1(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2   Definitions and theorems used by ARM step evaluator (arm_stepLib)
3   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
5open HolKernel boolLib bossLib
7open utilsLib
8open wordsLib blastLib
9open state_transformerTheory updateTheory alignmentTheory armTheory
11val _ = new_theory "arm_step"
12val _ = ParseExtras.temp_loose_equality()
13(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
15val _ = List.app (fn f => f ())
16   [numLib.prefer_num, wordsLib.prefer_word, wordsLib.guess_lengths]
18(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
20val NextStateARM_def = Define`
21   NextStateARM s0 =
22     let s1 = Next s0 in if s1.exception = NoException then SOME s1 else NONE`
24val NextStateARM_arm = ustore_thm("NextStateARM_arm",
25  `(s.exception = NoException) ==>
26   (Fetch s = (ARM (v2w v), s with Encoding := Encoding_ARM)) /\
27   (DecodeARM (v2w v) (s with Encoding := Encoding_ARM) =
28       (ast, s with <| CurrentCondition := c;
29                       Encoding := Encoding_ARM;
30                       undefined := F |>)) /\
31   (!s. Run ast s = f x s) /\
32   (f x (s with <| CurrentCondition := c;
33                   Encoding := Encoding_ARM;
34                   undefined := F |>) = s1) /\
35   (s1.Encoding = Encoding_ARM) /\
36   (s1.exception = s.exception) ==>
37   (NextStateARM s = SOME s1)`,
38   lrw [NextStateARM_def, Next_def, Decode_def, ITAdvance_def]
39   )
41val NextStateARM_arm0 = ustore_thm("NextStateARM_arm0",
42  `(s.exception = NoException) ==>
43   (Fetch s = (ARM (v2w v), s with Encoding := Encoding_ARM)) /\
44   (DecodeARM (v2w v) (s with Encoding := Encoding_ARM) =
45       (ast, s with <| CurrentCondition := c;
46                       Encoding := Encoding_ARM;
47                       undefined := F |>)) /\
48   (!s. Run ast s = f s) /\
49   (f (s with <| CurrentCondition := c;
50                 Encoding := Encoding_ARM;
51                 undefined := F |>) = s1) /\
52   (s1.Encoding = Encoding_ARM) /\
53   (s1.exception = s.exception) ==>
54   (NextStateARM s = SOME s1)`,
55   lrw [NextStateARM_def, Next_def, Decode_def, ITAdvance_def]
56   )
58val NextStateARM_thumb = ustore_thm("NextStateARM_thumb",
59  `(s.exception = NoException) ==>
60   (Fetch s = (Thumb (v2w v), s with Encoding := Encoding_Thumb)) /\
61   (DecodeThumb (v2w v) (s with Encoding := Encoding_Thumb) =
62       (ast, s with <| CurrentCondition := c;
63                       Encoding := Encoding_Thumb;
64                       undefined := F |>)) /\
65   (!s. Run ast s = f x s) /\
66   (f x (s with <| CurrentCondition := c;
67                   Encoding := Encoding_Thumb;
68                   undefined := F |>) = s1) /\
69   (ITAdvance () s1 = s2) /\
70   (s2.exception = s.exception) ==>
71   (NextStateARM s = SOME s2)`,
72   lrw [NextStateARM_def, Next_def, Decode_def]
73   )
75(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
77val LDM1_def = Define`
78   LDM1 (f: word4 -> RName) b (registers: word16) s r j =
79    (if word_bit j registers then
80       f (n2w j) =+
81       let a = b + if j = 0 then 0w else 4w * n2w (bit_count_upto j registers)
82       in
83          if s.CPSR.E then
84             s.MEM a @@ s.MEM (a + 1w) @@ s.MEM (a + 2w) @@ s.MEM (a + 3w)
85          else
86             s.MEM (a + 3w) @@ s.MEM (a + 2w) @@ s.MEM (a + 1w) @@ s.MEM a
87     else
88        I) r`
90val LDM_UPTO_def = Define`
91   LDM_UPTO f i (registers: word16) (b: word32, s) =
92     (b + 4w * n2w (bit_count_upto (i + 1) registers),
93      s with REG := FOLDL (LDM1 f b registers s) s.REG (COUNT_LIST (i + 1)))`
95val STM1_def = Define`
96   STM1 f (b: word32) (registers: word16) s m j =
97    (if word_bit j registers then
98       let a = b + if j = 0 then 0w else 4w * n2w (bit_count_upto j registers)
99       and r = s.REG (f (n2w j: word4))
100       in
101          (a + 3w =+ if s.CPSR.E then (7 >< 0) r else (31 >< 24) r) o
102          (a + 2w =+ if s.CPSR.E then (15 >< 8) r else (23 >< 16) r) o
103          (a + 1w =+ if s.CPSR.E then (23 >< 16) r else (15 >< 8) r) o
104          (a =+ if s.CPSR.E then (31 >< 24) r else (7 >< 0) r)
105     else
106        I) m`
108val STM_UPTO_def = Define`
109   STM_UPTO f i (registers: word16) (b: word32, s) =
110     (b + 4w * n2w (bit_count_upto (i + 1) registers),
111      s with MEM := FOLDL (STM1 f b registers s) s.MEM (COUNT_LIST (i + 1)))`
113(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
115val DecodeRoundingMode_def = Define`
116   DecodeRoundingMode (m: word2) =
117     if m = 0w
118        then roundTiesToEven
119     else if m = 1w
120        then roundTowardPositive
121     else if m = 2w
122        then roundTowardNegative
123     else roundTowardZero`;
125(* For floating-point single precision access *)
127val SingleOfDouble_def = Define`
128   SingleOfDouble b (w:word64) = if b then (63 >< 32) w else (31 >< 0) w`
130val UpdateSingleOfDouble_def = Define`
131   UpdateSingleOfDouble b (v:word32) (w:word64) =
132      if b then
133         bit_field_insert 63 32 v w
134      else
135         bit_field_insert 31 0 v w`;
137(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
139val reverse_endian_def = Define`
140   reverse_endian (w: word32) =
141   (7 >< 0) w @@ (15 >< 8) w @@ (23 >< 16) w @@ (31 >< 24) w`
143(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
145val GoodMode_def = Define`
146   GoodMode (m: word5) = m IN {16w;17w;18w;19w;23w;27w;31w}`
148val R_mode_def = Define`
149   R_mode (m: word5) (n: word4) =
150     case m, n of
151       _,   0w  => RName_0usr
152     | _,   1w  => RName_1usr
153     | _,   2w  => RName_2usr
154     | _,   3w  => RName_3usr
155     | _,   4w  => RName_4usr
156     | _,   5w  => RName_5usr
157     | _,   6w  => RName_6usr
158     | _,   7w  => RName_7usr
159     | 17w, 8w  => RName_8fiq
160     | _,   8w  => RName_8usr
161     | 17w, 9w  => RName_9fiq
162     | _,   9w  => RName_9usr
163     | 17w, 10w => RName_10fiq
164     | _,   10w => RName_10usr
165     | 17w, 11w => RName_11fiq
166     | _,   11w => RName_11usr
167     | 17w, 12w => RName_12fiq
168     | _,   12w => RName_12usr
169     | 17w, 13w => RName_SPfiq
170     | 18w, 13w => RName_SPirq
171     | 19w, 13w => RName_SPsvc
172     | 22w, 13w => RName_SPmon
173     | 23w, 13w => RName_SPabt
174     | 26w, 13w => RName_SPhyp
175     | 27w, 13w => RName_SPund
176     | _,   13w => RName_SPusr
177     | 17w, 14w => RName_LRfiq
178     | 18w, 14w => RName_LRirq
179     | 19w, 14w => RName_LRsvc
180     | 22w, 14w => RName_LRmon
181     | 23w, 14w => RName_LRabt
182     | 27w, 14w => RName_LRund
183     | _,   14w => RName_LRusr
184     | _        => RName_PC`
186(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
188val R_mode = Q.store_thm("R_mode",
189   `(!m. R_mode m 0w = RName_0usr) /\
190    (!m. R_mode m 1w = RName_1usr) /\
191    (!m. R_mode m 2w = RName_2usr) /\
192    (!m. R_mode m 3w = RName_3usr) /\
193    (!m. R_mode m 4w = RName_4usr) /\
194    (!m. R_mode m 5w = RName_5usr) /\
195    (!m. R_mode m 6w = RName_6usr) /\
196    (!m. R_mode m 7w = RName_7usr) /\
197    (!m. R_mode m 15w = RName_PC)`,
198   simp [R_mode_def]
199   )
201val R_x_not_pc = Q.prove(
202   `!d mode. d <> 15w ==> (R_mode mode d <> RName_PC)`,
203   wordsLib.Cases_word_value \\ simp [R_mode_def] \\ rw [])
204   |> Drule.SPEC_ALL
205   |> usave_as "R_x_not_pc"
207val R_x_pc = Q.store_thm("R_x_pc",
208   `!mode x. (R_mode mode x = RName_PC) = (x = 15w)`,
209   REPEAT strip_tac
210   \\ Cases_on `x = 15w`
211   \\ asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [R_mode_def, DISCH_ALL R_x_not_pc]
212   )
214val BadMode = Q.prove(
215   `!mode s. GoodMode mode ==> (BadMode mode s = F)`,
216   rw [BadMode_def, GoodMode_def])
217   |> Drule.SPEC_ALL
218   |> usave_as "BadMode"
220val NotMon = Q.prove(
221   `!mode. GoodMode mode ==> mode <> 22w`,
222   rw [GoodMode_def] \\ rw [])
223   |> Drule.SPEC_ALL
