1(* this is an -*- sml -*- file *)
2open HolKernel Parse boolLib
4open bossLib binderLib
5open basic_swapTheory nomsetTheory
6open pred_setTheory
7open BasicProvers
8open quotientLib
9open boolSimps
11fun Store_Thm(s, t, tac) = (store_thm(s,t,tac) before export_rewrites [s])
12fun Save_Thm(s, th) = (save_thm(s, th) before export_rewrites [s])
14val _ = new_theory "generic_terms"
16val _ = computeLib.auto_import_definitions := false
18val _ = Datatype `
19  pregterm = var string 'v
20           | lam string 'b (pregterm list) (pregterm list)
23val fv_def = Define `
24  (fv (var s vv) = {s}) ���
25  (fv (lam v bv bndts unbndts) = (fvl bndts DELETE v) ��� fvl unbndts) ���
26  (fvl [] = ���) ���
27  (fvl (h::ts) = fv h ��� fvl ts)`
28val _ = augment_srw_ss [rewrites [fv_def]]
30val oldind = TypeBase.induction_of ``:(��,��)pregterm``
32val pind = prove(
33  ``���P.
34      (���s vv. P (var s vv)) ���
35      (���v bv bndts unbndts.
36         EVERY P bndts ��� EVERY P unbndts ��� P (lam v bv bndts unbndts))
37    ���
38      ���t. P t``,
39  gen_tac >> strip_tac >>
40  Q_TAC suff_tac `(���t. P t) ��� (���ts. EVERY P ts)` >- metis_tac [] >>
41  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac [][]);
43val finite_fv = store_thm(
44  "finite_fv",
45  ``���t. FINITE (fv t)``,
46  Q_TAC suff_tac `(���t:(��,��)pregterm. FINITE (fv t)) ���
47                  (���l:(��,��)pregterm list. FINITE (fvl l))` >- srw_tac [][] >>
48  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac [][]);
49val _ = augment_srw_ss [rewrites [finite_fv]]
51val raw_ptpm_def = Define`
52  (raw_ptpm p (var s vv) = var (lswapstr p s) vv) ���
53  (raw_ptpm p (lam v bv bndts unbndts) = lam (lswapstr p v)
54                                         bv
55                                         (raw_ptpml p bndts)
56                                         (raw_ptpml p unbndts)) ���
57  (raw_ptpml p [] = []) ���
58  (raw_ptpml p (h::t) = raw_ptpm p h :: raw_ptpml p t)
61val _ = overload_on("pt_pmact",``mk_pmact raw_ptpm``);
62val _ = overload_on("ptpm",``pmact pt_pmact``);
63val _ = overload_on("ptl_pmact",``mk_pmact raw_ptpml``);
64val _ = overload_on("ptpml",``pmact ptl_pmact``);
66val raw_ptpm_nil = prove(
67  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm. raw_ptpm [] t = t) ���
68    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list. raw_ptpml [] l = l)``,
69  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac [][raw_ptpm_def])
71val raw_ptpm_compose = prove(
72  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm. raw_ptpm p1 (raw_ptpm p2 t) = raw_ptpm (p1 ++ p2) t) ���
73    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list.
74        raw_ptpml p1 (raw_ptpml p2 l) = raw_ptpml (p1 ++ p2) l)``,
75  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac [][raw_ptpm_def, pmact_decompose]);
77val raw_ptpm_permeq = prove(
78  ``(���x. lswapstr p1 x = lswapstr p2 x) ���
79    (���t:(��,��)pregterm. raw_ptpm p1 t = raw_ptpm p2 t) ���
80    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list. raw_ptpml p1 l = raw_ptpml p2 l)``,
81  strip_tac >> ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac [][raw_ptpm_def]);
83val ptpm_raw = prove(
84  ``(ptpm = raw_ptpm) ��� (ptpml = raw_ptpml)``,
85  conj_tac >> (
86  srw_tac [][GSYM pmact_bijections] >>
87  srw_tac [][is_pmact_def] >|[
88    srw_tac [][raw_ptpm_nil],
89    srw_tac [][raw_ptpm_compose],
90    fsrw_tac [][raw_ptpm_permeq, permeq_thm, FUN_EQ_THM]
92val ptpm_raw = INST_TYPE[gamma|->alpha,delta|->beta] ptpm_raw;
94val ptpml_listpm = store_thm(
95  "ptpml_listpm",
96  ``���l. ptpml p l = listpm pt_pmact p l``,
97  Induct >> fsrw_tac[][ptpm_raw] >>
98  srw_tac [][raw_ptpm_def]);
100val ptpm_thm = Save_Thm(
101  "ptpm_thm",
102  raw_ptpm_def |> CONJUNCTS |> (fn l => List.take(l, 2))
103               |> map (SUBS (map GSYM (CONJUNCTS ptpm_raw))) |> LIST_CONJ
104               |> REWRITE_RULE [ptpml_listpm] );
106val ptpm_fv = store_thm(
107  "ptpm_fv",
108  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm. fv (ptpm p t) = ssetpm p (fv t)) ���
109    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list. fvl (ptpml p l) = ssetpm p (fvl l))``,
110  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac[][stringpm_raw, ptpml_listpm, pmact_INSERT, pmact_DELETE, pmact_UNION]);
111val _ = augment_srw_ss [rewrites [ptpm_fv]]
113val allatoms_def = Define`
114  (allatoms (var s vv) = {s}) ���
115  (allatoms (lam v bv bndts unbndts) =
116     v INSERT allatomsl bndts ��� allatomsl unbndts) ���
117  (allatomsl [] = ���) ���
118  (allatomsl (t::ts) = allatoms t ��� allatomsl ts)
121val allatoms_finite = Store_Thm(
122  "allatoms_finite",
123  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm. FINITE (allatoms t)) ���
124    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list. FINITE (allatomsl l))``,
125  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac [][allatoms_def]);
127val allatoms_supports = store_thm(
128  "allatoms_supports",
129  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm. support pt_pmact t (allatoms t)) ���
130    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list. support (list_pmact pt_pmact) l (allatomsl l))``,
131  simp_tac (srw_ss())[support_def] >>
132  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac [][allatoms_def]);
134val allatoms_fresh = store_thm(
135  "allatoms_fresh",
136  ``x ��� allatoms t ��� y ��� allatoms t ==> (ptpm [(x,y)] t = t)``,
137  METIS_TAC [allatoms_supports, support_def]);
139val allatoms_apart = store_thm(
140  "allatoms_apart",
141  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm a b.
142       a ��� allatoms t /\ b ��� allatoms t ��� ptpm [(a,b)] t ��� t) ���
143    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list a b.
144       a ��� allatomsl l ��� b ��� allatomsl l ��� listpm pt_pmact [(a,b)] l ��� l)``,
145  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> srw_tac [][allatoms_def] >>
146  srw_tac [][swapstr_def]);
148val allatoms_supp = store_thm(
149  "allatoms_supp",
150  ``supp pt_pmact t = allatoms t``,
151  MATCH_MP_TAC supp_unique THEN
152  SRW_TAC [][allatoms_supports, SUBSET_DEF] THEN
153  FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [support_def] THEN
155  `?y. ~(y IN allatoms t) /\ ~(y IN s')`
156     by (Q.SPEC_THEN `allatoms t UNION s'` MP_TAC NEW_def THEN
157         SRW_TAC [][] THEN METIS_TAC []) THEN
158  METIS_TAC [allatoms_apart]);
160val allatoms_perm = store_thm(
161  "allatoms_perm",
162  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm. allatoms (ptpm p t) = ssetpm p (allatoms t)) ���
163    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list.
164      allatomsl (listpm pt_pmact p l) = ssetpm p (allatomsl l))``,
165  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >>
166  srw_tac [][allatoms_def, pmact_INSERT, pmact_UNION]);
168val (aeq_rules, aeq_ind, aeq_cases) = Hol_reln`
169  (!s vv. aeq (var s vv) (var s vv)) /\
170  (!u v bv z bndts1 bndts2 us1 us2.
171      aeql us1 us2 ���
172      aeql (ptpml [(u,z)] bndts1) (ptpml [(v,z)] bndts2) ���
173      z ��� allatomsl bndts1 ��� z ���  allatomsl bndts2 ��� z ��� u ��� z ��� v ���
174      aeq (lam u bv bndts1 us1) (lam v bv bndts2 us2)) ���
175  aeql [] [] ���
176  (���h1 h2 t1 t2. aeq h1 h2 ��� aeql t1 t2 ��� aeql (h1::t1) (h2::t2))
179val aeq_lam = List.nth(CONJUNCTS aeq_rules, 1)
181val aeq_distinct = store_thm(
182  "aeq_distinct",
183  ``~aeq (var s vv) (lam v bv ts us)``,
184  ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [aeq_cases] THEN SRW_TAC [][]);
186val aeq_ptpm_lemma = store_thm(
187  "aeq_ptpm_lemma",
188  ``(!t:(��,��)pregterm u. aeq t u ==> !p. aeq (ptpm p t) (ptpm p u)) ���
189    (���ts:(��,��)pregterm list us.
