1(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2(* Finite Vector Space                                                       *)
3(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
7(* add all dependent libraries for script *)
8open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse;
10(* declare new theory at start *)
11val _ = new_theory "FiniteVSpace";
13(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
17(* val _ = load "jcLib"; *)
18open jcLib;
20(* Get dependent theories local *)
21(* val _ = load "LinearIndepTheory"; *)
22open VectorSpaceTheory SpanSpaceTheory LinearIndepTheory;
23open monoidTheory fieldTheory;
25(* Get dependent theories in lib *)
26(* val _ = load "helperListTheory"; *)
27open helperNumTheory helperSetTheory helperListTheory;
29(* open dependent theories *)
30open pred_setTheory arithmeticTheory listTheory;
33(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
34(* Finite Vector Space Documentation                                         *)
35(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
36(* Overload:
38(* Definitions and Theorems (# are exported):
40   Finite Vector Space:
41   FiniteVSpace_def          |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op <=> VSpace r g op /\ FINITE R /\ FINITE V
42   finite_vspace_is_vspace   |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> VSpace r g op
43   finite_vspace_is_finite   |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> FINITE R /\ FINITE V
44   finite_vspace_all_basis   |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> basis g (SET_TO_LIST V)
45   finite_vspace_span_itself |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> (SpanSpace r g op (SET_TO_LIST V) = g)
47   Finite Vector Space Dimension:
48   dim_def                 |- !r g op. dim r g op =
49                                       MIN_SET (IMAGE LENGTH {b | basis g b /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g)})
50   finite_vspace_dim_basis |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
51                              ?b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g)
52   finite_vspace_dim_eq_0  |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op /\ (dim r g op = 0) ==> (g.carrier = {g.id})
54   finite_vspace_dim_basis_indep |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
55                                    !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\
56                                        (SpanSpace r g op b = g) ==> LinearIndepBasis r g op b
57   finite_vspace_dim_map_inj     |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
58                                    !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) ==>
59                                        INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V
61   Finite Vector Space Cardinality and Linear Independence:
62   finite_vspace_card               |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> (CARD V = CARD R ** dim r g op)
63   finite_vspace_indep_span_card    |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> !b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==>
64                                                (CARD (SpanSpace r g op b).carrier = CARD R ** LENGTH b)
65   finite_vspace_dim_basis_span     |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
66                                      !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\
67                                          LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> (SpanSpace r g op b = g)
68   finite_vspace_dim_basis_property |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
69                                      !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) ==>
70                                          (LinearIndepBasis r g op b <=> (SpanSpace r g op b = g))
71   finite_vspace_basis_dep_special  |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
72                        !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = SUC (dim r g op)) ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b
73   finite_vspace_basis_dep          |- !r g op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
74                                !b. basis g b /\ dim r g op < LENGTH b ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b
78(* Overloads for convenience *)
79val _ = temp_overload_on ("o", ``(op:'a -> 'b -> 'b)``);
80val _ = temp_overload_on ("V", ``(g:'b group).carrier``);
81val _ = temp_overload_on ("||", ``(g:'b group).op``);
82val _ = temp_overload_on ("|0|", ``(g:'b group).id``);
83val _ = set_fixity "||" (Infixl 500); (* same as + in arithmeticScript.sml *)
85val _ = temp_overload_on ("+", ``stick_add r``);
86val _ = temp_overload_on ("-", ``stick_neg r``);
87val _ = temp_overload_on ("*", ``stick_cmult r``);
88val _ = temp_overload_on ("-", ``stick_sub r``);
90(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
91(* Finite Vector Space.                                                      *)
92(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
94(* Define Finite Vector Space *)
95val FiniteVSpace_def = Define`
96  FiniteVSpace (r:'a field) (g:'b group) op <=> VSpace r g op /\ FINITE R /\ FINITE V
99(* Theorem: FiniteVSpace r g op ==> VSpace r g op *)
100(* Proof: by FiniteVSpace_def. *)
102val finite_vspace_is_vspace = store_thm(
103  "finite_vspace_is_vspace",
104  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> VSpace r g op``,
105  rw[FiniteVSpace_def]);
107val finite_vspace_is_vspace = save_thm("finite_vspace_is_vspace",
108   FiniteVSpace_def |> SPEC_ALL |> (#1 o EQ_IMP_RULE) |>
109                       UNDISCH |> CONJUNCTS |> el 1 |> DISCH_ALL |> GEN_ALL);
110(* val finite_vspace_is_vspace = |- !r op g. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> VSpace r g op: thm *)
112(* Theorem: FiniteVSpace r g op ==> FINITE R /\ FINITE V *)
113(* Proof: by FiniteVSpace_def. *)
114val finite_vspace_is_finite = store_thm(
115  "finite_vspace_is_finite",
116  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> FINITE R /\ FINITE V``,
117  rw[FiniteVSpace_def]);
119(* Theorem: For FiniteVSpace, list of all vectors is a basis: basis g (SET_TO_LIST V) *)
120(* Proof:
121   Since FINITE V, !x. MEM x (SET_TO_LIST V) <=> x IN V     by MEM_SET_TO_LIST
122   Thus true by basis_member.
124val finite_vspace_all_basis = store_thm(
125  "finite_vspace_all_basis",
126  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> basis g (SET_TO_LIST V)``,
127  metis_tac[FiniteVSpace_def, basis_member, MEM_SET_TO_LIST]);
129(* Theorem: The whole Group g can span itself.
130            SpanSpace r g op (SET_TO_LIST V) = g  *)
131(* Proof:
132   Note FiniteSpace r g op ==> basis g (SET_TO_LIST V)   by finite_vspace_all_basis
133   By SpanSpace_def and monoid_component_equality, this is to show:
134      SpanSpace r g op (SET_TO_LIST V).carrier = V
135   or IMAGE (\n. n |o| (SET_TO_LIST V)) (sticks r (LENGTH (SET_TO_LIST V))) = V
136   which is to show:
137   (1) n IN sticks r (LENGTH (SET_TO_LIST V)) ==> n |o| (SET_TO_LIST V) IN V
138       n |o| (SET_TO_LIST V) IN V                       by vsum_basis_stick_vector
139   (2) x IN V ==> ?n. (x = n |o| (SET_TO_LIST V)) /\ n IN sticks r (LENGTH (SET_TO_LIST V))
140       x IN V ==> MEM x (SET_TO_LIST V)                 by MEM_SET_TO_LIST
141       Let n = the sticks of LENGTH (SET_TO_LIST V), with all #0, but #1 at x.
142       Then n |o| (SET_TO_LIST V) = x                   by vspace_basis_stick
144val finite_vspace_span_itself = store_thm(
145  "finite_vspace_span_itself",
146  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> (SpanSpace r g op (SET_TO_LIST V) = g)``,
147  rpt (stripDup[FiniteVSpace_def]) >>
148  `basis g (SET_TO_LIST V)` by metis_tac[finite_vspace_all_basis] >>
149  rw[monoid_component_equality, SpanSpace_def, EXTENSION, EQ_IMP_THM] >-
150  metis_tac[vsum_basis_stick_vector] >>
151  metis_tac[vspace_basis_stick, MEM_SET_TO_LIST]);
153(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
154(* Finite Vector Space Dimension.                                            *)
155(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
157(* Dimension = LENGTH of shortest basis spanning the whole vector space) *)
158val dim_def = Define`
159  dim (r:'a field) (g:'b group) op =
160      MIN_SET (IMAGE LENGTH { b | basis g b /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) })
163(* Theorem: Existence of Spanning basis with dimension.
