2    Title:      Source level debugger for Poly/ML
3    Author:     David Matthews
4    Copyright  (c)   David Matthews 2000, 2014, 2015, 2020
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20functor DEBUGGER_ (
23    structure VALUEOPS : VALUEOPSSIG
24    structure CODETREE : CODETREESIG
26    structure ADDRESS : AddressSig
27    structure COPIER: COPIERSIG
29    structure LEX : LEXSIG
30    structure DEBUG: DEBUG
32    structure UTILITIES :
33    sig
34        val splitString: string -> { first:string,second:string }
35    end
37sharing STRUCTVALS.Sharing = VALUEOPS.Sharing = TYPETREE.Sharing = COPIER.Sharing =
38        TYPEIDCODE.Sharing = CODETREE.Sharing = ADDRESS = LEX.Sharing
45    (* The static environment contains these kinds of entries. *)
46    datatype environEntry =
47        EnvValue of string * types * locationProp list
48    |   EnvException of string * types * locationProp list
49    |   EnvVConstr of string * types * bool * int * locationProp list
50    |   EnvTypeid of { original: typeId, freeId: typeId }
51    |   EnvStructure of string * signatures * locationProp list
52    |   EnvTConstr of string * typeConstrSet
53    |   EnvStartFunction of string * location * types
54    |   EnvEndFunction of string * location * types
56    local
57        open ADDRESS
58    in
59        (* Entries in the thread data.  The RTS allocates enough space for this.
60           The first entry is 5 because earlier entries are used by Thread.Thread. *)
61        val threadIdStack           = mkConst(toMachineWord 0w5) (* The static/dynamic/location entries for calling fns *)
62        and threadIdCurrentStatic   = mkConst(toMachineWord 0w6) (* The static info for bindings i.e. name/type. *)
63        and threadIdCurrentDynamic  = mkConst(toMachineWord 0w7) (* Dynamic infor for bindings i.e. actual run-time value. *)
64        and threadIdCurrentLocation = mkConst(toMachineWord 0w8) (* Location in code: line number/offset etc. *)
66        (* Global function entries.  These could be in storage allocated by the RTS. *)
67        (* Specialised option type here.  Because a function is always boxed this
68           avoids the need for an extra level of indirection. *)
69        datatype ('a, 'b) functionOpt = NoFunction | AFunction of 'a -> 'b
70        val globalOnEntry       = ref NoFunction
71        and globalOnExit        = ref NoFunction
72        and globalOnExitExc     = ref NoFunction
73        and globalOnBreakPoint  = ref NoFunction
75        val onEntryCode =
76            mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, mkConst(toMachineWord globalOnEntry), CodeZero)
77        and onExitCode =
78            mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, mkConst(toMachineWord globalOnExit), CodeZero)
79        and onExitExcCode =
80            mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, mkConst(toMachineWord globalOnExitExc), CodeZero)
81        and onBreakPointCode =
82            mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, mkConst(toMachineWord globalOnBreakPoint), CodeZero)
84        (* We need to ensure that any break-point code preserves the state.  It could be modified
85           if we hit a break-point and run the interactive debugger with PolyML.Compiler.debug true. *)
86        fun wrap (f:'a -> unit) (x: 'a) : unit =
87        let
88            val threadId: address = RunCall.unsafeCast(Thread.Thread.self())
89            val stack = loadWord(threadId, 0w5)
90            and static = loadWord(threadId, 0w6)
91            and dynamic = loadWord(threadId, 0w7)
92            and location = loadWord(threadId, 0w8)
94            fun restore () =
95            (
96                assignWord(threadId, 0w5, stack);
97                assignWord(threadId, 0w6, static);
98                assignWord(threadId, 0w7, dynamic);
99                assignWord(threadId, 0w8, location)
100            )
101        in
102            f x handle exn => (restore(); PolyML.Exception.reraise exn);
103            restore()
104        end
106        fun setOnEntry NONE = globalOnEntry := NoFunction
107        |   setOnEntry (SOME(f: string * PolyML.location -> unit)) = globalOnEntry := AFunction (wrap f)
109        and setOnExit NONE = globalOnExit := NoFunction
110        |   setOnExit (SOME(f: string * PolyML.location -> unit)) = globalOnExit := AFunction (wrap f)
112        and setOnExitException NONE = globalOnExitExc := NoFunction
113        |   setOnExitException (SOME(f: string * PolyML.location -> exn -> unit)) =
114                globalOnExitExc := AFunction (fn x => wrap (f x))
116        and setOnBreakPoint NONE = globalOnBreakPoint := NoFunction
117        |   setOnBreakPoint (SOME(f: PolyML.location * bool ref -> unit)) = globalOnBreakPoint := AFunction (wrap f)
118    end
122    (* When stopped at a break-point any Bound ids must be replaced by Free ids.
