1open testutils
2val cd = OS.FileSys.chDir
4infix ++
5fun p1 ++ p2 = OS.Path.concat(p1,p2)
7val _ = cd "dir";
9val hm = Globals.HOLDIR ++ "bin" ++ "Holmake"
11val _ = Systeml.systeml [hm, "cleanAll"]
13fun pluckk P k l =
14  case l of
15      [] => NONE
16    | h::t => if P h then SOME (k h t)
17              else pluckk P (fn h' => fn t => k h' (h::t)) t
18fun pluck P l = pluckk P (fn h => fn t => (h, t)) l
20fun grep pats f =
21  let
22    val istrm = TextIO.openIn f
23    fun return b = (TextIO.closeIn istrm; b)
24    fun recurse pats =
25      case pats of
26          [] => return true
27        | _ =>
28          let
29            fun checking () =
30              case TextIO.inputLine istrm of
31                  NONE => return false
32                | SOME line =>
33                  (case pluck (fn p => String.isSubstring p line) pats of
34                       NONE => checking()
35                     | SOME (_, t) => recurse t)
36          in
37            checking()
38          end
39  in
40    recurse pats
41  end
43val pats = ["Couldn't find required output file: emptyTheory",
44            "Couldn't find required output file: noproductTheory"]
46val desc = "failing Holmake with empty/non-producing scripts"
47val holstate_sfx = ["--holstate", Globals.HOLDIR ++ "bin" ++ "hol.state0"]
48val _ = if Systeml.ML_SYSNAME = "poly" then
49          let
50            val _ = tprint ("Checking parallel "^desc)
51            val res = Systeml.systeml_out {outfile="make.log"}
52                                          ([hm, "--qof", "-k", "-j4"] @
53                                           holstate_sfx)
54          in
55            if OS.Process.isSuccess res then die "Holmake succeeded incorrectly"
56            else if grep pats "make.log" then OK()
57            else die "Couldn't see 'Couldn't find required output' output"
58          end
59        else ()
61val _ = tprint ("Checking sequential " ^ desc)
62val res = Systeml.systeml_out {outfile="make.log"}
63                              ([hm, "--qof", "-k", "-j1"] @
64                               (if Systeml.ML_SYSNAME = "poly" then
65                                  holstate_sfx
66                                else []))
68val _ = if OS.Process.isSuccess res then die "Holmake succeeded incorrectly"
69        else if grep pats "make.log" then OK()
70        else die "Couldn't see 'Couldn't find required output' output"