2     A special purpose version of make that "does the right thing" in
3     single directories for building HOL theories, and accompanying
4     SML libraries.
5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
7structure Holmake =
10open Systeml Holmake_tools Holmake_types
11infix forces_update_of |>
13fun x |> f = f x
15structure FileSys = OS.FileSys
16structure Path = OS.Path
17structure Process = OS.Process
19(* turn a variable name into a list *)
20fun envlist env id = let
21  open Holmake_types
23  map dequote (tokenize (perform_substitution env [VREF id]))
26fun main() = let
28val execname = Path.file (CommandLine.name())
29fun warn s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, execname^": "^s^"\n");
30              TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr)
31fun die s = (warn s; Process.exit Process.failure)
32val original_dir = hmdir.curdir()
34(* Global parameters, which get set at configuration time *)
35val HOLDIR0 = Systeml.HOLDIR;
36val DEPDIR = ".HOLMK";
37val LOGDIR = ".hollogs";
39(**** get_dependencies *)
40(* figures out whether or not a dependency file is a suitable place to read
41   information about current target or not, and then either does so, or makes
42   the dependency file and then reads from it.
44     f1 forces_update_of f2
45     iff
46     f1 exists /\ (f2 exists ==> f1 is newer than f2)
49(**** get dependencies from file *)
53(** Command line parsing *)
55(*** parse command line *)
56fun apply_updates fs v = List.foldl (fn (f,v) => #update f (warn,v)) v fs
58fun getcline args = let
59  open GetOpt
61  getOpt {argOrder = Permute,
62          options = HM_Cline.option_descriptions,
63          errFn = die}
64         args
67val (master_cline_options, targets) = getcline (CommandLine.arguments())
69val (cline_hmakefile, cline_nohmf) =
70    List.foldl (fn (f,(hmf,nohmf)) =>
71                   ((case #hmakefile f of NONE => hmf | SOME s => SOME s),
72                    nohmf orelse #no_hmf f))
73               (NONE,false)
74               master_cline_options
76fun get_hmf_cline_updates () =
77  let
78    val hmakefile =
79        case cline_hmakefile of
80            NONE => "Holmakefile"
81          | SOME s =>
82            if exists_readable s then s
83            else die ("Can't read holmakefile: "^s)
84    val hmenv0 =
85        if exists_readable hmakefile andalso not cline_nohmf then
86          #1 (ReadHMF.read hmakefile (base_environment()))
87        else
88          base_environment()
89    val hmf_cline = envlist hmenv0 "CLINE_OPTIONS"
90    val (hmf_options, hmf_rest) = getcline hmf_cline
91    val _ = if null hmf_rest then ()
92            else
93              warn ("Unused c/line options in makefile: "^
94                    String.concatWith " " hmf_rest)
95  in
96    hmf_options
97  end
99fun chattiness_level switches =
100  case (#debug switches, #verbose switches, #quiet switches) of
101      (true, _, _) => 3
102    | (_, true, _) => 2
103    | (_, _, true) => 0
104    | _ => 1
106val option_value =
107    HM_Cline.default_options |> apply_updates (get_hmf_cline_updates())
108                             |> apply_updates master_cline_options
109val coption_value = #core option_value
110val usepfx =
111  #jobs (#core
112           (HM_Cline.default_options |> apply_updates master_cline_options)) =
113  1
115(* things that need to be read out of the first Holmakefile, and which will
116   govern the behaviour even when recursing into other directories that may
117   have their own Holmakefiles *)
118val (outputfns as {warn,tgtfatal,diag,info,chatty}) =
119    output_functions {chattiness = chattiness_level coption_value,
120                      usepfx = usepfx}
121val do_logging_flag = #do_logging coption_value
122val no_lastmakercheck = #no_lastmaker_check coption_value
123val show_usage = #help coption_value
124val toplevel_no_prereqs = #no_prereqs coption_value
125val cline_additional_includes = #includes coption_value
127(* make the cline includes = [] so that these are only looked at once
128   (when the cline_additional_includes value is folded into dirinfo values
129   and eventually used in hm_recur).