123       We make new Free ids at this point.  *)
124    fun envTypeId (id as TypeId{ description, idKind = Bound{arity, ...}, ...}) =
125            EnvTypeid { original = id, freeId = makeFreeId(arity, Global CodeZero, isEquality id, description) }
126    |   envTypeId id = EnvTypeid { original = id, freeId = id }
128    fun searchEnvs match (staticEntry :: statics, dlist as dynamicEntry :: dynamics) =
129    (
130        case (match (staticEntry, dynamicEntry), staticEntry) of
131            (SOME result, _) => SOME result
132        |   (NONE, EnvTypeid _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
133        |   (NONE, EnvVConstr _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
134        |   (NONE, EnvValue _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
135        |   (NONE, EnvException _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
136        |   (NONE, EnvStructure _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
137        |   (NONE, EnvStartFunction _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
138        |   (NONE, EnvEndFunction _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
139                (* EnvTConstr doesn't have an entry in the dynamic list *)
140        |   (NONE, EnvTConstr _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dlist)
142    )
144    |   searchEnvs _ _ = NONE
145        (* N.B.  It is possible to have ([EnvTConstr ...], []) in the arguments so we can't treat
146           that if either the static or dynamic list is nil and the other non-nil as an error. *)
148    (* Exported functions that appear in PolyML.DebuggerInterface. *)
149    type debugState = environEntry list * machineWord list * location
151    fun searchType ((clist, rlist, _): debugState) typeid =
152    let
153        fun match (EnvTypeid{original, freeId }, valu) =
154            if sameTypeId(original, typeid)
155            then 
156                case freeId of
157                    TypeId{description, idKind as Free _, ...} =>
158                        (* This can occur for datatypes inside functions. *)
159                        SOME(TypeId { access= Global(mkConst valu), idKind=idKind, description=description})
160                |   _ => raise Misc.InternalError "searchType: TypeFunction"
161            else NONE
162        |   match _ = NONE
163    in
164        case (searchEnvs match (clist, rlist), typeid) of
165            (SOME t, _) => t
166        |   (NONE, TypeId{description, idKind = TypeFn typeFn, ...}) => makeTypeFunction(description, typeFn)
168        |   (NONE, typeid as TypeId{description, idKind = Bound{arity, ...}, ...}) =>
169                (* The type ID is missing.  Make a new temporary ID. *)
170                makeFreeId(arity, Global(TYPEIDCODE.codeForUniqueId()), isEquality typeid, description)
172        |   (NONE, typeid as TypeId{description, idKind = Free{arity, ...}, ...}) =>
173                (* The type ID is missing.  Make a new temporary ID. *)
174                makeFreeId(arity, Global(TYPEIDCODE.codeForUniqueId()), isEquality typeid, description)
176    end
178    (* Values must be copied so that compile-time type IDs are replaced by their run-time values. *)
179    fun makeTypeConstr (state: debugState) (TypeConstrSet(tcons, (*tcConstructors*) _)) =
180        let
181            val typeID = searchType state (tcIdentifier tcons)
182            val newTypeCons =
183                makeTypeConstructor(tcName tcons, tcTypeVars tcons, typeID, tcLocations tcons)
