1(*  Title:      HOL/Statespace/DistinctTreeProver.thy
2    Author:     Norbert Schirmer, TU Muenchen
5section \<open>Distinctness of Names in a Binary Tree \label{sec:DistinctTreeProver}\<close>
7theory DistinctTreeProver 
8imports Main
11text \<open>A state space manages a set of (abstract) names and assumes
12that the names are distinct. The names are stored as parameters of a
13locale and distinctness as an assumption. The most common request is
14to proof distinctness of two given names. We maintain the names in a
15balanced binary tree and formulate a predicate that all nodes in the
16tree have distinct names. This setup leads to logarithmic certificates.
19subsection \<open>The Binary Tree\<close>
21datatype 'a tree = Node "'a tree" 'a bool "'a tree" | Tip
24text \<open>The boolean flag in the node marks the content of the node as
25deleted, without having to build a new tree. We prefer the boolean
26flag to an option type, so that the ML-layer can still use the node
27content to facilitate binary search in the tree. The ML code keeps the
28nodes sorted using the term order. We do not have to push ordering to
29the HOL level.\<close>
31subsection \<open>Distinctness of Nodes\<close>
34primrec set_of :: "'a tree \<Rightarrow> 'a set"
36  "set_of Tip = {}"
37| "set_of (Node l x d r) = (if d then {} else {x}) \<union> set_of l \<union> set_of r"
39primrec all_distinct :: "'a tree \<Rightarrow> bool"
41  "all_distinct Tip = True"
42| "all_distinct (Node l x d r) =
43    ((d \<or> (x \<notin> set_of l \<and> x \<notin> set_of r)) \<and> 
44      set_of l \<inter> set_of r = {} \<and>
45      all_distinct l \<and> all_distinct r)"
47text \<open>Given a binary tree @{term "t"} for which 
48@{const all_distinct} holds, given two different nodes contained in the tree,
49we want to write a ML function that generates a logarithmic
50certificate that the content of the nodes is distinct. We use the
51following lemmas to achieve this.\<close> 
53lemma all_distinct_left: "all_distinct (Node l x b r) \<Longrightarrow> all_distinct l"
54  by simp
56lemma all_distinct_right: "all_distinct (Node l x b r) \<Longrightarrow> all_distinct r"
57  by simp
59lemma distinct_left: "all_distinct (Node l x False r) \<Longrightarrow> y \<in> set_of l \<Longrightarrow> x \<noteq> y"
60  by auto
62lemma distinct_right: "all_distinct (Node l x False r) \<Longrightarrow> y \<in> set_of r \<Longrightarrow> x \<noteq> y"
63  by auto
65lemma distinct_left_right:
66    "all_distinct (Node l z b r) \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set_of l \<Longrightarrow> y \<in> set_of r \<Longrightarrow> x \<noteq> y"
67  by auto
69lemma in_set_root: "x \<in> set_of (Node l x False r)"
70  by simp
72lemma in_set_left: "y \<in> set_of l \<Longrightarrow>  y \<in> set_of (Node l x False r)"
73  by simp
75lemma in_set_right: "y \<in> set_of r \<Longrightarrow>  y \<in> set_of (Node l x False r)"
76  by simp
78lemma swap_neq: "x \<noteq> y \<Longrightarrow> y \<noteq> x"
79  by blast
81lemma neq_to_eq_False: "x\<noteq>y \<Longrightarrow> (x=y)\<equiv>False"
82  by simp
84subsection \<open>Containment of Trees\<close>
86text \<open>When deriving a state space from other ones, we create a new
87name tree which contains all the names of the parent state spaces and
88assume the predicate @{const all_distinct}. We then prove that the new
89locale interprets all parent locales. Hence we have to show that the
90new distinctness assumption on all names implies the distinctness
91assumptions of the parent locales. This proof is implemented in ML. We
92do this efficiently by defining a kind of containment check of trees
93by ``subtraction''.  We subtract the parent tree from the new tree. If
