2Author:     Tobias Nipkow, Daniel St��we
3Largely derived from AFP entry AVL.
6section "AVL Tree Implementation of Sets"
8theory AVL_Set
10  Cmp
11  Isin2
12  "HOL-Number_Theory.Fib"
15type_synonym 'a avl_tree = "('a,nat) tree"
17definition empty :: "'a avl_tree" where
18"empty = Leaf"
20text \<open>Invariant:\<close>
22fun avl :: "'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> bool" where
23"avl Leaf = True" |
24"avl (Node l a h r) =
25 ((height l = height r \<or> height l = height r + 1 \<or> height r = height l + 1) \<and> 
26  h = max (height l) (height r) + 1 \<and> avl l \<and> avl r)"
28fun ht :: "'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> nat" where
29"ht Leaf = 0" |
30"ht (Node l a h r) = h"
32definition node :: "'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree" where
33"node l a r = Node l a (max (ht l) (ht r) + 1) r"
35definition balL :: "'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree" where
36"balL l a r =
37  (if ht l = ht r + 2 then
38     case l of 
39       Node bl b _ br \<Rightarrow>
40         if ht bl < ht br then
41           case br of
42             Node cl c _ cr \<Rightarrow> node (node bl b cl) c (node cr a r)
43         else node bl b (node br a r)
44   else node l a r)"
46definition balR :: "'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree" where
47"balR l a r =
48   (if ht r = ht l + 2 then
49      case r of
50        Node bl b _ br \<Rightarrow>
51          if ht bl > ht br then
52            case bl of
53              Node cl c _ cr \<Rightarrow> node (node l a cl) c (node cr b br)
54          else node (node l a bl) b br
55  else node l a r)"
57fun insert :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree" where
58"insert x Leaf = Node Leaf x 1 Leaf" |
59"insert x (Node l a h r) = (case cmp x a of
60   EQ \<Rightarrow> Node l a h r |
61   LT \<Rightarrow> balL (insert x l) a r |
62   GT \<Rightarrow> balR l a (insert x r))"
64fun split_max :: "'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree * 'a" where
65"split_max (Node l a _ r) =
66  (if r = Leaf then (l,a) else let (r',a') = split_max r in (balL l a r', a'))"
68lemmas split_max_induct = split_max.induct[case_names Node Leaf]
70fun del_root :: "'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree" where
71"del_root (Node Leaf a h r) = r" |
72"del_root (Node l a h Leaf) = l" |
73"del_root (Node l a h r) = (let (l', a') = split_max l in balR l' a' r)"
75lemmas del_root_cases = del_root.cases[case_names Leaf_t Node_Leaf Node_Node]
77fun delete :: "'a::linorder \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree \<Rightarrow> 'a avl_tree" where
78"delete _ Leaf = Leaf" |
79"delete x (Node l a h r) =
80  (case cmp x a of
81     EQ \<Rightarrow> del_root (Node l a h r) |
82     LT \<Rightarrow> balR (delete x l) a r |
83     GT \<Rightarrow> balL l a (delete x r))"
86subsection \<open>Functional Correctness Proofs\<close>
88text\<open>Very different from the AFP/AVL proofs\<close>
91subsubsection "Proofs for insert"
93lemma inorder_balL:
94  "inorder (balL l a r) = inorder l @ a # inorder r"
95by (auto simp: node_def balL_def split:tree.splits)
97lemma inorder_balR:
98  "inorder (balR l a r) = inorder l @ a # inorder r"
99by (auto simp: node_def balR_def split:tree.splits)
101theorem inorder_insert:
102  "sorted(inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inorder(insert x t) = ins_list x (inorder t)"
103by (induct t) 
