1(*  Title:      HOL/Divides.thy
2    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
3    Copyright   1999  University of Cambridge
6section \<open>More on quotient and remainder\<close>
8theory Divides
9imports Parity
12subsection \<open>More on division\<close>
14inductive eucl_rel_int :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<times> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
15  where eucl_rel_int_by0: "eucl_rel_int k 0 (0, k)"
16  | eucl_rel_int_dividesI: "l \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> k = q * l \<Longrightarrow> eucl_rel_int k l (q, 0)"
17  | eucl_rel_int_remainderI: "sgn r = sgn l \<Longrightarrow> \<bar>r\<bar> < \<bar>l\<bar>
18      \<Longrightarrow> k = q * l + r \<Longrightarrow> eucl_rel_int k l (q, r)"
20lemma eucl_rel_int_iff:    
21  "eucl_rel_int k l (q, r) \<longleftrightarrow> 
22    k = l * q + r \<and>
23     (if 0 < l then 0 \<le> r \<and> r < l else if l < 0 then l < r \<and> r \<le> 0 else q = 0)"
24  by (cases "r = 0")
25    (auto elim!: eucl_rel_int.cases intro: eucl_rel_int_by0 eucl_rel_int_dividesI eucl_rel_int_remainderI
26    simp add: ac_simps sgn_1_pos sgn_1_neg)
28lemma unique_quotient_lemma:
29  assumes "b * q' + r' \<le> b * q + r" "0 \<le> r'" "r' < b" "r < b" shows "q' \<le> (q::int)"
30proof -
31  have "r' + b * (q'-q) \<le> r"
32    using assms by (simp add: right_diff_distrib)
33  moreover have "0 < b * (1 + q - q') "
34    using assms by (simp add: right_diff_distrib distrib_left)
35  moreover have "b * q' < b * (1 + q)"
36    using assms by (simp add: right_diff_distrib distrib_left)
37  ultimately show ?thesis
38    using assms by (simp add: mult_less_cancel_left)
41lemma unique_quotient_lemma_neg:
42  "b * q' + r' \<le> b*q + r \<Longrightarrow> r \<le> 0 \<Longrightarrow> b < r \<Longrightarrow> b < r' \<Longrightarrow> q \<le> (q'::int)"
43  by (rule_tac b = "-b" and r = "-r'" and r' = "-r" in unique_quotient_lemma) auto
45lemma unique_quotient:
46  "eucl_rel_int a b (q, r) \<Longrightarrow> eucl_rel_int a b (q', r') \<Longrightarrow> q = q'"
47  apply (rule order_antisym)
48   apply (simp_all add: eucl_rel_int_iff linorder_neq_iff split: if_split_asm)
49     apply (blast intro: order_eq_refl [THEN unique_quotient_lemma] order_eq_refl [THEN unique_quotient_lemma_neg] sym)+
50  done
52lemma unique_remainder:
53  "eucl_rel_int a b (q, r) \<Longrightarrow> eucl_rel_int a b (q', r') \<Longrightarrow> r = r'"
54apply (subgoal_tac "q = q'")
55 apply (simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
56apply (blast intro: unique_quotient)
59lemma eucl_rel_int:
60  "eucl_rel_int k l (k div l, k mod l)"
61proof (cases k rule: int_cases3)
62  case zero
63  then show ?thesis
64    by (simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff divide_int_def modulo_int_def)
66  case (pos n)
67  then show ?thesis
68    using div_mult_mod_eq [of n]
69    by (cases l rule: int_cases3)
70      (auto simp del: of_nat_mult of_nat_add
71        simp add: mod_greater_zero_iff_not_dvd of_nat_mult [symmetric] of_nat_add [symmetric] algebra_simps
72        eucl_rel_int_iff divide_int_def modulo_int_def)
74  case (neg n)
75  then show ?thesis
76    using div_mult_mod_eq [of n]
77    by (cases l rule: int_cases3)
78      (auto simp del: of_nat_mult of_nat_add
79        simp add: mod_greater_zero_iff_not_dvd of_nat_mult [symmetric] of_nat_add [symmetric] algebra_simps
80        eucl_rel_int_iff divide_int_def modulo_int_def)
83lemma divmod_int_unique:
84  assumes "eucl_rel_int k l (q, r)"
85  shows div_int_unique: "k div l = q" and mod_int_unique: "k mod l = r"
86  using assms eucl_rel_int [of k l]
87  using unique_quotient [of k l] unique_remainder [of k l]
88  by auto
90lemma div_abs_eq_div_nat:
91  "\<bar>k\<bar> div \<bar>l\<bar> = int (nat \<bar>k\<bar> div nat \<bar>l\<bar>)"
92  by (simp add: divide_int_def)
94lemma mod_abs_eq_div_nat:
95  "\<bar>k\<bar> mod \<bar>l\<bar> = int (nat \<bar>k\<bar> mod nat \<bar>l\<bar>)"
96  by (simp add: modulo_int_def)
98lemma zdiv_int:
99  "int (a div b) = int a div int b"
100  by (simp add: divide_int_def sgn_1_pos)
102lemma zmod_int:
103  "int (a mod b) = int a mod int b"
104  by (simp add: modulo_int_def sgn_1_pos)
106lemma div_sgn_abs_cancel:
107  fixes k l v :: int
108  assumes "v \<noteq> 0"
109  shows "(sgn v * \<bar>k\<bar>) div (sgn v * \<bar>l\<bar>) = \<bar>k\<bar> div \<bar>l\<bar>"
110proof -
111  from assms have "sgn v = - 1 \<or> sgn v = 1"
112    by (cases "v \<ge> 0") auto
113  then show ?thesis
114    using assms unfolding divide_int_def [of "sgn v * \<bar>k\<bar>" "sgn v * \<bar>l\<bar>"]
115    by (fastforce simp add: not_less div_abs_eq_div_nat)
118lemma div_eq_sgn_abs:
119  fixes k l v :: int
120  assumes "sgn k = sgn l"
121  shows "k div l = \<bar>k\<bar> div \<bar>l\<bar>"
122proof (cases "l = 0")
123  case True
124  then show ?thesis
125    by simp
127  case False
128  with assms have "(sgn k * \<bar>k\<bar>) div (sgn l * \<bar>l\<bar>) = \<bar>k\<bar> div \<bar>l\<bar>"
129    using div_sgn_abs_cancel [of l k l] by simp
130  then show ?thesis
131    by (simp add: sgn_mult_abs)
134lemma div_dvd_sgn_abs:
135  fixes k l :: int
136  assumes "l dvd k"
137  shows "k div l = (sgn k * sgn l) * (\<bar>k\<bar> div \<bar>l\<bar>)"
138proof (cases "k = 0 \<or> l = 0")
139  case True
140  then show ?thesis
141    by auto
143  case False
144  then have "k \<noteq> 0" and "l \<noteq> 0"
145    by auto
146  show ?thesis
147  proof (cases "sgn l = sgn k")
148    case True
149    then show ?thesis
150      by (simp add: div_eq_sgn_abs)
151  next
152    case False
153    with \<open>k \<noteq> 0\<close> \<open>l \<noteq> 0\<close>
154    have "sgn l * sgn k = - 1"
155      by (simp add: sgn_if split: if_splits)
156    with assms show ?thesis
157      unfolding divide_int_def [of k l]
158      by (auto simp add: zdiv_int ac_simps)
159  qed
162lemma div_noneq_sgn_abs:
163  fixes k l :: int
164  assumes "l \<noteq> 0"
165  assumes "sgn k \<noteq> sgn l"
166  shows "k div l = - (\<bar>k\<bar> div \<bar>l\<bar>) - of_bool (\<not> l dvd k)"
167  using assms
168  by (simp only: divide_int_def [of k l], auto simp add: not_less zdiv_int)
