1(*  Title:      HOL/Unix/Nested_Environment.thy
2    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
5section \<open>Nested environments\<close>
7theory Nested_Environment
8imports Main
11text \<open>
12  Consider a partial function @{term [source] "e :: 'a \<Rightarrow> 'b option"}; this may
13  be understood as an \<^emph>\<open>environment\<close> mapping indexes @{typ 'a} to optional
14  entry values @{typ 'b} (cf.\ the basic theory \<open>Map\<close> of Isabelle/HOL). This
15  basic idea is easily generalized to that of a \<^emph>\<open>nested environment\<close>, where
16  entries may be either basic values or again proper environments. Then each
17  entry is accessed by a \<^emph>\<open>path\<close>, i.e.\ a list of indexes leading to its
18  position within the structure.
21datatype (dead 'a, dead 'b, dead 'c) env =
22    Val 'a
23  | Env 'b  "'c \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) env option"
25text \<open>
26  \<^medskip>
27  In the type @{typ "('a, 'b, 'c) env"} the parameter @{typ 'a} refers to
28  basic values (occurring in terminal positions), type @{typ 'b} to values
29  associated with proper (inner) environments, and type @{typ 'c} with the
30  index type for branching. Note that there is no restriction on any of these
31  types. In particular, arbitrary branching may yield rather large
32  (transfinite) tree structures.
36subsection \<open>The lookup operation\<close>
38text \<open>
39  Lookup in nested environments works by following a given path of index
40  elements, leading to an optional result (a terminal value or nested
41  environment). A \<^emph>\<open>defined position\<close> within a nested environment is one where
42  @{term lookup} at its path does not yield @{term None}.
45primrec lookup :: "('a, 'b, 'c) env \<Rightarrow> 'c list \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) env option"
46  and lookup_option :: "('a, 'b, 'c) env option \<Rightarrow> 'c list \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) env option"
48    "lookup (Val a) xs = (if xs = [] then Some (Val a) else None)"
49  | "lookup (Env b es) xs =
50      (case xs of
51        [] \<Rightarrow> Some (Env b es)
52      | y # ys \<Rightarrow> lookup_option (es y) ys)"
53  | "lookup_option None xs = None"
54  | "lookup_option (Some e) xs = lookup e xs"
56hide_const lookup_option
58text \<open>
59  \<^medskip>
60  The characteristic cases of @{term lookup} are expressed by the following
61  equalities.
64theorem lookup_nil: "lookup e [] = Some e"
65  by (cases e) simp_all
67theorem lookup_val_cons: "lookup (Val a) (x # xs) = None"
68  by simp
70theorem lookup_env_cons:
71  "lookup (Env b es) (x # xs) =
72    (case es x of
73      None \<Rightarrow> None
74    | Some e \<Rightarrow> lookup e xs)"
75  by (cases "es x") simp_all
77lemmas lookup.simps [simp del] lookup_option.simps [simp del]
78  and lookup_simps [simp] = lookup_nil lookup_val_cons lookup_env_cons
80theorem lookup_eq:
81  "lookup env xs =
82    (case xs of
83      [] \<Rightarrow> Some env
84    | x # xs \<Rightarrow>
85      (case env of
86        Val a \<Rightarrow> None
87      | Env b es \<Rightarrow>
88          (case es x of
89            None \<Rightarrow> None
90          | Some e \<Rightarrow> lookup e xs)))"
91  by (simp split: list.split env.split)
93text \<open>
94  \<^medskip>
95  Displaced @{term lookup} operations, relative to a certain base path prefix,
96  may be reduced as follows. There are two cases, depending whether the
97  environment actually extends far enough to follow the base path.
100theorem lookup_append_none:
101  assumes "lookup env xs = None"
102  shows "lookup env (xs @ ys) = None"
103  using assms
104proof (induct xs arbitrary: env)
105  case Nil
106  then have False by simp
107  then show ?case ..
109  case (Cons x xs)
110  show ?case
111  proof (cases env)
112    case Val
113    then show ?thesis by simp
114  next
115    case (Env b es)
116    show ?thesis
117    proof (cases "es x")
118      case None
119      with Env show ?thesis by simp
120    next
121      case (Some e)
122      note es = \<open>es x = Some e\<close>
123      show ?thesis
124      proof (cases "lookup e xs")
125        case None
126        then have "lookup e (xs @ ys) = None" by (rule Cons.hyps)
127        with Env Some show ?thesis by simp
128      next
129        case Some
130        with Env es have False using Cons.prems by simp
131        then show ?thesis ..
