2" Copyright 2016, NICTA
4" This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
5" the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
6" See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
10" Parts of this file were originally contributed by
11" Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann <drahflow@gmx.de>
15" Vim syntax highlighting for THY files.
17" This syntax will show UTF-8 Isabelle symbols if you have concealling enabled.
18" If you use this, you will probably want it automatically enabled whenever you
19" open an Isabelle theory. So whenever you detect and enable the syntax, set
20" the conceal level as well:
22"  au BufRead,BufNewFile *.thy setfiletype isabelle
23"  au BufRead,BufNewFile *.thy set conceallevel=2
25" If you regularly need to toggle this on and off you can bind it to a key:
27"  function! ToggleConceal()
28"    if &conceallevel == 0
29"      set conceallevel=2
30"    else
31"      set conceallevel=0
32"    endif
33"  endfunction
34"  nm <F6> :call ToggleConceal()<CR>
35"  imap <F6> <C-o>:call ToggleConceal()<CR>
38syn clear
39syn sync fromstart
40syn case match
42syn keyword IsabelleCommand term typ prop prf full_prf pr value
43syn keyword IsabelleCommand abbreviation
44syn keyword IsabelleCommand theory
45syn keyword IsabelleCommand theorem schematic_theorem corollary
46    \ schematic_corollary
47syn keyword IsabelleCommand lemma
48syn keyword IsabelleCommand lemmas
49syn keyword IsabelleCommand schematic_lemma
50syn keyword IsabelleCommand primrec
51syn keyword IsabelleCommand datatype
52syn keyword IsabelleCommand declare declaration syntax_declaration
53syn keyword IsabelleCommand definition
54syn keyword IsabelleCommand fun
55syn keyword IsabelleCommand function termination
56syn keyword IsabelleCommand typedecl
57syn keyword IsabelleCommand types
58syn keyword IsabelleCommand typedef
59syn keyword IsabelleCommand type_synonym
60syn keyword IsabelleCommand consts
61syn keyword IsabelleCommand constdefs
62syn keyword IsabelleCommand inductive
63syn keyword IsabelleCommand inductive_set
64syn keyword IsabelleCommand inductive_cases
65syn keyword IsabelleCommand record
66syn keyword IsabelleCommand defs
67syn keyword IsabelleCommand axclass
68syn keyword IsabelleCommand instance
69syn keyword IsabelleCommand axioms
70syn keyword IsabelleCommand axiomatization
71syn keyword IsabelleCommand locale
72syn keyword IsabelleCommand sublocale
73syn keyword IsabelleCommand theorems
74syn keyword IsabelleCommand class subclass
75syn keyword IsabelleCommand interpretation interpret
76syn keyword IsabelleCommand instantiation
77syn keyword IsabelleCommand context
78syn keyword IsabelleCommand rep_datatype
79syn keyword IsabelleCommand export_code
80syn keyword IsabelleCommand code_const
81syn keyword IsabelleCommand ML_file
82syn keyword IsabelleCommand setup
83syn keyword IsabelleCommand thm find_theorems
84syn keyword IsabelleCommand print_theorems print_locale print_locales
85    \ print_dependencies print_interps print_classes class_deps print_abbrevs
86    \ print_statement print_trans_rules print_cases print_induct_rules
87syn keyword IsabelleCommand notepad
88syn keyword IsabelleCommand nonterminal syntax no_syntax translations
89    \ no_translations
91" Do some juggling to give us ML highlighting inside an Isabelle/ML block.
92if exists('b:current_syntax')
93  let s:current_syntax=b:current_syntax
94  unlet b:current_syntax
96syntax include @SML syntax/sml.vim
97if exists('s:current_syntax')
98  let b:current_syntax=s:current_syntax
100  unlet b:current_syntax
102syntax region IsabelleCommand matchgroup=SpecialComment fold start="ML\_s*\({\*\|\\<open>\)" end="\(\*}\|\\<close>\)" contains=@SML
103syntax region IsabelleCommand matchgroup=SpecialComment fold start="method_setup\_s*\a\w*\_s*=\_s*\({\*\|\\<open>\)" end="\(\*}\|\\<close>\)\_s*\(\"[^\"]*\"\)\?" contains=@SML
105" Excessively complicated way of matching (* ... *) comments to support nested
106" blocks.
