1(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
2(* Field Symmetry Group                                                      *)
3(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
7(* add all dependent libraries for script *)
8open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse;
10(* declare new theory at start *)
11val _ = new_theory "symmetryField";
13(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
17(* val _ = load "jcLib"; *)
18open jcLib;
20(* Get dependent theories local *)
21(* val _ = load "fieldMapTheory"; *)
22open monoidTheory groupTheory ringTheory fieldTheory;
23open monoidOrderTheory groupOrderTheory;
24open monoidMapTheory groupMapTheory ringMapTheory fieldMapTheory;
25open subgroupTheory;
27(* val _ = load "symmetryGroupTheory"; *)
28open symmetryGroupTheory;
30(* open dependent theories *)
31(* (* val _ = load "dividesTheory"; -- in helperNumTheory *) *)
32(* (* val _ = load "gcdTheory"; -- in helperNumTheory *) *)
33open pred_setTheory arithmeticTheory dividesTheory gcdTheory;
35(* Get dependent theories in lib *)
36(* (* val _ = load "helperNumTheory"; -- in monoidTheory *) *)
37open helperNumTheory helperSetTheory;
40(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
41(* Field Symmetry Group Documentation                                        *)
42(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
43(* Overload:
45(* Definitions and Theorems (# are exported):
47   Helper Theorems:
49   Maps restricted on a Set:
50   ring_homo_on_homo   |- !r r_ f. Ring r /\ RingHomo f r r_ ==> RingHomo (f on R) r r_
51   ring_iso_on_iso     |- !r r_ f. Ring r /\ RingIso f r r_ ==> RingIso (f on R) r r_
52   ring_auto_on_auto   |- !r f. Ring r /\ RingAuto f r ==> RingAuto (f on R) r
53   ring_auto_on_id     |- !r. Ring r ==> RingAuto (I on R) r
54   field_homo_on_homo  |- !r r_ f. Field r /\ FieldHomo f r r_ ==> FieldHomo (f on R) r r_
55   field_iso_on_iso    |- !r r_ f. Field r /\ FieldIso f r r_ ==> FieldIso (f on R) r r_
56   field_auto_on_auto  |- !r f. Field r /\ FieldAuto f r ==> FieldAuto (f on R) r
57   field_auto_on_id    |- !r. Field r ==> FieldAuto (I on R) r
59   Symmetric Group of a Field:
60   field_symmetric_group_group          |- !r. Group (symmetric_group R)
61   field_nonzero_symmetric_group_group  |- !r. Group (symmetric_group R+)
63   Automorphism Group of a Field:
64   field_automorphism_group_group  |- !r. Field r ==> Group (automorphism_group f* )
65   automorphism_field_def          |- !r. automorphism_field r =
66                                          <|carrier := {f on R | f | FieldAuto f r};
67                                                 op := (\f1 f2. f1 o f2 on R);
68                                                 id := (I on R)|>
69   automorphism_field_group        |- !r. Field r ==> Group (automorphism_field r)
71   Map Fixing a Set:
72   fixes_def        |- !f s. f fixes s <=> !x. x IN s ==> (f x = x)
73   fixes_compose    |- !s f g. f fixes s /\ g fixes s ==> f o g fixes s
74   fixes_I          |- !s. I fixes s
75   fixes_inj_linv   |- !s t f. f fixes s /\ INJ f s t ==> LINV f s fixes s
76   fixes_bij_linv   |- !s f. f fixes s /\ f PERMUTES s ==> LINV f s fixes s
77   fixes_on_subset  |- !s t f. f fixes s /\ s SUBSET t ==> (f on t) fixes s
78   fixes_on_linv    |- !s t f. f fixes s /\ s SUBSET t /\ INJ f t t ==> LINV f t fixes s
80   Field Automorphism fixing subfield:
81   subfield_auto_def            |- !f r s. subfield_auto f r s <=> FieldAuto f r /\ f fixes B
82   subfield_auto_field_auto     |- !r s f. subfield_auto f r s ==> FieldAuto f r
83   subfield_auto_fixes          |- !r s f. subfield_auto f r s ==> f fixes B