94this succeeds we know that @{const all_distinct} of the new tree
95implies @{const all_distinct} of the parent tree.  The resulting
96certificate is of the order @{term "n * log(m)"} where @{term "n"} is
97the size of the (smaller) parent tree and @{term "m"} the size of the
98(bigger) new tree.\<close>
101primrec delete :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a tree \<Rightarrow> 'a tree option"
103  "delete x Tip = None"
104| "delete x (Node l y d r) = (case delete x l of
105                                Some l' \<Rightarrow>
106                                 (case delete x r of 
107                                    Some r' \<Rightarrow> Some (Node l' y (d \<or> (x=y)) r')
108                                  | None \<Rightarrow> Some (Node l' y (d \<or> (x=y)) r))
109                               | None \<Rightarrow>
110                                  (case delete x r of 
111                                     Some r' \<Rightarrow> Some (Node l y (d \<or> (x=y)) r')
112                                   | None \<Rightarrow> if x=y \<and> \<not>d then Some (Node l y True r)
113                                             else None))"
116lemma delete_Some_set_of: "delete x t = Some t' \<Longrightarrow> set_of t' \<subseteq> set_of t"
117proof (induct t arbitrary: t')
118  case Tip thus ?case by simp
120  case (Node l y d r)
121  have del: "delete x (Node l y d r) = Some t'" by fact
122  show ?case
123  proof (cases "delete x l")
124    case (Some l')
125    note x_l_Some = this
126    with Node.hyps
127    have l'_l: "set_of l' \<subseteq> set_of l"
128      by simp
129    show ?thesis
130    proof (cases "delete x r")
131      case (Some r')
132      with Node.hyps
133      have "set_of r' \<subseteq> set_of r"
134        by simp
135      with l'_l Some x_l_Some del
136      show ?thesis
137        by (auto split: if_split_asm)
138    next
139      case None
140      with l'_l Some x_l_Some del
141      show ?thesis
142        by (fastforce split: if_split_asm)
143    qed
144  next
145    case None
146    note x_l_None = this
147    show ?thesis
148    proof (cases "delete x r")
149      case (Some r')
150      with Node.hyps
151      have "set_of r' \<subseteq> set_of r"
152        by simp
153      with Some x_l_None del
154      show ?thesis
155        by (fastforce split: if_split_asm)
156    next
157      case None
158      with x_l_None del
159      show ?thesis
160        by (fastforce split: if_split_asm)
161    qed
162  qed
165lemma delete_Some_all_distinct:
166  "delete x t = Some t' \<Longrightarrow> all_distinct t \<Longrightarrow> all_distinct t'"
167proof (induct t arbitrary: t')
168  case Tip thus ?case by simp
170  case (Node l y d r)
171  have del: "delete x (Node l y d r) = Some t'" by fact
172  have "all_distinct (Node l y d r)" by fact
173  then obtain
174    dist_l: "all_distinct l" and
175    dist_r: "all_distinct r" and
176    d: "d \<or> (y \<notin> set_of l \<and> y \<notin> set_of r)" and
177    dist_l_r: "set_of l \<inter> set_of r = {}"
178    by auto
179  show ?case
180  proof (cases "delete x l")
181    case (Some l')
182    note x_l_Some = this
183    from Node.hyps (1) [OF Some dist_l]
184    have dist_l': "all_distinct l'"
185      by simp
186    from delete_Some_set_of [OF x_l_Some]
187    have l'_l: "set_of l' \<subseteq> set_of l".
188    show ?thesis
189    proof (cases "delete x r")
190      case (Some r')
191      from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some dist_r]
192      have dist_r': "all_distinct r'"
193        by simp
194      from delete_Some_set_of [OF Some]
195      have "set_of r' \<subseteq> set_of r".