185            val newValConstrs = (*map copyAConstructor tcConstructors*) []
186        in
187            TypeConstrSet(newTypeCons, newValConstrs)
188        end
190    (* When creating a structure we have to add a type map that will look up the bound Ids. *)
191    fun makeStructure state (name, rSig, locations, valu) =
192    let
193        local
194            val Signatures{ name = sigName, tab, typeIdMap, firstBoundIndex, locations=sigLocs, ... } = rSig
195            fun getFreeId n = searchType state (makeBoundId(0 (* ??? *), Global CodeZero, n, false, false, basisDescription ""))
196        in
197            val newSig = makeSignature(sigName, tab, firstBoundIndex, sigLocs, composeMaps(typeIdMap, getFreeId), [])
198        end
199    in
200        makeGlobalStruct (name, newSig, mkConst valu, locations)
201    end
203    local
204        fun runTimeType (state: debugState) ty =
205        let
206            fun copyId(TypeId{idKind=Free _, access=Global _ , ...}) = NONE (* Use original *)
207            |   copyId id = SOME(searchType state id)
208        in
209                copyType (ty, fn x => x,
210                    fn tcon => copyTypeConstr (tcon, copyId, fn x => x, fn s => s))
211        end
213        (* Return the value as a constant.  In almost all cases we just return the value.
214           The exception is when we have an equality type variable.  In that case we must
215           return a function because we will use applyToInstanceType to apply it to the
216           instance type(s).
217           N.B.  This is probably because of the way that allowGeneralisation side-effects
218           the type variables resulting in local type variables becoming generic. *)
219        fun getValue(valu, ty) =
220        let
221            val filterTypeVars = List.filter (fn tv => not TYPEIDCODE.justForEqualityTypes orelse tvEquality tv)
222            val polyVars = filterTypeVars (getPolyTypeVars(ty, fn _ => NONE))
223            val nPolyVars = List.length polyVars
224        in
225            if nPolyVars = 0
226            then mkConst valu
227            else mkInlproc(mkConst valu, nPolyVars, "poly", [], 0)
228        end
229    in
230        fun makeValue state (name, ty, location, valu) =
231            mkGvar(name, runTimeType state ty, getValue(valu, ty), location)
233        and makeException state (name, ty, location, valu) =
234            mkGex(name, runTimeType state ty, getValue(valu, ty), location)
236        and makeConstructor state (name, ty, nullary, count, location, valu) =
237                makeValueConstr(name, runTimeType state ty, nullary, count, Global(getValue(valu, ty)), location)
239        and makeAnonymousValue state (ty, valu) =
240            makeValue state ("", ty, [], valu)
241    end
243    (* Functions to make the debug entries.   These are needed both in CODEGEN_PARSETREE for
244       the core language and STRUCTURES for the module language. *)
245    (* Debugger status within the compiler.
246       During compilation the environment is built up as a pair
247       consisting of the static data and code to compute the run-time data.
248       The static data, a constant at run-time, holds the
249       variable names and types.  The run-time code, when executed at
250       run-time, returns the address of a list holding the actual values
251       of the variables. "dynEnv" is always a "load" from a (codetree)
252       variable.  It has type level->codetree rather than codetree
253       because the next reference could be inside an inner function.