84   subfield_auto_element        |- !r s f x. subfield_auto f r s /\ x IN R ==> f x IN R
85   subfield_auto_bij            |- !r s f. Field r /\ subfield_auto f r s ==> f PERMUTES R
86   subfield_auto_compose        |- !r s f1 f2. subfield_auto f1 r s /\ subfield_auto f2 r s ==>
87                                               subfield_auto (f1 o f2) r s
88   subfield_auto_I              |- !r s. subfield_auto I r s
89   subfield_auto_on_compose     |- !r s f1 f2. Field r /\ B SUBSET R /\ subfield_auto f1 r s /\
90                                               subfield_auto f2 r s ==> subfield_auto (f1 o f2 on R) r s
91   subfield_auto_on_id          |- !r s. Field r /\ B SUBSET R ==> subfield_auto (I on R) r s
92   subfield_auto_on_linv        |- !r s f. Field r /\ B SUBSET R /\ subfield_auto f r s ==>
93                                           subfield_auto (LINV f R) r s /\ (LINV f R o f on R) = (I on R)
95   Subfield Fixing Automorphism Group:
96   subfield_auto_group_def      |- !r s. subfield_auto_group r s =
97                                         <|carrier := {f on R | f | subfield_auto f r s};
98                                                op := (\f1 f2. f1 o f2 on R); id := (I on R)|>
99   subfield_auto_group_group    |- !r s. Field r /\ B SUBSET R ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s)
100   subfield_auto_group_group_1  |- !r s. Field r /\ subfield s r ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s)
101   subfield_auto_group_group_2  |- !r s. s <<= r ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s)
104(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
105(* Field Symmetry Group                                                      *)
106(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
108(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
109(* Helper Theorems                                                           *)
110(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
112(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
113(* Maps restricted on a Set                                                  *)
114(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
116(* Theorem: Ring r /\ RingHomo f r r_ ==> RingHomo (f on R) r r_ *)
117(* Proof:
118   By RingHomo_def, this is to show:
119   (1) x IN R ==> (f on R) x IN R_, true      by fun_on_element
120   (2) GroupHomo f r.sum r_.sum ==> GroupHomo (f on R) r.sum r_.sum
121       Note Group r.sum                       by ring_add_group
122       Thus GroupHomo (f on R) r.sum r_.sum   by group_homo_on_homo
123   (2) MonoidHomo f r.prod r_.prod ==> MonoidHomo (f on R) r.prod r_.prod
124       Note Monoid r.prod                     by ring_mult_monoid
125       Thus GroupHomo (f on R) r.sum r_.sum   by monoid_homo_on_homo
127val ring_homo_on_homo = store_thm(
128  "ring_homo_on_homo",
129  ``!(r:'a ring) (r_:'b ring) f. Ring r /\ RingHomo f r r_ ==> RingHomo (f on R) r r_``,
130  rw_tac std_ss[RingHomo_def] >-
131  rw_tac std_ss[fun_on_element] >-
132  metis_tac[ring_add_group, group_homo_on_homo] >>
133  metis_tac[ring_mult_monoid, monoid_homo_on_homo]);
135(* Theorem: Ring r /\ RingIso f r r_ ==> RingIso (f on R) r r_ *)
136(* Proof:
137       RingIso f r r_
138     = RingHomo f r r_  /\ BIJ f R R_                by RingIso_def
139   ==> RingHomo (f on R) r r_ /\ BIJ f R R_          by ring_homo_on_homo
140   ==> RingHomo (f on R) r r_ /\ BIJ (f on R) R R_   by bij_on_bij
141     = RingIso (f on R) r r_                         by RingIso_def
143val ring_iso_on_iso = store_thm(
144  "ring_iso_on_iso",
145  ``!(r:'a ring) (r_:'b ring) f. Ring r /\ RingIso f r r_ ==> RingIso (f on R) r r_``,
146  rw_tac std_ss[RingIso_def, ring_homo_on_homo, bij_on_bij]);