164            FiniteVSpace r g op ==> ?b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) *)
165(* Proof:
166   Given FiniteVSpace r g op,
167     ==> basis g (SET_TO_LIST V)                               by finite_vspace_all_basis
168   (SpanSpace r g op (SET_TO_LIST V) = g)                      by finite_vspace_span_itself
169   hence SET_TO_LIST V IN { b | basis g b /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) }
170   or s = { b | basis g b /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) } <> {}  by MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY
171   Thus IMAGE LENGTH s <> {}                                   by IMAGE_EQ_EMPTY
172   so dim r g op exists, and
173      dim r g op = MIN_SET (IMAGE LENGTH s) IN (IMAGE LENGTH s)             by MIN_SET_LEM
174   or ?b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g)  by IN_IMAGE
176val finite_vspace_dim_basis = store_thm(
177  "finite_vspace_dim_basis",
178  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
179   ?b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g)``,
180  rw[dim_def] >>
181  qabbrev_tac `s = { b | basis g b /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) }` >>
182  `!b. b IN s ==> basis g b /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g)` by rw[Abbr`s`] >>
183  `basis g (SET_TO_LIST V)` by metis_tac[finite_vspace_all_basis] >>
184  `(SpanSpace r g op (SET_TO_LIST V) = g)` by rw[finite_vspace_span_itself] >>
185  `SET_TO_LIST V IN s` by rw[Abbr`s`] >>
186  `IMAGE LENGTH s <> {}` by metis_tac[MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY, IMAGE_EQ_EMPTY] >>
188  metis_tac[IN_IMAGE]);
190(* Theorem: FiniteVSpace r g op /\ (dim r g op = 0) ==> (g.carrier = {g.id}) *)
191(* Proof:
192    Since FiniteVSpace r g op
193      ==> ?b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\
194              (SpanSpace r g op b = g)               by finite_vspace_dim_basis
195    Given dim r g op = 0,
196       so LENGTH b = 0, or b = []                    by LENGTH_NIL
197      and sticks r 0 = {[]}                          by sticks_0
198    Hence g.carrier
199        = (SpanSpace r g op b).carrier               by above
200        = IMAGE (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b))  by vspace_span_property
201        = IMAGE (\n. n |o| []) {[]}                  by above
202        = {[] |o| []}                                by application
203        = {g.id}                                     by vsum_nil
205val finite_vspace_dim_eq_0 = store_thm(
206  "finite_vspace_dim_eq_0",
207  ``!(r:'a ring) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op /\ (dim r g op = 0) ==> (g.carrier = {g.id})``,
208  rpt (stripDup[FiniteVSpace_def]) >>
209  `?b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g)` by rw[finite_vspace_dim_basis] >>
210  `b = []` by metis_tac[LENGTH_NIL] >>
211  `sticks r 0 = {[]}` by rw[sticks_0] >>
212  `g.carrier = IMAGE (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b))` by rw[GSYM vspace_span_property] >>
213  rw[vsum_nil]);
215(* Theorem: In a Finite Vector Space,
216            A spanning basis of dimension size is linearly independent:
217            basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) ==> LinearIndepBasis r g op b *)
218(* Proof:
219   By LinearIndepBasis_def, this is to show:
220   (1) k < dim r g op ==> EL k n = #0
221       Let u = EL k b`
222           b' = DROP (SUC k) b ++ TAKE k b
223       By contradiction, suppose EL k n = u <> #0.
224       (1) Show: LENGTH b' < LENGTH b
225           Note rotate k b = u::b'                by rotate_shift_element
226             so LENGTH b = SUC(LENGTH b')         by rotate_same_length, LENGTH
227             or LENGTH b' < LENGTH b
228       (2) Show: LENGTH b <= LENGTH b'
229            Let s = { b | basis g b /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) }
230           Then dim r g op = MIN_SET (IMAGE LENGTH s)
231                                                  by dim_def
232           Since basis g (rotate k b)             by basis_rotate_basis
233               = basis g (u::b')                  by above, rotate k b = u::b'
234           Hence basis g b'                       by basis_cons
235             and SpanSpace r g op b' = SpanSpace r g op b   by vspace_span_basis_shrink
236            Thus b' IN s                          by definition of s
237              so s <> {}                          by MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY
238             and IMAGE LENGTH s <> {}             by IMAGE_EQ_EMPTY
239            Also LENGTH b' IN IMAGE LENGTH s      by IN_IMAGE
240              so LENGTH b <= LENGTH b'            by MIN_SET_LEM
241       However, (1) and (2) lead to a contradiction.
242   (2) n IN sticks r (dim r g op) /\ !k. k < dim r g op ==> (EL k n = #0) ==> n |o| b = |0|