224   |> usave_as "NotMon"
226val NotHyp = Q.prove(
227   `!mode. GoodMode mode ==> mode <> 26w`,
228   rw [GoodMode_def] \\ rw [])
229   |> Drule.SPEC_ALL
230   |> usave_as "NotHyp"
232val R_mode_11 = Q.store_thm("R_mode_11",
233   `!r1 r2 m. (R_mode m r1 = R_mode m r2) = (r1 = r2)`,
234   wordsLib.Cases_word_value
235   \\ simp [R_mode_def]
236   \\ wordsLib.Cases_word_value
237   \\ simp [R_mode_def]
238   \\ rw []
239   )
241val IsSecure = Q.prove(
242   `!s. ~s.Extensions Extension_Security ==> (IsSecure () s = T)`,
243   rw [IsSecure_def, HaveSecurityExt_def, pred_setTheory.SPECIFICATION])
244   |> Drule.SPEC_ALL
245   |> usave_as "IsSecure"
247val CurrentModeIsHyp = Q.prove(
248   `!mode s. GoodMode s.CPSR.M ==> (CurrentModeIsHyp () s = (F, s))`,
249   simp [CurrentModeIsHyp_def, DISCH_ALL BadMode, DISCH_ALL NotHyp])
250   |> Drule.SPEC_ALL
251   |> usave_as "CurrentModeIsHyp"
253(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
255val ITAdvance_0 = ustore_thm("ITAdvance_0",
256   `(s.CPSR.IT = 0w) ==> (s with CPSR := s.CPSR with IT := 0w = s)`,
257   lrw [armTheory.arm_state_component_equality,
258        armTheory.PSR_component_equality]
259   )
261(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
263val RoundingMode = Q.store_thm("RoundingMode",
264   `!s. RoundingMode s = DecodeRoundingMode s.FP.FPSCR.RMode`,
265   rw [DecodeRoundingMode_def, RoundingMode_def]
266   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
267   )
269(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
271val notoverflow = METIS_PROVE [integer_wordTheory.overflow]
272   ``!x y. (word_msb x = word_msb (x + y)) ==> (w2i (x + y) = w2i x + w2i y)``
274val word_msb_sum1a = Q.prove(
275   `!x y. (word_msb x = word_msb y) /\ word_msb (x + y) ==>
276          word_msb (x + y + 1w)`,
277   Cases \\ Cases
278   \\ lrw [wordsTheory.word_msb_n2w_numeric, wordsTheory.word_add_n2w]
279   \\ Cases_on `INT_MIN (:'a) <= n`
280   \\ Cases_on `INT_MIN (:'a) <= n'`
281   \\ lfs []
282   >- (imp_res_tac arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQUAL_ADD
283       \\ pop_assum (K all_tac)
284       \\ `p < INT_MIN (:'a) /\ p' < INT_MIN (:'a)`
285       by lrw [wordsTheory.dimword_IS_TWICE_INT_MIN]
286       \\ lfs [GSYM wordsTheory.dimword_IS_TWICE_INT_MIN]
287       \\ `(p + (p' + (dimword (:'a) + 1)) = dimword (:'a) + (p + p' + 1)) /\
288           (p + (p' + dimword (:'a)) = dimword (:'a) + (p + p'))` by lrw []
289       \\ pop_assum SUBST_ALL_TAC \\ pop_assum SUBST1_TAC
290       \\ full_simp_tac bool_ss
291             [arithmeticTheory.ADD_MODULUS_RIGHT, wordsTheory.ZERO_LT_dimword]
292       \\ `p + p' + 1 < dimword (:'a)`
293       by lrw [wordsTheory.dimword_IS_TWICE_INT_MIN]
294       \\ lfs [])
295   \\ fs [arithmeticTheory.NOT_LESS_EQUAL]
296   \\ `n + n' + 1 < dimword (:'a)`
297   by lrw [wordsTheory.dimword_IS_TWICE_INT_MIN]
298   \\ lfs []
299   )
301val word_msb_sum1b = Q.prove(
302   `!x y. (word_msb x <> word_msb y) /\ ~word_msb (x + y) ==>
303          (word_msb (x + y) = word_msb (x + y + 1w))`,
304   Cases \\ Cases
305   \\ simp_tac std_ss
306         [wordsTheory.word_msb_n2w_numeric, wordsTheory.word_add_n2w]
307   \\ lrw []
308   \\ Cases_on `n < INT_MIN (:'a)`
309   \\ Cases_on `n' < INT_MIN (:'a)`
310   \\ lfs [arithmeticTheory.NOT_LESS, arithmeticTheory.NOT_LESS_EQUAL]
311   \\ Cases_on `n + (n' + 1) < dimword (:'a)`
312   \\ lfs [arithmeticTheory.NOT_LESS]
313   \\ imp_res_tac arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQUAL_ADD
314   \\ pop_assum (K all_tac)
315   \\ `p < INT_MIN (:'a)` by lfs [wordsTheory.dimword_IS_TWICE_INT_MIN]
316   \\ lrw [arithmeticTheory.ADD_MODULUS_LEFT]
317   )
319val word_msb_sum1c = Q.prove(
320   `!x y. word_msb (x + y + 1w) /\ ~word_msb (x + y) ==> (x + y = INT_MAXw)`,
321   Cases \\ Cases
322   \\ `INT_MIN (:'a) - 1 < dimword (:'a)`
323   by (assume_tac wordsTheory.INT_MIN_LT_DIMWORD \\ decide_tac)
324   \\ simp_tac std_ss
325        [wordsTheory.word_msb_n2w_numeric, wordsTheory.word_H_def,
326         wordsTheory.INT_MAX_def, wordsTheory.word_add_n2w]
327   \\ lrw []
328   \\ lfs [arithmeticTheory.NOT_LESS_EQUAL]
329   \\ Cases_on `n + (n' + 1) < dimword (:'a)`
330   \\ lfs [arithmeticTheory.NOT_LESS]
331   \\ imp_res_tac arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQUAL_ADD
332   \\ pop_assum (K all_tac)
333   \\ `p < dimword (:'a)` by lfs []
334   \\ Cases_on `n + n' < dimword (:'a)`
335   \\ lfs [arithmeticTheory.ADD_MODULUS_LEFT, arithmeticTheory.NOT_LESS]
336   \\ imp_res_tac arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQUAL_ADD
337   \\ pop_assum (K all_tac)
338   \\ lfs [arithmeticTheory.ADD_MODULUS_LEFT]
339   )
341val AddWithCarry = Q.store_thm("AddWithCarry",
342   `!x y carry_in. AddWithCarry (x,y,carry_in) = add_with_carry (x,y,carry_in)`,
343   REPEAT strip_tac
344   \\ simp [AddWithCarry_def, wordsTheory.add_with_carry_def]
345   \\ simp [GSYM wordsTheory.word_add_n2w]
346   \\ Cases_on `carry_in`
347   \\ simp [integer_wordTheory.overflow]
348   \\ Cases_on `dimindex(:'a) = 1`
349   >- (imp_res_tac wordsTheory.dimindex_1_cases
350       \\ pop_assum (fn th => (strip_assume_tac (Q.SPEC `x` th)
351                            \\ strip_assume_tac (Q.SPEC `y` th)))
352       \\ simp [wordsTheory.word_index, wordsTheory.word_msb_def,
353                wordsTheory.word_2comp_def, integer_wordTheory.w2i_def,
354                wordsTheory.dimword_def])
355   \\ Cases_on `word_msb (x + y) <> word_msb (1w : 'a word)`
356   \\ `~word_msb 1w`
357   by lrw [wordsTheory.word_msb_n2w, DECIDE ``0n < n /\ n <> 1 ==> ~(n <= 1)``]
358   \\ fs [integer_wordTheory.different_sign_then_no_overflow,
359          integer_wordTheory.overflow, integer_wordTheory.w2i_1]
360   >- (Cases_on `word_msb x <=> word_msb y` \\ simp [word_msb_sum1a])
361   \\ Cases_on `word_msb x = word_msb y`
362   \\ simp [GSYM integer_wordTheory.different_sign_then_no_overflow]
363   >- (Cases_on `word_msb (x + y + 1w)`
364       \\ lfs [notoverflow, integer_wordTheory.w2i_1]
365       >- (imp_res_tac word_msb_sum1c
366           \\ lfs [integer_wordTheory.w2i_INT_MINw]
367           \\ Cases_on `x`
368           \\ Cases_on `y`
369           \\ lfs [wordsTheory.word_msb_n2w_numeric]
370           \\ Cases_on `INT_MIN (:'a) <= n'`
371           \\ lfs [integer_wordTheory.w2i_n2w_pos,
372                   integer_wordTheory.w2i_n2w_neg,
373                   wordsTheory.word_add_n2w,
374                   wordsTheory.word_L_def,
375                   wordsTheory.word_2comp_def,
376                   integerTheory.INT_ADD_CALCULATE]
377           \\ imp_res_tac arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQUAL_ADD
378           \\ `p + p' < dimword (:'a)`
379           by lfs [wordsTheory.dimword_IS_TWICE_INT_MIN]
380           \\ lfs [GSYM wordsTheory.dimword_IS_TWICE_INT_MIN]
381           \\ `(p + (p' + dimword (:'a)) = (p + p') + dimword (:'a)) /\
382               (INT_MIN (:'a) + dimword (:'a) - 1 =
383                dimword (:'a) + (INT_MIN (:'a) - 1))`
384           by lfs []
385           \\ ntac 2 (pop_assum SUBST_ALL_TAC)
386           \\ full_simp_tac bool_ss
387                 [arithmeticTheory.ADD_MODULUS_LEFT,
388                  arithmeticTheory.ADD_MODULUS_RIGHT,
389                  wordsTheory.ZERO_LT_dimword]
390           \\ lfs [wordsTheory.BOUND_ORDER]
391           \\ metis_tac [arithmeticTheory.ADD_ASSOC,
392                         wordsTheory.dimword_sub_int_min,
393                         wordsTheory.ZERO_LT_INT_MIN,
394                         DECIDE ``0n < n ==> (n - 1 + 1 = n)``])
395       \\ metis_tac [integer_wordTheory.overflow, integer_wordTheory.w2i_1])
396   \\ `word_msb (x + y) <=> word_msb (x + y + 1w)` by imp_res_tac word_msb_sum1b
397   \\ simp [notoverflow, integer_wordTheory.w2i_1]
398   )
400(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
402val CountLeadingZeroBits16 = Q.store_thm("CountLeadingZeroBits16",
403   `!w:word16.
