1structure Induction :> Induction =
4open HolKernel boolLib Rules wfrecUtils;
6type thry = TypeBasePure.typeBase
8val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "Induction";
10fun induct_info db s =
11 Option.map (fn facts => {nchotomy = TypeBasePure.nchotomy_of facts,
12                          constructors = TypeBasePure.constructors_of facts})
13           (TypeBasePure.prim_get db s);
16(*                                                                           *)
17(*           [x_1,...,x_n]     ?v_1...v_n. M[v_1,...,v_n]                    *)
18(*     -----------------------------------------------------------           *)
19(*     ( M[x_1,...,x_n], [(x_i,?v_1...v_n. M[v_1,...,v_n]),                  *)
20(*                        ...                                                *)
21(*                        (x_j,?v_n. M[x_1,...,x_(n-1),v_n])] )              *)
22(*                                                                           *)
23(* This function is totally ad hoc. It's used in the production of the       *)
24(* induction theorem. The nchotomy theorem can have clauses that look like   *)
25(*                                                                           *)
26(*     ?v1..vn. z = C vn..v1                                                 *)
27(*                                                                           *)
28(* in which the order of quantification is not the order of occurrence of the*)
29(* quantified variables as arguments to C. Since we have no control over this*)
30(* aspect of the nchotomy theorem, we make the correspondence explicit by    *)
31(* pairing the incoming new variable with the term it gets beta-reduced into.*)
32(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
34(* fun assoc1 x = Lib.total(snd o Lib.first (aconv x o fst));  *)
36local fun assoc1 eq item =
37        let val eek = eq item
38            fun assc [] = NONE
39              | assc ((entry as (key,_))::rst) =
40                  if eek key then SOME entry else assc rst
41        in assc
42        end
43      fun foo NONE = raise ERR "alpha_ex_unroll" "no correspondence"
44        | foo (SOME(_,v)) = v
46fun alpha_ex_unroll xlist tm =
47  let open boolSyntax
48      val (qvars,body) = strip_exists tm
49      val vlist = #2(strip_comb (rhs body))
50      val plist = zip vlist xlist
51      val args = map (C (assoc1 aconv) plist) qvars
52      val args' = map foo args
53      fun build ex [] = []
54        | build ex (v::rst) =
55           let val ex1 = beta_conv(mk_comb(rand ex, v))
56           in ex1::build ex1 rst
57           end
58  in
59    case rev (tm::build tm args')
60     of nex::exl => (nex, zip args' (rev exl))
61      | []       => raise ERR "alpha_ex_unroll" "empty"
62  end
67(*                                                                           *)
68(*             PROVING COMPLETENESS OF PATTERNS                              *)
69(*                                                                           *)
72fun ipartition gv (constructors,rows) =
73let fun pfail s = raise ERR"ipartition.part" s
74    fun part {constrs = [],   rows = [],   A} = rev A
75      | part {constrs = [],   rows = _::_, A} = pfail"extra cases in defn"
76      | part {constrs = _::_, rows = [],   A} = pfail"cases missing in defn"
77      | part {constrs = c::crst, rows,     A} =
78         let val {Name,Thy,Ty} = dest_thy_const c
79             val (L,_) = strip_fun_type Ty
80             fun func (row as (p::rst, rhs)) (in_group,not_in_group) =
81                       let val (pc,args) = strip_comb p
82                           val {Name=nm,Thy=thyn,...} = dest_thy_const pc
83                       in if (nm,thyn) = (Name,Thy)
84                            then ((args@rst, rhs)::in_group, not_in_group)
85                            else (in_group, row::not_in_group)
