1structure buildutils :> buildutils =
4structure Path = OS.Path
5structure FileSys = OS.FileSys
6structure Process = OS.Process
9infix |>
10fun x |> f = f x
12(* path manipulation functions *)
13fun normPath s = Path.toString(Path.fromString s)
14fun itstrings f [] = raise Fail "itstrings: empty list"
15  | itstrings f [x] = x
16  | itstrings f (h::t) = f h (itstrings f t);
17fun fullPath slist = normPath
18   (itstrings (fn chunk => fn path => Path.concat (chunk,path)) slist);
20fun quote s = String.concat["\"", s, "\""];
22fun safedelete s = FileSys.remove s handle OS.SysErr _ => ()
24(* message emission *)
25fun die s =
26    let open TextIO
27    in
28      output(stdErr, s ^ "\n");
29      flushOut stdErr;
30      Process.exit Process.failure
31    end
32fun warn s =
33  let open TextIO in output(stdErr, "*** " ^ s ^ "\n"); flushOut stdErr end;
34fun I x = x
37fun startup_check () =
38  let
39    val me = Systeml.find_my_path()
40  in
41    case Holmake_tools.check_distrib "build" of
42        NONE => ()
43      | SOME whereami =>
44        if whereami = me then ()
45        else die "*** Don't run this instance of build in a foreign HOL directory"
46  end
48(* values from the Systeml structure, which is created at HOL configuration
49   time *)
50val OS = Systeml.OS;
51val HOLDIR = Systeml.HOLDIR
52val EXECUTABLE = Systeml.xable_string (fullPath [HOLDIR, "bin", "build"])
53val DEPDIR = Systeml.DEPDIR
54val GNUMAKE = Systeml.GNUMAKE
55val DYNLIB = Systeml.DYNLIB
57fun SYSTEML clist = Process.isSuccess (Systeml.systeml clist)
59val dfltbuildseq = fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "build-sequence"]
60val dfltjobnum = 4
62val help_header = let
63  val istrm = TextIO.openIn (fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "buildhelp.txt"])
65  TextIO.inputAll istrm before TextIO.closeIn istrm
66end handle IO.Io _ => "\n\n<Build help file missing in action>\n\n"
68fun exit_with_help() =
69    (print (GetOpt.usageInfo {header = help_header,
70                              options = buildcline.cline_opt_descrs});
71     Process.exit Process.success)
73fun read_buildsequence {kernelname} bseq_fname = let
74  val kernelpath = fullPath [HOLDIR, "src",
75    case kernelname of
76        "stdknl" => "0"
77      | "expk" => "experimental-kernel"
78      | "otknl" => "0"
79      | _ => die ("Bad kernelname: "^kernelname)
80    ]
81  val readline = TextIO.inputLine
82  fun read_file acc visitedincludes (f as (fstr,fname)) oldstreams =
83      case readline fstr of
84        NONE =>
85        let
86          val _ = TextIO.closeIn fstr
87        in
88          case oldstreams of
89              h::t => read_file acc visitedincludes h t
90            | [] => List.rev acc
91        end
92      | SOME s => let
93          (* drop trailing and leading whitespace *)
94          val ss = Substring.full s
95          val ss = Substring.dropl Char.isSpace ss
96          val ss = Substring.dropr Char.isSpace ss
98          (* drop trailing comment *)
99          val (hashpfx, hashsfx) = Substring.position "#" ss
100          fun skip() = read_file acc visitedincludes f oldstreams
101        in
102          if Substring.size hashpfx = 0 then
103            if Substring.isPrefix "#include " hashsfx then
104              let
105                val includefname =
106                    Substring.string
107                      (Substring.slice(hashsfx, size "#include ", NONE))
108                val includefname_opt =
109                    SOME (OS.Path.mkAbsolute
110                            { path = includefname,
111                              relativeTo = fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools"]})
112                    handle OS.Path.Path => NONE
113              in
114                case includefname_opt of
115                    NONE => (warn ("Ignoring bad #include: " ^ includefname);
116                             skip())
117                  | SOME includefname =>
118                    let
119                      val includefname = OS.Path.mkCanonical includefname
120                        (* necessary if user specified a non-canonical absolute
121                           path *)
122                    in
123                      if Binaryset.member(visitedincludes, includefname) then
124                        die ("Recursive request to #include "^
125                             includefname ^ "(in "^fname^")")
126                      else let
127                        val newstr_opt = SOME (TextIO.openIn includefname)
128                                         handle IO.Io _ => NONE
129                      in