197      with dist_l' dist_r' l'_l Some x_l_Some del d dist_l_r
198      show ?thesis
199        by fastforce
200    next
201      case None
202      with l'_l dist_l'  x_l_Some del d dist_l_r dist_r
203      show ?thesis
204        by fastforce
205    qed
206  next
207    case None
208    note x_l_None = this
209    show ?thesis
210    proof (cases "delete x r")
211      case (Some r')
212      with Node.hyps (2) [OF Some dist_r]
213      have dist_r': "all_distinct r'"
214        by simp
215      from delete_Some_set_of [OF Some]
216      have "set_of r' \<subseteq> set_of r".
217      with Some dist_r' x_l_None del dist_l d dist_l_r
218      show ?thesis
219        by fastforce
220    next
221      case None
222      with x_l_None del dist_l dist_r d dist_l_r
223      show ?thesis
224        by (fastforce split: if_split_asm)
225    qed
226  qed
229lemma delete_None_set_of_conv: "delete x t = None = (x \<notin> set_of t)"
230proof (induct t)
231  case Tip thus ?case by simp
233  case (Node l y d r)
234  thus ?case
235    by (auto split: option.splits)
238lemma delete_Some_x_set_of:
239  "delete x t = Some t' \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set_of t \<and> x \<notin> set_of t'"
240proof (induct t arbitrary: t')
241  case Tip thus ?case by simp
243  case (Node l y d r)
244  have del: "delete x (Node l y d r) = Some t'" by fact
245  show ?case
246  proof (cases "delete x l")
247    case (Some l')
248    note x_l_Some = this
249    from Node.hyps (1) [OF Some]
250    obtain x_l: "x \<in> set_of l" "x \<notin> set_of l'"
251      by simp
252    show ?thesis
253    proof (cases "delete x r")
254      case (Some r')
255      from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some]
256      obtain x_r: "x \<in> set_of r" "x \<notin> set_of r'"
257        by simp
258      from x_r x_l Some x_l_Some del 
259      show ?thesis
260        by (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
261    next
262      case None
263      then have "x \<notin> set_of r"
264        by (simp add: delete_None_set_of_conv)
265      with x_l None x_l_Some del
266      show ?thesis
267        by (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
268    qed
269  next
270    case None
271    note x_l_None = this
272    then have x_notin_l: "x \<notin> set_of l"
273      by (simp add: delete_None_set_of_conv)
274    show ?thesis
275    proof (cases "delete x r")
276      case (Some r')
277      from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some]
278      obtain x_r: "x \<in> set_of r" "x \<notin> set_of r'"
279        by simp
280      from x_r x_notin_l Some x_l_None del 
281      show ?thesis
282        by (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
283    next
284      case None
285      then have "x \<notin> set_of r"
286        by (simp add: delete_None_set_of_conv)
287      with None x_l_None x_notin_l del
288      show ?thesis
289        by (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
290    qed
291  qed
295primrec subtract :: "'a tree \<Rightarrow> 'a tree \<Rightarrow> 'a tree option"
297  "subtract Tip t = Some t"
298| "subtract (Node l x b r) t =
299     (case delete x t of
300        Some t' \<Rightarrow> (case subtract l t' of 
301                     Some t'' \<Rightarrow> subtract r t''
302                    | None \<Rightarrow> None)
303       | None \<Rightarrow> None)"
305lemma subtract_Some_set_of_res: 
306  "subtract t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2 = Some t \<Longrightarrow> set_of t \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2"
307proof (induct t\<^sub>1 arbitrary: t\<^sub>2 t)
308  case Tip thus ?case by simp
310  case (Node l x b r)
311  have sub: "subtract (Node l x b r) t\<^sub>2 = Some t" by fact
312  show ?case
313  proof (cases "delete x t\<^sub>2")
314    case (Some t\<^sub>2')
315    note del_x_Some = this
316    from delete_Some_set_of [OF Some] 
317    have t2'_t2: "set_of t\<^sub>2' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2" .
318    show ?thesis
319    proof (cases "subtract l t\<^sub>2'")
320      case (Some t\<^sub>2'')
321      note sub_l_Some = this
322      from Node.hyps (1) [OF Some] 
323      have t2''_t2': "set_of t\<^sub>2'' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2'" .