148(* Theorem: Ring r /\ RingAuto f r ==> RingAuto (f on R) r *)
149(* Proof:
150       RingAuto f r
151     = RingIso f r r             by RingAuto_def
152   ==> RingIso (f on R) r r_     by ring_iso_on_iso
153     = RingAuto (f on R) r r_    by RingAuto_def
155val ring_auto_on_auto = store_thm(
156  "ring_auto_on_auto",
157  ``!(r:'a ring) f. Ring r /\ RingAuto f r ==> RingAuto (f on R) r ``,
158  rw_tac std_ss[RingAuto_def, ring_iso_on_iso]);
160(* Theorem: Ring r ==> RingAuto (I on R) r *)
161(* Proof:
162       Ring r
163   ==> RingAuto I r          by ring_auto_I
164   ==> RingAuto (I on R) r   by ring_auto_on_auto
166val ring_auto_on_id = store_thm(
167  "ring_auto_on_id",
168  ``!(r:'a ring). Ring r ==> RingAuto (I on R) r``,
169  rw_tac std_ss[ring_auto_I, ring_auto_on_auto]);
171(* Theorem: Field r /\ FieldHomo f r r_ ==> FieldHomo (f on R) r r_ *)
172(* Proof:
173   Note Ring r                   by field_is_ring
174       FieldHomo f r r_
175     = RingHomo f r r_           by field_homo_eq_ring_homo
176   ==> RingHomo (f on R) r r_    by ring_homo_on_homo
177     = FieldHomo (f on R) r r_   by field_homo_eq_ring_homo
179val field_homo_on_homo = store_thm(
180  "field_homo_on_homo",
181  ``!(r:'a field) (r_:'b field) f. Field r /\ FieldHomo f r r_ ==> FieldHomo (f on R) r r_``,
182  rw_tac std_ss[field_homo_eq_ring_homo, field_is_ring, ring_homo_on_homo]);
184(* Theorem: Field r /\ FieldIso f r r_ ==> FieldIso (f on R) r r_ *)
185(* Proof:
186   Note Ring r                  by field_is_ring
187       FieldIso f r r_
188     = RingIso f r r_           by field_iso_eq_ring_iso
189   ==> RingIso (f on R) r r_    by ring_iso_on_iso
190     = FieldIso (f on R) r r_   by field_iso_eq_ring_iso
192val field_iso_on_iso = store_thm(
193  "field_iso_on_iso",
194  ``!(r:'a field) (r_:'b field) f. Field r /\ FieldIso f r r_ ==> FieldIso (f on R) r r_``,
195  rw_tac std_ss[field_iso_eq_ring_iso, field_is_ring, ring_iso_on_iso]);
197(* Theorem: Field r /\ FieldAuto f r ==> FieldAuto (f on R) r *)
198(* Proof:
199   Note Ring r                    by field_is_ring
200       FieldAuto f r
201     = RingAuto f r               by field_auto_eq_ring_auto
202   ==> RingAuto (f on R) r        by ring_auto_on_auto
203   ==> FieldAuto (f on R) r       by field_auto_eq_ring_auto
204   or
205       FieldAuto f r
206     = FieldIso f r r             by FieldAuto_def
207   ==> FieldIso (f on R) r r_     by field_iso_on_iso
208     = FieldAuto (f on R) r r_    by FieldAuto_def
210val field_auto_on_auto = store_thm(
211  "field_auto_on_auto",
212  ``!(r:'a field) f. Field r /\ FieldAuto f r ==> FieldAuto (f on R) r ``,
213  rw_tac std_ss[FieldAuto_def, field_iso_on_iso]);
215(* Theorem: Field r ==> FieldAuto (I on R) r *)
216(* Proof:
217       Field r
218   ==> FieldAuto I r          by field_auto_I
219   ==> FieldAuto (I on R) r   by field_auto_on_auto
221val field_auto_on_id = store_thm(
222  "field_auto_on_id",
223  ``!(r:'a field). Field r ==> FieldAuto (I on R) r``,
224  rw_tac std_ss[field_auto_I, field_auto_on_auto]);
226(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
227(* Symmetric Group of a Field                                                *)
228(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
230(* All permutations of a field form the Symmetric Group. *)
232(* Theorem: Group (symmetric_group R) *)
233(* Proof: by symmetric_group_group *)
234val field_symmetric_group_group = store_thm(
235  "field_symmetric_group_group",
236  ``!r:'a field. Group (symmetric_group R)``,
237  rw_tac std_ss[symmetric_group_group]);
239(* Theorem: Group (symmetric_group R+) *)
240(* Proof: by symmetric_group_group.