131val pass_option_value =
132    HM_Cline.fupd_core (HM_Core_Cline.fupd_includes (fn _ => [])) option_value
134val _ = do_lastmade_checks outputfns {no_lastmakercheck = no_lastmakercheck}
136val _ = diag (fn _ => "CommandLine.name() = "^CommandLine.name())
137val _ = diag (fn _ => "CommandLine.arguments() = "^
138                      String.concatWith ", " (CommandLine.arguments()))
140(* set up logging *)
141val logfilename = Systeml.make_log_file
142val hostname = if Systeml.isUnix then
143                 case Mosml.run "hostname" [] "" of
144                   Mosml.Success s => String.substring(s,0,size s - 1) ^ "-"
145                                      (* substring to drop \n in output *)
146                 | _ => ""
147               else "" (* what to do under windows? *)
149fun finish_logging buildok = let
151  if do_logging_flag andalso FileSys.access(logfilename, []) then let
152      open Date
153      val timestamp = fmt "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M" (fromTimeLocal (Time.now()))
154      val newname0 = hostname^timestamp
155      val newname = (if buildok then "" else "bad-") ^ newname0
156    in
157      FileSys.rename {old = logfilename, new = newname};
158      buildok
159    end
160  else buildok
161end handle IO.Io _ => (warn "Had problems making permanent record of make log";
162                       buildok)
164val _ = Process.atExit (fn () => ignore (finish_logging false))
166(* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
168    maybe_recurse
170    this function doesn't handle all recursion, just one level's
171    worth. In other words, the master Holmake calls this function, and
172    this then arranges the recursive calls into the various include
173    directories that need to happen. The holmake that gets called in
174    those directories (via the hm parameter) will in turn call this
175    function for recursion at that level in the "tree".
177    The local_build/k parameter is how the maybe_recurse function
178    finishes off; this parameter is called when all of the necessary
179    recursion has been performed and work should be done in the
180    current ("local") directory.
182    Finally, what of the dirinfo?
184    This record includes
185          origin: the absolute path to the very first directory
186        includes: the includes that the local directory knows about
187                  (which will have come from the command-line or
188                  INCLUDES lines in the local Holmakefile
189     preincludes: similarly
190         visited: a set of visited directories (with directories
191                  expressed as absolute paths)
193    The includes and preincludes are clearly useful when it comes time to
194    do any local work, but also specify how the recursion is to happen.
196    Now, the recursion into those directories may result in extra
197    includes and preincludes.
198   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
199fun idm_lookup idm key =
200  case Binarymap.peek(idm, key) of
201      NONE => {pres = empty_dirset, incs = empty_dirset}
202    | SOME r => r
204fun extend_idmap k (v as {incs = i,pres = p}) idm0 =
205  case Binarymap.peek(idm0, k) of
206      NONE => Binarymap.insert(idm0, k, v)
207    | SOME {incs = i0, pres = p0} =>
208        Binarymap.insert(idm0, k,
209                         {incs = Binaryset.union(i0,i),
210                          pres = Binaryset.union(p0,p)})
212fun print_set ds =
213  "{" ^
214  String.concatWith
215    ", "
216    (Binaryset.foldr (fn (d,acc) => hmdir.toString d :: acc) [] ds) ^
217  "}"
219fun maybe_recurse {warn,diag,hm,dirinfo,dir,local_build=k,cleantgt} allincs =
221  val {incdirmap,visited} = dirinfo
222  val _ = diag (fn _ => "maybe_recurse: includes (pre- & normal) = [" ^
223                        String.concatWith ", " allincs ^ "]")
224  val _ = diag (fn _ =>
225                   "maybe_recurse: incdmap on dir \"" ^ hmdir.toString dir ^
226                   " = " ^ print_set (#incs (idm_lookup incdirmap dir)))
