1(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2(* Submonoid                                                                 *)
3(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
7(* add all dependent libraries for script *)
8open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse;
10(* declare new theory at start *)
11val _ = new_theory "submonoid";
13(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
17(* val _ = load "jcLib"; *)
18open jcLib;
20(* val _ = load "SatisfySimps"; (* for SatisfySimps.SATISFY_ss *) *)
22(* Get dependent theories local *)
23(* val _ = load "monoidMapTheory"; *)
24open monoidTheory monoidMapTheory;
26open pred_setTheory;
27open helperSetTheory;
30(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
31(* Submonoid Documentation                                                   *)
32(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
33(* Overloading (# are temporary):
34#  K          = k.carrier
35#  x o y      = h.op x y
36#  #i         = h.id
37   h << g     = Submonoid h g
38   h mINTER k = monoid_intersect h k
39   smbINTER g = submonoid_big_intersect g
41(* Definitions and Theorems (# are exported):
43   Helper Theorems:
45   Submonoid of a Monoid:
46   Submonoid_def            |- !h g. h << g <=>
47                                     Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ H SUBSET G /\ ($o = $* ) /\ (#i = #e)
48   submonoid_property       |- !g h. h << g ==>
49                                     Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ H SUBSET G /\
50                                     (!x y. x IN H /\ y IN H ==> (x o y = x * y)) /\ (#i = #e)
51   submonoid_carrier_subset |- !g h. h << g ==> H SUBSET G
52#  submonoid_element        |- !g h. h << g ==> !x. x IN H ==> x IN G
53#  submonoid_id             |- !g h. h << g ==> (#i = #e)
54   submonoid_exp            |- !g h. h << g ==> !x. x IN H ==> !n. h.exp x n = x ** n
55   submonoid_homomorphism   |- !g h. h << g ==> Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ submonoid h g
56   submonoid_order          |- !g h. h << g ==> !x. x IN H ==> (order h x = ord x)
57   submonoid_alt            |- !g. Monoid g ==> !h. h << g <=> H SUBSET G /\
58                                   (!x y. x IN H /\ y IN H ==> h.op x y IN H) /\
59                                   h.id IN H /\ (h.op = $* ) /\ (h.id = #e)
61   Submonoid Theorems:
62   submonoid_reflexive      |- !g. Monoid g ==> g << g
63   submonoid_antisymmetric  |- !g h. h << g /\ g << h ==> (h = g)
64   submonoid_transitive     |- !g h k. k << h /\ h << g ==> k << g
65   submonoid_monoid         |- !g h. h << g ==> Monoid h
67   Submonoid Intersection:
68   monoid_intersect_def          |- !g h. g mINTER h = <|carrier := G INTER H; op := $*; id := #e|>
69   monoid_intersect_property     |- !g h. ((g mINTER h).carrier = G INTER H) /\
70                                          ((g mINTER h).op = $* ) /\ ((g mINTER h).id = #e)
71   monoid_intersect_element      |- !g h x. x IN (g mINTER h).carrier ==> x IN G /\ x IN H
72   monoid_intersect_id           |- !g h. (g mINTER h).id = #e
74   submonoid_intersect_property  |- !g h k. h << g /\ k << g ==>
75                                    ((h mINTER k).carrier = H INTER K) /\
76                                    (!x y. x IN H INTER K /\ y IN H INTER K ==>
77                                          ((h mINTER k).op x y = x * y)) /\ ((h mINTER k).id = #e)
78   submonoid_intersect_monoid    |- !g h k. h << g /\ k << g ==> Monoid (h mINTER k)
79   submonoid_intersect_submonoid |- !g h k. h << g /\ k << g ==> (h mINTER k) << g
81   Submonoid Big Intersection:
82   submonoid_big_intersect_def      |- !g. smbINTER g =
83                  <|carrier := BIGINTER (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g}); op := $*; id := #e|>
84   submonoid_big_intersect_property |- !g.
