1(* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi
2 *
3 * $Log$
4 * Revision 1.1  2006/06/22 07:40:27  michaeln
5 * Add a MoscowML compilable implementation of MLyacc, using the MLton sources
6 * as the base.
7 *
8 * Revision  1997/01/14 01:38:05  george
9 *   Version 109.24
10 *
11 * Revision  1996/01/31  16:01:45  george
12 * Version 109
13 *
14 *)
16functor mkCoreUtils(structure Core : CORE) : CORE_UTILS =
17	struct
18	        open Array List
19		infix 9 sub
20		val DEBUG = true
21		structure Core = Core
22		structure IntGrammar = Core.IntGrammar
23		structure Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar
25		open Grammar IntGrammar Core
27		structure Assoc = SymbolAssoc
29		structure NtList = ListOrdSet
30			(struct
31				type elem = nonterm
32				val eq = eqNonterm
33				val gt = gtNonterm
34			 end)
36	val mkFuncs = fn (GRAMMAR {rules,terms,nonterms,...}) =>
37	   let val derives=array(nonterms,nil : rule list)
39(* sort rules by their lhs nonterminal by placing them in an array indexed
40   in their lhs nonterminal *)
42	       val _ =
43		 let val f = fn {lhs=lhs as (NT n), rhs, precedence,rulenum} =>
44			let val rule=RULE{lhs=lhs,rhs=rhs,precedence=precedence,
45					  rulenum=rulenum,num=0}
46		        in update(derives,n,rule::(derives sub n))
47			end
48		  in app f rules
49		  end
51(* renumber rules so that rule numbers increase monotonically with
52   the number of their lhs nonterminal, and so that rules are numbered
53   sequentially.  **Functions below assume that this number is true**,
54   i.e. productions for nonterm i are numbered from j to k,
55   productions for nonterm i+1 are numbered from k+1 to m, and
56   productions for nonterm 0 start at 0 *)
58		val _ =
59		   let val f =
60		         fn (RULE{lhs,rhs,precedence,rulenum,num}, (l,i)) =>
61			    (RULE{lhs=lhs,rhs=rhs, precedence=precedence,
62				  rulenum=rulenum, num=i}::l,i+1)
63			fun g(i,num) =
64		          if i<nonterms then
65			    let val (l,n) =
66				        List.foldr f ([], num) (derives sub i)
67			    in update(derives,i,rev l); g(i+1,n)
68			    end
69			  else ()
70		    in g(0,0)
71		    end
73(* list of rules - sorted by rule number. *)
75		 val rules =
76		     let fun g i =
77			if i < nonterms then (derives sub i) @ (g (i+1))
78			else nil
79		     in g 0
80		     end
82(* produces: set of productions with nonterminal n as the lhs.  The set
83   of productions *must* be sorted by rule number, because functions
84   below assume that this list is sorted *)
86		val produces = fn (NT n) =>
87		  if DEBUG andalso (n<0 orelse n>=nonterms) then
88		     let exception Produces of int in raise (Produces n) end
89		  else derives sub n
91		val memoize = fn f =>
92		   let fun loop i = if i = nonterms then nil
93				  else f (NT i) :: (loop (i+1))
94		       val data = Array.fromList(loop 0)
95		   in fn (NT i) => data sub i
96		   end
98 (* compute nonterminals which must be added to a closure when a given
99    nonterminal is added, i.e all nonterminals C for each nonterminal A such
100    that A =*=> Cx *)
102		val nontermClosure =
103			let val collectNonterms = fn n =>
104			      List.foldr (fn (r,l) =>
105				  case r
106				  of RULE {rhs=NONTERM n :: _,...} =>
107					    NtList.insert(n,l)
108				   | _ => l) NtList.empty (produces n)
109			    val closureNonterm = fn n =>
110				   NtList.closure(NtList.singleton n,
111						  collectNonterms)
112			in memoize closureNonterm
113			end
115(* ntShifts: Take the items produced by a nonterminal, and sort them
116   by their first symbol.  For each first symbol, make sure the item
117   list associated with the symbol is sorted also.   ** This function
118   assumes that the item list returned by produces is sorted **
120   Create a table of item lists keyed by symbols.  Scan the list
121   of items produced by a nonterminal, and insert those with a first
122   symbol on to the beginning of the item list for that symbol, creating
123   a list if necessary.  Since produces returns an item list that is
124   already in order, the list for each symbol will also end up in order.