254       "lastLoc" is the last location that was *)
255    type debuggerStatus =
256        {staticEnv: environEntry list, dynEnv: level->codetree, lastLoc: location}
258    val initialDebuggerStatus: debuggerStatus =
259        {staticEnv = [], dynEnv = fn _ => CodeZero, lastLoc = LEX.nullLocation }
261    (* Set the current state in the thread data. *)
262    fun updateState (level, mkAddr) (decs, debugEnv: debuggerStatus as {staticEnv, dynEnv, ...}) =
263    let
264        open ADDRESS
265        val threadId = multipleUses(getCurrentThreadId, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
266        fun assignItem(offset, value) =
267            mkNullDec(mkStoreOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, #load threadId level, offset, value))
268        val newDecs =
269            decs @ #dec threadId @
270                [assignItem(threadIdCurrentStatic, mkConst(toMachineWord staticEnv)),
271                 assignItem(threadIdCurrentDynamic, dynEnv level)]
272    in
273        (newDecs, debugEnv)
274    end
276    fun makeValDebugEntries (vars: values list, debugEnv: debuggerStatus, level, lex, mkAddr, typeVarMap) =
277    if getParameter debugTag (LEX.debugParams lex)
278    then
279        let
280            fun loadVar (var, (decs, {staticEnv, dynEnv, lastLoc, ...})) =
281                let
282                    val loadVal =
283                        codeVal (var, level, typeVarMap, [], lex, LEX.nullLocation)
284                    val newEnv =
285                    (* Create a new entry in the environment. *)
286                          mkDatatype [ loadVal (* Value. *), dynEnv level ]
287                    val { dec, load } = multipleUses (newEnv, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
288                    val ctEntry =
289                        case var of
290                            Value{class=Exception, name, typeOf, locations, ...} =>
291                                EnvException(name, typeOf, locations)
292                        |   Value{class=Constructor{nullary, ofConstrs, ...}, name, typeOf, locations, ...} =>
293                                EnvVConstr(name, typeOf, nullary, ofConstrs, locations)
294                        |   Value{name, typeOf, locations, ...} =>
295                                EnvValue(name, typeOf, locations)
296                in
297                    (decs @ dec, {staticEnv = ctEntry :: staticEnv, dynEnv = load, lastLoc = lastLoc})
298                end
299        in
300            updateState (level, mkAddr) (List.foldl loadVar ([], debugEnv) vars)
301        end
302    else ([], debugEnv)
304    fun makeTypeConstrDebugEntries(typeCons, debugEnv, level, lex, mkAddr) =
305    if not (getParameter debugTag (LEX.debugParams lex))
306    then ([], debugEnv)
307    else
308    let
309        fun foldIds(tc :: tcs, {staticEnv, dynEnv, lastLoc, ...}) =
310            let
311                val cons = tsConstr tc
312                val id = tcIdentifier cons
313                val {second = typeName, ...} = UTILITIES.splitString(tcName cons)
314            in
315                if tcIsAbbreviation (tsConstr tc)
316                then foldIds(tcs, {staticEnv=EnvTConstr(typeName, tc) :: staticEnv, dynEnv=dynEnv, lastLoc = lastLoc})
317                else
318                let
319                    (* This code will build a cons cell containing the run-time value
320                       associated with the type Id as the hd and the rest of the run-time
321                       environment as the tl. *)                
322                    val loadTypeId = TYPEIDCODE.codeId(id, level)
323                    val newEnv = mkDatatype [ loadTypeId, dynEnv level ]
324                    val { dec, load } = multipleUses (newEnv, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
325                    (* Make an entry for the type constructor itself as well as the new type id.