104   (auto simp: ins_list_simps inorder_balL inorder_balR)
107subsubsection "Proofs for delete"
109lemma inorder_split_maxD:
110  "\<lbrakk> split_max t = (t',a); t \<noteq> Leaf \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
111   inorder t' @ [a] = inorder t"
112by(induction t arbitrary: t' rule: split_max.induct)
113  (auto simp: inorder_balL split: if_splits prod.splits tree.split)
115lemma inorder_del_root:
116  "inorder (del_root (Node l a h r)) = inorder l @ inorder r"
117by(cases "Node l a h r" rule: del_root.cases)
118  (auto simp: inorder_balL inorder_balR inorder_split_maxD split: if_splits prod.splits)
120theorem inorder_delete:
121  "sorted(inorder t) \<Longrightarrow> inorder (delete x t) = del_list x (inorder t)"
122by(induction t)
123  (auto simp: del_list_simps inorder_balL inorder_balR
124    inorder_del_root inorder_split_maxD split: prod.splits)
127subsection \<open>AVL invariants\<close>
129text\<open>Essentially the AFP/AVL proofs\<close>
132subsubsection \<open>Insertion maintains AVL balance\<close>
134declare Let_def [simp]
136lemma [simp]: "avl t \<Longrightarrow> ht t = height t"
137by (induct t) simp_all
139lemma height_balL:
140  "\<lbrakk> height l = height r + 2; avl l; avl r \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
141   height (balL l a r) = height r + 2 \<or>
142   height (balL l a r) = height r + 3"
143by (cases l) (auto simp:node_def balL_def split:tree.split)
145lemma height_balR:
146  "\<lbrakk> height r = height l + 2; avl l; avl r \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
147   height (balR l a r) = height l + 2 \<or>
148   height (balR l a r) = height l + 3"
149by (cases r) (auto simp add:node_def balR_def split:tree.split)
151lemma [simp]: "height(node l a r) = max (height l) (height r) + 1"
152by (simp add: node_def)
154lemma avl_node:
155  "\<lbrakk> avl l; avl r;
156     height l = height r \<or> height l = height r + 1 \<or> height r = height l + 1
157   \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> avl(node l a r)"
158by (auto simp add:max_def node_def)
160lemma height_balL2:
161  "\<lbrakk> avl l; avl r; height l \<noteq> height r + 2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
162   height (balL l a r) = (1 + max (height l) (height r))"
163by (cases l, cases r) (simp_all add: balL_def)
165lemma height_balR2:
166  "\<lbrakk> avl l;  avl r;  height r \<noteq> height l + 2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
167   height (balR l a r) = (1 + max (height l) (height r))"
168by (cases l, cases r) (simp_all add: balR_def)
170lemma avl_balL: 
171  assumes "avl l" "avl r" and "height l = height r \<or> height l = height r + 1
172    \<or> height r = height l + 1 \<or> height l = height r + 2" 
173  shows "avl(balL l a r)"
174proof(cases l)
175  case Leaf
176  with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: node_def balL_def)
178  case Node
179  with assms show ?thesis
180  proof(cases "height l = height r + 2")
181    case True
182    from True Node assms show ?thesis
183      by (auto simp: balL_def intro!: avl_node split: tree.split) arith+
184  next
185    case False
186    with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: avl_node balL_def)
187  qed
190lemma avl_balR: 
191  assumes "avl l" and "avl r" and "height l = height r \<or> height l = height r + 1
192    \<or> height r = height l + 1 \<or> height r = height l + 2" 
193  shows "avl(balR l a r)"
194proof(cases r)
195  case Leaf
