1(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2(* Linear Independence                                                       *)
3(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
7(* add all dependent libraries for script *)
8open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse;
10(* declare new theory at start *)
11val _ = new_theory "LinearIndep";
13(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
17(* val _ = load "jcLib"; *)
18open jcLib;
20(* Get dependent theories local *)
21(* val _ = load "SpanSpaceTheory"; *)
22open VectorSpaceTheory SpanSpaceTheory;
23open monoidTheory groupTheory fieldTheory;
25(* Get dependent theories in lib *)
26(* val _ = load "helperListTheory"; *)
27open helperNumTheory helperSetTheory helperListTheory;
29(* open dependent theories *)
30open pred_setTheory arithmeticTheory listTheory;
33(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
34(* Linear Independence Documentation                                         *)
35(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
36(* Overload:
38(* Definitions and Theorems (# are exported):
40   Change of Basis:
41   stick_rotate_length     |- !r n1 n. n1 IN sticks r n ==> !k. rotate k n1 IN sticks r n
42   basis_rotate_once_basis |- !g b. basis g b ==> basis g (rotate 1 b)
43   basis_rotate_basis      |- !g b. basis g b ==> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> basis g (rotate k b)
44   vsum_stick_rotate_once  |- !r g op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. basis g b ==>
45                              !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> (n |o| b = rotate 1 n |o| rotate 1 b)
46   vsum_stick_rotate       |- !r g op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. basis g b ==>
47                              !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==>
48                              !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (n |o| b = rotate k n |o| rotate k b)
49   vspace_span_with_rotate |- !r g op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. basis g b ==>
50                              !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (SpanSpace r g op (rotate k b) = SpanSpace r g op b)
51   vspace_span_basis_shrink|- !r g op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. basis g b ==>
52                              !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) /\ (n |o| b = |0|) ==>
53                              !k. k < LENGTH b /\ EL k n <> #0 ==>
54                                  (SpanSpace r g op (DROP (SUC k) b ++ TAKE k b) = SpanSpace r g op b)
56   Linear Independence:
57   LinearIndepBasis_def   |- !r g op b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b <=> basis g b /\
58                             !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==>
59                                 ((n |o| b = |0|) <=> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (EL k n = #0))
60   indep_basis_is_basis   |- !r g op b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> basis g b
61   indep_basis_property   |- !r g op b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==>
62                             !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==>
63                                 ((n |o| b = |0|) <=> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (EL k n = #0))
65   vspace_indep_basis_inj       |- !r g op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==>
66                                            INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V
67   vspace_basis_indep_one_less  |- !r g op. VSpace r g op ==>
68                                   !h t. LinearIndepBasis r g op (h::t) ==> LinearIndepBasis r g op t
69   vspace_basis_dep_one_more    |- !r g op. VSpace r g op ==>
70                                   !h t. ~LinearIndepBasis r g op t ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op (h::t)
73(* Overloads for convenience *)
74val _ = temp_overload_on ("o", ``(op:'a -> 'b -> 'b)``);
75val _ = temp_overload_on ("V", ``(g:'b group).carrier``);
76val _ = temp_overload_on ("||", ``(g:'b group).op``);
77val _ = temp_overload_on ("|0|", ``(g:'b group).id``);
78val _ = set_fixity "||" (Infixl 500); (* same as + in arithmeticScript.sml *)
80val _ = temp_overload_on ("+", ``stick_add r``);
81val _ = temp_overload_on ("-", ``stick_neg r``);
82val _ = temp_overload_on ("*", ``stick_cmult r``);
83val _ = temp_overload_on ("-", ``stick_sub r``);
85(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
86(* Change of Basis                                                           *)
87(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
89(* Note: rotate is defined in helperList.
90> rotate_def;
91val it = |- !n l. rotate n l = DROP n l ++ TAKE n l: thm
93This is a simple form of a change of basis by permutation.
