1%%% This file has been automatically converted from "defs-src.bib"
2%%% on Mon 5 Jul 2010 13:23:44 EST to contain full definitions
3%%% for bibliography files.
5%%% Converted text follows after this line:
8 This file contains common definitions for bibliography files.
9 Every \bibliography command should list this file first.
11 Do not sort this file, instead keep the address, journal and proceedings
12 strings separated.
13 HOWEVER, week strings sorted within the groups (or risk making Gernot angry!)
18% You can now define strings with an optional argument which is the
19% abbreviated version of the string. For example, the definition
20% @string{blah= jan#" Bartender Conference"}
21% will appear as
22% @string{blah="BAR"}
23% in defs-abbrev.bib while it will appear as
24% @string{blah=jan#" Bartender Conference"}
25% in defs.bib. This lets you avoid the automatic abbrev generation in
26% cases where it does the wrong thing.
30 Written by Gernot Heiser <G.Heiser%unsw.edu.au> 1991-08-19
31 $\relax$Id$\relax$
36 The following definition is for tricky sorting cases. Say you have
37 two related entries, from different years (1971 and
38 1973) and for some reason want them to appear in a
39 sorted bibliography in the inverse order of the
40 "year" field. You could then use the following:
42 year = "{\noopsort{a}}1973}"
43 and
45 year = "{\noopsort{b}}1971}"}
47@preamble{ "\providecommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "}
48@preamble{ "\providecommand{\url}{\error{The bib files now require the `url' package!}}"}
53@comment{Strings denoting organizations/addresses:}
55@string{acm = "ACM"}
56@string{addwes = "Addison-Wesley"}
57@string{afips = "AFIPS"}
58@string{iee = "IEE"}
59@string{ieee = "IEEE"}
60@string{ieeecs = ieee#" Computer Society"}
61@string{ieeecsp = ieee#" Computer Society Press"}
62@string{ieice = "IEICE"}
63@string{iere = "Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers"}
64@string{kap = "Kluwer Academic Publishers"}
65@string{sv = "Springer--Verlag"}
66@string{tapa = "TAPA"}
67@string{ukuug = "UKUUG"}
68@string{usenix = "USENIX"}
70@string{nicta = "NICTA"}
71@string{nictaadr = "Sydney, Australia"}
72@string{nictaaffil = nicta#", "#nictaadr}
73@string{ertos = "Embedded, Real-Time and Operating Systems Program"}
74@string{ertos_n = ertos#", "#nicta}
75@string{unsw = "University of NSW"}
76@string{unswadr = unsw#", Sydney 2052, Australia"}
77@string{cse = "School of Computer Science and Engineering"}
78@string{cseadr = cse#", "#unswadr}
79@string{cseaffil = cseadr}
80@string{dtj = "Digital Technical Journal"}
81@string{disy_url = "\url{http://www.disy.cse.unsw.edu.au/}"}
82@string{l4_url = "\url{http://www.disy.cse.unsw.edu.au/Software/L4}"}
83@string{mungi_url = "\url{http://mungi.org/}"}
84@string{papers_url = "publications page at "#disy_url}
85@string{eecs = "School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science"}
86@string{ee = "School of Electrical Engineering"}
87@string{usyd = "University of Sydney"}
88@string{usydaddr = usyd#", Sydney 2006, Australia"}
89@string{eie = "Electrical and Information Engineering"}
90@string{eieaddr = eie#", "#usydaddr}
93@comment{Strings denoting journals/magazines:}
95@string{acj = "The Australian Computer Journal"}
96@string{acmcs = acm#" Computing Surveys"}
97@string{acmqueue = "ACM Queue"}
98@string{adal = acm#" Ada Letters"}
99@string{advphy = "Advances in Physics"}
100@string{aeep = "Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics"}
101@string{ap = "Applied Physics"}
102@string{apa = ap#" A"}
103@string{apl = "Applied Physics Letters"}
104@string{ase = "Automated Software Engineering"}
105@string{bit = "BIT"}
106@string{bstj = "The Bell System Technical Journal"}
107@string{byte = "Byte"}
108@string{c = "Cryogenics"}
109@string{cacm = "Communications of the "#acm}
110@string{can = "Computer Architecture News"}
111@string{ccr = "Computer Communication Review"}
112@string{cgraph = "Computer Graphics"}
113@string{cjp = "Canadian Journal of Physics"}
114@string{cmame = "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering"}
115@string{cnet = "Computer Networks"}
116@string{cnis = "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems"}
117@string{comcom = "Computer Communications"}
118@string{comp = "IEEE Computer"}
119@string{conc = "IEEE Concurrency"}
120@string{compj = "The Computer Journal"}
121@string{cpe = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience"}
122@string{csse = "Computer Systems Science \& Engineering"}
123@string{compsys = "Computing Systems"}
124@string{ddj = "Dr.\ Dobb's Journal"}
125@string{dico = "Distributed Computing"}
126@string{dse = "Distributed Systems Engineering Journal"}
127@string{ec = "Embedded.Com"}
128@string{ecj = "Electronics and Communications in Japan"}
129@string{ecj2 = ecj#", Part 2: Electronics"}
130@string{ecsm = "Extended Abstracts of the Electrochemical Society"}
131@string{el = "Europhysics Letters"}
132@string{electronics = "Electronics"}
133@string{emse = "Empirical Software Engineering"}
134@string{entcs = "Electronic Notes in Computer Science"}
135@string{escar = "Embedded Security in Cars Conference (escar)"}
136@string{escar05 = "3rd "#escar}
137@string{escar08 = "6th "#escar}
138@string{etj = "Embedded Technology Journal"}
139@string{we = "Electronics World"}
140@string{f = "Festk{\"o}rperprobleme"}
141@string{fgcs = "Future Generation Computer Systems"}
142@string{hr = "Hitachi Review"}
143@string{ibmjrd = "IBM Journal of Research and Development"}
144@string{ibmsj = "IBM Systems Journal"}
145@string{ibmtech = "IBM Technical Disclosures Bulletin"}
146@string{ieeetcos = ieee#" Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments"}
147@string{ieeeedl = ieee#" Electron Device Letters"}
148@string{ieeeic = ieee#" Internet Computing"}
149@string{ieeesac = ieee#" Journal on Selected Areas in Communications"}
150@string{ieeepdt = ieee#" Parallel and Distributed Technology"}
151@string{ieeepc = ieee#" Pervasive Computing"}
152@string{ieeesw = ieee#" Software"}
153@string{ieeetc = ieee#" Transactions on Computers"}
154@string{ieeetcad = ieee#" Transactions on CAD ICAS"}
155@string{ieeetcom = ieee#" Transactions on Communications"}
156@string{ieeeted = ieee#" Transactions on Electron Devices"}
157@string{ieeetedl = ieeeted#" Letters"}
158@string{ieeetit = ieee#" Transactions on Information Theory"}
159@string{ieeetkde = ieee#" Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering"}
160@string{ieeetns = ieee#" Transactions on Nuclear Science"}
161@string{ieeetpds = ieee#" Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems"}
162@string{ieeetose = ieee#" Transactions on Software Engineering"}
163@string{ieeetvlsis = ieee#" Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems"}
164@string{ieep = "IEE Proceedings"}
165@string{ieepsw = ieep#": Software"}
166@string{ieicete = ieice#" Transactions on Electronics"}
167@string{ietm = "IET Magazine"}
168@string{ip = "Information Processing"}
169@string{itc = "Intel Technology Journal"}
170@string{ijpc = "International Journal on Parallel Computing"}
171@string{ijes = "International Journal on Embedded Systems"}
172@string{ijssc = ieee#" Journal Solid-State Circuits"}
173@string{ijssc = ieee#" Journal Solid-State Circuits"}
174@string{ijhsc = "International Journal of High-Speed Computing"}
175@string{ijnme = "International Journal of Numerical Methods in Eng."}
