2    Title:      Standard Basis Library: IO Support functions
3    Copyright   David C.J. Matthews 2000, 2015-16
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    Lesser General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
18(* This function provides wrappers for the RTS file descriptors to construct
19   TextPrimIO and BinPrimIO readers and writers.  It is used both from the
20   TextIO and BinIO structures and also from the Windows and Unix structures
21   to wrap up pipes. *)
22structure LibraryIOSupport:>
25    structure BinPrimIO: PRIM_IO
26        where type vector = Word8Vector.vector
27        where type elem = Word8.word
28        where type array = Word8Array.array
29        (* BinPrimIO.pos is defined to be Position.int.
30           Is it?  Can't find that in G&R 2004. *)
31        where type pos = Position.int
32        where type vector_slice = Word8VectorSlice.slice
33        where type array_slice = Word8ArraySlice.slice
35    and TextPrimIO:
36        sig
37            include PRIM_IO
38            where type vector = CharVector.vector
39            where type elem = Char.char
40            where type array = CharArray.array
41            (* TextPrimIO.pos is abstract.  In particular it could be a
42               problem in Windows with CRNL <-> NL conversion. *)
43            where type vector_slice = CharVectorSlice.slice
44            where type array_slice = CharArraySlice.slice
45        end
47    val wrapInFileDescr :
48        { fd : OS.IO.iodesc, name : string, initBlkMode : bool } -> TextPrimIO.reader
49    val wrapOutFileDescr :
50        { fd : OS.IO.iodesc, name : string, appendMode : bool,
51          initBlkMode : bool, chunkSize : int } -> TextPrimIO.writer
52    val wrapBinInFileDescr :
53        { fd : OS.IO.iodesc, name : string, initBlkMode : bool } -> BinPrimIO.reader
54    val wrapBinOutFileDescr :
55        { fd : OS.IO.iodesc, name : string, appendMode : bool,
56          initBlkMode : bool, chunkSize : int } -> BinPrimIO.writer
58    val readBinVector: OS.IO.iodesc * int -> Word8Vector.vector
59    val readBinArray: OS.IO.iodesc * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int
60    val writeBinVec: OS.IO.iodesc * Word8VectorSlice.slice -> int
61    val writeBinArray: OS.IO.iodesc * Word8ArraySlice.slice -> int
62    val nonBlocking : ('a->'b) -> 'a ->'b option
63    val protect: Thread.Mutex.mutex -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
65    datatype ('af,'sock_type) sock = SOCK of OS.IO.iodesc
66        (* Socket addresses are implemented as strings. *)
67    datatype 'af sock_addr = SOCKADDR of Word8Vector.vector
71    structure BinPrimIO =
72        PrimIO (
73            structure Array : MONO_ARRAY = Word8Array
74            structure Vector : MONO_VECTOR = Word8Vector
75            structure VectorSlice = Word8VectorSlice
76            structure ArraySlice = Word8ArraySlice
77            val someElem : Vector.elem = 0wx00 (* Initialise to zero. *)
78            type pos = Position.int (* Position should always be LargeInt. *)
79            val compare = Position.compare
80        )
82    structure TextPrimIO =
83        PrimIO (
84            structure Array = CharArray
85            structure Vector = CharVector
86            structure ArraySlice = CharArraySlice
87            structure VectorSlice = CharVectorSlice
88            val someElem : Array.elem = #" " (* Initialise to spaces. *)
89            type pos = Position.int
90            val compare = Position.compare
91        );
93    (* open IO *)
94    type address = LibrarySupport.address
95    type fileDescr = OS.IO.iodesc
96    (* Called after any exception in the lower level reader or
97       writer to map any exception other than Io into Io. *)
99    local
100        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
101    in
102        fun sys_close (strm: fileDescr): unit = doIo(7, strm, 0)
103        and sys_block_in(strm: fileDescr): unit = doIo(27, strm, 0)
104        and sys_block_out(strm: fileDescr): unit = doIo(29, strm, 0)
105    end
107    local
108        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
109    in
110        fun sys_read_text (strm: fileDescr, vil: address*word*word): int =
111            doIo(8, strm, vil)
113        fun sys_write_text (strm: fileDescr, vil: address*word*word): int =
114            doIo(11, strm, vil)
116        fun sys_read_bin (strm: fileDescr, vil: address*word*word): int =
117            doIo(9, strm, vil)
119        fun sys_write_bin (strm: fileDescr, vil: address*word*word): int =
120            doIo(12, strm, vil)
121    end
123    local
124        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
125    in
126        fun sys_read_string (strm: fileDescr, len: int): string =
127            doIo(10, strm, len)
128    end
130    local
131        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
132    in
