1(* Modified by sweeks@acm.org on 2000-8-24.
2 * Ported to MLton.
3 *)
4type int = Int.int
6(* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989, 1990 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi
7 *
8 * $Log$
9 * Revision 1.1  2006/06/22 07:40:27  michaeln
10 * Add a MoscowML compilable implementation of MLyacc, using the MLton sources
11 * as the base.
12 *
13 * Revision  1998/04/08 18:40:17  george
14 * Version 110.5
15 *
16 * Revision 1.2  1997/07/25 16:01:29  jhr
17 *   Fixed bug with long constructor names (#1237).
18 *
19# Revision  1997/01/14  01:38:06  george
20#   Version 109.24
22 * Revision 1.3  1996/05/30  18:05:09  dbm
23 * Made changes to generate code that conforms to the value restriction by
24 * lifting lets to locals in the code generated to define errtermvalue and action.
25 *
26 * Revision 1.2  1996/02/26  15:02:40  george
27 *    print no longer overloaded.
28 *    use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString ..
29 *    use of IO replaced with TextIO
30 *
31 * Revision  1996/01/31  16:01:48  george
32 * Version 109
33 *
34 *)
36functor ParseGenFun(structure ParseGenParser : PARSE_GEN_PARSER
37                    structure MakeTable : MAKE_LR_TABLE
38                    structure Verbose : VERBOSE
39                    structure PrintStruct : PRINT_STRUCT
41                    sharing MakeTable.LrTable = PrintStruct.LrTable
42                    sharing MakeTable.Errs = Verbose.Errs
44                    structure Absyn : ABSYN
45                    ) : PARSE_GEN =
46  struct
47    open Array List
48    infix 9 sub
49    structure Grammar = MakeTable.Grammar
50    structure Header = ParseGenParser.Header
52    open Header Grammar
54    (* approx. maximum length of a line *)
56    val lineLength: int = 70
58    (* record type describing names of structures in the program being
59        generated *)
61    datatype names = NAMES
62                        of {miscStruct : string,  (* Misc{n} struct name *)
63                            tableStruct : string, (* LR table structure *)
64                            tokenStruct : string, (* Tokens{n} struct name *)
65                            actionsStruct : string, (* Actions structure *)
66                            valueStruct: string, (* semantic value structure *)
67                            ecStruct : string,  (* error correction structure *)
68                            arg: string, (* user argument for parser *)
69                            tokenSig : string,  (* TOKENS{n} signature *)
70                            miscSig :string, (* Signature for Misc structure *)
71                            dataStruct:string, (* name of structure in Misc *)
72                                                (* which holds parser data *)
73                            dataSig:string (* signature for this structure *)
75                            }
77    val DEBUG = true
78    exception Semantic
80    (* common functions and values used in printing out program *)
82    datatype values = VALS
83                      of {say : string -> unit,
84                          saydot : string -> unit,
85                          sayln : string -> unit,
86                          pureActions: bool,
87                          pos_type : string,
88                          arg_type : string,
89                          ntvoid : string,
90                          termvoid : string,
91                          start : Grammar.nonterm,
92                          hasType : Grammar.symbol -> bool,
94                          (* actual (user) name of terminal *)
96                          termToString : Grammar.term -> string,
97                          symbolToString : Grammar.symbol -> string,
99                          (* type symbol comes from the HDR structure,
100                             and is now abstract *)
102                          term : (Header.symbol * ty option) list,
103                          nonterm : (Header.symbol * ty option) list,
104                          terms : Grammar.term list,
106                          (* tokenInfo is the user inserted spec in
107                             the *_TOKEN sig*)
108                          tokenInfo : string option}
110    structure SymbolHash = Hash(type elem = string
111                                val gt = (op >) : string*string -> bool)
113    structure TermTable = Table(type key = Grammar.term
114                                val gt = fn (T i,T j) => i > j)
116    structure SymbolTable = Table(
117        type key = Grammar.symbol
118        val gt = fn (TERM(T i),TERM(T j)) => i>j
119                  | (NONTERM(NT i),NONTERM(NT j)) => i>j
120                  | (NONTERM _,TERM _) => true
121                  | (TERM _,NONTERM _) => false)
123    (* printTypes: function to print the following types in the LrValues
124       structure and a structure containing the datatype svalue:
126                type svalue -- it holds semantic values on the parse
127                                   stack
128                type pos -- the type of line numbers
129                type result -- the type of the value that results
130                                   from the parse
132        The type svalue is set equal to the datatype svalue declared
133        in the structure named by valueStruct.  The datatype svalue
134        is declared inside the structure named by valueStruct to deal
135        with the scope of constructors.