132      qed
133    qed
134  qed
137theorem lookup_append_some:
138  assumes "lookup env xs = Some e"
139  shows "lookup env (xs @ ys) = lookup e ys"
140  using assms
141proof (induct xs arbitrary: env e)
142  case Nil
143  then have "env = e" by simp
144  then show "lookup env ([] @ ys) = lookup e ys" by simp
146  case (Cons x xs)
147  note asm = \<open>lookup env (x # xs) = Some e\<close>
148  show "lookup env ((x # xs) @ ys) = lookup e ys"
149  proof (cases env)
150    case (Val a)
151    with asm have False by simp
152    then show ?thesis ..
153  next
154    case (Env b es)
155    show ?thesis
156    proof (cases "es x")
157      case None
158      with asm Env have False by simp
159      then show ?thesis ..
160    next
161      case (Some e')
162      note es = \<open>es x = Some e'\<close>
163      show ?thesis
164      proof (cases "lookup e' xs")
165        case None
166        with asm Env es have False by simp
167        then show ?thesis ..
168      next
169        case Some
170        with asm Env es have "lookup e' xs = Some e"
171          by simp
172        then have "lookup e' (xs @ ys) = lookup e ys" by (rule Cons.hyps)
173        with Env es show ?thesis by simp
174      qed
175    qed
176  qed
179text \<open>
180  \<^medskip>
181  Successful @{term lookup} deeper down an environment structure means we are
182  able to peek further up as well. Note that this is basically just the
183  contrapositive statement of @{thm [source] lookup_append_none} above.
186theorem lookup_some_append:
187  assumes "lookup env (xs @ ys) = Some e"
188  shows "\<exists>e. lookup env xs = Some e"
189proof -
190  from assms have "lookup env (xs @ ys) \<noteq> None" by simp
191  then have "lookup env xs \<noteq> None"
192    by (rule contrapos_nn) (simp only: lookup_append_none)
193  then show ?thesis by (simp)
196text \<open>
197  The subsequent statement describes in more detail how a successful @{term
198  lookup} with a non-empty path results in a certain situation at any upper
199  position.
202theorem lookup_some_upper:
203  assumes "lookup env (xs @ y # ys) = Some e"
204  shows "\<exists>b' es' env'.
205    lookup env xs = Some (Env b' es') \<and>
206    es' y = Some env' \<and>
207    lookup env' ys = Some e"
208  using assms
209proof (induct xs arbitrary: env e)
210  case Nil
211  from Nil.prems have "lookup env (y # ys) = Some e"
212    by simp
213  then obtain b' es' env' where
214      env: "env = Env b' es'" and
215      es': "es' y = Some env'" and
216      look': "lookup env' ys = Some e"
217    by (auto simp add: lookup_eq split: option.splits env.splits)
218  from env have "lookup env [] = Some (Env b' es')" by simp
219  with es' look' show ?case by blast
221  case (Cons x xs)
222  from Cons.prems
223  obtain b' es' env' where
224      env: "env = Env b' es'" and
225      es': "es' x = Some env'" and
226      look': "lookup env' (xs @ y # ys) = Some e"
227    by (auto simp add: lookup_eq split: option.splits env.splits)
228  from Cons.hyps [OF look'] obtain b'' es'' env'' where
229      upper': "lookup env' xs = Some (Env b'' es'')" and
230      es'': "es'' y = Some env''" and
231      look'': "lookup env'' ys = Some e"
232    by blast
233  from env es' upper' have "lookup env (x # xs) = Some (Env b'' es'')"
234    by simp
235  with es'' look'' show ?case by blast
239subsection \<open>The update operation\<close>
241text \<open>
242  Update at a certain position in a nested environment may either delete an
243  existing entry, or overwrite an existing one. Note that update at undefined
244  positions is simple absorbed, i.e.\ the environment is left unchanged.
247primrec update :: "'c list \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) env option \<Rightarrow>
248    ('a, 'b, 'c) env \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) env"
249  and update_option :: "'c list \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) env option \<Rightarrow>
250    ('a, 'b, 'c) env option \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) env option"
252  "update xs opt (Val a) =
253    (if xs = [] then (case opt of None \<Rightarrow> Val a | Some e \<Rightarrow> e)
254     else Val a)"
255| "update xs opt (Env b es) =
256    (case xs of
257      [] \<Rightarrow> (case opt of None \<Rightarrow> Env b es | Some e \<Rightarrow> e)
258    | y # ys \<Rightarrow> Env b (es (y := update_option ys opt (es y))))"
259| "update_option xs opt None =
260    (if xs = [] then opt else None)"
261| "update_option xs opt (Some e) =
262    (if xs = [] then opt else Some (update xs opt e))"
264hide_const update_option
266text \<open>
267  \<^medskip>
268  The characteristic cases of @{term update} are expressed by the following
269  equalities.