196  with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: node_def balR_def)
198  case Node
199  with assms show ?thesis
200  proof(cases "height r = height l + 2")
201    case True
202      from True Node assms show ?thesis
203        by (auto simp: balR_def intro!: avl_node split: tree.split) arith+
204  next
205    case False
206    with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: balR_def avl_node)
207  qed
210(* It appears that these two properties need to be proved simultaneously: *)
212text\<open>Insertion maintains the AVL property:\<close>
214theorem avl_insert:
215  assumes "avl t"
216  shows "avl(insert x t)"
217        "(height (insert x t) = height t \<or> height (insert x t) = height t + 1)"
218using assms
219proof (induction t)
220  case (Node l a h r)
221  case 1
222  show ?case
223  proof(cases "x = a")
224    case True with Node 1 show ?thesis by simp
225  next
226    case False
227    show ?thesis 
228    proof(cases "x<a")
229      case True with Node 1 show ?thesis by (auto simp add:avl_balL)
230    next
231      case False with Node 1 \<open>x\<noteq>a\<close> show ?thesis by (auto simp add:avl_balR)
232    qed
233  qed
234  case 2
235  show ?case
236  proof(cases "x = a")
237    case True with Node 1 show ?thesis by simp
238  next
239    case False
240    show ?thesis 
241    proof(cases "x<a")
242      case True
243      show ?thesis
244      proof(cases "height (insert x l) = height r + 2")
245        case False with Node 2 \<open>x < a\<close> show ?thesis by (auto simp: height_balL2)
246      next
247        case True 
248        hence "(height (balL (insert x l) a r) = height r + 2) \<or>
249          (height (balL (insert x l) a r) = height r + 3)" (is "?A \<or> ?B")
250          using Node 2 by (intro height_balL) simp_all
251        thus ?thesis
252        proof
253          assume ?A with 2 \<open>x < a\<close> show ?thesis by (auto)
254        next
255          assume ?B with True 1 Node(2) \<open>x < a\<close> show ?thesis by (simp) arith
256        qed
257      qed
258    next
259      case False
260      show ?thesis 
261      proof(cases "height (insert x r) = height l + 2")
262        case False with Node 2 \<open>\<not>x < a\<close> show ?thesis by (auto simp: height_balR2)
263      next
264        case True 
265        hence "(height (balR l a (insert x r)) = height l + 2) \<or>
266          (height (balR l a (insert x r)) = height l + 3)"  (is "?A \<or> ?B")
267          using Node 2 by (intro height_balR) simp_all
268        thus ?thesis 
269        proof
270          assume ?A with 2 \<open>\<not>x < a\<close> show ?thesis by (auto)
271        next
272          assume ?B with True 1 Node(4) \<open>\<not>x < a\<close> show ?thesis by (simp) arith
273        qed
274      qed
275    qed
276  qed
277qed simp_all
280subsubsection \<open>Deletion maintains AVL balance\<close>
282lemma avl_split_max:
283  assumes "avl x" and "x \<noteq> Leaf"
284  shows "avl (fst (split_max x))" "height x = height(fst (split_max x)) \<or>
285         height x = height(fst (split_max x)) + 1"
286using assms
287proof (induct x rule: split_max_induct)
288  case (Node l a h r)
289  case 1
290  thus ?case using Node
291    by (auto simp: height_balL height_balL2 avl_balL split:prod.split)
293  case (Node l a h r)
294  case 2
295  let ?r' = "fst (split_max r)"
296  from \<open>avl x\<close> Node 2 have "avl l" and "avl r" by simp_all
297  thus ?case using Node 2 height_balL[of l ?r' a] height_balL2[of l ?r' a]