404       CountLeadingZeroBits w = if w = 0w then 16 else 15 - w2n (word_log2 w)`,
405   lrw [CountLeadingZeroBits_def, HighestSetBit_def]
406   \\ `LOG2 (w2n w) < 16`
407   by metis_tac [wordsTheory.LOG2_w2n_lt, EVAL ``dimindex(:16)``]
408   \\ lrw [integer_wordTheory.w2i_def, wordsTheory.word_log2_def,
409           wordsTheory.word_msb_n2w_numeric,
410           intLib.ARITH_PROVE ``j < 16 ==> (Num (15 - &j) = 15 - j)``]
411   )
413val CountLeadingZeroBits32 = Q.store_thm("CountLeadingZeroBits32",
414   `!w:word32.
415       CountLeadingZeroBits w = if w = 0w then 32 else 31 - w2n (word_log2 w)`,
416   lrw [CountLeadingZeroBits_def, HighestSetBit_def]
417   \\ `LOG2 (w2n w) < 32`
418   by metis_tac [wordsTheory.LOG2_w2n_lt, EVAL ``dimindex(:32)``]
419   \\ lrw [integer_wordTheory.w2i_def, wordsTheory.word_log2_def,
420           wordsTheory.word_msb_n2w_numeric,
421           intLib.ARITH_PROVE ``j < 32 ==> (Num (31 - &j) = 31 - j)``]
422   )
424val FOLDL_AUG = Q.prove(
425   `!f a l.
426      FOLDL (\x i. f x i) a l =
427      FST (FOLDL (\y i. (f (FST y) i, ())) (a, ()) l)`,
428   Induct_on `l` \\ lrw []
429   )
431val FOLDL_cong = Q.store_thm("FOLDL_cong",
432   `!l r f g a b.
433      (LENGTH l = LENGTH r) /\ (a = b) /\
434      (!i x. i < LENGTH l ==> (f x (EL i l) = g x (EL i r))) ==>
435      (FOLDL f a l = FOLDL g b r)`,
436   Induct \\ lrw []
437   \\ Cases_on `r` \\ lfs []
438   \\ metis_tac [prim_recTheory.LESS_0, listTheory.EL, listTheory.HD,
439                 listTheory.EL_restricted, arithmeticTheory.LESS_MONO_EQ]
440   )
442val FOR_BASE = Q.store_thm("FOR_BASE",
443   `!f s. FOR (n, n, f) s = f n s`,
444   simp [Once state_transformerTheory.FOR_def])
446val FOR_FOLDL = Q.store_thm("FOR_FOLDL",
447   `!i j f s.
448       i <= j ==>
449       (FOR (i, j, f) s =
450        ((), FOLDL (\x n. SND (f (n + i) x)) s (COUNT_LIST (j - i + 1))))`,
451   ntac 2 strip_tac \\ Induct_on `j - i`
452   \\ lrw [Once state_transformerTheory.FOR_def, pairTheory.UNCURRY,
453           state_transformerTheory.BIND_DEF]
454   >- (`i = j` by decide_tac
455       \\ simp []
456       \\ EVAL_TAC
457       \\ Cases_on `f j s`
458       \\ simp [oneTheory.one])
459   \\ `v = j - (i + 1)` by decide_tac
460   \\ qpat_assum `!j i. P` (qspecl_then [`j`, `i + 1`] imp_res_tac)
461   \\ Cases_on `i + 1 < j`
462   >- (`j + 1 - i = SUC (j - i)` by decide_tac
463       \\ lrw [rich_listTheory.COUNT_LIST_def]
464       \\ match_mp_tac FOLDL_cong
465       \\ lrw [rich_listTheory.COUNT_LIST_GENLIST, listTheory.MAP_GENLIST,
466               arithmeticTheory.ADD1])
467   \\ `j = i + 1` by decide_tac
468   \\ simp []
469   \\ EVAL_TAC
470   )
472val BitCount = Q.store_thm("BitCount",
473   `!w. BitCount w = bit_count w`,
474   lrw [BitCount_def, wordsTheory.bit_count_def, wordsTheory.bit_count_upto_def,
475        wordsTheory.word_bit_def]
476   \\ `0 <= dimindex(:'a) - 1` by lrw []
477   \\ simp
478       [FOR_FOLDL
479        |> Q.ISPECL [`0n`, `dimindex(:'a) - 1`,
480                     `\i state: num # unit.
481                         ((),
482                          if i <= dimindex(:'a) - 1 /\ w ' i then
483                             (FST state + 1, ())
484                          else
485                             state)`],
486        sum_numTheory.SUM_FOLDL]
487   \\ REWRITE_TAC
488        [FOLDL_AUG
489         |> Q.ISPECL
490              [`\x:num i. x + if w ' i then 1 else 0`, `0`,
491               `COUNT_LIST (dimindex ((:'a) :'a itself))`]
492         |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss())[]]
493   \\ MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``(x = y) ==> (FST x = FST y)``)
494   \\ MATCH_MP_TAC listTheory.FOLDL_CONG
495   \\ lrw [rich_listTheory.MEM_COUNT_LIST,
496           DECIDE ``0n < n ==> (n - 1 + 1 = n)``]
497   \\ Cases_on `a`
498   \\ simp []
499   )
501val bit_count_upto_1 = Q.prove(
502   `!registers: word16.
503       4w * n2w (bit_count_upto 1 registers) =
504       if word_bit 0 registers then 4w else 0w: word32`,
505   EVAL_TAC \\ lrw [wordsTheory.word_bit_def]
506   )
508val bit_count_sub = Q.prove(
509   `!r: 'a word.
