1(* ===================================================================== *)
2(* FILE          : Lib.sml                                               *)
3(* DESCRIPTION   : library of useful SML functions.                      *)
4(*                                                                       *)
5(* AUTHOR        : (c) Konrad Slind, University of Calgary               *)
6(* DATE          : August 26, 1991                                       *)
7(* Modified      : September 22, 1997, Ken Larsen                        *)
8(* ===================================================================== *)
10structure Lib :> Lib =
13open Feedback;
15val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "Lib"
17open Portable;
18datatype frag = datatype HOLPP.frag
21 * A version of try that coerces non-HOL_ERR exceptions to be HOL_ERRs.      *
22 * To be used with tacticals and the like that get driven by HOL_ERR         *
23 * exceptions.                                                               *
24 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
27   val default_exn = ERR "trye" "original exn. not a HOL_ERR"
29   fun trye f x =
30      f x handle e as HOL_ERR _ => raise e
31               | Interrupt => raise Interrupt
32               | _ => raise default_exn
36 * For interactive use: "Raise" prints out the exception.                    *
37 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
39fun try f x = f x handle e => Feedback.Raise e
41fun assert P x = assert_exn P x (ERR "assert" "predicate not true")
44 *        Common list operations                                             *
45 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
47(* turning lists into tuples *)
49fun singleton_of_list [x] = x
50  | singleton_of_list _ = raise ERR "singleton_of_list" "not a list of length 1"
52fun pair_of_list [x, y] = (x, y)
53  | pair_of_list _ = raise ERR "pair_of_list" "not a list of length 2"
55fun triple_of_list [x, y, z] = (x, y, z)
56  | triple_of_list _ = raise ERR "triple_of_list" "not a list of length 3"
58fun quadruple_of_list [x1, x2, x3, x4] = (x1, x2, x3, x4)
59  | quadruple_of_list _ = raise ERR "quadruple_of_list" "not a list of length 4"
61fun tryfind f =
62   let
63      fun F [] = raise ERR "tryfind" "all applications failed"
64        | F (h :: t) = f h handle Interrupt => raise Interrupt | _ => F t
65   in
66      F
67   end
69(* Counting starts from 1 *)
71fun el n l =
72   if n < 1
73      then raise ERR "el" "index too small"
74   else let
75           fun elem (_, []) = raise ERR "el" "index too large"
76             | elem (1, h :: _) = h
77             | elem (n, _ :: rst) = elem (n - 1, rst)
78        in
79           elem (n, l)
80        end
82fun index P l =
83   let
84      fun idx (i, []) = raise ERR "index" "no such element"
85        | idx (i, y :: l) = if P y then i else idx (i + 1, l)
86   in
87      idx (0, l)
88   end
90fun map2 f L1 L2 =
91   let
92      fun mp2 [] [] L = rev L
93        | mp2 (a1 :: rst1) (a2 :: rst2) L = mp2 rst1 rst2 (f a1 a2 :: L)
94        | mp2 _ _ _ = raise ERR "map2" "different length lists"
95   in
96      mp2 L1 L2 []
97   end
99fun all2 P =
100   let
101      fun every2 [] [] = true
102        | every2 (a1 :: rst1) (a2 :: rst2) = P a1 a2 andalso every2 rst1 rst2
103        | every2  _ _ = raise ERR "all2" "different length lists"
104   in
105      every2
106   end
108fun first P =
109   let
110      fun oneth (a :: rst) = if P a then a else oneth rst
111        | oneth [] = raise ERR "first" "unsatisfied predicate"
112   in
113      oneth
114   end
116fun split_after n alist =
117   if n >= 0
118      then let
119              fun spa 0 (L, R) = (rev L, R)
120                | spa n (L, a :: rst) = spa (n - 1) (a :: L, rst)
121                | spa _ _ = raise ERR "split_after" "index too big"
122           in
123              spa n ([], alist)
124           end
125   else raise ERR "split_after" "negative index"
127fun itlist2 f L1 L2 base_value =
128   let
129      fun itl ([], []) = base_value
130        | itl (a :: rst1, b :: rst2) = f a b (itl (rst1, rst2))
131        | itl _ = raise ERR "itlist2" "lists of different length"