85         ((smbINTER g).carrier = BIGINTER (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g})) /\
86         (!x y. x IN (smbINTER g).carrier /\ y IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==> ((smbINTER g).op x y = x * y)) /\
87         ((smbINTER g).id = #e)
88   submonoid_big_intersect_element   |- !g x. x IN (smbINTER g).carrier <=> !h. h << g ==> x IN H
89   submonoid_big_intersect_op_element   |- !g x y. x IN (smbINTER g).carrier /\
90                                                   y IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==>
91                                                   (smbINTER g).op x y IN (smbINTER g).carrier
92   submonoid_big_intersect_has_id    |- !g. (smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier
93   submonoid_big_intersect_subset    |- !g. Monoid g ==> (smbINTER g).carrier SUBSET G
94   submonoid_big_intersect_monoid    |- !g. Monoid g ==> Monoid (smbINTER g)
95   submonoid_big_intersect_submonoid |- !g. Monoid g ==> smbINTER g << g
98(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
99(* Helper Theorems                                                           *)
100(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
102(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
103(* Submonoid of a Monoid                                                     *)
104(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
106(* Use K to denote k.carrier *)
107val _ = temp_overload_on ("K", ``(k:'a monoid).carrier``);
109(* Use o to denote h.op *)
110val _ = temp_overload_on ("o", ``(h:'a monoid).op``);
112(* Use #i to denote h.id *)
113val _ = temp_overload_on ("#i", ``(h:'a monoid).id``);
115(* A Submonoid is a subset of a monoid that's a monoid itself, keeping op, id. *)
116val Submonoid_def = Define`
117  Submonoid (h:'a monoid) (g:'a monoid) <=>
118    Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\
119    H SUBSET G /\ ($o = $* ) /\ (#i = #e)
122(* Overload Submonoid *)
123val _ = overload_on ("<<", ``Submonoid``);
124val _ = set_fixity "<<" (Infix(NONASSOC, 450)); (* same as relation *)
126(* Note: The requirement $o = $* is stronger than the following:
127val _ = overload_on ("<<", ``\(h g):'a monoid. Monoid g /\ Monoid h /\ submonoid h g``);
128Since submonoid h g is based on MonoidHomo I g h, which only gives
129!x y. x IN H /\ y IN H ==> (h.op x y = x * y))
131This is not enough to satisfy monoid_component_equality,
132hence cannot prove: h << g /\ g << h ==> h = g
136val submonoid_property = save_thm(
137  "submonoid_property",
138  Submonoid_def
139      |> SPEC_ALL
140      |> REWRITE_RULE [ASSUME ``h:'a monoid << g``]
141      |> CONJUNCTS
142      |> (fn thl => List.take(thl, 2) @ List.drop(thl, 3))
143      |> LIST_CONJ
144      |> DISCH_ALL
145      |> Q.GEN `h` |> Q.GEN `g`);
146val submonoid_property = |- !g h. h << g ==> Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ ($o = $* )  /\ (#i = #e)
149(* Theorem: properties of submonoid *)
150(* Proof: Assume h << g, then derive all consequences of definition. *)
151val submonoid_property = store_thm(
152  "submonoid_property",
153  ``!(g:'a monoid) h. h << g ==> Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ H SUBSET G /\
154      (!x y. x IN H /\ y IN H ==> (x o y = x * y)) /\ (#i = #e)``,
155  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def]);
157(* Theorem: h << g ==> H SUBSET G *)
158(* Proof: by Submonoid_def *)
159val submonoid_carrier_subset = store_thm(
160  "submonoid_carrier_subset",
161  ``!(g:'a monoid) h. Submonoid h g ==> H SUBSET G``,
162  rw[Submonoid_def]);
164(* Theorem: elements in submonoid are also in monoid. *)
165(* Proof: Since h << g ==> H SUBSET G by Submonoid_def. *)
166val submonoid_element = store_thm(
167  "submonoid_element",
168  ``!(g:'a monoid) h. h << g ==> !x. x IN H ==> x IN G``,
169  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def, SUBSET_DEF]);
171(* export simple result *)
172val _ = export_rewrites ["submonoid_element"];
174(* Theorem: h << g ==> (h.op = $* ) *)
175(* Proof: by Subgroup_def *)
176val submonoid_op = store_thm(
177  "submonoid_op",
178  ``!(g:'a monoid) h. h << g ==> (h.op = g.op)``,
179  rw[Submonoid_def]);
181(* Theorem: h << g ==> #i = #e *)
182(* Proof: by Submonoid_def. *)
183val submonoid_id = store_thm(
184  "submonoid_id",
185  ``!(g:'a monoid) h. h << g ==> (#i = #e)``,
186  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def]);
188(* export simple results *)
189val _ = export_rewrites["submonoid_id"];
191(* Theorem: h << g ==> !x. x IN H ==> !n. h.exp x n = x ** n *)
192(* Proof: by induction on n.