130                        case newstr_opt of
131                            SOME strm =>
132                            read_file acc
133                                      (Binaryset.add(visitedincludes,
134                                                     includefname))
135                                      (strm,includefname)
136                                      ((fstr,fname)::oldstreams)
137                          | NONE => die ("Couldn't open #include-d file "^
138                                         includefname ^
139                                         "(included from "^fname^")")
140                      end
141                    end
142              end
143            else skip()
144          else
145            let
146              val s = Substring.string hashpfx
147              fun extract_testcount (s,acc) =
148                  if String.sub(s,0) = #"!" then
149                    extract_testcount (String.extract(s,1,NONE), acc+1)
150                  else (s,acc)
151              fun extract_brackets name l r s =
152                  if String.sub(s,0) = l then let
153                      fun grabsys i =
154                          if String.sub(s,i) = r then
155                            (String.substring(s,1,i-1),
156                             String.extract(s,i+1,NONE))
157                          else grabsys (i + 1)
158                    in
159                      grabsys 1
160                      handle Subscript =>
161                             die ("Malformed "^name^" spec: "^s^
162                                  "  (from "^fname^")")
163                    end
164                  else ("", s)
165              val extract_mlsys = extract_brackets "system" #"[" #"]"
166              val extract_kernel = extract_brackets "kernel" #"(" #")"
167              val (mlsys,s) = extract_mlsys s
168              val (knl,s) = extract_kernel s
169              val (dirname0,testcount) = extract_testcount (s,0)
170              val dirname =
171                  if dirname0 = "**KERNEL**" then kernelpath
172                  else if Path.isAbsolute dirname0 then dirname0
173                  else fullPath [HOLDIR, dirname0]
174              open FileSys
175            in
176              if (mlsys = "" orelse mlsys = Systeml.ML_SYSNAME) andalso
177                 (knl = "" orelse knl = kernelname) then
178                if access (dirname, [A_READ, A_EXEC]) then
179                  if isDir dirname orelse mlsys <> "" then
180                    read_file ((dirname,testcount)::acc)
181                              visitedincludes
182                              f
183                              oldstreams
184                  else
185                    die ("** File "^dirname0^
186                         " from build sequence file "^fname^
187                         " is not a directory")
188                else die ("** File "^s^" from build sequence file "^fname^
189                          " does not \
190                          \exist or is inacessible")
191              else read_file acc visitedincludes f oldstreams
192            end
193        end
194  val bseq_file =
195      TextIO.openIn bseq_fname
196      handle IO.Io _ => die ("Fatal error: couldn't open sequence file: "^
197                             bseq_fname)
199  read_file [] (Binaryset.empty String.compare) (bseq_file,bseq_fname) []
202val option_filename = fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "lastbuildoptions"]
204fun read_earlier_options reader = let
205  val istrm = TextIO.openIn option_filename
206  fun recurse acc =
207      case reader istrm of
208        NONE => List.rev acc
209      | SOME s => recurse (String.substring(s,0,size s - 1)::acc)
211  recurse [] before TextIO.closeIn istrm
212end handle IO.Io _ => []
214fun write_options args = let
215  val ostrm = TextIO.openOut option_filename
217  List.app (fn s => TextIO.output(ostrm, s ^ "\n")) args;
218  TextIO.closeOut ostrm
221fun mem x xs = List.exists (fn y => x = y) xs
222fun delete x [] = []
223  | delete x (h::t) = if x = h then delete x t else h::delete x t
225fun inter [] _ = []
226  | inter (h::t) l = if mem h l then h :: inter t l else inter t l
228fun setdiff big small =
229    case small of
230      [] => big
231    | h::t => setdiff (delete h big) t
235fun findseq dflt numseen list = let
236  fun maybewarn () =
237      if numseen = 1 then
238        warn "Multiple build-sequence options; taking last one\n"
239      else ()
241  case list of
242    [] => NONE
243  | ["--seq"] => (warn "Trailing --seq option in last build info ignored";