510      n2w (bit_count_upto (dimindex(:'a) - 1) r) - n2w (bit_count r) =
511      if r ' (dimindex(:'a) - 1) then -1w else 0w`,
512   REPEAT strip_tac
513   \\ simp [wordsTheory.bit_count_def]
514   \\ Cases_on `dimindex(:'a)`
515   >- lfs [DECIDE ``0 < n ==> (n <> 0n)``]
516   \\ simp [arithmeticTheory.SUC_SUB1, GSYM wordsTheory.word_add_n2w,
517            wordsTheory.WORD_LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB, wordsTheory.bit_count_upto_SUC]
518   \\ rw [])
519   |> Thm.INST_TYPE [Type.alpha |-> ``:16``]
520   |> SIMP_RULE (std_ss++wordsLib.SIZES_ss) []
521   |> Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.DEPTH_CONV (wordsLib.WORD_BIT_INDEX_CONV false))
522   |> save_as "bit_count_sub"
524val bit_count_lt_1 = Q.store_thm("bit_count_lt_1",
525   `!w. bit_count w < 1 = (w = 0w)`,
526   rewrite_tac [DECIDE ``a < 1n = (a = 0)``, wordsTheory.bit_count_is_zero]
527   )
529(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
531val Align = Q.store_thm("Align",
532   `(!w. Align (w, 1) = align 0 w) /\
533    (!w. Align (w, 2) = align 1 w) /\
534    (!w. Align (w, 4) = align 2 w) /\
535    (!w. Align (w, 8) = align 3 w) /\
536    (!w. Align (w, 16) = align 4 w)`,
537    simp [armTheory.Align_def, alignmentTheory.align_w2n]
538    )
540val Aligned = Q.store_thm("Aligned",
541   `(!w. Aligned (w, 1) = aligned 0 w) /\
542    (!w. Aligned (w, 2) = aligned 1 w) /\
543    (!w. Aligned (w, 4) = aligned 2 w) /\
544    (!w. Aligned (w, 8) = aligned 3 w) /\
545    (!w. Aligned (w, 16) = aligned 4 w)`,
546    simp [armTheory.Aligned_def, Align, alignmentTheory.aligned_def,
547          boolTheory.EQ_SYM_EQ]
548    )
550val aligned_23 = Q.store_thm("aligned_23",
551   `(!w: word32. ((1 >< 0) w = 0w: word2) = aligned 2 w) /\
552    (!w: word32. ((2 >< 0) w = 0w: word3) = aligned 3 w)`,
553    simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
554    \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
555   )
557val AlignedAlign = ustore_thm("AlignedAlign",
558   `aligned p v ==> ((if b then align p v else v) = v)`,
559   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_def, alignmentTheory.align_align]
560   )
562val Aligned_concat4 = Q.store_thm("Aligned_concat4",
563   `!p a: word8 b: word8 c: word8 d: word8.
564      aligned 2 (if p then a @@ b @@ c @@ d else d @@ c @@ b @@ a) =
565      aligned 2 (if p then d else a)`,
566   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
567   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
568   )
570val Aligned4_bit0_t = utilsLib.ustore_thm ("Aligned4_bit0_t",
571   `aligned 2 (pc: word32) ==> ~word_bit 0 (pc + 4w)`,
572   simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
573   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
574   )
576val Aligned4_bit1_t = utilsLib.ustore_thm ("Aligned4_bit1_t",
577   `aligned 2 (pc: word32) ==> ~word_bit 1 (pc + 4w)`,
578   simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
579   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
580   )
582val Aligned4_bit0 = utilsLib.ustore_thm ("Aligned4_bit0",
583   `aligned 2 (pc: word32) ==> ~word_bit 0 (pc + 8w)`,
584   simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
585   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
586   )
588val Aligned4_bit1 = utilsLib.ustore_thm ("Aligned4_bit1",
589   `aligned 2 (pc: word32) ==> ~word_bit 1 (pc + 8w)`,
590   simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
591   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
592   )
594val Aligned_BranchTarget_thumb =
595   utilsLib.ustore_thm("Aligned_BranchTarget_thumb",
596   `aligned 1 (pc: word32) ==>
597    (aligned 1 (pc + (if b then 4w else 8w) + imm32) = aligned 1 imm32)`,
598   Cases_on `b`
599   \\ simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
600   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
601   )
603val Aligned_BranchTarget_arm = utilsLib.ustore_thm("Aligned_BranchTarget_arm",
604   `aligned 2 (pc: word32) ==>
605    (aligned 2 (pc + (if b then 4w else 8w) + imm32) = aligned 2 imm32)`,
606   Cases_on `b`
607   \\ simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
608   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
609   )
611val Aligned_Align_plus_minus = Q.store_thm("Aligned_Align_plus_minus",
612   `(!w x: word32. aligned 2 (align 2 w + x) = aligned 2 x) /\
613    (!w x: word32. aligned 2 (align 2 w - x) = aligned 2 x) /\
614    (!w x: word32. aligned 1 (align 2 w + x) = aligned 1 x) /\
615    (!w x: word32. aligned 1 (align 2 w - x) = aligned 1 x)`,
616   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, alignmentTheory.align_def]
617   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
618   )
620val AlignedPC_plus_thumb = utilsLib.ustore_thm("AlignedPC_plus_thumb",
621   `aligned 1 (w: word32) ==> (align 1 (w + 4w + v) = w + align 1 v + 4w)`,
622   simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, alignmentTheory.align_def]
623   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
624   )
626val AlignedPC_plus_xthumb = utilsLib.ustore_thm("AlignedPC_plus_xthumb",
627   `aligned 1 (w: word32) ==>
628    (((31 >< 1) (w + 4w): 31 word) @@ (1w: word1) = w + 5w)`,
629   simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract] \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
630   )
632val AlignedPC_plus_align_arm = utilsLib.ustore_thm("AlignedPC_plus_align_arm",
633   `aligned 2 (w: word32) ==>
634    (align 2 (align 2 (w + 8w) + v) = w + align 2 v + 8w)`,
635   simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, alignmentTheory.align_def]
636   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
637   )
639val AlignedPC_plus_xarm = utilsLib.ustore_thm("AlignedPC_plus_xarm",
640   `aligned 2 (w: word32) ==> (align 1 (w + 8w + v) = w + align 1 v + 8w)`,
641   simp [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, alignmentTheory.align_def]
642   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
643   )
645val Aligned_plus_minus = utilsLib.ustore_thm("Aligned_plus_minus",
646   `aligned 2 (x: word32) ==>
647    (aligned 2 (if a then x + y else x - y) = aligned 2 y)`,
648   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract] \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
649   )
651val Aligned4_base_pc_plus = utilsLib.ustore_thm("Aligned4_base_pc_plus",
652   `aligned (if t then 1 else 2) (pc: word32) ==>
653    (aligned 2 (pc + (if t then 4w else 8w) + x) =
654     if t then aligned 2 (pc + x) else aligned 2 x)`,
655   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
656   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
657   )
659val Aligned4_base_pc_minus = utilsLib.ustore_thm("Aligned4_base_pc_minus",
660   `aligned (if t then 1 else 2) (pc: word32) ==>
661    (aligned 2 (pc + (if t then 4w else 8w) - x) =
662     if t then aligned 2 (pc - x) else aligned 2 x)`,
663   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
664   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
665   )
667val Aligned2_base_pc_plus = utilsLib.ustore_thm("Aligned2_base_pc_plus",
668   `aligned (if t then 1 else 2) (pc: word32) ==>
669    (aligned 1 (pc + (if t then 4w else 8w) + x) = aligned 1 x)`,
670   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
671   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
672   )
674val Aligned2_base_pc_minus = utilsLib.ustore_thm("Aligned2_base_pc_minus",
675   `aligned (if t then 1 else 2) (pc: word32) ==>
676    (aligned 1 (pc + (if t then 4w else 8w) - x) = aligned 1 x)`,
677   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract]
678   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
679   )
681val Align4_base_pc_plus = utilsLib.ustore_thm("Align4_base_pc_plus",
682   `aligned (if t then 1 else 2) (pc: word32) ==>
683    (align 2 (pc + if t then 4w else 8w) + x =
684     if t then align 2 pc + (x + 4w) else pc + (x + 8w))`,
685   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, alignmentTheory.align_def]
686   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
687   )
689val Align4_base_pc_minus = utilsLib.ustore_thm("Align4_base_pc_minus",
690   `aligned (if t then 1 else 2) (pc: word32) ==>
691    (align 2 (pc + if t then 4w else 8w) - x =
692     if t then align 2 pc - (x - 4w) else pc - (x - 8w))`,