132   in
133      itl (L1, L2)
134   end
136fun rev_itlist2 f L1 L2 =
137  let
138     fun rev_it2 ([], []) base = base
139       | rev_it2 (a :: rst1, b :: rst2) base = rev_it2 (rst1, rst2) (f a b base)
140       | rev_it2 _ _ = raise ERR"rev_itlist2" "lists of different length"
141  in
142     rev_it2 (L1, L2)
143  end
145fun end_itlist f =
146   let
147      fun endit [] = raise ERR "end_itlist" "list too short"
148        | endit [x] = x
149        | endit (h :: t) = f h (endit t)
150   in
151      endit
152   end
154fun get_first f l =
155   case l of
156      [] => NONE
157    | h :: t => (case f h of NONE => get_first f t | some => some)
159fun zip [] [] = []
160  | zip (a :: b) (c :: d) = (a, c) :: zip b d
161  | zip _ _ = raise ERR "zip" "different length lists"
163fun combine (l1, l2) = zip l1 l2
165fun front_last l =
166  let
167     fun fl _ [] = raise ERR "front_last" "empty list"
168       | fl acc [x] = (List.rev acc, x)
169       | fl acc (h :: t) = fl (h :: acc) t
170  in
171     fl [] l
172  end
174fun butlast l =
175   fst (front_last l) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "butlast" "empty list"
177fun last [] = raise ERR "last" "empty list"
178  | last [x] = x
179  | last (_ :: t) = last t
181fun pluck P =
182   let
183      fun pl _ [] = raise ERR "pluck" "predicate not satisfied"
184        | pl A (h :: t) =
185            if P h then (h, List.revAppend (A, t)) else pl (h :: A) t
186   in
187      pl []
188   end
190fun trypluck f =
191   let
192      fun try acc [] = raise ERR "trypluck" "no successful fn. application"
193        | try acc (h :: t) =
194             case total f h of
195                NONE => try (h :: acc) t
196              | SOME v => (v, List.revAppend (acc, t))
197   in
198      try []
199   end
201(* apnth : ('a -> 'a) -> int -> 'a list -> 'a list
202  apply a function to the nth member of a list *)
203fun apnth f 0 (y :: ys) = f y :: ys
204  | apnth f n (y :: ys) = y :: apnth f (n-1) ys
205  | apnth f n [] = raise ERR "apnth" "list too short (or -ve index)"
207fun mapshape [] _ _ =  []
208  | mapshape (n :: nums) (f :: funcs) all_args =
209     let
210        val (fargs, rst) = split_after n all_args
211     in
212        f fargs :: mapshape nums funcs rst
213     end
214  | mapshape _ _ _ = raise ERR "mapshape" "irregular lists"
217 * Assoc lists.                                                              *
218 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
220fun assoc item =
221   let
222      fun assc ((key, ob) :: rst) = if item = key then ob else assc rst
223        | assc [] = raise ERR "assoc" "not found"
224   in
225      assc
226   end
228fun rev_assoc item =
229   let
230      fun assc ((ob, key) :: rst) = if item = key then ob else assc rst
231        | assc [] = raise ERR "assoc" "not found"
232   in
233      assc
234   end
236fun op_assoc eq_func k l =
237  case l of
238      [] => raise ERR "op_assoc" "not found"
239    | (key,ob) :: rst => if eq_func k key then ob else op_assoc eq_func k rst
242(* Topologically sort a list wrt partial order R.                            *)
245fun topsort R =
246   let
247      fun pred_of y x = R x y
248      fun a1 l1 l2 = l1 @ l2
249      fun a2 l1 l2 = foldl (op ::) l2 l1
250      fun deps [] _ acc = acc
251        | deps (h :: t) front (nodeps, rst) =
252            let
253               val pred_of_h = pred_of h
254               val hdep = exists pred_of_h t orelse exists pred_of_h front
255               val acc = if hdep then (nodeps, h :: rst) else (h :: nodeps, rst)
256            in
257               deps t (h :: front) acc
258            end
259      fun loop _ [] = []
260        | loop (a1, a2) l =
261            case (deps l [] ([], [])) of
262              ([], _) => raise ERR "topsort" "cyclic dependency"
263            | (nodeps, rst) => a1 nodeps (loop (a2, a1) rst)
264   in
265      loop (a2, a1)
266   end
268(* for the following two implementations,
269   each node appears before all its dependencies
270   in the returned list *)
272(* O(n*log(n)) time version
273   deps = map from nodes to adjacency lists *)
275fun dict_topsort deps =
276   let