86                       end
87               | func _ _ = pfail "func" ""
88             val (in_group, not_in_group) = itlist func rows ([],[])
89             val col_types = #1(wfrecUtils.gtake type_of
90                                  (length L, #1(Lib.trye hd in_group)))
91         in
92         part{constrs = crst,
93              rows = not_in_group,
94              A = {constructor = c,
95                   new_formals = map gv col_types,
96                   group = in_group}::A}
97         end
99    part {constrs=constructors, rows=rows, A=[]}
103(* Partition rows where the first pattern is a literal (possibly a variable) *)
104(* We'll just use regular term equality to make the partition.               *)
107fun lpartition (lits,rows) =
108let fun lfail s = raise ERR"lpartition.part" s
109    fun lit_eq l1 l2 = if Literal.is_literal l1 then l1=l2 else
110                       (is_var l1 andalso is_var l2)
111    fun pfun lit (row as (p::rst, rhs)) (in_group,not_in_group) =
112        if lit_eq lit p then ((rst,rhs)::in_group, not_in_group)
113                       else (in_group, row::not_in_group)
114      | pfun _ _ _ = lfail "pfun" ""
115    fun part [] [] A = rev A
116      | part [] (_::_) A = lfail"extra cases in defn"
117      | part (_::_) [] A = lfail"cases missing in defn"
118      | part (lit::rst) rows A =
119          let val (in_group, not_in_group) = itlist (pfun lit) rows ([],[])
120          in  part rst not_in_group ((lit,in_group)::A)
121          end
122 in
123     part lits rows []
124 end;
126fun rm x [] = [] | rm x (h::t) = if x=h then rm x t else h::rm x t;
128fun distinct [] = []
129  | distinct (h::t) = h::distinct(rm h t);
132(* Need to handle fact that 0 is both a literal and a constructor            *)
135type divide_ty
136 = term list
137    * (term list * (thm * (term, term) subst)) list
138   -> {constructor : term,
139       group       : (term list * (thm * (term, term) subst)) list,
140       new_formals : term list} list;
142fun bring_to_front_list n l = let
143   val (l0, l1) = Lib.split_after n l
144   val (x, l1') = (hd l1, tl l1)
145  in x :: (l0 @ l1') end
147fun undo_bring_to_front n l = let
148   val (x, l') = (hd l, tl l)
149   val (l0, l1) = Lib.split_after n l'
150 in (l0 @ x::l1) end
153val org_in = {path=[z], rows=rows}
155val in_1 = hd news
156val in_2 = {path=rstp, rows=zip pat_rectangle' rights'}
157val in_3 = hd news
159mk in_2
161val {path=u::rstp, rows as (p::_, _)::_} = in_3
163val {path=u::rstp, rows as (p::_, _)::_} = {path=rstp, rows=zip pat_rectangle' rights'}
164val mk = mk_case ty_info FV thy
165mk in_1
166val in
168hm = mk_case ty_info FV thy {path=[z], rows=rows}
170val arg0 = {path=[z], rows=rows}
171val {path=rstp0, rows = rows0} = el 1 news
175fun mk_case_choose_column i rows =
177  val col_i = map (fn (l, _) => el (i+1) l) rows
179  val col_i_ok =
180    (all is_var col_i) orelse
181    (all (fn p => Literal.is_literal p orelse is_var p) col_i) orelse
182    (all (fn p => not (Literal.is_pure_literal p) andalso not (is_var p)) col_i)
184  if col_i_ok then i else mk_case_choose_column (i+1) rows
185end handle HOL_ERR _ => 0
187val quiet_metis = Feedback.trace ("metis", 0) (metisLib.METIS_PROVE [])
188val quiet_meson = Feedback.trace ("meson", 0) (BasicProvers.PROVE [])
190fun mk_case ty_info FV thy =
191 let open boolSyntax
192 val gv = (wfrecUtils.vary FV)
193 val divide:divide_ty = ipartition gv
194 fun fail s = raise ERR "mk_case" s
195 fun mk{rows=[],...} = fail"no rows"
196   | mk{path=[], rows = [([], (thm, bindings))]} = IT_EXISTS bindings thm
197   | mk{path=rstp0, rows= rows0 as ((_::_, _)::_)} =
198     let val col_index = mk_case_choose_column 0 rows0
199         val rows = map (fn (pL, rhs) => (bring_to_front_list col_index pL, rhs)) rows0
200         val (pat_rectangle,rights) = unzip rows