241   Both Group (symmetric_group R)
242    and Group (symmetric_group R+) are true
243    due to BIJ f R R must map #0 to #0 uniquely,
244    and a bijection taking out #0 <-> #0 is still a bijection.
246val field_nonzero_symmetric_group_group = store_thm(
247  "field_nonzero_symmetric_group_group",
248  ``!r:'a field. Group (symmetric_group R+)``,
249  rw_tac std_ss[symmetric_group_group]);
251(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
252(* Automorphism Group of a Field                                             *)
253(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
255(* All automorphisms of a field form the Automorphism Group. *)
257(* Theorem: Field r ==> Group (automorphism_group f* )  *)
258(* Proof:
259   Note Group f*                         by field_mult_group
260   Thus Group (automorphism_group f* )   by automorphism_group_group
262val field_automorphism_group_group = store_thm(
263  "field_automorphism_group_group",
264  ``!r:'a field. Field r ==> Group (automorphism_group f* )``,
265  rw_tac std_ss[field_mult_group, automorphism_group_group]);
267(* This is true, but this is not the aim. *)
269(* All automorphisms of a Field form a Group. *)
270val automorphism_field_def = Define`
271    automorphism_field (r:'a field) =
272       <| carrier := {f on R | f | FieldAuto f r};
273               op := \f1 f2. (f1 o f2) on R;
274               id := (I on R)
275        |>
278(* Theorem: Field r ==> Group (automorphism_field r) *)
279(* Proof:
280   By group_def_alt, automorphism_field_def, this is to show:
281   (1) FieldAuto f r /\ FieldAuto f' r ==> ?f''. ((f on R) o (f' on R) on R) = (f'' on R) /\ FieldAuto f'' r
282       Let f'' = f o f' on R.
283       Note f PERMUTES R /\ f' PERMUTES R                    by field_auto_bij
284       Then (f on R) o (f' on R) on R = (f o f' on R) on R   by bij_on_compose, fun_on_on
285        and FieldAuto (f o f' on R) r                        by field_auto_compose, field_auto_on_auto
286   (2) FieldAuto f r /\ FieldAuto f' r  /\ FieldAuto f'' r ==>
287       (((f on R) o (f' on R) on R) o (f'' on R) on R) = ((f on R) o ((f' on R) o (f'' on R) on R) on R)
288       Note f PERMUTES R /\ f' PERMUTES R /\ f'' PERMUTES R  by field_auto_bij
289       The result follows                                    by bij_on_compose_assoc, bij_on_bij
290   (3) ?f. (I on R) = (f on R) /\ FieldAuto f r
291       Let f = I, then FieldAuto I g                         by field_auto_I
292   (4) ((I on R) o (f on R) on R) = (f on R)
293       Note !x. x IN R ==> f x IN R                          by field_auto_bij, BIJ_ELEMENT
294         (I on R) o (f on R) on R
295       = (I o f) on R                                        by fun_on_compose
296       = f on R                                              by I_o_ID
297   (5) FieldAuto f r ==> ?y. (?f. y = (f on R) /\ FieldAuto f r) /\ (y o (f on R) on R) = (I on R)
298       Let y = (LINV f R) on R, Then
299       (1) Let f = LINV f R, then FieldAuto f g              by field_auto_linv_auto
300       (2) FieldAuto f r ==> (LINV f R on R) o (f on R) on R = I on R
301           Note f PERMUTES R                                 by field_auto_bij
302             (LINV f R on R) o (f on R) on R
303           = (LINV f R o f) on R                             by bij_on_compose