170text\<open>Basic laws about division and remainder\<close>
172lemma pos_mod_conj: "(0::int) < b \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> a mod b \<and> a mod b < b"
173  using eucl_rel_int [of a b]
174  by (auto simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff prod_eq_iff)
176lemmas pos_mod_sign = pos_mod_conj [THEN conjunct1]
177   and pos_mod_bound = pos_mod_conj [THEN conjunct2]
179lemma neg_mod_conj: "b < (0::int) \<Longrightarrow> a mod b \<le> 0 \<and> b < a mod b"
180  using eucl_rel_int [of a b]
181  by (auto simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff prod_eq_iff)
183lemmas neg_mod_sign [simp] = neg_mod_conj [THEN conjunct1]
184   and neg_mod_bound [simp] = neg_mod_conj [THEN conjunct2]
187subsubsection \<open>General Properties of div and mod\<close>
189lemma div_pos_pos_trivial [simp]:
190  "k div l = 0" if "k \<ge> 0" and "k < l" for k l :: int
191  using that by (auto intro!: div_int_unique [of _ _ _ k] simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
193lemma div_neg_neg_trivial [simp]:
194  "k div l = 0" if "k \<le> 0" and "l < k" for k l :: int
195  using that by (auto intro!: div_int_unique [of _ _ _ k] simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
197lemma div_pos_neg_trivial: "[| (0::int) < a;  a+b \<le> 0 |] ==> a div b = -1"
198apply (rule div_int_unique)
199apply (auto simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
202(*There is no div_neg_pos_trivial because  0 div b = 0 would supersede it*)
204lemma mod_pos_pos_trivial [simp]:
205  "k mod l = k" if "k \<ge> 0" and "k < l" for k l :: int
206  using that by (auto intro!: mod_int_unique [of _ _ 0] simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
208lemma mod_neg_neg_trivial [simp]:
209  "k mod l = k" if "k \<le> 0" and "l < k" for k l :: int
210  using that by (auto intro!: mod_int_unique [of _ _ 0] simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
212lemma mod_pos_neg_trivial: "[| (0::int) < a;  a+b \<le> 0 |] ==> a mod b = a+b"
213apply (rule_tac q = "-1" in mod_int_unique)
214apply (auto simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
217text\<open>There is no \<open>mod_neg_pos_trivial\<close>.\<close>
220subsubsection \<open>Laws for div and mod with Unary Minus\<close>
222lemma zminus1_lemma:
223     "eucl_rel_int a b (q, r) ==> b \<noteq> 0
224      ==> eucl_rel_int (-a) b (if r=0 then -q else -q - 1,
225                          if r=0 then 0 else b-r)"
226by (force simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff right_diff_distrib)
229lemma zdiv_zminus1_eq_if:
230     "b \<noteq> (0::int)
231      \<Longrightarrow> (-a) div b = (if a mod b = 0 then - (a div b) else  - (a div b) - 1)"
232by (blast intro: eucl_rel_int [THEN zminus1_lemma, THEN div_int_unique])
234lemma zmod_zminus1_eq_if:
235     "(-a::int) mod b = (if a mod b = 0 then 0 else  b - (a mod b))"
236proof (cases "b = 0")
237  case False
238  then show ?thesis
239    by (blast intro: eucl_rel_int [THEN zminus1_lemma, THEN mod_int_unique])
240qed auto
242lemma zmod_zminus1_not_zero:
243  fixes k l :: int
244  shows "- k mod l \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> k mod l \<noteq> 0"
245  by (simp add: mod_eq_0_iff_dvd)
247lemma zmod_zminus2_not_zero:
248  fixes k l :: int
249  shows "k mod - l \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> k mod l \<noteq> 0"
250  by (simp add: mod_eq_0_iff_dvd)
252lemma zdiv_zminus2_eq_if:
253  "b \<noteq> (0::int)
254      ==> a div (-b) =
255          (if a mod b = 0 then - (a div b) else  - (a div b) - 1)"
256  by (auto simp add: zdiv_zminus1_eq_if div_minus_right)
258lemma zmod_zminus2_eq_if:
259  "a mod (-b::int) = (if a mod b = 0 then 0 else  (a mod b) - b)"
260  by (auto simp add: zmod_zminus1_eq_if mod_minus_right)
263subsubsection \<open>Monotonicity in the First Argument (Dividend)\<close>
265lemma zdiv_mono1:
266  fixes b::int
267  assumes "a \<le> a'" "0 < b" shows "a div b \<le> a' div b"
268proof (rule unique_quotient_lemma)
269  show "b * (a div b) + a mod b \<le> b * (a' div b) + a' mod b"
270    using assms(1) by auto
271qed (use assms in auto)
273lemma zdiv_mono1_neg:
274  fixes b::int
275  assumes "a \<le> a'" "b < 0" shows "a' div b \<le> a div b"
276proof (rule unique_quotient_lemma_neg)
277  show "b * (a div b) + a mod b \<le> b * (a' div b) + a' mod b"
278    using assms(1) by auto
279qed (use assms in auto)
282subsubsection \<open>Monotonicity in the Second Argument (Divisor)\<close>
284lemma q_pos_lemma:
285  fixes q'::int
286  assumes "0 \<le> b'*q' + r'" "r' < b'" "0 < b'"
287  shows "0 \<le> q'"
288proof -
289  have "0 < b'* (q' + 1)"
290    using assms by (simp add: distrib_left)
291  with assms show ?thesis
292    by (simp add: zero_less_mult_iff)
295lemma zdiv_mono2_lemma:
296  fixes q'::int
297  assumes eq: "b*q + r = b'*q' + r'" and le: "0 \<le> b'*q' + r'" and "r' < b'" "0 \<le> r" "0 < b'" "b' \<le> b"
298  shows "q \<le> q'"
299proof -
300  have "0 \<le> q'"
301    using q_pos_lemma le \<open>r' < b'\<close> \<open>0 < b'\<close> by blast
302  moreover have "b*q = r' - r + b'*q'"
303    using eq by linarith
304  ultimately have "b*q < b* (q' + 1)"
305    using mult_right_mono assms unfolding distrib_left by fastforce
306  with assms show ?thesis
307    by (simp add: mult_less_cancel_left_pos)
310lemma zdiv_mono2:
311  fixes a::int
312  assumes "0 \<le> a" "0 < b'" "b' \<le> b" shows "a div b \<le> a div b'"
313proof (rule zdiv_mono2_lemma)
314  have "b \<noteq> 0"
315    using assms by linarith
316  show "b * (a div b) + a mod b = b' * (a div b') + a mod b'"
317    by simp
318qed (use assms in auto)
320lemma zdiv_mono2_neg_lemma:
321    fixes q'::int
322    assumes "b*q + r = b'*q' + r'" "b'*q' + r' < 0" "r < b" "0 \<le> r'" "0 < b'" "b' \<le> b"
323    shows "q' \<le> q"
324proof -
325  have "b'*q' < 0"
326    using assms by linarith
327  with assms have "q' \<le> 0"
328    by (simp add: mult_less_0_iff)
329  have "b*q' \<le> b'*q'"
330    by (simp add: \<open>q' \<le> 0\<close> assms(6) mult_right_mono_neg)
331  then have "b*q' < b* (q + 1)"
332    using assms by (simp add: distrib_left)
333  then show ?thesis
