2 * Copyright 2014, NICTA
3 *
4 * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
5 * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
6 * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
7 *
9 *)
11(* interface to Norbert Schirmer's Hoare Package code *)
12structure HPfninfo =
15  type t = {fname : string,
16            inparams : (string * typ * int Absyn.ctype option) list,
17            outparams : (string * typ * int Absyn.ctype) list,
18            body : Absyn.ext_decl HoarePackage.bodykind option,
19            spec : (string * Element.context) list,
20            mod_annotated_protop : bool,
21            recursivep : bool}
25signature HPINTER =
28  type csenv = ProgramAnalysis.csenv
29  type fninfo = HPfninfo.t
30  val globalsN : string
31  val asm_to_string : (term -> string) -> ('typ,term,'fact) Element.ctxt -> string
32  val mk_fninfo : theory -> csenv -> (string -> bool) ->
33                  Absyn.ext_decl list -> fninfo list
34  val make_function_definitions :
35      string ->                  (* name of locale where definitions will live *)
36      csenv ->                   (* result of ProgramAnalysis over declarations *)
37      typ list ->                (* type arguments to state type operator *)
38      thm list ->                (* theorems defining names of functions *)
39      fninfo list ->             (* result of mk_fninfo above *)
40      (Absyn.ext_decl list -> Proof.context -> (string * term * term) list) ->
41                                 (* compilation/translation function *)
42      string ->                  (* name of globals locale *)
43      (typ,'a,'b) Element.ctxt list ->
44                                 (* globals living in the globals locale *)
45      theory ->
46      (string * theory)
51structure HPInter : HPINTER =
54type fninfo = HPfninfo.t
55type csenv = ProgramAnalysis.csenv
57(* make function information - perform a preliminary analysis on the
58   abstract syntax to extract function names, parameters and specifications *)
59fun mk_fninfo thy csenv includeP decllist : fninfo list = let
60  open Absyn NameGeneration
61  (* don't fold top-level declarations into the table again: the program
62     analysis that built the csenv in the first place will have already
63     grabbed this *)
64  fun toInclude (FnDefn((_, fname), _, _, _)) = includeP (node fname)
65    | toInclude _ = false
66  val table = List.foldl
67                (fn (d, tab) => if toInclude d then
68                                  ProgramAnalysis.update_hpfninfo0 d tab
69                                else tab)
70                (ProgramAnalysis.get_hpfninfo csenv)
71                decllist
72  fun parse_spec fname fspec =
73      case fspec of
74        fnspec spec => let
75          val toklist = Token.explode (Thy_Header.get_keywords thy) Position.none (node spec)
76                        (* it might be nice to remember where the spec came
77                           from so we could put in a reasonable pos'n above *)
78          val filtered = List.filter Token.is_proper toklist
79          val eof = Token.stopper
80          val nameproplist = valOf (Scan.read eof
81                                              HoarePackage.proc_specs
82                                              filtered)
83                             handle Option =>
84                               raise Fail ("Failed to scan spec for "^fname)
85          fun nprop2Assume (name, prop) =
86              ((Binding.name name, []), [(prop, [])])
87        in
88          [("", Element.Assumes (map nprop2Assume nameproplist))]
89        end
90      | fn_modifies slist => let
91          val mgoal = Modifies_Proofs.gen_modify_goalstring csenv fname slist
92        in
93          [("", Element.Assumes [((Binding.name (fname ^ "_modifies"), []),
94                                  [(mgoal, [])])])]
95        end
96      | didnt_translate => []
97      | gcc_attribs _ => []
98      | relspec _ => [] (* fixme *)
99  fun parse_specs fname fspecs =
100      List.concat (map (parse_spec fname) fspecs)
101  fun mk_ret rettype =
102      if rettype = Void then []
103      else [(MString.dest (return_var_name rettype),
104             CalculateState.ctype_to_typ (thy, rettype),
105             rettype)]
106  fun to_param vi = let
107    open CalculateState ProgramAnalysis