201         val u_rstp = bring_to_front_list col_index rstp0
202         val (u, rstp) = (hd u_rstp, tl u_rstp)
203         val p = hd (fst (hd rows))
204         val col0 = map (Lib.trye hd) pat_rectangle
205         val pat_rectangle' = map (Lib.trye tl) pat_rectangle
206     in
207     if all is_var col0 (* column 0 is all variables *)
208     then let val rights' = map (fn ((thm,theta),v) => (thm,theta@[u|->v]))
209                                (zip rights col0)
210          in mk{path=rstp, rows=zip pat_rectangle' rights'}
211          end
212     else
213     if exists Literal.is_pure_literal col0  (* col0 matches against literals *)
214     then let val lits = distinct col0
215           val (litpats, varpats) = Lib.partition (not o is_var) lits
216           val liteqs = map (curry mk_eq u) litpats
217           fun neglits v = map (fn lit => mk_neg(mk_eq(v,lit))) litpats
218           val altliteqs = map neglits varpats
219           val vareqs = map (curry mk_eq u) varpats
220           val var_constraints = map2
221              (fn veq => fn nlits => list_mk_conj(veq::nlits)) vareqs altliteqs
222           val eqs = liteqs @ var_constraints
223           fun exquant tm =
224             if is_conj tm
225               then let val x = rhs(fst(dest_conj tm))
226                    in mk_exists(x,tm)
227                    end
228               else tm
229           val disjuncts = map exquant eqs
230           val thm' = quiet_metis (list_mk_disj disjuncts)
231           val subproblems = lpartition(lits,rows)
232           val groups = map snd subproblems
233           val geqs = zip groups eqs
234           fun expnd c (pats,(th,b)) =
235              if is_eq c then (pats, (SUBS[ASSUME c]th, b))
236                 else let val lem = ASSUME c
237                          val veq = CONJUNCT1 lem
238                          val v = rhs(concl veq)
239                          val constraints = CONJUNCT2 lem
240                          val b' = b@[v|->v]
241                      in (pats, (CONJ (SUBS [veq]th) constraints, b'))
242                      end
243           val news = map(fn(grp,c) => {path=rstp,rows=map (expnd c) grp}) geqs
244           val recursive_thms = map mk news
245           fun left_exists tm thm =
246             if is_exists tm
247               then let val (v,_) = dest_exists tm
248                    in CHOOSE (v,ASSUME tm) thm
249                    end
250               else thm
251           val vexl = liteqs @ map2 (curry mk_exists) varpats var_constraints
252           val thms' = map2 left_exists vexl recursive_thms
253           val same_concls = EVEN_ORS thms'
254         in
255           DISJ_CASESL thm' same_concls
256         end
257     else
258     (* column 0 matches against constructors (and perhaps variables) *)
259     let val {Thy, Tyop = ty_name,...} = dest_thy_type (type_of p)
260     in
261     case ty_info (Thy,ty_name)
262      of NONE => fail("Not a known datatype: "^ty_name)
263         (* tyinfo rqt: `constructors' must line up exactly with constrs
264            in disjuncts of `nchotomy'. *)
265       | SOME{constructors,nchotomy} =>
267  val SOME{constructors,nchotomy} = ty_info (Thy,ty_name)
269         let val thm'         = ISPEC u nchotomy
270             val disjuncts    = strip_disj (concl thm')
271             val subproblems  = divide(constructors, rows)
272             val groups       = map #group subproblems
273             and new_formals  = map #new_formals subproblems
274             val existentials = map2 alpha_ex_unroll new_formals disjuncts
275             val constraints  = map #1 existentials
276             val vexl         = map #2 existentials
277             fun expnd tm (pats,(th,b)) = (pats,(SUBS[ASSUME tm]th, b))
278             val news = map (fn (nf,rows,c) => {path = nf@rstp,