334    using assms by (simp add: mult_less_cancel_left)
337lemma zdiv_mono2_neg:
338  fixes a::int
339  assumes "a < 0" "0 < b'" "b' \<le> b" shows "a div b' \<le> a div b"
340proof (rule zdiv_mono2_neg_lemma)
341  have "b \<noteq> 0"
342    using assms by linarith
343  show "b * (a div b) + a mod b = b' * (a div b') + a mod b'"
344    by simp
345qed (use assms in auto)
348subsubsection \<open>More Algebraic Laws for div and mod\<close>
350lemma zmod_eq_0_iff: "(m mod d = 0) = (\<exists>q::int. m = d*q)"
351  by (simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 [symmetric] dvd_def)
353(* REVISIT: should this be generalized to all semiring_div types? *)
354lemmas zmod_eq_0D [dest!] = zmod_eq_0_iff [THEN iffD1]
357subsubsection \<open>Proving  @{term "a div (b * c) = (a div b) div c"}\<close>
359(*The condition c>0 seems necessary.  Consider that 7 div ~6 = ~2 but
360  7 div 2 div ~3 = 3 div ~3 = ~1.  The subcase (a div b) mod c = 0 seems
361  to cause particular problems.*)
363text\<open>first, four lemmas to bound the remainder for the cases b<0 and b>0\<close>
365lemma zmult2_lemma_aux1: 
366  fixes c::int
367  assumes "0 < c" "b < r" "r \<le> 0"
368  shows "b * c < b * (q mod c) + r"
369proof -
370  have "b * (c - q mod c) \<le> b * 1"
371    by (rule mult_left_mono_neg) (use assms in \<open>auto simp: int_one_le_iff_zero_less\<close>)
372  also have "... < r * 1"
373    by (simp add: \<open>b < r\<close>)
374  finally show ?thesis
375    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
378lemma zmult2_lemma_aux2:
379  fixes c::int
380  assumes "0 < c" "b < r" "r \<le> 0"
381  shows "b * (q mod c) + r \<le> 0"
382proof -
383  have "b * (q mod c) \<le> 0"
384    using assms by (simp add: mult_le_0_iff)
385  with assms show ?thesis
386    by arith
389lemma zmult2_lemma_aux3:
390  fixes c::int
391  assumes "0 < c" "0 \<le> r" "r < b"
392  shows "0 \<le> b * (q mod c) + r"
393proof -
394  have "0 \<le> b * (q mod c)"
395    using assms by (simp add: mult_le_0_iff)
396  with assms show ?thesis
397    by arith
400lemma zmult2_lemma_aux4: 
401  fixes c::int
402  assumes "0 < c" "0 \<le> r" "r < b"
403  shows "b * (q mod c) + r < b * c"
404proof -
405  have "r * 1 < b * 1"
406    by (simp add: \<open>r < b\<close>)
407  also have "\<dots> \<le> b * (c - q mod c) "
408    by (rule mult_left_mono) (use assms in \<open>auto simp: int_one_le_iff_zero_less\<close>)
409  finally show ?thesis
410    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
413lemma zmult2_lemma: "[| eucl_rel_int a b (q, r); 0 < c |]
414      ==> eucl_rel_int a (b * c) (q div c, b*(q mod c) + r)"
415by (auto simp add: mult.assoc eucl_rel_int_iff linorder_neq_iff
416                   zero_less_mult_iff distrib_left [symmetric]
417                   zmult2_lemma_aux1 zmult2_lemma_aux2 zmult2_lemma_aux3 zmult2_lemma_aux4 mult_less_0_iff split: if_split_asm)
419lemma zdiv_zmult2_eq:
420  fixes a b c :: int
421  assumes "0 \<le> c"
422  shows "a div (b * c) = (a div b) div c"
423proof (cases "b = 0")
424  case False
425  with assms show ?thesis
426    by (force simp add: le_less eucl_rel_int [THEN zmult2_lemma, THEN div_int_unique])
427qed auto
429lemma zmod_zmult2_eq:
430  fixes a b c :: int
431  assumes "0 \<le> c"
432  shows "a mod (b * c) = b * (a div b mod c) + a mod b"
433proof (cases "b = 0")
434  case False
435  with assms show ?thesis
436    by (force simp add: le_less eucl_rel_int [THEN zmult2_lemma, THEN mod_int_unique])
437qed auto
439lemma div_pos_geq:
440  fixes k l :: int
441  assumes "0 < l" and "l \<le> k"
442  shows "k div l = (k - l) div l + 1"
443proof -
444  have "k = (k - l) + l" by simp
445  then obtain j where k: "k = j + l" ..
446  with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: div_add_self2)
449lemma mod_pos_geq:
450  fixes k l :: int
451  assumes "0 < l" and "l \<le> k"
452  shows "k mod l = (k - l) mod l"
453proof -
454  have "k = (k - l) + l" by simp
455  then obtain j where k: "k = j + l" ..
456  with assms show ?thesis by simp
460subsubsection \<open>Splitting Rules for div and mod\<close>
462text\<open>The proofs of the two lemmas below are essentially identical\<close>
464lemma split_pos_lemma:
465 "0<k \<Longrightarrow>
466    P(n div k :: int)(n mod k) = (\<forall>i j. 0\<le>j \<and> j<k \<and> n = k*i + j \<longrightarrow> P i j)"
467  by auto
469lemma split_neg_lemma:
470 "k<0 \<Longrightarrow>
471    P(n div k :: int)(n mod k) = (\<forall>i j. k<j \<and> j\<le>0 \<and> n = k*i + j \<longrightarrow> P i j)"
472  by auto
474lemma split_zdiv:
475 "P(n div k :: int) =
476  ((k = 0 \<longrightarrow> P 0) \<and>
477   (0<k \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>i j. 0\<le>j \<and> j<k \<and> n = k*i + j \<longrightarrow> P i)) \<and>
478   (k<0 \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>i j. k<j \<and> j\<le>0 \<and> n = k*i + j \<longrightarrow> P i)))"
479proof (cases "k = 0")
480  case False
481  then show ?thesis
482    unfolding linorder_neq_iff
483    by (auto simp add: split_pos_lemma [of concl: "\<lambda>x y. P x"] split_neg_lemma [of concl: "\<lambda>x y. P x"])
484qed auto
486lemma split_zmod:
487 "P(n mod k :: int) =
488  ((k = 0 \<longrightarrow> P n) \<and>
489   (0<k \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>i j. 0\<le>j \<and> j<k \<and> n = k*i + j \<longrightarrow> P j)) \<and>
490   (k<0 \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>i j. k<j \<and> j\<le>0 \<and> n = k*i + j \<longrightarrow> P j)))"
491proof (cases "k = 0")
492  case False
493  then show ?thesis
494    unfolding linorder_neq_iff
495    by (auto simp add: split_pos_lemma [of concl: "\<lambda>x y. P y"] split_neg_lemma [of concl: "\<lambda>x y. P y"])
496qed auto
498text \<open>Enable (lin)arith to deal with @{const divide} and @{const modulo}
499  when these are applied to some constant that is of the form
500  @{term "numeral k"}:\<close>
501declare split_zdiv [of _ _ "numeral k", arith_split] for k
502declare split_zmod [of _ _ "numeral k", arith_split] for k
505subsubsection \<open>Computing \<open>div\<close> and \<open>mod\<close> with shifting\<close>
507lemma pos_eucl_rel_int_mult_2:
508  assumes "0 \<le> b"
509  assumes "eucl_rel_int a b (q, r)"