136    *)
138    val printTypes = fn (VALS {say,sayln,term,nonterm,symbolToString,pos_type,
139                                 arg_type,
140                                 termvoid,ntvoid,saydot,hasType,start,
141                                 pureActions,...},
142                           NAMES {valueStruct,...},symbolType) =>
143     let val prConstr = fn (symbol,SOME s) =>
144                           say (" | " ^ (symbolName symbol) ^ " of " ^
145                                  (if pureActions then "" else "unit -> ") ^
146                                " (" ^ tyName s ^ ")"
147                                )
148                         | _ => ()
149     in sayln "local open Header in";
150        sayln ("type pos = " ^ pos_type);
151        sayln ("type arg = " ^ arg_type);
152        sayln ("structure " ^ valueStruct ^ " = ");
153        sayln "struct";
154        say ("datatype svalue = " ^ termvoid ^ " | " ^ ntvoid ^ " of" ^
155             (if pureActions then "" else " unit -> ") ^ " unit");
156        app prConstr term;
157        app prConstr nonterm;
158        sayln "\nend";
159        sayln ("type svalue = " ^ valueStruct ^ ".svalue");
160        say "type result = ";
161        case symbolType (NONTERM start)
162        of NONE => sayln "unit"
163         | SOME t => (say (tyName t); sayln "");
164        sayln "end"
165    end
167     (* function to print Tokens{n} structure *)
169    val printTokenStruct =
170     fn (VALS {say, sayln, termToString, hasType,termvoid,terms,
171               pureActions,tokenInfo,...},
172         NAMES {miscStruct,tableStruct,valueStruct,
173                tokenStruct,tokenSig,dataStruct,...}) =>
174                (sayln ("structure " ^ tokenStruct ^ " : " ^ tokenSig ^ " =");
175                 sayln "struct";
176                 (case tokenInfo of
177                      NONE => ()
178                    | _ => sayln ("open "^dataStruct^".Header"));
179                 sayln ("type svalue = " ^ dataStruct ^ ".svalue");
180                 sayln "type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Token.token";
181                 let val f = fn term as T i =>
182                        (say "fun "; say (termToString term);
183                         say " (";
184                         if (hasType (TERM term)) then say "i," else ();
185                         say "p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN (";
186                         say (dataStruct ^ "." ^ tableStruct ^ ".T ");
187                         say (Int.toString i);
188                         say ",(";
189                         say (dataStruct ^ "." ^ valueStruct ^ ".");
190                         if (hasType (TERM term)) then
191                            (say (termToString term);
192                             if pureActions then say " i"
193                             else say " (fn () => i)")
194                         else say termvoid;
195                         say ",";
196                         sayln "p1,p2))")
197                in app f terms
198                end;
199                sayln "end")
201    (* function to print signatures out - takes print function which
202        does not need to insert line breaks *)
204    val printSigs = fn (VALS {term,tokenInfo,...},
205                        NAMES {tokenSig,tokenStruct,miscSig,
206                                dataStruct, dataSig, ...},
207                        say) =>
208          say  ("signature " ^ tokenSig ^ " =\nsig\n"^
209                (case tokenInfo of NONE => "" | SOME s => (s^"\n"))^
210                 "type ('a,'b) token\ntype svalue\n" ^
211                 (List.foldr (fn ((s,ty),r) => String.concat [
212                    "val ", symbolName s,
213                    (case ty
214                     of NONE => ": "
215                      | SOME l => ": (" ^ (tyName l) ^ ") * "),
216                    " 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token\n", r]) "" term) ^
217                 "end\nsignature " ^ miscSig ^
218                  "=\nsig\nstructure Tokens : " ^ tokenSig ^
219                  "\nstructure " ^ dataStruct ^ ":" ^ dataSig ^
220                  "\nsharing type " ^ dataStruct ^
221                  ".Token.token = Tokens.token\nsharing type " ^
222                  dataStruct ^ ".svalue = Tokens.svalue\nend\n")
224    (* function to print structure for error correction *)
226    val printEC = fn (keyword : term list,
227                      preferred_change : (term list * term list) list,
228                      noshift : term list,
229                      value : (term * string) list,
230                      VALS {termToString, say,sayln,terms,saydot,hasType,
231                            termvoid,pureActions,...},