176@string{ijsttt = "International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer"}
177@string{ijsca = "International Journal of Supercomputer Applications"}
178@string{ibmdscl = "IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin"}
179@string{ibmjrd = "IBM Journal for Research and Development"}
180@string{iretec = "IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers"}
181@string{jacm = "Journal of the ACM"}
182@string{jal = "Journal of Algorithms"}
183@string{jap = "Journal of Applied Physics"}
184@string{japl = jap#" Letters"}
185@string{jar = "Journal of Automated Reasoning"}
186@string{jarosv = jar#": Special Issue on Operating System Verification"}
187@string{jcphys = "Journal of Computational Physics"}
188@string{jcs = "Journal of Computer Security"}
189@string{jecs = "Journal of the Electrochemical Society"}
190@string{jem = "Journal of Electronic Materials"}
191@string{jjap = "Japanese Journal of Applied Physics"}
192@string{jncs = "Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids"}
193@string{joop = "Journal of Object Orientation"}
194@string{jp = "Journal of Physics"}
195@string{jpdc = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing"}
196@string{jpd = jp#" D: Applied Physics"}
197@string{jpcs = "Journal of Physis and Chemistry of Solids"}
198@string{jpsj = "Journal of the Physical Society of Japan"}
199@string{jsac = ieee#" Journal of Selected Areas in Communications"}
200@string{jss = "Journal of Systems and Software"}
201@string{kaprts = "Journal of Real--Time Systems"}
202@string{login = "USENIX ;login:"}
203@string{mathcomp = "Mathematics of Computation"}
204@string{me = "Microelectronic Engineering"}
205@string{meje = "Microelectronics Journal"}
206@string{micro = "IEEE Micro"}
207@string{mhdl = "Mobile Handset Design Line"}
208@string{mpms = "Microprocessors and Microsystems"}
209@string{nummath = "Numerische Mathematik"}
210@string{nsdi = "Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation"}
211@string{oops = "OOPS Messenger"}
212@string{osr = acm#" Operating Systems Review"}
213@string{pc = "Parallel Computing"}
214@string{piee = "Proceedings of the "#iee}
215@string{pieee = "Proceedings of the "#ieee}
216@string{ppsl = "Proceedings of the Physical Society London"}
217@string{prsl = "Proceedings of the Royal Society London"}
218@string{per = "Performance Evaluation Review"}
219@string{pipv = "Progress in Photovoltaics"}
220@string{pm = "Philosophical Magazine"}
221@string{pml = "Philosophical Magazine Letters"}
222@string{pr = "Physical Review"}
223@string{pra = pr#" A"}
224@string{prb = pr#" B"}
225@string{prc = pr#" C"}
226@string{prd = pr#" D"}
227@string{pre = pr#" E"}
228@string{prl = pr#" Letters"}
229@string{ps = "Progress in Semiconductors"}
230@string{pss = "Physica Status Solidi"}
231@string{ptp = "Progress in Theoretical Physics"}
232@string{rdj = "Research Disclosure Journal"}
233@string{rmp = "Reviews of Modern Physics"}
234@string{rpp = "Reports on Progress in Physics"}
235@string{sa = "Scientific American"}
236@string{sc = "Solar Cells"}
237@string{sem = "Solar Energy Materials"}
238@string{semsc = "Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells"}
239@string{si = "Semiconductor International"}
240@string{simax = "SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications"}
241@string{sisc = "SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing"}
242@string{sissc = "SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing"}
243@string{sina = "SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis"}
244@string{siemens = "Siemens Research and Development Reports"}
245@string{signum = acm#" SIGNUM Newsletter"}
246@string{sigplan = "SIGPLAN Notices"}
247@string{sigplanlp = "SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers"}
248@string{sigsmall = acm#" SIGSMALL Newsletter"}
249@string{sp = "Soviet Physics"}
250@string{spe = "Software: Practice and Experience"}
251@string{sps = "Soviet Physics of Semiconductors"}
252@string{spss = "Soviet Physics - Solid State"}
253@string{ssc = "Solid State Communications"}
254@string{sse = "Solid-State Electronics"}
255@string{ssp = "Solid-State Phenomena"}
256@string{tcos = ieee#" Technical Committee on Operating Systems Newsletter"}
257@string{tecs = acm#" Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems"}
258@string{tocs = acm#" Transactions on Computer Systems"}
259@string{tods = acm#" Transactions on Database Systems"}
260@string{toecs = tecs}
261@string{tomacs = acm#" Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation"}
262@string{tonw = ieee#"/"#acm#" Transactions on Networking"}
263@string{topls = acm#" Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"}
264@string{vldbj = "VLDB Journal"}
265@string{zamm = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik"}
266@string{zfp = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Physik"}
269@comment{Strings denoting series:}
271@string{lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}
274@comment{Strings denoting conferences ("booktitles"):}
276@comment{Proceedings "a":}
277@string{proc = "Proceedings of the "}
278@string{procv = "Proceedings of "}
279@string{digest = " Digest of Technical Papers"}
281@string{acsac = "Australasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference"}
282@comment{old names, intentionally out of alpha order:}
283@string{acac = "Australasian Computer Architecture Conference"}
284@string{apcsac = "Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference"}
285@string{acac96 = proc#"1st "#acac}
286@string{acac97 = proc#"2nd "#acac}
287@string{acac98 = proc#"3rd "#acac}
288@string{acac99 = proc#"4th "#acac}
289@string{acac00 = proc#"5th "#acac}
290@string{acsac01 = proc#"6th "#acsac}
291@string{acsac02 = proc#"7th "#apcsac}
292@string{acsac03 = proc#"8th "#apcsac}
293@string{acsac04 = proc#"9th "#apcsac}
294@string{acsac08 = proc#"13th IEEE "#apcsac}
295@string{acsac_ = "Annual Computer Security Applications Conference"}
296@string{acsac_03 = "19th "#acsac_}
297@string{acsac_04 = "20ty "#acsac_}
298@string{acsac_05 = "21st "#acsac_}
299@string{acsac_07 = proc#"23rd "#acsac_}
300@string{acsc = "Australasian Computer Science Conference"}
301@comment{old name, intentionally out of alpha order:}
302@string{acc = "Australasian Computer Conference"}
303@string{acc78 = proc#"8th "#acc}
304@string{acsc88 = proc#"11th "#acsc}
305@string{acsc89 = proc#"12th "#acsc}
306@string{acsc90 = proc#"13th "#acsc}
307@string{acsc91 = proc#"14th "#acsc}
308@string{acsc92 = proc#"15th "#acsc}
309@string{acsc93 = proc#"16th "#acsc}
310@string{acsc94 = proc#"17th "#acsc}
311@string{acsc95 = proc#"18th "#acsc}
312@string{acsc96 = proc#"19th "#acsc}
313@string{acsc97 = proc#"20th "#acsc}
314@string{acsc98 = proc#"21st "#acsc}
315@string{acsc99 = proc#"22nd "#acsc}
316@string{adc = "Australasian Database Conference"}
317@string{adc05 = proc#"16th "#adc}
318@string{adcom = "International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication"}
319@string{adcom07 = proc#"15th "#adcom}
320@string{afipsp = afips#" Conference Proceedings, "}
321@string{afipsjcc = "Joint Computer Conference"}
322@string{afipsncc = "National Computer Conference"}
323@string{afipsjcc61e = afipsp#"1961 Eastern "#afipsjcc}
324@string{afipsjcc65f = afipsp#"1965 Fall "#afipsjcc}
325@string{afipsjcc69f = afipsp#"1969 Fall "#afipsjcc}
326@string{afipsjcc72s = afipsp#"1972 Spring "#afipsjcc}