298    apply (auto split:prod.splits simp del:avl.simps) by arith+
299qed auto
301lemma avl_del_root:
302  assumes "avl t" and "t \<noteq> Leaf"
303  shows "avl(del_root t)" 
304using assms
305proof (cases t rule:del_root_cases)
306  case (Node_Node ll ln lh lr n h rl rn rh rr)
307  let ?l = "Node ll ln lh lr"
308  let ?r = "Node rl rn rh rr"
309  let ?l' = "fst (split_max ?l)"
310  from \<open>avl t\<close> and Node_Node have "avl ?r" by simp
311  from \<open>avl t\<close> and Node_Node have "avl ?l" by simp
312  hence "avl(?l')" "height ?l = height(?l') \<or>
313         height ?l = height(?l') + 1" by (rule avl_split_max,simp)+
314  with \<open>avl t\<close> Node_Node have "height ?l' = height ?r \<or> height ?l' = height ?r + 1
315            \<or> height ?r = height ?l' + 1 \<or> height ?r = height ?l' + 2" by fastforce
316  with \<open>avl ?l'\<close> \<open>avl ?r\<close> have "avl(balR ?l' (snd(split_max ?l)) ?r)"
317    by (rule avl_balR)
318  with Node_Node show ?thesis by (auto split:prod.splits)
319qed simp_all
321lemma height_del_root:
322  assumes "avl t" and "t \<noteq> Leaf" 
323  shows "height t = height(del_root t) \<or> height t = height(del_root t) + 1"
324using assms
325proof (cases t rule: del_root_cases)
326  case (Node_Node ll ln lh lr n h rl rn rh rr)
327  let ?l = "Node ll ln lh lr"
328  let ?r = "Node rl rn rh rr"
329  let ?l' = "fst (split_max ?l)"
330  let ?t' = "balR ?l' (snd(split_max ?l)) ?r"
331  from \<open>avl t\<close> and Node_Node have "avl ?r" by simp
332  from \<open>avl t\<close> and Node_Node have "avl ?l" by simp
333  hence "avl(?l')"  by (rule avl_split_max,simp)
334  have l'_height: "height ?l = height ?l' \<or> height ?l = height ?l' + 1" using \<open>avl ?l\<close> by (intro avl_split_max) auto
335  have t_height: "height t = 1 + max (height ?l) (height ?r)" using \<open>avl t\<close> Node_Node by simp
336  have "height t = height ?t' \<or> height t = height ?t' + 1" using  \<open>avl t\<close> Node_Node
337  proof(cases "height ?r = height ?l' + 2")
338    case False
339    show ?thesis using l'_height t_height False
340      by (subst height_balR2[OF \<open>avl ?l'\<close> \<open>avl ?r\<close> False])+ arith
341  next
342    case True
343    show ?thesis
344    proof(cases rule: disjE[OF height_balR[OF True \<open>avl ?l'\<close> \<open>avl ?r\<close>, of "snd (split_max ?l)"]])
345      case 1 thus ?thesis using l'_height t_height True by arith
346    next
347      case 2 thus ?thesis using l'_height t_height True by arith
348    qed
349  qed
350  thus ?thesis using Node_Node by (auto split:prod.splits)
351qed simp_all
353text\<open>Deletion maintains the AVL property:\<close>
355theorem avl_delete:
356  assumes "avl t" 
357  shows "avl(delete x t)" and "height t = (height (delete x t)) \<or> height t = height (delete x t) + 1"
358using assms
359proof (induct t)
360  case (Node l n h r)
361  case 1
362  show ?case
363  proof(cases "x = n")
364    case True with Node 1 show ?thesis by (auto simp:avl_del_root)
365  next
366    case False
367    show ?thesis 
368    proof(cases "x<n")
369      case True with Node 1 show ?thesis by (auto simp add:avl_balR)
370    next
371      case False with Node 1 \<open>x\<noteq>n\<close> show ?thesis by (auto simp add:avl_balL)
372    qed
373  qed
374  case 2
375  show ?case
376  proof(cases "x = n")
377    case True
378    with 1 have "height (Node l n h r) = height(del_root (Node l n h r))