693   lrw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract, alignmentTheory.align_def]
694   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
695   )
697(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
699val Align_branch_immediate = Q.store_thm("Align_branch_immediate",
700   `a +
701    align 2
702      (sw2sw ((v2w [x0; x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7; x8; x9; x10; x11;
703                    x12; x13; x14; x15; x16; x17; x18; x19; x20; x21;
704                    x22; x23]: word24 @@ (0w: word2)): 26 word): word32) =
705    if x0 then
706       a -
707       (v2w [~x1; ~x2; ~x3; ~x4; ~x5; ~x6; ~x7; ~x8; ~x9; ~x10; ~x11; ~x12;
708             ~x13; ~x14; ~x15; ~x16; ~x17; ~x18; ~x19; ~x20; ~x21; ~x22; ~x23;
709             T; T] + 1w)
710    else
711       a +
712       v2w [x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7; x8; x9; x10; x11; x12; x13; x14; x15;
713            x16; x17; x18; x19; x20; x21; x22; x23; F; F]`,
714   lrw [alignmentTheory.align_def]
715   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
716   )
718val Align_branch_exchange_immediate =
719   Q.store_thm("Align_branch_exchange_immediate",
720   `a +
721    align 1
722      (sw2sw ((v2w [x0; x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7; x8; x9; x10; x11;
723                    x12; x13; x14; x15; x16; x17; x18; x19; x20; x21;
724                    x22; x23]: word24 @@
725               (v2w [x24; F]: word2)): 26 word): word32) =
726    if x0 then
727       a -
728       (v2w [~x1; ~x2; ~x3; ~x4; ~x5; ~x6; ~x7; ~x8; ~x9; ~x10; ~x11; ~x12;
729             ~x13; ~x14; ~x15; ~x16; ~x17; ~x18; ~x19; ~x20; ~x21; ~x22; ~x23;
730             ~x24; T] + 1w)
731    else
732       a +
733       v2w [x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7; x8; x9; x10; x11; x12; x13; x14; x15;
734            x16; x17; x18; x19; x20; x21; x22; x23; x24; F]`,
735   lrw [alignmentTheory.align_def]
736   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
737   )
740   val t2 = ``(((31 >< 1) (i: word32) : 31 word) @@ (0w: word1)): word32``
741   val lem = Q.prove(
742      `(!i:word32. ^t2 = align 1 i) /\
743       (!i:word32. ((31 >< 2) i : 30 word) @@ (0w: word2) = align 2 i)`,
744      simp [alignmentTheory.align_def]
745      \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
746      )
747   val lem2 = Q.prove(
748      `(!i: word32.  (if word_bit 0 i then ^t2 else i) = align 1 i)`,
749      lrw [lem, alignmentTheory.align_def]
750      \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
751      )
753   val Align_LoadWritePC = Theory.save_thm("Align_LoadWritePC",
754      Thm.CONJ lem2 lem)
757(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
759val take_id_imp =
760   metisLib.METIS_PROVE [listTheory.TAKE_LENGTH_ID]
761     ``!n w:'a list. (n = LENGTH w) ==> (TAKE n w = w)``
763fun concat_tac l =
764  ntac (List.length l) strip_tac
765  \\ map_every bitstringLib.Cases_on_v2w l
766  \\ lfs [markerTheory.Abbrev_def]
767  \\ REPEAT (once_rewrite_tac [bitstringTheory.word_concat_v2w_rwt]
768             \\ simp [bitstringTheory.w2v_v2w, bitstringTheory.fixwidth_id_imp])
770fun extract_bytes_tac l =
771  lrw []
772  \\ map_every bitstringLib.Cases_on_v2w l
773  \\ lfs [markerTheory.Abbrev_def]
774  \\ ntac (List.length l - 1)
775       (once_rewrite_tac [bitstringTheory.word_concat_v2w_rwt]
776        \\ simp [bitstringTheory.w2v_v2w, bitstringTheory.fixwidth_id_imp])
777  \\ lrw [bitstringTheory.field_def, bitstringTheory.shiftr_def,
778          listTheory.TAKE_APPEND1, take_id_imp, bitstringTheory.fixwidth_id_imp]
779  \\ lrw [bitstringTheory.fixwidth_def, rich_listTheory.DROP_APPEND2]
781val concat16 = Q.store_thm("concat16",
782   `!w1:word8 w2:word8. w2v w1 ++ w2v w2 = w2v (w1 @@ w2)`,
783   concat_tac [`w1`,`w2`]
784   )
786val concat32 = Q.store_thm("concat32",
787   `!w1:word8 w2:word8 w3:word16.
788      w2v w1 ++ (w2v w2 ++ w2v w3) = w2v (w1 @@ w2 @@ w3)`,
789   concat_tac [`w1`,`w2`,`w3`]
790   )
792val concat64 = Q.store_thm("concat64",
793   `!w1:word8 w2:word8 w3:word8 w4:word8 w5:word32.
794      w2v w1 ++ (w2v w2 ++ (w2v w3 ++ (w2v w4 ++ w2v w5))) =
795      w2v (w1 @@ w2 @@ w3 @@ w4 @@ w5)`,
796   concat_tac [`w1`,`w2`,`w3`,`w4`,`w5`]
797   )
799val extract16 = Q.store_thm("extract16",
800   `!w1:word8 w2:word8.
801      field 7 0 (w2v (w1 @@ w2)) ++ field 15 8 (w2v (w1 @@ w2)) =
802      w2v (w2 @@ w1)`,
803   extract_bytes_tac [`w1`, `w2`]
804   )
806val extract32 = Q.prove(
807   `!w1:word8 w2:word8 w3:word8 w4:word8.
808       let r = w1 @@ w2 @@ w3 @@ w4 in
809       field 7 0 (w2v r) ++ (field 15 8 (w2v r) ++
810       (field 23 16 (w2v r) ++ (field 31 24 (w2v r)))) =
811       w2v (w4 @@ w3 @@ w2 @@ w1)`,
812   extract_bytes_tac [`w1`, `w2`, `w3`, `w4`])
813   |> SIMP_RULE (bool_ss++boolSimps.LET_ss) []
814   |> save_as "extract32"
816val extract64 = Q.prove(
817   `!w1:word8 w2:word8 w3:word8 w4:word8
818     w5:word8 w6:word8 w7:word8 w8:word8.
819       let r = w1 @@ w2 @@ w3 @@ w4 @@ w5 @@ w6 @@ w7 @@ w8 in
820       field 7 0 (w2v r) ++ (field 15 8 (w2v r) ++
821       (field 23 16 (w2v r) ++ (field 31 24 (w2v r) ++
822       (field 39 32 (w2v r) ++ (field 47 40 (w2v r) ++
823       (field 55 48 (w2v r) ++ (field 63 56 (w2v r)))))))) =
824       w2v (w8 @@ w7 @@ w6 @@ w5 @@ w4 @@ w3 @@ w2 @@ w1)`,
825   extract_bytes_tac [`w1`, `w2`, `w3`, `w4`,`w5`, `w6`, `w7`, `w8`])
826   |> SIMP_RULE (bool_ss++boolSimps.LET_ss) []
827   |> save_as "extract64"
829val concat_bytes = Q.store_thm("concat_bytes",
830   `!w: word32. (31 >< 24) w @@ (23 >< 16) w @@ (15 >< 8) w @@ (7 >< 0) w = w`,
831   blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
832   )
834val reverse_endian_bytes = Q.store_thm("reverse_endian_bytes",
835   `!w: word32.
836       ((7 >< 0) (reverse_endian w) = (31 >< 24) w) /\
837       ((15 >< 8) (reverse_endian w) = (23 >< 16) w) /\
838       ((23 >< 16) (reverse_endian w) = (15 >< 8) w) /\
839       ((31 >< 24) (reverse_endian w) = (7 >< 0) w)`,
840   rw [reverse_endian_def]
841   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
842   )
844val reverse_endian_id = Q.store_thm("reverse_endian_id",
845   `!w. reverse_endian (reverse_endian w) = w`,
846   rw [reverse_endian_def, reverse_endian_bytes, concat_bytes]
847   )
849(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
851fun field_thm a b h l =
852   bitstringTheory.extract_v2w
853   |> Thm.INST_TYPE
854         [Type.alpha |-> fcpSyntax.mk_int_numeric_type a,
855          Type.beta  |-> fcpSyntax.mk_int_numeric_type b]
856   |> Q.SPECL [h, l]
857   |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []
858   |> Conv.GSYM
860val field16 = Q.store_thm("field16",
861   `(!w: word16.
862       v2w (field 15 8 (field 7 0 (w2v w) ++ field 15 8 (w2v w))) =
863       (7 >< 0) w : word8) /\
864    (!w: word16. v2w (field 15 8 (w2v w)) = (15 >< 8) w : word8) /\
865    (!w: word16.
866       v2w (field 7 0 (field 7 0 (w2v w) ++ field 15 8 (w2v w))) =
867       (15 >< 8) w : word8) /\
868    (!w: word16. v2w (field 7 0 (w2v w)) = (7 >< 0) w : word8)`,
869    lrw [bitstringTheory.field_concat_left, bitstringTheory.field_concat_right,
870         bitstringTheory.field_id_imp]
871    \\ simp [field_thm 16 8 `7` `0`, field_thm 16 8 `15` `8`]
872    \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss] []
873    )
875val field32 = Q.store_thm("field32",
876   `(!w: word32.
877       v2w (field 31 24
878              (field 7 0 (w2v w) ++ (field 15 8 (w2v w) ++
879              (field 23 16 (w2v w) ++ field 31 24 (w2v w))))) =
880       (7 >< 0) w : word8) /\
881    (!w: word32. v2w (field 31 24 (w2v w)) = (31 >< 24) w : word8) /\
882    (!w: word32.
883       v2w (field 23 16
884              (field 7 0 (w2v w) ++ (field 15 8 (w2v w) ++
885              (field 23 16 (w2v w) ++ field 31 24 (w2v w))))) =
886       (15 >< 8) w : word8) /\
887    (!w: word32. v2w (field 23 16 (w2v w)) = (23 >< 16) w : word8) /\
888    (!w: word32.
889       v2w (field 15 8
890              (field 7 0 (w2v w) ++ (field 15 8 (w2v w) ++
891              (field 23 16 (w2v w) ++ field 31 24 (w2v w))))) =
892       (23 >< 16) w : word8) /\
893    (!w: word32. v2w (field 15 8 (w2v w)) = (15 >< 8) w : word8) /\
894    (!w: word32.