193   Base: h.exp x 0 = x ** 0
194      LHS = h.exp x 0
195          = h.id            by monoid_exp_0
196          = #e              by submonoid_id
197          = x ** 0          by monoid_exp_0
198          = RHS
199   Step: h.exp x n = x ** n ==> h.exp x (SUC n) = x ** SUC n
200     LHS = h.exp x (SUC n)
201         = h.op x (h.exp x n)    by monoid_exp_SUC
202         = x * (h.exp x n)       by submonoid_property
203         = x * x ** n            by induction hypothesis
204         = x ** SUC n            by monoid_exp_SUC
205         = RHS
207val submonoid_exp = store_thm(
208  "submonoid_exp",
209  ``!(g:'a monoid) h. h << g ==> !x. x IN H ==> !n. h.exp x n = x ** n``,
210  rpt strip_tac >>
211  Induct_on `n` >-
212  rw[] >>
213  `h.exp x (SUC n) = h.op x (h.exp x n)` by rw_tac std_ss[monoid_exp_SUC] >>
214  `_ = x * (h.exp x n)` by metis_tac[submonoid_property, monoid_exp_element] >>
215  `_ = x * (x ** n)` by rw[] >>
216  `_ = x ** (SUC n)` by rw_tac std_ss[monoid_exp_SUC] >>
217  rw[]);
219(* Theorem: A submonoid h of g implies identity is a homomorphism from h to g.
220        or  h << g ==> Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ submonoid h g  *)
221(* Proof:
222   h << g ==> Monoid h /\ Monoid g                  by Submonoid_def
223   together with
224       H SUBSET G /\ ($o = $* ) /\ (#i = #e)        by Submonoid_def
225   ==> !x. x IN H ==> x IN G /\
226       !x y. x IN H /\ y IN H ==> (x o y = x * y) /\
227       #i = #e                                      by SUBSET_DEF
228   ==> MonoidHomo I h g                             by MonoidHomo_def, f = I.
229   ==> submonoid h g                                by submonoid_def
231val submonoid_homomorphism = store_thm(
232  "submonoid_homomorphism",
233  ``!(g:'a monoid) h. h << g ==> Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ submonoid h g``,
234  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def, submonoid_def, MonoidHomo_def, SUBSET_DEF]);
236(* original:
237g `!(g:'a monoid) h. h << g = Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ submonoid h g`;
238e (rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def, submonoid_def, MonoidHomo_def, SUBSET_DEF, EQ_IMP_THM]);
240The only-if part (<==) cannot be proved:
241Note Submonoid_def uses h.op = g.op,
242but submonoid_def uses homomorphism I, and so cannot show this for any x y.
245(* Theorem: h << g ==> !x. x IN H ==> (order h x = ord x) *)
246(* Proof:
247   Note Monoid g /\ Monoid h /\ submonoid h g   by submonoid_homomorphism, h << g
248   Thus !x. x IN H ==> (order h x = ord x)      by submonoid_order_eqn
250val submonoid_order = store_thm(
251  "submonoid_order",
252  ``!(g:'a monoid) h. h << g ==> !x. x IN H ==> (order h x = ord x)``,
253  metis_tac[submonoid_homomorphism, submonoid_order_eqn]);
255(* Theorem: Monoid g ==> !h. Submonoid h g <=>
256            H SUBSET G /\ (!x y. x IN H /\ y IN H ==> h.op x y IN H) /\ (h.id IN H) /\ (h.op = $* ) /\ (h.id = #e) *)
257(* Proof:
258   By Submonoid_def, EQ_IMP_THM, this is to show:
259   (1) x IN H /\ y IN H ==> x * y IN H, true    by monoid_op_element
260   (2) #e IN H, true                            by monoid_id_element
261   (3) Monoid h
262       By Monoid_def, this is to show:
263       (1) x IN H /\ y IN H /\ z IN H
264           ==> x * y * z = x * (y * z), true    by monoid_assoc, SUBSET_DEF
265       (2) x IN H ==> #e * x = x, true          by monoid_lid, SUBSET_DEF
266       (3) x IN H ==> x * #e = x, true          by monoid_rid, SUBSET_DEF
268val submonoid_alt = store_thm(
269  "submonoid_alt",
270  ``!g:'a monoid. Monoid g ==> !h. Submonoid h g <=>
271    H SUBSET G /\ (* subset *)
272    (!x y. x IN H /\ y IN H ==> h.op x y IN H) /\ (* closure *)
273    (h.id IN H) /\ (* has identity *)
274    (h.op = g.op ) /\ (h.id = #e)``,
275  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def, EQ_IMP_THM] >-
276  metis_tac[monoid_op_element] >-
277  metis_tac[monoid_id_element] >>
278  rw_tac std_ss[Monoid_def] >-
279  fs[monoid_assoc, SUBSET_DEF] >-
280  fs[monoid_lid, SUBSET_DEF] >>
281  fs[monoid_rid, SUBSET_DEF]);