227  val k = fn ii => (terminal_log ("Holmake: "^nice_dir (hmdir.toString dir));
228                    k ii)
229  val tgts = case cleantgt of SOME s => [s] | NONE => []
230  fun recurse (acc as {visited,incdirmap}) newdir = let
231  in
232    if Binaryset.member(visited, newdir) then
233      (* even if you don't want to rebuild newdir, you still want to learn
234         about what it depends on so that the dependency map for this directory
235         is appropriately augmented *)
236      SOME {visited = visited,
237            incdirmap =
238              extend_idmap dir (idm_lookup incdirmap newdir) incdirmap}
239    else let
240      val _ = diag (fn _ => "Recursive call in " ^ hmdir.pretty_dir newdir)
241      val _ = diag (fn _ => "Visited set = " ^ print_set visited)
242      val _ = terminal_log ("Holmake: "^nice_dir (hmdir.toString newdir))
243      val result =
244          case hm newdir acc tgts of
245              NONE => NONE
246            | SOME {visited,incdirmap = idm0} =>
247              SOME {visited = visited,
248                    incdirmap = extend_idmap dir (idm_lookup idm0 newdir) idm0}
249    in
250      diag (fn _ => "Finished work in "^hmdir.pretty_dir newdir);
251      terminal_log ("Holmake: "^nice_dir (hmdir.toString dir));
252      FileSys.chDir (hmdir.toAbsPath dir);
253      case result of
254          SOME{visited,incdirmap} =>
255          let
256            val {incs,pres} = idm_lookup incdirmap dir
257          in
258            diag (fn () =>
259                     "Recursively computed includes for " ^ hmdir.toString dir ^
260                     " = " ^ print_set incs);
261            diag (fn () =>
262                     "Recursively computed pre-includes for " ^
263                     hmdir.toString dir ^
264                     " = " ^ print_set pres)
265          end
266        | NONE => ();
267      result
268    end
269  end
270  fun do_em (accg as {incdirmap,...}) dirs =
271      case dirs of
272          [] =>
273          let
274            val {pres, incs} = idm_lookup incdirmap dir
275            val f = Binaryset.foldr (fn (d,acc) => hmdir.toAbsPath d :: acc) []
276          in
277            if k {includes=f incs,preincludes=f pres} then SOME accg
278            else NONE
279          end
280        | x::xs =>
281          let
282          in
283            case recurse accg x of
284                SOME result => do_em result xs
285              | NONE => NONE
286          end
287  val visited = Binaryset.add(visited, dir)
288  fun canon i = hmdir.extendp {base = dir, extension = i}
289  val canonl = map canon
290  fun f idirs = map canon idirs
292  do_em {visited = visited, incdirmap = incdirmap} (hmdir.sort (f allincs))
295(* directory specific stuff here *)
296type res = holmake_result
297fun Holmake nobuild dir dirinfo cline_additional_includes targets : res = let
298  val _ = OS.FileSys.chDir (hmdir.toAbsPath dir)
300  val option_value =
301      pass_option_value |> apply_updates (get_hmf_cline_updates())
302  val coption_value = #core option_value
304  val allfast = #fast coption_value
305  val always_rebuild_deps = #rebuild_deps coption_value
306  val cline_recursive = #recursive coption_value
307  val debug = #debug coption_value
308  val dontmakes = #dontmakes coption_value
309  val user_hmakefile = #hmakefile coption_value
310  val cmdl_HOLDIR = #holdir coption_value
311  val cline_additional_includes =
312      cline_additional_includes @ #includes coption_value
313  val keep_going_flag = #keep_going coption_value
314  val no_action = #no_action coption_value
315  val no_hmakefile = #no_hmakefile coption_value
316  val no_overlay = #no_overlay coption_value
317  val no_prereqs = #no_prereqs coption_value
318  val opentheory = #opentheory coption_value
319  val quiet_flag = #quiet coption_value
320  val quit_on_failure = #quit_on_failure coption_value
321  val verbose = #verbose coption_value
322  (* find HOLDIR by first looking at command-line, then looking
323     for a value compiled into the code.