895       v2w (field 7 0
896              (field 7 0 (w2v w) ++ (field 15 8 (w2v w) ++
897              (field 23 16 (w2v w) ++ field 31 24 (w2v w))))) =
898       (31 >< 24) w : word8) /\
899    (!w: word32. v2w (field 7 0 (w2v w)) = (7 >< 0) w : word8)`,
900    lrw [bitstringTheory.field_concat_left, bitstringTheory.field_concat_right,
901         bitstringTheory.field_id_imp]
902    \\ simp [field_thm 32 8 `7` `0`, field_thm 32 8 `15` `8`,
903             field_thm 32 8 `23` `16`, field_thm 32 8 `31` `24`]
904    \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss] []
905    )
907val fixwidth_w2v = Q.prove(
908  `!w : 'a word. fixwidth (dimindex (:'a)) (w2v w) = w2v w`,
909  simp [])
911val field_insert = Q.store_thm("field_insert",
912  `!msb lsb a : word32 b : word32.
913     v2w (field_insert msb lsb (field (msb - lsb) 0 (w2v a)) (w2v b)) : word32 =
914     bit_field_insert msb lsb a b`,
915  simp [bitstringTheory.field_insert_def, wordsTheory.bit_field_insert_def]
916  \\ once_rewrite_tac [GSYM fixwidth_w2v]
917  \\ simp_tac (bool_ss++fcpLib.FCP_ss)
918       [GSYM bitstringTheory.word_modify_v2w, bitstringTheory.v2w_w2v,
919        wordsTheory.WORD_MODIFY_BIT]
920  \\ simp [fixwidth_w2v]
921  \\ rw []
922  \\ `(?p. p + lsb = i)` by metis_tac [arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQ_ADD_EXISTS]
923  \\ pop_assum (SUBST_ALL_TAC o GSYM)
924  \\ fs []
925  \\ `?q. q + (lsb + p) = msb`
926  by metis_tac [arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQ_ADD_EXISTS]
927  \\ pop_assum (SUBST_ALL_TAC o GSYM)
928  \\ `SUC (p + q) - (q + 1) = p` by decide_tac
929  \\ simp [bitstringTheory.testbit, bitstringTheory.el_field,
930           bitstringTheory.el_w2v]
931  )
933(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
935val get_bytes = Q.store_thm("get_bytes",
936   `((31 >< 24)
937       (v2w [b31; b30; b29; b28; b27; b26; b25; b24;
938             b23; b22; b21; b20; b19; b18; b17; b16;
939             b15; b14; b13; b12; b11; b10; b9;  b8;
940             b7;  b6;  b5;  b4;  b3;  b2;  b1;  b0]: word32) =
941     v2w [b31; b30; b29; b28; b27; b26; b25; b24]: word8) /\
942    ((23 >< 16)
943       (v2w [b31; b30; b29; b28; b27; b26; b25; b24;
944             b23; b22; b21; b20; b19; b18; b17; b16;
945             b15; b14; b13; b12; b11; b10; b9;  b8;
946             b7;  b6;  b5;  b4;  b3;  b2;  b1;  b0]: word32) =
947     v2w [b23; b22; b21; b20; b19; b18; b17; b16]: word8) /\
948    ((15 >< 8)
949       (v2w [b31; b30; b29; b28; b27; b26; b25; b24;
950             b23; b22; b21; b20; b19; b18; b17; b16;
951             b15; b14; b13; b12; b11; b10; b9;  b8;
952             b7;  b6;  b5;  b4;  b3;  b2;  b1;  b0]: word32) =
953     v2w [b15; b14; b13; b12; b11; b10; b9;  b8]: word8) /\
954    ((7 >< 0)
955       (v2w [b31; b30; b29; b28; b27; b26; b25; b24;
956             b23; b22; b21; b20; b19; b18; b17; b16;
957             b15; b14; b13; b12; b11; b10; b9;  b8;
958             b7;  b6;  b5;  b4;  b3;  b2;  b1;  b0]: word32) =
959     v2w [b7;  b6;  b5;  b4;  b3;  b2;  b1;  b0]: word8)`,
960   blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
961   )
963(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
965val get_vfp_imm32 = Q.store_thm("get_vfp_imm32",
966   `(31 >< 0)
967       (v2w [b31; b30; b29; b28; b27; b26; b25; b24;
968             b23; b22; b21; b20; b19; b18; b17; b16;
969             b15; b14; b13; b12; b11; b10; b9;  b8;
970             b7;  b6;  b5;  b4;  b3;  b2;  b1;  b0]: word64) =
971     v2w [b31; b30; b29; b28; b27; b26; b25; b24;
972          b23; b22; b21; b20; b19; b18; b17; b16;
973          b15; b14; b13; b12; b11; b10; b9;  b8;
974          b7;  b6;  b5;  b4;  b3;  b2;  b1;  b0]: word32`,
975   blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
976   )
978val VFPExpandImm = Q.store_thm("VFPExpandImm",
979   `VFPExpandImm
980       ((v2w [b7; b6; b5; b4]:word4) @@ (v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0]:word4),b) =
981    if b then
982       v2w [b7; ~b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b5; b4; b3; b2; b1; b0;
983            F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F]
984    else
985       v2w [b7; ~b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b5; b4; b3; b2; b1; b0;
986            F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F;
987            F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F; F;
988            F; F; F; F]`,
989    lrw [VFPExpandImm_def]
990    \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
991    )
993val fpscr_nzcv = Q.store_thm("fpscr_nzcv",
994   `!x:word4 fpscr.
995      rec'FPSCR (bit_field_insert 31 28 x (reg'FPSCR fpscr)) =
996      fpscr with <| N := x ' 3; Z := x ' 2; C := x ' 1; V := x ' 0 |>`,
997   utilsLib.REC_REG_BIT_FIELD_INSERT_TAC "arm" "FPSCR" `fpscr`
998   )
1000val reg_fpscr = Theory.save_thm("reg_fpscr", utilsLib.mk_reg_thm "arm" "FPSCR")
1002(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
1004val v2w_13_15_rwts = Q.store_thm("v2w_13_15_rwts",
1005   `((v2w [F; b2; b1; b0] = 13w: word4) = F) /\
1006    ((v2w [b2; F; b1; b0] = 13w: word4) = F) /\
1007    ((v2w [b2; b1; T; b0] = 13w: word4) = F) /\
1008    ((v2w [b2; b1; b0; F] = 13w: word4) = F) /\
1009    ((v2w [F; b2; b1; b0] = 15w: word4) = F) /\
1010    ((v2w [b2; F; b1; b0] = 15w: word4) = F) /\
1011    ((v2w [b2; b1; F; b0] = 15w: word4) = F) /\
1012    ((v2w [b2; b1; b0; F] = 15w: word4) = F)`,
1013    blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
1015fun enumerate_v2w n =
1016   let
1017      open Arbnum
1018      val m = toInt (pow (two, fromInt n))
1019   in
1020      List.tabulate
1021         (m, fn i => bitstringLib.v2w_n2w_CONV
1022                         (bitstringSyntax.padded_fixedwidth_of_num
1023                            (Arbnum.fromInt i, n)))
1024      |> Drule.LIST_CONJ
1025   end
1027val v2w_ground4 = Theory.save_thm("v2w_ground4", enumerate_v2w 4)
1028val v2w_ground5 = Theory.save_thm("v2w_ground5", enumerate_v2w 5)
1030val bool_not_pc = Q.store_thm("bool_not_pc",
1031   `~(b3 /\ b2 /\ b1 /\ b0) = (v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0] <> 15w: word4)`,
1032   blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
1034val Decode_simps = Q.prove(
1035   `((3 >< 0) (0w : word8) = (0w : word4)) /\
1036    (w2w (v2w [b2; b1; b0] : word3) = v2w [F; b2; b1; b0] : word4) /\
1037    (w2w ((v2w [b5] : word1) @@ (v2w [b4; b3; b2; b1; b0] : word5) @@
1038          (0w : word1)) =
1039     v2w [b5; b4; b3; b2; b1; b0; F] : word32) /\
1040    (((v2w [b2] : word1) @@ (v2w [b1] : word1) @@ (v2w [b0] : word1) =
1041     0w:word3) = ~b2 /\ ~b1 /\ ~b0) /\
1042    (word_msb (v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0] : word4) = b3) /\
1043    ((v2w [b3] : word1) @@ v2w [b2; b1; b0] : word3 =
1044     v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0] : word4) /\
1045    ((v2w [b4] : word1) @@ v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0] : word4 =
1046     v2w [b4; b3; b2; b1; b0] : word5) /\
1047    (v2w [b4; b3; b2; b1] : word4 @@ (v2w [b0] : word1) =
1048     v2w [b4; b3; b2; b1; b0] : word5) /\
1049    ((v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0] : word4) <+ 8w = ~b3) /\
1050    ((v2w [b] : word1) @@ (0w : word1) = v2w [b; F] : word2) /\
1051    (w2w ((v2w [b7; b6; b5; b4; b3; b2; b1; b0] : word8 @@
1052           (0w: word2)) : word10) =
1053     v2w [b7; b6; b5; b4; b3; b2; b1; b0; F; F] : word32) /\
1054     ((7 >< 4) (v2w [b7; b6; b5; b4; b3; b2; b1; b0] : word8) =
1055      v2w [b7; b6; b5; b4] : word4) /\
1056     ((3 >< 0) (v2w [b7; b6; b5; b4; b3; b2; b1; b0] : word8) =
1057      v2w [b3; b2; b1; b0] : word4)`,
1058   lrw []
1059   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
1060   )
1062val Decode_simps = Theory.save_thm ("Decode_simps",
1063   (Decode_simps ::
1064    List.tabulate
1065      (8, fn i => let
1066                     val w = wordsSyntax.mk_wordii (i, 3)
1067                  in
1068                     blastLib.BBLAST_CONV ``v2w [a; b; c] = ^w``
1069                  end)) |> Drule.LIST_CONJ)
1071val fpreg_div2 = Q.store_thm("fpreg_div2",
1072   `v2w [b4; b3; b2; b1; b0] // 2w = v2w [F; b4; b3; b2; b1] : word5`,
1073   blastLib.BBLAST_TAC)
1076   val lem =
1077    (SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [] o Q.SPECL [`v`, `32`] o
1078     Thm.INST_TYPE [Type.alpha |-> ``:33``]) bitstringTheory.word_index_v2w
1080   val shift32 = Q.prove(
1081      `!w:word32 imm.