232                      NAMES {ecStruct,tableStruct,valueStruct,...}) =>
233       let
235         val sayterm = fn (T i) => (say "(T "; say (Int.toString i); say ")")
237         val printBoolCase = fn ( l : term list) =>
238            (say "fn ";
239             app (fn t => (sayterm t; say " => true"; say " | ")) l;
240             sayln "_ => false")
242         val printTermList = fn (l : term list) =>
243            (app (fn t => (sayterm t; say " :: ")) l; sayln "nil")
245         fun printChange () =
246            (sayln "val preferred_change = ";
247             app (fn (d,i) =>
248                    (say"("; printTermList d; say ","; printTermList i;
249                     sayln ")::"
250                    )
251                 ) preferred_change;
252             sayln "nil")
254         val printErrValues = fn (l : (term * string) list) =>
255            (sayln "local open Header in";
256             sayln "val errtermvalue=";
257             say "fn ";
258             app (fn (t,s) =>
259                    (sayterm t; say " => ";
260                     saydot valueStruct; say (termToString t);
261                     say "(";
262                     if pureActions then () else say "fn () => ";
263                     say "("; say s; say "))";
264                     sayln " | "
265                    )
266                 ) l;
267            say "_ => ";
268            say (valueStruct ^ ".");
269            sayln termvoid; sayln "end")
272          val printNames = fn () =>
273                let val f = fn term => (
274                        sayterm term; say " => ";
275                        sayln (String.concat["\"", termToString term, "\""]);
276                        say "  | ")
277                in (sayln "val showTerminal =";
278                    say "fn ";
279                    app f terms;
280                    sayln "_ => \"bogus-term\"")
281                end
283           val ecTerms =
284                List.foldr (fn (t,r) =>
285                  if hasType (TERM t) orelse exists (fn (a,_)=>a=t) value
286                    then r
287                    else t::r)
288                [] terms
290        in  say "structure ";
291            say ecStruct;
292            sayln "=";
293            sayln "struct";
294            say "open ";
295            sayln tableStruct;
296            sayln "val is_keyword =";
297            printBoolCase keyword;
298            printChange();
299            sayln "val noShift = ";
300            printBoolCase noshift;
301            printNames ();
302            printErrValues value;
303            say "val terms = ";
304            printTermList ecTerms;
305            sayln "end"
306        end
308val printAction = fn (rules,
309                          VALS {hasType,say,sayln,termvoid,ntvoid,
310                                symbolToString,saydot,start,pureActions,...},
311                          NAMES {actionsStruct,valueStruct,tableStruct,arg,...}) =>
312let val printAbsynRule = Absyn.printRule(say,sayln)
313    val is_nonterm = fn (NONTERM i) => true | _ => false
314    val numberRhs = fn r =>
315        List.foldl (fn (e,(r,table)) =>
316                let val num = case SymbolTable.find(e,table)
317                               of SOME i => i
318                                | NONE => 1
319                 in ((e,num,hasType e orelse is_nonterm e)::r,
320                     SymbolTable.insert((e,num+1),table))
321                 end) (nil,SymbolTable.empty) r
323    val saySym = symbolToString
325    val printCase = fn (i:int, r as {lhs=lhs as (NT lhsNum),prec,
326                                        rhs,code,rulenum}) =>
328       (* mkToken: Build an argument *)
330       let open Absyn
331           val mkToken = fn (sym,num : int,typed) =>
332             let val symString = symbolToString sym
333               val symNum = symString ^ (Int.toString num)
334             in PTUPLE[WILD,
335                     PTUPLE[if not (hasType sym) then
336                              (if is_nonterm sym then
337                                   PAPP(valueStruct^"."^ntvoid,
338                                        PVAR symNum)
339                              else WILD)
340                           else
341                               PAPP(valueStruct^"."^symString,
342                                 if num=1 andalso pureActions
343                                     then AS(PVAR symNum,PVAR symString)
344                                 else PVAR symNum),
345                             if num=1 then AS(PVAR (symString^"left"),
346                                              PVAR(symNum^"left"))
347                             else PVAR(symNum^"left"),