190      aeql ts us ��� �����. aeql (listpm pt_pmact �� ts) (listpm pt_pmact �� us)) ``,
191  ho_match_mp_tac aeq_ind >> srw_tac [][aeq_rules, ptpml_listpm] >>
192  match_mp_tac aeq_lam >>
193  Q.EXISTS_TAC `lswapstr p z` THEN
194  srw_tac [][allatoms_perm, pmact_IN] >>
195  srw_tac [][ptpml_listpm, pmact_sing_to_back]);
197val aeq_ptpm_eqn = store_thm(
198  "aeq_ptpm_eqn",
199  ``aeq (ptpm p t) u = aeq t (ptpm (REVERSE p) u)``,
200  METIS_TAC [aeq_ptpm_lemma, pmact_inverse]);
202val aeql_ptpm_eqn = store_thm(
203  "aeql_ptpm_eqn",
204  ``aeql (ptpml p l1) l2 = aeql l1 (ptpml p����� l2)``,
205  METIS_TAC [aeq_ptpm_lemma, ptpml_listpm, pmact_inverse]);
207val IN_fvl = prove(
208  ``x ��� fvl tl ��� ���e. MEM e tl ��� x ��� fv e``,
209  Induct_on `tl` >> srw_tac [DNF_ss][AC DISJ_ASSOC DISJ_COMM]);
211val IN_allatomsl = prove(
212  ``x ��� allatomsl tl ��� ���t. MEM t tl ��� x ��� allatoms t``,
213  Induct_on `tl` >> srw_tac [DNF_ss][allatoms_def]);
215val fv_SUBSET_allatoms = store_thm(
216  "fv_SUBSET_allatoms",
217  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm. fv t SUBSET allatoms t) ���
218    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list. fvl l ��� allatomsl l)``,
219  SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [SUBSET_DEF] >> ho_match_mp_tac oldind>>
220  srw_tac [][allatoms_def] >> metis_tac []);
222val aeq_fv = store_thm(
223  "aeq_fv",
224  ``(!t:(��,��)pregterm u. aeq t u ==> (fv t = fv u)) ���
225    (���ts:(��,��)pregterm list us. aeql ts us ��� (fvl ts = fvl us))``,
226  ho_match_mp_tac aeq_ind >>
227  srw_tac [][EXTENSION, ptpm_fv, pmact_IN, ptpml_listpm] THEN
228  Cases_on `x ��� fvl us` >> srw_tac [][] >>
229  Cases_on `x = u` >> srw_tac [][] THENL [
230    Cases_on `u = v` THEN SRW_TAC [][] THEN
231    FIRST_X_ASSUM (Q.SPEC_THEN `swapstr v z u` (MP_TAC o SYM)) THEN
232    SRW_TAC [][] THEN SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def] THEN
233    METIS_TAC [fv_SUBSET_allatoms, SUBSET_DEF],
234    Cases_on `x = v` THEN SRW_TAC [][] THENL [
235      FIRST_X_ASSUM (Q.SPEC_THEN `swapstr u z v` MP_TAC) THEN
236      SRW_TAC [][] THEN SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def] THEN
237      METIS_TAC [fv_SUBSET_allatoms, SUBSET_DEF],
238      Cases_on `z = x` THEN SRW_TAC [][] THENL [
239        METIS_TAC [fv_SUBSET_allatoms, SUBSET_DEF],
241        SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def]
242      ]
243    ]
244  ]);
246val aeq_refl = Store_Thm(
247  "aeq_refl",
248  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm. aeq t t) ��� (���l:(��,��)pregterm list. aeql l l)``,
249  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >> asm_simp_tac (srw_ss())[aeq_rules] >>
250  REPEAT gen_tac >> strip_tac >>
251  MAP_EVERY Q.X_GEN_TAC [`b`, `s`] >>
252  MATCH_MP_TAC aeq_lam >>
253  SRW_TAC [][aeql_ptpm_eqn, ptpml_listpm] THEN
254  Q.SPEC_THEN `s INSERT allatomsl l` MP_TAC NEW_def THEN SRW_TAC [][] THEN
255  METIS_TAC [ pmact_sing_inv]);
257val aeq_sym = store_thm(
258  "aeq_sym",
259  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm u. aeq t u ==> aeq u t) ���
260    (���l1:(��,��)pregterm list l2. aeql l1 l2 ==> aeql l2 l1)``,
261  ho_match_mp_tac aeq_ind >> srw_tac [][aeq_rules] >>
262  metis_tac [aeq_lam]);
264val aeq_var_inversion = store_thm(
265  "aeq_var_inversion",
266  ``aeq (var vv s) t = (t = var vv s)``,
267  srw_tac [][Once aeq_cases]);
269val aeq_lam_inversion = store_thm(
270  "aeq_lam_inversion",
271  ``aeq (lam v bv bndts unbndts) N =
272      ���z v' bndts' unbndts'.
273        (N = lam v' bv bndts' unbndts') ��� z ��� v' ��� z ��� v ���
274        z ��� allatomsl bndts ��� z ��� allatomsl bndts' ���
275        aeql (ptpml [(v,z)] bndts) (ptpml [(v',z)] bndts') ���
276        aeql unbndts unbndts'``,
277  srw_tac [][Once aeq_cases, SimpLHS] >> metis_tac []);
279Theorem aeq_ptm_11:
280    (aeq (var s1 vv1) (var s2 vv2) ��� (s1 = s2) ��� (vv1 = vv2)) /\
281    (aeq (lam v bv1 bndts1 unbndts1) (lam v bv2 bndts2 unbndts2) ���
282      (bv1 = bv2) ��� aeql bndts1 bndts2 ��� aeql unbndts1 unbndts2)
284  SRW_TAC [][aeq_lam_inversion, aeq_ptpm_eqn, aeq_var_inversion, EQ_IMP_THM]
285  THENL [
286    full_simp_tac (srw_ss() ++ ETA_ss)
287      [aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_nil],
288    srw_tac [][],
289    Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "z") `v INSERT allatomsl bndts1 ��� allatomsl bndts2` THEN
290    Q.EXISTS_TAC `z` >>
291    srw_tac [ETA_ss][aeql_ptpm_eqn]
292  ]
295val ptpml_fresh =
296  allatoms_supports |> CONJUNCT2 |>
297  SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [support_def, GSYM ptpml_listpm]
299val ptpml_sing_to_back' = prove(
300  ``ptpml p (ptpml [(u,v)] tl) =
301       ptpml [(lswapstr p u, lswapstr p v)] (ptpml p tl)``,
302  simp_tac (srw_ss()) [pmact_sing_to_back]);
304(* proof follows that on p169 of Andy Pitts, Information and Computation 186
305   article: Nominal logic, a first order theory of names and binding *)
306val aeq_trans = store_thm(
307  "aeq_trans",
308  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm u. aeq t u ��� ���v. aeq u v ==> aeq t v) ���
309    (���l1:(��,��)pregterm list l2. aeql l1 l2 ��� ���l3. aeql l2 l3 ��� aeql l1 l3)``,
310  ho_match_mp_tac aeq_ind >> REPEAT conj_tac >|[
311    srw_tac [][],
313      `���u v bv z bt1 bt2 ut1 (ut2:(��,��)pregterm list).
314         (���l3. aeql (ptpml [(v,z)] bt2) l3 ��� aeql (ptpml [(u,z)] bt1) l3) ���
315         (���ut3. aeql ut2 ut3 ��� aeql ut1 ut3) ���
316         z ��� allatomsl bt1 ��� z ��� allatomsl bt2 ��� z ��� u ��� z ��� v ���
317         ���t3. aeq (lam v bv bt2 ut2) t3 ��� aeq (lam u bv bt1 ut1) t3`
318          >- metis_tac [] >>
319    rpt gen_tac >> strip_tac >> gen_tac >>
320    simp_tac (srw_ss()) [SimpL ``$==>``, aeq_lam_inversion] >>
322      (Q.X_CHOOSE_THEN `z2`
323         (Q.X_CHOOSE_THEN `w`
324              (Q.X_CHOOSE_THEN `bt3`
325                  (Q.X_CHOOSE_THEN `ut3` STRIP_ASSUME_TAC)))) >>
326    Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "d")
327       `{z;z2;u;v;w} ��� allatomsl bt1 ��� allatomsl bt2 ��� allatomsl bt3` >>
328    `���bt3.
329       aeql (ptpml [(z,d)] (ptpml [(v,z)] bt2)) (ptpml [(z,d)] bt3) ==>
330       aeql (ptpml [(z,d)] (ptpml [(u,z)] bt1)) (ptpml [(z,d)] bt3)`
331       by FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [aeql_ptpm_eqn] THEN
332    POP_ASSUM
333       (Q.SPEC_THEN `ptpml [(z,d)] bt3`
334           (ASSUME_TAC o Q.GEN `bt3` o
335            SIMP_RULE (srw_ss() ++ ETA_ss)
336                      [pmact_sing_inv, pmact_nil])) THEN
337    POP_ASSUM (MP_TAC o ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [ptpml_sing_to_back']) THEN
338    SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, ptpml_fresh] THEN
339    `aeql (ptpml [(z2,d)] (ptpml [(v,z2)] bt2))
340          (ptpml [(z2,d)] (ptpml [(w,z2)] bt3))`
341       by (srw_tac [ETA_ss]
342                   [Once aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_nil]) >>
343    POP_ASSUM (MP_TAC o ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [ptpml_sing_to_back']) THEN
344    SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, ptpml_fresh] THEN
345    `aeql (ptpml [(u,d)] bt1) (ptpml [(w,d)] bt3)` by METIS_TAC [] THEN
346    METIS_TAC [aeq_lam],
348    srw_tac [][],
349    rpt gen_tac >> strip_tac >> gen_tac >>
350    srw_tac [][Once aeq_cases, SimpL ``$==>``] >>
351    metis_tac [aeq_rules]
352  ]);
354open relationTheory
355val aeq_equiv = store_thm(
356  "aeq_equiv",
357  ``!t1 t2. aeq t1 t2 = (aeq t1 = aeq t2)``,
358  srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> METIS_TAC [aeq_trans, aeq_sym, aeq_refl]);
360val alt_aeq_lam = store_thm(
361  "alt_aeq_lam",
362  ``(���z. z ��� allatomsl t1 ��� z ��� allatomsl t2 ��� z ��� u ��� z ��� v ���
363         aeql (ptpml [(u,z)] t1) (ptpml [(v,z)] t2)) ���
364    aeql u1 u2 ���
365    aeq (lam u bv t1 u1) (lam v bv t2 u2)``,
366  strip_tac >> MATCH_MP_TAC aeq_lam >>
367  Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "z")
368     `allatomsl t1 ��� allatomsl t2 ��� {u;v}` >>
369  METIS_TAC []);
371val fresh_swap = store_thm(
372  "fresh_swap",
373  ``(���t:(��,��)pregterm x y. x ��� fv t ��� y ��� fv t ��� aeq t (ptpm [(x, y)] t)) ���
374    (���l:(��,��)pregterm list x y.