324  *)
325  val HOLDIR    = case cmdl_HOLDIR of NONE => HOLDIR0 | SOME s => s
326  val SIGOBJ    = normPath(Path.concat(HOLDIR, "sigobj"));
329(* prepare to do logging *)
330val () = if do_logging_flag then
331           if FileSys.access (logfilename, []) then
332             warn "Make log exists; new logging will concatenate on this file"
333           else let
334               (* touch the file *)
335               val outs = TextIO.openOut logfilename
336             in
337               TextIO.closeOut outs
338             end handle IO.Io _ => warn "Couldn't set up make log"
339         else ()
343val hmakefile =
344  case user_hmakefile of
345    NONE => "Holmakefile"
346  | SOME s =>
347      if exists_readable s then s
348      else die_with ("Couldn't read/find makefile: "^s)
350val base_env = HM_BaseEnv.make_base_env option_value
352val (hmakefile_env, extra_rules, first_target) =
353  if exists_readable hmakefile andalso not no_hmakefile
354  then let
355      val () = diag (fn _ => "Reading additional information from "^hmakefile)
356    in
357      ReadHMF.read hmakefile base_env
358    end
359  else (base_env, Holmake_types.empty_ruledb, NONE)
361val envlist = envlist hmakefile_env
363val hmake_includes = envlist "INCLUDES"
364val hmake_options = envlist "OPTIONS"
365val additional_includes =
366  remove_duplicates (cline_additional_includes @ hmake_includes)
368val hmake_preincludes = envlist "PRE_INCLUDES"
369val hmake_no_overlay = member "NO_OVERLAY" hmake_options
370val hmake_no_sigobj = member "NO_SIGOBJ" hmake_options
371val hmake_qof = member "QUIT_ON_FAILURE" hmake_options
372val hmake_noprereqs = member "NO_PREREQS" hmake_options
373val extra_cleans = envlist "EXTRA_CLEANS"
375val quit_on_failure = quit_on_failure orelse hmake_qof
377val _ = if cline_recursive andalso no_prereqs then
378          warn("-r forces recursion, taking precedence over --no_prereqs")
379        else ()
380val no_prereqs = (no_prereqs orelse hmake_noprereqs) andalso not cline_recursive
382val _ =
383  if quit_on_failure andalso allfast then
384    warn "quit on (tactic) failure ignored for fast built theories"
385  else
386    ()
388val no_sigobj = hmake_no_sigobj
389val actual_overlay =
390  if no_sigobj orelse no_overlay orelse hmake_no_overlay then NONE
393val std_include_flags = if no_sigobj then [] else [SIGOBJ]
395fun extra_deps t =
396    Option.map #dependencies
397               (Holmake_types.get_rule_info extra_rules hmakefile_env t)
399fun isPHONY t =
400  case extra_deps ".PHONY" of
401      NONE => false
402    | SOME l => member t l
404fun extra_commands t =
405    Option.map #commands
406               (Holmake_types.get_rule_info extra_rules hmakefile_env t)
408val extra_targets = Binarymap.foldr (fn (k,_,acc) => k::acc) [] extra_rules
410fun extra_rule_for t = Holmake_types.get_rule_info extra_rules hmakefile_env t
412(* treat targets as sets *)
413infix in_target
414fun (s in_target t) = case extra_deps t of NONE => false | SOME l => member s l
416(*** Compilation of files *)
417val binfo : HM_Cline.t BuildCommand.buildinfo_t =
418    {optv = option_value, hmake_options = hmake_options,
419     actual_overlay = actual_overlay, envlist = envlist,
420     hmenv = hmakefile_env,
421     quit_on_failure = quit_on_failure, outs = outputfns,
422     SIGOBJ = SIGOBJ}
423val {extra_impl_deps,build_graph} = BuildCommand.make_build_command binfo
425val _ = let
427  diag (fn _ => "HOLDIR = "^HOLDIR);
428  diag (fn _ => "Targets = [" ^ String.concatWith ", " targets ^ "]");
429  diag (fn _ => "Additional includes = [" ^
430                String.concatWith ", " additional_includes ^ "]");
431  diag (fn _ => "Using HOL sigobj dir = "^Bool.toString (not no_sigobj));
432  diag (fn _ => HM_BaseEnv.debug_info option_value)
435(** Top level sketch of algorithm *)
438   We have the following relationship --> where this arrow should be read
439   "leads to the production of in one step"
441    *.sml --> *.uo                          [ mosmlc -c ]
442    *.sig --> *.ui                          [ mosmlc -c ]
443    *Script.uo --> *Theory.sig *Theory.sml
444       [ running the *Script that can be produced from the .uo file ]
445    *Script.uo --> *.art
446       [ running the *Script with proof-recording enabled ]
447    *.art --> *.ot.art
448       [ opentheory info --article ]
450   (where I have included the tool that achieves the production of the
451   result in []s)
453   However, not all productions can go ahead with just the one principal
454   dependency present.  Sometimes other files are required to be present
455   too.  We don't know which other files which are required, but we can
456   find out by using Ken's holdep tool.  (This works as follows: given the
457   name of the principal dependency for a production, it gives us the
458   name of the other dependencies that exist in the current directory.)
460   In theory, we could just run holdep everytime we were invoked, and
461   with a bit of luck we'll design things so it does look as if really
462   are computing the dependencies every time.  However, this is
463   unnecessary work as we can cache this information in files and just
464   read it in from these.  Of course, this introduces a sub-problem of
465   knowing that the information in the cache files is up-to-date, so
466   we will need to compare time-stamps in order to be sure that the
467   cached dependency information is up to date.