348                             if num=1 then AS(PVAR(symString^"right"),
349                                              PVAR(symNum^"right"))
350                             else PVAR(symNum^"right")]]
351             end
353            val numberedRhs = #1 (numberRhs rhs)
355        (* construct case pattern *)
357           val pat = PTUPLE[PINT i,PLIST(map mkToken numberedRhs @
358                                           [PVAR "rest671"])]
360        (* remove terminals in argument list w/o types *)
362           val argsWithTypes =
363                  List.foldr (fn ((_,_,false),r) => r
364                         | (s as (_,_,true),r) => s::r) nil numberedRhs
366        (* construct case body *)
368           val defaultPos = EVAR "defaultPos"
369           val resultexp = EVAR "result"
370           val resultpat = PVAR "result"
371           val code = CODE code
372           val rest = EVAR "rest671"
374           val body =
375             LET([VB(resultpat,
376                     EAPP(EVAR(valueStruct^"."^
377                             (if hasType (NONTERM lhs)
378                                  then saySym(NONTERM lhs)
379                                  else ntvoid)),
380                          if pureActions then code
381                          else if argsWithTypes=nil then FN(WILD,code)
382                          else
383                           FN(WILD,
384                             let val body =
385                                LET(map (fn (sym,num:int,_) =>
386                                  let val symString = symbolToString sym
387                                      val symNum = symString ^ Int.toString num
388                                  in VB(if num=1 then
389                                             AS(PVAR symString,PVAR symNum)
390                                        else PVAR symNum,
391                                        EAPP(EVAR symNum,UNIT))
392                                  end) (rev argsWithTypes),
393                                      code)
394                             in if hasType (NONTERM lhs) then
395                                    body else SEQ(body,UNIT)
396                             end)))],
397                   ETUPLE[EAPP(EVAR(tableStruct^".NT"),EINT(lhsNum)),
398                          case rhs
399                          of nil => ETUPLE[resultexp,defaultPos,defaultPos]
400                           | r =>let val (rsym,rnum,_) = hd(numberedRhs)
401                                     val (lsym,lnum,_) = hd(rev numberedRhs)
402                                 in ETUPLE[resultexp,
403                                           EVAR (symbolToString lsym ^
404                                                 Int.toString lnum ^ "left"),
405                                           EVAR (symbolToString rsym ^
406                                                  Int.toString rnum ^ "right")]
407                                 end,
408                           rest])
409    in printAbsynRule (RULE(pat,body))
410    end
412          val prRules = fn () =>
413             (sayln "fn (i392:int,defaultPos,stack,";
414              say   "    ("; say arg; sayln "):arg) =>";
415              sayln "case (i392,stack)";
416              say "of ";
417              app (fn (rule as {rulenum,...}) =>
418                   (printCase(rulenum,rule); say "| ")) rules;
419             sayln "_ => raise (mlyAction i392)")
421        in say "structure ";
422           say actionsStruct;
423           sayln " =";
424           sayln "struct ";
425           sayln "type int = Int.int";
426           sayln "exception mlyAction of int";
427           sayln "local open Header in";
428           sayln "val actions = ";
429           prRules();
430           sayln "end";
431           say "val void = ";
432           saydot valueStruct;
433           sayln termvoid;
434           say "val extract = ";
435           say "fn a => (fn ";
436           saydot valueStruct;
437           if hasType (NONTERM start)
438              then say (symbolToString (NONTERM start))
439              else say "ntVOID";
440           sayln " x => x";
441           sayln "| _ => let exception ParseInternal";
442           say "\tin raise ParseInternal end) a ";
443           sayln (if pureActions then "" else "()");
444           sayln "end"
445        end
447    val make_parser = fn ((header,
448         DECL {eop,change,keyword,nonterm,prec,
449               term, control,value} : declData,
450               rules : rule list),spec,error : pos -> string -> unit,
451               wasError : unit -> bool) =>
452     let
453        val verbose = List.exists (fn VERBOSE=>true | _ => false) control
454        val defaultReductions = not (List.exists (fn NODEFAULT=>true | _ => false) control)