375       x ��� fvl l ��� y ��� fvl l ��� aeql l (ptpml [(x,y)] l))``,
376  ho_match_mp_tac oldind >>
377  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [aeq_rules,ptpml_listpm] >>
378  map_every qx_gen_tac [`bt`, `ut`] >> strip_tac >>
379  map_every qx_gen_tac [`b`, `s`,`x`,`y`] >>
380  strip_tac >> srw_tac [][] >>
381  match_mp_tac alt_aeq_lam >> rpt strip_tac >>
382  fsrw_tac [][pmact_id, pmact_nil, GSYM ptpml_listpm] >>
383  `z ��� fvl bt` by METIS_TAC [SUBSET_DEF, fv_SUBSET_allatoms] >| [
384    Cases_on `s = x` THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THENL [
385      ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [GSYM pmact_sing_to_back] THEN
386      SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_sing_inv,
387                 pmact_id, pmact_nil],
388      ALL_TAC
389    ] THEN Cases_on `s = y` THENL [
390      FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN
391      ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [GSYM pmact_sing_to_back] THEN
392      SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, pmact_flip_args, aeql_ptpm_eqn,
393                 pmact_sing_inv],
394      SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_sing_inv]
395    ],
396    Cases_on `s = x` THEN1 SRW_TAC [][pmact_id, pmact_nil] THEN
397    ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [GSYM pmact_sing_to_back] THEN
398    SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, pmact_flip_args, aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_sing_inv],
399    Cases_on `s = y` THEN1 SRW_TAC [][pmact_id, pmact_nil] THEN
400    ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [GSYM pmact_sing_to_back] THEN
401    SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_sing_inv]
402  ]);
404Theorem lam_aeq_thm:
405    aeq (lam v1 bv1 t1 u1) (lam v2 bv2 t2 u2) ���
406       (v1 = v2) ��� (bv1 = bv2) ��� aeql t1 t2 ��� aeql u1 u2 ���
407       v1 ��� v2 ��� (bv1 = bv2) ��� v1 ��� fvl t2 ��� aeql t1 (ptpml [(v1,v2)] t2) ���
408       aeql u1 u2
411    srw_tac [][aeq_lam_inversion] >>
412    `z ��� fvl t1 ��� z ��� fvl t2`
413       by METIS_TAC [SUBSET_DEF, fv_SUBSET_allatoms] >>
414    Cases_on `v1 = v2` >- fsrw_tac [][aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_sing_inv] THEN
415    `v1 ��� fvl t2`
416        by (strip_tac >>
417            `v1 ��� fvl (ptpml [(v2,z)] t2)`
418               by SRW_TAC [][ptpm_fv, pmact_IN] THEN
419            `v1 ��� fvl (ptpml [(v1,z)] t1)` by metis_tac [aeq_fv] THEN
420            fsrw_tac [][ptpm_fv, pmact_IN, ptpml_listpm]) >>
421    fsrw_tac [][aeql_ptpm_eqn] >>
422    Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `aeql X (ptpml PPI Y)` MP_TAC THEN
423    SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, Once ptpml_sing_to_back'] THEN
425    Q.EXISTS_TAC `ptpml [(v1,v2)] (ptpml [(v1,z)] t2)`  THEN
426    FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [pmact_flip_args, aeql_ptpm_eqn, fresh_swap,
427                              pmact_sing_inv],
429    srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac alt_aeq_lam >>
430    srw_tac [][aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_sing_inv],
432    srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac alt_aeq_lam >>
433    srw_tac [][aeql_ptpm_eqn] >>
434    `z ��� fvl t2` by metis_tac [SUBSET_DEF, fv_SUBSET_allatoms] >>
435    SRW_TAC [][swapstr_def, pmact_flip_args, Once ptpml_sing_to_back'] >>
436    match_mp_tac (MP_CANON (CONJUNCT2 aeq_trans)) >>
437    qexists_tac `ptpml [(v1,v2)] t2` >>
438    srw_tac [][aeql_ptpm_eqn, fresh_swap, pmact_sing_inv, pmact_flip_args]
439  ]
442val aeql_LIST_REL = prove(
443  ``aeql l1 l2 ��� LIST_REL aeq l1 l2``,
444  map_every Q.ID_SPEC_TAC [`l2`, `l1`] >> Induct >>
445  srw_tac [][Once aeq_cases] >> Cases_on `l2` >>
446  srw_tac [][]);
448val lam_respects_aeq = store_thm(
449  "lam_respects_aeq",
450  ``!v bv t1 t2 u1 u2.
451      aeql t1 t2 ��� aeql u1 u2 ==> aeq (lam v bv t1 u1) (lam v bv t2 u2)``,
452  srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac aeq_lam >>
453  srw_tac [][aeql_ptpm_eqn, pmact_sing_inv] >>
454  Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "z") `v INSERT allatomsl t1 ��� allatomsl t2` >> metis_tac []);
456val rmaeql = REWRITE_RULE [aeql_LIST_REL]
458val var_respects_aeq = store_thm(
459  "var_respects_aeq",
460  ``!s1 s2 vv1 vv2. (s1 = s2) ��� (vv1 = vv2) ==> aeq (var s1 vv1) (var s2 vv2)``,
461  SRW_TAC [][]);
463(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
464    perform quotient!
465   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
467fun mk_def(s,t) =
468    {def_name = s ^ "_def", fixity = NONE, fname = s, func = t};
470val ptpm_fv' =
472            |> CONV_RULE
473                 (STRIP_QUANT_CONV (RAND_CONV (SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [pmact_IN])))
474            |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [ptpm_raw]
476val fvl_MAP = prove(
477  ``fvl l = BIGUNION (set (MAP fv l))``,
478  Induct_on `l` >> srw_tac [][]);
479val rmfvl = REWRITE_RULE [fvl_MAP]
481val ptpml_MAP = prove(
482  ``ptpml p l = MAP (raw_ptpm p) l``,
483  Induct_on `l` >> fsrw_tac [][ptpm_raw,raw_ptpm_def]);
484val rmptpml = REWRITE_RULE [GSYM ptpml_listpm,ptpml_MAP,ptpm_raw]
486fun front n l = List.take (l, n)
487fun drop n l = List.drop(l,n)
489val fvl_eqrespects = prove(
490  ``���ts1 ts2:(��,��) pregterm list. (ts1 = ts2) ==> (fvl ts1 = fvl ts2)``,
491  srw_tac [][]);
493val pregterm_size_def = definition "pregterm_size_def";
495val psize_def = tDefine "psize"`
496  (psize (var s vv) = 1) ���
497  (psize (lam s bv ts us) = SUM (MAP psize ts) + SUM (MAP psize us) + 1)`
498(WF_REL_TAC `measure (pregterm_size (K 0) (K 0))` >>
499 conj_tac >> (ntac 3 gen_tac) >> Induct >>
500 srw_tac [ARITH_ss][pregterm_size_def] >>
501 fsrw_tac [][] >> res_tac >> DECIDE_TAC )
503val psize_thm = SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()++ETA_ss) [] psize_def
505val psize_ptpm0 = prove(
506``(���p:(��,��)pregterm pi. psize (ptpm pi p) = psize p) /\
507  (���pl:(��,��)pregterm list pi. MAP psize (ptpml pi pl) = MAP psize pl)``,
508ho_match_mp_tac oldind >>
509srw_tac [][psize_thm, ptpml_listpm]);
511val psize_raw_ptpm = psize_ptpm0 |> CONJUNCT1 |> REWRITE_RULE [ptpm_raw]
513val psize_respects = prove(
514  ``���t1 t2. aeq t1 t2 ��� (psize t1 = psize t2)``,
515qsuff_tac `(���(t1:('a,'b) pregterm) t2. aeq t1 t2 ��� (psize t1 = psize t2)) ���
516           (���(l1:('a,'b) pregterm list) l2. aeql l1 l2 ��� (SUM (MAP psize l1) = SUM (MAP psize l2)))`
517  >- metis_tac [] >>
518ho_match_mp_tac aeq_ind >>
519srw_tac [][psize_thm] >>
520fsrw_tac [][psize_ptpm0]);
522val [GFV_thm0, gfvl_thm, GFV_raw_gtpm, simple_induction0,