379      \<or> height (Node l n h r) = height(del_root (Node l n h r)) + 1"
380      by (subst height_del_root,simp_all)
381    with True show ?thesis by simp
382  next
383    case False
384    show ?thesis 
385    proof(cases "x<n")
386      case True
387      show ?thesis
388      proof(cases "height r = height (delete x l) + 2")
389        case False with Node 1 \<open>x < n\<close> show ?thesis by(auto simp: balR_def)
390      next
391        case True 
392        hence "(height (balR (delete x l) n r) = height (delete x l) + 2) \<or>
393          height (balR (delete x l) n r) = height (delete x l) + 3" (is "?A \<or> ?B")
394          using Node 2 by (intro height_balR) auto
395        thus ?thesis 
396        proof
397          assume ?A with \<open>x < n\<close> Node 2 show ?thesis by(auto simp: balR_def)
398        next
399          assume ?B with \<open>x < n\<close> Node 2 show ?thesis by(auto simp: balR_def)
400        qed
401      qed
402    next
403      case False
404      show ?thesis
405      proof(cases "height l = height (delete x r) + 2")
406        case False with Node 1 \<open>\<not>x < n\<close> \<open>x \<noteq> n\<close> show ?thesis by(auto simp: balL_def)
407      next
408        case True 
409        hence "(height (balL l n (delete x r)) = height (delete x r) + 2) \<or>
410          height (balL l n (delete x r)) = height (delete x r) + 3" (is "?A \<or> ?B")
411          using Node 2 by (intro height_balL) auto
412        thus ?thesis 
413        proof
414          assume ?A with \<open>\<not>x < n\<close> \<open>x \<noteq> n\<close> Node 2 show ?thesis by(auto simp: balL_def)
415        next
416          assume ?B with \<open>\<not>x < n\<close> \<open>x \<noteq> n\<close> Node 2 show ?thesis by(auto simp: balL_def)
417        qed
418      qed
419    qed
420  qed
421qed simp_all
424subsection "Overall correctness"
426interpretation S: Set_by_Ordered
427where empty = empty and isin = isin and insert = insert and delete = delete
428and inorder = inorder and inv = avl
429proof (standard, goal_cases)
430  case 1 show ?case by (simp add: empty_def)
432  case 2 thus ?case by(simp add: isin_set_inorder)
434  case 3 thus ?case by(simp add: inorder_insert)
436  case 4 thus ?case by(simp add: inorder_delete)
438  case 5 thus ?case by (simp add: empty_def)
440  case 6 thus ?case by (simp add: avl_insert(1))
442  case 7 thus ?case by (simp add: avl_delete(1))
446subsection \<open>Height-Size Relation\<close>
448text \<open>Based on theorems by Daniel St\"uwe, Manuel Eberl and Peter Lammich.\<close>
450lemma height_invers: 
451  "(height t = 0) = (t = Leaf)"
452  "avl t \<Longrightarrow> (height t = Suc h) = (\<exists> l a r . t = Node l a (Suc h) r)"
453by (induction t) auto
455text \<open>Any AVL tree of height \<open>h\<close> has at least \<open>fib (h+2)\<close> leaves:\<close>
457lemma avl_fib_bound: "avl t \<Longrightarrow> height t = h \<Longrightarrow> fib (h+2) \<le> size1 t"
458proof (induction h arbitrary: t rule: fib.induct)
459  case 1 thus ?case by (simp add: height_invers)
461  case 2 thus ?case by (cases t) (auto simp: height_invers)
463  case (3 h)
464  from "3.prems" obtain l a r where
465    [simp]: "t = Node l a (Suc(Suc h)) r" "avl l" "avl r"
466    and C: "
467      height r = Suc h \<and> height l = Suc h
468    \<or> height r = Suc h \<and> height l = h
469    \<or> height r = h \<and> height l = Suc h" (is "?C1 \<or> ?C2 \<or> ?C3")
470    by (cases t) (simp, fastforce)