283(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
284(* Submonoid Theorems                                                        *)
285(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
287(* Theorem: Monoid g ==> g << g *)
288(* Proof: by Submonoid_def, SUBSET_REFL *)
289val submonoid_reflexive = store_thm(
290  "submonoid_reflexive",
291  ``!g:'a monoid. Monoid g ==> g << g``,
292  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def, SUBSET_REFL]);
294(* Theorem: h << g /\ g << h ==> (h = g) *)
295(* Proof:
296   Since h << g ==> Monoid h /\ Monoid g /\ H SUBSET G /\ ($o = $* ) /\ (#i = #e)   by Submonoid_def
297     and g << h ==> Monoid g /\ Monoid h /\ G SUBSET H /\ ($* = $o) /\ (#e = #i)    by Submonoid_def
298   Now, H SUBSET G /\ G SUBSET H ==> H = G       by SUBSET_ANTISYM
299   Hence h = g                                   by monoid_component_equality
301val submonoid_antisymmetric = store_thm(
302  "submonoid_antisymmetric",
303  ``!g h:'a monoid. h << g /\ g << h ==> (h = g)``,
304  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def] >>
305  full_simp_tac bool_ss[monoid_component_equality, SUBSET_ANTISYM]);
307(* Theorem: k << h /\ h << g ==> k << g *)
308(* Proof: by Submonoid_def and SUBSET_TRANS *)
309val submonoid_transitive = store_thm(
310  "submonoid_transitive",
311  ``!g h k:'a monoid. k << h /\ h << g ==> k << g``,
312  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def] >>
313  metis_tac[SUBSET_TRANS]);
315(* Theorem: h << g ==> Monoid h *)
316(* Proof: by Submonoid_def. *)
317val submonoid_monoid = store_thm(
318  "submonoid_monoid",
319  ``!g h:'a monoid. h << g ==> Monoid h``,
320  rw[Submonoid_def]);
322(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
323(* Submonoid Intersection                                                    *)
324(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
326(* Define intersection of monoids *)
327val monoid_intersect_def = Define`
328   monoid_intersect (g:'a monoid) (h:'a monoid) =
329      <| carrier := G INTER H;
330              op := $*; (* g.op *)
331              id := #e  (* g.id *)
332       |>
335val _ = overload_on ("mINTER", ``monoid_intersect``);
336val _ = set_fixity "mINTER" (Infix(NONASSOC, 450)); (* same as relation *)
338> monoid_intersect_def;
339val it = |- !g h. g mINTER h = <|carrier := G INTER H; op := $*; id := #e|>: thm
342(* Theorem: ((g mINTER h).carrier = G INTER H) /\
343            ((g mINTER h).op = $* ) /\ ((g mINTER h).id = #e) *)
344(* Proof: by monoid_intersect_def *)
345val monoid_intersect_property = store_thm(
346  "monoid_intersect_property",
347  ``!g h:'a monoid. ((g mINTER h).carrier = G INTER H) /\
348                   ((g mINTER h).op = $* ) /\ ((g mINTER h).id = #e)``,
349  rw[monoid_intersect_def]);
351(* Theorem: !x. x IN (g mINTER h).carrier ==> x IN G /\ x IN H *)
352(* Proof:
353         x IN (g mINTER h).carrier
354     ==> x IN G INTER H                     by monoid_intersect_def
355     ==> x IN G and x IN H                  by IN_INTER
357val monoid_intersect_element = store_thm(
358  "monoid_intersect_element",
359  ``!g h:'a monoid. !x. x IN (g mINTER h).carrier ==> x IN G /\ x IN H``,
360  rw[monoid_intersect_def, IN_INTER]);
362(* Theorem: (g mINTER h).id = #e *)
363(* Proof: by monoid_intersect_def. *)
364val monoid_intersect_id = store_thm(
365  "monoid_intersect_id",
366  ``!g h:'a monoid. (g mINTER h).id = #e``,
367  rw[monoid_intersect_def]);
369(* Theorem: h << g /\ k << g ==>
370    ((h mINTER k).carrier = H INTER K) /\
371    (!x y. x IN H INTER K /\ y IN H INTER K ==> ((h mINTER k).op x y = x * y)) /\
372    ((h mINTER k).id = #e) *)
373(* Proof:
374   (h mINTER k).carrier = H INTER K          by monoid_intersect_def
375   Hence x IN (h mINTER k).carrier ==> x IN H /\ x IN K   by IN_INTER
376     and y IN (h mINTER k).carrier ==> y IN H /\ y IN K   by IN_INTER
377      so (h mINTER k).op x y = x o y         by monoid_intersect_def
378                             = x * y         by submonoid_property
379     and (h mINTER k).id = #i                by monoid_intersect_def