244                  NONE)
245  | "--seq"::fname::t => let
246      val _ = maybewarn()
247    in
248      case findseq dflt (numseen + 1) t of
249          NONE => SOME fname
250        | v => v
251    end
252  | h :: t => findseq dflt numseen t
255fun orlist slist =
256    case slist of
257      [] => ""
258    | [x] => x
259    | [x,y] => x ^ ", or " ^ y
260    | x::xs => x ^ ", " ^ orlist xs
262type ircd = {seqname:string,kernelspec:string}
263datatype cline_action =
264         Clean of string
265       | Normal of ircd buildcline_dtype.final_options
266exception DoClean of string
268fun write_kernelid s =
269  let
270    val strm = TextIO.openOut Holmake_tools.kernelid_fname
271  in
272    TextIO.output(strm, s ^ "\n");
273    TextIO.closeOut strm
274  end handle IO.Io _ => die "Couldn't write kernelid to HOLDIR"
276fun apply_updates l t =
277  case l of
278      [] => t
279    | {update} :: rest => apply_updates rest (update (warn, t))
281fun get_cline () = let
282  open GetOpt
283  val oldopts = read_earlier_options TextIO.inputLine
284  val (opts, rest) = getOpt { argOrder = RequireOrder,
285                              options = buildcline.cline_opt_descrs,
286                              errFn = die } (CommandLine.arguments())
287  val option_record = apply_updates opts buildcline.initial
288  val _ = if #help option_record then exit_with_help() else ()
289  val _ =
290      if mem "cleanAll" rest then raise DoClean "cleanAll"
291      else if mem "clean" rest then raise DoClean "clean"
292      else if mem "cleanForReloc" rest then raise DoClean "cleanForReloc"
293      else ()
294  val seqspec =
295      case #seqname option_record of
296        NONE =>
297        let
298        in
299          case findseq dfltbuildseq 0 oldopts of
300            NONE => dfltbuildseq
301          | SOME f =>
302            if f = dfltbuildseq then f
303            else (warn ("Using build-sequence file "^f^
304                        " from earlier build command; \n\
305                        \    use -F option to override");
306                  f)
307        end
308      | SOME f => if f = "" then dfltbuildseq else f
309  val knlspec =
310      case #kernelspec option_record of
311          SOME s => String.extract(s,2,NONE)
312        | NONE =>
313          (case
314              List.find (fn s => mem s ["--expk", "--otknl", "--stdknl"])oldopts
315             of
316                NONE => "stdknl"
317              | SOME s =>
318                (warn ("Using kernel spec "^s^ " from earlier build command;\n\
319                       \    use one of --expk, --stdknl, --otknl to override");
320                 String.extract(s,2,NONE)))
321  val _ = write_kernelid knlspec
322  val buildgraph =
323      case #build_theory_graph option_record of
324          NONE =>
325          (case List.find (fn s => s = "--graph" orelse s = "--nograph") oldopts
326            of
327               NONE => true
328             | SOME "--graph" =>
329               (warn "Using --graph option from earlier build; \
330                     \use --nograph to override"; true)
331             | SOME "--nograph" =>
332               (warn "Using --nograph option from earlier build; \
333                     \use --graph to override"; false)
334             | SOME _ => raise Fail "Really can't happen")
335        | SOME b => b
336  val bgoption = if buildgraph then [] else ["--nograph"]
337  val jcount =
338      case #jobcount option_record of
339          NONE =>
340            (case List.find (fn s => String.isPrefix "-j" s) oldopts of
341                NONE => dfltjobnum
342              | SOME jns =>
343                (case Int.fromString (String.extract(jns, 2, NONE)) of
344                     NONE => (warn "Bogus -j spec in old build options file";
345                              dfltjobnum)
346                   | SOME jn => if jn = dfltjobnum then jn
347                                else (warn ("Using -j "^Int.toString jn^
348                                            " from earlier build command; \
349                                            \use -j to override");
350                                      jn)))
351        | SOME jn => jn
352  val joption = "-j" ^ Int.toString jcount
353  val _ =
354      if seqspec = dfltbuildseq then
355        write_options ("--"^knlspec::joption::bgoption)
356      else
357        write_options ("--"^knlspec::"--seq"::seqspec::joption::bgoption)
359  Normal {build_theory_graph = buildgraph,
360          cmdline = rest,
361          debug = #debug option_record,
362          selftest_level = case #selftest option_record of