469   Another problem is that we might need to build a dependency DAG but
470   in a situation where elements of the principal dependency chain
471   were themselves out of date.
474(* The primary dependency chain does not depend on anything in the
475   file-system; it always looks the same.  However, additional
476   dependencies depend on what holdep tells us.  This function that
477   runs holdep, and puts the output into specified file, which will live
478   in DEPDIR somewhere. *)
480fun get_implicit_dependencies incinfo (f: File) : File list = let
481  val _ = diag (fn _ => "Calling get_implicit_dependencies on "^fromFile f)
482  val file_dependencies0 =
483      get_direct_dependencies {incinfo = incinfo, extra_targets = extra_targets,
484                               output_functions = outputfns,
485                               DEPDIR = DEPDIR} f
486  val file_dependencies =
487      case actual_overlay of
488        NONE => file_dependencies0
489      | SOME s => if isSome (holdep_arg f) then
490                    toFile (fullPath [SIGOBJ, s]) :: file_dependencies0
491                  else
492                    file_dependencies0
493  fun requires_exec (SML (Theory _)) = true
494    | requires_exec (SIG (Theory _)) = true
495    | requires_exec (ART (RawArticle _)) = true
496    | requires_exec (DAT _) = true
497    | requires_exec _                = false
499  if requires_exec f then let
500      (* because we have to build an executable in order to build a
501         theory, this build depends on all of the dependencies
502         (meaning the transitive closure of the direct dependency
503         relation) in their .UO form, not just .UI *)
504      val get_direct_dependencies =
505          get_direct_dependencies {incinfo = incinfo, DEPDIR = DEPDIR,
506                                   output_functions = outputfns,
507                                   extra_targets = extra_targets}
508      fun collect_all_dependencies sofar tovisit =
509          case tovisit of
510            [] => sofar
511          | (f::fs) => let
512              val deps =
513                  if Path.dir (string_part f) <> "" then []
514                  else
515                    case f of
516                      UI x => (get_direct_dependencies f @
517                               get_direct_dependencies (UO x))
518                    | _ => get_direct_dependencies f
519              val newdeps = set_diff deps sofar
520            in
521              collect_all_dependencies (sofar @ newdeps)
522                                       (set_union newdeps fs)
523            end
524      val tcdeps = collect_all_dependencies [] [f]
525      val uo_deps =
526          List.mapPartial (fn (UI x) => SOME (UO x) | _ => NONE) tcdeps
527      val alldeps = set_union (set_union tcdeps uo_deps)
528                              (set_union file_dependencies extra_impl_deps)
529    in
530      case f of
531        SML x => let
532          (* there may be theory files mentioned in the Theory.sml file that
533             aren't mentioned in the script file.  If so, we are really
534             dependent on these, and should add them.  They will be listed
535             in the dependencies for UO (Theory x). *)
536          val additional_theories =
537              if exists_readable (fromFile f) then
538                List.mapPartial
539                  (fn (x as (UO (Theory s))) => SOME x | _ => NONE)
540                  (get_implicit_dependencies incinfo (UO x))
541              else []
542        in
543          set_union alldeps additional_theories
544        end
545      | _ => alldeps
546    end
547  else
548    file_dependencies
551fun get_explicit_dependencies (f : File) : File list =
552    case (extra_deps (fromFile f)) of
553      SOME deps => map toFile deps
554    | NONE => []
556(** Build graph *)
559fun do_a_build_command incinfo target pdep secondaries =
560  case (extra_commands (fromFile target)) of
561    SOME (cs as _ :: _) =>
562      Process.isSuccess (run_extra_commands (fromFile target) cs secondaries)
563  | _ (* i.e., NONE or SOME [] *) => let
564      val build_command = build_command incinfo
565    in
566      case target of
567         UO c           => build_command (Compile secondaries) pdep
568       | UI c           => build_command (Compile secondaries) pdep
569       | SML (Theory s) => build_command (BuildScript (s, secondaries)) pdep
570       | SIG (Theory s) => build_command (BuildScript (s, secondaries)) pdep
571       | ART (RawArticle s) => build_command (BuildArticle(s, secondaries)) pdep
572       | ART (ProcessedArticle s) => build_command (ProcessArticle s) pdep
573       | x => raise Fail "Can't happen"
574                    (* can't happen because do_a_build_command is only
575                       called on targets that have primary_dependents,