108    val cty = get_vi_type vi
109    val typ = ctype_to_typ (thy,cty)
110  in
111    (MString.dest (get_mname vi), typ, SOME cty)
112  end
113  fun foldthis (_, d) acc =
114      case d of
115        FnDefn((_ (* retty *),fname_w), _ (* inparams *), prepost, _ (* body *)) => let
116          open HoarePackage CalculateState ProgramAnalysis
117          val fname = node fname_w
118          val rettype = valOf (get_rettype fname csenv)
119        in
120          {fname = fname,
121           inparams = map to_param (valOf (get_params fname csenv))
122                      handle Option =>
123                        raise Fail ("mk_fninfo: No function information for "^
124                                    fname),
125           outparams = mk_ret rettype,
126           recursivep = is_recursivefn csenv fname,
127           body = SOME (BodyTerm d), spec = parse_specs fname prepost,
128           mod_annotated_protop = false}
129          ::
130          acc
131        end
132      | Decl d0 => let
133        in
134          case node d0 of
135            ExtFnDecl { name, specs, params = _, rettype = _ } => let
136              open CalculateState ProgramAnalysis
137              val fname = node name
138              val params = map to_param (valOf (get_params fname csenv))
139                  handle Option =>
140                         raise Fail ("mk_fninfo: No function information for "^
141                                     fname)
142              val rettype = valOf (get_rettype fname csenv)
143              val _ = Feedback.informStr (0, "Added external decl for " ^
144                               fname ^ " with " ^ Int.toString (length params) ^
145                               " args.")
146              val spec = parse_specs fname specs
147              val mod_annotated_protop = isSome (get_modifies csenv fname)
148              val body = NONE
149            in
150              {fname = fname,
151               inparams = params, recursivep = false,
152               outparams = mk_ret rettype, body = body,
153               spec = spec, mod_annotated_protop = mod_annotated_protop}
154              ::
155              acc
156            end
157          | _ => acc
158        end
160  Symtab.fold foldthis table []
163fun extract_element_asms e =
164    case e of
165      Element.Assumes asms =>
166        map (fn (nm, [(t,_)]) => (nm, t)
167              | _ => raise Fail "extract_element_term: malformed Assumes") asms
168    | _ => raise Fail "extract_element_term: malformed element"
170fun mkSpecFunction thy gloc cse styargs (f : fninfo) = let
171  open TermsTypes
172  val {fname,...} = f
173  val state_ty = hd styargs
174  val ctxt = thy2ctxt thy
175  val mods = fname |> ProgramAnalysis.get_modifies cse
176                   |> valOf |> Binaryset.listItems
177  val s = Free("s", state_ty)
178  val t = Free("t", state_ty)
179  val relbody = Modifies_Proofs.gen_modify_body thy state_ty s t mods
180  val collect_t = mk_collect_t (mk_prod_ty (state_ty, state_ty))
181  fun typedterm t =
182    Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ " :: " ^
183    Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (type_of t)
184  fun appi f l = let
185    fun recurse i l = case l of [] => () | h::t => (f i h; recurse (i + 1) t)
186  in
187    recurse 0 l
188  end
190  fun parse_spec thy (_, e) = let
191    val lnm_strs = extract_element_asms e
192    fun innermap thy (((speclocalename_b,_), tstr)) = let
193      val speclocalename = Binding.name_of speclocalename_b
194        (* jump into an lthy corresponding to globloc to parse the tstr; this lthy
195           is dropped and not used again *)
196      val lthy = Named_Target.init gloc thy
197      val tm = Syntax.read_term lthy tstr
198      val (vs, body) = strip_forall tm
199      val PQopt =
200        case body of
201          Const(@{const_name "hoarep"}, _) $ _ (* gamma *) $ _ $_ $ P $ _ $ Q $ _ =>
202            if String.isSuffix "modifies" speclocalename then NONE
203            else SOME (P,Q)
204        | _ =>
205            let
206              val (f, args) = strip_comb tm
207              val cstr = case f of Const(s, _) => "const: "^s
208                                 | Free(s, _) => "free: "^s
209                                 | _ => "huh?"