327@string{afipsncc73 = afipsp#"1973 "#afipsncc}
328@string{afipsncc79 = afipsp#"1979 "#afipsncc}
329@string{aoug = proc#"Australian Occam User Group Conference"}
330@string{apsys = "Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems"}
331@string{apsys10 = proc#"1st "#apsys}
332@string{aptc = "Asia-Pacific Trusted Infrastructure Technologies Conference"}
333@string{aptc08 = proc#"3rd "#aptc}
334@string{aspdac = "Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference"}
335@string{aspdac07 = proc#"12th "#aspdac}
336@string{asplos = "International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems"}
337@string{asplos82 = proc#"1st "#asplos}
338@string{asplos89 = proc#"3rd "#asplos}
339@string{asplos91 = proc#"4th "#asplos}
340@string{asplos92 = proc#"5th "#asplos}
341@string{asplos94 = proc#"6th "#asplos}
342@string{asplos96 = proc#"7th "#asplos}
343@string{asplos98 = proc#"8th "#asplos}
344@string{asplos00 = proc#"9th "#asplos}
345@string{asplos02 = proc#"10th "#asplos}
346@string{asplos04 = proc#"11th "#asplos}
347@string{asplos06 = proc#"12th "#asplos}
348@string{asplos08 = proc#"13th "#asplos}
349@string{auug = "Conference for Unix, Linux and Open Source Professionals"}
350@string{auug06 = proc#" "#auug}
351@string{avocs = "International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems"}
352@string{avocs08 = proc#"8th "#avocs}
354@comment{Proceedings "b":}
355@string{bctm = proc#""#ieee#" Bipolar Circuits and Technology Meeting"}
357@comment{Proceedings "c":}
358@string{cadted = "International Workshop on Computer-Aided Design, Test, and Evaluation for Dependability"}
359@string{cadted96 = proc#" "#cadted}
360@string{cases = " International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems"}
361@string{cases02 = proc#cases}
362@string{cav = " International Conference on Computer Aided Verification"}
363@string{cav07 = proc#"19th "#cav}
364@string{ccgrid = "International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid"}
365@string{ccgrid01 = proc#"1st "#ccgrid}
366@string{ccgrid02 = proc#"2nd "#ccgrid}
367@string{ccgrid03 = proc#"3rd "#ccgrid}
368@string{ccgrid04 = proc#"4th "#ccgrid}
369@string{ccgrid05 = proc#"5th "#ccgrid}
370@string{ccgrid06 = proc#"6th "#ccgrid}
371@string{ccnc = "IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference"}
372@string{ccnc08 = proc#"5th "#ccnc}
373@string{ccnc09 = proc#"6th "#ccnc}
374@string{cxxconf = proc#usenix#" C++ Conference"}
375@string{cicc = ieee#" Custom Integrated Circuits Conference"}
376@string{cluster = ieee#" International Conference on Cluster Computing"}
377@string{cluster04 = proc#"6th "#cluster}
378@string{codes_isss = "International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis"}
379@string{codes_isss03 = proc#"1st "#codes_isss}
380@string{codes_isss05 = proc#"3rd "#codes_isss}
381@string{colcom = "International Conference on Collaborative Computing"}
382@string{colcom05 = proc#"1st "#colcom}
383@string{compcon = "COMPCON"}
384@string{compcon-s = "Spring "#compcon}
385@string{coots = usenix#" Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems"}
386@string{coots98 = proc#"4th "#coots}
387@string{cpld = acm#" Conference on Programming Language Design"}
388@string{cpsc = acm#" Conference on Personal and Small Computers"}
389@string{csaw = acm#" Computer Security Architecture Workshop"}
390@string{csfw = ieee#" Computer Security Foundations Workshop"}
391@string{csfw99 = proc#"12th "#csfw}
392@string{csfw06 = proc#"19th "#csfw}
393@string{csc = acm#" Computer Science Conference"}
395@comment{Proceedings "d":}
396@string{dac = "Design Automation Conference"}
397@string{dac07 = proc#"44th "#dac}
398@string{dasc = ieee#"/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference"}
399@string{dasc08 = proc#"27th "#dasc}
400@string{date = acm#"/"#ieee#" Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe"}
401@string{date03 = proc#"40th "#date}
402@string{date04 = proc#"41st "#date}
403@string{date05 = proc#"42nd "#date}
404@string{date06 = proc#"43rd "#date}
405@string{date07 = proc#"44th "#date}
406@string{date09 = proc#"45th "#date}
407@string{dares = "International Workshop on Distributed Auto-adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems"}
408@string{dcca = " IFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications"}
409@string{dcca92 = proc#"3rd "#dcca}
410@string{drc = "Device Research Conference"}
411@string{dsm06 = ccgrid06}
412@string{dsn = "International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks"}
413@string{dsn04 = proc#" "#dsn}
414@string{dsn05 = proc#" "#dsn}
415@string{dsn07 = proc#"37th "#dsn}
416@string{dsn09 = proc#"39th "#dsn}
418@comment{Proceedings "e":}
419@string{ecoop = "European Conference on Object Oriented Programming"}
420@string{ecoop93 = proc#"7th "#ecoop}
421@string{ecoop94 = proc#"8th "#ecoop}
422@string{ecoop95 = proc#"9th "#ecoop}
423@string{ecoop06 = proc#"20th "#ecoop}
424@string{ecpvsec = "European Communities Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference"}
425@string{ecrts = "Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems"}
426@string{ecrts97 = proc#"9th "#ecrts}
427@string{ecrts98 = proc#"10th "#ecrts}
428@string{ecrts99 = proc#"11th "#ecrts}
429@string{ecrts00 = proc#"12th "#ecrts}
430@string{ecrts01 = proc#"13th "#ecrts}
431@string{ecrts02 = proc#"14th "#ecrts}
432@string{ecrts03 = proc#"15th "#ecrts}
433@string{ecrts04 = proc#"16th "#ecrts}
434@string{ecrts05 = proc#"17th "#ecrts}
435@string{ecrts06 = proc#"18th "#ecrts}
436@string{ecrts07 = proc#"19th "#ecrts}
437@string{ecrts08 = proc#"20th "#ecrts}
438@string{eds = "IEEE Workshop on Experimantal Distributed Systems"}
439@string{eds90 = proc#"IEEE Workshop on Experimental Distributed Systems"}
440@comment{ejcc changed to afipsjccYYe}
441@string{emsoft = "International Conference on Embedded Software"}
442@string{emsoft05 = proc#"5th "#emsoft}
443@string{emsoft06 = proc#"6th "#emsoft}
444@string{emsoft07 = proc#"7th "#emsoft}
445@string{emsoft08 = proc#"8th "#emsoft}
446@string{epsec = "European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference"}
447@string{epsec77 = proc#"1st "#ecpvsec}
448@string{epsec86 = proc#"7th "#ecpvsec}
449@string{epsec88 = proc#"8th "#ecpvsec}
450@string{epsec89 = proc#"9th "#ecpvsec}
451@string{epsec91 = proc#"10th "#ecpvsec}
452@string{epsec92 = proc#"11th "#epsec}
453@string{epsec94 = proc#"12th "#epsec}
454@string{epsec95 = proc#"13th "#epsec}
455@string{epsec97 = proc#"14th "#epsec}
456@string{epsec00 = proc#"16th "#epsec}
457@string{essderc = "Proceedings of ESSDERC"}
458@string{esa = "European Annual Symposium on Algorithms"}
459@string{esa94 = proc#"2nd "#esa}
460@string{esecfse = "joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering"}
461@string{esecfse07 = proc#"6th "#esecfse}
462@string{esop = "European Symposium on Programming"}
463@string{esprit = "Proceedings of ESPRIT"}
464@string{esug = "European Smalltalk User Group Conference"}
465@string{esug04 = proc#"12th "#esug}
466@string{euromicro = "Euromicro Conference"}
467@string{euromicro98 = proc#"24th "#euromicro}
468@string{europar = "Euro-Par"}
469@string{europar96 = proc#" "#europar}
470@string{europar98 = proc#" "#europar}
471@string{europen = "EurOpen Conference"}
472@string{eurosys = "EuroSys Conference"}
473@string{eurosys06 = proc#"1st "#eurosys}
474@string{eurosys07 = proc#"2nd "#eurosys}
475@string{eurosys08 = proc#"3rd "#eurosys}