243       True by vspace_stick_zero.
245val finite_vspace_dim_basis_indep = store_thm(
246  "finite_vspace_dim_basis_indep",
247  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
248     !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) ==>
249      LinearIndepBasis r g op b``,
250  rpt (stripDup[FiniteVSpace_def]) >>
251  rw[LinearIndepBasis_def, EQ_IMP_THM] >| [
252    spose_not_then strip_assume_tac >>
253    qabbrev_tac `u = EL k b` >>
254    qabbrev_tac `b' = DROP (SUC k) b ++ TAKE k b` >>
255    `rotate k b = u::b'` by rw[rotate_shift_element] >>
256    `LENGTH b = SUC(LENGTH b')` by metis_tac[rotate_same_length, LENGTH] >>
257    `LENGTH b' < LENGTH b` by decide_tac >>
258    qabbrev_tac `s = { b | basis g b /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) }` >>
259    `dim r g op = MIN_SET (IMAGE LENGTH s)` by rw[GSYM dim_def, Abbr`s`] >>
260    `basis g b'` by metis_tac[basis_rotate_basis, basis_cons] >>
261    `SpanSpace r g op b' = SpanSpace r g op b` by metis_tac[vspace_span_basis_shrink] >>
262    `b' IN s` by rw[Abbr`b'`, Abbr`s`] >>
263    `IMAGE LENGTH s <> {}` by metis_tac[MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY, IMAGE_EQ_EMPTY] >>
264    `LENGTH b <= LENGTH b'` by metis_tac[MIN_SET_LEM, IN_IMAGE] >>
265    decide_tac,
266    metis_tac[vspace_stick_zero]
267  ]);
269(* Theorem: In a Finite Vector Space,
270            A spanning basis of dimension size gives an injective map:
271     basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) ==>
272           INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V       *)
273(* Proof:
274   Since FiniteVSpace r g op ==> VSpace r g op       by finite_vspace_is_vspace
275     and LinearIndepBasis r g op b                   by finite_vspace_dim_basis_indep
276      so INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V   by vspace_indep_basis_inj
278val finite_vspace_dim_map_inj = store_thm(
279  "finite_vspace_dim_map_inj",
280  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
281     !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g) ==>
282      INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V``,
283  rw[FiniteVSpace_def, finite_vspace_dim_basis_indep, vspace_indep_basis_inj]);
285(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
286(* Finite Vector Space Cardinality and Linear Independence.                  *)
287(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
289(* Then show: CARD V = (CARD R) ** DIM (VSpace r g op)
290   Possibly, this involves showing n IN (sticks r (LENGTH b)) ==> (\n. n |o| p) is INJ.
293(* Theorem: FiniteVSpace r g op ==> CARD V = (CARD R) ** dim r g op *)
294(* Proof:
295   Since FiniteVSpace r g op,
296         ?b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\
297         (SpanSpace r g op b = g)                               by finite_vspace_dim_basis
298      so  V = (SpanSpace r g op b).carrier                      by monoid_component_equality
299            = IMAGE (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b))         by vspace_span_property
300     Now INJ (\n. VSUM (MAP2 op n b)) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V`  by rw[finite_vspace_dim_map_inj]);
301     and SURJ (\n. VSUM (MAP2 op n b)) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V` by rw[IMAGE_SURJ]);
302     and FINITE (sticks r (LENGTH b)),
303   Hence CARD V
304       = CARD (sticks r (LENGTH b))     by FINITE_BIJ_CARD_EQ, BIJ_DEF
305       = CARD R ** (LENGTH b)           by sticks_card
306       = CARD R ** (dim r g op)         by given LENGTH b = dim r g op
308val finite_vspace_card = store_thm(
309  "finite_vspace_card",
310  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==> (CARD V = (CARD R) ** dim r g op)``,
311  rpt (stripDup[FiniteVSpace_def]) >>
312  `?b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ (SpanSpace r g op b = g)` by rw[finite_vspace_dim_basis] >>
313  `V = IMAGE (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b))` by metis_tac[vspace_span_property, monoid_component_equality] >>
314  `INJ (\n. VSUM (MAP2 op n b)) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V` by rw[finite_vspace_dim_map_inj] >>
315  `SURJ (\n. VSUM (MAP2 op n b)) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V` by rw[IMAGE_SURJ] >>
316  `FINITE (sticks r (LENGTH b))` by rw[sticks_finite] >>
317  metis_tac[FINITE_BIJ_CARD_EQ, BIJ_DEF, sticks_card]);
321Vector Space:
322(1) a set of scalars (e.g. the basis field)
323(2) a set of vectors (e.g. the extended field), forming a group (an Abelian group)
324(3) an operation: (scalar, vector) -> vector, that preserves the group structure of vectors.
326First goal: establish a dimension for vector space.