576                       and those are those targets of the shapes already
577                       matched in the previous cases *)
578    end
581exception CircularDependency
582exception BuildFailure
583exception NotFound
585fun no_full_extra_rule tgt =
586    case extra_commands (fromFile tgt) of
587      NONE => true
588    | SOME cl => null cl
590val done_some_work = ref false
591open HM_DepGraph
593fun is_script s =
594  case toFile s of
595      SML (Script _) => true
596    | _ => false
598fun de_script s =
599  case toFile s of
600      SML (Script s) => SOME s
601    | _ => NONE
603fun build_depgraph cdset incinfo target g0 : (t * node) = let
604  val pdep = primary_dependent target
605  val target_s = fromFile target
606  fun addF f n = (n,fromFile f)
607  fun nstatus g n = peeknode g n |> valOf |> #status
608  fun build tgt' g =
609    build_depgraph (Binaryset.add(cdset, target_s)) incinfo tgt' g
610  val _ = not (Binaryset.member(cdset, target_s)) orelse
611          die (target_s ^ " seems to depend on itself - failing")
613  case target_node g0 target_s of
614      (x as SOME n) => (g0, n)
615    | NONE =>
616      if Path.dir (string_part target) <> "" andalso
617         Path.dir (string_part target) <> "." andalso
618         no_full_extra_rule target
619         (* path outside of current directory *)
620      then
621        add_node {target = target_s, seqnum = 0, phony = false,
622                  status = if exists_readable target_s then Succeeded
623                           else Failed,
624                  dir = hmdir.curdir(),
625                  command = NoCmd, dependencies = []} g0
626      else if isSome pdep andalso no_full_extra_rule target then
627        let
628          val pdep = valOf pdep
629          val (g1, pnode) = build pdep g0
630          val secondaries = set_union (get_implicit_dependencies incinfo target)
631                                      (get_explicit_dependencies target)
632          fun foldthis (d, (g, secnodes)) =
633            let
634              val (g', n) = build d g
635            in
636              (g', addF d n::secnodes)
637            end
638          val (g2, depnodes : (HM_DepGraph.node * string) list) =
639              List.foldl foldthis (g1, [addF pdep pnode]) secondaries
640          val unbuilt_deps =
641              List.filter (fn (n,_) => let val stat = nstatus g2 n
642                                       in
643                                         stat = Pending orelse stat = Failed
644                                       end)
645                          depnodes
646          val needs_building =
647              not (null unbuilt_deps) orelse
648              List.exists (fn d => d forces_update_of target_s)
649                          (fromFile pdep :: map fromFile secondaries)
650          val bic = case toFile target_s of
651                        SML (Theory s) => BIC_BuildScript s
652                      | SIG (Theory s) => BIC_BuildScript s
653                      | DAT s => BIC_BuildScript s
654                      | _ => BIC_Compile
655        in
656            add_node {target = target_s, seqnum = 0, phony = false,
657                      status = if needs_building then Pending else Succeeded,
658                      command = BuiltInCmd bic, dir = hmdir.curdir(),
659                      dependencies = depnodes } g2
660        end
661      else
662        case extra_rule_for target_s of
663            NONE =>
664              add_node {target = target_s, seqnum = 0, phony = false,
665                        status = if exists_readable target_s then Succeeded
666                                 else Failed,
667                        command = NoCmd, dir = hmdir.curdir(),
668                        dependencies = []} g0
669          | SOME {dependencies, commands, ...} =>
670            let
671              fun foldthis (d, (g, secnodes)) =
672                let
673                  val (g, n) = build d g
674                in
675                  (g, addF d n::secnodes)
676                end
677              fun depfoldthis (s, (starp, deps)) =
678                if s <> "" andalso String.sub(s,0) = #"*" andalso
679                   is_script s
680                   (* is_script returns true for, e.g., *boolScript.sml *)
681                then
682                  if isSome starp then
683                    die ("Multiple starred script dependencies for "^target_s)
684                  else
685                    let
686                      val s = String.extract(s,1,NONE)
687                    in
688                      (SOME s, s :: deps)
689                    end
690                else (starp, s::deps)
691              val (starred_dep, dependencies) =
692                  if null commands then