476@string{eurosys09 = proc#"4th "#eurosys}
477@string{eurosys10 = proc#"5th "#eurosys}
478@string{eurosys11 = proc#"6th "#eurosys}
479@string{ewc = "Embedded World Conference"}
480@string{ewpc92 = "European Workshop on Parallel Computing"}
482@comment{Proceedings "f":}
483@string{fast = usenix#" Conference on File and Storage Technologies"}
484@string{fast03 = proc#" 2nd "#fast}
485@string{fast_ = "International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security and Trust"}
486@string{fast_09 = proc#"6th "#fast_}
488@string{focs = "Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science"}
489@string{focs77 = proc#" 18th "#focs}
490@comment{fjcc changed to afipsjccYYf}
491@string{ftc = "Conference on Future of Trust in Computing"}
492@string{ftc08 = proc#" 1st "#ftc}
493@string{fmics ="International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems"}
494@string{fmics06 = proc#"11th "#fmics}
495@string{ftcs = "IEEE International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing"}
496@string{ftcs91 = proc#" 21st "#ftcs}
497@string{ftcs95 = proc#" 25th "#ftcs}
499@comment{Proceedings "g":}
500@string{glsvlsi = " ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI"}
501@string{glsvlsi02 = proc#" 12th "#glsvlsi}
503@comment{Proceedings "h":}
504@string{haskellws = proc#" ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Workshop"}
505@string{hcss = "Annual High-Confidence Software and Systems Conference"}
506@string{hcss07 = "7th "#hcss}
507@string{hpca = "IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture"}
508@string{hpca97 = proc#" 3rd "#hpca}
509@string{hpca98 = proc#" 4th "#hpca}
510@string{hpca99 = proc#" 5th "#hpca}
511@string{hpca00 = proc#" 6th "#hpca}
512@string{hpca01 = proc#" 7th "#hpca}
513@string{hpdc = "IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing"}
514@string{hpdc96 = proc#"5th "#hpdc}
515@string{hpdc01 = proc#"10th"#hpdc}
516@string{hpdc08 = proc#"17th"#hpdc}
517@string{hicss = "Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences"}
518@string{hicss84 = proc#"17th "#hicss}
519@string{hicss85 = proc#"18th "#hicss}
520@string{hicss86 = proc#"19th "#hicss}
521@string{hicss87 = proc#"20th "#hicss}
522@string{hicss88 = proc#"21th "#hicss}
523@string{hicss89 = proc#"22th "#hicss}
524@string{hicss90 = proc#"23rd "#hicss}
525@string{hicss91 = proc#"24th "#hicss}
526@string{hicss92 = proc#"25th "#hicss}
527@string{hicss93 = proc#"26th "#hicss}
528@string{hicss94 = proc#"27th "#hicss}
529@string{hicss95 = proc#"28th "#hicss}
530@string{hicss96 = proc#"29th "#hicss}
531@string{hicss97 = proc#"30th "#hicss}
532@string{hicss99 = proc#"32nd "#hicss}
533@string{hipeac = "International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers"}
534@string{hipeac08 = proc#"3rd "#hipeac}
535@string{hotchips = ieee#" Hot Chips Symposium"}
536@string{hotchips01 = "13th "#hotchips}
537@string{hotdep = "Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability"}
538@string{hotdep07 = proc#"3rd "#hotdep}
539@string{hotdep08 = proc#"4th "#hotdep}
540@string{hotos = "Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems"}
541@comment{hotos92 = wwos92}
542@comment{hotos93 = wwos93}
543@string{hotos95 = proc#"5th "#hotos}
544@string{hotos97 = proc#"6th "#hotos}
545@string{hotos99 = proc#"7th "#hotos}
546@string{hotos01 = proc#"8th "#hotos}
547@string{hotos03 = proc#"9th "#hotos}
548@string{hotos05 = proc#"10th "#hotos}
549@string{hotos07 = proc#"11th "#hotos}
550@string{hotos09 = proc#"12th "#hotos}
551@string{hotpower = "Workshop on Power Aware Computing and Systems"}
552@string{hotpower08 = proc#" "#hotpower#" (HotPower'08)"}
553@string{hotpower09 = proc#" "#hotpower#" (HotPower'09)"}
554@string{huc = "International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing"}
555@string{huc00 = proc#"2nd "#huc}
557@comment{Proceedings "i":}
558@string{ica3pp = "International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing"}
559@string{ica3pp96 = proc#"2nd "#ica3pp}
560@string{icac = ieee#" International Conference on Autonomic Computing"}
561@string{icac04 = proc#" "#icac}
562@string{icac07 = proc#" "#icac}
564@string{icalp = "International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming"}
565@string{icalp03 = proc#"30th "#icalp}
566@string{icassp = ieee#" International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing"}
567@string{icassp05 = proc#" "#icassp}
568@string{iccc = "ICCC"}
569@string{iccd = "ICCD"}
570@string{iccds = "International Conference on Configurable Distributed Systems"}
571@string{iccds96 = proc#"3rd "#iccds}
572@string{iccds98 = proc#"4th "#iccds}
573@string{iccs = "International Conference on Computational Sciences"}
574@string{iccs01 = proc#iccs}
575@string{iccw = "International Conference on Computers and Workstations"}
576@string{icdcs = ieee#" International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems"}
577@string{icdcs84 = proc#"4th "#icdcs}
578@string{icdcs85 = proc#"5th "#icdcs}
579@string{icdcs86 = proc#"6th "#icdcs}
580@string{icdcs87 = proc#"7th "#icdcs}
581@string{icdcs88 = proc#"8th "#icdcs}
582@string{icdcs89 = proc#"9th "#icdcs}
583@string{icdcs90 = proc#"10th "#icdcs}
584@string{icdcs91 = proc#"11th "#icdcs}
585@string{icdcs92 = proc#"12th "#icdcs}
586@string{icdcs93 = proc#"13th "#icdcs}
587@string{icdcs94 = proc#"14th "#icdcs}
588@string{icdcs95 = proc#"15th "#icdcs}
589@string{icdcs96 = proc#"16th "#icdcs}
590@string{icdcs97 = proc#"17th "#icdcs}
591@string{icdcs98 = proc#"18th "#icdcs}
592@string{icdcs99 = proc#"19th "#icdcs}
593@string{icdcs00 = proc#"20th "#icdcs}
594@string{icdcs01 = proc#"21th "#icdcs}
595@string{icdcs02 = proc#"22th "#icdcs}
596@string{icdcs03 = proc#"23th "#icdcs}
597@string{icdcs04 = proc#"24th "#icdcs}
598@string{dares04 = icdcs04#" Workshops (4th "#dares#")"}
599@string{icdcs05 = proc#"25th "#icdcs}
600@string{icds = "International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors"}
601@string{icds84 = proc#"13th "#icds}
602@string{icfp = "International Conference on Functional Programming"}
603@string{icfp01 = proc#icfp}
604@string{icfp05 = proc#"10th "#icfp}
605@string{icfp09 = proc#"14th "#icfp}
606@string{icifm = "International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods"}
607@string{icifm04 = proc#"4th "#icifm}
608@string{icmcs = ieee#" International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems"}
609@string{icmcs99 = proc#"5th "#icmcs}
610@string{icpaa = "International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Algorithms"}
611@string{icpaa96 = proc#"1st "#icpaa}
612@string{icpact = "International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques"}
613@string{icpact05 = proc#"14th "#icpact}
614@string{icpdis = "International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems"}
615@string{icpdis94 = proc#"3rd "#icpdis}
616@string{icpp = "International Conference on Parallel Processing"}
617@string{icpp91 = proc#"1991 "#icpp}
618@string{icpp93 = proc#"1993 "#icpp}
619@string{icpp95 = proc#"1995 "#icpp}
620@string{icps = "International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors"}
621@string{icps84 = proc#"17th "#icps}
622@string{icps86 = proc#"18th "#icps}
623@string{icps88 = proc#"19th "#icps}
624@string{icps90 = proc#"20th "#icps}
625@string{icpssn = "International Conference on Private Switching Systems and Networks"}