272theorem update_nil_none: "update [] None env = env"
273  by (cases env) simp_all
275theorem update_nil_some: "update [] (Some e) env = e"
276  by (cases env) simp_all
278theorem update_cons_val: "update (x # xs) opt (Val a) = Val a"
279  by simp
281theorem update_cons_nil_env:
282    "update [x] opt (Env b es) = Env b (es (x := opt))"
283  by (cases "es x") simp_all
285theorem update_cons_cons_env:
286  "update (x # y # ys) opt (Env b es) =
287    Env b (es (x :=
288      (case es x of
289        None \<Rightarrow> None
290      | Some e \<Rightarrow> Some (update (y # ys) opt e))))"
291  by (cases "es x") simp_all
293lemmas update.simps [simp del] update_option.simps [simp del]
294  and update_simps [simp] = update_nil_none update_nil_some
295    update_cons_val update_cons_nil_env update_cons_cons_env
297lemma update_eq:
298  "update xs opt env =
299    (case xs of
300      [] \<Rightarrow>
301        (case opt of
302          None \<Rightarrow> env
303        | Some e \<Rightarrow> e)
304    | x # xs \<Rightarrow>
305        (case env of
306          Val a \<Rightarrow> Val a
307        | Env b es \<Rightarrow>
308            (case xs of
309              [] \<Rightarrow> Env b (es (x := opt))
310            | y # ys \<Rightarrow>
311                Env b (es (x :=
312                  (case es x of
313                    None \<Rightarrow> None
314                  | Some e \<Rightarrow> Some (update (y # ys) opt e)))))))"
315  by (simp split: list.split env.split option.split)
317text \<open>
318  \<^medskip>
319  The most basic correspondence of @{term lookup} and @{term update} states
320  that after @{term update} at a defined position, subsequent @{term lookup}
321  operations would yield the new value.
324theorem lookup_update_some:
325  assumes "lookup env xs = Some e"
326  shows "lookup (update xs (Some env') env) xs = Some env'"
327  using assms
328proof (induct xs arbitrary: env e)
329  case Nil
330  then have "env = e" by simp
331  then show ?case by simp
333  case (Cons x xs)
334  note hyp = Cons.hyps
335    and asm = \<open>lookup env (x # xs) = Some e\<close>
336  show ?case
337  proof (cases env)
338    case (Val a)
339    with asm have False by simp
340    then show ?thesis ..
341  next
342    case (Env b es)
343    show ?thesis
344    proof (cases "es x")
345      case None
346      with asm Env have False by simp
347      then show ?thesis ..
348    next
349      case (Some e')
350      note es = \<open>es x = Some e'\<close>
351      show ?thesis
352      proof (cases xs)
353        case Nil
354        with Env show ?thesis by simp
355      next
356        case (Cons x' xs')
357        from asm Env es have "lookup e' xs = Some e" by simp
358        then have "lookup (update xs (Some env') e') xs = Some env'" by (rule hyp)
359        with Env es Cons show ?thesis by simp
360      qed
361    qed
362  qed
365text \<open>
366  \<^medskip>
367  The properties of displaced @{term update} operations are analogous to those
368  of @{term lookup} above. There are two cases: below an undefined position
369  @{term update} is absorbed altogether, and below a defined positions @{term
370  update} affects subsequent @{term lookup} operations in the obvious way.
373theorem update_append_none:
374  assumes "lookup env xs = None"
375  shows "update (xs @ y # ys) opt env = env"
376  using assms
377proof (induct xs arbitrary: env)
378  case Nil
379  then have False by simp
380  then show ?case ..
382  case (Cons x xs)
383  note hyp = Cons.hyps
384    and asm = \<open>lookup env (x # xs) = None\<close>
385  show "update ((x # xs) @ y # ys) opt env = env"
386  proof (cases env)
387    case (Val a)
388    then show ?thesis by simp
389  next
390    case (Env b es)
391    show ?thesis
392    proof (cases "es x")
393      case None
394      note es = \<open>es x = None\<close>
395      show ?thesis
396        by (cases xs) (simp_all add: es Env fun_upd_idem_iff)
397    next
398      case (Some e)
399      note es = \<open>es x = Some e\<close>
400      show ?thesis
401      proof (cases xs)
402        case Nil
403        with asm Env Some have False by simp
404        then show ?thesis ..
405      next
406        case (Cons x' xs')
407        from asm Env es have "lookup e xs = None" by simp
408        then have "update (xs @ y # ys) opt e = e" by (rule hyp)
409        with Env es Cons show "update ((x # xs) @ y # ys) opt env = env"
410          by (simp add: fun_upd_idem_iff)
411      qed
412    qed
413  qed
416theorem update_append_some:
417  assumes "lookup env xs = Some e"
418  shows "lookup (update (xs @ y # ys) opt env) xs = Some (update (y # ys) opt e)"
419  using assms
420proof (induct xs arbitrary: env e)
421  case Nil
422  then have "env = e" by simp
423  then show ?case by simp
425  case (Cons x xs)
426  note hyp = Cons.hyps
427    and asm = \<open>lookup env (x # xs) = Some e\<close>
428  show "lookup (update ((x # xs) @ y # ys) opt env) (x # xs) =
429      Some (update (y # ys) opt e)"
430  proof (cases env)
431    case (Val a)
432    with asm have False by simp
433    then show ?thesis ..