107syntax region IsabelleComment matchgroup=IsabelleComment start="(\*" end="\*)" contains=IsabelleCommentStart
108syntax match IsabelleCommentStart "(\*" contained nextgroup=IsabelleCommentContent contains=IsabelleCommentStart
109syntax match IsabelleCommentContent ".*" contained
111" You can use LaTeX within text {* ... *} blocks and friends and sometimes it
112" is useful to have syntax highlighting enabled within these blocks when
113" working on a PDF-destined theory. This is off by default because it can be a
114" little distracting when not working on documentation. You can put something
115" like the following in your ~/.vimrc for easy toggling of LaTeX syntax:
117"   function! ToggleIsabelleTex()
118"     if exists('g:isabelle_tex')
119"       let g:isabelle_tex = !g:isabelle_tex
120"     else
121"       let g:isabelle_tex=1
122"     endif
123"     syntax off
124"     syntax on
125"   endfunction
126"   nm <F8> :call ToggleIsabelleTex()<CR>
127"   imap <F8> <C-o>:call ToggleIsabelleTex()<CR>
129if exists('g:isabelle_tex') && g:isabelle_tex == 1
130  if exists('b:current_syntax')
131    let s:current_syntax=b:current_syntax
132    unlet b:current_syntax
133  endif
134  syntax include @TEX syntax/tex.vim
135  if exists('s:current_syntax')
136    let b:current_syntax=s:current_syntax
137  else
138    unlet b:current_syntax
139  endif
140  syntax region IsabelleCommand matchgroup=IsabelleComment fold start="\(chapter\|text\|txt\|header\|\(sub\)*section\)[ ]*{\*" end="\*}" contains=@TEX
141  " The TeX syntax meddles with iskeyword and thereby screws up syntax
142  " highlighting for anything involving an underscore after it has been loaded.
143  " Reset this here.
144  set iskeyword+=_
146  " If g:isabelle_tex is not set, just highlight these blocks as normal
147  " comments.
148  syn match IsabelleComment "\(chapter\|text\|txt\|header\|\(sub\)*section\)[ ]*{\*\_.\{-}\*}"
151syn keyword IsabelleCommandPart and is
152syn keyword IsabelleCommandPart assumes constrains defines shows fixes notes
153    \ obtains
154syn keyword IsabelleCommandPart where for
155syn keyword IsabelleCommandPart begin end
156syn keyword IsabelleCommandPart imports
157syn keyword IsabelleCommandPart keywords uses
158syn keyword IsabelleCommandPart monos overloaded
159syn keyword IsabelleCommandMod code simp iff rule_format cong
160syn match IsabelleCommandMod /\<intro\>!\?/
161syn match IsabelleCommandMod /\<dest\>!\?/
162syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofProve proof
163syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofProve apply
164syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofProve prefer defer
165syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofBad back
166syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofDone done by qed apply_end
167syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofFail sorry oops
168syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofIsar assume show have from then thus hence
169    \ presume def
170syn match IsabelleGoalProofIsar /?\<thesis\>/
171syn match IsabelleGoalProofIsar /?\<case\>/
172syn keyword IsabelleGoalProofIsar assms
173syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofIsar with next using note
174syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofIsar let
175syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofIsar moreover ultimately also finally
176syn keyword IsabelleCommandProofIsar fix obtain where case guess
177syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod assumption fact this
178syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod rule erule drule frule
179syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod elim
180syn match IsabelleCommandMethod /\<intro\>/
181syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod intro_classes intro_locales
182syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod rule_tac erule_tac drule_tac frule_tac
183syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod insert subst hypsubst
184syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod rename_tac rotate_tac
185syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod induct_tac ind_cases induct
186syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod coinduct
187syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod induct_scheme lexicographic_order relation
188syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod case_tac cases split
189syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod subgoal_tac
190syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod eval evaluation
191syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod fail succeed
192syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod atomize atomize_elim
193syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod neg_clausify finish_clausify
194syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod contradiction
195syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod cut_tac
196syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod fold unfold unfold_locales unfolding
197syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethod normalization sring_norm
198syn match IsabelleCommandMethodMod /\<add!\?:/
199syn match IsabelleCommandMethodMod /\<del!\?:/
200syn match IsabelleCommandMethodMod /\<only!\?:/
201syn match IsabelleCommandMethodMod /\<dest!\?:/
202syn match IsabelleCommandMethodMod /\<intro!\?:/
203syn match IsabelleCommandMethodMod /\<split!\?:/
204syn match IsabelleCommandMethodMod /\<cong!\?:/
205syn match IsabelleCommandMethodMod /\<arbitrary!\?:/
206syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethodMod in no_asm_use
207syn keyword IsabelleCommandMethodMod thin_tac
208syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod simp simp_all
209syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod blast force auto fast best slow deepen fastforce
210syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod unat_arith arith algebra
211syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod bestsimp fastsimp simplesubst slowsimp
212syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod clarify safe clarsimp default
213syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod eprover eproverF eproverH
214syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod iprover
215syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod metis metisF metisH
216syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod meson order pat_completeness
217syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod presburger
218syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod rtrancl rtranclp trancl tranclp
219syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod sat satx
220syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod spass spassF spassH
221syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod tactic raw_tactic
222syn keyword IsabelleCommandBigMethod vampire vampireF vampireH
223syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule conjI conjE conjunct1 conjunct2
224syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule disjI1 disjI2 disjE disjCI
225syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule notI notE
226syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule impI
227syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule mp
228syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule ssubst subst
229syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule contrapos_np contrapos_nn
230syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule contrapos_pp contrapos_pn
231syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule allI allE spec
232syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule exI exE
233syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule the_equality
234syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule some_equality someI someI2 someI_ex
235syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule order_antisym
236syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule sym
237syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule iffD1 iffD2
238syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule arg_cong
239syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule mult_le_mono1
240syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule mod_Suc
241syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule mod_div_equality
242syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule dvd_mod_imp_dvd dvd_mod dvd_trans
243syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule IntI IntD1 IntD2
244syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule Compl_iff Compl_Un Compl_partition
245syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule Diff_disjoint
246syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule subsetI subsetD
247syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule Un_subset_iff
248syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule set_ext
249syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule equalityI equalityE
250syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule insert_is_Un
251syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule mem_Collect_eq Collect_mem_eq
252syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule ballI bspec bexI bexE
253syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule UN_iff UN_I UN_E Union_iff
254syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule INT_iff Inter_iff
255syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule card_Un_Int card_Pow
256syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule n_subsets
257syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule ext id_def o_def o_assoc
258syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule fun_upd_apply fun_upd_upd
259syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule inj_on_def surj_def bij_def
260syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule inv_f_f surj_f_inv_f inv_inv_eq
261syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule expand_fun_eq
262syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule image_def image_compose image_Un image_Int
263syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule vimage_def vimage_Compl
264syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule Id_def rel_comp_def R_O_Id rel_comp_mono
265syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule converse_iff Image_iff Domain_iff Range_iff
266syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule rtrancl_unfold rtrancl_refl
267syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule r_into_rtrancl rtrancl_trans
268syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule rtrancl_induct rtrancl_idemp
269syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule converse_rtrancl_induct
270syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule trancl_trans trancl_converse
271syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule less_than_iff wf_less_than
272syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule inv_image_def wf_inv_image
273syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule measure_def wf_measure
274syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule lex_prod_def wf_lex_prod
275syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule wf_induct
276syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule mono_def monoI monoD
277syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule lfp_unfold lfp_induct lfp_induct_set
278syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule lfp_lowerbound
279syn keyword IsabelleCommandRule gfp_unfold coinduct
280syn keyword IsabelleCommandRuleMod asm of OF THEN simplified where symmetric
281    \ standard
282syn match IsabelleCommandRule /\<[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_']*_def\>/
283syn match IsabelleCommandPart /|/
285syn region IsabelleInner matchgroup=IsabelleInnerMarker start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=@IsabelleInnerStuff
287syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lambda>\|%/
288syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<circ>\|\<o\>/
289syn match IsabelleSpecial /\<O\>/
290syn match IsabelleSpecial /\./
292" Collapse Isabelle escape sequences.
293syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<supseteq>/ conceal cchar=���
294syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<KK>/ conceal cchar=����
295syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<up>/ conceal cchar=���
296syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<otimes>/ conceal cchar=���
297syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<aa>/ conceal cchar=����
298syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<dagger>/ conceal cchar=���
299syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<frown>/ conceal cchar=���
300syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<guillemotleft>/ conceal cchar=��
301syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<qq>/ conceal cchar=����
302syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<X>/ conceal cchar=����
303syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<triangleright>/ conceal cchar=���
304syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<guillemotright>/ conceal cchar=��
305syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<nu>/ conceal cchar=��
306syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<sim>/ conceal cchar=���
307syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rightharpoondown>/ conceal cchar=���
308syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<p>/ conceal cchar=����
309syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Up>/ conceal cchar=���
310syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<triangleq>/ conceal cchar=���
311syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<nine>/ conceal cchar=����
312syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<preceq>/ conceal cchar=���
313syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<nabla>/ conceal cchar=���
314syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<FF>/ conceal cchar=����
315syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Im>/ conceal cchar=���
316syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<VV>/ conceal cchar=����
317syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<spacespace>/ conceal cchar=���
318syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<and>/ conceal cchar=���
319syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<mapsto>/ conceal cchar=���
320syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ll>/ conceal cchar=����
321syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<F>/ conceal cchar=���
322syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<degree>/ conceal cchar=��
323syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<beta>/ conceal cchar=��
324syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Colon>/ conceal cchar=���
325syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<bool>/ conceal cchar=����
326syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<e>/ conceal cchar=����
327syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lozenge>/ conceal cchar=���
328syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<u>/ conceal cchar=����
329syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<sharp>/ conceal cchar=���
330syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Longleftrightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
331syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Otimes>/ conceal cchar=���
332syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<EE>/ conceal cchar=����
333syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<I>/ conceal cchar=���
334syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<UU>/ conceal cchar=����
335syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<exclamdown>/ conceal cchar=��
336syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<dots>/ conceal cchar=���
337syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<N>/ conceal cchar=����
338syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<kk>/ conceal cchar=����
339syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<plusminus>/ conceal cchar=��
340syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<E>/ conceal cchar=���
341syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<triangle>/ conceal cchar=���
342syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<eta>/ conceal cchar=��
343syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<triangleleft>/ conceal cchar=���
344syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<chi>/ conceal cchar=��
345syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<z>/ conceal cchar=����
346syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<hungarumlaut>/ conceal cchar=��
347syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<partial>/ conceal cchar=���
348syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<three>/ conceal cchar=����
349syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lesssim>/ conceal cchar=���
350syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<subset>/ conceal cchar=���
351syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<H>/ conceal cchar=���
352syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<leftarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
353syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<PP>/ conceal cchar=����
354syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<sqsupseteq>/ conceal cchar=���
355syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<R>/ conceal cchar=���
356syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<bowtie>/ conceal cchar=���
357syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<C>/ conceal cchar=����
358syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ddagger>/ conceal cchar=���
359syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ff>/ conceal cchar=����
360syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<turnstile>/ conceal cchar=���
361syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<bar>/ conceal cchar=��
362syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<propto>/ conceal cchar=���
363syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<S>/ conceal cchar=����
364syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<vv>/ conceal cchar=����
365syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lhd>/ conceal cchar=���
366syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<paragraph>/ conceal cchar=��
367syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<mu>/ conceal cchar=��
368syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rightharpoonup>/ conceal cchar=���
369syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Inter>/ conceal cchar=���
370syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<o>/ conceal cchar=����
371syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<asymp>/ conceal cchar=���
372syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Leftarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
373syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Sqinter>/ conceal cchar=���
374syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<eight>/ conceal cchar=����
375syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<succeq>/ conceal cchar=���
376syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<forall>/ conceal cchar=���
377syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<complex>/ conceal cchar=���
378syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<GG>/ conceal cchar=����
379syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Coprod>/ conceal cchar=���
380syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<L>/ conceal cchar=���
381syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<WW>/ conceal cchar=����
382syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<leadsto>/ conceal cchar=���
383syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<D>/ conceal cchar=����
384syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<angle>/ conceal cchar=���
385syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<section>/ conceal cchar=��
386syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<TTurnstile>/ conceal cchar=���
387syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<mm>/ conceal cchar=����
388syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<T>/ conceal cchar=����
389syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<alpha>/ conceal cchar=��
390syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<leftharpoondown>/ conceal cchar=���
391syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rho>/ conceal cchar=��
392syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<wrong>/ conceal cchar=���
393syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<l>/ conceal cchar=����
394syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<doteq>/ conceal cchar=���
395syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<times>/ conceal cchar=��
396syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<noteq>/ conceal cchar=���
397syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rangle>/ conceal cchar=���
398syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<div>/ conceal cchar=��
399syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Longrightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
400syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<BB>/ conceal cchar=����
401syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<sqsupset>/ conceal cchar=���
402syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
403syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<real>/ conceal cchar=���
404syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<hh>/ conceal cchar=����
405syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Phi>/ conceal cchar=��
406syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<integral>/ conceal cchar=���
407syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<CC>/ conceal cchar=���
408syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<euro>/ conceal cchar=���
409syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<xx>/ conceal cchar=����
410syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Y>/ conceal cchar=����
411syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<zeta>/ conceal cchar=��
412syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<longleftarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
413syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<a>/ conceal cchar=����
414syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<onequarter>/ conceal cchar=��
415syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<And>/ conceal cchar=���
416syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<downharpoonright>/ conceal cchar=���
417syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<phi>/ conceal cchar=��
418syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<q>/ conceal cchar=����
419syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Rightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
420syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<clubsuit>/ conceal cchar=���
421syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ggreater>/ conceal cchar=���
422syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<two>/ conceal cchar=����
423syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<succ>/ conceal cchar=���
424syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<AA>/ conceal cchar=����
425syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lparr>/ conceal cchar=���
426syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Squnion>/ conceal cchar=���
427syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<HH>/ conceal cchar=���
428syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<sqsubseteq>/ conceal cchar=���
429syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<QQ>/ conceal cchar=����
430syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<setminus>/ conceal cchar=���
431syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Lambda>/ conceal cchar=��
432syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Re>/ conceal cchar=���
433syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<J>/ conceal cchar=����
434syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<gg>/ conceal cchar=����
435syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<hyphen>/ conceal cchar=��
436syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<B>/ conceal cchar=���
437syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Z>/ conceal cchar=����
438syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ww>/ conceal cchar=����
439syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lambda>/ conceal cchar=��
440syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<onehalf>/ conceal cchar=��
441syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<f>/ conceal cchar=����
442syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Or>/ conceal cchar=���
443syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<v>/ conceal cchar=����
444syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<natural>/ conceal cchar=���
445syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<seven>/ conceal cchar=����
446syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Oplus>/ conceal cchar=���
447syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<subseteq>/ conceal cchar=���
448syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rfloor>/ conceal cchar=���
449syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<LL>/ conceal cchar=����
450syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Sum>/ conceal cchar=���
451syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ominus>/ conceal cchar=���
452syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<bb>/ conceal cchar=����
453syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Pi>/ conceal cchar=��
454syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<cent>/ conceal cchar=��
455syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<diamond>/ conceal cchar=���
456syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<mho>/ conceal cchar=���
457syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<O>/ conceal cchar=����
458syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rr>/ conceal cchar=����
459syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<twosuperior>/ conceal cchar=��
460syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<leftharpoonup>/ conceal cchar=���
461syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<pi>/ conceal cchar=��
462syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<k>/ conceal cchar=����
463syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<star>/ conceal cchar=���
464syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rightleftharpoons>/ conceal cchar=���
465syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<equiv>/ conceal cchar=���
466syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<langle>/ conceal cchar=���
467syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Longleftarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
468syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<nexists>/ conceal cchar=���
469syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Odot>/ conceal cchar=���
470syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lfloor>/ conceal cchar=���
471syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<sqsubset>/ conceal cchar=���
472syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<SS>/ conceal cchar=����
473syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<box>/ conceal cchar=���
474syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<index>/ conceal cchar=��
475syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<pounds>/ conceal cchar=��
476syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Upsilon>/ conceal cchar=��
477syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ii>/ conceal cchar=����
478syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<hookleftarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
479syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<P>/ conceal cchar=����
480syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<threesuperior>/ conceal cchar=��
481syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<epsilon>/ conceal cchar=��
482syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<yy>/ conceal cchar=����
483syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<h>/ conceal cchar=����
484syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<upsilon>/ conceal cchar=��
485syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<x>/ conceal cchar=����
486syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<not>/ conceal cchar=��
487syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<le>/ conceal cchar=���
488syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<one>/ conceal cchar=����
489syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<cdots>/ conceal cchar=���
490syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<some>/ conceal cchar=��
491syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Prod>/ conceal cchar=���
492syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<NN>/ conceal cchar=����
493syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<squnion>/ conceal cchar=���
494syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<dd>/ conceal cchar=����
495syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<top>/ conceal cchar=���
496syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<dieresis>/ conceal cchar=��
497syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<tt>/ conceal cchar=����
498syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<U>/ conceal cchar=����
499syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<unlhd>/ conceal cchar=���
500syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<cedilla>/ conceal cchar=��
501syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<kappa>/ conceal cchar=��
502syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<amalg>/ conceal cchar=���
503syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<restriction>/ conceal cchar=���
504syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<struct>/ conceal cchar=���
505syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<m>/ conceal cchar=����
506syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<six>/ conceal cchar=����
507syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<midarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
508syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lbrace>/ conceal cchar=���
509syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lessapprox>/ conceal cchar=���
510syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<MM>/ conceal cchar=����
511syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<down>/ conceal cchar=���
512syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<oplus>/ conceal cchar=���
513syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<wp>/ conceal cchar=���
514syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<surd>/ conceal cchar=���
515syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<cc>/ conceal cchar=����
516syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<bottom>/ conceal cchar=���
517syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<copyright>/ conceal cchar=��
518syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ZZ>/ conceal cchar=���
519syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<union>/ conceal cchar=���
520syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<V>/ conceal cchar=����
521syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ss>/ conceal cchar=����
522syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<unrhd>/ conceal cchar=���
523syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<onesuperior>/ conceal cchar=��
524syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<b>/ conceal cchar=����
525syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<downharpoonleft>/ conceal cchar=���
526syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<cdot>/ conceal cchar=���
527syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<r>/ conceal cchar=����
528syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Midarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
529syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Down>/ conceal cchar=���
530syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<diamondsuit>/ conceal cchar=���
531syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rbrakk>/ conceal cchar=���
532syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lless>/ conceal cchar=���
533syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<longleftrightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
534syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<prec>/ conceal cchar=���
535syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<emptyset>/ conceal cchar=���
536syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rparr>/ conceal cchar=���
537syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Delta>/ conceal cchar=��
538syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<XX>/ conceal cchar=����
539syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<parallel>/ conceal cchar=���
540syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<K>/ conceal cchar=����
541syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<nn>/ conceal cchar=����
542syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<registered>/ conceal cchar=��
543syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<M>/ conceal cchar=���
544syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<delta>/ conceal cchar=��
545syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<threequarters>/ conceal cchar=��
546syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<g>/ conceal cchar=����
547syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<cong>/ conceal cchar=���
548syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<tau>/ conceal cchar=��
549syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<w>/ conceal cchar=����
550syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ge>/ conceal cchar=���
551syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<flat>/ conceal cchar=���
552syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<zero>/ conceal cchar=����
553syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Uplus>/ conceal cchar=���
554syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<longmapsto>/ conceal cchar=���
555syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<supset>/ conceal cchar=���
556syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<in>/ conceal cchar=���
557syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<sqinter>/ conceal cchar=���
558syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<OO>/ conceal cchar=����
559syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<updown>/ conceal cchar=���
560syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<circ>/ conceal cchar=���
561syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rat>/ conceal cchar=���
562syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<stileturn>/ conceal cchar=���
563syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ee>/ conceal cchar=����
564syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Omega>/ conceal cchar=��
565syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<or>/ conceal cchar=���
566syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<inverse>/ conceal cchar=��
567syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rhd>/ conceal cchar=���
568syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<uu>/ conceal cchar=����
569syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<iota>/ conceal cchar=��
570syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<d>/ conceal cchar=����
571syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<questiondown>/ conceal cchar=��
572syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Union>/ conceal cchar=���
573syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<omega>/ conceal cchar=��
574syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<approx>/ conceal cchar=���
575syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<t>/ conceal cchar=����
576syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Updown>/ conceal cchar=���
577syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<spadesuit>/ conceal cchar=���
578syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<five>/ conceal cchar=����
579syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<exists>/ conceal cchar=���
580syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rceil>/ conceal cchar=���
581syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<JJ>/ conceal cchar=����
582syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<minusplus>/ conceal cchar=���
583syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<nat>/ conceal cchar=���
584syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<oslash>/ conceal cchar=���
585syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<A>/ conceal cchar=����
586syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Xi>/ conceal cchar=��
587syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<currency>/ conceal cchar=��
588syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Turnstile>/ conceal cchar=���
589syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<hookrightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
590syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<pp>/ conceal cchar=����
591syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Q>/ conceal cchar=����
592syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<aleph>/ conceal cchar=���
593syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<acute>/ conceal cchar=��
594syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<xi>/ conceal cchar=��
595syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<simeq>/ conceal cchar=���
596syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<i>/ conceal cchar=����
597syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Join>/ conceal cchar=���
598syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<y>/ conceal cchar=����
599syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lbrakk>/ conceal cchar=���
600syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<greatersim>/ conceal cchar=���
601syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<greaterapprox>/ conceal cchar=���
602syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<longrightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
603syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<lceil>/ conceal cchar=���
604syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Gamma>/ conceal cchar=��
605syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<odot>/ conceal cchar=���
606syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<YY>/ conceal cchar=����
607syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<infinity>/ conceal cchar=���
608syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Sigma>/ conceal cchar=��
609syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<yen>/ conceal cchar=��
610syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<int>/ conceal cchar=���
611syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<tturnstile>/ conceal cchar=���
612syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<oo>/ conceal cchar=����
613syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ointegral>/ conceal cchar=���
614syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<gamma>/ conceal cchar=��
615syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<upharpoonleft>/ conceal cchar=���
616syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<sigma>/ conceal cchar=��
617syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<n>/ conceal cchar=����
618syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<rbrace>/ conceal cchar=���
619syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<DD>/ conceal cchar=����
620syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<notin>/ conceal cchar=���
621syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<j>/ conceal cchar=����
622syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<uplus>/ conceal cchar=���
623syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<leftrightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
624syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<TT>/ conceal cchar=����
625syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<bullet>/ conceal cchar=���
626syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Theta>/ conceal cchar=��
627syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<smile>/ conceal cchar=���
628syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<G>/ conceal cchar=����
629syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<jj>/ conceal cchar=����
630syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<inter>/ conceal cchar=���
631syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Psi>/ conceal cchar=��
632syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ordfeminine>/ conceal cchar=��
633syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<W>/ conceal cchar=����
634syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<zz>/ conceal cchar=����
635syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<theta>/ conceal cchar=��
636syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<ordmasculine>/ conceal cchar=��
637syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<c>/ conceal cchar=����
638syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<psi>/ conceal cchar=��
639syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<s>/ conceal cchar=����
640syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<Leftrightarrow>/ conceal cchar=���
641syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<heartsuit>/ conceal cchar=���
642syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<four>/ conceal cchar=����
643syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<open>/ conceal cchar=���
644syn match IsabelleSpecial /\\<close>/ conceal cchar=���
646syn cluster IsabelleInnerStuff contains=IsabelleSpecial
648" Enable folding of proofs and locales. Note that the starting regex needs to
649" match with zero width to preserve syntax highlighting of the opening command.