326                       The type Id is used both for the type constructor and also for any values
327                       of the type. *)
328                    val (decs, newEnv) =
329                        foldIds(tcs, {staticEnv=EnvTConstr(typeName, tc) :: envTypeId id :: staticEnv, dynEnv=load, lastLoc = lastLoc})
330                in
331                    (dec @ decs, newEnv)
332                end
333            end
334        |   foldIds([], debugEnv) = ([], debugEnv)
335    in
336        updateState (level, mkAddr) (foldIds(typeCons, debugEnv))
337    end
339    fun makeStructDebugEntries (strs: structVals list, debugEnv, level, lex, mkAddr) =
340    if getParameter debugTag (LEX.debugParams lex)
341    then
342        let
343            fun loadStruct (str as Struct { name, signat, locations, ...}, (decs, {staticEnv, dynEnv, lastLoc, ...})) =
344                let
345                    val loadStruct = codeStruct (str, level)
346                    val newEnv = mkDatatype [ loadStruct (* Structure. *), dynEnv level ]
347                    val { dec, load } = multipleUses (newEnv, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
348                    val ctEntry = EnvStructure(name, signat, locations)
349                in
350                    (decs @ dec, {staticEnv=ctEntry :: staticEnv, dynEnv=load, lastLoc = lastLoc})
351                end
352        in
353            updateState (level, mkAddr) (List.foldl loadStruct ([], debugEnv) strs)
354        end
355    else ([], debugEnv)
357    (* Create debug entries for typeIDs.  The idea is that if we stop in the debugger we
358       can access the type ID, particularly for printing values of the type.
359       "envTypeId" creates a free id for each bound id but the print and equality
360       functions are extracted when we are stopped in the debugger. *)
361    fun makeTypeIdDebugEntries(typeIds, debugEnv, level, lex, mkAddr) =
362    if not (getParameter debugTag (LEX.debugParams lex))
363    then ([], debugEnv)
364    else
365    let
366        fun foldIds(id :: ids, {staticEnv, dynEnv, lastLoc, ...}) =
367            let
368                (* This code will build a cons cell containing the run-time value
369                   associated with the type Id as the hd and the rest of the run-time
370                   environment as the tl. *)                
371                val loadTypeId =
372                    case id of TypeId { access = Formal addr, ... } =>
373                        (* If we are processing functor arguments we will have a Formal here. *)
374                        mkInd(addr, mkLoadArgument 0)
375                    |   _ => TYPEIDCODE.codeId(id, level)
376                val newEnv = mkDatatype [ loadTypeId, dynEnv level ]
377                val { dec, load } = multipleUses (newEnv, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
378                val (decs, newEnv) =
379                    foldIds(ids, {staticEnv=envTypeId id :: staticEnv, dynEnv=load, lastLoc = lastLoc})
380            in
381                (dec @ decs, newEnv)
382            end
383        |   foldIds([], debugEnv) = ([], debugEnv)
384    in
385        updateState (level, mkAddr) (foldIds(typeIds, debugEnv))
386    end
388    (* Update the location info in the thread data if we want debugging info.
389       If the location has not changed don't do anything.  Whether it has changed
390       could depend on whether we're only counting line numbers or whether we
391       have more precise location info with the IDE. *)
392    fun updateDebugLocation(debuggerStatus as {staticEnv, dynEnv, lastLoc, ...}, location, lex) =
393    if not (getParameter debugTag (LEX.debugParams lex)) orelse lastLoc = location
394    then ([], debuggerStatus)
395    else
396    let
397        open ADDRESS
398        val setLocation =
399            mkStoreOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false},
400                getCurrentThreadId, threadIdCurrentLocation, mkConst(toMachineWord location))
401    in
402        ([mkNullDec setLocation], {staticEnv=staticEnv, dynEnv=dynEnv, lastLoc=location})
403    end
405    (* Add debugging calls on entry and exit to a function. *)
406    fun wrapFunctionInDebug(codeBody: debuggerStatus -> codetree, name: string, argCode, argType, resType: types, location,
407                            entryEnv: debuggerStatus, level, lex, mkAddr) =
408        if not (getParameter debugTag (LEX.debugParams lex))
409        then codeBody entryEnv (* Code-generate the body without any wrapping. *)
410        else
411        let
412            open ADDRESS
414            val functionName = name (* TODO: munge this to get the root. *)
416            fun addStartExitEntry({staticEnv, dynEnv, lastLoc, ...}, code, ty, startExit) =
417            let
418                val newEnv = mkDatatype [ code, dynEnv level ]
419                val { dec, load } = multipleUses (newEnv, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
420                val ctEntry = startExit(functionName, location, ty)
421            in
422                (dec, {staticEnv=ctEntry :: staticEnv, dynEnv=load, lastLoc = lastLoc})
423            end
425            (* All the "on" functions take this as an argument. *)
426            val onArgs = [mkConst(toMachineWord(functionName, location))]
428            val threadId = multipleUses(getCurrentThreadId, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
429            fun loadIdEntry offset =
430                multipleUses(mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, #load threadId level, offset), fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
431            val currStatic = loadIdEntry threadIdCurrentStatic
432            and currDynamic = loadIdEntry threadIdCurrentDynamic
433            and currLocation = loadIdEntry threadIdCurrentLocation
434            and currStack = loadIdEntry threadIdStack
436            (* At the start of the function:
437               1.  Push the previous state to the stack.