626@string{icsamos = "International Conference on {Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation}"}
627@string{icsamos07 = proc#"2007 "#icsamos}
628@string{icse = "ICSE"}
629@string{icse76 = proc#"2nd "#icse}
630@string{icse78 = proc#"3rd "#icse}
631@string{icse99 = proc#"21st "#icse}
632@string{icsefm = ieee#" International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods"}
633@string{icsefm05 = proc#"3rd "#icsefm}
634@string{icsm = ieee#" International Conference on Software Maintenance"}
635@string{icsm02 = proc#" "#icsm}
636@string{icssdm = "Extended Abstracts of ICSSDM"}
637@string{iedm = "International Electron Devices Meeting"}
638@string{iedm78 = iedm}
639@string{iedm88 = iedm}
640@string{ieeesrsp = ieeecs#" Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy"}
641@string{ieeesrsp91 = proc#"1991 "#ieeesrsp}
642@string{ieeesrsp93 = proc#"1993 "#ieeesrsp}
643@string{ieeesrsp94 = proc#"1994 "#ieeesrsp}
644@string{ieeessp = ieee#" Symposium on Security and Privacy"}
645@string{ieeessp82 = proc#ieeessp}
646@string{ieeessp87 = proc#ieeessp}
647@string{ieeessp89 = proc#ieeessp}
648@string{ieeessp92 = proc#ieeessp}
649@string{ieeessp93 = proc#ieeessp}
650@string{ieeessp95 = proc#ieeessp}
651@string{ieeessp97 = proc#ieeessp}
652@string{ieeessp00 = proc#ieeessp}
654@comment{Not just FAST as to avoid clashing with the file system conf -sjw}
655@string{ifipfast = "International Workshop on Formal Aspect of Security and Trust"}
656@string{ifipfast05 = "3rd "#ifipfast}
657@string{iids = "Workshop on Isolation and Integration for Dependable Systems"}
658@string{iies = "Workshop on Isolation and Integration in Embedded Systems"}
659@string{iies08 = "1st "#iies}
660@string{iies09 = "2nd "#iies}
661@string{iiswc = ieee#" International Symposium on Workload Characterization"}
662@string{iiswc05 = proc#iiswc#" 2005"}
663@string{ijcai = "International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"}
664@string{ijcai73 = proc#"3rd "#ijcai}
665@string{infocom = ieee#" INFOCOM"}
666@string{infocom95 = proc#"14th "#infocom}
667@string{infocom96 = proc#"15th "#infocom}
668@string{infocom97 = proc#"16th "#infocom}
669@string{infocom98 = proc#"17th "#infocom}
670@string{infocom98 = proc#"18th "#infocom}
671@string{infocom00 = proc#"19th "#infocom}
672@string{infocom01 = proc#"20th "#infocom}
673@string{infocom03 = proc#"22nd "#infocom}
674@string{ipccc = ieee#" International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference"}
675@string{ipccc00 = proc#" "#ipccc}
676@string{iscs = "International Symposium on Circuits and Systems"}
677@string{iscs06 = proc#" "#iscs}
678@string{isca = "International Symposium on Computer Architecture"}
679@string{isca80 = proc#"7th "#isca}
680@string{isca81 = proc#"8th "#isca}
681@string{isca82 = proc#"9th "#isca}
682@string{isca83 = proc#"10th "#isca}
683@string{isca84 = proc#"11th "#isca}
684@string{isca85 = proc#"12th "#isca}
685@string{isca86 = proc#"13th "#isca}
686@string{isca87 = proc#"14th "#isca}
687@string{isca88 = proc#"15th "#isca}
688@string{isca89 = proc#"16th "#isca}
689@string{isca90 = proc#"17th "#isca}
690@string{isca91 = proc#"18th "#isca}
691@string{isca92 = proc#"19th "#isca}
692@string{isca93 = proc#"20th "#isca}
693@string{isca94 = proc#"21st "#isca}
694@string{isca95 = proc#"22nd "#isca}
695@string{isca96 = proc#"23rd "#isca}
696@string{isca97 = proc#"24th "#isca}
697@string{isca98 = proc#"25th "#isca}
698@string{isca99 = proc#"26th "#isca}
699@string{isca00 = proc#"27th "#isca}
700@string{isca01 = proc#"28th "#isca}
701@string{isca02 = proc#"29th "#isca}
702@string{isca03 = proc#"30th "#isca}
703@string{isca09 = proc#"36th "#isca}
704@string{isftc = "ISFTC"}
705@string{iss = "International Switching Symposium"}
706@string{iss72 = proc#iss}
707@string{islped = "International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design"}
708@string{islped97 = proc#" "#islped}
709@string{islped98 = proc#" "#islped}
710@string{islped04 = proc#" "#islped}
711@string{islped05 = proc#" "#islped}
712@string{islped07 = proc#" "#islped}
713@string{ismm = "International Symposium on Memory Management"}
714@string{ismm98 = proc#ismm}
715@string{isos = "International Symposium on Operating Systems"}
716@string{isos78 = proc#"2nd "#isos}
717@string{ispp = "International Symposium on Parallel Processing"}
718@string{ispass = ieee#" International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software"}
719@string{ispass07 = proc#" "#ispass}
720@string{ispse = "International Symposium on Principles of Software Evolution"}
721@string{ispse00 = proc#" "#ispse}
722@string{isscc = "International Solid-State Circuits Conference"}
723@string{iwcasspi = "International Workshop on Computer Architectures to Support Security and Persistence of Information"}
724@string{iwmm = "International Workshop on Memory Management"}
725@string{iwmm92 = proc#iwmm#", LCS \#637"}
726@string{iwmm95 = proc#iwmm#", LCS \#986"}
727@string{iwooos = ieee#" International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems"}
728@string{iwooos90 = proc#"Workshop on Operating Systems and Object Orientation at ECOOP-OOPSLA"}
729@string{iwooos91 = proc#"1st "#iwooos}
730@string{iwooos92 = proc#"2nd "#iwooos}
731@string{iwooos93 = proc#"3rd "#iwooos}
732@string{iwooos95 = proc#"4th "#iwooos}
733@string{iwooos96 = proc#"5th "#iwooos}
734@string{iwwc = ieee#" Annual Workshop on Workload Characterization"}
735@string{iwwc01 = proc#"4th "#iwwc}
736@string{iiwwc = ieee#" International Workshop on Workload Characterization"}
737@string{iiwwc04 = proc#"2004 "#iiwwc}
739@comment{Proceedings "j":}
741@comment{Proceedings "k":}
743@comment{Proceedings "l":}
744@string{lacsi = "Los Alamos Computer Science Institute Symposium"}
745@string{lacsi02 = proc#"3rd "#lacsi}
746@string{lca = "Linux.Conf.Au"}
747@string{lca99 = proc#"1st "#lca}
748@string{lca01 = proc#"2nd "#lca}
749@string{lca02 = proc#"3rd "#lca}
750@string{lca03 = proc#"4th "#lca}
751@string{lca04 = proc#"5th "#lca}
752@string{lca05 = proc#"6th "#lca}
753@string{lca06 = proc#"7th "#lca}
754@string{lca07 = proc#"8th "#lca}
755@string{lca08 = "9th "#lca} @comment{no proceedings}
756@string{lctes = "Conference on Language, Compiler and Tool Support for Embedded Systems"}
757@string{lctes04 = proc#lctes#"'04"}
758@string{lctes02 = proc#lctes#"'02"}
759@string{lopstr = "International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation"}
760@string{lopstr06 = proc#"16th "#lopstr}
761@string{lpar = "International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning"}
762@string{lpar05 = proc#"12th "#lpar}
764@comment{Proceedings "m":}
765@string{mmcs = "Workshop on Managed Many-Core Systems"}
766@string{mmcs08 = proc#"1st "#mmcs}
767@string{mmcs09 = proc#"2nd "#mmcs}
768@string{micro = "ACM/IEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture"}
769@string{micro06 = proc#"39th "#micro}
770@string{microc = "IEEE Micro"}
771@string{microc95 = proc#" "#microc}
772@string{mikes = "International Workshop on Microkernels for Embedded Systems"}
773@string{mikes07 = proc#"1st "#mikes}
775@string{mobicom = acm#"/"#ieee#" International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking"}
776@string{mobicom95 = proc#"1st "#mobicom}
777@string{mobicom97 = proc#"3rd "#mobicom}
778@string{mobicom99 = proc#"5th "#mobicom}
779@string{mobicom09 = proc#"15th "#mobicom}
780@string{mobide = acm#" International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access"}