523     raw_gtpm_thm, is_pmact_raw_gtpm,
524     gterm_distinct, gterm_11,
525     GLAM_eq_thm0, FRESH_swap0,
526     FINITE_GFV, gtmsize_thm, gtmsize_raw_gtpm] =
527    quotient.define_quotient_types_full
528    {
529     types = [{name = "gterm", equiv = aeq_equiv}],
530     defs = map mk_def
531       [("GLAM", ``lam:string -> �� -> (��,��)pregterm list ->
532                       (��,��)pregterm list -> (��,��)pregterm``),
533        ("GVAR", ``var:string -> �� -> (��,��)pregterm``),
534        ("GFV", ``fv : (��,��)pregterm -> string set``),
535        ("gfvl", ``fvl : (��,��)pregterm list -> string set``),
536        ("raw_gtpm", ``raw_ptpm : pm -> (��,��)pregterm -> (��,��)pregterm``),
537        ("gtmsize", ``psize:(��,��)pregterm ->num``)],
538     tyop_equivs = [],
539     tyop_quotients = [],
540     tyop_simps = [],
541     respects = [rmaeql lam_respects_aeq,
542                 var_respects_aeq, CONJUNCT1 aeq_fv,
543                 rmaeql (CONJUNCT2 aeq_fv),
544                 aeq_ptpm_lemma
545                     |> CONJUNCT1
546                     |> SIMP_RULE bool_ss [GSYM RIGHT_FORALL_IMP_THM, ptpm_raw],
547                 (*aeq_ptpm_lemma
548                     |> CONJUNCT2
549                     |> SIMP_RULE bool_ss [GSYM RIGHT_FORALL_IMP_THM, GSYM ptpml_listpm]
550                     |> rmptpml, *)
551                 psize_respects
552                 ],
553     poly_preserves = [],
554     poly_respects = [],
555     old_thms = [fv_def |> CONJUNCTS |> front 2 |> LIST_CONJ,
556                 fv_def |> CONJUNCTS |> drop 2 |> LIST_CONJ,
557                 ptpm_fv', pind,
558                 ptpm_thm |> CONJUNCTS |> front 2 |> LIST_CONJ |> rmptpml,
559                 is_pmact_pmact |> Q.ISPEC `pt_pmact` |> REWRITE_RULE [ptpm_raw,is_pmact_def],
560                 aeq_distinct, rmaeql aeq_ptm_11,
561                 rmptpml (rmaeql lam_aeq_thm),
562                 CONJUNCT1 fresh_swap |> REWRITE_RULE [ptpm_raw],
563                 finite_fv,
564                 psize_thm, psize_raw_ptpm]}
566val simple_induction = save_thm(
567  "simple_induction",
568  REWRITE_RULE [listTheory.EVERY_MEM] simple_induction0)
570val _ = overload_on("gt_pmact",``mk_pmact raw_gtpm``);
571val _ = overload_on("gtpm",``pmact gt_pmact``);
573val gtpm_raw = store_thm(
574  "gtpm_raw",
575  ``gtpm = raw_gtpm``,
576  srw_tac [][GSYM pmact_bijections,is_pmact_def,is_pmact_raw_gtpm]);
578val gtpm_thm = save_thm(
580raw_gtpm_thm |> SUBS [GSYM gtpm_raw]);
582val GFV_support = prove(
583  ``support gt_pmact t (GFV t)``,
584  srw_tac [][support_def, GSYM FRESH_swap0, gtpm_raw])
586val MAP_EQ1 = prove(
587  ``(MAP f l = l) ��� ���x. MEM x l ��� (f x = x)``,
588  Induct_on `l` >> srw_tac [][DISJ_IMP_THM, FORALL_AND_THM]);
590val MEM_MAP = listTheory.MEM_MAP
591val EL_MAP = listTheory.EL_MAP
592val MEM_EL = listTheory.MEM_EL
593val IN_gfvl = prove(
594  ``x ��� gfvl ts ��� ���t. MEM t ts ��� x ��� GFV t``,
595  Induct_on `ts` >> srw_tac [][gfvl_thm] >> metis_tac []);
597val GFV_apart = prove(
598  ``���t x y. x ��� GFV t ��� y ��� GFV t ��� gtpm [(x,y)] t ��� t``,
599  ho_match_mp_tac simple_induction >>
600  srw_tac [][GFV_thm0, gtpm_thm, gterm_11, listTheory.MEM_MAP,
601             MAP_EQ1, GLAM_eq_thm0, IN_gfvl] >>
602  srw_tac [][]
603  >- metis_tac []
604  >- (Cases_on `y = v` >> srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [])
605  >- metis_tac []
606  >- metis_tac []
607  >- (Cases_on `y = v` >> srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [])
608  >- metis_tac []
609  >- metis_tac [])
611(* tempting to delete GFV and just use supp gtpm.... *)
612val GFV_supp = prove(
613  ``GFV = supp gt_pmact``,
614  srw_tac [][Once EQ_SYM_EQ, Once FUN_EQ_THM] >>
615  match_mp_tac (GEN_ALL supp_unique_apart) >>
616  srw_tac [][GFV_support, GFV_apart, FINITE_GFV]);
618val gfvl_listpm = prove(
619  ``gfvl = supp (list_pmact gt_pmact)``,
620  srw_tac [][Once FUN_EQ_THM] >> Induct_on `x` >>
621  srw_tac [][gfvl_thm, GFV_supp]);
623val rmGFV = REWRITE_RULE [GFV_supp, gfvl_listpm]
624val MAP_gtpm = prove(
625  ``MAP (gtpm pi) l = listpm gt_pmact pi l``,
626  Induct_on `l` >> srw_tac [][]);
628val GLAM_eq_thm1 = REWRITE_RULE [MAP_gtpm] (SUBS [GSYM gtpm_raw] GLAM_eq_thm0)
630val gtmsize_gtpml = prove(
631  ``MAP gtmsize (listpm gt_pmact pi pl) = MAP gtmsize pl``,
632  Induct_on `pl` >> fsrw_tac [][gtmsize_raw_gtpm, gtpm_raw]);
634val gtmsize_gtpm = CONJ (SUBS [GSYM gtpm_raw] gtmsize_raw_gtpm) (GEN_ALL gtmsize_gtpml)
636(* don't export any of these, because the intention is not to have users
637   working with this type *)
638val GFV_thm = save_thm("GFV_thm", rmGFV GFV_thm0)
639val GFV_gtpm = save_thm("GFV_gtpm", rmGFV (SUBS [GSYM gtpm_raw] GFV_raw_gtpm))
640val gtpm_thm = save_thm("gtpm_thm", REWRITE_RULE [MAP_gtpm] gtpm_thm)
641val gterm_distinct = save_thm("gterm_distinct", gterm_distinct)
642val gterm_11 = save_thm("gterm_11", gterm_11)
643val GLAM_eq_thm = save_thm("GLAM_eq_thm", rmGFV GLAM_eq_thm1)
644val gtpm_fresh = save_thm("gtpm_fresh", rmGFV (SUBS [GSYM gtpm_raw] (GSYM FRESH_swap0)))
645val FINITE_GFV = save_thm("FINITE_GFV", rmGFV FINITE_GFV)
646val IN_GFVl = save_thm("IN_GFVl", rmGFV IN_gfvl)
648val _ = delete_const "gfvl"
649val _ = delete_const "GFV"
650val _ = delete_const "fv"
652val _ = overload_on ("GFV", ``supp gt_pmact``)
653val _ = overload_on ("GFVl", ``supp (list_pmact gt_pmact)``)
655val _ = augment_srw_ss [rewrites [gterm_distinct]]
658(* default rewriting of negations makes a mess of these. *)
659val NOT_IN_GFV = store_thm(
660  "NOT_IN_GFV",
661  ``(x ��� GFV (GVAR s vv) ��� x ��� s) ���
662    (x ��� GFV (GLAM v bv ts us) ���
663       (���u. MEM u us ��� x ��� GFV u) ���
664       (���t. x ��� v ��� MEM t ts ��� x ��� GFV t))``,
665  srw_tac [][GFV_thm, IN_GFVl] >> metis_tac []);
667val GLAM_NIL_EQ = store_thm(
668  "GLAM_NIL_EQ",
669  ``(GLAM u bv1 [] ts = GLAM v bv2 [] ts') ��� (bv1 = bv2) ��� (ts = ts')``,
670  srw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm] >> metis_tac []);
672val list_rel_split = prove(
673  ``LIST_REL (��x y. P x y ��� Q x y) l1 l2 ���
674      LIST_REL P l1 l2 ��� LIST_REL Q l1 l2``,
675  qid_spec_tac `l2` >> Induct_on `l1` >> Cases_on `l2` >> srw_tac [][] >>
676  metis_tac []);
678val LIST_REL_ind = listTheory.LIST_REL_ind
679val LIST_REL_rules = listTheory.LIST_REL_rules
680val LIST_REL_EL_EQN = listTheory.LIST_REL_EL_EQN
682(* generic sub-type of a generic term, where one is only allowed to look
683   at the data attached to the GLAM and the number of arguments in the lists *)
684val (genind_rules, genind_ind, genind_cases) = Hol_reln`
685  (���n:num s vv. vp n vv ==> genind vp lp n (GVAR s vv)) ���
686  (���n v bv ts us tns uns.