279                                                rows = map (expnd c) rows})
280                            (zip3 new_formals groups constraints)
281             val recursive_thms = map mk news
282             val build_exists = itlist(CHOOSE o (I##ASSUME))
283             val thms' = map2 build_exists vexl recursive_thms
284             val same_concls = EVEN_ORS thms'
285         in
286           DISJ_CASESL thm' same_concls
287         end
288     end end
289   | mk _ = fail"blunder"
291 mk
294type row = term list * (thm * (term, term) subst)
296fun complete_cases thy =
297 let val ty_info = induct_info thy
298 in fn pats =>
299     let val FV0 = free_varsl pats
300         val a = variant FV0 (mk_var("a",type_of(Lib.trye hd pats)))
301         val z = variant (a::FV0) (mk_var("z",type_of a))
302         val FV = a::z::FV0
303         val a_eq_z = mk_eq(a,z)
304         val ex_th0 = EXISTS (mk_exists(z,a_eq_z),a) (REFL a)
305         val th0    = ASSUME a_eq_z
306         val rows:row list = map (fn x => ([x], (th0,[]))) pats
308         val cases_thm0 = mk_case ty_info FV thy {path=[z], rows=rows}
310         fun mk_pat_pred p = list_mk_exists (free_vars_lr p, mk_eq(a, p))
311         val cases_tm = list_mk_disj (map mk_pat_pred pats)
312         val imp_thm = quiet_meson (mk_imp (concl cases_thm0, cases_tm))
313         val cases_thm = MP imp_thm cases_thm0
314     in
315       GEN a (RIGHT_ASSOC (CHOOSE(z, ex_th0) cases_thm))
316     end
317 end;
321 * Constructing induction hypotheses: one for each recursive call.           *
322 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
324local nonfix ^ ;   infix 9 ^  ;     infix 5 ==>
325      fun (tm1 ^ tm2)   = mk_comb(tm1, tm2)
326      fun (tm1 ==> tm2) = mk_imp(tm1, tm2)
327      val /\ = list_mk_conj
328      val diff = op_set_diff aconv
330fun build_ih f (P,R,SV) (pat,TCs) =
331 let val pat_vars = free_vars_lr pat
332     val globals = (if is_var R then [R] else [])@pat_vars@SV
333     fun nested tm = can(find_term (aconv f)) tm handle _ => false
334     fun dest_TC tm =
335         let val (cntxt,R_y_pat) = wfrecUtils.strip_imp(#2(strip_forall tm))
336             val (R,y,_) = wfrecUtils.dest_relation R_y_pat
337             val P_y     = if nested tm then R_y_pat ==> P^y else P^y
338             val ihyp    = case cntxt of [] => P_y | _ => /\cntxt ==> P_y
339             val locals  = diff (free_vars_lr ihyp) (P::globals)
340         in
341           (list_mk_forall(locals,ihyp), (tm,locals))
342         end
343 in case TCs
344     of [] => (list_mk_forall(pat_vars, P^pat), [])
345      |  _ => let val (ihs, TCs_locals) = unzip(map dest_TC TCs)
346                  val ind_clause = /\ihs ==> P^pat
347              in
348                 (list_mk_forall(pat_vars,ind_clause), TCs_locals)
349              end
350 end
355 * This function makes good on the promise made in "build_ih: it proves      *
356 * each case of the induction.                                               *
357 *                                                                           *
358 * Input  is tm = "(!y. R y pat ==> P y) ==> P pat",                         *
359 *          TCs = TC_1[pat] ... TC_n[pat]                                    *
360 *          thm = ih1 /\ ... /\ ih_n ==> ih[pat]                             *
361 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
363fun prove_case f thy (tm,TCs_locals,thm) =
364 let val antc = fst(dest_imp tm)
365     val thm' = SPEC_ALL thm
366     fun nested tm = can(find_term (aconv f)) tm handle HOL_ERR _ => false
367     fun get_cntxt TC = fst(dest_imp(#2(strip_forall(concl TC))))
368     fun mk_ih ((TC,locals),th2,nested) =
369         GENL locals
370            (if nested
371              then DISCH (get_cntxt TC) th2 handle HOL_ERR _ => th2
372               else if is_imp(concl TC)
373                     then IMP_TRANS TC th2