96(* Theorem: !n1. n1 IN sticks r n ==> !k. (rotate k nl) IN sticks r n *)
97(* Proof:
98   By sticks_def, rotate_same_length, rotate_same_set.
100val stick_rotate_length = store_thm(
101  "stick_rotate_length",
102  ``!r:'a field. !n1 n. n1 IN sticks r n ==> !k. (rotate k n1) IN sticks r n``,
103  rw[sticks_def, rotate_same_length, rotate_same_set]);
105(* Theorem: !b. basis g b ==> basis g (rotate 1 b) *)
106(* Proof:
107   If b = [],
108       basis g (rotate 1 [])
109     = basis g []              by rotate_nil
110     = T                       by basis_nil
111   If b = h::t, h IN V /\ basis g t                  by basis_cons
112       rotate 1 (h::t)
113     = DROP (SUC 0) (h::t) ++ TAKE (SUC 0) (h::t)    by ONE
114     = DROP 0 t ++ h::TAKE 0 t                       by DROP_def, TAKE_def
115     = b ++ [h]                                      by DROP_def, TAKE_def
116     Since basis g b, !x. MEM x b <=> x IN V.        by basis_member
117     With h IN V,    !x. MEM x (b ++ [h]) <=> x IN V.
118     Hence basis g (b ++ [h])                        by basis_member
120val basis_rotate_once_basis = store_thm(
121  "basis_rotate_once_basis",
122  ``!(g:'b group) (b:'b list). basis g b ==> basis g (rotate 1 b)``,
123  strip_tac >>
124  Cases_on `b` >-
125  rw[basis_nil, rotate_nil] >>
126  rw[basis_cons, rotate_def] >>
127  pop_assum mp_tac >>
128  rw[basis_member] >>
129  rw[]);
131(* Theorem: basis g b ==> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> basis g (rotate k b) *)
132(* Proof:
133   By induction on k.
134   Base case: 0 < LENGTH b ==> basis g (rotate 0 b)
135      basis g (rotate 0 b) = basis g b    by rotate_0
136      Hence true.
137   Step case: SUC k < LENGTH b ==> basis g (rotate (SUC k) b)
138      i.e. k < LENGTH b.
139        basis g (rotate (SUC k) b)
140      = basis g (rotate 1 (rotate k b))   by rotate_suc
141      = T                                 by basis_rotate_once_basis
142      due to basis g (rotate k b)         by induction hypothesis
144val basis_rotate_basis = store_thm(
145  "basis_rotate_basis",
146  ``!(g:'b group) (b:'b list). basis g b ==> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> basis g (rotate k b)``,
147  rpt strip_tac >>
148  Induct_on `k` >-
149  rw[rotate_0] >>
150  rw[] >>
151  `k < LENGTH b` by decide_tac >>
152  rw[rotate_suc, basis_rotate_once_basis]);
154(* Theorem: basis g b ==> !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> n |o| b = (rotate 1 n) |o| (rotate 1 b) *)
155(* Proof:
156   If b = [], n IN sticks r 0 ==> n = []      by sticks_0, IN_SING.
157   RHS = (rotate 1 []) |o| (rotate 1 [])
158       = [] |o| []                            by rotate_nil
159       = LHS
160   If b = h::t, LENGTH (h::t) = SUC (LENGTH t)               by LENGTH
161   ?k s. k IN R /\ s IN sticks r (LENGTH t) /\ (n = k::s)    by stick_cons
162   After expanding by vsum_cons and rotate_def, SNOC, this is to show:
163     k o h || (s |o| t) = (s ++ [k]) |o| (t ++ [h])
164   RHS = (s ++ [k]) |o| (t ++ [h])
165       = (SNOC k s) |o| (SNOC h t)            by SNOC_APPEND
166       = k o h || (s |o| t)                   by vsum_stick_snoc
167       = LHS
169val vsum_stick_rotate_once = store_thm(
170  "vsum_stick_rotate_once",
171  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. basis g b ==>
172   !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> (n |o| b = (rotate 1 n) |o| (rotate 1 b))``,
173  rpt strip_tac >>
174  Cases_on `b` >| [
175    pop_assum mp_tac >>
176    rw[] >>
177    `n = []` by metis_tac[sticks_0, IN_SING] >>
178    rw[rotate_nil],
179    pop_assum mp_tac >>
180    pop_assum mp_tac >>
181    rw[basis_cons, stick_cons] >>
182    rw[vsum_cons, rotate_def] >>
183    metis_tac[vsum_stick_snoc, SNOC_APPEND]
184  ]);
186(* Theorem: basis g b ==>
187   !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> n |o| b = (rotate k n) |o| (rotate k b) *)
188(* Proof:
189   By induction on b.
190   Base case: 0 < LENGTH b ==> (n |o| b = rotate 0 n |o| rotate 0 b)
191     Since rotate 0 n = n and rotate 0 b = b   by rotate_0
192     This is true.
193   Step case: SUC k < LENGTH b ==> (n |o| b = rotate (SUC k) n |o| rotate (SUC k) b)
194     Since SUC k < LENGTH b implies k < LENGTH b,
195     and   LENGTH n = LENGTH b                 by stick_length
196     and   basis g (rotate k b)                by basis_rotate_basis
197     RHS = rotate (SUC k) n |o| rotate (SUC k) b
198         = (rotate 1 (rotate k n)) |o| (rotate 1 (rotate k b))  by rotate_suc
199         = (rotate k n) |o| (rotate k b)                        by vsum_stick_rotate_once
200         = n |o| b                                              by induction hypothesis
201         = LHS
203val vsum_stick_rotate = store_thm(
204  "vsum_stick_rotate",
205  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. basis g b ==>
206   !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (n |o| b = (rotate k n) |o| (rotate k b))``,
207  ntac 8 strip_tac >>
208  Induct >-
209  rw[rotate_0] >>
210  rw[] >>
211  `k < LENGTH b` by decide_tac >>
212  `LENGTH n = LENGTH b` by metis_tac[stick_length] >>
213  `basis g (rotate k b)` by rw[basis_rotate_basis] >>
214  `(rotate k n) IN sticks r (LENGTH b)` by metis_tac[stick_rotate_length] >>
215  `LENGTH (rotate k b) = LENGTH b` by rw[rotate_same_length] >>
216  metis_tac[rotate_suc, vsum_stick_rotate_once]);
218(* Theorem: !k. k < LENGTH b ==> SpanSpace r g op (rotate k b) = SpanSpace r g op b *)
219(* Proof:
220   Note that LENGTH (rotate k b) = LENGTH b                        by rotate_same_length
221   Expanding by SpanSpace_def, using monoid_component_equality, this is to show:
222   (1) n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> ?n'. (n |o| rotate k b = n' |o| b) /\ n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b)
223       Let n' = rotate (LENGTH b - k) n IN sticks r (LENGTH b)   by stick_rotate_length
224       Then  n' |o| b
225          = (rotate (LENGTH b - k) n) |o| b                        by n' = rotate (LENGTH b - k) n
226          = (rotate k (rotate (LENGTH b - k) n)) |o| (rotate k b)  by vsum_stick_rotate
227          = n |o| (rotate k b)                                     by rotate_rcancel
228   (2) n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> ?n'. (n |o| b = n' |o| rotate k b) /\ n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b)
229       Let n' = rotate k n IN sticks r (LENGTH b)                by stick_rotate_length
230       Then n' |o| (rotate k b)
231          = (rotate k n) |o| (rotate k b)                          by n' = rotate k n
232          = n |o| b                                                by vsum_stick_rotate
234val vspace_span_with_rotate = store_thm(
235  "vspace_span_with_rotate",
236  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. basis g b ==>
237   !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (SpanSpace r g op (rotate k b) = SpanSpace r g op b)``,
238  rpt strip_tac >>
239  rw[SpanSpace_def, monoid_component_equality, rotate_same_length, EXTENSION, EQ_IMP_THM] >-
240  metis_tac[stick_rotate_length, stick_length, vsum_stick_rotate, rotate_rcancel] >>
241  metis_tac[vsum_stick_rotate, stick_rotate_length]);
243(* Theorem: Let n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) /\ (n |o| b = |0|)
244            If n is nonzero at index k, the basis b at same index k, after deletion (from list),
245            will span the same subspace.
246    basis g b ==> !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) /\ (n |o| b = |0|) ==>
247    !k. k < LENGTH b /\ EL k n <> #0 ==>
248    (SpanSpace r g op (DROP (SUC k) b ++ TAKE k b) = SpanSpace r g op b) *)
249(* Proof:
250   Let u = EL k b, a vector in the basis b.
251   Let b' = DROP (SUC k) b ++ TAKE k b, a kind of mutated basis of b.
252   Note rotate k b = u::b'             by rotate_shift_element
253    and u IN V /\ basis g b'           by basis_rotate_basis, basis_cons
254     SpanSpace r g op b
255   = SpanSpace r g op (rotate k b)     by vspace_span_with_rotate
256   = SpanSpace r g op (u::b')          by rotate_shift_element
257   = SpanSpace r g op (b')             by vspace_span_with_member
258     if u IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier, which is proved as:
260   Let h = EL k n, the corresponding scalar in sticks n.
261   To show: u IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier, i.e. u is spanned by basis b',
262   Trick is to show: (h o u) IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier,
263   Then u = |/h o (h o u) IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier  by vspace_span_cmult.
265   Why does the trick works? Due to rotation:
266   Let n' = (DROP (SUC k) n ++ TAKE k n), a kind of mutated n to match b'.
267   Note k < LENGTH b means k < LENGTH n        by stick_length, n IN sticks r (LENGTH b)
268   Then rotate k n = h::n'                     by rotate_shift_element
269   Thus |0| = n |o| b                          by given
270            = (rotate k n) |o| (rotate k b)    by vsum_stick_rotate
271            = (h::n') |o| (u::b')              by rotations above
272            = (h o u) || (n' |o| b')           by vsum_stick_cons
273   Since Group (SpanSpace r g op b')           by vspace_span_group
274   It is obvious that (n' |o| b') IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier (recall it is a span space),
275   and it is almost simple to argue that its inverse should be in the same carrier.
276   The actual path is still not so straight-forward.
278   (1) Let's try to show: (n' |o| b') IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier
279       This is true by vspace_span_property if: n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b')
280       Note rotate k n IN sticks r (LENGTH b)           by stick_rotate_length
281         or h :: n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b)              by rotate k n = h::n' above
282         or         IN sticks r (LENGTH (rotate k b))   by rotate_same_length
283         or         IN sticks r (LENGTH (u::b'))        by rotate k b = u::b' above
284         or         IN sticks r (SUC (LENGTH b'))       by LENGTH
285       Thus ?h1 n1. h1 IN R /\ n1 IN sticks r (LENGTH b')
286        and (h :: n' = h1 :: n1)                        by stick_cons
287         or (h1 = h) /\ (n1 = n')                       by list_11
288       Hence n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b').
289       and h IN R as bonus, although this can be deduced by stick_components_stick
290   (2) Now to show: h o u IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier
291       Let vv = n' |o| b'.
292       Then vv IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier         by n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b'), above
293       thus ?uu. uu IN (SpanSpace r g op s).carrier, and
294                 (uu || vv = |0|)                       by vspace_span_negative
295       Now  uu IN V /\ vv IN V                          by vspace_span_vector
296       and  h o u IN V                                  by vspace_cmult_vector, h IN R, u IN V
297       With Group g                                     by vspace_has_group
298         so h o u = uu                                  by group_linv_unique, Group g
299       Thus h o u IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier      by uu IN (SpanSpace r g op s).carrier
300   (3) With Field r                                     by vspace_has_field
301        and h IN R+                                     by field_nonzero_eq, given h <> #0
302         so |/h IN R                                    by field_inv_element, h IN R+
303       Now  |/h o (h o u)
304          = ( |/h * h) o u                               by vspace_cmult_cmult
305          = #1 o u                                      by field_mult_linv, h IN R+
306          = u                                           by vspace_cmult_lone
307       Hence u = |/h o (h o u) IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier  by vspace_span_cmult
309val vspace_span_basis_shrink = store_thm(
310  "vspace_span_basis_shrink",
311  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. VSpace r g op ==> !b. basis g b ==>
312    !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) /\ (n |o| b = |0|) ==>
313    !k. k < LENGTH b /\ EL k n <> #0 ==>
314     (SpanSpace r g op ((DROP (SUC k) b) ++ (TAKE k b)) = SpanSpace r g op b)``,
315  rpt strip_tac >>
316  qabbrev_tac `u = EL k b` >>
317  qabbrev_tac `h = EL k n` >>
318  qabbrev_tac `b' = DROP (SUC k) b ++ TAKE k b` >>
319  qabbrev_tac `n' = DROP (SUC k) n ++ TAKE k n` >>
320  `rotate k b = u::b'` by rw[rotate_shift_element, Abbr`u`, Abbr`b'`] >>
321  `rotate k n = h :: n'` by metis_tac[rotate_shift_element, stick_length] >>
322  `u IN V /\ basis g b'` by metis_tac[basis_cons, basis_rotate_basis] >>
323  `u IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier` by
324  (`h IN R /\ h o u IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier` by
325    (`rotate k n IN sticks r (SUC (LENGTH b'))` by metis_tac[stick_rotate_length, rotate_same_length, LENGTH] >>
326  `h IN R /\ n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b')` by metis_tac[stick_cons, list_11] >>
327  `(h o u) || (n' |o| b') = |0|` by metis_tac[vsum_stick_cons, vsum_stick_rotate] >>
328  qabbrev_tac `vv = n' |o| b'` >>
329  `vv IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier` by rw[vspace_span_property, Abbr`vv`] >>
330  `?uu. uu IN (SpanSpace r g op b').carrier /\ (uu || vv = |0|)` by rw[vspace_span_negative] >>
331  `uu IN V /\ vv IN V` by metis_tac[vspace_span_vector] >>
332  `h o u IN V` by metis_tac[vspace_cmult_vector] >>
333  `h o u = uu` by metis_tac[group_linv_unique, vspace_has_group] >>
334  rw[]) >>
335  `Field r` by metis_tac[vspace_has_field] >>
336  `h IN R+ /\ |/h IN R` by rw[field_nonzero_eq] >>
337  `|/h o (h o u) = ( |/h * h) o u` by metis_tac[vspace_cmult_cmult] >>
338  `_ = #1 o u` by rw[] >>
339  `_ = u` by metis_tac[vspace_cmult_lone] >>
340  metis_tac[vspace_span_cmult]) >>
341  metis_tac[vspace_span_with_rotate, rotate_shift_element, vspace_span_with_member]);
344If SpanSpace r g op b = SpanSpace r g op b', what is the condition on an additional vector h such that:
345   SpanSpace r g op (h::b) = SpanSpace r g op (h::b') ?
346If h is already spanned by b (or b'), (h::b) spans the same space.
347If h is not spanned by b (or b'), (h::b) gives another dimension, same as (h::b').
350(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
351(* Linear Independence.                                                      *)
352(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
354(* In general, vectors in basis b may or may not be linearly independent.
355   However, if a vector has two sticks representations:
356   e.g.    4 o (v) || 4 o (-v) = 3 o (v) || 3 o (-v)
357   then    1 o (v) || 1 o (-v) = |0|
358   i.e. there is another sticks of the same length giving a nonzero representation of zero vector.
361(* Better formulation: if vector zero has only zero-representation,
362          then any vector has a unique representation. *)
364(* Linearly Independent basis has only one representation of zero vector *)
365val LinearIndepBasis_def = Define`
366  LinearIndepBasis (r:'a field) (g:'b group) (op:'a -> 'b -> 'b) (b:'b list) <=>
367    (basis g b) /\
368    !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> ((n |o| b = |0|) <=> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (EL k n = #0))
371(* Theorem: LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> basis g b *)
372(* Proof: by LinearIndepBasis_def *)
373val indep_basis_is_basis = store_thm(
374  "indep_basis_is_basis",
375  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> basis g b``,
376  rw[LinearIndepBasis_def]);
378(* Theorem: LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==>
379   !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> ((n |o| b = |0|) <=> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (EL k n = #0)) *)
380(* Proof: by LinearIndepBasis_def *)
381val indep_basis_property = store_thm(
382  "indep_basis_property",
383  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==>
384   !n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> ((n |o| b = |0|) <=> !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (EL k n = #0))``,
385  rw[LinearIndepBasis_def]);
387(* Theorem: LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V *)
388(* Proof:
389   Note basis g b                                     by indep_basis_is_basis
390   By INJ_DEF, this is to show:
391   (1) n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) ==> n |o| b IN V
392       True by vsum_basis_stick_vector.
393   (2) n IN sticks r (LENGTH b) /\ n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b) /\ (n |o| b = n' |o| b) ==> n = n'
394       Note (n |o| b) IN V /\ (n' |o| b) IN V        by vsum_basis_stick_vector
395       Then (n - n') |o| b
396          = (n |o| b) || g.inv (n' |o| b)            by vsum_stick_sub
397          = |0|                                      by group_rinv, given n |o| b = n' |o| b
398       As n - n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b)              by stick_sub_length
399          !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (EL k (n - n') = #0)  by indep_basis_property
400       Hence n = n'                                  by stick_eq_property.
402val vspace_indep_basis_inj = store_thm(
403  "vspace_indep_basis_inj",
404  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. VSpace r g op ==>
405   !b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V``,
406  rw[INJ_DEF, LinearIndepBasis_def] >-
407  metis_tac[vsum_basis_stick_vector] >>
408  `(n - n') |o| b = (n |o| b) || g.inv (n' |o| b)` by rw[vsum_stick_sub] >>
409  `n |o| b IN V /\ n' |o| b IN V` by metis_tac[vspace_span_vector, vspace_span_property] >>
410  `(n - n') |o| b = |0|` by metis_tac[group_rinv, vspace_has_group] >>
411  `Field r` by metis_tac[vspace_has_field] >>
412  `n - n' IN sticks r (LENGTH b)` by rw[stick_sub_length] >>
413  metis_tac[stick_eq_property]);
415(* Theorem: Reduce-by-1 of linear indepedent basis is still linear independent:
416            LinearIndepBasis r g op (h::t) ==> LinearIndepBasis r g op t *)
417(* Proof:
418   By LinearIndepBasis_def, this is to show:
419      !n. n IN sticks r (SUC (LENGTH t)) ==>
420        ((n |o| (h::t) = |0|) <=> !k. k < SUC (LENGTH t) ==> (EL k n = #0))
422   By contradiction, need to find m IN sticks r (SUC (LENGTH t))
423      such that ((m |o| (h::t) = |0|) <=/=> !k. k < SUC (LENGTH t) ==> (EL k m = #0))