455        val pos_type =
456           let fun f nil = NONE
457                 | f ((POS s)::r) = SOME s
458                 | f (_::r) = f r
459           in f control
460           end
461        val start =
462           let fun f nil = NONE
463                 | f ((START_SYM s)::r) = SOME s
464                 | f (_::r) = f r
465           in f control
466           end
467        val name =
468           let fun f nil = NONE
469                 | f ((PARSER_NAME s)::r) = SOME s
470                 | f (_::r) = f r
471           in f control
472           end
473        val header_decl =
474           let fun f nil = NONE
475                 | f ((FUNCTOR s)::r) = SOME s
476                 | f (_::r) = f r
477           in f control
478           end
480        val token_sig_info_decl =
481            let fun f nil = NONE
482                  | f ((TOKEN_SIG_INFO s)::_) = SOME s
483                  | f (_::r) = f r
484            in f control
485            end
487        val arg_decl =
488           let fun f nil = ("()","unit")
489                 | f ((PARSE_ARG s)::r) = s
490                 | f (_::r) = f r
491           in f control
492           end
494        val noshift =
495           let fun f nil = nil
496                 | f ((NSHIFT s)::r) = s
497                 | f (_::r) = f r
498           in f control
499           end
501        val pureActions =
502           let fun f nil = false
503                 | f ((PURE)::r) = true
504                 | f (_::r) = f r
505           in f control
506           end
508        val term =
509         case term
510           of NONE => (error 1 "missing %term definition"; nil)
511            | SOME l => l
513        val nonterm =
514         case nonterm
515          of NONE => (error 1 "missing %nonterm definition"; nil)
516           | SOME l => l
518        val pos_type =
519         case pos_type
520          of NONE => (error 1 "missing %pos definition"; "")
521           | SOME l => l
524        val termHash =
525          List.foldr (fn ((symbol,_),table) =>
526              let val name = symbolName symbol
527              in if SymbolHash.exists(name,table) then
528                   (error (symbolPos symbol)
529                          ("duplicate definition of " ^ name ^ " in %term");
530                    table)
531                else SymbolHash.add(name,table)
532              end) SymbolHash.empty term
534        val isTerm = fn name => SymbolHash.exists(name,termHash)
536        val symbolHash =
537          List.foldr (fn ((symbol,_),table) =>
538            let val name = symbolName symbol
539            in if SymbolHash.exists(name,table) then
540                 (error (symbolPos symbol)
541                     (if isTerm name then
542                          name ^ " is defined as a terminal and a nonterminal"
543                      else
544                          "duplicate definition of " ^ name ^ " in %nonterm");
545                     table)
546             else SymbolHash.add(name,table)
547            end) termHash nonterm
549        fun makeUniqueId s =
550                if SymbolHash.exists(s,symbolHash) then makeUniqueId (s ^ "'")
551                else s
553        val _ = if wasError() then raise Semantic else ()
555        val numTerms = SymbolHash.size termHash
556        val numNonterms = SymbolHash.size symbolHash - numTerms
558        val symError = fn sym => fn err => fn symbol =>
559          error (symbolPos symbol)
560                (symbolName symbol^" in "^err^" is not defined as a " ^ sym)
562        val termNum : string -> Header.symbol -> term =
563          let val termError = symError "terminal"
564          in fn stmt =>
565             let val stmtError = termError stmt
566             in fn symbol =>
567                case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash)
568                of NONE => (stmtError symbol; T ~1)
569                 | SOME i => T (if i<numTerms then i
570                                else (stmtError symbol; ~1))
571             end
572          end
574        val nontermNum : string -> Header.symbol -> nonterm =
575          let val nontermError = symError "nonterminal"
576          in fn stmt =>
577             let val stmtError = nontermError stmt
578             in fn symbol =>
579                case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash)
580                of NONE => (stmtError symbol; NT ~1)
581                 | SOME i => if i>=numTerms then NT (i-numTerms)
582                             else (stmtError symbol;NT ~1)
583             end
584          end
586        val symbolNum : string -> Header.symbol -> Grammar.symbol =
587          let val symbolError = symError "symbol"