324      show ?thesis
325      proof (cases "subtract r t\<^sub>2''")
326        case (Some t\<^sub>2''')
327        from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some ] 
328        have "set_of t\<^sub>2''' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2''" .
329        with Some sub_l_Some del_x_Some sub t2''_t2' t2'_t2
330        show ?thesis
331          by simp
332      next
333        case None
334        with del_x_Some sub_l_Some sub
335        show ?thesis
336          by simp
337      qed
338    next
339      case None
340      with del_x_Some sub 
341      show ?thesis
342        by simp
343    qed
344  next
345    case None
346    with sub show ?thesis by simp
347  qed
350lemma subtract_Some_set_of: 
351  "subtract t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2 = Some t \<Longrightarrow> set_of t\<^sub>1 \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2"
352proof (induct t\<^sub>1 arbitrary: t\<^sub>2 t)
353  case Tip thus ?case by simp
355  case (Node l x d r)
356  have sub: "subtract (Node l x d r) t\<^sub>2 = Some t" by fact
357  show ?case
358  proof (cases "delete x t\<^sub>2")
359    case (Some t\<^sub>2')
360    note del_x_Some = this
361    from delete_Some_set_of [OF Some] 
362    have t2'_t2: "set_of t\<^sub>2' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2" .
363    from delete_None_set_of_conv [of x t\<^sub>2] Some
364    have x_t2: "x \<in> set_of t\<^sub>2"
365      by simp
366    show ?thesis
367    proof (cases "subtract l t\<^sub>2'")
368      case (Some t\<^sub>2'')
369      note sub_l_Some = this
370      from Node.hyps (1) [OF Some] 
371      have l_t2': "set_of l \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2'" .
372      from subtract_Some_set_of_res [OF Some]
373      have t2''_t2': "set_of t\<^sub>2'' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2'" .
374      show ?thesis
375      proof (cases "subtract r t\<^sub>2''")
376        case (Some t\<^sub>2''')
377        from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some ] 
378        have r_t\<^sub>2'': "set_of r \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2''" .
379        from Some sub_l_Some del_x_Some sub r_t\<^sub>2'' l_t2' t2'_t2 t2''_t2' x_t2
380        show ?thesis
381          by auto
382      next
383        case None
384        with del_x_Some sub_l_Some sub
385        show ?thesis
386          by simp
387      qed
388    next
389      case None
390      with del_x_Some sub 
391      show ?thesis
392        by simp
393    qed
394  next
395    case None
396    with sub show ?thesis by simp
397  qed
400lemma subtract_Some_all_distinct_res: 
401  "subtract t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2 = Some t \<Longrightarrow> all_distinct t\<^sub>2 \<Longrightarrow> all_distinct t"
402proof (induct t\<^sub>1 arbitrary: t\<^sub>2 t)
403  case Tip thus ?case by simp
405  case (Node l x d r)
406  have sub: "subtract (Node l x d r) t\<^sub>2 = Some t" by fact
407  have dist_t2: "all_distinct t\<^sub>2" by fact
408  show ?case
409  proof (cases "delete x t\<^sub>2")
410    case (Some t\<^sub>2')
411    note del_x_Some = this
412    from delete_Some_all_distinct [OF Some dist_t2] 
413    have dist_t2': "all_distinct t\<^sub>2'" .
414    show ?thesis
415    proof (cases "subtract l t\<^sub>2'")
416      case (Some t\<^sub>2'')
417      note sub_l_Some = this
418      from Node.hyps (1) [OF Some dist_t2'] 
419      have dist_t2'': "all_distinct t\<^sub>2''" .
420      show ?thesis
421      proof (cases "subtract r t\<^sub>2''")
422        case (Some t\<^sub>2''')
423        from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some dist_t2''] 
424        have dist_t2''': "all_distinct t\<^sub>2'''" .