650syn region IsabelleLemmaFold
651    \ start="\(\<\(schematic_\)\?\(corollary\|lemma\|theorem\)\>\|have\|show\)\@<="
652    \ end="\<\(done\|by\|qed\|apply_end\|oops\|sorry\)\>"
653    \ fold keepend transparent
654syn region IsabelleLocaleFold
655    \ start="\(\<\(sub\)\?locale\>\)\@<="
656    \ end="\<end\>"
657    \ fold keepend transparent
659syn match IsabelleComment "--.*$"
660hi def link IsabelleComment Comment
661hi def link IsabelleCommentStart Comment
662hi def link IsabelleCommentContent Comment
664hi IsabelleCommand           ctermfg=3 cterm=bold guifg=yellow gui=bold
665hi IsabelleCommandPart       ctermfg=3 cterm=none guifg=yellow
666hi IsabelleCommandMod        ctermfg=3 cterm=none guifg=yellow
667hi IsabelleInnerMarker       ctermfg=1 cterm=none guifg=red
668hi IsabelleSpecial           ctermfg=5 cterm=none guifg=magenta
669hi IsabelleCommandProofProve ctermfg=2 cterm=none guifg=green
670hi IsabelleCommandProofIsar  ctermfg=2 cterm=none guifg=green
671hi IsabelleGoalProofIsar     ctermfg=3 cterm=none guifg=yellow
672hi IsabelleCommandProofDone  ctermfg=2 cterm=bold guifg=green gui=bold
673hi IsabelleCommandProofFail  ctermfg=1 cterm=bold guifg=red   gui=bold
674hi IsabelleCommandProofBad   ctermfg=1 cterm=none guifg=red
675hi IsabelleCommandRule       ctermfg=7 cterm=bold guifg=white gui=bold
676hi IsabelleCommandRuleMod    ctermfg=6 cterm=none guifg=cyan
677hi IsabelleCommandMethod     ctermfg=6 cterm=none guifg=cyan
678hi IsabelleCommandMethodMod  ctermfg=6 cterm=none guifg=cyan
679hi IsabelleCommandBigMethod  ctermfg=6 cterm=bold guifg=cyan gui=bold
681hi Normal guibg=black guifg=grey
683" Jedit-style autocompletion. This is off by default because it can
684" significantly slow Vim down. To use this functionality, put something like
685" the following in your ~/.vimrc and then use F9 to toggle completion on and
686" off.
688"     function! ToggleIsabelleAbbreviations()
689"       if exists('g:isabelle_abbreviations')
690"         let g:isabelle_abbreviations=!g:isabelle_abbreviations
691"       else
692"         let g:isabelle_abbreviations=1
693"       endif
694"       syntax off
695"       syntax on
696"     endfunction
697"     nm <F9> :call ToggleIsabelleAbbreviations()<CR>
698"     imap <F9> <C-o>:call ToggleIsabelleAbbreviations()<CR>
700if exists('g:isabelle_abbreviations')
701  if g:isabelle_abbreviations == 1
702    " Tweak the things that Vim sees as part of a word. This is useful if you
703    " have macros that kick in on word completion or similar.
704    set iskeyword+=>
705    set iskeyword+=]
706    set iskeyword+=:
707    " XXX: Vim does not seem to have a way to add '*' to the iskeyword set.
709    " Jedit-style autocomplete of unicode tokens. This was generated by the
710    " following Python
711    "
712    "     import isasymbols # From l4v-internal
713    "
714    "     def vim_escape(data):
715    "         'Escape characters that are special to Vim'
716    "         return data.replace('<', '<lt>').replace('\\',
717    "             '<Bslash>').replace('|', '<Bar>')
718    "
719    "     t = isasymbols.make_translator('/path/to/symbols')
720    "     for symbol in t.symbols:
721    "         for abbreviation in symbol.abbreviations:
722    "             print 'iab %s %s' % (vim_escape(abbreviation),
723    "                 vim_escape(symbol.ascii_text))
724    "
725    iab <buffer> % <Bslash><lt>lambda>
726    iab <buffer> <lt>. <Bslash><lt>leftarrow>
727    iab <buffer> <lt>. <Bslash><lt>longleftarrow>
728    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>rightarrow>
729    iab <buffer> -> <Bslash><lt>rightarrow>
730    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>longrightarrow>
731    iab <buffer> --> <Bslash><lt>longrightarrow>
732    iab <buffer> <lt>. <Bslash><lt>Leftarrow>
733    iab <buffer> <lt>. <Bslash><lt>Longleftarrow>
734    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>Rightarrow>
735    iab <buffer> => <Bslash><lt>Rightarrow>
736    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>Longrightarrow>
737    iab <buffer> ==> <Bslash><lt>Longrightarrow>
738    iab <buffer> <lt>> <Bslash><lt>leftrightarrow>
739    iab <buffer> <lt>-> <Bslash><lt>leftrightarrow>
740    iab <buffer> <lt>> <Bslash><lt>longleftrightarrow>
741    iab <buffer> <lt>-> <Bslash><lt>longleftrightarrow>
742    iab <buffer> <lt>--> <Bslash><lt>longleftrightarrow>