438               2.  Create a debugging entry for the arguments
439               3.  Update the state to the state on entry, including the args
440               4.  Call the global onEntry function if it's set
441               5.  Call the local onEntry function if it's set *)
442            (* Save the previous state. *)
443            val assignStack =
444                mkStoreOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, #load threadId level, threadIdStack,
445                    mkDatatype[
446                        #load currStatic level, #load currDynamic level,
447                        #load currLocation level, #load currStack level])
449            val prefixCode =
450                #dec threadId @ #dec currStatic @ #dec currDynamic @ #dec currLocation @ #dec currStack @ [mkNullDec assignStack]
452            (* Make a debugging entry for the arguments.  This needs to be set
453               before we call onEntry so we can produce tracing info.  It also needs
454               to be passed to the body of the function so that it is included in the
455               debug status of the rest of the body. *)
456            local
457                val {staticEnv, dynEnv, lastLoc, ...} = entryEnv
458                val newEnv = mkDatatype [ argCode, dynEnv level ]
459                val { dec, load } = multipleUses (newEnv, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
460                val ctEntry = EnvStartFunction(functionName, location, argType)
461            in
462                val debuggerDecs = dec
463                val bodyDebugEnv = {staticEnv = ctEntry :: staticEnv, dynEnv = load, lastLoc = lastLoc}
464            end
466            local
467                val {staticEnv, dynEnv, ...} = bodyDebugEnv
468                val assignStatic =
469                    mkStoreOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, #load threadId level, threadIdCurrentStatic,
470                        mkConst(toMachineWord staticEnv))
471                val assignDynamic =
472                    mkStoreOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, #load threadId level, threadIdCurrentDynamic,
473                        dynEnv level)
474                val assignLocation =
475                    mkStoreOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, #load threadId level, threadIdCurrentLocation,
476                        mkConst(toMachineWord location))
477                val onEntryFn = multipleUses(onEntryCode, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
478                val optCallOnEntry =
479                    mkIf(mkTagTest(#load onEntryFn level, 0w0, 0w0), CodeZero, mkEval(#load onEntryFn level, onArgs))
480            in
481                val entryCode = debuggerDecs @
482                    [mkNullDec assignStatic, mkNullDec assignDynamic, mkNullDec assignLocation] @
483                    #dec onEntryFn @ [mkNullDec optCallOnEntry]
484            end
486            (* Restore the state.  Used both if the function returns normally or if
487               it raises an exception.  We use the old state rather than popping the stack
488               because that is more reliable if we have an asynchronous exception. *)
489            local
490                (* Set the entry in the thread vector to an entry from the top-of-stack. *)
491                fun restoreEntry(offset, value) =
492                    mkNullDec(
493                        mkStoreOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, #load threadId level, offset, value))
494            in
495                val restoreState =
496                    [restoreEntry(threadIdCurrentStatic, #load currStatic level),
497                     restoreEntry(threadIdCurrentDynamic, #load currDynamic level),
498                     restoreEntry(threadIdCurrentLocation, #load currLocation level),
499                     restoreEntry(threadIdStack, #load currStack level)]
500            end
502            local
503                (* If an exception is raised we need to call the onExitException entry, restore the state
504                   and reraise the exception. *)