1082         ((w2w w : 33 word) << imm) ' 32 = testbit 32 (shiftl (w2v w) imm)`,
1083      strip_tac
1084      \\ bitstringLib.Cases_on_v2w `w`
1085      \\ fs [bitstringTheory.w2v_v2w, bitstringTheory.w2w_v2w,
1086             bitstringTheory.word_lsl_v2w, bitstringTheory.word_index_v2w,
1087             lem, markerTheory.Abbrev_def])
1090val Shift_C_LSL_rwt = Q.store_thm("Shift_C_LSL_rwt",
1091   `!imm2 w C s.
1092        Shift_C (w: word32, SRType_LSL, imm2, C) s =
1093        ((w << imm2, if imm2 = 0 then C else ((w2w w : 33 word) << imm2) ' 32),
1094         s)`,
1095   lrw [Shift_C_def, LSL_C_def, bitstringTheory.shiftl_replicate_F, shift32]
1096   )
1098val Shift_C_DecodeImmShift_rwt = Q.prove(
1099   `!typ imm5 w C s.
1100       Shift_C (w: word32,
1101                FST (DecodeImmShift (typ, imm5)),
1102                SND (DecodeImmShift (typ, imm5)),
1103                C) s =
1104     let amount = w2n imm5 in
1105       (if typ = 0w
1106           then if imm5 = 0w
1107                   then (w, C)
1108                else (w << amount, ((w2w w : 33 word) << amount) ' 32)
1109        else if typ = 1w
1110           then if imm5 = 0w
1111                   then (0w, word_msb w)
1112                else (w >>> amount, amount <= 32 /\ word_bit (amount - 1) w)
1113        else if typ = 2w
1114           then if imm5 = 0w
1115                   then (w >> 32, word_msb w)
1116                 else (w >> amount, word_bit (MIN 32 amount - 1) w)
1117        else if imm5 = 0w
1118           then SWAP (word_rrx (C, w))
1119        else (w #>> amount, word_msb (w #>> amount)), s)`,
1120   strip_tac
1121   \\ wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `typ`
1122   \\ simp [Shift_C_def, LSL_C_def, LSR_C_def, ASR_C_def, ROR_C_def, RRX_C_def,
1123            DecodeImmShift_def, pairTheory.SWAP_def, shift32]
1124   \\ lrw [wordsTheory.word_rrx_def, wordsTheory.word_bit_def,
1125           wordsTheory.word_msb_def, wordsTheory.word_lsb_def,
1126           bitstringTheory.shiftl_replicate_F]
1127   \\ fs []
1128   \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC
1129   \\ simp [bitstringTheory.testbit, bitstringTheory.el_field,
1130            bitstringTheory.el_w2v])
1131   |> Q.SPEC `v2w [a; b]: word2`
1132   |> Conv.CONV_RULE
1133        (Conv.STRIP_QUANT_CONV
1134           (Conv.RHS_CONV
1135                (pairLib.let_CONV
1136                 THENC Conv.DEPTH_CONV bitstringLib.v2w_eq_CONV)))
1137   |> Drule.GEN_ALL
1138   |> save_as "Shift_C_DecodeImmShift_rwt"
1140val Shift_C_DecodeRegShift_rwt = Q.prove(
1141   `!typ amount w C s.
1142       Shift_C (w: word32, DecodeRegShift typ, amount, C) s =
1143       (if typ = 0w
1144           then (w << amount,
1145                 if amount = 0 then C else ((w2w w : 33 word) << amount) ' 32)
1146        else if typ = 1w
1147           then (w >>> amount,
1148                 if amount = 0 then C
1149                 else amount <= 32 /\ word_bit (amount - 1) w)
1150        else if typ = 2w
1151           then (w >> amount,
1152                 if amount = 0 then C else word_bit (MIN 32 amount - 1) w)
1153        else (w #>> amount,
1154              if amount = 0 then C else word_msb (w #>> amount)), s)`,
1155   strip_tac
1156   \\ wordsLib.Cases_on_word_value `typ`
1157   \\ simp [Shift_C_def, LSL_C_def, LSR_C_def, ASR_C_def, ROR_C_def, RRX_C_def,
1158            DecodeRegShift_def, shift32]
1159   \\ lrw [wordsTheory.word_bit_def, bitstringTheory.shiftl_replicate_F,
1160           wordsTheory.word_msb_def, wordsTheory.word_lsb_def]
1161   \\ fs [])
1162   |> Q.SPEC `v2w [a; b]: word2`
1163   |> Conv.CONV_RULE
1164        (Conv.STRIP_QUANT_CONV
1165           (Conv.RHS_CONV (Conv.DEPTH_CONV bitstringLib.v2w_eq_CONV)))
1166   |> Drule.GEN_ALL
1167   |> save_as "Shift_C_DecodeRegShift_rwt"
1169val FST_SWAP = Q.store_thm("FST_SWAP",
1170   `!x. FST (SWAP x) = SND x`,
1171   Cases \\ simp [pairTheory.SWAP_def]
1172   )
1174val ArchVersion_rwts = Q.prove(
1175   `(!s. ArchVersion () s < 6 =
1176         (s.Architecture = ARMv4) \/
1177         (s.Architecture = ARMv4T) \/
1178         (s.Architecture = ARMv5T) \/
1179         (s.Architecture = ARMv5TE)) /\
1180    (!s. ArchVersion () s >= 5 =
1181         (s.Architecture <> ARMv4) /\
1182         (s.Architecture <> ARMv4T)) /\
1183    (!s. (ArchVersion () s = 4) =
1184         ((s.Architecture = ARMv4) \/
1185          (s.Architecture = ARMv4T))) /\
1186    (!s. ArchVersion () s >= 6 =
1187         ((s.Architecture = ARMv6) \/
1188          (s.Architecture = ARMv6K) \/
1189          (s.Architecture = ARMv6T2) \/
1190          (s.Architecture = ARMv7_A) \/
1191          (s.Architecture = ARMv7_R))) /\
1192    (!s. ArchVersion () s >= 7 =
1193         ((s.Architecture = ARMv7_A) \/
1194          (s.Architecture = ARMv7_R)))`,
1195    lrw [ArchVersion_def] \\ Cases_on `s.Architecture` \\ lfs [])
1196    |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []
1197    |> save_as "ArchVersion_rwts"
1199val CurrentInstrSet_rwt = Q.prove(
1200   `((CurrentInstrSet x s = InstrSet_ARM) = ~s.CPSR.J /\ ~s.CPSR.T) /\
1201    ((CurrentInstrSet x s = InstrSet_Thumb) = ~s.CPSR.J /\ s.CPSR.T) /\
1202    ((CurrentInstrSet x s = InstrSet_Jazelle) = s.CPSR.J /\ ~s.CPSR.T) /\
1203    ((CurrentInstrSet x s = InstrSet_ThumbEE) = s.CPSR.J /\ s.CPSR.T)`,
1204   lrw [CurrentInstrSet_def, ISETSTATE_def, bitstringTheory.word_concat_v2w]
1205   \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
1206   )
1208fun after_srw tm =
1209   boolSyntax.rhs (Thm.concl (Conv.QCONV (SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) []) tm))
1211val CurrentInstrSet_rwt = Theory.save_thm("CurrentInstrSet_rwt",
1212   REWRITE_RULE [ASSUME (after_srw ``~s.CPSR.J``)]
1213     (SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [] CurrentInstrSet_rwt))
1215(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
1217val merge_cond = Theory.save_thm("merge_cond",
1218   METIS_PROVE []
1219     ``(if x then a:'a else if y then a else b) = (if x \/ y then a else b)``)
1221val not_cond = Theory.save_thm("not_cond",
1222   METIS_PROVE [] ``(if ~b then c:'a else d) = (if b then d else c)``)
1224val isnot15 = Theory.save_thm("isnot15",
1225  blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE
1226    ``(n = 0w) \/ (n = 1w) \/ (n = 2w) \/ (n = 3w) \/
1227      (n = 4w) \/ (n = 5w) \/ (n = 6w) \/ (n = 7w) \/ (n = 8w) \/
1228      (n = 9w) \/ (n = 10w) \/ (n = 11w) \/ (n = 12w) \/ (n = 13w) \/
1229      (n = 14w : word4) = (n <> 15w)``)
1231val mustbe15 = Q.store_thm("mustbe15",
1232   `!w:word4.