781@string{mobide01 = proc#"2nd "#mobide}
782@string{mobisys = "International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services"}
783@string{mobisys05 = proc#"3rd "#mobisys}
784@string{mobs = " Workshop on Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation"}
785@string{mobs06 = proc#"2nd "#mobs}
786@string{mse = ieee#" International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering"}
787@string{mse02 = proc#"4th "#mse}
788@string{msr = "International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories"}
789@string{msr04 = proc#"1st "#msr}
790@string{msr05 = proc#"2nd "#msr}
791@string{mw = "International Middleware Conference"}
792@string{mw07 = proc#"8th"#mw}
794@comment{Proceedings "n":}
795@string{nasecode = "International Conference on Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices"}
796@string{nasecode83 = proc#"3rd "#nasecode}
797@string{nasecode85 = proc#"4th "#nasecode}
798@string{nasecode87 = proc#"5th "#nasecode}
799@string{ncsc = "National Computer Security Conference"}
800@string{ncsc85 = proc#"8th "#ncsc}
801@string{niss = "International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science"}
802@string{niss09 = proc#"1st "#niss}
803@string{nissc = "National Information Systems Security Conference"}
804@string{nissc95 = proc#"18th "#nissc}
805@string{nissc98 = proc#"21st "#nissc}
806@string{nossdav = "International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video"}
807@string{nossdav98 = proc#"8th "#nossdav}
808@string{nossdav01 = proc#"11th "#nossdav}
809@string{nosv = "NICTA Workshop on Operating System Verification"}
810@string{nosv04 = "1st "#nosv}
811@string{nsdi = "Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation"}
812@string{nsdi04 = proc#"1st "#nsdi}
813@string{nupad = "International Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Processes and Devices for Integrated Circuits"}
814@string{nupad90 = "3rd "#nupad}
815@string{nupad92 = "4th "#nupad}
816@string{nupad94 = "5th "#nupad}
818@comment{Proceedings "o":}
819@string{oasis = "Workshop on Operating System and Architectural Support for the On-Demand IT Infrastructure"}
820@string{oasis04 = proc#"1st "#oasis}
821@string{ols = "Ottawa Linux Symposium"}
822@string{ols01 = proc#" 2001 "#ols}
823@string{ols02 = proc#" 2002 "#ols}
824@string{ols03 = proc#" 2003 "#ols}
825@string{ols04 = proc#" 2004 "#ols}
826@string{ols05 = proc#" 2005 "#ols}
827@string{ols06 = proc#" 2006 "#ols}
828@string{ols07 = proc#" 2007 "#ols}
829@string{oopsla = acm#" Symposium on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications"}
830@string{oopsla89 = proc#oopsla}
831@string{oopsla92 = proc#oopsla}
832@string{oopsla00 = proc#oopsla}
833@string{oopsla03 = proc#oopsla}
834@string{oopsla93-mmgc = "OOPSLA Workshop on Memory Management and Garbage Collection"}
835@string{oopsla95-od = "OOPSLA Workshop on Object Database Behavior, Benchmarks and Performance"}
836@string{osdi = usenix#" Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation"}
837@string{osdi94 = proc#"1st "#osdi}
838@string{osdi96 = proc#"2nd "#osdi}
839@string{osdi99 = proc#"3rd "#osdi}
840@string{osdi00 = proc#"4th "#osdi}
841@string{osdi02 = proc#"5th "#osdi}
842@string{osdi04 = proc#"6th "#osdi}
843@string{osdi06 = proc#"7th "#osdi}
844@string{osdi08 = proc#"8th "#osdi}
845@string{ospert = "Workshop on Operating System Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications"}
846@string{ospert05 = proc#"1st "#ospert}
847@string{ospert06 = proc#"2nd "#ospert}
848@string{ospert07 = proc#"3rd "#ospert}
849@string{ospert08 = proc#"4th "#ospert}
850@string{oug = proc#"Occam User Group Conference"}
852@comment{Proceedings "p":}
853@string{pacta = "PACTA"}
854@string{pacs = "Workshop on Power-Aware Computer Systems"}
855@string{pacs00 = proc#"2000 "#pacs}
856@string{pacs02 = proc#"2002 "#pacs}
857@string{pacs04 = proc#"2004 "#pacs}
858@string{parc = "Workshop on Power Aware Real-time Computing"}
859@string{parc05 = proc#"2005 "#parc}
860@string{pcs = proc#"Polycrystalline Semiconductors"}
861@string{pdc = acm#" Symposium Principles of Distributed Computing"}
862@string{pdcs-iasted = "IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems"}
863@string{pdcs-iasted98 = proc#"10th "#pdcs-iasted}
864@string{pdcs-isca = "ISCA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems"}
865@string{pdpta = "International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications"}
866@string{pdpta96 = pdpta}
867@string{pervasive = "International Conference on Pervasive Computing"}
868@string{pervasive02 = proc#"1st "#pervasive}
869@string{pjw = "International Workshop on Persistence and Java"}
870@string{pjw97 = proc#"2nd "#pjw}
871@string{pldi = "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation"}
872@string{pldi96 = proc#pldi}
873@string{pldi97 = proc#pldi}
874@string{pldi98 = proc#pldi}
875@string{pldi99 = proc#pldi}
876@string{pldi00 = proc#pldi}
877@string{pldi01 = proc#pldi}
878@string{pldi03 = proc#pldi}
879@string{plos = "Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems"}
880@string{plos05 = proc#"2nd "#plos}
881@string{plos07 = proc#"4th "#plos}
882@string{podc = acm#" Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing"}
883@string{podc97 = proc#"16th "#podc}
884@string{podc99 = proc#"18th "#podc}
885@string{popl = acm#" SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages"}
886@string{popl84 = proc#"11th "#popl}
887@string{popl96 = proc#"23th "#popl}
888@string{popl99 = proc#"26th "#popl}
889@string{popl01 = proc#"28th "#popl}
890@string{popl05 = proc#"32nd "#popl}
891@string{popl06 = proc#"33rd "#popl}
892@string{popl07 = proc#"34th "#popl}
893@string{pos = "International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems"}
894@string{pos85 = proc#"1st "#pos}
895@string{pos87 = proc#"2nd "#pos}
896@string{pos88 = proc#"3rd "#pos}
897@string{pos90 = proc#"4th "#pos}
898@string{pos92 = proc#"5th "#pos}
899@string{pos94 = proc#"6th "#pos}
900@string{pos96 = proc#"7th "#pos}
901@string{pos98 = proc#"8th "#pos}
902@string{pos00 = proc#"9th "#pos}
903@string{ppopp = "Conference on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming"}
904@string{ppopp90 = proc#"2nd "#ppopp}
905@string{ppopp91 = proc#"3rd "#ppopp}
906@string{ppopp05 = proc#"10th "#ppopp}
907@string{ppopp06 = proc#"11th "#ppopp}
908@string{prdc = "Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing"}
909@string{procos = "International Symposium Organized Jointly with the Working Group Provably Correct Systems on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems"}
910@string{procos94 = proc#"3rd "#procos}
911@string{prdc08 = proc#"14th "#prdc}
912@string{pvsc = ieee#" Photovoltaic Specialists Conference"}
913@string{pvsc72 = proc#" "#pvsc}
914@string{pvsc76 = proc#"12th "#pvsc}
915@string{pvsc78 = proc#"13th "#pvsc}
916@string{pvsc80 = proc#"14th "#pvsc}
917@string{pvsc81 = proc#"15th "#pvsc}
918@string{pvsc82 = proc#"16th "#pvsc}
919@string{pvsc84 = proc#"17th "#pvsc}
920@string{pvsc85 = proc#"18th "#pvsc}
921@string{pvsc87 = proc#"19th "#pvsc}
922@string{pvsc88 = proc#"20th "#pvsc}
923@string{pvsc90 = proc#"21st "#pvsc}
924@string{pvsc91 = proc#"22nd "#pvsc}
925@string{pvsc93 = proc#"23rd "#pvsc}
926@string{pvsc96 = proc#"25th "#pvsc}
927@string{pvsc97 = proc#"26th "#pvsc}
928@string{pvsec = "International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference"}
929@string{pvsec89 = "4th "#pvsec#digest}