304           = I on R                                          by bij_on_inv
307Theorem automorphism_field_group:
308  !r:'a field. Field r ==> Group (automorphism_field r)
310  rpt strip_tac >>
311  rw_tac std_ss[group_def_alt, automorphism_field_def, GSPECIFICATION] >| [
312    rename [���(f on R) o (f' on R) on R���] >> qexists_tac `f o f' on R` >>
313    rpt strip_tac >-
314    metis_tac[bij_on_compose, fun_on_on, field_auto_bij] >>
315    metis_tac[field_auto_compose, field_auto_on_auto],
316    rename [���((f on R) o (f' on R) on R) o (f'' on R) on R���] >>
317    `f PERMUTES R /\ f' PERMUTES R /\ f'' PERMUTES R` by rw[field_auto_bij] >>
318    metis_tac[bij_on_bij, bij_on_compose_assoc, field_auto_bij],
319    metis_tac[field_auto_I],
320    rename [���FieldAuto f r���] >>
321    `!x. x IN R ==> f x IN R` by metis_tac[field_auto_bij, BIJ_ELEMENT] >>
322    rw[fun_on_compose],
323    rename [���FieldAuto f r���] >>
324    qexists_tac `(LINV f R) on R` >>
325    rpt strip_tac >- metis_tac[field_auto_linv_auto] >>
326    metis_tac[bij_on_compose, bij_on_inv, field_auto_bij]
327  ]
330(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
331(* Map Fixing a Set                                                          *)
332(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
334(* Define a map fixing a set *)
335(* Overload a map fixing a set -- but hard to control:
336val _ = overload_on("fixes", ``\f s. !x. x IN s ==> (f x = x)``);
338val fixes_def = Define`
339    fixes f s <=> (!x. x IN s ==> (f x = x))
341val _ = set_fixity "fixes" (Infix(NONASSOC, 450)); (* same as relation *)
343(* Theorem: (f fixes s) /\ (g fixes s) ==> (f o g) fixes s *)
344(* Proof:
345   Let x IN s, then
346      (f o g) x
347    = f (g x)              by composition
348    = f x                  by fixes_def, g fixes s
349    = x                    by fixes_def, f fixes s
351val fixes_compose = store_thm(
352  "fixes_compose",
353  ``!(s:'a -> bool) f g. (f fixes s) /\ (g fixes s) ==> (f o g) fixes s``,
354  rw_tac std_ss[fixes_def]);
356(* Theorem: I fixes s *)
357(* Proof:
358   Let x IN s, then I x = x    by I_THM
359   Thus I fixes s              by fixes_def
361val fixes_I = store_thm(
362  "fixes_I",
363  ``!(s:'a -> bool). I fixes s``,
364  rw_tac std_ss[fixes_def]);
366(* Theorem: f fixes s /\ INJ f s t ==> (LINV f s) fixes s *)
367(* Proof:
368   Let x IN s.
369     (LINV f s) x
370   = (LINV f s) (f x)        by fixes_def, f fixes s
371   = x                       by LINV_DEF
372   Thus (LINV f s) fixes s   by fixes_def
374val fixes_inj_linv = store_thm(
375  "fixes_inj_linv",
376  ``!(s:'a -> bool) t f. f fixes s /\ INJ f s t ==> (LINV f s) fixes s``,
377  metis_tac[fixes_def, LINV_DEF]);
379(* Theorem: f fixes s /\ f PERMUTES s ==> (LINV f s) fixes s *)
380(* Proof:
381   Note INJ f s s            by BIJ_DEF
382   Thus (LINV f s) fixes s   by fixes_inj_linv
384val fixes_bij_linv = store_thm(
385  "fixes_bij_linv",
386  ``!(s:'a -> bool) f. f fixes s /\ f PERMUTES s ==> (LINV f s) fixes s``,
387  metis_tac[BIJ_DEF, fixes_inj_linv]);
389(* Theorem: f fixes s /\ s SUBSET t ==> (f on t) fixes s *)
390(* Proof: by on_def, fixes_def, SUBSET_DEF *)
391val fixes_on_subset = store_thm(
392  "fixes_on_subset",
393  ``!(s:'a -> bool) t f. f fixes s /\ s SUBSET t ==> (f on t) fixes s``,
394  rw_tac std_ss[on_def, fixes_def, SUBSET_DEF]);
