2 * Copyright 2014, NICTA
3 *
4 * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
5 * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
6 * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
7 *
9 *)
11signature ISAR_INSTALL =
14  type additional_options
15  val GhostState : string -> additional_options
16  val get_Csyntax : theory -> string -> Absyn.ext_decl list
17  val gen_umm_types_file : string -> string -> theory -> theory
18  val do_cpp : {error_detail : int, cpp_path : string option} ->
19               {includes : string list, filename : string} -> string
20  val install_C_file : (((bool option * bool option) * bool option) * string) *
21                       additional_options list option ->
22                       theory -> theory
23  val interactive_install : string -> theory -> theory
24  val mk_thy_relative : theory -> string -> string
26  val extra_trace_filename : string Config.T
28  val installed_C_files : theory
29    -> {c_filename : string, locale_names : string list,
30        options: (bool * bool * bool),
31        additional_options: additional_options list} list
34structure IsarInstall : ISAR_INSTALL =
37type 'a wrap = 'a Region.Wrap.t
38val bogus = SourcePos.bogus
40fun setup_feedback extra_output_filename = let
41    val trace_extra = case extra_output_filename of
42        NONE => K ()
43      | SOME f => let
44        val out = TextIO.openOut f
45      in fn s => (TextIO.output (out, s); TextIO.flushOut out) end
46    val add_extra = case extra_output_filename of
47        NONE => (fn pfx => fn f => f)
48      | SOME _ => (fn pfx => fn f => fn s => (trace_extra (pfx ^ s); f s))
49  in
50    Feedback.errorf := add_extra "ERROR: " (ignore o error);
51    Feedback.warnf := add_extra "" warning;
52    Feedback.informf := add_extra "" (Output.tracing o Feedback.timestamp)
53  end
55val extra_trace_filename = let
56  val (config, setup) =
57      Attrib.config_string @{binding "CParser_extra_trace_file"} (K "")
59  Context.>>(Context.map_theory setup);
60  config
63fun setup_feedback_thy thy = let
64    val str = Config.get_global thy extra_trace_filename
65  in setup_feedback (if str = "" then NONE else SOME str) end
67val _ = setup_feedback NONE
69structure C_Includes = Theory_Data
71   type T = string list
72   val empty = []
73   val extend = I
74   val merge = Library.merge (op =)
77datatype additional_options = MachineState of string | GhostState of string | CRoots of string list
79type install_data = {c_filename : string, locale_names : string list,
80        options: (bool * bool * bool),
81        additional_options: additional_options list}
82structure C_Installs = Theory_Data
84   type T = install_data list
85   val empty = []
86   val extend = I
87   val merge = Library.merge (op =)
89val installed_C_files = C_Installs.get
91structure IsaPath = Path
93val get_Cdir = Resources.master_directory
95fun mk_thy_relative thy s =
96    if OS.Path.isRelative s then OS.Path.concat(Path.implode (get_Cdir thy), s)
97    else s
99val cpp_path = let
100  val (cpp_path_config, cpp_path_setup) =
101      Attrib.config_string (Binding.name "cpp_path") (K "/usr/bin/cpp")
103  Context.>>(Context.map_theory cpp_path_setup);
104  cpp_path_config
107val munge_info_fname = let
108  val (mifname_config, mifname_setup) =
109      Attrib.config_string (Binding.name "munge_info_fname") (K "")
111  Context.>>(Context.map_theory mifname_setup);
112  mifname_config
115val report_cpp_errors = let
116  val (report_cpp_errors_config, report_cpp_errors_setup) =
117      Attrib.config_int (Binding.name "report_cpp_errors") (K 10)
119  Context.>>(Context.map_theory report_cpp_errors_setup);
120  report_cpp_errors_config
123fun do_cpp {error_detail, cpp_path} {includes, filename} =
124  case cpp_path of
125      NONE => filename
126    | SOME p =>
127      let
128        open OS.FileSys OS.Process
129        val tmpname = tmpName()
130        val err_tmpname = tmpName()
131        val includes_string = String.concat (map (fn s => "-I\""^s^"\" ") includes)
132        fun plural 1 = "" | plural _ = "s"
133        val cmdline =
134            p ^ " " ^ includes_string ^ " -CC \"" ^ filename ^ "\" > " ^ tmpname ^ " 2> " ^ err_tmpname
135      in
136        if isSuccess (system cmdline) then (OS.FileSys.remove err_tmpname; tmpname)
137        else let val _ = OS.FileSys.remove tmpname
138                 val (msg, rest) = File.read_lines (Path.explode err_tmpname) |> chop error_detail