425        from Some sub_l_Some del_x_Some sub 
426             dist_t2'''
427        show ?thesis
428          by simp
429      next
430        case None
431        with del_x_Some sub_l_Some sub
432        show ?thesis
433          by simp
434      qed
435    next
436      case None
437      with del_x_Some sub 
438      show ?thesis
439        by simp
440    qed
441  next
442    case None
443    with sub show ?thesis by simp
444  qed
448lemma subtract_Some_dist_res: 
449  "subtract t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2 = Some t \<Longrightarrow> set_of t\<^sub>1 \<inter> set_of t = {}"
450proof (induct t\<^sub>1 arbitrary: t\<^sub>2 t)
451  case Tip thus ?case by simp
453  case (Node l x d r)
454  have sub: "subtract (Node l x d r) t\<^sub>2 = Some t" by fact
455  show ?case
456  proof (cases "delete x t\<^sub>2")
457    case (Some t\<^sub>2')
458    note del_x_Some = this
459    from delete_Some_x_set_of [OF Some]
460    obtain x_t2: "x \<in> set_of t\<^sub>2" and x_not_t2': "x \<notin> set_of t\<^sub>2'"
461      by simp
462    from delete_Some_set_of [OF Some]
463    have t2'_t2: "set_of t\<^sub>2' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2" .
464    show ?thesis
465    proof (cases "subtract l t\<^sub>2'")
466      case (Some t\<^sub>2'')
467      note sub_l_Some = this
468      from Node.hyps (1) [OF Some ] 
469      have dist_l_t2'': "set_of l \<inter> set_of t\<^sub>2'' = {}".
470      from subtract_Some_set_of_res [OF Some]
471      have t2''_t2': "set_of t\<^sub>2'' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2'" .
472      show ?thesis
473      proof (cases "subtract r t\<^sub>2''")
474        case (Some t\<^sub>2''')
475        from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some] 
476        have dist_r_t2''': "set_of r \<inter> set_of t\<^sub>2''' = {}" .
477        from subtract_Some_set_of_res [OF Some]
478        have t2'''_t2'': "set_of t\<^sub>2''' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2''".
480        from Some sub_l_Some del_x_Some sub t2'''_t2'' dist_l_t2'' dist_r_t2'''
481             t2''_t2' t2'_t2 x_not_t2'
482        show ?thesis
483          by auto
484      next
485        case None
486        with del_x_Some sub_l_Some sub
487        show ?thesis
488          by simp
489      qed
490    next
491      case None
492      with del_x_Some sub 
493      show ?thesis
494        by simp
495    qed
496  next
497    case None
498    with sub show ?thesis by simp
499  qed
502lemma subtract_Some_all_distinct:
503  "subtract t\<^sub>1 t\<^sub>2 = Some t \<Longrightarrow> all_distinct t\<^sub>2 \<Longrightarrow> all_distinct t\<^sub>1"
504proof (induct t\<^sub>1 arbitrary: t\<^sub>2 t)
505  case Tip thus ?case by simp
507  case (Node l x d r)
508  have sub: "subtract (Node l x d r) t\<^sub>2 = Some t" by fact
509  have dist_t2: "all_distinct t\<^sub>2" by fact
510  show ?case
511  proof (cases "delete x t\<^sub>2")
512    case (Some t\<^sub>2')
513    note del_x_Some = this
514    from delete_Some_all_distinct [OF Some dist_t2 ] 
515    have dist_t2': "all_distinct t\<^sub>2'" .
516    from delete_Some_set_of [OF Some]
517    have t2'_t2: "set_of t\<^sub>2' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2" .
518    from delete_Some_x_set_of [OF Some]
519    obtain x_t2: "x \<in> set_of t\<^sub>2" and x_not_t2': "x \<notin> set_of t\<^sub>2'"
520      by simp
522    show ?thesis
523    proof (cases "subtract l t\<^sub>2'")
524      case (Some t\<^sub>2'')
525      note sub_l_Some = this
526      from Node.hyps (1) [OF Some dist_t2' ] 
527      have dist_l: "all_distinct l" .