210            in
211              raise Fail ("parse_spec: bad specification " ^ speclocalename ^ " : " ^
212                          Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t ^ "\n(" ^
213                          cstr ^ " applied to " ^
214                          Int.toString (length args) ^ " arguments)")
215            end
216    in
217      case PQopt of
218        NONE => NONE
219      | SOME (P0, Q0) =>
220        let
221          val _ = appi (fn n => fn v =>
222                        Feedback.informStr(0, "var#"^Int.toString n^" "^typedterm v)) vs
223          val elty0 = dest_set_type (type_of P0)
224          val sigma = valOf (TermsTypes.match_type_frees{pattern = elty0, m = state_ty})
225                      handle Option => raise Fail "Couldn't match state types"
226          val ptype = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt
227          fun foldthis (ty1, ty2) acc = (ptype ty1 ^ " |-> " ^ ptype ty2) :: acc
228          val sigma_elts0 = TypTable.fold foldthis sigma []
229          val sigma_elts = String.concatWith ", " sigma_elts0
230          val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "Sigma = " ^ sigma_elts)
231          val P1 = subst_frees sigma P0
232          val Q1 = subst_frees sigma Q0
233          val vs = map (subst_frees sigma) vs
234          val s = variant vs s
235          val t = variant vs t
236          val P2 = List.foldr (fn (v, t) => unbeta{bv=v,body=t}) P1 vs
237          val Q2 = List.foldr (fn (v, t) => unbeta{bv=v,body=t}) Q1 vs
238          val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "P2 : " ^ typedterm P2)
239          val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "Q2 : " ^ typedterm Q2)
240          val P = list_mk_comb(P2, vs)
241          val Q = list_mk_comb(Q2, vs)
243          val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "P : " ^ typedterm P)
244          val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "Q : " ^ typedterm Q)
245          val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "s : " ^ typedterm s)
246          val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "t : " ^ typedterm t)
247          val body_imp = list_mk_forall(vs, mk_imp(mk_IN(s,P), mk_IN(t,Q)))
248          val Pexists = list_mk_exists(vs, mk_IN(s,P))
249          val res = collect_t $ list_mk_pabs([s,t], mk_conj(body_imp, Pexists))
250          val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "Type of PQ combo: " ^ ptype (type_of res))
251        in
252          SOME res
253        end
254    end
255  in
256    List.mapPartial (innermap thy) lnm_strs
257  end
259  val mod_spec = collect_t $ list_mk_pabs([s,t], relbody)
260  val _ = Feedback.informStr(0, "modstr : " ^ typedterm mod_spec)
261  val otherspecs = List.concat (map (parse_spec thy) (#spec f))
262  val fbody =
263    if null otherspecs then
264      mk_Spec(styargs, mod_spec)
265    else
266      let
267        val _ = appi (fn n => fn t => Feedback.informStr(0,
268                       "spec#" ^ Int.toString n ^ ": " ^ typedterm t)) otherspecs
269        val spec_t = List.foldl mk_inter mod_spec otherspecs
270      in
271        Const(@{const_name "guarded_spec_body"},
272                    @{typ "strictc_errortype"} --> type_of spec_t -->
273                    mk_com_ty styargs) $ @{const "ImpossibleSpec"}  $ spec_t
274      end
276  (fname, fbody, fbody)
280(* compile bodies - turn a list of AST values into a term list *)
281fun compile_fninfos globloc cse styargs compfn lthy (fninfo : fninfo list) = let
282  open HoarePackage
283  fun partition (acc as (asts,specs)) fns =
284      case fns of
285        [] => (List.rev asts, specs)
286      | {body = SOME (BodyTerm x),...} :: t => partition (x::asts,specs) t
287      | (i as {mod_annotated_protop = true, ...}) :: t =>
288          partition (asts,i::specs) t
289      | _ :: t => partition acc t
290  val (asts,toSpec) = partition ([],[]) fninfo
292  compfn asts lthy @