374                      else MP th2 TC)
375 in
376 DISCH antc
377   (if is_imp(concl thm') (* recursive calls in this clause *)
378    then let val th1     = ASSUME antc
379             val TCs     = map #1 TCs_locals
380             val ylist   = map (#2 o dest_relation o #2 o
381                                wfrecUtils.strip_imp o #2 o strip_forall) TCs
382             val TClist  = map (fn(TC,lvs) => (SPECL (fst (strip_forall TC)) (ASSUME TC),lvs))
383                                TCs_locals
384             val th2list = map (C SPEC th1) ylist
385             val nlist   = map nested TCs
386             val triples = zip3 TClist th2list nlist
387             val Pylist  = map mk_ih triples
388         in
389            MP thm' (LIST_CONJ Pylist)
390         end
391    else thm')
392 end;
395fun detuple newvar =
396  let fun detup M =
397     if pairLib.is_pair M
398     then let val (M1,M2) = pairSyntax.dest_pair M
399              val ((M1',vars1), (M2',vars2)) = (detup M1, detup M2)
400          in (pairLib.mk_pair(M1',M2'), vars1@vars2)
401          end
402     else let val v = newvar (type_of M) in (v,[v]) end
403 in detup
404 end;
407(* For monitoring how much time and inferences building the induction        *)
408(* theorem takes.                                                            *)
411val monitoring = ref 0;
413val _ = Feedback.register_trace("tfl_ind",monitoring,1);
416 * Input : f, R, SV, and  [(pat1,TCs1),..., (patn,TCsn)]                     *
417 *                                                                           *
418 * Instantiates WF_INDUCTION_THM, getting Sinduct and then tries to prove    *
419 * recursion induction (Rinduct) by proving the antecedent of Sinduct from   *
420 * the antecedent of Rinduct.                                                *
421 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
424fun mk_induction thy {fconst, R, SV, pat_TCs_list} =
425let fun f() =
426let val Sinduction = UNDISCH (ISPEC R relationTheory.WF_INDUCTION_THM)
427    val (pats,TCsl) = unzip pat_TCs_list
428    val case_thm = complete_cases thy pats
429    val domn = (type_of o (Lib.trye hd)) pats
430    val P = variant (all_varsl (pats@flatten TCsl)) (mk_var("P",domn-->bool))
431    val Sinduct = SPEC P Sinduction
432    val Sinduct_assumf = rand ((fst o dest_imp o concl) Sinduct)
433    val Rassums_TCl' = map (build_ih fconst (P,R,SV)) pat_TCs_list
434    val (Rassums,TCl') = unzip Rassums_TCl'
435    val Rinduct_assum = ASSUME (list_mk_conj Rassums)
436    val cases = map (beta_conv o curry mk_comb Sinduct_assumf) pats
437    val tasks = zip3 cases TCl' (CONJUNCTS Rinduct_assum)
438    val proved_cases = map (prove_case fconst thy) tasks
439    val v = variant (free_varsl (map concl proved_cases)) (mk_var("v",domn))
440    val substs = map (SYM o ASSUME o curry mk_eq v) pats
441    val proved_cases1 = map2 (fn th => SUBS[th]) substs proved_cases
442    val abs_cases = map Rules.LEFT_ABS_VSTRUCT proved_cases1
443    val dant = GEN v (DISJ_CASESL (ISPEC v case_thm) abs_cases)
444    val dc = MP Sinduct dant
445    val (vstruct,vars) = detuple (wfrecUtils.vary[P]) (hd pats)
446    val dc' = itlist GEN vars (SPEC vstruct dc)
448   GEN P (DISCH (concl Rinduct_assum) dc')
450handle e => raise wrap_exn "Induction" "mk_induction" e
452  if !monitoring > 0 then Count.apply f () else f()
458(* A clause of the case_thm can have one of the following forms:             *)
459(*                                                                           *)
460(*    ?vlist. (var = tm)                                                     *)
461(*    ?vlist. (var = tm) /\ constraints  (* literal pattern *)               *)
462(*                                                                           *)
463(* We want to match tm against pat, to get theta, which will be applied to   *)