363                               NONE => 0
364                             | SOME i => i,
365          extra = {seqname = seqspec, kernelspec = knlspec},
366          jobcount = jcount,
367          multithread = #multithread option_record,
368          relocbuild = #relocbuild option_record}
369end handle DoClean s => (Clean s before safedelete Holmake_tools.kernelid_fname)
371(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
372   Some useful file-system utility functions
373   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
375(* map a function over the files in a directory *)
376fun map_dir f dir =
377  let val dstrm = OS.FileSys.openDir dir
378      fun loop () =
379        case OS.FileSys.readDir dstrm
380         of NONE => []
381          | SOME file => (dir,file)::loop()
382      val files = loop()
383      val _ = OS.FileSys.closeDir dstrm
384  in List.app f files
385     handle OS.SysErr(s, erropt)
386       => die ("OS error: "^s^" - "^
387              (case erropt of SOME s' => OS.errorMsg s' | _ => ""))
388       | otherexn => die ("map_dir: "^General.exnMessage otherexn)
389  end;
391fun rem_file f =
392  OS.FileSys.remove f
393   handle _ => (warn ("Couldn't remove file "^f); ());
395fun copy file path =  (* Dead simple file copy *)
396 let open TextIO
397     val (istrm,ostrm) = (openIn file, openOut path)
398     fun loop() =
399       case input1 istrm
400        of SOME ch => (output1(ostrm,ch) ; loop())
401         | NONE    => (closeIn istrm; flushOut ostrm; closeOut ostrm)
402  in loop()
403  end;
405fun bincopy file path =  (* Dead simple file copy - binary version *)
406 let open BinIO
407     val (istrm,ostrm) = (openIn file, openOut path)
408     fun loop() =
409       case input1 istrm
410        of SOME ch => (output1(ostrm,ch) ; loop())
411         | NONE    => (closeIn istrm; flushOut ostrm; closeOut ostrm)
412  in loop()
413  end;
415(* f is either bincopy or copy *)
416fun update_copy f src dest = let
417  val t0 = OS.FileSys.modTime src
419  f src dest;
420  OS.FileSys.setTime(dest, SOME t0)
423fun cp b = if b then update_copy bincopy else update_copy copy
425fun mv0 s1 s2 = let
426  val s1' = normPath s1
427  val s2' = normPath s2
429  FileSys.rename{old=s1', new=s2'}
432fun mv b = if b then mv0 else cp b
434fun moveTo dir action = let
435  val here = OS.FileSys.getDir()
436  val b = (OS.FileSys.chDir dir; true) handle _ => false
437  fun normalise s = OS.Path.mkAbsolute {path = s, relativeTo = dir}
439  if b then (map normalise (action ()) before OS.FileSys.chDir here)
440            handle e => (OS.FileSys.chDir here; raise e)
441  else []
444fun hmakefile_data HOLDIR =
445    if OS.FileSys.access ("Holmakefile", [OS.FileSys.A_READ]) then let
446        open Holmake_types
447        val (env, _, _) = ReadHMF.read "Holmakefile" (base_environment())
448        fun envlist id =
449            map dequote (tokenize (perform_substitution env [VREF id]))
450      in
451        {includes = envlist "PRE_INCLUDES" @ envlist "INCLUDES",
452         extra_cleans = envlist "EXTRA_CLEANS",
453         holheap = case envlist "HOLHEAP" of
454                       [x] => SOME x
455                     | _ => NONE}
456      end
457    else {includes = [], extra_cleans = [], holheap = NONE}
459fun clean0 HOLDIR = let
460  val {includes,extra_cleans,...} = hmakefile_data HOLDIR
462  Holmake_tools.clean_dir {extra_cleans = extra_cleans} ;
463  includes
466fun cleanAll0 HOLDIR = let
467  val {includes,extra_cleans,...} = hmakefile_data HOLDIR
469  Holmake_tools.clean_dir {extra_cleans = extra_cleans};
470  Holmake_tools.clean_depdir {depdirname = ".HOLMK"};
471  Holmake_tools.clean_depdir {depdirname = ".hollogs"};
472  includes
475fun cleanForReloc0 HOLDIR =
476  let
477    val {includes,holheap,...} = hmakefile_data HOLDIR
478  in
479    Holmake_tools.clean_forReloc {holheap = holheap};
480    Holmake_tools.clean_depdir {depdirname = ".HOLMK"};
481    Holmake_tools.clean_depdir {depdirname = ".hollogs"};
482    includes
483  end
486fun clean HOLDIR dirname = moveTo dirname (fn () => clean0 HOLDIR)
487fun cleanAll HOLDIR dirname = moveTo dirname (fn () => cleanAll0 HOLDIR)
488fun cleanForReloc HOLDIR dirname =
489  moveTo dirname (fn () => cleanForReloc0 HOLDIR)
491fun clean_dirs {HOLDIR,action} dirs = let
492  val seen = Binaryset.empty String.compare
493  fun recurse sofar todo =
494      case todo of
495        [] => ()
496      | d::ds => let
497        in
498          if Binaryset.member(sofar, d) then recurse sofar ds
499          else let
500              val newincludes = action HOLDIR d
501            in