930@string{pvsec90 = "5th "#pvsec#digest}
931@string{pvsec92 = "6th "#pvsec#digest}
932@string{pvsec93 = "7th "#pvsec#digest}
933@string{pvsec99 = "11th "#pvsec#digest}
935@comment{Proceedings "r":}
936@string{rbac = acm#" Symposium on Role-Based Access Control"}
937@string{rbac95 = proc#"1st "#rbac}
938@string{rbac99 = proc#"4th "#rbac}
939@string{rds = "Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems"}
940@string{rds91 = proc#"10th "#rds}
941@string{rds92 = proc#"11th "#rds}
942@string{rds93 = proc#"12th "#rds}
943@string{rds94 = proc#"13th "#rds}
944@string{rds95 = proc#"14th "#rds}
945@string{rtas = ieee#" Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium"}
946@string{rtasn = ieee#" Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium"}
947@string{rtas95 = proc#"1st "#rtas}
948@string{rtas96 = proc#"2nd "#rtas}
949@string{rtas97 = proc#"3rd "#rtas}
950@string{rtas98 = proc#"4th "#rtas}
951@string{rtas99 = proc#"5th "#rtas}
952@string{rtas00 = proc#"6th "#rtas}
953@string{rtas01 = proc#"7th "#rtas}
954@string{rtas02 = proc#"8th "#rtasn}
955@string{rtas03 = proc#"9th "#rtasn}
956@string{rtas04 = proc#"10th "#rtasn}
957@string{rtas05 = proc#"11th "#rtasn}
958@string{rtas06 = proc#"12th "#rtasn}
959@string{rtas07 = proc#"13th "#rtasn}
960@string{rtas08 = proc#"14th "#rtasn}
961@string{rtcsa = ieee#" Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing and Applications"}
962@string{rtcsa03 = proc#"9th "#rtcsa}
963@string{rtcsa04 = proc#"10th "#rtcsa}
964@string{rtcsa06 = proc#"12th "#rtcsa}
965@string{rtcsa07 = proc#"13th "#rtcsa}
966@string{rtcsa08 = proc#"14th "#rtcsa}
967@string{rtcsa09 = proc#"15th "#rtcsa}
968@string{rtlws = "Real-Time Linux Workshop"}
969@string{rtlws01 = proc#"3rd "#rtlws}
970@string{rtlws02 = proc#"4th "#rtlws}
971@string{rtlws03 = proc#"5th "#rtlws}
972@string{rtlws04 = proc#"6th "#rtlws}
973@string{rtlws05 = proc#"7th "#rtlws}
974@string{rtlws06 = proc#"8th "#rtlws}
975@string{rtss = ieee#" Real-Time Systems Symposium"}
976@string{rtss84 = proc#"5th "#rtss}
977@string{rtss94 = proc#"15th "#rtss}
978@string{rtss98 = proc#"19th "#rtss}
979@string{rtss99 = proc#"20th "#rtss}
980@string{rtss00 = proc#"21st "#rtss}
981@string{rtss01 = proc#"22nd "#rtss}
982@string{rtss02 = proc#"23rd "#rtss}
983@string{rtss03 = proc#"24th "#rtss}
984@string{rtss04 = proc#"25th "#rtss}
985@string{rtss05 = proc#"26th "#rtss}
986@string{rtss06 = proc#"27th "#rtss}
987@string{rtss07 = proc#"28th "#rtss}
988@string{rtss08 = proc#"29th "#rtss}
990@comment{Proceedings "s":}
991@string{sc = "International Conference on Supercomputing"}
992@string{sc88 = proc#"2nd "#sc}
993@string{sc01 = proc#"15th "#sc}
994@string{sc02 = proc#"16th "#sc}
995@string{sc03 = proc#"17th "#sc}
996@string{sc08 = proc#"22nd "#sc}
997@string{scopes = acm#"Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems"}
998@string{scopes05 = proc#scopes}
999@string{sda = "Workshop on System Design Automation"}
1000@string{sda00 = proc#"3rd "#sda}
1001@string{slfp92 = proc#"1992 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming"}
1002@string{sigcomm = acm#" Conference on Communications"}
1003@string{sigcomm88 = proc#""#sigcomm}
1004@string{sigcomm91 = proc#""#sigcomm}
1005@string{sigcomm94 = proc#""#sigcomm}
1006@string{sigcomm95 = proc#""#sigcomm}
1007@string{sigcomm96 = proc#""#sigcomm}
1008@string{sigcomm01 = proc#""#sigcomm}
1009@string{sigmetrics = acm#" Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems"}
1010@string{sigmetrics92 = proc#sigmetrics}
1011@string{sigmetrics94 = proc#sigmetrics}
1012@string{sigmetrics98 = proc#sigmetrics}
1013@string{sigmetrics00 = proc#sigmetrics}
1014@string{sigmetrics02 = proc#sigmetrics}
1015@string{sigmod = acm#" International Conference on Management of Data"}
1016@string{sigmod93 = proc#sigmod}
1017@string{sigopsew = "SIGOPS European Workshop"}
1018@string{sigopsew92 = proc#"5th "#sigopsew}
1019@string{sigopsew96 = proc#"7th "#sigopsew}
1020@string{sigopsew98 = proc#"8th "#sigopsew}
1021@string{sigopsew00 = proc#"9th "#sigopsew}
1022@string{sigopsew02 = proc#"10th "#sigopsew}
1023@string{sigopsew04 = proc#"11th "#sigopsew}
1024@string{sisdep = "International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes"}
1025@string{sisdep86 = proc#"2nd "#sisdep}
1026@string{sisdep88 = proc#"3rd "#sisdep}
1027@string{sisdep91 = proc#"4th "#sisdep}
1028@string{sisdep93 = proc#"5th "#sisdep}
1029@string{sisdep95 = proc#"6th "#sisdep}
1030@string{sispad = "International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices"}
1031@string{sispad95 = sisdep95}
1032@string{sispad96 = "2nd "#sispad}
1033@comment{sjcc changed to afipsjccYYs}
1034@string{sosp = acm#" Symposium on Operating Systems Principles"}
1035@string{sosp67 = proc#"1st "#sosp}
1036@string{sosp69 = proc#"2nd "#sosp}
1037@string{sosp71 = proc#"3rd "#sosp}
1038@string{sosp73 = proc#"4th "#sosp}
1039@string{sosp75 = proc#"5th "#sosp}
1040@string{sosp77 = proc#"6th "#sosp}
1041@string{sosp79 = proc#"7th "#sosp}
1042@string{sosp81 = proc#"8th "#sosp}
1043@string{sosp83 = proc#"9th "#sosp}
1044@string{sosp85 = proc#"10th "#sosp}
1045@string{sosp87 = proc#"11th "#sosp}
1046@string{sosp89 = proc#"12th "#sosp}
1047@string{sosp91 = proc#"13th "#sosp}
1048@string{sosp93 = proc#"14th "#sosp}
1049@string{sosp95 = proc#"15th "#sosp}
1050@string{sosp97 = proc#"16th "#sosp}
1051@string{sosp99 = proc#"17th "#sosp}
1052@string{sosp01 = proc#"18th "#sosp}
1053@string{sosp03 = proc#"19th "#sosp}
1054@string{sosp05 = proc#"20th "#sosp}
1055@string{sosp09 = proc#"22nd "#sosp}
1056@string{spaa = "Annual "#acm#" Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures"}
1057@string{spaa95 = proc#" 7th "#spaa}
1058@string{spaa96 = proc#" 8th "#spaa}
1059@string{spdp = ieee#" Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing"}
1060@string{spdp93 = proc#"5th "#spdp}
1061@string{sftc = "International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing"}
1062@string{sftc95 = proc#"25th "#sftc}
1063@string{srds = "Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems"}
1064@string{srds95 = proc#" "#srds}
1065@string{srds00 = proc#"19th "#srds}
1066@string{ssdm = "International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials"}
1067@string{ssdm89 = proc#"21st "#ssdm}
1068@string{ssdm90 = proc#"22nd "#ssdm}
1069@string{ssdm93 = proc#"25nd "#ssdm}
1070@string{ssdm95 = proc#"27nd "#ssdm}
1071@string{ssv = "Workshop on Systems Software Verification"}
1072@string{ssv08 = proc#"3rd "#ssv}
1073@string{ssv09 = proc#"4th "#ssv}
1074@string{stacs = "Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science"}
1075@string{stacs95 = proc#"12th "#stacs}
1077@comment{Proceedings "t":}
1078@string{taocp = "The Art of Computer Programming"}
1079@string{tacas = procv#"Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems"}
1080@string{tase = "IEEE \& IFIP International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering"}
1081@string{tase07 = proc#"1st "#tase}
1082@string{tphols = "International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics"}
1083@string{tphols07 = proc#"20th "#tphols}
1084@string{tphols08 = proc#"21st "#tphols}
1085@string{tphols09 = proc#"22nd "#tphols}
1087@comment{Proceedings "u":}
1088@string{ubicomp = "International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing"}
1089@string{ubicomp01 = proc#"3rd "#ubicomp}