139                 val _ = OS.FileSys.remove err_tmpname
140                 val _ = warning ("cpp failed on " ^ filename ^ "\nCommand: " ^ cmdline ^
141                                  "\n\nOutput:\n" ^
142                                  cat_lines (msg @ (if null rest then [] else
143                                                    ["(... " ^ string_of_int (length rest) ^
144                                                     " more line" ^ plural (length rest) ^ ")"])))
145             in raise Feedback.WantToExit ("cpp failed on " ^ filename) end
146      end
148fun get_Csyntax thy s = let
149  val _ = setup_feedback_thy thy
150  val cpp_option =
151      case Config.get_global thy cpp_path of
152          "" => NONE
153        | s => SOME s
154  val cpp_error_count = Config.get_global thy report_cpp_errors
155  val (ast0, _) =
156      StrictCParser.parse
157          (do_cpp {error_detail = cpp_error_count, cpp_path = cpp_option})
158          15
159          (C_Includes.get thy)
160          (mk_thy_relative thy s)
161      handle IO.Io {name, ...} => error ("I/O error on "^name)
163  ast0 |> SyntaxTransforms.remove_anonstructs |> SyntaxTransforms.remove_typedefs
166fun define_naming_scheme [] _ = I
167  | define_naming_scheme fninfo nmdefs = let
168  fun name_term fni = SOME (HOLogic.mk_string (#fname fni))
169  fun name_name fni = #fname fni ^ "_name"
171  in StaticFun.define_tree_and_thms_with_defs
172      (Binding.name NameGeneration.naming_scheme_name)
173      (map name_name fninfo) nmdefs
174      (map name_term fninfo) @{term "id :: int => int"}
175  #> snd end
177fun define_function_names fninfo thy = let
178  open Feedback
179  fun decl1 (fni, (n, defs, lthy)) = let
180    open TermsTypes
181    val cname = suffix HoarePackage.proc_deco (#fname fni)
182    val _ = informStr (4, "Adding ("^cname^" :: int) = "^Int.toString n)
183    val b = Binding.name cname
184    val ((_, (_, th)), lthy) =
185        Local_Theory.define ((b, NoSyn),
186                             ((Thm.def_binding b, []), mk_int_numeral n))
187                            lthy
188    val lthy' = Local_Theory.reset lthy
189    val morph  = Proof_Context.export_morphism lthy lthy'
190    val th'     = Morphism.thm morph th
192  in
193    (n + 1, th' :: defs, lthy')
194  end
195  val (_, defs, lthy) =
196      List.foldl decl1 (1, [], Named_Target.theory_init thy) fninfo
197  val lthy' = define_naming_scheme fninfo (List.rev defs) lthy
199  (defs, Local_Theory.exit_global lthy')
203fun print_addressed_vars cse = let
204  open ProgramAnalysis Feedback
205  val globs = get_globals cse
206  val _ = informStr (0, "There are "^Int.toString (length globs)^" globals: "^
207                        commas_quote (map srcname globs))
208  val addressed = get_addressed cse
209  val addr_vars = map MString.dest (MSymTab.keys addressed)
210  val _ = informStr (0, "There are "^Int.toString (length addr_vars)^
211                        " addressed variables: "^ commas_quote addr_vars)
213  ()
216fun define_global_initializers globloc msgpfx name_munger mungedb cse globs thy = let
217  open ProgramAnalysis Absyn
218  val lthy = Named_Target.init globloc thy
219  val globinits = let
220    val inittab = get_globinits cse
221    fun foldthis (gnm : MString.t, gty) defs = let
222      val rhs_opt = MSymTab.lookup inittab gnm
223      val rhs_t =
224          case  rhs_opt of
225            NONE => ExpressionTranslation.zero_term thy (get_senv cse) gty
226          | SOME rhs => let
227              open ExpressionTranslation
228              fun error _ = (Feedback.errorStr'(eleft rhs, eright rhs,
229                                                "Illegal form in initialisor for\
230                                                \ global");
231                             raise Fail "Bad global initialisation")
232              val fakeTB = TermsTypes.TB {var_updator = error, var_accessor = error,
233                                          rcd_updator = error, rcd_accessor = error}
234              fun varinfo s = stmt_translation.state_varlookup "" s mungedb
235              val ei = expr_term lthy cse fakeTB varinfo rhs
236              val ei = case gty of
237                         Array _ => ei
238                       | _ => typecast(thy,gty,ei)
239            in
240              rval_of ei (Free("x", TermsTypes.bool))
241               (* the Free("x",bool) is arbitrary as the constant