1233     (if w = 0w then c0 else if w = 1w then c1 else if w = 2w then c2 else
1234      if w = 3w then c3 else if w = 4w then c4 else if w = 5w then c5 else
1235      if w = 6w then c6 else if w = 7w then c7 else if w = 8w then c8 else
1236      if w = 9w then c9 else if w = 10w then c10 else if w = 11w then c11 else
1237      if w = 12w then c12 else if w = 13w then c13 else if w = 14w then c14 else
1238      if w = 15w then c15 else c16) =
1239     (if w = 0w then c0 else if w = 1w then c1 else if w = 2w then c2 else
1240      if w = 3w then c3 else if w = 4w then c4 else if w = 5w then c5 else
1241      if w = 6w then c6 else if w = 7w then c7 else if w = 8w then c8 else
1242      if w = 9w then c9 else if w = 10w then c10 else if w = 11w then c11 else
1243      if w = 12w then c12 else if w = 13w then c13 else if w = 14w then c14 else
1244                      c15)`,
1245   rw [] \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC
1246   )
1248(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
1251   val t = ``LDM_UPTO f i r (b, s)``
1253   val LDM_UPTO_components =
1254      Drule.LIST_CONJ
1255         (List.map (GEN_ALL o SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [LDM_UPTO_def])
1256            [``FST ^t``, ``(SND ^t).MEM``, ``(SND ^t).CPSR``,
1257             ``(SND ^t).Architecture``, ``(SND ^t).Extensions``])
1258      |> save_as "LDM_UPTO_components"
1262   val LDM1_PC = Q.prove(
1263      `!n b registers s r m.
1264          n < 15 ==>
1265          (LDM1 (R_mode m) b registers s r n RName_PC = r RName_PC)`,
1266      REPEAT strip_tac
1267      \\ RULE_ASSUM_TAC (Conv.CONV_RULE wordsLib.LESS_CONV)
1268      \\ full_simp_tac bool_ss []
1269      \\ fs [R_mode_def, LDM1_def, combinTheory.UPDATE_def]
1270      \\ lrw [])
1272   val LDM_UPTO_PC = Q.store_thm("LDM_UPTO_PC",
1273      `!b r s m. FOLDL (LDM1 (R_mode m) b r s) s.REG (COUNT_LIST 15) RName_PC =
1274                 s.REG RName_PC`,
1275      rw [EVAL ``COUNT_LIST 15``, LDM1_PC])
1278val LDM_UPTO_RUN = Q.store_thm("LDM_UPTO_RUN",
1279   `!l f b r s c w u reg.
1280       FOLDL (LDM1 f b r
1281         (s with <|CurrentCondition := c; Encoding := w; undefined := u|>))
1282         reg l =
1283       FOLDL (LDM1 f b r s) reg l`,
1284   Induct \\ lrw [LDM1_def]);
1287   val rearrange = Q.prove(
1288      `(b + if P then 4w else 0w,
1289        s with REG := (if P then (x =+ y) else I) s.REG) =
1290       (if P then
1291           (b + 4w, s with REG := (x =+ y) s.REG)
1292        else
1293           (b, s))`,
1294      lrw [updateTheory.APPLY_UPDATE_ID] \\ lrw [arm_state_component_equality])
1295      |> Drule.GEN_ALL
1297   val LDM_UPTO_0 =
1298      ``LDM_UPTO f 0 registers (b, s)``
1299      |> SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()++boolSimps.LET_ss)
1300            [bit_count_upto_1, LDM_UPTO_def, LDM1_def, EVAL ``COUNT_LIST 1``,
1301             rearrange]
1302      |> Conv.GSYM
1303      |> save_as "LDM_UPTO_0"
1306val LDM_UPTO_SUC =
1307   Q.prove(
1308      `!n f registers b s.
1309        n < 15 ==>
1310        ((let x = LDM_UPTO f n registers (b, s) in
1311          if word_bit (SUC n) registers then
1312            (FST x + 4w,
1313             SND x with REG := LDM1 f b registers s ((SND x).REG) (SUC n))
1314          else
1315            x) = LDM_UPTO f (SUC n) registers (b, s))`,
1316      lrw [LDM_UPTO_def, DECIDE ``SUC n + 1 = SUC (n + 1)``,
1317           wordsTheory.bit_count_upto_def, sum_numTheory.SUM_def,
1318           wordsTheory.WORD_MULT_SUC, wordsTheory.word_bit_def]
1319      \\ RULE_ASSUM_TAC (REWRITE_RULE [arithmeticTheory.ADD1])
1320      \\ fs [rich_listTheory.COUNT_LIST_SNOC, listTheory.FOLDL_SNOC,
1321             GSYM arithmeticTheory.ADD1]
1322      \\ CONV_TAC (Conv.RHS_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [LDM1_def]))
1323      \\ simp [wordsTheory.word_bit_def])
1324   |> SIMP_RULE (bool_ss++boolSimps.LET_ss)
1325        [numTheory.NOT_SUC, arithmeticTheory.SUC_SUB1, LDM1_def,
1326         LDM_UPTO_components]
1327   |> save_as "LDM_UPTO_SUC"
1329(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
1332   val t = ``STM_UPTO f i r (b, s)``
1334   val STM_UPTO_components =
1335      Drule.LIST_CONJ
1336         (List.map (GEN_ALL o SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [STM_UPTO_def])
1337            [``FST ^t``, ``(SND ^t).REG``, ``(SND ^t).CPSR``,
1338             ``(SND ^t).Extensions``])
1339      |> save_as "STM_UPTO_components"
1342val STM_UPTO_RUN = Q.store_thm("STM_UPTO_RUN",
1343   `!l f b r s c w u mem.
1344       FOLDL (STM1 f b r
1345         (s with <|CurrentCondition := c; Encoding := w; undefined := u|>))
1346         mem l =
1347       FOLDL (STM1 f b r s) mem l`,
1348   Induct \\ lrw [STM1_def]);
1351   val rearrange = Q.prove(
1352      `(b + if P then 4w else 0w,
1353        s with MEM := (if P then x else I) s.MEM) =
1354       (if P then
1355           (b + 4w, s with MEM := x s.MEM)
1356        else
1357           (b, s))`,
1358      lrw [updateTheory.APPLY_UPDATE_ID] \\ lrw [arm_state_component_equality])
1359      |> Drule.GEN_ALL
1361   val STM_UPTO_0 =
1362      ``STM_UPTO f 0 registers (b, s)``
1363      |> SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()++boolSimps.LET_ss)
1364            [bit_count_upto_1, STM_UPTO_def, STM1_def, EVAL ``COUNT_LIST 1``,
1365             rearrange]
1366      |> Conv.GSYM
1367      |> save_as "STM_UPTO_0"
1370val STM_UPTO_SUC =
1371   Q.prove(
1372      `!n f registers b s.
1373        n < 15 ==>
1374        ((let x = STM_UPTO f n registers (b, s) in
1375          if word_bit (SUC n) registers then
1376            (FST x + 4w,
1377             SND x with MEM := STM1 f b registers s ((SND x).MEM) (SUC n))
1378          else
1379            x) = STM_UPTO f (SUC n) registers (b, s))`,
1380      lrw [STM_UPTO_def, DECIDE ``SUC n + 1 = SUC (n + 1)``,
1381           wordsTheory.bit_count_upto_def, sum_numTheory.SUM_def,
1382           wordsTheory.WORD_MULT_SUC, wordsTheory.word_bit_def]
1383      \\ RULE_ASSUM_TAC (REWRITE_RULE [arithmeticTheory.ADD1])
1384      \\ fs [rich_listTheory.COUNT_LIST_SNOC, listTheory.FOLDL_SNOC,
1385             GSYM arithmeticTheory.ADD1]
1386      \\ CONV_TAC (Conv.RHS_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [STM1_def]))
1387      \\ simp [wordsTheory.word_bit_def]
1388      )
1389   |> SIMP_RULE (bool_ss++boolSimps.LET_ss)
1390        [numTheory.NOT_SUC, arithmeticTheory.SUC_SUB1, STM1_def,
1391         STM_UPTO_components, combinTheory.o_THM]
1392   |> save_as "STM_UPTO_SUC"
1394(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
1396val () = export_theory ()