- (!a. to (from a) = a) /\\\
2387                             \ (!r. P r = (from (to r) = r))")
2389(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*
2390 * NAME: prove_abs_fn_one_one                                                *
2391 *                                                                           *
2392 * DESCRIPTION: prove that a type abstraction function is one-to-one.        *
2393 *                                                                           *
2394 * USAGE: if th is a theorem of the kind returned by the ML function         *
2395 *        define_new_type_bijections:                                        *
2396 *                                                                           *
2397 *           |- (!a. ABS(REP a) = a) /\ (!r. P r = (REP(ABS r) = r)          *
2398 *                                                                           *
2399 *        then prove_abs_fn_one_one th will prove and return a theorem       *
2400 *        stating that the abstraction function ABS is one-to-one:           *
2401 *                                                                           *
2402 *           |- !r r'. P r ==>                                               *
2403 *                     P r' ==>                                              *
2404 *                     (ABS r = ABS r') ==> (r = r')                         *
2405 *                                                                           *
2406 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
2408fun prove_abs_fn_one_one th =
2409   let
2410      val (th1, th2) = case CONJUNCTS th of
2411                          [th1, th2] => (th1, th2)
2412                        | _ => raise Match
2413      val (r, Body) = dest_forall (concl th2)
2414      val P = rator (lhs Body)
2415      val (A, Rand) = dest_comb (lhs (snd (dest_forall (concl th1))))
2416      val R = rator Rand
2417      val r' = variant [r] r
2418      val r_eq_r' = mk_eq (r, r')
2419      val Pr = mk_comb (P, r)
2420      val Pr' = mk_comb (P, r')
2421      val as1 = ASSUME Pr
2422      and as2 = ASSUME Pr'
2423      val t1 = EQ_MP (SPEC r th2) as1
2424      and t2 = EQ_MP (SPEC r' th2) as2
2425      val eq = mk_eq (mk_comb (A, r), mk_comb (A, r'))
2426      val v1 = genvar (type_of r)
2427      and v2 = genvar (type_of r)
2428      val i1 = DISCH eq (SUBST [v1 |-> t1, v2 |-> t2]
2429                               (mk_eq (v1, v2)) (AP_TERM R (ASSUME eq)))
2430      val i2 = DISCH r_eq_r' (AP_TERM A (ASSUME r_eq_r'))
2431      val thm = IMP_ANTISYM_RULE i1 i2
2432      val disch = DISCH Pr (DISCH Pr' thm)
2433   in
2434      GEN r (GEN r' disch)
2435   end
2436   handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "prove_abs_fn_one_one"  ""
2437        | Bind => raise ERR "prove_abs_fn_one_one"
2438                            ("Theorem not of right form: must be\n\
2439                             \ |- (!a. to (from a) = a) /\\\
2440                             \ (!r. P r = (from (to r) = r))")
2443 * Take an AC pair, normalize them, then prove left-commutativity            *
2444 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
2447   (* Rules related to "semantic tags" for controlling rewriting *)
2448   val is_comm = can (match_term comm_tm)
2449   val is_assoc = can (match_term assoc_tm)
2451   fun regen th = GENL (free_vars_lr (concl th)) th
2453   fun err () = (HOL_MESG "unable to AC-normalize input"
2454                 ; raise ERR "norm_ac" "failed")
2456   (* Classify a pair of theorems as one assoc. thm and one comm. thm. Then
2457      return pair (A,C) where A has the form |- f(x,f(y,z)) = f(f(x,y),z)    *)
2459   fun norm_ac (th1, th2) =
2460      let
2461         val th1' = SPEC_ALL th1
2462         val th2' = SPEC_ALL th2
2463         val tm1 = concl th1'