242                  expression should be ignoring the state argument *)
243            end
244    in
245      (gnm, gty, rhs_t) :: defs
246    end
247  in
248    MSymTab.fold foldthis globs []
249  end
250  fun define1 ((nm, ty, value), lthy) = let
251    open Feedback
252    val _ = informStr(2,
253                      msgpfx ^ MString.dest nm ^ " (of C type "^
254                      Absyn.tyname ty ^") to have value "^
255                      Syntax.string_of_term lthy value)
256    val b = Binding.name (MString.dest (name_munger nm))
257    val (_, lthy) =
258        Local_Theory.define
259            ((b, NoSyn), ((Thm.def_binding b, []), value))
260            lthy
261  in
262    lthy
263  end
265  List.foldl define1 lthy globinits
266             |> Local_Theory.exit_global
269val use_anon_vars = let
270  val (uavconfig, uavsetup) = Attrib.config_bool (Binding.name "use_anonymous_local_variables") (K false)
272  Context.>>(Context.map_theory uavsetup);
273  uavconfig
276val allow_underscore_idents = let
277  val (auiconfig, auisetup) = Attrib.config_bool (Binding.name "allow_underscore_idents") (K false)
279  Context.>>(Context.map_theory auisetup);
280  auiconfig
283fun get_callees cse slist = let
284  val {callgraph = cg,...} = ProgramAnalysis.compute_callgraphs cse
285  fun recurse acc worklist =
286      case worklist of
287          [] => acc
288        | fnname :: rest =>
289          if Binaryset.member(acc, fnname) then recurse acc rest
290          else
291            case Symtab.lookup cg fnname of
292                NONE => recurse (Binaryset.add(acc, fnname)) rest
293              | SOME set => recurse (Binaryset.add(acc, fnname))
294                                    (Binaryset.listItems set @ rest)
296  recurse (Binaryset.empty String.compare) slist
299fun install_C_file0 (((((memsafe),ctyps),cdefs),s),statetylist_opt) thy = let
300  val _ = setup_feedback_thy thy
301  val {base = localename,...} = OS.Path.splitBaseExt (OS.Path.file s)
302  val _ = not (Long_Name.is_qualified localename) orelse
303            raise Fail ("Base of filename looks like qualified Isabelle ID: "^
304                        localename)
305  val _ = localename <> "" orelse
306          raise Fail ("Filename (>'" ^ s ^
307                      "'<) gives \"\" as locale name, which is illegal")
308  val statetylist = case statetylist_opt of NONE => [] | SOME l => List.rev l
309  val mstate_ty =
310      case get_first (fn (MachineState s) => SOME s | _ => NONE) statetylist of
311        NONE => TermsTypes.nat
312      | SOME s => Syntax.read_typ_global thy s
313  val roots_opt =
314      get_first (fn CRoots slist => SOME slist | _ => NONE) statetylist
315  val gstate_ty =
316      case get_first (fn (GhostState s) => SOME s | _ => NONE) statetylist of
317        NONE => TermsTypes.unit
318      | SOME s => Syntax.read_typ_global thy s
319  val thy = Config.put_global CalculateState.current_C_filename s thy
320  val thy = CalculateState.store_ghostty (s, gstate_ty) thy
321  val anon_vars = Config.get_global thy use_anon_vars
322  val uscore_idents = Config.get_global thy allow_underscore_idents
324  val o2b = isSome
325  val install_typs = not (o2b cdefs) orelse (o2b ctyps)
326  val install_defs = not (o2b ctyps) orelse (o2b cdefs)
327  val ms = o2b memsafe
328  val ast = get_Csyntax thy s
329  open ProgramAnalysis CalculateState Feedback
330  val owners =
331      (* non-null if there are any globals that have owned_by annotations *)
332      let
333        open StmtDecl RegionExtras
334        fun getowner d =
335            case d of
336                Decl d =>
337                (case node d of
338                     VarDecl (_, _, _, _, attrs) => get_owned_by attrs
339                   | _ => NONE)
340              | _ => NONE
341      in
342        List.mapPartial getowner ast
343      end
344  val mifname = case Config.get_global thy munge_info_fname of
345                  "" => NONE
346                | s => SOME s
348  val ((ast, _ (* init_stmts *)), cse) =
349      process_decls {anon_vars=anon_vars,owners = owners,
350                     allow_underscore_idents = uscore_idents,
351                     munge_info_fname = mifname}
352                    ast
353  val () = export_mungedb cse
354  val thy = store_csenv (s, cse) thy
356  val _ = print_addressed_vars cse
357  val ecenv = cse2ecenv cse
358  val thy = define_enum_consts ecenv thy
359  val state = create_state cse