293  map (mkSpecFunction (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy) globloc cse styargs) toSpec
296fun rhs_extras rhs =
297    Term.fold_aterms
298        (fn v as Free _ => insert (op aconv) v | _ => I)
299        rhs
300        [];
302fun extract_fixes elems = let
303  open Element
304  fun fix2term (n,tyopt,_) =
305      case tyopt of
306        NONE => NONE
307      | SOME ty => SOME (Free(Binding.name_of n,ty))
308  fun recurse elems =
309      case elems of
310        [] => []
311      | Fixes fs::rest => List.mapPartial fix2term fs @ recurse rest
312      | _ :: rest => recurse rest
314  recurse elems
317fun create_bodyloc_elems globs thy (name, body_t, body_stripped_t) =
319  val rhs_vars0 = rhs_extras body_t
321  (* Library.subtract has arguments in wrong order - sheesh! *)
322  val rhs_vars = subtract (op aconv) globs rhs_vars0
324  fun mk_rhs(nm, vars, t) = let
325    val t0 = TermsTypes.list_mk_abs (vars, t)
326  in
327    (nm, Term.map_types (Sign.certify_typ thy) t0)
328  end
330  val eqt_stripped = mk_rhs(name ^ "_body", [], body_stripped_t)
331  val eqt = mk_rhs(name ^ (if null rhs_vars then "_body" else "_invs_body"),
332                   rhs_vars, body_t)
333  fun eqn_to_definfo (nm, t) = let
334    val b = Binding.name nm
335  in
336    ((b, NoSyn), ((Thm.def_binding b, []), t))
337  end
338  val elems =
339      if null rhs_vars then [eqn_to_definfo eqt]
340      else [eqn_to_definfo eqt_stripped, eqn_to_definfo eqt]
341  type lthy_def_info = (binding * mixfix) * (Attrib.binding * term)
343  (elems : lthy_def_info list,
344   (name, if null rhs_vars then body_t else body_stripped_t))
347val globalsN = "_global_addresses"
348fun add_syntax (name,recp,inpars,outpars) thy = let
349  open HoarePackage
350  val name = suffix HoarePackage.proc_deco name
351  val pars = map (fn par => (In,varname par)) inpars@
352             map (fn par => (Out,varname par)) outpars
354  val thy_decl =
355      thy |> Context.theory_map (add_params Morphism.identity name pars)
356          |> Context.theory_map
357              (add_state_kind Morphism.identity name HoarePackage.Record)
358          |> (if recp then
359                Context.theory_map (add_recursive Morphism.identity name)
360              else (fn x => x))
362  thy_decl
365fun asm_to_string tmw e =
366    case e of
367      Element.Assumes asms => let
368        fun asm_element pfx ((nm, _ (*attrs*)), ttmlist) =
369            pfx ^ Binding.name_of nm ^ ": " ^
370            commas (map (tmw o #1) ttmlist) ^ "\n"
371      in
372        "Assumes:" ^ (if length asms = 1 then
373                        " " ^ String.concat (map (asm_element "") asms)
374                      else
375                        "\n" ^ String.concat (map (asm_element "  ") asms))
376      end
377    | Element.Fixes stysynlist =>
378        "Fixes: " ^ commas (map (Binding.name_of o #1) stysynlist) ^ "\n"
379    | _ => "??\n"
382(* The following is modelled on the code in HoarePackage.procedures_definition
384fun make_function_definitions localename
385                              (cse : ProgramAnalysis.csenv)
386                              (styargs : typ list)
387                              (nmdefs : thm list)
388                              (fninfo : fninfo list)
389                              compfn
390                              globloc
391                              globals_elems
392                              thy =
394  open HoarePackage
395  val localename_b = Binding.name localename
396  val thy = thy |> Context.theory_map (HoarePackage.set_default_state_kind
397                                       HoarePackage.Record)
398  val name_pars =
399      map (fn {fname,inparams,outparams,recursivep,...} =>
400                (fname, recursivep, map #1 inparams, map #1 outparams))
401          fninfo
402  val name_specs = map (fn {fname,spec,...} => (fname,spec)) fninfo
403  val thy = List.foldr (uncurry add_syntax) thy name_pars
404  val lthy = Named_Target.init globloc thy