2464         val tm2 = concl th2'
2465      in
2466         if is_comm tm2
2467            then if is_assoc tm1
2468                    then (regen th1', regen th2')
2469                 else let
2470                         val th1a = SYM th1'
2471                      in
2472                         if is_assoc (concl th1a)
2473                            then (regen th1a, regen th2')
2474                         else err ()
2475                      end
2476         else if is_comm tm1
2477            then if is_assoc tm2
2478                    then (regen th2', regen th1')
2479                 else let
2480                         val th2a = SYM th2'
2481                      in
2482                         if is_assoc (concl th2a)
2483                            then (regen th2a, regen th1')
2484                         else err ()
2485                      end
2486         else err ()
2487      end
2489   fun MK_AC_LCOMM (th1, th2) =
2490      let
2491         val (a, c) = norm_ac (th1, th2)
2492         val lcomm = MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP LCOMM_THM a) c
2493      in
2494         (regen (SYM (SPEC_ALL a)), c, lcomm)
2495      end
2499fun GEN_TYVARIFY th =
2500    let
2501      val concl_tyvs = HOLset.addList (
2502            HOLset.empty Type.compare,
2503            type_vars_in_term (concl th)
2504          )
2505      val tyvs = HOLset.difference(concl_tyvs, hyp_tyvars th)
2506    in
2507      INST_TYPE (gen_tyvar_sigma (HOLset.listItems tyvs)) th
2508    end
2510fun FULL_GEN_TYVARIFY th =
2511    let
2512      val tyvs = HOLset.addList(hyp_tyvars th, type_vars_in_term (concl th))
2513    in
2514      INST_TYPE (gen_tyvar_sigma (HOLset.listItems tyvs)) th
2515    end
2517datatype AI = IMP of term | FA of {orig:term, new:term}
2518fun CONV_RULE c th = EQ_MP (c (concl th)) th
2519fun restore hs (acs, th) =
2520    case acs of
2521        [] => rev_itlist ADD_ASSUM hs th
2522      | IMP t :: rest => restore hs (rest, DISCH t th)
2523      | FA{orig,new} :: rest =>
2524        if orig ~~ new then
2525          restore hs (rest, GEN orig th)
2526        else
2527          restore hs (rest, th |> GEN new |> CONV_RULE (GEN_ALPHA_CONV orig))
2528fun AIdestAll th =
2529    case total dest_forall (concl th) of
2530        NONE => NONE
2531      | SOME (v,b) =>
2532        let
2533          val hfvs = hyp_frees th
2534        in
2535          if HOLset.member(hfvs, v) then
2536            let val new = variant (HOLset.listItems hfvs) v
2537            in
2538              SOME (FA{orig=v,new=new}, SPEC new th)
2539            end
2540          else
2541            SOME (FA{orig=v,new=v}, SPEC v th)
2542        end
2544fun underALLs f th =
2545    let
2546      fun getbase A th =
2547          case AIdestAll th of
2548              NONE => (A, f th)
2549            | SOME (act, th') => getbase (act::A) th'
2550    in
2551      restore [] (getbase [] th)
2552    end
2553fun underAIs f th =
2554    let
2555      fun getbase A th =
2556          case AIdestAll th of
2557              NONE => (case total dest_imp_only (concl th) of
2558                           NONE => (A, f th)
2559                         | SOME (l,r) => getbase (IMP l :: A) (UNDISCH th))
2560            | SOME (act,th') => getbase (act::A) th'
2561    in
2562      restore (hyp th) (getbase [] th)
2563    end
2565fun cj i = underAIs (el i o CONJUNCTS)
2566val iffLR = underAIs (#1 o EQ_IMP_RULE)
2567val iffRL = underAIs (#2 o EQ_IMP_RULE)
2569fun promote f th =
2570    let
2571      val (H, _) = dest_imp (concl th)
2572      val hs = strip_conj H
2573      val th' = UNDISCH th
2574      val t = f hs
2575      val (_, rest) = pluck (aconv t) hs
2576    in
2577      if null rest then th
2578      else
2579        let
2580          val Cs = ASSUME_CONJS H
2581          val R = list_mk_conj rest