360  val (thy, rcdinfo) = mk_thy_types cse install_typs thy
361  val ast = SyntaxTransforms.remove_embedded_fncalls cse ast
363  if install_defs then let
364      val (thy, vdecls, globs) =
365          mk_thy_decls
366            state {owners=owners,gstate_ty=gstate_ty,mstate_ty=mstate_ty} thy
367      val loc_b = Binding.name (suffix HPInter.globalsN localename)
368      val (globloc, ctxt) =
369          Expression.add_locale loc_b loc_b ([], []) globs thy
370      val thy = Local_Theory.exit_global ctxt
371      val _ = Output.state ("Created locale for globals (" ^ Binding.print loc_b ^
372                       ")- with " ^ Int.toString (length globs) ^
373                       " globals elements")
374      val _ = app (fn e => Output.state ("-- " ^ HPInter.asm_to_string (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) e))
375                  globs
376      val mungedb = mk_mungedb vdecls
377      val thy = CalculateState.store_mungedb (s, mungedb) thy
378      val thy =
379          define_global_initializers globloc "Defining untouched global constant "
380                                     NameGeneration.untouched_global_name
381                                     mungedb
382                                     cse
383                                     (calc_untouched_globals cse)
384                                     thy
385      val thy =
386          if Config.get_global thy CalculateState.record_globinits then let
387              val globs0 = get_globals cse
388              val globs_types = map (fn vi => (get_mname vi, get_vi_type vi)) globs0
389              val glob_table = MSymTab.make globs_types
390            in
391              define_global_initializers
392                  globloc "Defining initializers for all globals "
393                  NameGeneration.global_initializer_name
394                  mungedb
395                  cse
396                  glob_table
397                  thy
398            end
399          else (Feedback.informStr (0,
400                    "Ignoring initialisations of modified globals (if any)");
401                thy)
402      open TermsTypes
403      val (globty, styargs) = let
404        val globty0 = Type(Sign.intern_type thy
405                                            NameGeneration.global_rcd_name, [])
406        val globty = expand_tyabbrevs (thy2ctxt thy) globty0
407        val statetype0 =
408            Type(Sign.intern_type thy NameGeneration.local_rcd_name, [globty])
409        val statetype = expand_tyabbrevs (thy2ctxt thy) statetype0
410            (* only happens if no local variables, = no functions declared,
411               = pretty bogus
412               (decl_only and bigstruct test cases are like this though) *)
413            handle TYPE _  => alpha
414      in
415        (globty, [statetype, int, StrictC_errortype_ty])
416      end
417      val toTranslate = Option.map (get_callees cse) roots_opt
418      val toTranslate_s =
419          case toTranslate of
420              NONE => "all functions"
421            | SOME set => "functions " ^
422                          String.concatWith ", " (Binaryset.listItems set) ^
423                          " (derived from "^
424                          String.concatWith ", " (valOf roots_opt) ^ ")"
425      val _ =
426          Feedback.informStr (0, "Beginning function translation for " ^
427                    toTranslate_s)
428      val toTranslateP =
429          case toTranslate of
430              NONE => (fn _ => true)
431            | SOME set => (fn s => Binaryset.member(set,s))
432      val fninfo : HPInter.fninfo list = HPInter.mk_fninfo thy cse toTranslateP ast
433      val (nmdefs, thy) = define_function_names fninfo thy
434      val compile_bodies =
435          stmt_translation.define_functions (globty, styargs)
436                                            mungedb
437                                            cse
438                                            fninfo
439                                            rcdinfo
440                                            ms
441      val (loc2, thy) =
442          HPInter.make_function_definitions localename
443                                            cse
444                                            styargs
445                                            (List.rev nmdefs)
446                                            fninfo
447                                            compile_bodies