687     LIST_REL (genind vp lp) tns ts ���
688     LIST_REL (genind vp lp) uns us ���
689     lp n bv tns uns  ���
690     genind vp lp n (GLAM v bv ts us))
693val grules' = genind_rules |> SPEC_ALL |> CONJUNCTS
695val genind_gtpm = store_thm(
696  "genind_gtpm",
697  ``���n t. genind vp lp n t ��� ���pi. genind vp lp n (gtpm pi t)``,
698  Induct_on `genind` >>
699  srw_tac [DNF_ss][gtpm_thm, genind_rules, list_rel_split] >>
700  match_mp_tac (List.nth(grules', 1)) >>
701  fsrw_tac [CONJ_ss][LIST_REL_EL_EQN,EL_MAP] >>
702  srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [])
704val genind_gtpm_eqn = store_thm(
705  "genind_gtpm_eqn",
706  ``genind vp lp n (gtpm pi t) = genind vp lp n t``,
707  metis_tac [pmact_inverse, genind_gtpm]);
708val _ = augment_srw_ss [rewrites [genind_gtpm_eqn]]
710val LIST_REL_genind_gtpm_eqn = store_thm(
711  "LIST_REL_genind_gtpm_eqn",
712  ``LIST_REL (genind vp lp) ns (listpm gt_pmact pi ts) =
713    LIST_REL (genind vp lp) ns ts``,
714  qid_spec_tac `ns` >> Induct_on `ts` >> Cases_on `ns` >>
715  fsrw_tac [][]);
717val _ = augment_srw_ss [rewrites [FINITE_GFV, LIST_REL_genind_gtpm_eqn]]
719val _ = overload_on ("gtpml", ``listpm gt_pmact``)
721val gtpml_eqr = store_thm(
723``!t u. (t = gtpml pi u) = (gtpml (REVERSE pi) t = u)``,
724srw_tac [][pmact_eql]);
726val genind_GLAM_eqn = store_thm(
727  "genind_GLAM_eqn",
728  ``genind vp lp n (GLAM v bv ts us) =
729      ���tns uns. LIST_REL (genind vp lp) tns ts ���
730                LIST_REL (genind vp lp) uns us ���
731                lp n bv tns uns``,
732  srw_tac [DNF_ss][genind_cases, gterm_distinct, GLAM_eq_thm] >>
733  srw_tac [][gtpml_eqr, perm_supp] >> metis_tac []);
735val finite_gfvl = prove(
736  ``FINITE (GFVl ts)``,
737  Induct_on `ts` >> srw_tac [][MEM_MAP] >> srw_tac [][]);
739val _ = augment_srw_ss [rewrites [finite_gfvl]]
741val bvc_genind = store_thm(
742  "bvc_genind",
743  ``���P fv.
744      (���x. FINITE (fv x)) ���
745      (���n s vv x. vp n vv ��� P n (GVAR s vv) x) ���
746      (���n v bv tns uns ts us x.
747         LIST_REL (��n t. genind vp lp n t ��� ���x. P n t x) tns ts ���
748         LIST_REL (��n t. genind vp lp n t ��� ���x. P n t x) uns us ���
749         lp n bv tns uns ��� v ��� fv x ��� v ��� supp (list_pmact gt_pmact) us
750        ���
751         P n (GLAM v bv ts us) x)
752   ���
753      ���n t. genind vp lp n t ��� ���x. P n t x``,
754  rpt GEN_TAC >> strip_tac >>
755  qsuff_tac `���n t. genind vp lp n t ��� ���pi x. P n (gtpm pi t) x`
756  >- metis_tac [pmact_nil] >>
757  Induct_on `genind` >> srw_tac [DNF_ss][gtpm_thm, list_rel_split] >>
758  Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "z")
759    `fv x ��� {lswapstr pi v; v} ��� GFVl (gtpml pi us) ��� GFVl (gtpml pi ts)` >>
760  `GLAM (lswapstr pi v) bv (gtpml pi ts) (gtpml pi us) =
761   GLAM z bv (gtpml [(z,lswapstr pi v)] (gtpml pi ts)) (gtpml pi us)`
762     by (srw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm, NOT_IN_supp_listpm]
763         >- fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][MEM_listpm_EXISTS, NOT_IN_supp_listpm,
764                              GFV_gtpm] >>
765         srw_tac [ETA_ss][pmact_flip_args, pmact_nil]) >>
766  pop_assum SUBST1_TAC >>
767  first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
768  map_every qexists_tac [`tns`, `uns`] >>
769  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss() ++ DNF_ss) [] >>
770  fsrw_tac [CONJ_ss][LIST_REL_EL_EQN, EL_listpm] >>
771  srw_tac [][GSYM pmact_decompose])
773val genindX =
774    bvc_genind |> Q.SPEC `��n t x. Q n t`
775               |> Q.SPEC `��x. X`
776               |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []
777               |> Q.INST [`Q` |-> `P`] |> GEN_ALL
779val genind_KT = prove(
780  ``���n t. genind (��n vv. T) (��n bv tns uns. T) n t``,
781  CONV_TAC SWAP_FORALL_CONV >> ho_match_mp_tac simple_induction >>
782  srw_tac [][]
783  >- (match_mp_tac (hd grules') >> srw_tac [][]) >>
784  match_mp_tac (hd (tl grules')) >>
785  map_every qexists_tac [`GENLIST (K 0) (LENGTH bndts)`,
786                         `GENLIST (K 0) (LENGTH unbndts)`] >>
787  fsrw_tac[DNF_ss] [LIST_REL_EL_EQN, MEM_EL]);
789val vacuous_list_rel = prove(
790  ``LIST_REL (��x y. P y) xs ys ���
791     (���y. MEM y ys ��� P y) ��� (LENGTH xs = LENGTH ys)``,
792  qid_spec_tac `ys` >> Induct_on `xs` >> Cases_on `ys` >> srw_tac [][] >>
793  metis_tac []);
795val silly = prove(
796  ``(���v bv tns uns ts us x.
797       LIST_REL (��n:num t. ���x. Q t x) tns ts ���
798       LIST_REL (��n:num t. ���x. Q t x) uns us ��� v ��� fv x ���
799       v ��� supp (list_pmact gt_pmact) us ���
800       Q (GLAM v bv ts us) x) ���
801   (���v bv ts us x.
802      (���t x. MEM t ts ��� Q t x) ��� (���u x. MEM u us ��� Q u x) ���
803      v ��� fv x ��� v ��� supp (list_pmact gt_pmact) us ���
804      Q (GLAM v bv ts us) x)``,
805  srw_tac [][EQ_IMP_THM, vacuous_list_rel] >>
806  first_x_assum (Q.SPECL_THEN [`v`,`bv`,`GENLIST (K 0) (LENGTH ts)`,
807                               `GENLIST (K 0) (LENGTH us)`] MP_TAC) >>
808  srw_tac [][]);
810val gen_bvc_induction =
811    bvc_genind |> SPEC_ALL
812               |> Q.INST [`lp` |-> `(��n bv tns uns. T)`,
813                          `vp` |-> `(��n vv. T)`,
814                          `P` |-> `��n t x. Q t x`]
815               |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [genind_KT, silly]
816               |> Q.INST [`Q` |-> `P`] |> GEN_ALL
818val bvc_ind =
819    gen_bvc_induction |> INST_TYPE [gamma |-> ``:one``]
820                      |> SPEC_ALL
821                      |> Q.INST [`P` |-> `��t x. Q t`, `fv` |-> `��x. X`]
822                      |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []
823                      |> Q.INST [`Q` |-> `P`]
824                      |> Q.GEN `X` |> Q.GEN `P`
826val gterm_cases = store_thm(
828``���t. (���s vv. t = GVAR s vv) ��� (���s bv ts us. t = GLAM s bv ts us)``,
829ho_match_mp_tac simple_induction >>
830srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac []);
832Theorem FORALL_gterm:
833  (���t. P t) ��� (���s v. P (GVAR s v)) ��� (���s bv ts us. P (GLAM s bv ts us))
835  EQ_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >>
836  qspec_then `t` STRUCT_CASES_TAC gterm_cases >> srw_tac [][]
839val some_4_F = prove(
840  ``(some (w,x,y,z). F) = NONE``,
841  DEEP_INTRO_TAC optionTheory.some_intro THEN
842  SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD, pairTheory.EXISTS_PROD]);
844val SUM_MAP_MEM = Q.store_thm(
846`���f x l. MEM x l ��� f x ��� SUM (MAP f l)`,
847ntac 2 gen_tac >> Induct >> srw_tac [][] >>
848fsrw_tac [ARITH_ss][]);
850val vf = mk_var ("vf", ``: string -> �� -> �� -> ��``)
851val lf = mk_var ("lf", ``: string -> �� -> (�� -> ��) list -> (�� -> ��) list
852                           -> (��,��)gterm list -> (��,��)gterm list -> �� -> ��``)
854val trec = ``tmrec (A: string set) (ppm: �� pmact) ^vf ^lf : (��,��)gterm -> �� -> ��``
856val tmrec_defn = Hol_defn "tmrec" `
857  ^trec t = ��p.
858    case some(s,vv).(t = GVAR s vv) of
859      SOME (s,vv) => vf s vv p
860    | NONE => (
861    case some(v,bv,ts,us).(t = GLAM v bv ts us) ��� v ��� supp ppm p ��� v ��� GFVl us ��� v ��� A of
862      SOME (v,bv,ts,us) => lf v bv (MAP (^trec) ts) (MAP (^trec) us) ts us p
863    | NONE => ARB)`
865val (tmrec_def, tmrec_ind) = Defn.tprove(
866  tmrec_defn,
867  WF_REL_TAC `measure (gtmsize o SND o SND o SND o SND)` >>
868  srw_tac [][] >>
869  qspec_then `t` FULL_STRUCT_CASES_TAC gterm_cases >>
870  fsrw_tac [][some_4_F,gterm_distinct] >>
871  fsrw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm] >>
872  qpat_x_assum `X = SOME Y` mp_tac >>
873  DEEP_INTRO_TAC optionTheory.some_intro >>
874  simp_tac (srw_ss()) [pairTheory.EXISTS_PROD, pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] >>
875  srw_tac [][gtmsize_thm] >>
876  Q.ISPEC_THEN `gtmsize` imp_res_tac SUM_MAP_MEM >>
877  srw_tac [][gtmsize_gtpm] >>
880val vp = ``vp: num -> �� -> bool``
881val lp = ``lp: num -> �� -> num list -> num list -> bool``
883val _ = temp_overload_on ("���", ``fnpm``)
884val _ = temp_set_fixity "���" (Infixr 700)
886val relsupp_def = Define`
887  relsupp A dpm ppm t r <=>
888    ���x. x ��� A ��� x ��� GFV t ==> x ��� supp (fn_pmact ppm dpm) r
891val sidecond_def = Define`
892  sidecond dpm ppm A ^vp ^lp ^vf ^lf ���
893  FINITE A ��� (���p. FINITE (supp ppm p)) ���
894    (���x y s vv n p.