277      open Redblackmap
278      val deps = transform (fn ls => ref (SOME ls)) deps
279      fun visit (n, ls) =
280         let
281            val r = find (deps, n)
282         in
283            case !r of
284               NONE => ls
285             | SOME dl => let
286                             val _ = r := NONE
287                             val ls = List.foldl visit ls dl
288                          in
289                             n :: ls
290                          end
291         end
292      fun v (n, _, ls) = visit (n, ls)
293   in
294      foldl v [] deps
295   end
298 * Strings.                                                                  *
299 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
301val string_to_int =
302   partial (ERR "string_to_int" "not convertable") Int.fromString
304val saying = ref true
306fun say s = if !saying then !Feedback.MESG_outstream s else ()
308fun unprime s =
309   let
310     val n = size s - 1
311   in
312      if 0 <= n andalso String.sub (s, n) = #"'"
313         then String.substring (s, 0, n)
314      else raise ERR "unprime" "string doesn't end with a prime"
315   end
317fun unprefix pfx s =
318   if String.isPrefix pfx s
319      then String.extract (s, size pfx, NONE)
320   else raise ERR "unprefix" "1st argument is not a prefix of 2nd argument"
322fun ppstring pf x = HOLPP.pp_to_string (!Globals.linewidth) pf x
324fun delete_trailing_wspace s =
325  let
326    val toks = String.fields (equal #"\n") s
327    fun do1 i s =
328      if i < 0 then ""
329      else if Char.isSpace (String.sub(s,i)) then do1 (i - 1) s
330      else String.extract(s,0,SOME(i + 1))
331    fun remove_rptd_nls i cnt s =
332      if i < 0 then if cnt > 0 then "\n" else ""
333      else if String.sub(s,i) = #"\n" then
334        remove_rptd_nls (i - 1) (cnt + 1) s
335      else String.extract(s,0,SOME(i + 1 + (if cnt > 0 then 1 else 0)))
336    val s1 = String.concatWith "\n" (map (fn s => do1 (size s - 1) s) toks)
337  in
338    remove_rptd_nls (size s1 - 1) 0 s1
339  end
342 * Timing                                                                    *
343 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
346   val second = Time.fromReal 1.0
347   val minute = Time.fromReal 60.0
348   val year0 = Date.year (Date.fromTimeUniv Time.zeroTime)
349   fun to_str i u = if i = 0 then "" else Int.toString i ^ u
351   fun time_to_string t =
352      if Time.< (t, second)
353         then Time.fmt 5 t ^ "s"
354      else if Time.< (t, minute)
355         then Time.fmt 1 t ^ "s"
356      else let
357              val d = Date.fromTimeUniv t
358              val years = Date.year d - year0
359              val days = Date.yearDay d
360              val hours = Date.hour d
361              val minutes = Date.minute d
362           in
363              if years + days + hours = 0 andalso minutes < 10 then
364                 to_str minutes "m" ^ Date.fmt "%Ss" d
365              else to_str years "y" ^ to_str days "d" ^ to_str hours "h" ^
366                   Date.fmt "%Mm%Ss" d
367           end
370fun start_time () = Timer.startCPUTimer ()
372fun end_time timer =
373   let
374      val {sys, usr} = Timer.checkCPUTimer timer
375      val gc = Timer.checkGCTime timer
376   in
377      say ("runtime: " ^ time_to_string usr ^ ",\
378       \    gctime: " ^ time_to_string gc ^ ", \
379       \    systime: " ^ time_to_string sys ^ ".\n")
380   end
382fun time f x =
383   let
384      val timer = start_time ()
385      val y = f x handle e => (end_time timer; raise e)
386   in
387      end_time timer; y
388   end
390fun start_real_time () = Timer.startRealTimer ()
392fun end_real_time timer =
393  say ("realtime: " ^ Time.toString (Timer.checkRealTimer timer) ^ "s\n")
395fun real_time f x =
396   let
397      val timer = start_real_time ()
398      val y = f x handle e => (end_real_time timer; raise e)
399   in
400      end_real_time timer; y
401   end
403(* set helpers/abbreviations *)
404type 'a set = 'a HOLset.set
405fun op Un p = HOLset.union p
406fun op Isct p = HOLset.intersection p
407fun op -- p = HOLset.difference p
408fun op IN (e,s) = HOLset.member(s,e)
410end (* Lib *)