588          in fn stmt =>
589             let val stmtError = symbolError stmt
590             in fn symbol =>
591                case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash)
592                of NONE => (stmtError symbol; NONTERM (NT ~1))
593                 | SOME i => if i>=numTerms then NONTERM(NT (i-numTerms))
594                             else TERM(T i)
595             end
596          end
598(* map all symbols in the following values to terminals and check that
599   the symbols are defined as terminals:
601        eop : symbol list
602        keyword: symbol list
603        prec: (lexvalue * (symbol list)) list
604        change: (symbol list * symbol list) list
607        val eop = map (termNum "%eop") eop
608        val keyword = map (termNum "%keyword") keyword
609        val prec = map (fn (a,l) =>
610                        (a,case a
611                           of LEFT => map (termNum "%left") l
612                            | RIGHT => map (termNum "%right") l
613                            | NONASSOC => map (termNum "%nonassoc") l
614                        )) prec
615        val change =
616         let val mapTerm = termNum "%prefer, %subst, or %change"
617         in map (fn (a,b) => (map mapTerm a, map mapTerm b)) change
618         end
619        val noshift = map (termNum "%noshift") noshift
620        val value =
621          let val mapTerm = termNum "%value"
622          in map (fn (a,b) => (mapTerm a,b)) value
623          end
624        val (rules,_) =
625           let val symbolNum = symbolNum "rule"
626               val nontermNum = nontermNum "rule"
627               val termNum = termNum "%prec tag"
628           in List.foldr
629           (fn (RULE {lhs,rhs,code,prec},(l,n)) =>
630             ( {lhs=nontermNum lhs,rhs=map symbolNum rhs,
631                code=code,prec=case prec
632                                of NONE => NONE
633                                 | SOME t => SOME (termNum t),
634                 rulenum=n}::l,n-1))
635                 (nil,length rules-1) rules
636        end
638        val _ = if wasError() then raise Semantic else ()
640        (* termToString: map terminals back to strings *)
642        val termToString =
643           let val data = array(numTerms,"")
644               val unmap = fn (symbol,_) =>
645                   let val name = symbolName symbol
646                   in update(data,
647                             case SymbolHash.find (name,symbolHash) of
648                                NONE => raise Fail "termToString"
649                              | SOME i => i,
650                             name)
651                   end
652               val _ = app unmap term
653           in fn T i =>
654                if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numTerms)
655                  then "bogus-num" ^ (Int.toString i)
656                  else data sub i
657           end
659        val nontermToString =
660           let val data = array(numNonterms,"")
661               val unmap = fn (symbol,_) =>
662                    let val name = symbolName symbol
663                    in update(data,
664                              case SymbolHash.find (name,symbolHash) of
665                                 NONE => raise Fail "nontermToString"
666                               | SOME i => i-numTerms,
667                              name)
668                    end
669               val _ = app unmap nonterm
670           in fn NT i =>
671                if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numNonterms)
672                  then "bogus-num" ^ (Int.toString i)
673                  else data sub i
674           end
676(* create functions mapping terminals to precedence numbers and rules to
677  precedence numbers.
679  Precedence statements are listed in order of ascending (tighter binding)
680  precedence in the specification.   We receive a list composed of pairs
681  containing the kind of precedence (left,right, or assoc) and a list of
682  terminals associated with that precedence.  The list has the same order as
683  the corresponding declarations did in the specification.
685  Internally, a tighter binding has a higher precedence number.  We give
686  precedences using multiples of 3:
688                p+2 = right associative (force shift of symbol)
689                p+1 = precedence for rule
690                p = left associative (force reduction of rule)
692  Nonassociative terminals are given also given a precedence of p+1.  The
693table generator detects when the associativity of a nonassociative terminal
694is being used to resolve a shift/reduce conflict by checking if the
695precedences of the rule and the terminal are equal.