397(* Theorem: f fixes s /\ s SUBSET t /\ INJ f t t ==> LINV f t fixes s *)
398(* Proof: by fixes_def, LINV_SUBSET *)
399val fixes_on_linv = store_thm(
400  "fixes_on_linv",
401  ``!(s:'a -> bool) t f. f fixes s /\ s SUBSET t /\ INJ f t t ==> LINV f t fixes s``,
402  metis_tac[fixes_def, LINV_SUBSET]);
404(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
405(* Field Automorphism fixing subfield.                                       *)
406(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
408(* Define the subfield-fixing automorphism *)
409val subfield_auto_def = Define`
410    subfield_auto f (r:'a field) (s:'a field) <=> FieldAuto f r /\ (f fixes B)
412(* Note: no subfield or SUBSET relating r and s here. *)
413(* Note: including B SUBSET R only simplifies some theorems with subfield_auto f r s in premise,
414         but then subfield_auto_I needs explicity B SUBSET R,
415         so finally subfield_auto_group_group still requires B SUBSET R for qualification. *)
417(* Theorem: subfield_auto f r s ==> FieldAuto f r *)
418(* Proof: by subfield_auto_def. *)
419val subfield_auto_field_auto = store_thm(
420  "subfield_auto_field_auto",
421  ``!(r s):'a field. !f. subfield_auto f r s ==> FieldAuto f r``,
422  rw_tac std_ss[subfield_auto_def]);
424(* Theorem: subfield_auto f r s ==> f fixes B *)
425(* Proof: by subfield_auto_def. *)
426val subfield_auto_fixes = store_thm(
427  "subfield_auto_fixes",
428  ``!(r s):'a field. !f. subfield_auto f r s ==> f fixes B``,
429  rw_tac std_ss[subfield_auto_def]);
431(* Theorem: subfield_auto f r s /\ x IN R ==> f x IN R *)
432(* Proof: by subfield_auto_field_auto, field_auto_element *)
433val subfield_auto_element = store_thm(
434  "subfield_auto_element",
435  ``!(r s):'a field. !f x. subfield_auto f r s /\ x IN R ==> f x IN R``,
436  metis_tac[subfield_auto_field_auto, field_auto_element]);
438(* Theorem: Field r /\ subfield_auto f r s ==> f PERMUTES R *)
439(* Proof: by subfield_auto_field_auto, field_auto_bij *)
440val subfield_auto_bij = store_thm(
441  "subfield_auto_bij",
442  ``!(r s):'a field. !f. Field r /\ subfield_auto f r s ==> f PERMUTES R``,
443  metis_tac[subfield_auto_field_auto, field_auto_bij]);
445(* Theorem: subfield_auto f1 r s /\ subfield_auto f2 r s ==> subfield_auto (f1 o f2) r s *)
446(* Proof:
447   By subfield_auto_def, this is to show:
448   (1) FieldAuto f1 r /\ FieldAuto f2 r ==> FieldAuto (f1 o f2) r, true by field_auto_compose
449       True by field_auto_on_compose
450   (2) f1 fixes B /\ f2 fixes B ==> f1 o f2 fixes B
451       True by fixes_compose
453val subfield_auto_compose = store_thm(
454  "subfield_auto_compose",
455  ``!(r s):'a field. !f1 f2. subfield_auto f1 r s /\ subfield_auto f2 r s ==> subfield_auto (f1 o f2) r s``,
456  rw_tac std_ss[subfield_auto_def, field_auto_compose, fixes_compose]);
458(* Theorem: subfield_auto I r s *)
459(* Proof:
460   By subfield_auto_def, this is to show:
461   (1) FieldAuto I r, true    by field_auto_I
462   (2) I fixes B, true        by fixes_I
464val subfield_auto_I = store_thm(
465  "subfield_auto_I",
466  ``!(r s):'a field. subfield_auto I r s``,
467  rw_tac std_ss[subfield_auto_def, field_auto_I, fixes_I]);
469(* Theorem: Field r /\ B SUBSET R /\
470            subfield_auto f r s1 /\ subfield_auto f r s2 ==> subfield_auto r s ((f1 oo f2) R) *)
471(* Proof:
472   By subfield_auto_def, this is to show:
473   (1) FieldAuto f1 r /\ FieldAuto f2 r ==> FieldAuto (f1 o f2 on R) r
474       Note FieldAuto (f1 o f2) r        by field_auto_compose
475       Thus FieldAuto (f1 o f2 on R) r   by field_auto_on_auto, Field r
476   (2) f1 fixes B /\ f2 fixes B ==> (f1 o f2 on R) fixes B
477       Note (f1 o f2) fixes B            by fixes_compose
478       Thus ((f1 o f2) on R) fixes B     by fixes_on_subset, B SUBSET R
480val subfield_auto_on_compose = store_thm(
481  "subfield_auto_on_compose",
482  ``!(r s):'a field. !f1 f2. Field r /\ B SUBSET R /\
483     subfield_auto f1 r s /\ subfield_auto f2 r s ==> subfield_auto ((f1 o f2) on R) r s``,
484  rw_tac std_ss[subfield_auto_def] >-
485  rw_tac std_ss[field_auto_compose, field_auto_on_auto] >>
486  rw_tac std_ss[fixes_compose, fixes_on_subset]);
488(* Theorem: Field r /\ B SUBSET R ==> subfield_auto (I on R) r s *)
489(* Proof:
490   By subfield_auto_def, this is to show:
491   (1) FieldAuto (I on R) r, true by field_auto_on_id
492   (2) B SUBSET R ==> (I on R) fixes B
493       Note I fixes B             by fixes_I
494         so (I on R) fixes B      by fixes_on_subset, B SUBSET R
496val subfield_auto_on_id = store_thm(
497  "subfield_auto_on_id",
498  ``!(r s):'a field. Field r /\ B SUBSET R ==> subfield_auto (I on R) r s``,
499  rw_tac std_ss[subfield_auto_def] >-
500  rw_tac std_ss[field_auto_on_id] >>
501  rw_tac std_ss[fixes_I, fixes_on_subset]);
503(* Theorem: Field r /\ B SUBSET R /\ subfield_auto f r s ==>
504            subfield_auto (LINV f R) r s /\ (((LINV f R) o f) on R) = (I on R) *)
505(* Proof:
506   By subfield_auto_def, this is to show:
507   (1) FieldAuto f r ==> FieldAuto (LINV f R) r,
508       This is true               by field_auto_linv_auto
509   (2) f fixes B ==> LINV f R fixes B
510       Note BIJ f R R             by FieldAuto_def, FieldIso_def
511         so INJ f R R             by BIJ_DEF
512       Thus LINV f R fixes B      by fixes_on_linv, B SUBSET R
513   (3) LINV f R o f on R = I on R
514       By on_def, FUN_EQ_THM, this is to show:
515       (if x IN R then LINV f R (f x) else ARB) = if x IN R then x else ARB
516       Note BIJ f R R                      by FieldAuto_def, FieldIso_def
517         so INJ f R R                      by BIJ_DEF
518       Thus x IN R ==> LINV f R (f x) = x  by LINV_DEF
520val subfield_auto_on_linv = store_thm(
521  "subfield_auto_on_linv",
522  ``!(r s):'a field. !f. Field r /\ B SUBSET R /\ subfield_auto f r s ==>
523             subfield_auto (LINV f R) r s /\ (((LINV f R) o f) on R) = (I on R)``,
524  rw_tac std_ss[subfield_auto_def] >-
525  rw_tac std_ss[field_auto_linv_auto] >-
526 (`INJ f R R` by metis_tac[FieldAuto_def, FieldIso_def, BIJ_DEF] >>
527  rw_tac std_ss[fixes_on_linv]) >>
528  rw[on_def, FUN_EQ_THM] >>
529  `INJ f R R` by metis_tac[FieldAuto_def, FieldIso_def, BIJ_DEF] >>
530  metis_tac[LINV_DEF]);
532(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
533(* Subfield Fixing Automorphism Group                                        *)
534(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
537Given a field/subfield pair: s <<= r,
538an automorphism f:'a -> 'a is FieldAuto f r.
539Those automorphisms that keep the subfield s fixed: f fixes B,
540will form a group, the automorphism subfield group: Auto r s, or Galois group.