380                         = #e                by submonoid_property
382val submonoid_intersect_property = store_thm(
383  "submonoid_intersect_property",
384  ``!g h k:'a monoid. h << g /\ k << g ==>
385    ((h mINTER k).carrier = H INTER K) /\
386    (!x y. x IN H INTER K /\ y IN H INTER K ==> ((h mINTER k).op x y = x * y)) /\
387    ((h mINTER k).id = #e)``,
388  rw[monoid_intersect_def, submonoid_property]);
390(* Theorem: h << g /\ k << g ==> Monoid (h mINTER k) *)
391(* Proof:
392   By definitions, this is to show:
393   (1) x IN H INTER K /\ y IN H INTER K ==> x o y IN H INTER K
394       x IN H INTER K ==> x IN H /\ x IN K      by IN_INTER
395       y IN H INTER K ==> y IN H /\ y IN K      by IN_INTER
396       x IN H /\ y IN H ==> x o y IN H          by monoid_op_element
397       x IN K /\ y IN K ==> k.op x y IN K       by monoid_op_element
398       x o y = x * y                            by submonoid_property
399       k.op x y = x * y                         by submonoid_property
400       Hence x o y IN H INTER K                 by IN_INTER
401   (2) x IN H INTER K /\ y IN H INTER K /\ z IN H INTER K ==> (x o y) o z = x o y o z
402       x IN H INTER K ==> x IN H                by IN_INTER
403       y IN H INTER K ==> y IN H                by IN_INTER
404       z IN H INTER K ==> z IN H                by IN_INTER
405       x IN H /\ y IN H ==> x o y IN H          by monoid_op_element
406       y IN H /\ z IN H ==> y o z IN H          by monoid_op_element
407       x, y, z IN H ==> x, y, z IN G            by submonoid_element
408       LHS = (x o y) o z
409           = (x o y) * z                        by submonoid_property
410           = (x * y) * z                        by submonoid_property
411           = x * (y * z)                        by monoid_assoc
412           = x * (y o z)                        by submonoid_property
413           = x o (y o z) = RHS                  by submonoid_property
414   (3) #i IN H INTER K
415       #i IN H and #i = #e                      by monoid_id_element, submonoid_id
416       k.id IN K and k.id = #e                  by monoid_id_element, submonoid_id
417       Hence #e = #i IN H INTER K               by IN_INTER
418   (4) x IN H INTER K ==> #i o x = x
419       x IN H INTER K ==> x IN H                by IN_INTER
420                      ==> x IN G                by submonoid_element
421       #i IN H and #i = #e                      by monoid_id_element, submonoid_id
422         #i o x
423       = #i * x                                 by submonoid_property
424       = #e * x                                 by submonoid_id
425       = x                                      by monoid_id
426   (5) x IN H INTER K ==> x o #i = x
427       x IN H INTER K ==> x IN H                by IN_INTER
428                      ==> x IN G                by submonoid_element
429       #i IN H and #i = #e                      by monoid_id_element, submonoid_id
430         x o #i
431       = x * #i                                 by submonoid_property
432       = x * #e                                 by submonoid_id
433       = x                                      by monoid_id
435val submonoid_intersect_monoid = store_thm(
436  "submonoid_intersect_monoid",
437  ``!g h k:'a monoid. h << g /\ k << g ==> Monoid (h mINTER k)``,
438  rpt strip_tac >>
439  `Monoid h /\ Monoid k /\ Monoid g` by metis_tac[submonoid_property] >>
440  rw_tac std_ss[Monoid_def, monoid_intersect_def] >| [
441    `x IN H /\ x IN K /\ y IN H /\ y IN K` by metis_tac[IN_INTER] >>
442    `x o y IN H /\ (x o y = x * y)` by metis_tac[submonoid_property, monoid_op_element] >>
443    `k.op x y IN K /\ (k.op x y = x * y)` by metis_tac[submonoid_property, monoid_op_element] >>
444    metis_tac[IN_INTER],
445    `x IN H /\ y IN H /\ z IN H` by metis_tac[IN_INTER] >>
446    `x IN G /\ y IN G /\ z IN G` by metis_tac[submonoid_element] >>
447    `x o y IN H /\ y o z IN H` by metis_tac[monoid_op_element] >>
448    `(x o y) o z = (x * y) * z` by metis_tac[submonoid_property] >>