510  shows "eucl_rel_int (1 + 2*a) (2*b) (q, 1 + 2*r)"
511  using assms unfolding eucl_rel_int_iff by auto
513lemma neg_eucl_rel_int_mult_2:
514  assumes "b \<le> 0"
515  assumes "eucl_rel_int (a + 1) b (q, r)"
516  shows "eucl_rel_int (1 + 2*a) (2*b) (q, 2*r - 1)"
517  using assms unfolding eucl_rel_int_iff by auto
519text\<open>computing div by shifting\<close>
521lemma pos_zdiv_mult_2: "(0::int) \<le> a ==> (1 + 2*b) div (2*a) = b div a"
522  using pos_eucl_rel_int_mult_2 [OF _ eucl_rel_int]
523  by (rule div_int_unique)
525lemma neg_zdiv_mult_2:
526  assumes A: "a \<le> (0::int)" shows "(1 + 2*b) div (2*a) = (b+1) div a"
527  using neg_eucl_rel_int_mult_2 [OF A eucl_rel_int]
528  by (rule div_int_unique)
530lemma zdiv_numeral_Bit0 [simp]:
531  "numeral (Num.Bit0 v) div numeral (Num.Bit0 w) =
532    numeral v div (numeral w :: int)"
533  unfolding numeral.simps unfolding mult_2 [symmetric]
534  by (rule div_mult_mult1, simp)
536lemma zdiv_numeral_Bit1 [simp]:
537  "numeral (Num.Bit1 v) div numeral (Num.Bit0 w) =
538    (numeral v div (numeral w :: int))"
539  unfolding numeral.simps
540  unfolding mult_2 [symmetric] add.commute [of _ 1]
541  by (rule pos_zdiv_mult_2, simp)
543lemma pos_zmod_mult_2:
544  fixes a b :: int
545  assumes "0 \<le> a"
546  shows "(1 + 2 * b) mod (2 * a) = 1 + 2 * (b mod a)"
547  using pos_eucl_rel_int_mult_2 [OF assms eucl_rel_int]
548  by (rule mod_int_unique)
550lemma neg_zmod_mult_2:
551  fixes a b :: int
552  assumes "a \<le> 0"
553  shows "(1 + 2 * b) mod (2 * a) = 2 * ((b + 1) mod a) - 1"
554  using neg_eucl_rel_int_mult_2 [OF assms eucl_rel_int]
555  by (rule mod_int_unique)
557lemma zmod_numeral_Bit0 [simp]:
558  "numeral (Num.Bit0 v) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 w) =
559    (2::int) * (numeral v mod numeral w)"
560  unfolding numeral_Bit0 [of v] numeral_Bit0 [of w]
561  unfolding mult_2 [symmetric] by (rule mod_mult_mult1)
563lemma zmod_numeral_Bit1 [simp]:
564  "numeral (Num.Bit1 v) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 w) =
565    2 * (numeral v mod numeral w) + (1::int)"
566  unfolding numeral_Bit1 [of v] numeral_Bit0 [of w]
567  unfolding mult_2 [symmetric] add.commute [of _ 1]
568  by (rule pos_zmod_mult_2, simp)
570lemma zdiv_eq_0_iff:
571  "i div k = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> k = 0 \<or> 0 \<le> i \<and> i < k \<or> i \<le> 0 \<and> k < i" (is "?L = ?R")
572  for i k :: int
574  assume ?L
575  moreover have "?L \<longrightarrow> ?R"
576    by (rule split_zdiv [THEN iffD2]) simp
577  ultimately show ?R
578    by blast
580  assume ?R then show ?L
581    by auto
584lemma zmod_trival_iff:
585  fixes i k :: int
586  shows "i mod k = i \<longleftrightarrow> k = 0 \<or> 0 \<le> i \<and> i < k \<or> i \<le> 0 \<and> k < i"
587proof -
588  have "i mod k = i \<longleftrightarrow> i div k = 0"
589    by safe (insert div_mult_mod_eq [of i k], auto)
590  with zdiv_eq_0_iff
591  show ?thesis
592    by simp
596subsubsection \<open>Quotients of Signs\<close>
598lemma div_eq_minus1: "0 < b \<Longrightarrow> - 1 div b = - 1" for b :: int
599  by (simp add: divide_int_def)
601lemma zmod_minus1: "0 < b \<Longrightarrow> - 1 mod b = b - 1" for b :: int
602  by (auto simp add: modulo_int_def)
604lemma div_neg_pos_less0:
605  fixes a::int
606  assumes "a < 0" "0 < b" 
607  shows "a div b < 0"
608proof -
609  have "a div b \<le> - 1 div b"
610    using zdiv_mono1 assms by auto
611  also have "... \<le> -1"
612    by (simp add: assms(2) div_eq_minus1)
613  finally show ?thesis 
614    by force
617lemma div_nonneg_neg_le0: "[| (0::int) \<le> a; b < 0 |] ==> a div b \<le> 0"
618  by (drule zdiv_mono1_neg, auto)
620lemma div_nonpos_pos_le0: "[| (a::int) \<le> 0; b > 0 |] ==> a div b \<le> 0"
621  by (drule zdiv_mono1, auto)
623text\<open>Now for some equivalences of the form \<open>a div b >=< 0 \<longleftrightarrow> \<dots>\<close>
624conditional upon the sign of \<open>a\<close> or \<open>b\<close>. There are many more.
625They should all be simp rules unless that causes too much search.\<close>
627lemma pos_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff:
628      fixes a::int
629      assumes "0 < b" 
630      shows "(0 \<le> a div b) = (0 \<le> a)"
632  show "0 \<le> a div b \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> a"
633    using assms
634    by (simp add: linorder_not_less [symmetric]) (blast intro: div_neg_pos_less0)
636  assume "0 \<le> a"
637  then have "0 div b \<le> a div b"
638    using zdiv_mono1 assms by blast
639  then show "0 \<le> a div b"
640    by auto
643lemma pos_imp_zdiv_pos_iff:
644  "0<k \<Longrightarrow> 0 < (i::int) div k \<longleftrightarrow> k \<le> i"
645  using pos_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff[of k i] zdiv_eq_0_iff[of i k] by arith
648lemma neg_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff:
649  fixes a::int
650  assumes "b < 0" 
651  shows "(0 \<le> a div b) = (a \<le> 0)"
652  using assms by (simp add: div_minus_minus [of a, symmetric] pos_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff del: div_minus_minus)
654(*But not (a div b \<le> 0 iff a\<le>0); consider a=1, b=2 when a div b = 0.*)
655lemma pos_imp_zdiv_neg_iff: "(0::int) < b ==> (a div b < 0) = (a < 0)"
656  by (simp add: linorder_not_le [symmetric] pos_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff)
658(*Again the law fails for \<le>: consider a = -1, b = -2 when a div b = 0*)
659lemma neg_imp_zdiv_neg_iff: "b < (0::int) ==> (a div b < 0) = (0 < a)"
660  by (simp add: linorder_not_le [symmetric] neg_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff)
662lemma nonneg1_imp_zdiv_pos_iff:
663  fixes a::int
664  assumes "0 \<le> a" 
665  shows "a div b > 0 \<longleftrightarrow> a \<ge> b \<and> b>0"
666proof -
667  have "0 < a div b \<Longrightarrow> b \<le> a"
668    using div_pos_pos_trivial[of a b] assms by arith
669  moreover have "0 < a div b \<Longrightarrow> b > 0"
670    using assms div_nonneg_neg_le0[of a b]  by(cases "b=0"; force)
671  moreover have "b \<le> a \<and> 0 < b \<Longrightarrow> 0 < a div b"
672    using int_one_le_iff_zero_less[of "a div b"] zdiv_mono1[of b a b] by simp