133        fun readBinVector (strm: fileDescr, len: int): Word8Vector.vector =
134            doIo(26, strm, len)
135    end
138    local
139        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
140    in
141        fun sys_get_buffsize (strm: fileDescr): int = doIo(15, strm, 0)
142        and sys_can_input(strm: fileDescr): int = doIo(16, strm, 0)
143        and sys_can_output(strm: fileDescr): int = doIo(28, strm, 0)
144        and sys_avail(strm: fileDescr): int = doIo(17, strm, 0)
145    end
147    local
148        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
149    in
150        fun sys_get_pos(strm: fileDescr): Position.int = doIo(18, strm, 0) (* N.B. large int *)
151    end
153    local
154        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
155    in
156        fun sys_end_pos(strm: fileDescr): Position.int = doIo(20, strm, 0) (* N.B. large int *)
157    end
159    local
160        val doIo = RunCall.rtsCallFull3 "PolyBasicIOGeneral"
161    in
162        fun sys_set_pos(strm: fileDescr, p: Position.int): unit =
163            (doIo(19, strm, p); ()) (* N.B. large int *)
164    end
166    local
167        (* Find out the error which will be generated if a stream in
168           non-blocking mode would block. *)
169        val eAgain = OS.syserror "EAGAIN" and eWouldBlock = OS.syserror "EWOULDBLOCK"
170        and eInProgress = OS.syserror "EINPROGRESS"
171        and wsaWouldBlock = OS.syserror "WSAEWOULDBLOCK" and wsaInProgress = OS.syserror "WSAEINPROGRESS" 
172    in
173        (* If evaluating the function raises EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK we return NONE
174           otherwise if it succeeds return SOME result.  Pass other exceptions back
175           to the caller. *)
176        fun nonBlocking f arg =
177            SOME(f arg) handle exn as OS.SysErr(_, SOME e) =>
178                if (case eAgain of SOME again => e = again | NONE => false) then NONE
179                else if (case eWouldBlock of SOME wouldBlock => e = wouldBlock | NONE => false) then NONE
180                else if (case eInProgress of SOME inProgress => e = inProgress | NONE => false) then NONE
181                else if (case wsaWouldBlock of SOME wouldBlock => e = wouldBlock | NONE => false) then NONE
182                else if (case wsaInProgress of SOME inProgress => e = inProgress | NONE => false) then NONE
183                else PolyML.Exception.reraise exn
184    end
186    val wordSize : word = LibrarySupport.wordSize;
188    (* Find out if random access is permitted and return the
189       appropriate values. *)
190    fun getRandAccessFns n =
191    let
192        val isRandomAccess =
193            ((sys_get_pos n; true) handle OS.SysErr _ => false)
194        val getPos =
195            if isRandomAccess
196            then SOME(fn () => sys_get_pos n)
197            else NONE
198        val setPos =
199            if isRandomAccess
200            then SOME(fn p => sys_set_pos(n, p))
201            else NONE
202        val endPos =
203            if isRandomAccess
204            then SOME(fn () => sys_end_pos n)
205            else NONE
206    in
207        (getPos, setPos, endPos)
208    end
210    fun writeBinArray (n: fileDescr, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice): int =
211    let
212        val (buf, i, len) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
213        val LibrarySupport.Word8Array.Array(_, v) = buf
214        val iW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript i
215        val lenW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript len
216    in
217        sys_write_bin(n, (v, iW, lenW))
218    end
220    fun readBinArray (n: fileDescr, slice: Word8ArraySlice.slice): int =
221    let
222        val (buf, i, len) = Word8ArraySlice.base slice
223        val LibrarySupport.Word8Array.Array(_, v) = buf
224        val lenW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript len
225        val iW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript i
226    in
227        sys_read_bin(n, (v, iW, lenW))
228    end
230    (* Write out a string using the underlying call.  Note
231       that we have to add the size of a word to the offsets
232       to skip the length word.  The underlying call deals
233       with the special case of a single character string
234       where the "string" is actually the character itself. *)
235    fun writeBinVec (n: fileDescr, slice: Word8VectorSlice.slice): int =
236    let
237        val (buf, i, len) = Word8VectorSlice.base slice
238        val iW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript i
239        val lenW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript len
240    in
241        sys_write_bin(n, (LibrarySupport.w8vectorAsAddress buf, iW+wordSize, lenW))
242    end
245    (* Create the primitive IO functions and add the higher layers.