425   Note VSpace r g op ==> Field r              by vspace_has_field
426        VSpace r g op ==> Group g              by vspace_has_group
427    Let m = #0 :: n, that is, appending #0 to the sticks n.
428   Then m IN sticks r (SUC (LENGTH t))         by stick_cons, LENGTH
429   Note (n |o| t) IN V                         by vsum_stick_basis_vector
430   Also  m |o| (h::t)
431       = (#0::n) |o| (h::t)
432       = #0 o h || (n |o| t)                   by vsum_cons, MAP2
433       = |0| || (n |o| t)                      by vspace_cmult_lzero
434       = (n |o| t)                             by group_lid, (n |o| t) IN V
436     Now !k . k < LENGTH t <=> SUC k < SUC (LENGTH t)  by LESS_MONO
437     and !k. EL (SUC k) (#0::n) = EL k n               by EL_restricted
438    also EL 0 (#0::n) = #0                             by EL, HD
440   The assumed LinearIndepBasis r g op (h::t) gives:
441   !n'. n' IN sticks r (SUC (LENGTH t)) ==>
442        ((n' |o| (h::t) = |0|) <=> !k. k < SUC (LENGTH t) ==> (EL k n' = #0))
444   To derive the contradiction, need to show:
445   (1) (n |o| t = |0|) /\ k < (LENGTH t) /\ EL k n <> #0 ==> F
446       Putting m as n', k as (SUC k) in the if implication,
447          EL (SUC k) m = #0,
448       or EL (SUC k) m = EL (SUC k) (#0::n) = EL k n = #0, contradicting EL k n <> #0.
449   (2) (!k. k < (LENGTH t) ==> (EL k n = #0)) /\ (n |o| t <> |0|) ==> F
450       Putting m as n', k as (SUC k) in the only-if implication, and consider cases on k,
451          m |o| (h::t) = |0|
452       or n |o| t = |0|.
454val vspace_basis_indep_one_less = store_thm(
455  "vspace_basis_indep_one_less",
456  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. VSpace r g op ==>
457     !h t. LinearIndepBasis r g op (h::t) ==> LinearIndepBasis r g op t``,
458  rw[LinearIndepBasis_def, basis_cons] >>
459  `Field r` by metis_tac[vspace_has_field] >>
460  `Group g` by metis_tac[vspace_has_group] >>
461  qabbrev_tac `m = #0 :: n` >>
462  `m IN sticks r (SUC (LENGTH t))` by rw[stick_cons, Abbr`m`] >>
463  `n |o| t IN V` by metis_tac[vsum_basis_stick_vector] >>
464  `m |o| (h::t) = #0 o h || (n |o| t)` by rw[vsum_cons, Abbr`m`] >>
465  `_ = |0| || (n |o| t)` by metis_tac[vspace_cmult_lzero] >>
466  `_ = n |o| t` by rw[] >>
467  `!k . k < LENGTH t <=> SUC k < SUC (LENGTH t)` by decide_tac >>
468  `!k. EL (SUC k) (#0::n) = EL k n` by metis_tac[EL_restricted] >>
469  `EL 0 (#0::n) = #0` by rw[Abbr`m`] >>
470  rw_tac bool_ss[EQ_IMP_THM] >-
471  metis_tac[] >>
472  metis_tac[num_CASES]);
474(* Theorem: Add-by-1 of a linear dependent basis is still linear dependent:
475            ~LinearIndepBasis r g op t ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op (h::t) *)
476(* Proof: by contrapositive of vspace_basis_indep_one_less. *)
477val vspace_basis_dep_one_more = store_thm(
478  "vspace_basis_dep_one_more",
479  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. VSpace r g op ==>
480     !h t. ~LinearIndepBasis r g op t ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op (h::t)``,
481  metis_tac[vspace_basis_indep_one_less]);
484(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
486(* export theory at end *)
487val _ = export_theory();