693                    List.foldr depfoldthis (NONE, []) dependencies
694                  else (NONE, dependencies)
696              val more_deps =
697                  case starred_dep of
698                      NONE => []
699                    | SOME s =>
700                        get_implicit_dependencies
701                          incinfo
702                          (SML(Theory (valOf (de_script s))))
703                          handle Option => die "more_deps invariant failure"
705              val (g1, depnodes) =
706                  List.foldl foldthis (g0, [])
707                             (more_deps @ map toFile dependencies)
709              val unbuilt_deps =
710                  List.filter (fn (n,_) => let val stat = nstatus g1 n
711                                           in
712                                             stat = Pending orelse stat = Failed
713                                           end)
714                              depnodes
715              val is_phony = isPHONY target_s
716              val needs_building_by_deps_existence =
717                  (not (OS.FileSys.access(target_s, [])) orelse
718                   not (null unbuilt_deps) orelse
719                   List.exists (fn d => d forces_update_of target_s)
720                               dependencies orelse
721                   is_phony)
722              val needs_building =
723                  needs_building_by_deps_existence andalso
724                  not (null commands)
725              val status = if needs_building then Pending else Succeeded
726              fun foldthis (c, (depnode, seqnum, g)) =
727                let
728                  val (g',n) = add_node {target = target_s, seqnum = seqnum,
729                                         status = status, phony = is_phony,
730                                         command = SomeCmd c,
731                                         dir = hmdir.curdir(),
732                                         dependencies = depnode @ depnodes } g
733                in
734                  (* The "" is necessary to make multi-command, multi-target
735                     rules work: when subsequent nodes (seqnum > 0) are added
736                     to the graph targetting a target other than the first,
737                     it is important that this new node merges with the
738                     corresponding seqnum>0 node generated from the first
739                     target *)
740                  ([(n,"")], seqnum + 1, g')
741                end
742            in
743              if needs_building then
744                let
745                  val (lastnodelist, _, g) =
746                      List.foldl foldthis ([], 0, g1) commands
747                in
748                  (g, #1 (hd lastnodelist))
749                end
750              else
751                case starred_dep of
752                    NONE =>
753                    add_node {target = target_s, seqnum = 0, phony = is_phony,
754                              status = status, command = NoCmd,
755                              dir = hmdir.curdir(), dependencies = depnodes} g1
756                  | SOME scr =>
757                    (case toFile scr of
758                         SML (Script s) =>
759                         let
760                           val updstatus =
761                               if needs_building_by_deps_existence then Pending
762                               else Succeeded
763                         in
764                           add_node {target = target_s, seqnum = 0,
765                                     phony = false, status = updstatus,
766                                     command = BuiltInCmd (BIC_BuildScript s),
767                                     dir = hmdir.curdir(),
768                                     dependencies = depnodes} g1
769                         end
770                       | _ => die "Invariant failure in build_depgraph")
771            end
775val allincludes =
776    cline_additional_includes @ hmake_includes
778fun add_sigobj {includes,preincludes} =
779    {includes = std_include_flags @ includes,
780     preincludes = preincludes}
782fun null_ii {includes,preincludes} = null includes andalso null preincludes
784val extended_dirinfo =
785    let
786      fun mkd s = hmdir.extendp{base = dir, extension = s}
787      val mkS =
788          List.foldl (fn (s, acc) => Binaryset.add(acc, mkd s)) empty_dirset
789    in
790      {
791        visited = #visited dirinfo,
792        incdirmap =
793          extend_idmap
794            dir
795            {incs= mkS allincludes, pres= mkS hmake_preincludes}
796            (#incdirmap dirinfo)
797      }
798    end
800val recurse_into_dirs = allincludes @ hmake_preincludes
802fun hm_recur ctgt k : holmake_result = let
803  val nobuild = toplevel_no_prereqs orelse no_prereqs