502              recurse (Binaryset.add(sofar,d)) (newincludes @ ds)
503            end
504        end
506  recurse seen dirs
509(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
510    In clean_sigobj, we need to avoid removing the systeml stuff that
511    will have been put into sigobj by the action of configure.sml
512   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
514fun equal x y = (x=y);
515val SIGOBJ = fullPath [HOLDIR, "sigobj"];
517fun clean_sigobj() = let
518  open Systeml
519  val _ = print ("Cleaning out "^SIGOBJ^"\n")
520  val lowcase = String.map Char.toLower
521  val sigobj_extras =
522      if ML_SYSNAME = "mosml" then ["basis2002"] else []
523  fun sigobj_rem_file s = let
524    val f = Path.file s
525    val n = lowcase (hd (String.fields (equal #".") f))
526  in
527    if mem n (["systeml", "readme"] @ sigobj_extras) then ()
528    else rem_file s
529  end
530  val toolsuffix = if ML_SYSNAME = "poly" then "-poly" else ""
531  fun write_initial_srcfiles () = let
532    open TextIO
533    val outstr = openOut (fullPath [HOLDIR,"sigobj","SRCFILES"])
534  in
535    output(outstr,
536           fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools" ^ toolsuffix, "Holmake", "Systeml"]);
537    output(outstr, "\n");
538    closeOut(outstr)
539  end
541  map_dir (sigobj_rem_file o normPath o OS.Path.concat) SIGOBJ;
542  write_initial_srcfiles ();
543  print (SIGOBJ ^ " cleaned\n")
546val EXECUTABLE = Systeml.xable_string (fullPath [HOLDIR, "bin", "build"])
548fun full_clean (SRCDIRS:(string*int) list)  f =
549    clean_sigobj() before
550    (* clean all kernel directories, regardless of which was actually built,
551       the help src directory too, and all the src directories, including
552       those with ! annotations  *)
553    clean_dirs {HOLDIR=HOLDIR, action = f}
554               (fullPath [HOLDIR, "help", "src-sml"] ::
555                fullPath [HOLDIR, "src", "0"] ::
556                fullPath [HOLDIR, "src", "experimental-kernel"] ::
557                fullPath [HOLDIR, "src", "logging-kernel"] ::
558                map #1 SRCDIRS)
560fun app_sml_files f {dirname} =
561  let
562    open OS.FileSys OS.Path
563    val dstrm = openDir dirname
564    fun recurse () =
565      case readDir dstrm of
566          NONE => closeDir dstrm
567        | SOME p => ((case ext p of
568                          SOME "sml" => f (concat(dirname,p))
569                        | SOME "sig" => f (concat(dirname,p))
570                        | _ => ());
571                     recurse())
572  in
573    recurse ()
574  end
576fun check_against executable s = let
577  open Time
578  val p = if OS.Path.isRelative s then fullPath [HOLDIR, s]
579          else s
580  val cfgtime = FileSys.modTime p
582  if FileSys.modTime executable < cfgtime then
583    (warn ("WARNING! WARNING!");
584     warn ("  The executable "^executable^" is older than " ^ s ^ ";");
585     warn ("  this suggests you should reconfigure the system.");
586     warn ("  Press Ctl-C now to abort the build; <RETURN> to continue.");
587     warn ("WARNING! WARNING!");
588     if Systeml.POLY_VERSION = 551 orelse Systeml.POLY_VERSION = 552 then
589       ignore(TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn)
590       (* see PolyML bug report at
591            https://www.mail-archive.com/polyml@inf.ed.ac.uk/msg00982.html *)
592     else ();
593     ignore (TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn))
594  else ()
595end handle OS.SysErr _ => die ("File "^s^" has disappeared.");
598(* uploadfn is of type : bool -> string -> string -> unit
599     the boolean is whether or not the arguments are binary files
600     the strings are source and destination file-names, in that order
602fun transfer_file uploadfn targetdir (df as (dir,file)) = let
603  fun transfer binaryp (dir,file1,file2) =
604    uploadfn binaryp (fullPath [dir,file1]) (fullPath [targetdir,file2])
605  fun idtransfer binaryp (dir,file) =
606      case Path.base file of
607        "selftest" => ()
608      | _ => transfer binaryp (dir,file,file)
609  fun digest_sig file =
610      let val b = Path.base file
611      in if (String.extract(b,String.size b -4,NONE) = "-sig"
612             handle _ => false)
613         then SOME (String.extract(b,0,SOME (String.size b - 4)))
614         else NONE
615      end
616  fun augmentSRCFILES file = let
617    open TextIO
618    val ostrm = openAppend (Path.concat(SIGOBJ,"SRCFILES"))
619  in
620    output(ostrm,fullPath[dir,file]^"\n") ;
621    closeOut ostrm
622  end
625  case Path.ext file of
626    SOME"ui"     => idtransfer true df
627  | SOME"uo"     => idtransfer true df