1090@string{use = "International Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution"}
1091@string{use02 = proc#"1st "#use}
1092@string{use03 = proc#"2nd "#use}
1093@comment{Leave "USENIX" in there as is, to avoid it being removed...}
1094@string{usenixtc = "USENIX Technical Conference"}
1095@string{usenixatc = "USENIX Annual Technical Conference"}
1096@string{usenix85 = proc#" 1985 "#usenixtc}
1097@string{usenix86s = proc#" 1986 Summer "#usenixtc}
1098@string{usenix86w = proc#" 1986 Winter "#usenixtc}
1099@string{usenix87w = proc#" 1987 Winter "#usenixtc}
1100@string{usenix87s = proc#" 1987 Summer "#usenixtc}
1101@string{usenix88w = proc#" 1988 Winter "#usenixtc}
1102@string{usenix89w = proc#" 1989 Winter "#usenixtc}
1103@string{usenix89s = proc#" 1989 Summer "#usenixtc}
1104@string{usenix90w = proc#" 1990 Winter "#usenixtc}
1105@string{usenix90s = proc#" 1990 Summer "#usenixtc}
1106@string{usenix91w = proc#" 1991 Winter "#usenixtc}
1107@string{usenix91s = proc#" 1991 Summer "#usenixtc}
1108@string{usenix92w = proc#" 1992 Winter "#usenixtc}
1109@string{usenix92s = proc#" 1992 Summer "#usenixtc}
1110@string{usenix93w = proc#" 1993 Winter "#usenixtc}
1111@string{usenix93s = proc#" 1993 Summer "#usenixtc}
1112@string{usenix94w = proc#" 1994 Winter "#usenixtc}
1113@string{usenix94s = proc#" 1994 Summer "#usenixtc}
1114@string{usenix95 = proc#" 1995 "#usenixatc}
1115@string{usenix96 = proc#" 1996 "#usenixatc}
1116@string{usenix97 = proc#" 1997 "#usenixatc}
1117@string{usenix98 = proc#" 1998 "#usenixatc}
1118@string{usenix99 = proc#" 1999 "#usenixatc}
1119@string{usenix00 = proc#" 2000 "#usenixatc}
1120@string{usenix01 = proc#" 2001 "#usenixatc}
1121@string{usenix02 = proc#" 2002 "#usenixatc}
1122@string{usenix03 = proc#" 2003 "#usenixatc}
1123@string{usenix04 = proc#" 2004 "#usenixatc}
1124@string{usenix05 = proc#" 2005 "#usenixatc}
1125@string{usenix06 = proc#" 2006 "#usenixatc}
1126@string{usenix07 = proc#" 2007 "#usenixatc}
1127@string{usenix08 = proc#" 2008 "#usenixatc}
1128@string{usenix09 = proc#" 2009 "#usenixatc}
1129@string{usenix10 = proc#" 2010 "#usenixatc}
1130@comment{FREENIX is just a track of USENIX, same proceedings}
1131@string{freenixt = ", FREENIX Track"}
1132@string{freenix01 = usenix01#freenixt}
1133@string{freenix03 = usenix03#freenixt}
1134@string{freenix05 = usenix05#freenixt}
1135@string{usenixbsd = "USENIX BSDCon"}
1136@string{usenixbsd03 = usenixbsd#" '03"}
1137@string{usenixdms = "USENIX Workshop on Experiences with Building Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems"}
1138@string{usenixes = "USENIX Embedded Systems Workshop"}
1139@string{usenixes99 = proc#" 1999 "#usenixes}
1140@string{usenixlisa = "USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference"}
1141@string{usenixlisa91 = proc#" 5th "#usenixlisa}
1142@string{usenixlisa04 = proc#" 18th "#usenixlisa}
1143@string{usenixlisa05 = proc#" 19th "#usenixlisa}
1144@string{usenixlisa06 = proc#" 20th "#usenixlisa}
1145@string{usenixmach90 = proc#" USENIX Mach Workshop"}
1146@string{usenixmach91 = proc#" USENIX Mach Symposium"}
1147@string{usenixmach93 = proc#" USENIX Mach III Symposium"}
1148@string{usenixmk = "USENIX Workshop on Microkernels and other Kernel Architectures"}
1149@string{usenixmk92 = proc#usenixmk}
1150@string{usenixmk93 = proc#" 2nd "#usenixmk}
1151@string{usenixnordu = "NORDU/USENIX Conference"}
1152@string{usenixnordu03 = "5th "#usenixnordu}
1153@string{usenixnt = "USENIX Windows NT Workshop"}
1154@string{usenixnt97 = proc#" 1st "#usenixnt}
1155@string{usenixnt98 = proc#" 2nd "#usenixnt}
1156@string{usenixnt99 = proc#" 3rd "#usenixnt}
1157@string{usenixsec = "USENIX Security Symposium"}
1158@string{usenixsec93 = proc#" 4th "#usenixsec}
1159@string{usenixsec95 = proc#" 5th "#usenixsec}
1160@string{usenixsec96 = proc#" 6th "#usenixsec}
1161@string{usenixsec98 = proc#" 7th "#usenixsec}
1162@string{usenixsec99 = proc#" 8th "#usenixsec}
1163@string{usenixsec00 = proc#" 9th "#usenixsec}
1164@string{usenixsec01 = proc#" 10th "#usenixsec}
1165@string{usenixsec03 = proc#" 12th "#usenixsec}
1166@string{usenixsec04 = proc#" 13th "#usenixsec}
1167@string{usenixsec05 = proc#" 14th "#usenixsec}
1168@string{usenixvee = "USENIX Symposium on Virtual Execution Environments"}
1169@string{usenixvee05 = proc#" 1st "#usenixvee}
1170@string{usenixvee06 = proc#" 2nd "#usenixvee}
1171@string{usenixvee07 = proc#" 3rd "#usenixvee}
1172@string{usenixvm = "USENIX Virtual Machine Symposium (USENIX-VM)"}
1173@string{usenixvm04 = proc#" 3rd "#usenixvm}
1175@comment{Proceedings "v":}
1176@string{vee = "International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments"}
1177@string{vee06 = proc#"2nd "#vee}
1178@string{vee07 = proc#"3rd "#vee}
1179@string{verify = "International Verification Workshop"}
1180@string{verify07 = proc#"4th "#verify}
1181@string{verify08 = proc#"5th "#verify}
1182@string{verify10 = proc#"6th "#verify}
1183@string{vldb = "VLDB Conference"}
1184@string{vldb96 = proc#"22nd "#vldb}
1185@string{vldb02 = proc#"28nd "#vldb}
1186@string{vlsitech = "International Symposium on VLSI Technology Systems and Applications"}
1187@string{vm = "Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium"}
1188@string{vm04 = proc#"3rd "#vm}
1189@string{vstte = "Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments"}
1190@string{vstte08 = procv#vstte#" 2008"}
1192@comment{Proceedings "w":}
1193@string{wae = "Workshop on Alorithmic Engineering"}
1194@string{wae98 = "2nd "#wae}
1195@string{wcet = "Workshop on Worst-Case Execution-Time Analysis"}
1196@string{wcet01 = proc#"1st "#wcet}
1197@string{wcet02 = proc#"2nd "#wcet}
1198@string{wcet03 = proc#"3rd "#wcet}
1199@string{wcet04 = proc#"4th "#wcet}
1200@string{wcet05 = proc#"5th "#wcet}
1201@string{wcet06 = proc#"6th "#wcet}
1202@string{wcet07 = proc#"7th "#wcet}
1203@string{wcet01note = "Satellite Workshop of the 13th "#ecrts}
1204@string{wcet02note = "Satellite Workshop of the 14th "#ecrts}
1205@string{wcet03note = "Satellite Workshop of the 15th "#ecrts}
1206@string{wcet04note = "Satellite Workshop of the 16th "#ecrts}
1207@string{wcet05note = "Satellite Workshop of the 17th "#ecrts}
1208@string{wcet06note = "Satellite Workshop of the 18th "#ecrts}
1209@string{wcet07note = "Satellite Workshop of the 19th "#ecrts}
1210@string{wcpec = "World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion"}
1211@string{wcpec94 = "1st "#wcpec}
1212@string{wcpec98 = "2nd "#wcpec}
1213@string{weiss = usenix#" Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software"}
1214@string{weiss00 = "1st "#weiss}
1215@string{woss = acm#" SIGSOFT Workshop on Self-Healing Systems"}
1216@string{woss02 = proc#woss}
1217@string{wossa = " Workshop on Object Systems and Software Architectures "}
1218@string{wossa04 = proc#wossa#"2004"}
1219@string{wossa06 = proc#"2nd International"#wossa}
1220@string{wpdp = "International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing"}
1221@string{wmcsa = ieee#" Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications"}
1222@string{wmcsa94 = proc#"1st "#wmcsa}
1223@string{wmcsa00 = proc#"3rd "#wmcsa}
1224@string{wmrd = "Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data"}
1225@string{wmrd92 = proc#"2nd "#wmrd}
1226@string{wwos = "Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems"}
1227@string{wwos92 = proc#"3rd "#wwos}
1228@string{wwos93 = proc#"4th "#wwos}
1230@comment{Proceedings "x":}
1232@comment{Proceedings "y":}
1234@comment{Proceedings "z":}