895       x ��� A ��� y ��� A ��� genind vp lp n (GVAR s vv) ���
896       (pmact dpm [(x,y)] (^vf s vv p) =
897        ^vf (lswapstr [(x,y)] s) vv (pmact ppm [(x,y)] p))) ���
898    (���x y n v bv r1 r2 ts us p.
899       x ��� A ��� y ��� A ��� v ��� A ���
900       genind vp lp n (GLAM v bv ts us) ���
901       LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) ts r1 ���
902       LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) us r2 ���
903       v ��� supp ppm p ���
904       (pmact dpm [(x,y)] (^lf v bv r1 r2 ts us p) =
905        ^lf (lswapstr [(x,y)] v) bv
906            (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(x,y)] r1)
907            (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(x,y)] r2)
908            (listpm gt_pmact [(x,y)] ts)
909            (listpm gt_pmact [(x,y)] us)
910            (pmact ppm [(x,y)] p)))`
912val FCB_def = Define`
913  FCB dpm ppm A ^vp ^lp ^lf ���
914  ���a n v bv r1 r2 ts us p.
915             a ��� A ��� a ��� GFVl us ��� a ��� supp ppm p ���
916             LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) ts r1 ���
917             LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) us r2 ���
918             genind vp lp n (GLAM v bv ts us) ���
919             a ��� supp dpm (^lf a bv r1 r2 ts us p)`
921val some_2_EQ = prove(
922  ``(some (x,y). (x' = x) /\ (y' = y)) = SOME(x',y')``,
923  DEEP_INTRO_TAC optionTheory.some_intro THEN
924  SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD, pairTheory.EXISTS_PROD]);
926val some_2_F = prove(
927  ``(some (x,y). F) = NONE``,
928  DEEP_INTRO_TAC optionTheory.some_intro THEN
929  SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD, pairTheory.EXISTS_PROD]);
931val tmrec_GVAR = tmrec_def |> Q.INST [`t` |-> `GVAR s vv`]
932  |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()++ETA_ss) [gterm_11,some_2_EQ]
933val tmrec_GLAM = tmrec_def |> Q.INST [`t` |-> `GLAM v bv ts us`]
934  |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [gterm_distinct,some_2_F,NOT_IN_supp_listpm]
935  |> C (foldr (uncurry Q.GEN)) [`v`,`bv`,`ts`,`us`]
937val gtpm_GVAR = gtpm_thm |> CONJUNCT1
938val genind_GVAR = store_thm(
939  "genind_GVAR",
940  ``genind vp lp n (GVAR s vv) = vp n vv``,
941  srw_tac [][genind_cases,gterm_distinct,gterm_11]);
942val GFV_GVAR = GFV_thm |> CONJUNCT1
944val gtpm_eqr = store_thm(
946``(t = gtpm pi u) = (gtpm (REVERSE pi) t = u)``,
947METIS_TAC [pmact_inverse]);
949val lswapstr_sing = Q.prove(`lswapstr [(x,y)] z = swapstr x y z`, srw_tac [][]);
951val trec_fnpm = prove(
952  ``(ppm ��� apm) �� (tmrec A ppm vf lf t) =
953    ��p. pmact apm �� (tmrec A ppm vf lf t (pmact ppm ������� p))``,
954  srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM, fnpm_def]);
956val MAP_trec_fnpm = prove(
957``MAP ((ppm ��� dpm) pi o tmrec A ppm vf lf)=
958  MAP (��t p. pmact dpm pi (tmrec A ppm vf lf t (pmact ppm (REVERSE pi) p)))``,
960Induct >> srw_tac [][trec_fnpm]);
962val genind_GLAM_subterm = store_thm(
964``genind vp lp n (GLAM v bv ts us) ��� (MEM u ts ��� MEM u us) ���
965    ���n. genind vp lp n u``,
966srw_tac [][Once genind_cases,gterm_distinct] >>
967fsrw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm] >>
968fsrw_tac [][LIST_REL_EL_EQN,MEM_EL] >>
969srw_tac [][] >>
970fsrw_tac [][EL_MAP] >>
971metis_tac []);
973val gtmsize_GLAM_subterm = store_thm(
975``(MEM t ts ��� MEM t us) ��� gtmsize t < gtmsize (GLAM s bv ts us)``,
976srw_tac [][gtmsize_thm] >>
977imp_res_tac SUM_MAP_MEM >>
978pop_assum (qspec_then `gtmsize` mp_tac) >>
981val LIST_REL_relsupp_gtpml = prove(
982  ``���A dpm ppm l1 l2.
983      LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) l1 l2 ==>
984      ���x y. x ��� A ��� y ��� A ==>
985         LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm)
986                  (gtpml [(x,y)] l1)
987                  (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(x,y)] l2)``,
988  ntac 3 gen_tac >>
989  Induct_on `LIST_REL` >> srw_tac [][relsupp_def, fnpm_def, perm_supp] >>
990  first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> srw_tac [][perm_supp] >>
991  srw_tac [][swapstr_def])
993fun ih_commute_tac dir (asl,w) =
994    first_x_assum (fn rwt =>
995         if free_in ``gtmsize`` (concl rwt) then
996           mp_tac (Q.GEN `n'` (PART_MATCH (lhs o #2 o strip_imp) rwt (dir w)))
997         else NO_TAC) (asl,w)
999fun sidecond_tac dir =
1000  qpat_x_assum `sidecond AA BB CC DD EE FF GG`
1001     (fn th => th |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [sidecond_def] |> CONJUNCTS
1002                  |> last |> (fn th' => assume_tac th >> assume_tac th')) >>
1003  (fn (asl,w) =>
1004    pop_assum (fn rwt => mp_tac (PART_MATCH (lhs o #2 o strip_imp)
1005                                            rwt
1006                                            (dir w))) (asl,w))
1008val _ = set_trace "Goalstack.print_goal_at_top" 0
1010val listpm_tMAP = prove(
1011  ``(listpm apm pi (MAP f l) =
1012     MAP ((gt_pmact ��� apm) pi f) (gtpml pi l))``,
1013  srw_tac [][] >> Induct_on `l` >> srw_tac [][fnpm_def]);
1015val tmrec_equivariant = store_thm( (* correct name? *)
1017``sidecond dpm ppm A ^vp ^lp ^vf ^lf ��� FCB dpm ppm A ^vp ^lp ^lf ���
1018  ���n. genind vp lp n t ���
1019      ���p x y. x ��� A ��� y ��� A ���
1020        (pmact dpm [(x,y)] (tmrec A ppm vf lf t p) =
1021         tmrec A ppm vf lf (gtpm [(x,y)] t) (pmact ppm [(x,y)] p))``,
1022strip_tac >>
1023completeInduct_on `gtmsize t` >>
1024qabbrev_tac `m = v` >> markerLib.RM_ALL_ABBREVS_TAC >>
1025pop_assum (strip_assume_tac o SIMP_RULE (srw_ss() ++ DNF_ss) []) >>
1026simp_tac (srw_ss()) [Once FORALL_gterm] >>
1027conj_tac >- (
1028  (* GVAR case *)
1029  srw_tac [][gtpm_GVAR,tmrec_GVAR] >>
1030  fsrw_tac [][sidecond_def] >>
1031  metis_tac [lswapstr_sing]) >>
1032rpt gen_tac >>
1033disch_then SUBST_ALL_TAC >>
1034gen_tac >> strip_tac >>
1035qx_gen_tac `p` >>
1036Q.SPECL_THEN [`s`,`bv`,`ts`,`us`,`p`] MP_TAC
1037  (tmrec_GLAM |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [FUN_EQ_THM]) >>
1038DEEP_INTRO_TAC optionTheory.some_intro >>
1039asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] >>
1040`FINITE A ��� (���p. FINITE (supp ppm p))`
1041   by fsrw_tac [][sidecond_def] >>
1042reverse conj_tac >- (
1043  (* bogus some(...) = ARB case *)
1044  Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "z") `supp ppm p ��� A ��� GFVl us ��� GFVl ts ��� {s}` >>
1045  disch_then (qspec_then `z` mp_tac) >>
1046  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()++DNF_ss) [GLAM_eq_thm,IN_GFVl,gtpml_eqr,listpm_MAP,MEM_MAP,GFV_gtpm] >>
1047  fsrw_tac [][IN_GFVl] >>
1048  metis_tac []) >>
1049map_every qx_gen_tac [`s'`,`bv'`,`ts'`,`us'`] >>
1050strip_tac >>
1051strip_tac >>
1052`(us' = us) ��� (bv' = bv)` by fsrw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm] >> rpt VAR_EQ_TAC >>
1053asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()++DNF_ss) [gtpm_thm,IN_GFVl,GFV_thm] >>
1054map_every qx_gen_tac [`x`, `y`] >>
1055strip_tac >>
1056qpat_x_assum `tmrec A ppm vf lf (GLAM X Y Z WW) p = XX` (K ALL_TAC) >>
1057srw_tac [][tmrec_GLAM] >>
1058DEEP_INTRO_TAC optionTheory.some_intro >>
1059asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()++ETA_ss) [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] >>
1060reverse conj_tac >- (
1061  (* bogus ARB case *)
1062  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [GLAM_eq_thm] >>
1063  Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "z") `{swapstr x y s'} ��� A ��� supp ppm (pmact ppm [(x,y)] p) ��� GFVl (gtpml [(x,y)] us) ��� GFVl (gtpml [(x,y)] ts')` >>
1064  disch_then (qspec_then `z` mp_tac) >>
1065  fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][IN_GFVl,gtpml_eqr,listpm_MAP,MEM_MAP,GFV_gtpm] >>
1066  reverse conj_tac >- metis_tac [] >>
1067  conj_tac >- metis_tac [] >>
1068  srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac []) >>
1069qabbrev_tac `r1 = MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) ts'` >>
1070qabbrev_tac `r2 = MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) us` >>
1071fsrw_tac [][AND_IMP_INTRO] >>
1072`���tns uns. LIST_REL (genind vp lp) tns ts ��� LIST_REL (genind vp lp) uns us`
1073  by (fsrw_tac [][genind_cases, GLAM_eq_thm] >> srw_tac [][] >>
1074      metis_tac []) >>
1075`LIST_REL (genind vp lp) tns ts'`
1076   by (fsrw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][]) >>
1077qabbrev_tac `GGSIZE = gtmsize (GLAM s' bv ts' us)` >>
1078`���t n' a. gtmsize t < GGSIZE ��� genind vp lp n' t ��� a ��� A ��� a ��� GFV t ==>
1079          a ��� supp (fn_pmact ppm dpm) (tmrec A ppm vf lf t)`
1080   by (srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac notinsupp_I >>
1081       qexists_tac `A ��� GFV t` >>
1082       srw_tac [][support_def, fnpm_def, FUN_EQ_THM] >>
1083       metis_tac [supp_fresh, pmact_sing_inv]) >>
1084`LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) ts' r1 ��� LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) us r2`
1085  by (srw_tac [][LIST_REL_EL_EQN, relsupp_def, Abbr`r1`, Abbr`r2`] >>
1086      srw_tac [][EL_MAP] >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >|
1087      [qexists_tac `EL n' tns`, qexists_tac `EL n' uns`] >>
1088      metis_tac [LIST_REL_EL_EQN, MEM_EL, gtmsize_GLAM_subterm]) >>
1089(* COMPLETE THIS... *)
1090`���t p x y.