246       For all file descriptors other than standard input we look
247       at the stream to see if we can do non-blocking input and/or
248       random access. Standard input, though is persistent and so
249       we have to take a more restrictive view. *)
250    fun wrapInFileDescr{ fd, name, initBlkMode } =
251    let
252        fun readArray (slice: CharArraySlice.slice): int =
253        let
254            val (buf, i, len) = CharArraySlice.base slice
255            val LibrarySupport.CharArray.Array(_, v) = buf
256            val iW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript i
257            val lenW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript len
258        in
259            sys_read_text(fd, (v, iW, lenW))
260        end
262        fun readVector l = sys_read_string(fd, l)
264        (* If we have opened the stream in non-blocking mode readVec
265           and readArray will raise an exception if they would block.
266           We have to handle that.  The blocking functions can be
267           constructed using block_in but that should be done by
268           augmentReader. *)
269        val (readVec, readArr, readVecNB, readArrNB) =
270            if initBlkMode
271            then (SOME readVector, SOME readArray, NONE, NONE)
272            else (NONE, NONE, SOME(nonBlocking readVector),
273                    SOME(nonBlocking readArray))
275        val (getPos, setPos, endPos) = getRandAccessFns fd
277        (* Unlike the other functions "avail" is a function returning
278           an option, not an optional function. *)
279        fun avail () =
280        let
281            (* If we get an exception or a negative number return NONE. *)
282            val v = sys_avail fd handle OS.SysErr _ => ~1
283        in
284            if v >= 0 then SOME v else NONE
285        end
287        val textPrimRd =
288            TextPrimIO.RD {
289                name = name,
290                chunkSize = sys_get_buffsize fd,
291                readVec = readVec,
292                readArr = readArr,
293                readVecNB = readVecNB,
294                readArrNB = readArrNB,
295                block = SOME(fn () => sys_block_in fd),
296                canInput = SOME (fn () => sys_can_input fd > 0),
297                avail = avail,
298                getPos = getPos,
299                setPos = setPos,
300                endPos = endPos,
301                verifyPos = getPos,
302                close = fn () => sys_close fd,
303                ioDesc = (SOME fd) : OS.IO.iodesc option
304            }
305    in
306        TextPrimIO.augmentReader textPrimRd
307    end
309    fun wrapOutFileDescr {fd, name, appendMode, initBlkMode, chunkSize} =
310    let
311        fun writeArray (slice: CharArraySlice.slice): int =
312        let
313            val (buf, i, len) = CharArraySlice.base slice
314            val LibrarySupport.CharArray.Array(_, v) = buf
315            val iW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript i
316            val lenW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript len
317        in
318            sys_write_text(fd, (v, iW, lenW))
319        end
321        (* Write out a string using the underlying call.  Note
322           that we have to add the size of a word to the offsets
323           to skip the length word.  The underlying call deals
324           with the special case of a single character string
325           where the "string" is actually the character itself. *)
326        fun writeVector (slice: CharVectorSlice.slice): int =
327        let
328            val (buf, i, len) = CharVectorSlice.base slice
329            val v = LibrarySupport.stringAsAddress buf
330            val iW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript i
331            val lenW = LibrarySupport.unsignedShortOrRaiseSubscript len
332        in
333            sys_write_text(fd, (v, iW+wordSize, lenW))
334        end
336        (* Set up the writers depending on whether the stream is
337           in non-blocking mode or not. *)
338        val (writeVec, writeArr, writeVecNB, writeArrNB) =
339            if initBlkMode
340            then (SOME writeVector, SOME writeArray, NONE, NONE)
341            else (NONE, NONE, SOME(nonBlocking writeVector),
342                    SOME(nonBlocking writeArray))
344        (* Random access is provided if getPos works. *)
345        val (getPos, setPos, endPos) = getRandAccessFns fd
346        (* If we have opened the stream for append we will always
347           write to the end of the stream so setPos won't work. *)
348        val setPos = if appendMode then NONE else setPos
350        val textPrimWr =
351            TextPrimIO.WR {
352                name = name,
353                chunkSize = chunkSize,
354                writeVec = writeVec,
355                writeArr = writeArr,
356                writeVecNB = writeVecNB,
357                writeArrNB = writeArrNB,
358                block = SOME(fn () => sys_block_out fd),
359                canOutput = SOME(fn () => sys_can_output fd > 0),
360                getPos = getPos,
361                setPos = setPos,
362                endPos = endPos,
363                verifyPos = getPos,
364                close = fn () => sys_close fd,
365                ioDesc = (SOME fd) : OS.IO.iodesc option
366            }
367    in
368        TextPrimIO.augmentWriter textPrimWr
369    end
371    fun wrapBinInFileDescr{fd, name, initBlkMode} =
372    let
373        fun readVector l = readBinVector(fd, l)
374        and readArray b = readBinArray(fd, b)
375        (* If we have opened the stream in non-blocking mode readVec
376           and readArray will raise an exception if they would block.