673  ultimately show ?thesis
674    by blast
677lemma zmod_le_nonneg_dividend: "(m::int) \<ge> 0 \<Longrightarrow> m mod k \<le> m"
678  by (rule split_zmod[THEN iffD2]) (fastforce dest: q_pos_lemma intro: split_mult_pos_le)
681subsubsection \<open>Further properties\<close>
683lemma div_int_pos_iff:
684  "k div l \<ge> 0 \<longleftrightarrow> k = 0 \<or> l = 0 \<or> k \<ge> 0 \<and> l \<ge> 0
685    \<or> k < 0 \<and> l < 0"
686  for k l :: int
687proof (cases "k = 0 \<or> l = 0")
688  case False
689  then show ?thesis
690   apply (auto simp add: pos_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff neg_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff)
691    by (meson neg_imp_zdiv_neg_iff not_le not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)
692qed auto
694lemma mod_int_pos_iff:
695  "k mod l \<ge> 0 \<longleftrightarrow> l dvd k \<or> l = 0 \<and> k \<ge> 0 \<or> l > 0"
696  for k l :: int
697proof (cases "l > 0")
698  case False
699  then show ?thesis 
700    by (simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0) (use neg_mod_conj [of l k] in \<open>auto simp add: le_less not_less\<close>)
701qed auto
703text \<open>Simplify expressions in which div and mod combine numerical constants\<close>
705lemma int_div_pos_eq: "\<lbrakk>(a::int) = b * q + r; 0 \<le> r; r < b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a div b = q"
706  by (rule div_int_unique [of a b q r]) (simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
708lemma int_div_neg_eq: "\<lbrakk>(a::int) = b * q + r; r \<le> 0; b < r\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a div b = q"
709  by (rule div_int_unique [of a b q r],
710    simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
712lemma int_mod_pos_eq: "\<lbrakk>(a::int) = b * q + r; 0 \<le> r; r < b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a mod b = r"
713  by (rule mod_int_unique [of a b q r],
714    simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
716lemma int_mod_neg_eq: "\<lbrakk>(a::int) = b * q + r; r \<le> 0; b < r\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a mod b = r"
717  by (rule mod_int_unique [of a b q r],
718    simp add: eucl_rel_int_iff)
720lemma abs_div: "(y::int) dvd x \<Longrightarrow> \<bar>x div y\<bar> = \<bar>x\<bar> div \<bar>y\<bar>"
721  unfolding dvd_def by (cases "y=0") (auto simp add: abs_mult)
723text\<open>Suggested by Matthias Daum\<close>
724lemma int_power_div_base:
725  fixes k :: int
726  assumes "0 < m" "0 < k"
727  shows "k ^ m div k = (k::int) ^ (m - Suc 0)"
728proof -
729  have eq: "k ^ m = k ^ ((m - Suc 0) + Suc 0)"
730    by (simp add: assms)
731  show ?thesis
732    using assms by (simp only: power_add eq) auto
735text \<open>Distributive laws for function \<open>nat\<close>.\<close>
737lemma nat_div_distrib:
738  assumes "0 \<le> x"
739  shows "nat (x div y) = nat x div nat y"
740proof (cases y "0::int" rule: linorder_cases)
741  case less
742  with assms show ?thesis
743    using div_nonneg_neg_le0 by auto
745  case greater
746  then show ?thesis
747    by (simp add: nat_eq_iff pos_imp_zdiv_nonneg_iff zdiv_int)
748qed auto
750(*Fails if y<0: the LHS collapses to (nat z) but the RHS doesn't*)
751lemma nat_mod_distrib:
752  assumes "0 \<le> x" "0 \<le> y"
753  shows "nat (x mod y) = nat x mod nat y"
754proof (cases "y = 0")
755  case False
756  with assms show ?thesis
757    by (simp add: nat_eq_iff zmod_int)
758qed auto
760text\<open>Suggested by Matthias Daum\<close>
761lemma int_div_less_self:
762  fixes x::int
763  assumes "0 < x" "1 < k"
764  shows  "x div k < x"
765proof -
766  have "nat x div nat k < nat x"
767    by (simp add: assms)
768  with assms show ?thesis
769    by (simp add: nat_div_distrib [symmetric])
772lemma mod_eq_dvd_iff_nat:
773  "m mod q = n mod q \<longleftrightarrow> q dvd m - n" if "m \<ge> n" for m n q :: nat
774proof -
775  have "int m mod int q = int n mod int q \<longleftrightarrow> int q dvd int m - int n"
776    by (simp add: mod_eq_dvd_iff)
777  with that have "int (m mod q) = int (n mod q) \<longleftrightarrow> int q dvd int (m - n)"
778    by (simp only: of_nat_mod of_nat_diff)
779  then show ?thesis
780    by simp
783lemma mod_eq_nat1E:
784  fixes m n q :: nat
785  assumes "m mod q = n mod q" and "m \<ge> n"
786  obtains s where "m = n + q * s"
787proof -
788  from assms have "q dvd m - n"
789    by (simp add: mod_eq_dvd_iff_nat)
790  then obtain s where "m - n = q * s" ..
791  with \<open>m \<ge> n\<close> have "m = n + q * s"
792    by simp
793  with that show thesis .
796lemma mod_eq_nat2E:
797  fixes m n q :: nat
798  assumes "m mod q = n mod q" and "n \<ge> m"
799  obtains s where "n = m + q * s"
800  using assms mod_eq_nat1E [of n q m] by (auto simp add: ac_simps)
802lemma nat_mod_eq_lemma:
803  assumes "(x::nat) mod n = y mod n" and "y \<le> x"
804  shows "\<exists>q. x = y + n * q"
805  using assms by (rule mod_eq_nat1E) rule
807lemma nat_mod_eq_iff: "(x::nat) mod n = y mod n \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists>q1 q2. x + n * q1 = y + n * q2)"
808  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
810  assume H: "x mod n = y mod n"
811  {assume xy: "x \<le> y"
812    from H have th: "y mod n = x mod n" by simp
813    from nat_mod_eq_lemma[OF th xy] have ?rhs
814      apply clarify  apply (rule_tac x="q" in exI) by (rule exI[where x="0"], simp)}
815  moreover
816  {assume xy: "y \<le> x"
817    from nat_mod_eq_lemma[OF H xy] have ?rhs
818      apply clarify  apply (rule_tac x="0" in exI) by (rule_tac x="q" in exI, simp)}
819  ultimately  show ?rhs using linear[of x y] by blast
821  assume ?rhs then obtain q1 q2 where q12: "x + n * q1 = y + n * q2" by blast
822  hence "(x + n * q1) mod n = (y + n * q2) mod n" by simp
823  thus  ?lhs by simp
827subsection \<open>Numeral division with a pragmatic type class\<close>
829text \<open>
830  The following type class contains everything necessary to formulate
831  a division algorithm in ring structures with numerals, restricted
832  to its positive segments.  This is its primary motivation, and it
833  could surely be formulated using a more fine-grained, more algebraic
834  and less technical class hierarchy.