449    `x o (y o z) = x * (y * z)` by metis_tac[submonoid_property] >>
450    rw[monoid_assoc],
451    metis_tac[IN_INTER, submonoid_id, monoid_id_element],
452    metis_tac[submonoid_property, monoid_id, submonoid_element, IN_INTER, monoid_id_element],
453    metis_tac[submonoid_property, monoid_id, submonoid_element, IN_INTER, monoid_id_element]
454  ]);
456(* Theorem: h << g /\ k << g ==> (h mINTER k) << g *)
457(* Proof:
458   By Submonoid_def, this is to show:
459   (1) Monoid (h mINTER k), true by submonoid_intersect_monoid
460   (2) (h mINTER k).carrier SUBSET G
461       Since (h mINTER k).carrier = H INTER K    by submonoid_intersect_property
462         and (H INTER K) SUBSET H                by INTER_SUBSET
463         and h << g ==> H SUBSET G               by submonoid_property
464       Hence (h mINTER k).carrier SUBSET G       by SUBSET_TRANS
465   (3) (h mINTER k).op = $*
466       (h mINTER k).op = $o                      by monoid_intersect_def
467                       = $*                      by Submonoid_def
468   (4) (h mINTER k).id = #e
469       (h mINTER k).id = #i                      by monoid_intersect_def
470                       = #e                      by Submonoid_def
472val submonoid_intersect_submonoid = store_thm(
473  "submonoid_intersect_submonoid",
474  ``!g h k:'a monoid. h << g /\ k << g ==> (h mINTER k) << g``,
475  rpt strip_tac >>
476  `Monoid h /\ Monoid k /\ Monoid g` by metis_tac[submonoid_property] >>
477  rw[Submonoid_def] >| [
478    metis_tac[submonoid_intersect_monoid],
479    `(h mINTER k).carrier = H INTER K` by metis_tac[submonoid_intersect_property] >>
480    `H SUBSET G` by rw[submonoid_property] >>
481    metis_tac[INTER_SUBSET, SUBSET_TRANS],
482    `(h mINTER k).op = $o` by rw[monoid_intersect_def] >>
483    metis_tac[Submonoid_def],
484    `(h mINTER k).id = #i` by rw[monoid_intersect_def] >>
485    metis_tac[Submonoid_def]
486  ]);
488(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
489(* Submonoid Big Intersection                                                *)
490(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
492(* Define intersection of submonoids of a monoid *)
493val submonoid_big_intersect_def = Define`
494   submonoid_big_intersect (g:'a monoid) =
495      <| carrier := BIGINTER (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g});
496              op := $*; (* g.op *)
497              id := #e  (* g.id *)
498       |>
501val _ = overload_on ("smbINTER", ``submonoid_big_intersect``);
503> submonoid_big_intersect_def;
504val it = |- !g. smbINTER g =
505     <|carrier := BIGINTER (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g}); op := $*; id := #e|>: thm
508(* Theorem: ((smbINTER g).carrier = BIGINTER (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g})) /\
509   (!x y. x IN (smbINTER g).carrier /\ y IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==> ((smbINTER g).op x y = x * y)) /\
510   ((smbINTER g).id = #e) *)
511(* Proof: by submonoid_big_intersect_def. *)
512val submonoid_big_intersect_property = store_thm(
513  "submonoid_big_intersect_property",
514  ``!g:'a monoid. ((smbINTER g).carrier = BIGINTER (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g})) /\
515   (!x y. x IN (smbINTER g).carrier /\ y IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==> ((smbINTER g).op x y = x * y)) /\
516   ((smbINTER g).id = #e)``,
517  rw[submonoid_big_intersect_def]);
519(* Theorem: x IN (smbINTER g).carrier <=> (!h. h << g ==> x IN H) *)
520(* Proof:
521       x IN (smbINTER g).carrier
522   <=> x IN BIGINTER (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g})          by submonoid_big_intersect_def
523   <=> !P. P IN (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g}) ==> x IN P    by IN_BIGINTER
524   <=> !P. ?h. (P = H) /\ h IN {h | h << g}) ==> x IN P    by IN_IMAGE
525   <=> !P. ?h. (P = H) /\ h << g) ==> x IN P               by GSPECIFICATION
526   <=> !h. h << g ==> x IN H
528val submonoid_big_intersect_element = store_thm(
529  "submonoid_big_intersect_element",