464(* the clause. The reason for this is that "proved_cases" needs to align     *)
465(* with the clauses in case_thm. In case it doesn't, match_clauses is called *)
466(* to restore alignment.                                                     *)
469fun var_pure theta = Lib.all (fn {redex,residue} => is_var residue) theta;
471fun match_clause pat clause =
472 let open boolSyntax
473     val (V,tm) = strip_exists clause
474 in case strip_conj tm
475     of [] => raise ERR "match_clause" "unexpected structure in case_thm"
476      | xeq::constraints =>
477        let val (x,target) = dest_eq xeq
478        in case Term.match_term target pat
479            of ([],[]) => clause
480             | (theta,[]) =>
481                 if var_pure theta
482                 then list_mk_exists(map (subst theta) V, subst theta tm)
483                 else raise ERR "match_clause" "no match"
484            | (theta,tytheta) => raise ERR "match_clause" "inequal types"
485        end
486 end;
488fun match_clauses pats case_thm =
489 let val clauses = strip_disj (concl case_thm)
490     fun match [] [] = []
491       | match (p1::rst) (clauses as (_::_)) =
492           let open Lib
493               val (cl,clauses') = trypluck (match_clause p1) clauses
494           in cl::match rst clauses'
495           end
496       | match other wise = raise ERR "match_clauses" "different lengths"
497 in
500               (mk_eq(concl case_thm,
501                      list_mk_disj (match pats clauses)))))
502       case_thm
503 end
504 handle e => raise wrap_exn "Induction" "match_clauses" e;
507(* Input : f, R, SV, and  [(pat1,TCs1),..., (patn,TCsn)]                     *)
508(*                                                                           *)
509(* Instantiates WF_INDUCTION_THM, getting Sinduct and then tries to prove    *)
510(* recursion induction (Rinduct) by proving the antecedent of Sinduct from   *)
511(* the antecedent of Rinduct.                                                *)
515val {fconst, R, SV, pat_TCs_list} = {fconst=f, R=R, SV=SV, pat_TCs_list=full_pats_TCs}
516val thy = facts
517 *)
519fun mk_induction thy {fconst, R, SV, pat_TCs_list} =
520let fun f() =
521let val Sinduction = UNDISCH (ISPEC R relationTheory.WF_INDUCTION_THM)
522    val (pats,TCsl) = unzip pat_TCs_list
523    val case_thm = complete_cases thy pats
524    val domn = (type_of o (Lib.trye hd)) pats
525    val P = variant (all_varsl (pats@flatten TCsl)) (mk_var("P",domn-->bool))
526    val Sinduct = SPEC P Sinduction
527    val Sinduct_assumf = rand ((fst o dest_imp o concl) Sinduct)
528    val Rassums_TCl' = map (build_ih fconst (P,R,SV)) pat_TCs_list
529    val (Rassums,TCl') = unzip Rassums_TCl'
530    val Rinduct_assum = ASSUME (list_mk_conj Rassums)
531    val cases = map (beta_conv o curry mk_comb Sinduct_assumf) pats
532    val tasks = zip3 cases TCl' (CONJUNCTS Rinduct_assum)
533    val proved_cases = map (prove_case fconst thy) tasks
534    val v = variant (free_varsl (map concl proved_cases)) (mk_var("v",domn))
535    val case_thm' = ISPEC v case_thm
536    val case_thm'' = match_clauses pats case_thm' (* align case_thm' with pats *)
537    fun mk_subst tm =
538        if is_eq tm then SYM (ASSUME tm)
539        else SYM (hd (CONJUNCTS (ASSUME (snd(strip_exists tm)))))
540    val substs = map mk_subst (strip_disj (concl case_thm''))
541    (* Now elim pats in favour of variables *)
542    val proved_cases1 = map (PURE_REWRITE_RULE substs) proved_cases
543    val abs_cases = map LEFT_EXISTS proved_cases1
544    val dant = GEN v (DISJ_CASESL case_thm'' abs_cases)
545    val dc = MP Sinduct dant
546    val (vstruct,vars) = detuple (wfrecUtils.vary[P]) (hd pats)
547    val dc' = itlist GEN vars (SPEC vstruct dc)
549   GEN P (DISCH (concl Rinduct_assum) dc')
551handle e => raise wrap_exn "Induction" "mk_induction" e