1091   (MEM t ts' ��� MEM t us ��� MEM t ts) ��� x ��� A ��� y ��� A ==>
1092   (pmact dpm [(x,y)] (tmrec A ppm vf lf t p) =
1093      tmrec A ppm vf lf (gtpm [(x,y)] t) (pmact ppm [(x,y)] p))`
1094   by (srw_tac [][] >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
1095       fsrw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm] >> srw_tac [][] >>
1096       fsrw_tac [][MEM_listpm_EXISTS, gtmsize_gtpm] >>
1097       metis_tac [genind_GLAM_subterm, gtmsize_GLAM_subterm]) >>
1098(* THEN COMPLETE THIS ... *)
1099`(���a b. a ��� A ��� b ��� A ==>
1100        (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(a,b)] r1 =
1101         MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) (gtpml [(a,b)] ts'))) ���
1102 (���a b. a ��� A ��� b ��� A ==>
1103        (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(a,b)] r2 =
1104         MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) (gtpml [(a,b)] us)))`
1105  by (asm_simp_tac (srw_ss() ++ DNF_ss)
1106                   [listpm_tMAP, listTheory.MAP_EQ_f, MEM_listpm_EXISTS,
1107                    Abbr`r1`, Abbr`r2`, fnpm_def, FUN_EQ_THM,
1108                    pmact_sing_inv]) >>
1109map_every qx_gen_tac [`s''`, `bv'`, `ts''`, `us'`] >>
1110srw_tac [][] >>
1111`(bv' = bv) ��� (us' = gtpml [(x,y)] us)` by fsrw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm] >>
1112rpt VAR_EQ_TAC >>
1113sidecond_tac lhs >>
1114disch_then (fn th => asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [th]) >>
1115qpat_x_assum `GLAM (swapstr x y s') bv Z1 Z2 = Z3` mp_tac >>
1116srw_tac [][GLAM_eq_thm] >>
1117qabbrev_tac `u = swapstr x y s'` >>
1118fsrw_tac [][gtpml_eqr] >>
1119qpat_x_assum `XX = ts''` (SUBST_ALL_TAC o SYM) >>
1120`u ��� A` by srw_tac [][Abbr`u`,swapstr_def] >>
1121`u ��� supp ppm (pmact ppm [(x,y)] p)` by srw_tac [][Abbr`u`,perm_supp] >>
1122`s'' ��� supp (list_pmact gt_pmact) (gtpml [(x,y)] us) ���
1123 s'' ��� supp (list_pmact gt_pmact) (gtpml [(x,y)] ts')` by (
1124  fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][IN_GFVl,listpm_MAP,MEM_MAP,GFV_gtpm] >>
1125  metis_tac [] ) >>
1126`u ��� supp (list_pmact gt_pmact) (gtpml [(x,y)] us)` by (
1127  fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][IN_GFVl,listpm_MAP,MEM_MAP,GFV_gtpm,Abbr`u`] >>
1128  metis_tac [] ) >>
1129`genind vp lp n (GLAM u bv (gtpml [(x,y)] ts') (gtpml [(x,y)] us))` by (
1130  qmatch_abbrev_tac `genind vp lp n t` >>
1131  qsuff_tac `t = gtpm [(x,y)] (GLAM s' bv ts' us)` >- srw_tac [][] >>
1132  srw_tac [][Abbr`t`,gtpm_thm] ) >>
1133qmatch_abbrev_tac `LHS = RHS` >>
1134match_mp_tac EQ_TRANS >>
1135qexists_tac `pmact dpm [(u,s'')] RHS` >>
1136qabbrev_tac `usxyts = gtpml [(u,s'')] (gtpml [(x,y)] ts')` >>
1137qabbrev_tac `xyus = gtpml [(x,y)] us` >>
1138`genind vp lp n (GLAM s'' bv usxyts xyus)`
1139  by(first_x_assum (mp_tac o MATCH_MP genind_gtpm) >>
1140     disch_then (qspec_then `[(u,s'')]` mp_tac) >>
1141     CONV_TAC (LAND_CONV (RAND_CONV (REWRITE_CONV [gtpm_thm]))) >>
1142     asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [supp_fresh]) >>
1143`LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) usxyts (MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) usxyts) ���
1144 LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) xyus (MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) xyus)`
1145   by (map_every qunabbrev_tac [`r1`, `r2`, `usxyts`, `xyus`] >>
1146       rpt (first_x_assum (mp_tac o MATCH_MP LIST_REL_relsupp_gtpml)) >>
1147       rpt (disch_then (qspecl_then [`x`,`y`] assume_tac)) >>
1148       ntac 2 (pop_assum mp_tac) >> asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [] >>
1149       rpt (disch_then (assume_tac o MATCH_MP LIST_REL_relsupp_gtpml)) >>
1150       ntac 2 (pop_assum (qspecl_then [`u`, `s''`] mp_tac)) >>
1151       asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [listpm_tMAP] >>
1152       rpt (disch_then assume_tac) >>
1153       qpat_x_assum `LIST_REL _ (_ (_ ts')) (MAP _ _)` mp_tac >>
1154       qmatch_abbrev_tac
1155        `LIST_REL RR TS (MAP f1 TS) ==> LIST_REL RR TS (MAP f2 TS)` >>
1156       qsuff_tac `MAP f1 TS = MAP f2 TS` >- srw_tac [][] >>
1157       srw_tac [][listTheory.MAP_EQ_f] >>
1158       map_every qunabbrev_tac [`f1`, `f2`, `TS`] >>
1159       asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [FUN_EQ_THM, fnpm_def] >> gen_tac >>
1160       ih_commute_tac lhs >> asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [pmact_sing_inv] >>
1161       disch_then match_mp_tac >>
1162       fsrw_tac [][MEM_listpm_EXISTS, gtmsize_gtpm] >>
1163       metis_tac [gtmsize_GLAM_subterm, genind_GLAM_subterm]) >>
1164reverse conj_tac >- (
1165  match_mp_tac supp_fresh >>
1166  reverse conj_tac >- (
1167    fsrw_tac [][FCB_def,Abbr`RHS`] >>
1168    first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
1169    asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [] >>
1170    map_every qexists_tac [`n`,`s''`] >>
1171    srw_tac [][]) >>
1172  match_mp_tac notinsupp_I >>
1173  qunabbrev_tac `RHS` >>
1174  qexists_tac
1175     `A ��� {s''} ��� supp ppm (pmact ppm [(x,y)] p) ��� GFVl xyus ��� GFVl usxyts` >>
1176  `FINITE A ��� (���p. FINITE (supp ppm p))` by fsrw_tac [][sidecond_def] >>
1177  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [support_def] >>
1178  map_every qx_gen_tac [`w`,`z`] >>
1179  strip_tac >>
1180  sidecond_tac lhs >>
1181  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [] >>
1182  disch_then (K ALL_TAC) >>
1183  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [listpm_tMAP, supp_fresh] >>
1184  rpt AP_THM_TAC >>
1185  qmatch_abbrev_tac `lf s'' bv X1 Y1 = lf s'' bv X2 Y2` >>
1186  qsuff_tac `(X1 = X2) ��� (Y1 = Y2)` >- srw_tac [][] >>
1187  map_every qunabbrev_tac [`X1`, `X2`, `Y1`, `Y2`] >>
1188  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss() ++ DNF_ss)
1189               [listTheory.MAP_EQ_f, MEM_listpm_EXISTS, FUN_EQ_THM, fnpm_def] >>
1190  srw_tac [][] >> (* two similar goals here-on *)
1191  ih_commute_tac lhs >>
1192  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [gtmsize_gtpm, pmact_sing_inv] >>
1193  disch_then match_mp_tac >>
1194  map_every qunabbrev_tac [`usxyts`, `xyus`] >>
1195  fsrw_tac [][MEM_listpm_EXISTS, gtmsize_gtpm] >>
1196  metis_tac [gtmsize_GLAM_subterm, genind_GLAM_subterm]) >>
1197srw_tac [][Abbr`RHS`] >>
1198sidecond_tac rhs >>
1199asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [listpm_tMAP, supp_fresh] >>
1200disch_then (K ALL_TAC) >>
1201qunabbrev_tac `LHS` >> rpt AP_THM_TAC >>
1202qunabbrev_tac `usxyts` >>
1203asm_simp_tac (srw_ss() ++ ETA_ss) [pmact_sing_inv, pmact_nil] >>
1204AP_THM_TAC >>
1205qmatch_abbrev_tac `lf u bv X1 Y1 = lf u bv X2 Y2` >>
1206qsuff_tac `(X1 = X2) ��� (Y1 = Y2)` >- srw_tac [][] >>
1207map_every qunabbrev_tac [`X1`,`X2`,`Y1`, `Y2`] >>
1208conj_tac >> (* splits in two *)
1209srw_tac [][listTheory.MAP_EQ_f, FUN_EQ_THM, fnpm_def] >>
1210ih_commute_tac rhs >>
1211asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [pmact_sing_inv, gtmsize_gtpm] >>
1212disch_then (match_mp_tac o GSYM) >>
1213qunabbrev_tac `xyus` >>
1214fsrw_tac [][MEM_listpm_EXISTS, gtmsize_gtpm] >>
1215metis_tac [genind_GLAM_subterm, gtmsize_GLAM_subterm]);
1217fun udplus th =
1220       |> UNDISCH
1222val eqv_I = tmrec_equivariant |> udplus
1224val tmrec_fresh = store_thm(
1225  "tmrec_fresh",
1226  ``sidecond dpm ppm A ^vp ^lp ^vf ^lf ��� FCB dpm ppm A vp lp lf ==>
1227    ���n t. genind vp lp n t ==>
1228          ���x. x ��� A ��� x ��� GFV t ==>
1229              x ��� supp (fn_pmact ppm dpm) (tmrec A ppm vf lf t)``,
1230  srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac notinsupp_I >> qexists_tac `GFV t ��� A` >>
1231  `FINITE A` by fsrw_tac [][sidecond_def] >>
1232  srw_tac [][support_def, FUN_EQ_THM, fnpm_def] >>
1233  metis_tac [tmrec_equivariant, supp_fresh, pmact_sing_inv]);
1235val NEWFCB_def = Define`
1236  NEWFCB dpm ppm A vp lp lf ���
1237  ���a1 a2 n bv r1 r2 ts us p.