697  A rule is given the precedence of its rightmost terminal *)
699        val termPrec =
700            let val precData = array(numTerms, NONE : int option)
701                val addPrec = fn termPrec => fn term as (T i) =>
702                   case precData sub i
703                   of SOME _ =>
704                     error 1 ("multiple precedences specified for terminal " ^
705                            (termToString term))
706                    | NONE => update(precData,i,termPrec)
707                val termPrec = fn ((LEFT,_) ,i) => i
708                              | ((RIGHT,_),i) => i+2
709                              | ((NONASSOC,l),i) => i+1
710                val _ = List.foldl (fn (args as ((_,l),i)) =>
711                                (app (addPrec (SOME (termPrec args))) l; i+3))
712                          0 prec
713           in fn (T i) =>
714                if  DEBUG andalso (i < 0 orelse i >= numTerms) then
715                        NONE
716                else precData sub i
717           end
719        val elimAssoc =  fn i => (i - (i mod 3) + 1)
720        val rulePrec =
721           let fun findRightTerm (nil,r) = r
722                 | findRightTerm (TERM t :: tail,r) =
723                                 findRightTerm(tail,SOME t)
724                 | findRightTerm (_ :: tail,r) = findRightTerm(tail,r)
725           in fn rhs =>
726                 case findRightTerm(rhs,NONE)
727                 of NONE => NONE
728                  | SOME term =>
729                       case termPrec term
730                       of SOME i => SOME  (elimAssoc i)
731                        | a => a
732           end
734        val grammarRules =
735          let val conv = fn {lhs,rhs,code,prec,rulenum} =>
736                {lhs=lhs,rhs =rhs,precedence=
737                        case prec
738                          of SOME t => (case termPrec t
739                                        of SOME i => SOME(elimAssoc i)
740                                         | a => a)
741                           | _ => rulePrec rhs,
742                 rulenum=rulenum}
743          in map conv rules
744          end
746    (* get start symbol *)
748        val start =
749         case start
750           of NONE => #lhs (hd grammarRules)
751            | SOME name =>
752                nontermNum "%start" name
754        val symbolType =
755           let val data = array(numTerms+numNonterms,NONE : ty option)
756               val unmap =
757                  fn (symbol,ty) =>
758                  update (data,
759                          case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of
760                             NONE => raise Fail "unmap"
761                           | SOME i => i,
762                          ty)
763               val _ = (app unmap term; app unmap nonterm)
764           in fn NONTERM(NT i) =>
765                if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numNonterms)
766                  then NONE
767                  else data sub (i+numTerms)
768               | TERM (T i) =>
769                if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numTerms)
770                  then NONE
771                  else data sub i
772           end
774        val symbolToString =
775             fn NONTERM i => nontermToString i
776              | TERM i => termToString i
778        val grammar  = GRAMMAR {rules=grammarRules,
779                                 terms=numTerms,nonterms=numNonterms,
780                                 eop = eop, start=start,noshift=noshift,
781                                 termToString = termToString,
782                                 nontermToString = nontermToString,
783                                 precedence = termPrec}
785        (* Debugging output added by sweeks@acm.org. *)
786        val _ =
787           if false
788              then
789                 (List.foldl
790                  (fn ({lhs, rhs, rulenum, ...}, i) =>
791                   (print (String.concat [Int.toString rulenum, ": ",
792                                          nontermToString lhs, " ->"])
793                    ; List.app (fn s => (print (String.concat
794                                                [" ", symbolToString s]))) rhs
795                    ; print "\n"
796                    ; i + 1))
797                  0 grammarRules
798                  ; ())
799           else ()
801        val name' = case name
802                    of NONE => ""
803                     | SOME s => symbolName s
805        val names = NAMES {miscStruct=name' ^ "LrValsFun",
806                           valueStruct="MlyValue",
807                           tableStruct="LrTable",
808                           tokenStruct="Tokens",
809                           actionsStruct="Actions",
810                           ecStruct="EC",
811                           arg= #1 arg_decl,
812                           tokenSig = name' ^ "_TOKENS",
813                           miscSig = name' ^ "_LRVALS",
814                           dataStruct = "ParserData",
815                           dataSig = "PARSER_DATA"}
817        val (table,stateErrs,corePrint,errs) =
818                 MakeTable.mkTable(grammar,defaultReductions)
820        val entries = ref 0 (* save number of action table entries here *)
822    in  let val result = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".sml")
823            val sigs = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".sig")
824            val pos = ref 0
825            val trailing_space = ref false
826            val pr = fn s => TextIO.output(result,s)
827            fun say s = let
828              val l = String.size s
829              val sspace = l > 0 andalso Char.isSpace (String.sub(s,l - 1))
830              val s =
831                  if sspace then
832                    Substring.string(Substring.dropr Char.isSpace (Substring.full s))
833                  else s
834              val newPos = (!pos) + size s
835            in
836              if 0 < l then
837                (if newPos > lineLength then (pr "\n"; pos := l)
838                 else if !trailing_space then (pr " "; pos := newPos + 1)
839                 else (pos := newPos);
840                 trailing_space := sspace;
841                 pr s)
842              else ()
843            end
844            val saydot = fn s => (say (s ^ "."))