327Since I define:  dim = size of smallest basis that can span the whole space.
328The route is quite complicated:
329(a) Define a basis (or basis) = a list of vectors
330(b) Define what is meant by spanning by a basis: the set of all linear combinations.
331(b1) Linear combinations of basis with what? with sticks = a list of scalars.
332(b2) How to get a linear combination? VSUM (MAP (\(se, ve). se o ve) (ZIP (sticks, basis)))
333(c) Define a SpanSpace by basis.
334(d) Show that SpanSpace with basis = all vectors spans the whole space (of course).
335(e) Show that a basis can shrink if it includes a dependent element.
336(f) Since the possible basis is not empty, and empty basis cannot span the whole, there must be a minimum.
337(g) Define dim = cardinality (smallest spanning basis)
338Since this is the smallest spanning basis, all vectors are linear combinations of these vectors.
339By counting how many such linear combinations,
340finally giving the first important result: CARD (vector space) = CARD (scalar) ** (dimension)
342Next goal: any set of vectors with cardinality more than dim is linearly dependent.
344Can the first goal be done directly with the concept of linearly dependency and linear independency?
345(a) Define a vlist = list of vectors
346(b) Define a slist = list of scalars
347(c) Define linear combination = VSUM (MAP f (ZIP (slist, vlist)))  of same length
348(d) Define a linear independent vlist <=> (linear_comb (slist, vlist) = ||0|| ==> (slist = all #0))
349    can call a linear independent basis.
350(e) Show that a singleton basis is linearly independent.
351    Show that the whole basis is linearly dependent (because ???)
352    So there is a maximum linearly independent basis.
353    Define dim = size of maximum linearly independent basis
354(f) Then, all basis of cardinality exceeding dim will be linearly dependent.
358(* Theorem: FiniteVSpace r g op ==> !b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==>
359            (CARD ((SpanSpace r g op b).carrier) = CARD R ** LENGTH b) *)
360(* Proof:
361   Note VSpace r g op /\ FINITE R /\ FINITE V             by FiniteVSpace_def
362    and basis g b                                         by indep_basis_is_basis
363    Now INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V         by vspace_indep_basis_inj
364    and FINITE (sticks r (LENGTH b)                       by sticks_finite, FINITE R
365        CARD ((SpanSpace r g op b).carrier)
366      = CARD (IMAGE (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)))  by vspace_span_property
367      = CARD (sticks r (LENGTH b))                        by INJ_CARD_IMAGE_EQ
368      = CARD R ** LENGTH b                                by sticks_card
370val finite_vspace_indep_span_card = store_thm(
371  "finite_vspace_indep_span_card",
372  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
373   !b. LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> (CARD ((SpanSpace r g op b).carrier) = CARD R ** LENGTH b)``,
374  rpt (stripDup[FiniteVSpace_def]) >>
375  `basis g b` by metis_tac[indep_basis_is_basis] >>
376  `INJ (\n. n |o| b) (sticks r (LENGTH b)) V` by rw[vspace_indep_basis_inj] >>
377  `FINITE (sticks r (LENGTH b))` by rw[sticks_finite] >>
378  metis_tac[vspace_span_property, INJ_CARD_IMAGE_EQ, sticks_card]);
380(* Theorem: basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> (SpanSpace r g op b = g) *)
381(* Proof:
382   Note  FiniteVSpace r g op
383         ==> VSpace r g op /\ FINITE R /\ FINITE V     by FiniteVSpace_def
384   Since   CARD V
385         = CARD R ** dim r g op                        by finite_vspace_card, FiniteVSpace r g op
386         = CARD R ** LENGTH b                          by given
387         = CARD ((SpanSpace r g op b).carrier)         by finite_vspace_indep_span_card
388    Also (SpanSpace r g op b).carrier SUBSET V         by vspace_span_vector, SUBSET_DEF
389    thus FINITE (SpanSpace r g op b).carrier           by SUBSET_FINITE
390      so (SpanSpace r g op b).carrier = V              by SUBSET_EQ_CARD
391    Hence SpanSpace r g op b = g                       by SpanSpace_def, monoid_component_equality
393val finite_vspace_dim_basis_span = store_thm(
394  "finite_vspace_dim_basis_span",
395  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
396    !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) /\ LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> (SpanSpace r g op b = g)``,
397  rpt (stripDup[FiniteVSpace_def]) >>
398  `CARD V = CARD R ** dim r g op` by rw[finite_vspace_card] >>
399  `CARD ((SpanSpace r g op b).carrier) = CARD R ** LENGTH b` by rw[finite_vspace_indep_span_card] >>
400  `(SpanSpace r g op b).carrier SUBSET V` by metis_tac[vspace_span_vector, SUBSET_DEF] >>
401  `FINITE (SpanSpace r g op b).carrier` by metis_tac[SUBSET_FINITE] >>
402  `(SpanSpace r g op b).carrier = V` by rw[SUBSET_EQ_CARD] >>
403  rw[SpanSpace_def, monoid_component_equality]);
405(* Theorem: basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) ==>
406            (LinearIndepBasis r g op b <=> (SpanSpace r g op b = g)) *)
407(* Proof:
408   If part: LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> SpanSpace r g op b = g
409      True by finite_vspace_dim_basis_span.
410   Only-if part: SpanSpace r g op b = g ==> LinearIndepBasis r g op b
411      True by finite_vspace_dim_basis_indep
413val finite_vspace_dim_basis_property = store_thm(
414  "finite_vspace_dim_basis_property",
415  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
416     !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = dim r g op) ==>
417        (LinearIndepBasis r g op b <=> (SpanSpace r g op b = g))``,
418  metis_tac[finite_vspace_dim_basis_span, finite_vspace_dim_basis_indep]);
420(* Theorem: A basis with a size one more of dimension is linear dependent:
421            basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = SUC (dim r g op)) ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b *)
422(* Proof:
423   By contradiction, assume LinearIndepBasis r g op b.
424   Since LENGTH b = SUC (dim r g op)
425     ==> 0 < LENGTH b and LENGTH b <> 0
426   Hence ?v u. b = v::u                     by LENGTH_NIL, list_CASES
427     and basis g b ==> v IN V /\ basis g u  by basis_cons
428    Also LENGHT b = SUC (LENGTH u)          by LENGTH
429                  = SUC (dim r g op)        by given
430      so LENGTH u = dim r g op              by prim_recTheory.INV_SUC_EQ
431   By shrinking a linear independent basis,
432         LinearIndepBasis r g op u          by vspace_basis_indep_one_less
433   Hence SpanSpace r g op u = g             by finite_vspace_dim_basis_property
434   Thus v IN V ==>
435        v IN (SpanSpace r g op u).carrier   by monoid_component_equality
436     or ?n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH u) and
437        (v = n |o| u)                       by vspace_span_property
438     or |0| = (- #1) o v || (n |o| u)       by vspace_vsub_eq_zero_alt
439            = ((- #1)::n) |o| b             by vsum_cons, MAP2
440     Let m = (- #1) :: n.
441    Then m IN sticks r (LENGTH b)           by stick_cons, LENGTH
442     and EL 0 m = -#1                       by EL, HD
443     But !k. k < LENGTH b ==> (EL k m = #0) by implication,
444      so EL 0 m = #0                        by 0 < LENGTH b
445   which is a contradiction with EL 0 m = #1.
447val finite_vspace_basis_dep_special = store_thm(
448  "finite_vspace_basis_dep_special",
449  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
450     !b. basis g b /\ (LENGTH b = SUC (dim r g op)) ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b``,
451  rpt (stripDup[FiniteVSpace_def, LinearIndepBasis_def]) >>
452  `0 < LENGTH b /\ LENGTH b <> 0` by decide_tac >>
453  `?v u. b = v::u` by metis_tac[LENGTH_NIL, list_CASES] >>
454  `v IN V /\ basis g u` by metis_tac[basis_cons] >>
455  `SUC (LENGTH u) = SUC (dim r g op)` by metis_tac[LENGTH] >>
456  `LENGTH u = dim r g op` by decide_tac >>
457  `LinearIndepBasis r g op u` by metis_tac[vspace_basis_indep_one_less] >>
458  `SpanSpace r g op u = g` by rw[GSYM finite_vspace_dim_basis_property] >>
459  `v IN (SpanSpace r g op u).carrier` by rw[monoid_component_equality] >>
460  `?n. n IN sticks r (LENGTH u) /\ (v = n |o| u)` by rw[vspace_span_property] >>
461  `|0| = (- #1) o v || (n |o| u)` by metis_tac[vspace_vsub_eq_zero_alt] >>
462  `_ = ((- #1)::n) |o| b` by rw[vsum_cons] >>
463  `Field r` by metis_tac[vspace_has_field] >>
464  `Group g` by metis_tac[vspace_has_group] >>
465  `- #1 IN R /\ - #1 <> #0` by rw[] >>
466  qabbrev_tac `m = (- #1) :: n` >>
467  `m IN sticks r (LENGTH b)` by metis_tac[stick_cons, LENGTH] >>
468  `EL 0 m = -#1` by rw[Abbr`m`] >>
469  metis_tac[]);
471(* Theorem: FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
472            !b. basis g b /\ (dim r g op < LENGTH b) ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b *)
473(* Proof:
474   Idea:
475   By contradiction, assume LinearIndepBasis r g op b.
476   Now remove elements from basis b to become b', with LENGTH b' = dim r g op.
477   Then LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==> LinearIndepBasis r g op b' by vspace_basis_indep_one_less
478    and SpanSpace r g op b' = g                                  by finite_vspace_dim_basis_property
479   Since the removed elements are in V,
480   this means they can be expressed as linear combinations of b',
481   contradicting LinearIndepBasis r g op b.
482   Proof:
483   Note: dim r g op < LENGTH b means SUC (dim r g op) <= LENGTH b.
484   First, prove the case for LENGTH b = SUC (dim r g op)  in finite_vspace_basis_dep_special
485   Then, by induction on (LENGTH b - SUC (dim r g op)).
486   Base case: LENGTH b - SUC (dim r g op) = 0 ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b
487      Since LENGTH b - SUC (dim r g op) = 0
488        ==> LENGTH b <= SUC (dim r g op)      by SUB_EQ_0
489        ==> LENGTH b = SUC (dim r g op)       by given SUC (dim r g op) <= LENGTH b.
490      Hence ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b        by finite_vspace_basis_dep_special
492   Step case: !b r g op. (v = LENGTH b - SUC (dim r g op)) /\
493              basis g b /\ dim r g op < LENGTH b ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b ==>
494              SUC v = LENGTH b - SUC (dim r g op) ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b
495      Aim is to have b = h::t, then replace b by t in induction hypothesis.
496      Since dim r g op < LENGTH b, LENGTH b <> 0.
497       thus ?h t. b = h::t                               by LENGTH_NIL, list_CASES
498       From SUC v = LENGTH b - SUC (dim r g op)
499                  = SUC (LENGTH t) - SUC (dim r g op)    by LENGTH
500         so     v = LENGTH t - SUC (dim r g op)          by arithmetic
501         or     SUC (dim r g op) <= LENGTH t             by 0 <= v
502         or          dim r g op  < LENGTH t              by arithmetic
503        Now h IN V /\ basis g t                          by basis_cons
504        and LinearIndepBasis r g op t                    by vspace_basis_indep_one_less
505        but ~LinearIndepBasis r g op t                   by induction hypothesis
506      which is a contradiction.
508val finite_vspace_basis_dep = store_thm(
509  "finite_vspace_basis_dep",
510  ``!(r:'a field) (g:'b group) op. FiniteVSpace r g op ==>
511     !b. basis g b /\ (dim r g op < LENGTH b) ==> ~LinearIndepBasis r g op b``,
512  rpt strip_tac >>
513  Induct_on `LENGTH b - SUC (dim r g op)` >| [
514    rpt strip_tac >>
515    `LENGTH b = SUC (dim r g op)` by decide_tac >>
516    metis_tac[finite_vspace_basis_dep_special],
517    rpt strip_tac >>
518    `LENGTH b <> 0` by decide_tac >>
519    `?h t. b = h::t` by metis_tac[LENGTH_NIL, list_CASES] >>
520    `SUC v = SUC (LENGTH t) - SUC (dim r g op)` by rw[] >>
521    `v = LENGTH t - SUC (dim r g op)` by decide_tac >>
522    `dim r g op < LENGTH t` by decide_tac >>
523    metis_tac[basis_cons, vspace_basis_indep_one_less, finite_vspace_is_vspace]
524  ]);
527(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
529(* export theory at end *)
530val _ = export_theory();