2582          val Cs' = CONJUNCTS (ASSUME R)
2583          val elim = rev_itlist PROVE_HYP (ASSUME t :: Cs') Cs
2584        in
2585          th' |> PROVE_HYP elim |> DISCH R |> DISCH t
2586        end
2587    end
2589fun findq fvs patq ts =
2590    let
2591      open TermParse
2592      val pat_t = prim_ctxt_termS Parse.Absyn (term_grammar()) fvs patq|>seq.hd
2593    in
2594      case List.find (can (match_term pat_t)) ts of
2595          NONE => raise ERR "pp" "No hypothesis matching pattern"
2596        | SOME t => t
2597    end
2599val notnot = NOT_CLAUSES |> CONJUNCTS |> hd |> SPEC_ALL |> EQ_IMP_RULE |> #2
2600val impf_intro = IMP_CLAUSES |> SPEC_ALL |> CONJUNCTS |> last |> SYM |> GEN_ALL
2601fun IMPF_INTRO th = EQ_MP (PART_MATCH lhs impf_intro (concl th)) th
2602val t_b = mk_var("t", bool)
2603fun notnotremove th =
2604    let val (l,r) = dest_imp (concl th)
2605        val l0 = dest_neg l
2606        val l00 = dest_neg l0
2607    in
2608      PROVE_HYP (notnot |> INST [t_b |-> l00] |> UNDISCH) (UNDISCH th)
2609                |> DISCH l00
2610    end handle HOL_ERR _ => th
2611val cpos = notnotremove o underAIs IMPF_INTRO o CONTRAPOS
2613fun FORALL1 f th =
2614    let val (v,_) = dest_forall (concl th)
2615    in
2616      th |> SPEC v |> f |> GEN v
2617    end
2619fun pushdown th =
2620    let val (v1,b0) = dest_forall (concl th)
2621    in
2622      let val (v2,b) = dest_forall b0
2623      in
2624        th |> SPEC v1 |> SPEC v2 |> GEN v1 |> pushdown |> GEN v2
2625      end handle HOL_ERR _ =>
2626                 let val (l,r) = dest_imp b0
2627                 in
2628                   th |> SPEC v1 |> UNDISCH |> GEN v1 |> DISCH l
2629                 end
2630    end
2632fun pushFAs fvs th =
2633    let val (v,b) = dest_forall (concl th)
2634        val finish = if tmem v fvs then (fn th => th) else pushdown
2635    in
2636      th |> FORALL1 (pushFAs fvs) |> finish
2637    end handle HOL_ERR _ => th
2639fun pp pos th0 =
2640    let
2641      open thmpos_dtype
2642      val th = MP_CANON th0
2643      fun transform th =
2644          case pos of
2645              Any => promote hd th
2646            | Pos f => promote f th
2647            | Pat q => promote (findq (thm_frees th) q) th
2648            | Concl => cpos th
2649      fun clean_foralls th =
2650          let val (_,bod) = strip_forall (concl th)
2651              val (l,_) = dest_imp bod
2652          in
2653            pushFAs (free_vars l) th
2654          end
2655    in
2656      th |> underALLs transform |> clean_foralls
2657    end
2659end (* Drule *)
2661(* ======================================================================
2662    HO_PART_MATCH and bound variables
2663   ======================================================================
2668         = |- P /\ (?x. Q x) = ?x. P /\ Q x
2670the old implementation would come back from
2672  HO_REWR_CONV th ``P x /\ ?y. Q y``
2676  (P x /\ ?y. Q y) = (?x'. P x /\ Q x')
2678This is because of the following: in HO_PART_MATCH, there is code that
2679attempts to rename bound variables from the rewrite theorem so that
2680they match the bound variables in the original term.
2682After performing the ho_match_term, and doing the instantiation, the
2683resulting theorem is
2685  (P x /\ ?x. Q x) = (?x'. P x /\ Q x')
2687The renaming on the rhs has to happen to avoid unsoundness, and
2688happens immediately in the name-carrying kernel, and will happen
2689whenever a dest_abs is done in the dB kernel.  Anyway, in the fixup
2690phase, the implementation first notices that ?x.Q x in the pattern
2691corresponds to ?y. Q y in the term.  It then passes over the term
2692replacing bound x's with y's.  (In the dB kernel, it can't see that
2693the bound variable on the right is actually still an x because
2694dest_abs will rename the x to x'.)