448                                            globloc
449                                            globs
450                                            thy
451      val thy =
452          if not (Symtab.is_empty (get_defined_functions cse)) then
453            Modifies_Proofs.prove_all_modifies_goals thy cse toTranslateP styargs loc2
454          else thy (* like this is ever going to happen *)
455    in
456      C_Installs.map (fn ss =>
457        {c_filename = s, locale_names = [globloc, loc2],
458          options = (ms, install_typs, install_defs),
459          additional_options = statetylist} :: ss) thy
460    end
461  else
462      C_Installs.map (fn ss =>
463        {c_filename = s, locale_names = [],
464          options = (ms, install_typs, install_defs),
465          additional_options = statetylist} :: ss) thy
466end handle e as TYPE (s,tys,tms) =>
467         (Feedback.informStr (0, s ^ "\n" ^
468                   Int.toString (length tms) ^ " term(s): " ^
469                   String.concatWith
470                       ", "
471                       (map (Syntax.string_of_term @{context}) tms) ^ "\n" ^
472                   Int.toString (length tys) ^ " type(s): "^
473                   String.concatWith
474                       ", "
475                       (map (Syntax.string_of_typ @{context}) tys));
476          raise e)
478fun install_C_file args thy =
479    thy |> install_C_file0 args
480        |> Config.put_global CalculateState.current_C_filename ""
482(* for interactive debugging/testing *)
483fun interactive_install s thy =
484  install_C_file ((((NONE, NONE), NONE), s), NONE) thy
485  handle TYPE (s,tys,tms) =>
486         (Feedback.informStr (0, s ^ "\n" ^
487                   Int.toString (length tms) ^ " term(s): " ^
488                   String.concatWith
489                       ", "
490                       (map (Syntax.string_of_term @{context}) tms) ^ "\n" ^
491                   Int.toString (length tys) ^ " type(s): "^
492                   String.concatWith
493                       ", "
494                       (map (Syntax.string_of_typ @{context}) tys));
495          thy);
498fun install_C_types s thy = let
499  open CalculateState ProgramAnalysis
500  val ast = get_Csyntax thy s
501  val (_, cse) =
502      process_decls {
503        anon_vars = Config.get_global thy use_anon_vars,
504        allow_underscore_idents = Config.get_global thy allow_underscore_idents,
505        munge_info_fname = NONE,
506        owners = []} ast
507  val (thy, _) = mk_thy_types cse true thy
509  thy
512fun gen_umm_types_file inputfile outputfile thy = let
513  open ProgramAnalysis
514  val ast = get_Csyntax thy inputfile
515  val (_, cse) =
516      process_decls {
517        anon_vars = Config.get_global thy use_anon_vars,
518        allow_underscore_idents = Config.get_global thy allow_underscore_idents,
519        munge_info_fname = NONE,
520        owners = []} ast
521  val _ = CalculateState.gen_umm_types_file cse outputfile
523  thy
526val memsafeN = "memsafe"
527val typesN = "c_types"
528val defsN = "c_defs"
529val mtypN = "machinety"
530val ghosttypN = "ghostty"
531val rootsN = "roots"
534  structure P = Parse
535  structure K = Keyword
537fun new_include s thy = C_Includes.map (fn sl => mk_thy_relative thy s::sl) thy
539val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "new_C_include_dir"}
540                            "add a directory to the include path"
541                            (P.text >> (Toplevel.theory o new_include))
543val file_inclusion = let
544  val typoptions =
545      P.reserved mtypN |-- (P.$$$ "=" |-- P.text >> MachineState) ||
546      P.reserved ghosttypN |-- (P.$$$ "=" |-- P.text >> GhostState) ||
547      P.reserved rootsN |-- (P.$$$ "=" |-- (P.$$$ "[" |-- P.enum1 "," P.text --| P.$$$ "]") >> CRoots)
549    ((Scan.option (P.$$$ memsafeN)) --
550     (Scan.option (P.$$$ typesN)) --
551     (Scan.option (P.$$$ defsN)) -- P.text --
552     (Scan.option
553          (P.$$$ "[" |-- P.enum1 "," typoptions --| P.$$$ "]"))) >>
554    (Toplevel.theory o install_C_file)
557val _ =
558    Outer_Syntax.command
559      @{command_keyword "install_C_file"}
560      "import a C file"
561      file_inclusion
563val _ =
564    Outer_Syntax.command
565      @{command_keyword "install_C_types"}
566      "install types from a C file"
567      (P.text >> (Toplevel.theory o install_C_types))
571end; (* struct *)