505                (* There are potential race conditions here if we have asynchronous exceptions. *)
506                val exPacketAddr = mkAddr 1
507                val onExitExcFn = multipleUses(onExitExcCode, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
508                (* OnExitException has an extra curried argument - the exception packet. *)
509                val optCallOnExitExc =
510                    mkIf(mkTagTest(#load onExitExcFn level, 0w0, 0w0), CodeZero,
511                        mkEval(mkEval(#load onExitExcFn level, onArgs), [mkLoadLocal exPacketAddr]))
512            in
513                val exPacketAddr = exPacketAddr
514                val exceptionCase =
515                    mkEnv(#dec onExitExcFn @  [mkNullDec optCallOnExitExc]  @ restoreState,
516                        mkRaise(mkLoadLocal exPacketAddr))
517            end
519            (* Code for the body and the exception. *)
520            val bodyCode =
521                multipleUses(mkHandle(codeBody bodyDebugEnv, exceptionCase, exPacketAddr), fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
523            (* Code for normal exit. *)
524            local
525                val endFn = addStartExitEntry(entryEnv, #load bodyCode level, resType, EnvEndFunction)
526                val (rtEnvDec, _) = updateState (level, mkAddr) endFn
528                val onExitFn = multipleUses(onExitCode, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
529                val optCallOnExit =
530                    mkIf(mkTagTest(#load onExitFn level, 0w0, 0w0), CodeZero, mkEval(#load onExitFn level, onArgs))
531            in
532                val exitCode = rtEnvDec @ #dec onExitFn @ [mkNullDec optCallOnExit]
533            end
534        in
535            mkEnv(prefixCode @ entryCode @ #dec bodyCode @ exitCode @ restoreState, #load bodyCode level)
536        end
538    type breakPoint = bool ref
540    (* Create a local break point and check the global and local break points. *)
541    fun breakPointCode(breakPoint, location, level, lex, mkAddr) =
542        if not (getParameter debugTag (LEX.debugParams lex)) then []
543        else
544        let
545            open ADDRESS
546            (* Create a new local breakpoint and assign it to the ref.
547               It is possible for the ref to be already assigned a local breakpoint
548               value if we are compiling a match.  In that case the same expression
549               may be code-generated more than once but we only want one local
550               break-point. *)
551            val localBreakPoint =
552                case breakPoint of
553                    ref (SOME bpt) => bpt
554                |   r as ref NONE =>
555                    let val b = ref false in r := SOME b; b end;
556            (* Call the breakpoint function if it's defined. *)
557            val globalBpt = multipleUses(onBreakPointCode, fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
558            val testCode =
559                mkIf(
560                    mkNot(mkTagTest(#load globalBpt level, 0w0, 0w0)), 
561                    mkEval(#load globalBpt level,
562                        [mkTuple[mkConst(toMachineWord location), mkConst(toMachineWord localBreakPoint)]]),
563                    CodeZero
564                )
565        in
566            #dec globalBpt @ [mkNullDec testCode]
567        end
569    structure Sharing =
570    struct
571        type types          = types
572        type values         = values
573        type machineWord    = machineWord
574        type fixStatus      = fixStatus
575        type structVals     = structVals
576        type typeConstrSet  = typeConstrSet
577        type signatures     = signatures
578        type functors       = functors
579        type locationProp   = locationProp
580        type environEntry   = environEntry
581        type typeId         = typeId
582        type level          = level
583        type lexan          = lexan
584        type codeBinding    = codeBinding
585        type codetree       = codetree
586        type typeVarMap     = typeVarMap
587        type debuggerStatus = debuggerStatus
588    end