377           We have to handle that.  The blocking functions can be
378           constructed using block_in but that should be done by
379           augmentReader. *)
380        val (readVec, readArr, readVecNB, readArrNB) =
381            if initBlkMode
382            then (SOME readVector, SOME readArray, NONE, NONE)
383            else (NONE, NONE, SOME(nonBlocking readVector),
384                    SOME(nonBlocking readArray))
386        (* Random access is provided if getPos works. *)
387        val (getPos, setPos, endPos) = getRandAccessFns fd
389        (* Unlike the other functions "avail" is a function returning
390           an option, not an optional function. *)
391        fun avail () =
392        let
393            (* If we get an exception or a negative number return NONE. *)
394            val v = sys_avail fd handle  OS.SysErr _ => ~1
395        in
396            if v >= 0 then SOME v else NONE
397        end
399        val binPrimRd =
400            BinPrimIO.RD {
401                name = name,
402                chunkSize = sys_get_buffsize fd,
403                readVec = readVec,
404                readArr = readArr,
405                readVecNB = readVecNB,
406                readArrNB = readArrNB,
407                block = SOME(fn () => sys_block_in fd),
408                canInput = SOME(fn() =>sys_can_input fd > 0),
409                avail = avail,
410                getPos = getPos,
411                setPos = setPos,
412                endPos = endPos,
413                verifyPos = getPos,
414                close = fn() => sys_close fd,
415                ioDesc = SOME fd
416            }
417    in
418        BinPrimIO.augmentReader binPrimRd
419    end
421    fun wrapBinOutFileDescr{fd, name, appendMode, initBlkMode, chunkSize} =
422    let
423        fun writeArray b = writeBinArray(fd, b)
424        and writeVector b = writeBinVec(fd, b)
426        (* Set up the writers depending on whether the stream is
427           in non-blocking mode or not. *)
428        val (writeVec, writeArr, writeVecNB, writeArrNB) =
429            if initBlkMode
430            then (SOME writeVector, SOME writeArray, NONE, NONE)
431            else (NONE, NONE, SOME(nonBlocking writeVector),
432                    SOME(nonBlocking writeArray))
434        (* Random access is provided if getPos works. *)
435        val (getPos, setPos, endPos) = getRandAccessFns fd
436        (* If we have opened the stream for append we will always
437           write to the end of the stream so setPos won't work. *)
438        val setPos = if appendMode then NONE else setPos
440        val binPrimWr =
441            BinPrimIO.WR {
442                name = name,
443                chunkSize = chunkSize,
444                writeVec = writeVec,
445                writeArr = writeArr,
446                writeVecNB = writeVecNB,
447                writeArrNB = writeArrNB,
448                block = SOME(fn () => sys_block_out fd),
449                canOutput = SOME(fn () => sys_can_output fd > 0),
450                getPos = getPos,
451                setPos = setPos,
452                endPos = endPos,
453                verifyPos = getPos,
454                close = fn () => sys_close fd,
455                ioDesc = SOME fd
456            }
457    in
458        BinPrimIO.augmentWriter binPrimWr
459    end
461    (* Many of the IO functions need a mutex so we include this here.
462       This applies a function while a mutex is being held. *)
463    val protect = ThreadLib.protect
465    (* These are abstract in Socket but it's convenient to be able to convert in
466       the other socket structures. *)
467    datatype ('af,'sock_type) sock = SOCK of OS.IO.iodesc
468    datatype 'af sock_addr = SOCKADDR of Word8Vector.vector
471structure BinPrimIO = LibraryIOSupport.BinPrimIO
472and TextPrimIO = LibraryIOSupport.TextPrimIO;