434  next
435    case (Env b es)
436    show ?thesis
437    proof (cases "es x")
438      case None
439      with asm Env have False by simp
440      then show ?thesis ..
441    next
442      case (Some e')
443      note es = \<open>es x = Some e'\<close>
444      show ?thesis
445      proof (cases xs)
446        case Nil
447        with asm Env es have "e = e'" by simp
448        with Env es Nil show ?thesis by simp
449      next
450        case (Cons x' xs')
451        from asm Env es have "lookup e' xs = Some e" by simp
452        then have "lookup (update (xs @ y # ys) opt e') xs =
453          Some (update (y # ys) opt e)" by (rule hyp)
454        with Env es Cons show ?thesis by simp
455      qed
456    qed
457  qed
460text \<open>
461  \<^medskip>
462  Apparently, @{term update} does not affect the result of subsequent @{term
463  lookup} operations at independent positions, i.e.\ in case that the paths
464  for @{term update} and @{term lookup} fork at a certain point.
467theorem lookup_update_other:
468  assumes neq: "y \<noteq> (z::'c)"
469  shows "lookup (update (xs @ z # zs) opt env) (xs @ y # ys) =
470    lookup env (xs @ y # ys)"
471proof (induct xs arbitrary: env)
472  case Nil
473  show ?case
474  proof (cases env)
475    case Val
476    then show ?thesis by simp
477  next
478    case Env
479    show ?thesis
480    proof (cases zs)
481      case Nil
482      with neq Env show ?thesis by simp
483    next
484      case Cons
485      with neq Env show ?thesis by simp
486    qed
487  qed
489  case (Cons x xs)
490  note hyp = Cons.hyps
491  show ?case
492  proof (cases env)
493    case Val
494    then show ?thesis by simp
495  next
496    case (Env y es)
497    show ?thesis
498    proof (cases xs)
499      case Nil
500      show ?thesis
501      proof (cases "es x")
502        case None
503        with Env Nil show ?thesis by simp
504      next
505        case Some
506        with neq hyp and Env Nil show ?thesis by simp
507      qed
508    next
509      case (Cons x' xs')
510      show ?thesis
511      proof (cases "es x")
512        case None
513        with Env Cons show ?thesis by simp
514      next
515        case Some
516        with neq hyp and Env Cons show ?thesis by simp
517      qed
518    qed
519  qed
523subsection \<open>Code generation\<close>
525lemma equal_env_code [code]:
526  fixes x y :: "'a::equal"
527    and f g :: "'c::{equal, finite} \<Rightarrow> ('b::equal, 'a, 'c) env option"
528  shows
529    "HOL.equal (Env x f) (Env y g) \<longleftrightarrow>
530      HOL.equal x y \<and> (\<forall>z \<in> UNIV.
531        case f z of
532          None \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some _ \<Rightarrow> False)
533        | Some a \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> False | Some b \<Rightarrow> HOL.equal a b))" (is ?env)
534    and "HOL.equal (Val a) (Val b) \<longleftrightarrow> HOL.equal a b"
535    and "HOL.equal (Val a) (Env y g) \<longleftrightarrow> False"
536    and "HOL.equal (Env x f) (Val b) \<longleftrightarrow> False"
537proof (unfold equal)
538  have "f = g \<longleftrightarrow>
539    (\<forall>z. case f z of
540      None \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some _ \<Rightarrow> False)
541    | Some a \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> False | Some b \<Rightarrow> a = b))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
542  proof
543    assume ?lhs
544    then show ?rhs by (auto split: option.splits)
545  next
546    assume ?rhs (is "\<forall>z. ?prop z")
547    show ?lhs
548    proof
549      fix z
550      from \<open>?rhs\<close> have "?prop z" ..
551      then show "f z = g z" by (auto split: option.splits)
552    qed
553  qed
554  then show "Env x f = Env y g \<longleftrightarrow>
555    x = y \<and> (\<forall>z \<in> UNIV.
556      case f z of
557        None \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some _ \<Rightarrow> False)
558      | Some a \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> False | Some b \<Rightarrow> a = b))" by simp
559qed simp_all
561lemma [code nbe]: "HOL.equal (x :: (_, _, _) env) x \<longleftrightarrow> True"
562  by (fact equal_refl)