3 *)
4(* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi
5 *
6 * $Log$
7 * Revision 1.1  2006/06/23 03:21:27  michaeln
8 * Changed the names of the files in mlyacclib because I want these files
9 * to move into sigobj, and I don't want name-clashes, particularly with
10 * names like stream.sml.  (If you use a parser generated by mlyacc, then
11 * you need to have the files in mlyacclib available too.)
12 *
13 * Revision 1.1  2006/06/22 07:40:27  michaeln
14 * Add a MoscowML compilable implementation of MLyacc, using the MLton sources
15 * as the base.
16 *
17 * Revision  1997/01/14 01:38:04  george
18 *   Version 109.24
19 *
20 * Revision  1996/01/31  16:01:42  george
21 * Version 109
22 *
23 *)
25(* functor Join creates a user parser by putting together a Lexer structure,
26   an LrValues structure, and a polymorphic parser structure.  Note that
27   the Lexer and LrValues structure must share the type pos (i.e. the type
28   of line numbers), the type svalues for semantic values, and the type
29   of tokens.
32functor Join(structure Lex : LEXER
33             structure ParserData: PARSER_DATA
34             structure LrParser : LR_PARSER
35             sharing ParserData.LrTable = LrParser.LrTable
36             sharing ParserData.Token = LrParser.Token
37             sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.svalue = ParserData.svalue
38             sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.pos = ParserData.pos
39             sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.token = ParserData.Token.token)
40                 : PARSER =
42    structure Token = ParserData.Token
43    structure Stream = LrParser.Stream
45    exception ParseError = LrParser.ParseError
47    type arg = ParserData.arg
48    type pos = ParserData.pos
49    type result = ParserData.result
50    type svalue = ParserData.svalue
51    val makeLexer = LrParser.Stream.streamify o Lex.makeLexer
52    val parse = fn (lookahead,lexer,error,arg) =>
53        (fn (a,b) => (ParserData.Actions.extract a,b))
54     (LrParser.parse {table = ParserData.table,
55                lexer=lexer,
56                lookahead=lookahead,
57                saction = ParserData.Actions.actions,
58                arg=arg,
59                void= ParserData.Actions.void,
60                ec = {is_keyword = ParserData.EC.is_keyword,
61                      noShift = ParserData.EC.noShift,
62                      preferred_change = ParserData.EC.preferred_change,
63                      errtermvalue = ParserData.EC.errtermvalue,
64                      error=error,
65                      showTerminal = ParserData.EC.showTerminal,
66                      terms = ParserData.EC.terms}}
67      )
68     val sameToken = Token.sameToken
71(* functor JoinWithArg creates a variant of the parser structure produced
72   above.  In this case, the makeLexer take an additional argument before
73   yielding a value of type unit -> (svalue,pos) token
74 *)
76functor JoinWithArg(structure Lex : ARG_LEXER
77             structure ParserData: PARSER_DATA
78             structure LrParser : LR_PARSER
79             sharing ParserData.LrTable = LrParser.LrTable
80             sharing ParserData.Token = LrParser.Token
81             sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.svalue = ParserData.svalue
82             sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.pos = ParserData.pos
83             sharing type Lex.UserDeclarations.token = ParserData.Token.token)
84                 : ARG_PARSER  =
86    structure Token = ParserData.Token
87    structure Stream = LrParser.Stream
89    exception ParseError = LrParser.ParseError
91    type arg = ParserData.arg
92    type lexarg = Lex.UserDeclarations.arg
93    type pos = ParserData.pos
94    type result = ParserData.result
95    type svalue = ParserData.svalue
97    val makeLexer = fn s => fn arg =>
98                 LrParser.Stream.streamify (Lex.makeLexer s arg)
99    val parse = fn (lookahead,lexer,error,arg) =>
100        (fn (a,b) => (ParserData.Actions.extract a,b))
101     (LrParser.parse {table = ParserData.table,
102                lexer=lexer,
103                lookahead=lookahead,
104                saction = ParserData.Actions.actions,
105                arg=arg,
106                void= ParserData.Actions.void,
107                ec = {is_keyword = ParserData.EC.is_keyword,
108                      noShift = ParserData.EC.noShift,
109                      preferred_change = ParserData.EC.preferred_change,
110                      errtermvalue = ParserData.EC.errtermvalue,
111                      error=error,
112                      showTerminal = ParserData.EC.showTerminal,
113                      terms = ParserData.EC.terms}}
114      )
115    val sameToken = Token.sameToken