837class unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral = semiring_parity + linordered_semidom +
838  assumes div_less: "0 \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> a < b \<Longrightarrow> a div b = 0"
839    and mod_less: " 0 \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> a < b \<Longrightarrow> a mod b = a"
840    and div_positive: "0 < b \<Longrightarrow> b \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> a div b > 0"
841    and mod_less_eq_dividend: "0 \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> a mod b \<le> a"
842    and pos_mod_bound: "0 < b \<Longrightarrow> a mod b < b"
843    and pos_mod_sign: "0 < b \<Longrightarrow> 0 \<le> a mod b"
844    and mod_mult2_eq: "0 \<le> c \<Longrightarrow> a mod (b * c) = b * (a div b mod c) + a mod b"
845    and div_mult2_eq: "0 \<le> c \<Longrightarrow> a div (b * c) = a div b div c"
846  assumes discrete: "a < b \<longleftrightarrow> a + 1 \<le> b"
847  fixes divmod :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'a"
848    and divmod_step :: "num \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> 'a"
849  assumes divmod_def: "divmod m n = (numeral m div numeral n, numeral m mod numeral n)"
850    and divmod_step_def: "divmod_step l qr = (let (q, r) = qr
851    in if r \<ge> numeral l then (2 * q + 1, r - numeral l)
852    else (2 * q, r))"
853    \<comment> \<open>These are conceptually definitions but force generated code
854    to be monomorphic wrt. particular instances of this class which
855    yields a significant speedup.\<close>
858lemma divmod_digit_1:
859  assumes "0 \<le> a" "0 < b" and "b \<le> a mod (2 * b)"
860  shows "2 * (a div (2 * b)) + 1 = a div b" (is "?P")
861    and "a mod (2 * b) - b = a mod b" (is "?Q")
862proof -
863  from assms mod_less_eq_dividend [of a "2 * b"] have "b \<le> a"
864    by (auto intro: trans)
865  with \<open>0 < b\<close> have "0 < a div b" by (auto intro: div_positive)
866  then have [simp]: "1 \<le> a div b" by (simp add: discrete)
867  with \<open>0 < b\<close> have mod_less: "a mod b < b" by (simp add: pos_mod_bound)
868  define w where "w = a div b mod 2"
869  then have w_exhaust: "w = 0 \<or> w = 1" by auto
870  have mod_w: "a mod (2 * b) = a mod b + b * w"
871    by (simp add: w_def mod_mult2_eq ac_simps)
872  from assms w_exhaust have "w = 1"
873    by (auto simp add: mod_w) (insert mod_less, auto)
874  with mod_w have mod: "a mod (2 * b) = a mod b + b" by simp
875  have "2 * (a div (2 * b)) = a div b - w"
876    by (simp add: w_def div_mult2_eq minus_mod_eq_mult_div ac_simps)
877  with \<open>w = 1\<close> have div: "2 * (a div (2 * b)) = a div b - 1" by simp
878  then show ?P and ?Q
879    by (simp_all add: div mod add_implies_diff [symmetric])
882lemma divmod_digit_0:
883  assumes "0 < b" and "a mod (2 * b) < b"
884  shows "2 * (a div (2 * b)) = a div b" (is "?P")
885    and "a mod (2 * b) = a mod b" (is "?Q")
886proof -
887  define w where "w = a div b mod 2"
888  then have w_exhaust: "w = 0 \<or> w = 1" by auto
889  have mod_w: "a mod (2 * b) = a mod b + b * w"
890    by (simp add: w_def mod_mult2_eq ac_simps)
891  moreover have "b \<le> a mod b + b"
892  proof -
893    from \<open>0 < b\<close> pos_mod_sign have "0 \<le> a mod b" by blast
894    then have "0 + b \<le> a mod b + b" by (rule add_right_mono)
895    then show ?thesis by simp
896  qed
897  moreover note assms w_exhaust
898  ultimately have "w = 0" by auto
899  with mod_w have mod: "a mod (2 * b) = a mod b" by simp
900  have "2 * (a div (2 * b)) = a div b - w"
901    by (simp add: w_def div_mult2_eq minus_mod_eq_mult_div ac_simps)
902  with \<open>w = 0\<close> have div: "2 * (a div (2 * b)) = a div b" by simp
903  then show ?P and ?Q
904    by (simp_all add: div mod)
907lemma fst_divmod:
908  "fst (divmod m n) = numeral m div numeral n"
909  by (simp add: divmod_def)
911lemma snd_divmod:
912  "snd (divmod m n) = numeral m mod numeral n"
913  by (simp add: divmod_def)
915text \<open>
916  This is a formulation of one step (referring to one digit position)
917  in school-method division: compare the dividend at the current
918  digit position with the remainder from previous division steps
919  and evaluate accordingly.
922lemma divmod_step_eq [simp]:
923  "divmod_step l (q, r) = (if numeral l \<le> r
924    then (2 * q + 1, r - numeral l) else (2 * q, r))"
925  by (simp add: divmod_step_def)
927text \<open>
928  This is a formulation of school-method division.
929  If the divisor is smaller than the dividend, terminate.
930  If not, shift the dividend to the right until termination
931  occurs and then reiterate single division steps in the
932  opposite direction.
935lemma divmod_divmod_step:
936  "divmod m n = (if m < n then (0, numeral m)
937    else divmod_step n (divmod m (Num.Bit0 n)))"
938proof (cases "m < n")
939  case True then have "numeral m < numeral n" by simp
940  then show ?thesis
941    by (simp add: prod_eq_iff div_less mod_less fst_divmod snd_divmod)
943  case False
944  have "divmod m n =
945    divmod_step n (numeral m div (2 * numeral n),
946      numeral m mod (2 * numeral n))"
947  proof (cases "numeral n \<le> numeral m mod (2 * numeral n)")
948    case True
949    with divmod_step_eq
950      have "divmod_step n (numeral m div (2 * numeral n), numeral m mod (2 * numeral n)) =
951        (2 * (numeral m div (2 * numeral n)) + 1, numeral m mod (2 * numeral n) - numeral n)"
952        by simp
953    moreover from True divmod_digit_1 [of "numeral m" "numeral n"]
954      have "2 * (numeral m div (2 * numeral n)) + 1 = numeral m div numeral n"
955      and "numeral m mod (2 * numeral n) - numeral n = numeral m mod numeral n"
956      by simp_all
957    ultimately show ?thesis by (simp only: divmod_def)
958  next
959    case False then have *: "numeral m mod (2 * numeral n) < numeral n"
960      by (simp add: not_le)
961    with divmod_step_eq
962      have "divmod_step n (numeral m div (2 * numeral n), numeral m mod (2 * numeral n)) =
963        (2 * (numeral m div (2 * numeral n)), numeral m mod (2 * numeral n))"
964        by auto
965    moreover from * divmod_digit_0 [of "numeral n" "numeral m"]
966      have "2 * (numeral m div (2 * numeral n)) = numeral m div numeral n"
967      and "numeral m mod (2 * numeral n) = numeral m mod numeral n"
968      by (simp_all only: zero_less_numeral)
969    ultimately show ?thesis by (simp only: divmod_def)
970  qed
971  then have "divmod m n =
972    divmod_step n (numeral m div numeral (Num.Bit0 n),
973      numeral m mod numeral (Num.Bit0 n))"
974    by (simp only: numeral.simps distrib mult_1)
975  then have "divmod m n = divmod_step n (divmod m (Num.Bit0 n))"
976    by (simp add: divmod_def)
977  with False show ?thesis by simp
980text \<open>The division rewrite proper -- first, trivial results involving \<open>1\<close>\<close>
982lemma divmod_trivial [simp]:
983  "divmod Num.One Num.One = (numeral Num.One, 0)"
984  "divmod (Num.Bit0 m) Num.One = (numeral (Num.Bit0 m), 0)"
985  "divmod (Num.Bit1 m) Num.One = (numeral (Num.Bit1 m), 0)"
986  "divmod num.One (num.Bit0 n) = (0, Numeral1)"
987  "divmod num.One (num.Bit1 n) = (0, Numeral1)"
988  using divmod_divmod_step [of "Num.One"] by (simp_all add: divmod_def)
990text \<open>Division by an even number is a right-shift\<close>
992lemma divmod_cancel [simp]:
993  "divmod (Num.Bit0 m) (Num.Bit0 n) = (case divmod m n of (q, r) \<Rightarrow> (q, 2 * r))" (is ?P)
994  "divmod (Num.Bit1 m) (Num.Bit0 n) = (case divmod m n of (q, r) \<Rightarrow> (q, 2 * r + 1))" (is ?Q)
995proof -
996  have *: "\<And>q. numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = 2 * numeral q"
997    "\<And>q. numeral (Num.Bit1 q) = 2 * numeral q + 1"
998    by (simp_all only: numeral_mult numeral.simps distrib) simp_all
999  have "1 div 2 = 0" "1 mod 2 = 1" by (auto intro: div_less mod_less)
1000  then show ?P and ?Q
1001    by (simp_all add: fst_divmod snd_divmod prod_eq_iff split_def * [of m] * [of n] mod_mult_mult1
1002      div_mult2_eq [of _ _ 2] mod_mult2_eq [of _ _ 2]
1003      add.commute del: numeral_times_numeral)
1006text \<open>The really hard work\<close>
1008lemma divmod_steps [simp]:
1009  "divmod (num.Bit0 m) (num.Bit1 n) =
1010      (if m \<le> n then (0, numeral (num.Bit0 m))
1011       else divmod_step (num.Bit1 n)
1012             (divmod (num.Bit0 m)
1013               (num.Bit0 (num.Bit1 n))))"
1014  "divmod (num.Bit1 m) (num.Bit1 n) =
1015      (if m < n then (0, numeral (num.Bit1 m))
1016       else divmod_step (num.Bit1 n)
1017             (divmod (num.Bit1 m)
1018               (num.Bit0 (num.Bit1 n))))"
1019  by (simp_all add: divmod_divmod_step)
1021lemmas divmod_algorithm_code = divmod_step_eq divmod_trivial divmod_cancel divmod_steps  