2696So, I thought I would fix this by doing the bound-variable fixup on
2697the pattern theorem before it was instantiated.  So, I look at
2699  P /\ ?x. Q x
2701compare it to P x /\ ?y. Q y, and see that bound x needs to be
2702replaced by y throughout the theorem, giving
2704  (P /\ ?y. Q y) = (?y. P /\ Q y)
2706Then the instantiation can be done, producing
2708  (P x /\ ?y. Q y) = (?y. P x /\ Q y)
2710and it's all lovely.  (This is also more efficient than the current
2711method because the traversal is only of the original theorem, not its
2712possibly much larger instantiation.)
2714Unfortunately, there are still problems.  Consider, this LHS
2716  p /\ ?P. FINITE P
2718when you do the bound variable fix to the rewrite theorem early, you
2721  (P /\ ?P. Q P) = (?P'. P /\ Q P')
2723The free variables in the theorem itself get in the way.  The fix is
2724to examine whether or not the new bound variable clashes with a named
2725variable in the body of the theorem.  If so, then the theorem has that
2726variable instantiated to a genvar.  (The instantiation returned by
2727ho_match_term also needs to be adjusted because it may be expecting to
2728instantiate some of the pattern theorem's free variables.)
2730So, the code in match_bvs figures out what renamings of bound
2731variables need to happen, and then a traversal of the *whole* theorem
2732takes to see what free variables need to be instantiated into genvars.
2733Then, given the example, the main code in HO_PART_MATCH will produce
2735  (%gv /\ ?x. Q x) = (?x. %gv /\ Q x)
2737before then fixing the bound variables to produce
2739  (%gv /\ ?P. Q P) = (?P. %gv /\ Q P)
2741Finally, this theorem will be instantiated with bindings for Q and
2742%gv [%gv |-> p, Q |-> FINITE].
2744                    ------------------------------
2746Part 2.
2748Even with the above in place, the ho-part matcher can make a mess of
2749things like the congruence rule for RES_FORALL_CONG,
2751  |- (P = Q) ==> (!x. x IN Q ==> (f x = g x)) ==>
2752     (RES_FORALL P f = RES_FORALL Q g)
2754HO_PART_MATCH only gets called with its "partfn" being to look at the
2755LHS of the last equation.  Then, when the side conditions are looked
2756over, x gets picked as a bound variable, and any bound variable in f
2757gets ignored.
2759The code in munge_bvars gets around this failing by searching the
2760whole theorem for instances of variables that are going to be
2761instantiated with abstractions that are next to bound variables.  (In
2762the example, this search will find f applied to the bound x.)  If such
2763a situation is found, it specifies that the bound variable be renamed
2764to match the bound variable of the abstraction.
2766In this way
2768   !y::P. Q y
2770won't get rewritten to
2772   !x::P'. Q' x
2774                    ------------------------------
2776Part 3. (By Peter V. Homeier)
2778The above code was broken for higher order rewriting, such as
2780val th = ASSUME ``!f:'a->'b. A (\x:'c. B (f (C x)) :'d) = (\x. f x)``;
2781val tm = ``A (\rose:'c. B (g (C rose :'a) (C rose) :'b) :'d) : 'a->'b``;
2782HO_PART_MATCH lhs th tm;
2786   A (\rose. B (g (C rose) (C rose))) = (\gvar. g gvar gvar)
2788where gvar was a freshly generated "genvar", instead of the correct
2790   A (\rose. B (g (C rose) (C rose))) = (\rose. g rose rose)
2792The reason the prior code did not work was that not only was the
2793match of f with (\y. Q y) recognized for the Part 2 example above,
2794but also the match of f with (\gvar. g gvar gvar) in the "rose" example.
2795The code then "munged" the result by trying to change instances of the
2796"rose" bound variable to "gvar".
2798This was fixed by tightening the condition for entrance to the set of
2799bound variables which are to be so "munged", by adding the condition
2800that the bound variables ("y" in the Part 2 example, "gvar" in this one)
2801must all be contained within the set of bound variables within the term
2802"tm".  If they are not, then the "munge" operation is not needed, since
2803that attempts to alter bound variable names to fit the given term,
2804and if the suggested new variable names did not come from the term,
2805there is no reason to change the old ones.