530  ``!g:'a monoid. !x. x IN (smbINTER g).carrier <=> (!h. h << g ==> x IN H)``,
531  rw[submonoid_big_intersect_def] >>
532  metis_tac[]);
534(* Theorem: x IN (smbINTER g).carrier /\ y IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==> (smbINTER g).op x y IN (smbINTER g).carrier *)
535(* Proof:
536   Since x IN (smbINTER g).carrier, !h. h << g ==> x IN H   by submonoid_big_intersect_element
537    also y IN (smbINTER g).carrier, !h. h << g ==> y IN H   by submonoid_big_intersect_element
538     Now !h. h << g ==> x o y IN H                          by Submonoid_def, monoid_op_element
539                    ==> x * y IN H                          by submonoid_property
540     Now, (smbINTER g).op x y = x * y                       by submonoid_big_intersect_property
541     Hence (smbINTER g).op x y IN (smbINTER g).carrier      by submonoid_big_intersect_element
543val submonoid_big_intersect_op_element = store_thm(
544  "submonoid_big_intersect_op_element",
545  ``!g:'a monoid. !x y. x IN (smbINTER g).carrier /\ y IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==>
546                     (smbINTER g).op x y IN (smbINTER g).carrier``,
547  rpt strip_tac >>
548  `!h. h << g ==> x IN H /\ y IN H` by metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_element] >>
549  `!h. h << g ==> x * y IN H` by metis_tac[Submonoid_def, monoid_op_element, submonoid_property] >>
550  `(smbINTER g).op x y = x * y` by rw[submonoid_big_intersect_property] >>
551  metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_element]);
553(* Theorem: (smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier *)
554(* Proof:
555   !h. h << g ==> #i = #e                             by submonoid_id
556   !h. h << g ==> #i IN H                             by Submonoid_def, monoid_id_element
557   Now (smbINTER g).id = #e                           by submonoid_big_intersect_property
558   Hence !h. h << g ==> (smbINTER g).id IN H          by above
559    or (smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier        by submonoid_big_intersect_element
561val submonoid_big_intersect_has_id = store_thm(
562  "submonoid_big_intersect_has_id",
563  ``!g:'a monoid. (smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier``,
564  rpt strip_tac >>
565  `!h. h << g ==> (#i = #e)` by rw[submonoid_id] >>
566  `!h. h << g ==> #i IN H` by rw[Submonoid_def] >>
567  `(smbINTER g).id = #e` by metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_property] >>
568  metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_element]);
570(* Theorem: Monoid g ==> (smbINTER g).carrier SUBSET G *)
571(* Proof:
572   By submonoid_big_intersect_def, this is to show:
573   Monoid g ==> BIGINTER (IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g}) SUBSET G
574   Let P = IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g}.
575   Since g << g                    by submonoid_reflexive
576      so G IN P                    by IN_IMAGE, definition of P.
577    Thus P <> {}                   by MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY.
578     Now h << g ==> H SUBSET G     by submonoid_property
579   Hence P SUBSET G                by BIGINTER_SUBSET
581val submonoid_big_intersect_subset = store_thm(
582  "submonoid_big_intersect_subset",
583  ``!g:'a monoid. Monoid g ==> (smbINTER g).carrier SUBSET G``,
584  rw[submonoid_big_intersect_def] >>
585  qabbrev_tac `P = IMAGE (\h. H) {h | h << g}` >>
586  (`!x. x IN P <=> ?h. (H = x) /\ h << g` by (rw[Abbr`P`] >> metis_tac[])) >>
587  `g << g` by rw[submonoid_reflexive] >>
588  `P <> {}` by metis_tac[MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY] >>
589  `!h:'a monoid. h << g ==> H SUBSET G` by rw[submonoid_property] >>
590  metis_tac[BIGINTER_SUBSET]);
592(* Theorem: Monoid g ==> Monoid (smbINTER g) *)
593(* Proof:
594   Monoid g ==> (smbINTER g).carrier SUBSET G               by submonoid_big_intersect_subset
595   By Monoid_def, this is to show:
596   (1) x IN (smbINTER g).carrier /\ y IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==> (smbINTER g).op x y IN (smbINTER g).carrier