1023text \<open>Special case: divisibility\<close>
1025definition divides_aux :: "'a \<times> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
1027  "divides_aux qr \<longleftrightarrow> snd qr = 0"
1029lemma divides_aux_eq [simp]:
1030  "divides_aux (q, r) \<longleftrightarrow> r = 0"
1031  by (simp add: divides_aux_def)
1033lemma dvd_numeral_simp [simp]:
1034  "numeral m dvd numeral n \<longleftrightarrow> divides_aux (divmod n m)"
1035  by (simp add: divmod_def mod_eq_0_iff_dvd)
1037text \<open>Generic computation of quotient and remainder\<close>  
1039lemma numeral_div_numeral [simp]: 
1040  "numeral k div numeral l = fst (divmod k l)"
1041  by (simp add: fst_divmod)
1043lemma numeral_mod_numeral [simp]: 
1044  "numeral k mod numeral l = snd (divmod k l)"
1045  by (simp add: snd_divmod)
1047lemma one_div_numeral [simp]:
1048  "1 div numeral n = fst (divmod num.One n)"
1049  by (simp add: fst_divmod)
1051lemma one_mod_numeral [simp]:
1052  "1 mod numeral n = snd (divmod num.One n)"
1053  by (simp add: snd_divmod)
1055text \<open>Computing congruences modulo \<open>2 ^ q\<close>\<close>
1057lemma cong_exp_iff_simps:
1058  "numeral n mod numeral Num.One = 0
1059    \<longleftrightarrow> True"
1060  "numeral (Num.Bit0 n) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = 0
1061    \<longleftrightarrow> numeral n mod numeral q = 0"
1062  "numeral (Num.Bit1 n) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = 0
1063    \<longleftrightarrow> False"
1064  "numeral m mod numeral Num.One = (numeral n mod numeral Num.One)
1065    \<longleftrightarrow> True"
1066  "numeral Num.One mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral Num.One mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1067    \<longleftrightarrow> True"
1068  "numeral Num.One mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral (Num.Bit0 n) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1069    \<longleftrightarrow> False"
1070  "numeral Num.One mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral (Num.Bit1 n) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1071    \<longleftrightarrow> (numeral n mod numeral q) = 0"
1072  "numeral (Num.Bit0 m) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral Num.One mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1073    \<longleftrightarrow> False"
1074  "numeral (Num.Bit0 m) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral (Num.Bit0 n) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1075    \<longleftrightarrow> numeral m mod numeral q = (numeral n mod numeral q)"
1076  "numeral (Num.Bit0 m) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral (Num.Bit1 n) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1077    \<longleftrightarrow> False"
1078  "numeral (Num.Bit1 m) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral Num.One mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1079    \<longleftrightarrow> (numeral m mod numeral q) = 0"
1080  "numeral (Num.Bit1 m) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral (Num.Bit0 n) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1081    \<longleftrightarrow> False"
1082  "numeral (Num.Bit1 m) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q) = (numeral (Num.Bit1 n) mod numeral (Num.Bit0 q))
1083    \<longleftrightarrow> numeral m mod numeral q = (numeral n mod numeral q)"
1084  by (auto simp add: case_prod_beta dest: arg_cong [of _ _ even])
1088hide_fact (open) div_less mod_less mod_less_eq_dividend mod_mult2_eq div_mult2_eq
1090instantiation nat :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral
1093definition divmod_nat :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> nat"
1095  divmod'_nat_def: "divmod_nat m n = (numeral m div numeral n, numeral m mod numeral n)"
1097definition divmod_step_nat :: "num \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> nat"
1099  "divmod_step_nat l qr = (let (q, r) = qr
1100    in if r \<ge> numeral l then (2 * q + 1, r - numeral l)
1101    else (2 * q, r))"
1103instance by standard
1104  (auto simp add: divmod'_nat_def divmod_step_nat_def div_greater_zero_iff div_mult2_eq mod_mult2_eq)
1108declare divmod_algorithm_code [where ?'a = nat, code]
1110lemma Suc_0_div_numeral [simp]:
1111  fixes k l :: num
1112  shows "Suc 0 div numeral k = fst (divmod Num.One k)"
1113  by (simp_all add: fst_divmod)
1115lemma Suc_0_mod_numeral [simp]:
1116  fixes k l :: num
1117  shows "Suc 0 mod numeral k = snd (divmod Num.One k)"
1118  by (simp_all add: snd_divmod)
1120instantiation int :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral
1123definition divmod_int :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> int \<times> int"
1125  "divmod_int m n = (numeral m div numeral n, numeral m mod numeral n)"
1127definition divmod_step_int :: "num \<Rightarrow> int \<times> int \<Rightarrow> int \<times> int"
1129  "divmod_step_int l qr = (let (q, r) = qr
1130    in if r \<ge> numeral l then (2 * q + 1, r - numeral l)
1131    else (2 * q, r))"
1134  by standard (auto intro: zmod_le_nonneg_dividend simp add: divmod_int_def divmod_step_int_def
1135    pos_imp_zdiv_pos_iff zmod_zmult2_eq zdiv_zmult2_eq)
1139declare divmod_algorithm_code [where ?'a = int, code]
1144qualified definition adjust_div :: "int \<times> int \<Rightarrow> int"
1146  "adjust_div qr = (let (q, r) = qr in q + of_bool (r \<noteq> 0))"
1148qualified lemma adjust_div_eq [simp, code]:
1149  "adjust_div (q, r) = q + of_bool (r \<noteq> 0)"
1150  by (simp add: adjust_div_def)
1152qualified definition adjust_mod :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"
1154  [simp]: "adjust_mod l r = (if r = 0 then 0 else l - r)"
1156lemma minus_numeral_div_numeral [simp]:
1157  "- numeral m div numeral n = - (adjust_div (divmod m n) :: int)"
1158proof -
1159  have "int (fst (divmod m n)) = fst (divmod m n)"
1160    by (simp only: fst_divmod divide_int_def) auto
1161  then show ?thesis
1162    by (auto simp add: split_def Let_def adjust_div_def divides_aux_def divide_int_def)
1165lemma minus_numeral_mod_numeral [simp]:
1166  "- numeral m mod numeral n = adjust_mod (numeral n) (snd (divmod m n) :: int)"
1167proof (cases "snd (divmod m n) = (0::int)")
1168  case True
1169  then show ?thesis
1170    by (simp add: mod_eq_0_iff_dvd divides_aux_def)
1172  case False
1173  then have "int (snd (divmod m n)) = snd (divmod m n)" if "snd (divmod m n) \<noteq> (0::int)"
1174    by (simp only: snd_divmod modulo_int_def) auto
1175  then show ?thesis
1176    by (simp add: divides_aux_def adjust_div_def)
1177      (simp add: divides_aux_def modulo_int_def)
1180lemma numeral_div_minus_numeral [simp]:
1181  "numeral m div - numeral n = - (adjust_div (divmod m n) :: int)"
1182proof -
1183  have "int (fst (divmod m n)) = fst (divmod m n)"
1184    by (simp only: fst_divmod divide_int_def) auto
1185  then show ?thesis
1186    by (auto simp add: split_def Let_def adjust_div_def divides_aux_def divide_int_def)
1189lemma numeral_mod_minus_numeral [simp]:
1190  "numeral m mod - numeral n = - adjust_mod (numeral n) (snd (divmod m n) :: int)"
1191proof (cases "snd (divmod m n) = (0::int)")
1192  case True
1193  then show ?thesis
1194    by (simp add: mod_eq_0_iff_dvd divides_aux_def)
1196  case False
1197  then have "int (snd (divmod m n)) = snd (divmod m n)" if "snd (divmod m n) \<noteq> (0::int)"
1198    by (simp only: snd_divmod modulo_int_def) auto
1199  then show ?thesis
1200    by (simp add: divides_aux_def adjust_div_def)
1201      (simp add: divides_aux_def modulo_int_def)
1204lemma minus_one_div_numeral [simp]:
1205  "- 1 div numeral n = - (adjust_div (divmod Num.One n) :: int)"
1206  using minus_numeral_div_numeral [of Num.One n] by simp  
1208lemma minus_one_mod_numeral [simp]:
1209  "- 1 mod numeral n = adjust_mod (numeral n) (snd (divmod Num.One n) :: int)"
1210  using minus_numeral_mod_numeral [of Num.One n] by simp
1212lemma one_div_minus_numeral [simp]:
1213  "1 div - numeral n = - (adjust_div (divmod Num.One n) :: int)"
1214  using numeral_div_minus_numeral [of Num.One n] by simp
1216lemma one_mod_minus_numeral [simp]:
1217  "1 mod - numeral n = - adjust_mod (numeral n) (snd (divmod Num.One n) :: int)"
1218  using numeral_mod_minus_numeral [of Num.One n] by simp
1222lemma div_positive_int:
1223  "k div l > 0" if "k \<ge> l" and "l > 0" for k l :: int
1224  using that div_positive [of l k] by blast
1227subsubsection \<open>Dedicated simproc for calculation\<close>
1229text \<open>
1230  There is space for improvement here: the calculation itself
1231  could be carried out outside the logic, and a generic simproc
1232  (simplifier setup) for generic calculation would be helpful. 