125 *)
127		fun sortItems nt =
128		 let fun add_item (a as RULE{rhs=symbol::rest,...},r) =
129		       let val item = ITEM{rule=a,dot=1,rhsAfter=rest}
130		       in Assoc.insert((symbol,case Assoc.find (symbol,r)
131			  			of SOME l => item::l
132			   			 | NONE => [item]),r)
133		       end
134		       | add_item (_,r) = r
135		 in List.foldr add_item Assoc.empty (produces nt)
136		 end
138		 val ntShifts = memoize sortItems
140(* getNonterms: get the nonterminals with a .  before them in a core.
141   Returns a list of nonterminals in ascending order *)
143		fun getNonterms l =
144		  List.foldr (fn (ITEM {rhsAfter=NONTERM sym ::_, ...},r) =>
145				NtList.insert(sym,r)
146			      | (_,r) => r) [] l
148(* closureNonterms: compute the nonterminals that would have a . before them
149   in the closure of the core.  Returns a list of nonterminals in ascending
150   order *)
151		fun closureNonterms a =
152			let val nonterms = getNonterms a
153		 	in List.foldr (fn (nt,r) =>
154				   NtList.union(nontermClosure nt,r))
155			   nonterms nonterms
156			end
158(* shifts: compute the core sets that result from shift/gotoing on
159   the closure of a kernal set.  The items in core sets are sorted, of
160   course.
162   (1) compute the core sets that result just from items added
163       through the closure operation.
164   (2) then add the shift/gotos on kernal items.
166   We can do (1) the following way.  Keep a table  which for each shift/goto
167symbol gives the list of items that result from shifting or gotoing on the
168symbol.  Compute the nonterminals that would have dots before them in the
169closure of the kernal set.  For each of these nonterminals, we already have an
170item list in sorted order for each possible shift symbol.  Scan the nonterminal
171list from back to front.  For each nonterminal, prepend the shift/goto list
172for each shift symbol to the list already in the table.
174   We end up with the list of items in correct order for each shift/goto
175symbol.  We have kept the item lists in order, scanned the nonterminals from
176back to front (=> that the items end up in ascending order), and never had any
177duplicate items (each item is derived from only one nonterminal). *)
179	fun shifts (CORE (itemList,_)) =
180	    let
182(* mergeShiftItems: add an item list for a shift/goto symbol to the table *)
184fun mergeShiftItems (args as ((k,l),r)) =
185		  case Assoc.find(k,r)
186		  of NONE => Assoc.insert args
187		   | SOME old => Assoc.insert ((k,l@old),r)
189(* mergeItems: add all items derived from a nonterminal to the table.  We've
190   kept these items sorted by their shift/goto symbol (the first symbol on
191   their rhs) *)
193		fun mergeItems (n,r) =
194			Assoc.fold mergeShiftItems (ntShifts n) r
196(* nonterms: a list of nonterminals that are in a core after the
197   closure operation *)
199		val nonterms = closureNonterms itemList
201(* now create a table which for each shift/goto symbol gives the sorted list
202   of closure items which would result from first taking all the closure items
203   and then sorting them by the shift/goto symbols *)
205		val newsets = List.foldr mergeItems Assoc.empty nonterms
207(* finally prepare to insert the kernal items of a core *)
209		fun insertItem ((k,i),r) =
210		   case (Assoc.find(k,r))
211		     of NONE => Assoc.insert((k,[i]),r)
212		      | SOME l => Assoc.insert((k,Core.insert(i,l)),r)
213		fun shiftCores(ITEM{rule,dot,rhsAfter=symbol::rest},r) =
214		   insertItem((symbol,
215			      ITEM{rule=rule,dot=dot+1,rhsAfter=rest}),r)
216		  | shiftCores(_,r) = r
218(* insert the kernal items of a core *)
220		val newsets = List.foldr shiftCores newsets itemList
221	   in Assoc.make_list newsets
222	   end
224(* nontermEpsProds: returns a list of epsilon productions produced by a
225   nonterminal sorted by rule number. ** Depends on produces returning
226   an ordered list **.  It does not alter the order in which the rules
227   were returned by produces; it only removes non-epsilon productions *)
229	   val nontermEpsProds =
230	      let val f = fn nt =>
231		  List.foldr
232		    (fn (rule as RULE {rhs=nil,...},results) => rule :: results
233		      | (_,results) => results)
234		    [] (produces nt)
235	       in memoize f
236	       end
238(* epsProds: take a core and compute a list of epsilon productions for it
239   sorted by rule number.  ** Depends on closureNonterms returning a list
240   of nonterminals sorted by nonterminal #, rule numbers increasing
241   monotonically with their lhs production #, and nontermEpsProds returning
242   an ordered item list for each production
245	fun epsProds (CORE (itemList,state)) =
246	   let val prods = map nontermEpsProds (closureNonterms itemList)
247	   in List.concat prods
248	   end
250     in {produces=produces,shifts=shifts,rules=rules,epsProds=epsProds}
251     end