471  {
472    assume ?C1
473    with "3.IH"(1)
474    have "fib (h + 3) \<le> size1 l" "fib (h + 3) \<le> size1 r"
475      by (simp_all add: eval_nat_numeral)
476    hence ?case by (auto simp: eval_nat_numeral)
477  } moreover {
478    assume ?C2
479    hence ?case using "3.IH"(1)[of r] "3.IH"(2)[of l] by auto
480  } moreover {
481    assume ?C3
482    hence ?case using "3.IH"(1)[of l] "3.IH"(2)[of r] by auto
483  } ultimately show ?case using C by blast
486lemma fib_alt_induct [consumes 1, case_names 1 2 rec]:
487  assumes "n > 0" "P 1" "P 2" "\<And>n. n > 0 \<Longrightarrow> P n \<Longrightarrow> P (Suc n) \<Longrightarrow> P (Suc (Suc n))"
488  shows   "P n"
489  using assms(1)
490proof (induction n rule: fib.induct)
491  case (3 n)
492  thus ?case using assms by (cases n) (auto simp: eval_nat_numeral)
493qed (insert assms, auto)
495text \<open>An exponential lower bound for @{const fib}:\<close>
497lemma fib_lowerbound:
498  defines "\<phi> \<equiv> (1 + sqrt 5) / 2"
499  defines "c \<equiv> 1 / \<phi> ^ 2"
500  assumes "n > 0"
501  shows   "real (fib n) \<ge> c * \<phi> ^ n"
502proof -
503  have "\<phi> > 1" by (simp add: \<phi>_def)
504  hence "c > 0" by (simp add: c_def)
505  from \<open>n > 0\<close> show ?thesis
506  proof (induction n rule: fib_alt_induct)
507    case (rec n)
508    have "c * \<phi> ^ Suc (Suc n) = \<phi> ^ 2 * (c * \<phi> ^ n)"
509      by (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
510    also have "\<dots> \<le> (\<phi> + 1) * (c * \<phi> ^ n)"
511      by (rule mult_right_mono) (insert \<open>c > 0\<close>, simp_all add: \<phi>_def power2_eq_square field_simps)
512    also have "\<dots> = c * \<phi> ^ Suc n + c * \<phi> ^ n"
513      by (simp add: field_simps)
514    also have "\<dots> \<le> real (fib (Suc n)) + real (fib n)"
515      by (intro add_mono rec.IH)
516    finally show ?case by simp
517  qed (insert \<open>\<phi> > 1\<close>, simp_all add: c_def power2_eq_square eval_nat_numeral)
520text \<open>The size of an AVL tree is (at least) exponential in its height:\<close>
522lemma avl_size_lowerbound:
523  defines "\<phi> \<equiv> (1 + sqrt 5) / 2"
524  assumes "avl t"
525  shows   "\<phi> ^ (height t) \<le> size1 t"
526proof -
527  have "\<phi> > 0" by(simp add: \<phi>_def add_pos_nonneg)
528  hence "\<phi> ^ height t = (1 / \<phi> ^ 2) * \<phi> ^ (height t + 2)"
529    by(simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
530  also have "\<dots> \<le> fib (height t + 2)"
531    using fib_lowerbound[of "height t + 2"] by(simp add: \<phi>_def)
532  also have "\<dots> \<le> size1 t"
533    using avl_fib_bound[of t "height t"] assms by simp
534  finally show ?thesis .
537text \<open>The height of an AVL tree is most @{term "(1/log 2 \<phi>)"} \<open>\<approx> 1.44\<close> times worse
538than @{term "log 2 (size1 t)"}:\<close>
540lemma  avl_height_upperbound:
541  defines "\<phi> \<equiv> (1 + sqrt 5) / 2"
542  assumes "avl t"
543  shows   "height t \<le> (1/log 2 \<phi>) * log 2 (size1 t)"
544proof -
545  have "\<phi> > 0" "\<phi> > 1" by(auto simp: \<phi>_def pos_add_strict)
546  hence "height t = log \<phi> (\<phi> ^ height t)" by(simp add: log_nat_power)
547  also have "\<dots> \<le> log \<phi> (size1 t)"
548    using avl_size_lowerbound[OF assms(2), folded \<phi>_def] \<open>1 < \<phi>\<close>  by simp
549  also have "\<dots> = (1/log 2 \<phi>) * log 2 (size1 t)"
550    by(simp add: log_base_change[of 2 \<phi>])
551  finally show ?thesis .