543(* Define the subfield-fixing automorphism group *)
544val subfield_auto_group_def = Define`
545    subfield_auto_group (r:'a field) (s:'a field) =
546        <| carrier := {f on R | f | subfield_auto f r s};
547                op := (\f1 f2. (f1 o f2) on R);
548                id := (I on R)
549         |>
552(* Theorem: The subfield-fixing automorphism group is a group.
553            Field r /\ B SUBSET R ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s) *)
554(* Proof:
555   By group_def_alt, subfield_auto_group_def, this is to show:
556   (1) subfield_auto f r s /\ subfield_auto f' r s ==>
557       ?f''. ((f on R) o (f' on R) on R = f'' on R) /\ subfield_auto f'' r s
558       Let f'' = (f o f') on R.
559       Then (f on R) o (f' on R) on R = f'' on R    by bij_on_compose, bij_on_bij
560        and subfield_auto (f o f' on R) r s         by subfield_auto_on_compose
561   (2) ((f on R) o (f' on R) on R) o (f'' on R) on R = (f on R) o ((f' on R) o (f'' on R) on R) on R
562       Note BIJ f R B /\ BIJ f' R B /\ BIJ f'' R B  by subfield_auto_bij
563       True by bij_on_bij, bij_on_compose_assoc.
564   (3) ?f. (I on R = f on R) /\ subfield_auto f r s
565       Let f = I,
566       Then subfield_auto r s I               by subfield_auto_I, B SUBSET R
567   (4) subfield_auto f r s /\ B SUBSET R ==> (I on R) o (f on R) on R = f on R
568       Note !x. x IN R ==> f x IN R           by subfield_auto_bij, BIJ_ELEMENT
569       True by fun_on_compose, I_o_ID
570   (5) subfield_auto f r s ==> ?y. (?f. (y = f on R) /\ subfield_auto f r s) /\ (y o (f on R) on R = I on R)
571       Let y = (LINV f R) on R.
572       Then subfield (LINV f r) r s           by subfield_auto_on_linv
573       Note BIJ f R B                         by subfield_auto_bij
574         y o (f on R) on R
575       = ((LINV f R) on R) o (f on R) on R    by notation
576       = ((LINV f R) o f) on R                by bij_on_compose
577       = I o R                                by subfield_auto_on_linv
580Theorem subfield_auto_group_group:
581  !(r s):'a field. Field r /\ B SUBSET R ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s)
583  rw_tac std_ss[group_def_alt, subfield_auto_group_def, GSPECIFICATION] >| [
584    rename [���(f on R) o (f' on R) on R���] >>
585    qexists_tac `f o f' on R` >>
586    rpt strip_tac >-
587    metis_tac[bij_on_compose, fun_on_on, subfield_auto_bij] >>
588    rw_tac std_ss[subfield_auto_on_compose],
589    prove_tac[subfield_auto_bij, bij_on_bij, bij_on_compose_assoc],
590    metis_tac[subfield_auto_I],
591    rename [���subfield_auto f r s���] >>
592    `!x. x IN R ==> f x IN R` by metis_tac[subfield_auto_bij, BIJ_ELEMENT] >>
593    rw[fun_on_compose],
594    metis_tac[subfield_auto_on_linv, subfield_auto_bij, bij_on_compose]
595  ]
598(* This is a milestone theorem. *)
600(* Theorem: Field r /\ subfield s r ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s) *)
601(* Proof: by subfield_auto_group_group, subfield_carrier_subset *)
602val subfield_auto_group_group_1 = store_thm(
603  "subfield_auto_group_group_1",
604  ``!(r s):'a field. Field r /\ subfield s r ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s)``,
605  rw[subfield_auto_group_group, subfield_carrier_subset]);
607(* Theorem: s <<= r ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s) *)
608(* Proof: by subfield_auto_group_group_1 *)
609val subfield_auto_group_group_2 = store_thm(
610  "subfield_auto_group_group_2",
611  ``!(r s):'a field. s <<= r ==> Group (subfield_auto_group r s)``,
612  rw[subfield_auto_group_group_1]);
614(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
616(* export theory at end *)
617val _ = export_theory();