1235simproc_setup numeral_divmod
1236  ("0 div 0 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "0 mod 0 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1237   "0 div 1 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "0 mod 1 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1238   "0 div - 1 :: int" | "0 mod - 1 :: int" |
1239   "0 div numeral b :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "0 mod numeral b :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1240   "0 div - numeral b :: int" | "0 mod - numeral b :: int" |
1241   "1 div 0 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "1 mod 0 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1242   "1 div 1 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "1 mod 1 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1243   "1 div - 1 :: int" | "1 mod - 1 :: int" |
1244   "1 div numeral b :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "1 mod numeral b :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1245   "1 div - numeral b :: int" |"1 mod - numeral b :: int" |
1246   "- 1 div 0 :: int" | "- 1 mod 0 :: int" | "- 1 div 1 :: int" | "- 1 mod 1 :: int" |
1247   "- 1 div - 1 :: int" | "- 1 mod - 1 :: int" | "- 1 div numeral b :: int" | "- 1 mod numeral b :: int" |
1248   "- 1 div - numeral b :: int" | "- 1 mod - numeral b :: int" |
1249   "numeral a div 0 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "numeral a mod 0 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1250   "numeral a div 1 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "numeral a mod 1 :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1251   "numeral a div - 1 :: int" | "numeral a mod - 1 :: int" |
1252   "numeral a div numeral b :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" | "numeral a mod numeral b :: 'a :: unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral" |
1253   "numeral a div - numeral b :: int" | "numeral a mod - numeral b :: int" |
1254   "- numeral a div 0 :: int" | "- numeral a mod 0 :: int" |
1255   "- numeral a div 1 :: int" | "- numeral a mod 1 :: int" |
1256   "- numeral a div - 1 :: int" | "- numeral a mod - 1 :: int" |
1257   "- numeral a div numeral b :: int" | "- numeral a mod numeral b :: int" |
1258   "- numeral a div - numeral b :: int" | "- numeral a mod - numeral b :: int") =
1259\<open> let
1260    val if_cong = the (Code.get_case_cong @{theory} @{const_name If});
1261    fun successful_rewrite ctxt ct =
1262      let
1263        val thm = Simplifier.rewrite ctxt ct
1264      in if Thm.is_reflexive thm then NONE else SOME thm end;
1265  in fn phi =>
1266    let
1267      val simps = Morphism.fact phi (@{thms div_0 mod_0 div_by_0 mod_by_0 div_by_1 mod_by_1
1268        one_div_numeral one_mod_numeral minus_one_div_numeral minus_one_mod_numeral
1269        one_div_minus_numeral one_mod_minus_numeral
1270        numeral_div_numeral numeral_mod_numeral minus_numeral_div_numeral minus_numeral_mod_numeral
1271        numeral_div_minus_numeral numeral_mod_minus_numeral
1272        div_minus_minus mod_minus_minus Divides.adjust_div_eq of_bool_eq one_neq_zero
1273        numeral_neq_zero neg_equal_0_iff_equal arith_simps arith_special divmod_trivial
1274        divmod_cancel divmod_steps divmod_step_eq fst_conv snd_conv numeral_One
1275        case_prod_beta rel_simps Divides.adjust_mod_def div_minus1_right mod_minus1_right
1276        minus_minus numeral_times_numeral mult_zero_right mult_1_right}
1277        @ [@{lemma "0 = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> True" by simp}]);
1278      fun prepare_simpset ctxt = HOL_ss |> Simplifier.simpset_map ctxt
1279        (Simplifier.add_cong if_cong #> fold Simplifier.add_simp simps)
1280    in fn ctxt => successful_rewrite (Simplifier.put_simpset (prepare_simpset ctxt) ctxt) end
1281  end;
1285subsubsection \<open>Code generation\<close>
1287definition divmod_nat :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> nat"
1288  where "divmod_nat m n = (m div n, m mod n)"
1290lemma fst_divmod_nat [simp]:
1291  "fst (divmod_nat m n) = m div n"
1292  by (simp add: divmod_nat_def)
1294lemma snd_divmod_nat [simp]:
1295  "snd (divmod_nat m n) = m mod n"
1296  by (simp add: divmod_nat_def)
1298lemma divmod_nat_if [code]:
1299  "Divides.divmod_nat m n = (if n = 0 \<or> m < n then (0, m) else
1300    let (q, r) = Divides.divmod_nat (m - n) n in (Suc q, r))"
1301  by (simp add: prod_eq_iff case_prod_beta not_less le_div_geq le_mod_geq)
1303lemma [code]:
1304  "m div n = fst (divmod_nat m n)"
1305  "m mod n = snd (divmod_nat m n)"
1306  by simp_all
1308lemma [code]:
1309  fixes k :: int
1310  shows 
1311    "k div 0 = 0"
1312    "k mod 0 = k"
1313    "0 div k = 0"
1314    "0 mod k = 0"
1315    "k div Int.Pos Num.One = k"
1316    "k mod Int.Pos Num.One = 0"
1317    "k div Int.Neg Num.One = - k"
1318    "k mod Int.Neg Num.One = 0"
1319    "Int.Pos m div Int.Pos n = (fst (divmod m n) :: int)"
1320    "Int.Pos m mod Int.Pos n = (snd (divmod m n) :: int)"
1321    "Int.Neg m div Int.Pos n = - (Divides.adjust_div (divmod m n) :: int)"
1322    "Int.Neg m mod Int.Pos n = Divides.adjust_mod (Int.Pos n) (snd (divmod m n) :: int)"
1323    "Int.Pos m div Int.Neg n = - (Divides.adjust_div (divmod m n) :: int)"
1324    "Int.Pos m mod Int.Neg n = - Divides.adjust_mod (Int.Pos n) (snd (divmod m n) :: int)"
1325    "Int.Neg m div Int.Neg n = (fst (divmod m n) :: int)"
1326    "Int.Neg m mod Int.Neg n = - (snd (divmod m n) :: int)"
1327  by simp_all
1330  code_module Divides \<rightharpoonup> (SML) Arith and (OCaml) Arith and (Haskell) Arith
1333subsection \<open>Lemmas of doubtful value\<close>
1335lemma div_geq: "m div n = Suc ((m - n) div n)" if "0 < n" and " \<not> m < n" for m n :: nat
1336  by (rule le_div_geq) (use that in \<open>simp_all add: not_less\<close>)
1338lemma mod_geq: "m mod n = (m - n) mod n" if "\<not> m < n" for m n :: nat
1339  by (rule le_mod_geq) (use that in \<open>simp add: not_less\<close>)
1341lemma mod_eq_0D: "\<exists>q. m = d * q" if "m mod d = 0" for m d :: nat
1342  using that by (auto simp add: mod_eq_0_iff_dvd)