743    iab <buffer> <lt>> <Bslash><lt>Leftrightarrow>
744    iab <buffer> <lt>> <Bslash><lt>Longleftrightarrow>
745    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>mapsto>
746    iab <buffer> <Bar>-> <Bslash><lt>mapsto>
747    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>longmapsto>
748    iab <buffer> <Bar>--> <Bslash><lt>longmapsto>
749    iab <buffer> <lt>> <Bslash><lt>midarrow>
750    iab <buffer> <lt>> <Bslash><lt>Midarrow>
751    iab <buffer> <lt>. <Bslash><lt>hookleftarrow>
752    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>hookrightarrow>
753    iab <buffer> <lt>. <Bslash><lt>leftharpoondown>
754    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>rightharpoondown>
755    iab <buffer> <lt>. <Bslash><lt>leftharpoonup>
756    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>rightharpoonup>
757    iab <buffer> <lt>> <Bslash><lt>rightleftharpoons>
758    iab <buffer> == <Bslash><lt>rightleftharpoons>
759    iab <buffer> .> <Bslash><lt>leadsto>
760    iab <buffer> ~> <Bslash><lt>leadsto>
761    iab <buffer> <lt><lt> <Bslash><lt>langle>
762    iab <buffer> >> <Bslash><lt>rangle>
763    iab <buffer> [. <Bslash><lt>lceil>
764    iab <buffer> .] <Bslash><lt>rceil>
765    iab <buffer> [. <Bslash><lt>lfloor>
766    iab <buffer> .] <Bslash><lt>rfloor>
767    iab <buffer> (<Bar> <Bslash><lt>lparr>
768    iab <buffer> <Bar>) <Bslash><lt>rparr>
769    iab <buffer> [<Bar> <Bslash><lt>lbrakk>
770    iab <buffer> <Bar>] <Bslash><lt>rbrakk>
771    iab <buffer> {<Bar> <Bslash><lt>lbrace>
772    iab <buffer> <Bar>} <Bslash><lt>rbrace>
773    iab <buffer> <lt><lt> <Bslash><lt>guillemotleft>
774    iab <buffer> >> <Bslash><lt>guillemotright>
775    iab <buffer> /<Bslash> <Bslash><lt>and>
776    iab <buffer> & <Bslash><lt>and>
777    iab <buffer> !! <Bslash><lt>And>
778    iab <buffer> <Bslash>/ <Bslash><lt>or>
779    iab <buffer> <Bar> <Bslash><lt>or>
780    iab <buffer> ?? <Bslash><lt>Or>
781    iab <buffer> ! <Bslash><lt>forall>
782    iab <buffer> ALL <Bslash><lt>forall>
783    iab <buffer> ? <Bslash><lt>exists>
784    iab <buffer> EX <Bslash><lt>exists>
785    iab <buffer> ~? <Bslash><lt>nexists>
786    iab <buffer> ~ <Bslash><lt>not>
787    iab <buffer> <Bar>- <Bslash><lt>turnstile>
788    iab <buffer> <Bar>= <Bslash><lt>Turnstile>
789    iab <buffer> <Bar>- <Bslash><lt>tturnstile>
790    iab <buffer> <Bar>= <Bslash><lt>TTurnstile>
791    iab <buffer> -<Bar> <Bslash><lt>stileturn>
792    iab <buffer> <lt>= <Bslash><lt>le>
793    iab <buffer> >= <Bslash><lt>ge>
794    iab <buffer> <lt><lt> <Bslash><lt>lless>
795    iab <buffer> >> <Bslash><lt>ggreater>
796    iab <buffer> : <Bslash><lt>in>
797    iab <buffer> ~: <Bslash><lt>notin>
798    iab <buffer> (= <Bslash><lt>subseteq>
799    iab <buffer> )= <Bslash><lt>supseteq>
800    iab <buffer> [= <Bslash><lt>sqsubseteq>
801    iab <buffer> ]= <Bslash><lt>sqsupseteq>
802    iab <buffer> Int <Bslash><lt>inter>
803    iab <buffer> Inter <Bslash><lt>Inter>
804    iab <buffer> INT <Bslash><lt>Inter>
805    iab <buffer> Un <Bslash><lt>union>
806    iab <buffer> Union <Bslash><lt>Union>
807    iab <buffer> UN <Bslash><lt>Union>
808    iab <buffer> SUP <Bslash><lt>Squnion>
809    iab <buffer> INF <Bslash><lt>Sqinter>
810    iab <buffer> ~= <Bslash><lt>noteq>
811    iab <buffer> .= <Bslash><lt>doteq>
812    iab <buffer> == <Bslash><lt>equiv>
813    iab <buffer> <Bar><Bar> <Bslash><lt>parallel>
814    iab <buffer> <Bar><Bar> <Bslash><lt>bar>
815    iab <buffer> <lt>*> <Bslash><lt>times>
816    iab <buffer> +o <Bslash><lt>oplus>
817    iab <buffer> +O <Bslash><lt>Oplus>
818    iab <buffer> *o <Bslash><lt>otimes>
819    iab <buffer> *O <Bslash><lt>Otimes>
820    iab <buffer> .o <Bslash><lt>odot>
821    iab <buffer> .O <Bslash><lt>Odot>
822    iab <buffer> -o <Bslash><lt>ominus>
823    iab <buffer> /o <Bslash><lt>oslash>
824    iab <buffer> ... <Bslash><lt>dots>
825    iab <buffer> SUM <Bslash><lt>Sum>
826    iab <buffer> PROD <Bslash><lt>Prod>
827    iab <buffer> <lt><lt> <Bslash><lt>open>
828    iab <buffer> >> <Bslash><lt>close>
829    iab <buffer> =_( <Bslash><lt>^bsub>
830    iab <buffer> =_) <Bslash><lt>^esub>
831    iab <buffer> =^( <Bslash><lt>^bsup>
832    iab <buffer> =^) <Bslash><lt>^esup>
833  else
834    " Reset to default.
835    set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
837    " Remove all abbreviations.
838    iabc <buffer>
839  endif