528      from subtract_Some_all_distinct_res [OF Some dist_t2'] 
529      have dist_t2'': "all_distinct t\<^sub>2''" .
530      from subtract_Some_set_of [OF Some]
531      have l_t2': "set_of l \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2'" .
532      from subtract_Some_set_of_res [OF Some]
533      have t2''_t2': "set_of t\<^sub>2'' \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2'" .
534      from subtract_Some_dist_res [OF Some]
535      have dist_l_t2'': "set_of l \<inter> set_of t\<^sub>2'' = {}".
536      show ?thesis
537      proof (cases "subtract r t\<^sub>2''")
538        case (Some t\<^sub>2''')
539        from Node.hyps (2) [OF Some dist_t2''] 
540        have dist_r: "all_distinct r" .
541        from subtract_Some_set_of [OF Some]
542        have r_t2'': "set_of r \<subseteq> set_of t\<^sub>2''" .
543        from subtract_Some_dist_res [OF Some]
544        have dist_r_t2''': "set_of r \<inter> set_of t\<^sub>2''' = {}".
546        from dist_l dist_r Some sub_l_Some del_x_Some r_t2'' l_t2' x_t2 x_not_t2' 
547             t2''_t2' dist_l_t2'' dist_r_t2'''
548        show ?thesis
549          by auto
550      next
551        case None
552        with del_x_Some sub_l_Some sub
553        show ?thesis
554          by simp
555      qed
556    next
557      case None
558      with del_x_Some sub 
559      show ?thesis
560        by simp
561    qed
562  next
563    case None
564    with sub show ?thesis by simp
565  qed
569lemma delete_left:
570  assumes dist: "all_distinct (Node l y d r)" 
571  assumes del_l: "delete x l = Some l'"
572  shows "delete x (Node l y d r) = Some (Node l' y d r)"
573proof -
574  from delete_Some_x_set_of [OF del_l]
575  obtain x: "x \<in> set_of l"
576    by simp
577  with dist 
578  have "delete x r = None"
579    by (cases "delete x r") (auto dest:delete_Some_x_set_of)
581  with x 
582  show ?thesis
583    using del_l dist
584    by (auto split: option.splits)
587lemma delete_right:
588  assumes dist: "all_distinct (Node l y d r)" 
589  assumes del_r: "delete x r = Some r'"
590  shows "delete x (Node l y d r) = Some (Node l y d r')"
591proof -
592  from delete_Some_x_set_of [OF del_r]
593  obtain x: "x \<in> set_of r"
594    by simp
595  with dist 
596  have "delete x l = None"
597    by (cases "delete x l") (auto dest:delete_Some_x_set_of)
599  with x 
600  show ?thesis
601    using del_r dist
602    by (auto split: option.splits)
605lemma delete_root: 
606  assumes dist: "all_distinct (Node l x False r)" 
607  shows "delete x (Node l x False r) = Some (Node l x True r)"
608proof -
609  from dist have "delete x r = None"
610    by (cases "delete x r") (auto dest:delete_Some_x_set_of)
611  moreover
612  from dist have "delete x l = None"
613    by (cases "delete x l") (auto dest:delete_Some_x_set_of)
614  ultimately show ?thesis
615    using dist
616       by (auto split: option.splits)
619lemma subtract_Node:
620 assumes del: "delete x t = Some t'"                                
621 assumes sub_l: "subtract l t' = Some t''"
622 assumes sub_r: "subtract r t'' = Some t'''"
623 shows "subtract (Node l x False r) t = Some t'''"
624using del sub_l sub_r
625by simp
627lemma subtract_Tip: "subtract Tip t = Some t"
628  by simp
630text \<open>Now we have all the theorems in place that are needed for the
631certificate generating ML functions.\<close>
633ML_file "distinct_tree_prover.ML"