628  | SOME"so"     => idtransfer true df   (* for dynlibs *)
629  | SOME"xable"  => idtransfer true df   (* for executables *)
630  | SOME"sig"    => (idtransfer false df; augmentSRCFILES (Path.base file))
631  | SOME"sml"    => (case digest_sig file of
632                       NONE => ()
633                     | SOME file' =>
634                       (transfer false (dir,file, file' ^".sig");
635                        augmentSRCFILES file'))
636  |    _         => ()
639fun Gnumake dir =
640  if SYSTEML [GNUMAKE] then true
641  else (warn ("Build failed in directory "^dir ^" ("^GNUMAKE^" failed).");
642        false)
644exception BuildExit
645fun build_dir Holmake selftest_level (dir, regulardir) = let
646  val _ = if selftest_level >= regulardir then ()
647          else raise BuildExit
648  val _ = OS.FileSys.chDir dir
649  val truncdir = if String.isPrefix HOLDIR dir then
650                   String.extract(dir, size HOLDIR + 1, NONE)
651                   (* +1 to drop directory slash after holdir *)
652                 else dir
653  val now_d = Date.fromTimeLocal (Time.now())
654  val now_s = Date.fmt "%d %b, %H:%M:%S" now_d
655  val bold = Holmake_tools.bold
656  val _ = print (bold ("Building directory "^truncdir^" ["^now_s^"]\n"))
658  case #file(OS.Path.splitDirFile dir) of
659    "muddyC" => let
660    in
661      case OS of
662        "winNT" => bincopy (fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "win-binaries",
663                                      "muddy.so"])
664                           (fullPath [HOLDIR, "examples", "muddy", "muddyC",
665                                      "muddy.so"])
666      | other => if not (Gnumake dir) then
667                   print(String.concat
668                           ["\nmuddyLib has NOT been built!! ",
669                            "(continuing anyway).\n\n"])
670                 else ()
671    end
672  | "minisat" => let
673    in case OS of
674	   "winNT" => bincopy (fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "win-binaries",
675					 "minisat.exe"])
676                              (fullPath [HOLDIR, "src","HolSat","sat_solvers",
677                                         "minisat", "DELTHISminisat.exe"])
678	 | other => if not (Gnumake dir) then
679			print(String.concat
680				  ["\nMiniSat has NOT been built!! ",
681				   "(continuing anyway).\n\n"])
682                    else ()
683    end
684  | "zc2hs" => let
685    in case OS of
686	   "winNT" => bincopy (fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "win-binaries",
687					 "zc2hs.exe"])
688                              (fullPath [HOLDIR, "src","HolSat","sat_solvers","zc2hs", "zc2hs.exe"])
689	 | other => if not (Gnumake dir) then
690			print(String.concat
691				  ["\nzc2hs has NOT been built!! ",
692				   "(continuing anyway).\n\n"])
693                    else ()
694    end
695  | _ => Holmake dir
697handle OS.SysErr(s, erropt) =>
698       die ("OS error: "^s^" - "^
699            (case erropt of SOME s' => OS.errorMsg s' | _ => ""))
700     | BuildExit => ()
702fun write_theory_graph () =
703  case Systeml.DOT_PATH of
704      SOME dotexec =>
705      if not (FileSys.access (dotexec, [FileSys.A_EXEC])) then
706        (* of course, this will likely be the case on Windows *)
707        warn ("Can't see dot executable at "^dotexec^"; not generating \
708              \theory-graph\n\
709              \*** You can try reconfiguring and providing an explicit path \n\
710              \*** (val DOT_PATH = \"....\") in\n\
711              \***    tools-poly/poly-includes.ML (Poly/ML)\n\
712              \***  or\n\
713              \***    config-override           (Moscow ML)\n\
714              \***\n\
715              \*** (Under Poly/ML you will have to delete bin/hol.state0 as \
716              \well)\n***\n\
717              \*** (Or: build with --nograph to stop this \
718              \message from appearing again)\n")
719      else
720        let
721          val _ = print "Generating theory-graph and HTML theory signatures; \
722                        \this may take a while\n"
723          val _ = print "  (Use build's --nograph option to skip this step.)\n"
724          val pfp = Systeml.protect o fullPath
725          val result =
726              OS.Process.system(pfp [HOLDIR, "bin", "hol"] ^ " < " ^
727                                pfp [HOLDIR, "help", "src-sml", "DOT"])
728        in
729          if OS.Process.isSuccess result then ()
730          else warn "Theory graph construction failed.\n"
731        end
732    | NONE => warn "If you had a copy of the dot tool installed, I might try\n\