804  fun hm dir dirinfo targets =
805      Holmake nobuild dir dirinfo [] targets
806  val warn = if nobuild then (fn _ => ()) else warn
808  maybe_recurse
809      {warn = warn,
810       diag = diag,
811       hm = hm,
812       dirinfo = extended_dirinfo,
813       dir = dir,
814       local_build = k,
815       cleantgt = ctgt}
816      recurse_into_dirs
819fun create_graph tgts ii =
820  let
821    open HM_DepGraph
822    val empty_tgts = Binaryset.empty String.compare
823    val _ = diag(fn _ => "Building dep. graph with targets: " ^
824                         String.concatWith " " tgts)
825    val g =
826        List.foldl
827          (fn (t, g) => #1 (build_depgraph empty_tgts ii t g))
828          empty
829          (map toFile tgts)
830  in
831    diag (fn _ => "Finished building dep graph (has " ^
832                  Int.toString (size g) ^ " nodes)");
833    g
834  end
836fun clean_deps() =
837  ( Holmake_tools.clean_depdir {depdirname = DEPDIR}
838  ; Holmake_tools.clean_depdir {depdirname = LOGDIR} )
840fun do_clean_target x = let
841  fun clean_action () =
842      (Holmake_tools.clean_dir {extra_cleans = extra_cleans}; true)
844  case x of
845      "clean" => ((info "Cleaning directory of object files\n";
846                   clean_action();
847                   true) handle _ => false)
848    | "cleanDeps" => clean_deps()
849    | "cleanAll" => clean_action() andalso clean_deps()
850    | _ => die ("Bad clean target " ^ x)
853fun basecont tgts ii =
854  if List.exists (fn x => member x ["clean", "cleanDeps", "cleanAll"]) tgts then
855    (app (ignore o do_clean_target) tgts; true)
856  else
857    let
858      open HM_DepGraph
859      val _ = if null_ii ii andalso hmdir.compare(dir,original_dir) = EQUAL then
860                ()
861              else warn (bold ("Working in " ^ hmdir.pretty_dir dir))
862      val ii = add_sigobj ii
863      val g = create_graph tgts ii
864      val _ = diag (fn _ => "Building from graph")
865      val res = build_graph ii g
866      val buildok = OS.Process.isSuccess res
867      val _ = diag (fn _ => "Built from graph with result " ^
868                            (if buildok then "OK" else "FAILED"))
869    in
870      finish_logging buildok
871    end
873fun no_action_cont tgts ii =
874  let
875    open HM_DepGraph
876    val ii = add_sigobj ii
877    val g = create_graph tgts ii
878    fun pr s = s
879    fun str (n,ni) =
880      "{" ^ node_toString n ^ "}: " ^ nodeInfo_toString pr ni ^ "\n"
881  in
882    List.app (print o str) (listNodes g);
883    true
884  end
886val stdcont = if no_action then no_action_cont else basecont
888val _ = not always_rebuild_deps orelse clean_deps()
891  if nobuild then hm_recur NONE (fn _ => true)
892  else
893    case targets of
894      [] => let
895        val targets = generate_all_plausible_targets warn first_target
896        val targets = map fromFile targets
897        val _ =
898            let
899              val tgtstrings =
900                  map
901                    (fn s => if OS.FileSys.access(s, []) then s else s ^ "(*)")
902                    targets
903            in
904              diag(fn _ => "Generated targets are: [" ^
905                           String.concatWith ", " tgtstrings ^ "]")
906            end
907      in
908        hm_recur NONE (stdcont targets)
909      end
910    | xs => let
911        val cleanTarget_opt =
912            List.find (fn x => member x ["clean", "cleanDeps", "cleanAll"]) xs
913        fun canon i = hmdir.extendp {base = dir, extension = i}
914      in
915        if isSome cleanTarget_opt andalso not cline_recursive then
916          (List.app (ignore o do_clean_target) xs;
917           finish_logging true;
918           SOME dirinfo)
919        else
920            hm_recur cleanTarget_opt (stdcont xs)
921      end
922end (* fun Holmake *)
926  if show_usage then
927    print (GetOpt.usageInfo {
928              header = "Usage:\n  " ^ CommandLine.name() ^ " [targets]\n\n\
929                       \Special targets are: clean, cleanDeps and cleanAll\n\n\
930                       \Extra options:",
931              options = HM_Cline.option_descriptions
932          })
933  else let
934      open Process
935      val result =
936          Holmake false (* yes, build something *)
937                  (hmdir.curdir())
938                  {visited = Binaryset.empty hmdir.compare,
939                   incdirmap = empty_incdirmap}
940            cline_additional_includes
941            targets
942          handle Fail s => die ("Fail exception: "^s^"\n")
943    in
944      if isSome result then exit success
945      else exit failure
946    end
948end (* main *)
950end (* struct *)
952(** Local variable rubbish *)
953(* local variables: *)
954(* mode: sml *)
955(* outline-regexp: " *(\\*\\*+" *)
956(* end: *)