553  if !monitoring > 0 then Count.apply f () else f()
557(*         Recursion induction tactic. Taken from tflLib.                    *)
558(*                                                                           *)
559(* Given a goal `!v1 ... vn. M`, and an induction theorem of the form        *)
560(* returned by TFL, i.e.,                                                    *)
561(*                                                                           *)
562(*   !P. clause_1 /\ ... /\ clause_n                                         *)
563(*          ==>                                                              *)
564(*        !u1 ... uk. P vstr_1 ... vstr_j                                    *)
565(*                                                                           *)
566(* we use v1 ... vk to rename the varstructs vstr_1 ... vstr_j to variables  *)
567(* in the goal. Thus the binding prefix of the goal is used to make the      *)
568(* predicate with which P is instantiated.                                   *)
571fun rename_tuple tm [] = (tm,[])
572  | rename_tuple tm (vlist as (h::t)) =
573     let open pairSyntax
574     in if is_var tm then (h,t)
575        else let val (p1,p2) = dest_pair tm
576                 val (p1',vlist') = rename_tuple p1 vlist
577                 val (p2',vlist'') = rename_tuple p2 vlist'
578             in (mk_pair (p1',p2'), vlist'')
579            end
580     end;
582fun rename_tuples [] vlist = ([],vlist)
583  | rename_tuples (tmlist as (h::t)) vlist =
584    let val (tuple,vlist') = rename_tuple h vlist
585        val (tuples,vlist'') = rename_tuples t vlist'
586    in (tuple::tuples, vlist'')
587    end
588    handle e => raise wrap_exn "Induction" "rename_tuples" e;
590fun ndest_forall n trm =
591  let fun dest (0,tm,V) = (rev V,tm)
592        | dest (n,tm,V) =
593           let val (Bvar,Body) = dest_forall tm
594                  handle _ => raise ERR "ndest_forall"
595                  "too few quantified variables in goal"
596           in dest(n-1,Body, Bvar::V)
597           end
598  in dest(n,trm,[])
599  end;
601fun recInduct thm =
602  let open pairLib
603      val (prop,Body) = dest_forall(concl thm)
604      val c = snd (strip_imp Body)
605      val Pargs = snd(strip_comb(snd(strip_forall c)))
606      val n = (length o #1 o strip_forall o #2 o strip_imp) Body
607      fun tac (asl,w) =
608       let val (V,body) = ndest_forall n w
609           val (vstrl,extras) = rename_tuples Pargs V
610           val _ = if not (null extras)
611                     then raise ERR "recInduct" "internal error" else ()
612           val P = list_mk_pabs(vstrl,body)
613           val thm' = GEN_BETA_RULE (ISPEC P thm)
614       in MATCH_MP_TAC thm' (asl,w)
615       end
616  in tac
617  end
618  handle e => raise wrap_exn "Induction" "recInduct" e;
621fun mk_vstrl [] V A = rev A
622  | mk_vstrl (ty::rst) V A =
623      let val (vstr,V1) = unstrip_pair ty V
624      in mk_vstrl rst V1 (vstr::A)
625      end;
627fun recInduct thm =
628  let val (prop,Body) = dest_forall(concl thm)
629      val parg_tyl = #1(strip_fun (type_of prop))
630      val n = (length o #1 o strip_forall o #2 o strip_imp) Body
631      fun ndest_forall trm =
632          let fun dest (0,tm,V) = (rev V,tm)
633                | dest (n,tm,V) =
634                    let val (Bvar,Body) = dest_forall tm
635                    in dest(n-1,Body, Bvar::V) end
636          in dest(n,trm,[])
637          end
638      fun tac (asl,w) =
639       let val (V,body) = ndest_forall w
640           val P = (list_mk_pabs(mk_vstrl parg_tyl V [],body)
641                    handle HOL_ERR _ => list_mk_abs(V,body))
642           val thm' = GEN_BETA_RULE (ISPEC P thm)
643       in MATCH_MP_TAC thm' (asl,w)
644       end
645  in tac
646  end
647  handle e => raise wrap_exn "Induction" "recInduct" e