733                   \*** to build a theory graph at this point"
735fun Poly_compilehelp() = let
736  open Systeml
738  system_ps (fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "mllex", "mllex.exe"] ^ " Lexer.lex");
739  system_ps (fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "mlyacc", "src", "mlyacc.exe"] ^ " Parser.grm");
740  system_ps (POLYC ^ " poly-makebase.ML -o makebase.exe");
741  system_ps (POLYC ^ " poly-Doc2Html.ML -o Doc2Html.exe");
742  system_ps (POLYC ^ " poly-Doc2Txt.ML -o Doc2Txt.exe");
743  system_ps (POLYC ^ " poly-Doc2Tex.ML -o Doc2Tex.exe")
746val HOLMAKE = fullPath [HOLDIR, "bin/Holmake"]
747val ML_SYSNAME = Systeml.ML_SYSNAME
749fun mosml_compilehelp () = ignore (SYSTEML [HOLMAKE, "all"])
751fun build_adoc_files () = let
752  val docdirs = let
753    val instr = TextIO.openIn(fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools",
754                                        "documentation-directories"])
755    val wholefile = TextIO.inputAll instr before TextIO.closeIn instr
756  in
757    map normPath (String.tokens Char.isSpace wholefile)
758  end handle _ => (print "Couldn't read documentation directories file\n";
759                   [])
760  val doc2txt = fullPath [HOLDIR, "help", "src-sml", "Doc2Txt.exe"]
761  fun make_adocs dir = let
762    val fulldir = fullPath [HOLDIR, dir]
763  in
764    if SYSTEML [doc2txt, fulldir, fulldir] then true
765    else
766      (print ("Generation of ASCII doc files failed in directory "^dir^"\n");
767       false)
768  end
770  List.all make_adocs docdirs
773fun build_help graph =
774 let val dir = OS.Path.concat(OS.Path.concat (HOLDIR,"help"),"src-sml")
775     val _ = OS.FileSys.chDir dir
777     (* builds the documentation tools called below *)
778     val _ = if ML_SYSNAME = "poly" then ignore (Poly_compilehelp())
779             else if ML_SYSNAME = "mosml" then mosml_compilehelp()
780             else raise Fail "Bogus ML_SYSNAME"
782     val doc2html = fullPath [dir,"Doc2Html.exe"]
783     val docpath  = fullPath [HOLDIR, "help", "Docfiles"]
784     val htmlpath = fullPath [docpath, "HTML"]
785     val _        = if (OS.FileSys.isDir htmlpath handle _ => false) then ()
786                    else (print ("Creating directory "^htmlpath^"\n");
787                          OS.FileSys.mkDir htmlpath)
788     val cmd1     = [doc2html, docpath, htmlpath]
789     val cmd2     = [fullPath [dir,"makebase.exe"]]
790     val _ = print "Generating ASCII versions of Docfiles...\n"
791     val _ = if build_adoc_files () then print "...ASCII Docfiles done\n"
792             else ()
793 in
794   print "Generating HTML versions of Docfiles...\n"
795 ;
796   if SYSTEML cmd1 then print "...HTML Docfiles done\n"
797   else die "Couldn't make html versions of Docfiles"
798 ;
799   if (print "Building Help DB\n"; SYSTEML cmd2) then ()
800   else die "Couldn't make help database"
801 ;
802   if graph then write_theory_graph()
803   else ()
804 end
806fun cleanDirP P d =
807  let
808    val dstrm = OS.FileSys.openDir d
809    fun getPs acc =
810      case OS.FileSys.readDir dstrm of
811          NONE => (OS.FileSys.closeDir dstrm; acc)
812        | SOME f => if P f then getPs (f::acc)
813                    else getPs acc
814    val Ps = getPs []
815  in
816    List.app (fn s => safedelete (fullPath [d, s])) Ps
817  end
821fun delete_heaps() = let
822  val deletes = let
823    val istrm = TextIO.openIn
824                  (fullPath[HOLDIR, "tools-poly", "rebuild-excludes.txt"])
825    fun chop s = String.substring(s, 0, String.size s - 1)
826    fun recurse acc =
827      case TextIO.inputLine istrm of
828          NONE => (TextIO.closeIn istrm ; acc)
829        | SOME s => recurse (chop s::acc)
830  in
831    recurse []
832  end
833  (* Holmake --relocbuild has already happened in all directories, so can
834     skip the implicit need to recurse into all directories and remove the
835     .HOLMK and .hollogs directories. *)
836  val cd = OS.FileSys.getDir()
837  val _ = OS.FileSys.chDir HOLDIR
838  fun process_dline s =
839    let
840      val fs = internal_functions.wildcard s
841    in
842      List.app safedelete fs
843    end
845  List.app process_dline deletes ;
846  OS.FileSys.chDir cd
849fun process_cline () =
850    case get_cline () of
851      Clean s =>
852      let
853        val (per_dir_action, post_action) =
854            case s of
855                "cleanAll" => (cleanAll, fn () => ())
856              | "clean" => (clean, fn () => ())
857              | "cleanForReloc" => (cleanForReloc, delete_heaps)
858              | _ => die ("Clean action = "^s^"???")