845            val sayln = fn t => (say t; pr "\n"; pos := 0; trailing_space := false)
846            val termvoid = makeUniqueId "VOID"
847            val ntvoid = makeUniqueId "ntVOID"
848            val hasType = fn s => case symbolType s
849                                  of NONE => false
850                                   | _ => true
851            val terms = let fun f n = if n=numTerms then nil
852                                      else (T n) :: f(n+1)
853                        in f 0
854                        end
855            val values = VALS {say=say,sayln=sayln,saydot=saydot,
856                               termvoid=termvoid, ntvoid = ntvoid,
857                               hasType=hasType, pos_type = pos_type,
858                               arg_type = #2 arg_decl,
859                               start=start,pureActions=pureActions,
860                               termToString=termToString,
861                               symbolToString=symbolToString,term=term,
862                               nonterm=nonterm,terms=terms,
863                               tokenInfo=token_sig_info_decl}
865            val (NAMES {miscStruct,tableStruct,dataStruct,tokenSig,tokenStruct,dataSig,...}) = names
866         in case header_decl
867            of NONE => (say "functor "; say miscStruct;
868                        sayln "(structure Token : TOKEN)";
869                        say " : sig structure ";
870                        say dataStruct;
871                        say " : "; sayln dataSig;
872                        say "       structure ";
873                        say tokenStruct; say " : "; sayln tokenSig;
874                        sayln "   end")
875             | SOME s => say s;
876            sayln " = ";
877            sayln "struct";
878            sayln ("structure " ^ dataStruct ^ "=");
879            sayln "struct";
880            sayln "structure Header = ";
881            sayln "struct";
882            sayln header;
883            sayln "end";
884            sayln "structure LrTable = Token.LrTable";
885            sayln "structure Token = Token";
886            sayln "local open LrTable in ";
887            entries := PrintStruct.makeStruct{table=table,print=pr,
888                                              name = "table",
889                                              verbose=verbose};
890            sayln "end";
891            printTypes(values,names,symbolType);
892            printEC (keyword,change,noshift,value,values,names);
893            printAction(rules,values,names);
894            sayln "end";
895            printTokenStruct(values,names);
896            sayln "end";
897            printSigs(values,names,fn s => TextIO.output(sigs,s));
898            TextIO.closeOut sigs;
899            TextIO.closeOut result;
900            MakeTable.Errs.printSummary (fn s => TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut,s)) errs
901        end;
902        if verbose then
903         let val f = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".desc")
904             val say = fn s=> TextIO.output(f,s)
905             val printRule =
906                let val rules = Array.fromList grammarRules
907                in fn say =>
908                   let val prRule = fn {lhs,rhs,precedence,rulenum} =>
909                     ((say o nontermToString) lhs; say " : ";
910                      app (fn s => (say (symbolToString s); say " ")) rhs)
911                   in fn i => prRule (rules sub i)
912                   end
913                end
914         in Verbose.printVerbose
915            {termToString=termToString,nontermToString=nontermToString,
916             table=table, stateErrs=stateErrs,errs = errs,entries = !entries,
917             print=say, printCores=corePrint,printRule=printRule};
918            TextIO.closeOut f
919         end
920        else ()
921    end
923    val parseGen = fn spec =>
924                let val (result,inputSource) = ParseGenParser.parse spec
925                in make_parser(getResult result,spec,Header.error inputSource,
926                                errorOccurred inputSource)
927                end