405  val name_body = compile_fninfos globloc cse styargs compfn lthy fninfo
406  val _ = Feedback.informStr (0, "Translated all functions")
407  val globs = extract_fixes globals_elems
409  val body_elems = map (create_bodyloc_elems globs thy) name_body
411  fun add_body_defs ((elems, _ (* name-body *)), lthy) = let
412    fun foldthis (e, lthy) = let
413      val _ = Feedback.informStr (0, "Adding body_def for " ^ Binding.name_of (#1 (#1 e)))
414    in
415      Local_Theory.reset (#2 (Local_Theory.define e lthy))
416    end
417  in
418    List.foldl foldthis lthy elems
419  end
420  val lthy = List.foldl add_body_defs lthy body_elems
421  val thy = Local_Theory.exit_global lthy
423  (* set up _impl by defining \<Gamma> *)
424  val thy =
425      if List.exists (isSome o #body) fninfo then let
426          val lthy = Named_Target.init globloc thy
427          fun get_body fni = let
428            val nm = #fname fni
429          in
430            case (#body fni, #mod_annotated_protop fni) of
431              (NONE, false) => NONE
432            | _ => let
433                val realnm =
434                    Consts.intern (Proof_Context.consts_of lthy) (nm ^ "_body")
435              in
436                SOME (Syntax.check_term lthy (Const(realnm, dummyT)))
437              end
438          end
439          (* name for thm, (proc constant, body constant) *)
440          val (_, lthy) = StaticFun.define_tree_and_thms_with_defs
441              @{binding \<Gamma>} (map (suffix HoarePackage.implementationN o #fname) fninfo)
442              nmdefs (map get_body fninfo) @{term "id :: int => int"} lthy
443        in
444          Local_Theory.exit_global lthy
445        end
446      else thy
448  val globloc_expr = ([(globloc, (("", false), (Expression.Named [], [])))], [])
450  (* three levels of folding - woohoo *)
451  fun add_spec_locales ((name,specs), (localemap, thy)) = let
452    (* add any spec locales *)
453    fun foldthis ((_, e), (localemap, thy)) = let
454      val lnm_strs = extract_element_asms e
455      fun innerfold (((speclocalename_b,_), tstr), (localemap, thy)) = let
456        val speclocalename = Binding.name_of speclocalename_b
457        (* jump into an lthy corresponding to globloc to parse the tstr; this lthy
458           is dropped and not used again *)
459        val lthy = Named_Target.init globloc thy
460        val t = Syntax.read_term lthy tstr
461        val _ = Feedback.informStr (0, "Adding spec locale "^speclocalename^
462                         (if speclocalename = "" then "" else " ")^
463                         "for function "^name ^ " (" ^ tstr ^ ")")
464        val e' = Element.Assumes [((speclocalename_b,[]),
465                                   [(TermsTypes.mk_prop t, [])])]
466        val speclocalename_b = Binding.map_name
467                                   (fn s => if s = "" then
468                                              suffix HoarePackage.specL name
469                                            else s)
470                                   speclocalename_b
471        val (locname, ctxt') =
472            Expression.add_locale
473                speclocalename_b
474                speclocalename_b
475                globloc_expr
476                [e']
477                thy
478        (* localename is the name we wanted, locname is the name Isabelle
479           gives back to us.  This will be properly qualified yadda yadda *)
480      in
481        (Symtab.update (speclocalename, locname) localemap,
482         Local_Theory.exit_global ctxt')
483      end
484    in
485      List.foldl innerfold (localemap,thy) lnm_strs
486    end
487    val (speclocnames,thy) = List.foldl foldthis (localemap, thy) specs
488  in
489    (speclocnames, thy)
490  end
491  val (_ (* specloc_names *), thy) =
492      List.foldl add_spec_locales (Symtab.empty, thy) name_specs
494  val (globloc, ctxt) =
495      Expression.add_locale localename_b localename_b globloc_expr [] thy
498  (globloc, Local_Theory.exit_global ctxt)
502end (* struct *)