597       True by submonoid_big_intersect_op_element.
598   (2) (smbINTER g).op ((smbINTER g).op x y) z = (smbINTER g).op x ((smbINTER g).op y z)
599       Since (smbINTER g).op x y IN (smbINTER g).carrier    by submonoid_big_intersect_op_element
600         and (smbINTER g).op y z IN (smbINTER g).carrier    by submonoid_big_intersect_op_element
601       So this is to show: (x * y) * z = x * (y * z)        by submonoid_big_intersect_property
602       Since x IN G, y IN G and z IN G                      by IN_SUBSET
603       This follows by monoid_assoc.
604   (3) (smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier
605       This is true by submonoid_big_intersect_has_id.
606   (4) x IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==> (smbINTER g).op (smbINTER g).id x = x
607       Since (smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier   by submonoid_big_intersect_op_element
608         and (smbINTER g).id = #e                      by submonoid_big_intersect_property
609        also x IN G                                    by IN_SUBSET
610         (smbINTER g).op (smbINTER g).id x
611       = #e * x                                        by submonoid_big_intersect_property
612       = x                                             by monoid_id
613   (5) x IN (smbINTER g).carrier ==> (smbINTER g).op x (smbINTER g).id = x
614       Since (smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier   by submonoid_big_intersect_op_element
615         and (smbINTER g).id = #e                      by submonoid_big_intersect_property
616        also x IN G                                    by IN_SUBSET
617         (smbINTER g).op x (smbINTER g).id
618       = x * #e                                        by submonoid_big_intersect_property
619       = x                                             by monoid_id
621val submonoid_big_intersect_monoid = store_thm(
622  "submonoid_big_intersect_monoid",
623  ``!g:'a monoid. Monoid g ==> Monoid (smbINTER g)``,
624  rpt strip_tac >>
625  `(smbINTER g).carrier SUBSET G` by rw[submonoid_big_intersect_subset] >>
626  rw_tac std_ss[Monoid_def] >| [
627    metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_op_element],
628    `(smbINTER g).op x y IN (smbINTER g).carrier` by metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_op_element] >>
629    `(smbINTER g).op y z IN (smbINTER g).carrier` by metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_op_element] >>
630    `(x * y) * z = x * (y * z)` suffices_by rw[submonoid_big_intersect_property] >>
631    `x IN G /\ y IN G /\ z IN G` by metis_tac[IN_SUBSET] >>
632    rw[monoid_assoc],
633    metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_has_id],
634    `(smbINTER g).id = #e` by rw[submonoid_big_intersect_property] >>
635    `(smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier` by metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_has_id] >>
636    `#e * x = x` suffices_by rw[submonoid_big_intersect_property] >>
637    `x IN G` by metis_tac[IN_SUBSET] >>
638    rw[],
639    `(smbINTER g).id = #e` by rw[submonoid_big_intersect_property] >>
640    `(smbINTER g).id IN (smbINTER g).carrier` by metis_tac[submonoid_big_intersect_has_id] >>
641    `x * #e = x` suffices_by rw[submonoid_big_intersect_property] >>
642    `x IN G` by metis_tac[IN_SUBSET] >>
643    rw[]
644  ]);
646(* Theorem: Monoid g ==> (smbINTER g) << g *)
647(* Proof:
648   By Submonoid_def, this is to show:
649   (1) Monoid (smbINTER g)
650       True by submonoid_big_intersect_monoid.
651   (2) (smbINTER g).carrier SUBSET G
652       True by submonoid_big_intersect_subset.
653   (3) (smbINTER g).op = $*
654       True by submonoid_big_intersect_def
655   (4) (smbINTER g).id = #e
656       True by submonoid_big_intersect_def
658val submonoid_big_intersect_submonoid = store_thm(
659  "submonoid_big_intersect_submonoid",
660  ``!g:'a monoid. Monoid g ==> (smbINTER g) << g``,
661  rw_tac std_ss[Submonoid_def] >| [
662    rw[submonoid_big_intersect_monoid],
663    rw[submonoid_big_intersect_subset],
664    rw[submonoid_big_intersect_def],
665    rw[submonoid_big_intersect_def]
666  ]);
668(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
670(* export theory at end *)
671val _ = export_theory();