1238     a1 ��� A ��� a1 ��� supp ppm p ��� a2 ��� A ��� a2 ��� GFVl ts ��� a2 ��� supp ppm p ���
1239     LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) ts r1 ���
1240     LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) us r2 ���
1241     genind vp lp n (GLAM a1 bv ts us) ==>
1242     (lf a2 bv (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(a2,a1)] r1) r2
1243               (gtpml [(a2,a1)] ts) us p =
1244      lf a1 bv r1 r2 ts us p)
1247val LIST_REL_combined_supps = prove(
1248  ``LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) ts rs ��� x ��� A ��� x ��� GFVl ts ==>
1249    x ��� supp (list_pmact (fn_pmact ppm dpm)) rs``,
1250  qsuff_tac
1251    `���ts rs. LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) ts rs ==>
1252             ���x. x ��� GFVl ts ��� x ��� A ==> x ��� supp (list_pmact (fn_pmact ppm dpm)) rs`
1253    >- metis_tac [] >>
1254  Induct_on `LIST_REL` >> srw_tac [][relsupp_def]);
1256val NEWFCB_OLD = prove(
1257  ``NEWFCB dpm ppm A vp lp ^lf ��� sidecond dpm ppm A vp lp vf lf ==>
1258    FCB dpm ppm A vp lp lf``,
1259  srw_tac [][FCB_def, NEWFCB_def] >>
1260  `FINITE A ��� (���p. FINITE (supp ppm p))`
1261     by fsrw_tac [][sidecond_def] >>
1262  Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "z") `A ��� GFVl ts ��� GFVl us ��� supp ppm p ��� {a}` >>
1263  `lf a bv r1 r2 ts us p = lf z bv (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(z,a)] r1) r2
1264                              (gtpml [(z,a)] ts) us p`
1265     by (fsrw_tac [][NEWFCB_def] >> ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [EQ_SYM_EQ] >>
1266         first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
1267         fsrw_tac [][genind_GLAM_eqn] >> metis_tac []) >>
1268  pop_assum SUBST1_TAC >>
1269  match_mp_tac notinsupp_I >>
1270  qexists_tac `{z} ��� A ��� GFVl (gtpml [(z,a)] ts) ��� GFVl us ��� supp ppm p` >>
1271  srw_tac [][perm_supp]>>
1272  srw_tac [][support_def] >>
1273  sidecond_tac lhs >>
1274  `x ��� supp (list_pmact (fn_pmact ppm dpm)) r2 ��� y ��� supp (list_pmact (fn_pmact ppm dpm)) r2 ���
1275   x ��� supp (list_pmact (fn_pmact ppm dpm)) (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(z,a)] r1) ���
1276   y ��� supp (list_pmact (fn_pmact ppm dpm)) (listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(z,a)] r1)`
1277      by (srw_tac [][perm_supp] >>
1278          metis_tac [LIST_REL_combined_supps, swapstr_def]) >>
1279  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [LIST_REL_relsupp_gtpml, genind_GLAM_eqn, supp_fresh,
1280                           perm_supp] >>
1281  disch_then match_mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][genind_GLAM_eqn] >> metis_tac []);
1283val fresh_I = PROVE_HYP (udplus NEWFCB_OLD) (udplus tmrec_fresh)
1284val eqv_I = PROVE_HYP (udplus NEWFCB_OLD) (udplus tmrec_equivariant)
1287fun xmatch_cond_assum dir (asl,w) =
1288    first_x_assum (fn rwt =>
1289       mp_tac (PART_MATCH (lhs o #2 o strip_imp)
1290                          rwt
1291                          (dir w))) (asl,w)
1294val parameter_gtm_recursion = store_thm(
1296``sidecond dpm ppm A ^vp ^lp ^vf ^lf ��� NEWFCB dpm ppm A ^vp ^lp ^lf ���
1297  ���f.
1298   ((���n s vv p. genind vp lp n (GVAR s vv) ��� (f (GVAR s vv) p = vf s vv p)) ���
1299    ���n v bv ns ms ts us p.
1300       v ��� A ��� v ��� supp ppm p ��� genind vp lp n (GLAM v bv ts us) ���
1301       (f (GLAM v bv ts us) p = lf v bv (MAP f ts) (MAP f us) ts us p)) ���
1302   ���n t p.
1303     genind vp lp n t ==>
1304     ���x y. x ��� A ��� y ��� A ==>
1305           (pmact dpm [(x,y)] (f t p) = f (gtpm [(x,y)] t) (pmact ppm [(x,y)] p))``,
1306strip_tac >>
1307`FINITE A ��� ���p. FINITE (supp ppm p)` by fsrw_tac [][sidecond_def] >>
1308qexists_tac `tmrec A ppm vf lf` >>
1309reverse conj_tac >-
1310   (rpt strip_tac >> imp_res_tac eqv_I >> srw_tac [][]) >>
1311conj_tac >- srw_tac [][tmrec_GVAR] >>
1312srw_tac [][tmrec_GLAM] >>
1313DEEP_INTRO_TAC optionTheory.some_intro >>
1314asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD, pairTheory.EXISTS_PROD] >>
1315reverse conj_tac >- (
1316  (* bogus ARB case *)
1317  asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [GLAM_eq_thm] >>
1318  Q_TAC (NEW_TAC "z") `A ��� supp ppm p ��� GFVl ts ��� GFVl us ��� {v}` >>
1319  disch_then (qspec_then `z` mp_tac) >>
1320  fsrw_tac [][gtpml_eqr] >>
1321  fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][IN_supp_listpm, MEM_listpm_EXISTS, perm_supp] >>
1322  metis_tac []) >>
1323asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()++DNF_ss++ETA_ss) [GLAM_eq_thm,gtpml_eqr,gtpm_eqr] >>
1324qx_gen_tac `u` >> strip_tac >>
1325`LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) ts (MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) ts) ���
1326 LIST_REL (relsupp A dpm ppm) us (MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) us)` by (
1327  assume_tac fresh_I >>
1328  fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][MEM_EL] >>
1329  srw_tac [][LIST_REL_EL_EQN,listTheory.EL_MAP, relsupp_def] >>
1330  fsrw_tac [][AND_IMP_INTRO] >>
1331  first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
1332  fsrw_tac [][] >>
1333  match_mp_tac genind_GLAM_subterm >>
1334  srw_tac [][MEM_EL] >>
1335  metis_tac []) >>
1336asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [pmact_flip_args] >>
1337qsuff_tac `MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) (gtpml [(u,v)] ts) =
1338           listpm (fn_pmact ppm dpm) [(u,v)] (MAP (tmrec A ppm vf lf) ts)`
1339  >- (disch_then SUBST1_TAC >> fsrw_tac [][NEWFCB_def] >>
1340      first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][perm_supp] >> metis_tac []) >>
1341srw_tac [][listpm_tMAP, listTheory.MAP_EQ_f, MEM_listpm_EXISTS, FUN_EQ_THM,
1342           fnpm_def] >>
1343srw_tac [][pmact_sing_inv] >>
1344assume_tac (eqv_I |> Q.GEN `t`
1345                  |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss() ++ DNF_ss) [AND_IMP_INTRO]) >>
1346(fn (asl,w) => pop_assum
1347                   (fn rwt =>
1348                       mp_tac (PART_MATCH (lhs o #2 o dest_imp) rwt
1349                                          (rhs w) |> Q.GEN `n`)) (asl,w)) >>
1350asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [pmact_sing_inv] >>
1351metis_tac [genind_GLAM_subterm]);
1353val _ = export_theory()