859        val knlseq = fullPath [HOLDIR, "tools", "sequences", "kernel"]
860        val SRCDIRS =
861            let
862              fun add kspec seq s =
863                Binaryset.addList(s,read_buildsequence {kernelname = kspec} seq)
864              fun cmp ((s1,_),(s2,_)) = String.compare(s1,s2)
865              val alldirs =
866                  Binaryset.empty cmp |> add "stdknl" dfltbuildseq
867                                      |> add "expk" knlseq
868                                      |> add "otknl" knlseq
869            in
870              Binaryset.listItems alldirs
871            end
872      in
873        full_clean SRCDIRS per_dir_action;
874        post_action();
875        Process.exit Process.success
876      end
877    | Normal {extra = {seqname,kernelspec}, cmdline, multithread,
878              build_theory_graph, jobcount, relocbuild, debug,
879              selftest_level} =>
880      let
881        val SRCDIRS = read_buildsequence {kernelname = kernelspec} seqname
882      in
883        if mem "help" cmdline then
884          (build_help build_theory_graph;
885           Process.exit Process.success)
886        else
887          {build_theory_graph=build_theory_graph,
888           cmdline=cmdline,
889           debug = debug,
890           extra = {SRCDIRS = SRCDIRS},
891           jobcount = jobcount,
892           multithread = multithread,
893           relocbuild = relocbuild,
894           selftest_level = selftest_level
895          }
896      end
898fun make_buildstamp () =
899 let open Path TextIO
900     val stamp_filename = concat(HOLDIR, concat("tools","build-stamp"))
901     val stamp_stream = openOut stamp_filename
902     val date_string = Date.toString (Date.fromTimeLocal (Time.now()))
903 in
904    output(stamp_stream, "built "^date_string);
905    closeOut stamp_stream
908val logdir = Systeml.build_log_dir
909val logfilename = Systeml.build_log_file
910val hostname = if Systeml.isUnix then
911                 case Mosml.run "hostname" [] "" of
912                   Mosml.Success s => String.substring(s,0,size s - 1) ^ "-"
913                                      (* substring to drop \n in output *)
914                 | _ => ""
915               else "" (* what to do under windows? *)
917fun setup_logfile () = let
918  open OS.FileSys
919  fun ensure_dir () =
920      if access (logdir, []) then
921        isDir logdir
922      else (mkDir logdir; true)
924  if ensure_dir() then
925    if access (logfilename, []) then
926      warn "Build log exists; new logging will concatenate onto this file"
927    else let
928        (* touch the file *)
929        val outs = TextIO.openOut logfilename
930      in
931        TextIO.closeOut outs
932      end
933  else warn "Couldn't make or use build-logs directory"
934end handle IO.Io _ => warn "Couldn't set up build-logs"
936fun finish_logging buildok = let
938  if OS.FileSys.access(logfilename, []) then let
939      open Date
940      val timestamp = fmt "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M" (fromTimeLocal (Time.now()))
941      val newname0 = hostname^timestamp
942      val newname = (if buildok then "" else "bad-") ^ newname0
943    in
944      OS.FileSys.rename {old = logfilename, new = fullPath [logdir, newname]}
945    end
946  else ()
947end handle IO.Io _ => warn "Had problems making permanent record of build log"
949fun Holmake sysl isSuccess extra_args analyse_failstatus selftest_level dir = let
950  val hmstatus = sysl HOLMAKE ("--qof" :: extra_args())
952  if isSuccess hmstatus then
953    if selftest_level > 0 andalso
954       OS.FileSys.access("selftest.exe", [OS.FileSys.A_EXEC])
955    then
956      (print "Performing self-test...\n";
957       if SYSTEML [dir ^ "/selftest.exe", Int.toString selftest_level]
958       then
959         print "Self-test was successful\n"
960       else
961         die ("Selftest failed in directory "^dir))
962    else
963      ()
964  else let
965      val info = analyse_failstatus hmstatus
966    in
967      die ("Build failed in directory "^dir^
968           (if info <> "" then " ("^info^")" else ""))
969    end
972val () = OS.Process.atExit (fn () => finish_logging false)
973        (* this will do nothing if finish_logging happened normally first;
974           otherwise the log's bad version will be recorded *)
979end (* struct *)