1open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib;
2open arithmeticTheory
3open logrootTheory
4open listTheory
5open alistTheory
7val _ = new_theory "sptree";
9(* A log-time random-access, extensible array implementation with union.
11   The "array" can be gappy: there doesn't have to be an element at
12   any particular index, and, being a finite thing, there is obviously
13   a maximum index past which there are no elements at all. It is
14   possible to update at an index past the current maximum index. It
15   is also possible to delete values at any index.
17   Should EVAL well. Big drawback is that there doesn't seem to be an
18   efficient way (i.e., O(n)) to do an in index-order traversal of the
19   elements. There is an O(n) fold function that gives you access to
20   all the key-value pairs, but these will come out in an inconvenient
21   order. If you iterate over the keys with an increment, you will get
22   O(n log n) performance.
24   The insert, delete and union operations all preserve a
25   well-formedness condition ("wf") that ensures there is only one
26   possible representation for any given finite-map.
29val _ = Datatype`spt = LN | LS 'a | BN spt spt | BS spt 'a spt`
30(* Leaf-None, Leaf-Some, Branch-None, Branch-Some *)
32val _ = overload_on ("isEmpty", ``\t. t = LN``)
34val wf_def = Define`
35  (wf LN <=> T) /\
36  (wf (LS a) <=> T) /\
37  (wf (BN t1 t2) <=> wf t1 /\ wf t2 /\ ~(isEmpty t1 /\ isEmpty t2)) /\
38  (wf (BS t1 a t2) <=> wf t1 /\ wf t2 /\ ~(isEmpty t1 /\ isEmpty t2))
41fun tzDefine s q = Lib.with_flag (computeLib.auto_import_definitions,false) (tDefine s q)
42val lookup_def = tzDefine "lookup" `
43  (lookup k LN = NONE) /\
44  (lookup k (LS a) = if k = 0 then SOME a else NONE) /\
45  (lookup k (BN t1 t2) =
46     if k = 0 then NONE
47     else lookup ((k - 1) DIV 2) (if EVEN k then t1 else t2)) /\
48  (lookup k (BS t1 a t2) =
49     if k = 0 then SOME a
50     else lookup ((k - 1) DIV 2) (if EVEN k then t1 else t2))
51` (WF_REL_TAC `measure FST` >> simp[DIV_LT_X])
53val insert_def = tzDefine "insert" `
54  (insert k a LN = if k = 0 then LS a
55                     else if EVEN k then BN (insert ((k-1) DIV 2) a LN) LN
56                     else BN LN (insert ((k-1) DIV 2) a LN)) /\
57  (insert k a (LS a') =
58     if k = 0 then LS a
59     else if EVEN k then BS (insert ((k-1) DIV 2) a LN) a' LN
60     else BS LN a' (insert ((k-1) DIV 2) a LN)) /\
61  (insert k a (BN t1 t2) =
62     if k = 0 then BS t1 a t2
63     else if EVEN k then BN (insert ((k - 1) DIV 2) a t1) t2
64     else BN t1 (insert ((k - 1) DIV 2) a t2)) /\
65  (insert k a (BS t1 a' t2) =
66     if k = 0 then BS t1 a t2
67     else if EVEN k then BS (insert ((k - 1) DIV 2) a t1) a' t2
68     else BS t1 a' (insert ((k - 1) DIV 2) a t2))
69` (WF_REL_TAC `measure FST` >> simp[DIV_LT_X]);
71val insert_ind = theorem "insert_ind";
73val mk_BN_def = Define `
74  (mk_BN LN LN = LN) /\
75  (mk_BN t1 t2 = BN t1 t2)`;
77val mk_BS_def = Define `
78  (mk_BS LN x LN = LS x) /\
79  (mk_BS t1 x t2 = BS t1 x t2)`;
81val delete_def = zDefine`
82  (delete k LN = LN) /\
83  (delete k (LS a) = if k = 0 then LN else LS a) /\
84  (delete k (BN t1 t2) =
85     if k = 0 then BN t1 t2
86     else if EVEN k then
87       mk_BN (delete ((k - 1) DIV 2) t1) t2
88     else
89       mk_BN t1 (delete ((k - 1) DIV 2) t2)) /\
90  (delete k (BS t1 a t2) =
91     if k = 0 then BN t1 t2
92     else if EVEN k then
93       mk_BS (delete ((k - 1) DIV 2) t1) a t2
94     else
95       mk_BS t1 a (delete ((k - 1) DIV 2) t2))
98val fromList_def = Define`
99  fromList l = SND (FOLDL (\(i,t) a. (i + 1, insert i a t)) (0,LN) l)
102val size_def = Define`
103  (size LN = 0) /\
104  (size (LS a) = 1) /\
105  (size (BN t1 t2) = size t1 + size t2) /\
106  (size (BS t1 a t2) = size t1 + size t2 + 1)
108val _ = export_rewrites ["size_def"]
110val insert_notEmpty = store_thm(
111  "insert_notEmpty",
112  ``~isEmpty (insert k a t)``,
113  Cases_on `t` >> rw[Once insert_def]);
115val wf_insert = store_thm(
116  "wf_insert",
117  ``!k a t. wf t ==> wf (insert k a t)``,
118  ho_match_mp_tac (theorem "insert_ind") >>
119  rpt strip_tac >>
120  simp[Once insert_def] >> rw[wf_def, insert_notEmpty] >> fs[wf_def]);
122val mk_BN_thm = prove(
123  ``!t1 t2. mk_BN t1 t2 =
124            if isEmpty t1 /\ isEmpty t2 then LN else BN t1 t2``,
125  REPEAT Cases >> EVAL_TAC);
127val mk_BS_thm = prove(
128  ``!t1 t2. mk_BS t1 x t2 =
129            if isEmpty t1 /\ isEmpty t2 then LS x else BS t1 x t2``,
130  REPEAT Cases >> EVAL_TAC);
132val wf_delete = store_thm(
133  "wf_delete",
134  ``!t k. wf t ==> wf (delete k t)``,
135  Induct >> rw[wf_def, delete_def, mk_BN_thm, mk_BS_thm] >>
136  rw[wf_def] >> rw[] >> fs[] >> metis_tac[]);
138val lookup_insert1 = store_thm(
139  "lookup_insert1[simp]",
140  ``!k a t. lookup k (insert k a t) = SOME a``,
141  ho_match_mp_tac (theorem "insert_ind") >> rpt strip_tac >>
142  simp[Once insert_def] >> rw[lookup_def]);
144val DIV2_EQ_DIV2 = prove(
145  ``(m DIV 2 = n DIV 2) <=>
146      (m = n) \/
147      (n = m + 1) /\ EVEN m \/
148      (m = n + 1) /\ EVEN n``,
149  `0 < 2` by simp[] >>
150  map_every qabbrev_tac [`nq = n DIV 2`, `nr = n MOD 2`] >>
151  qspec_then `2` mp_tac DIVISION >> asm_simp_tac bool_ss [] >>
152  disch_then (qspec_then `n` mp_tac) >> asm_simp_tac bool_ss [] >>
153  map_every qabbrev_tac [`mq = m DIV 2`, `mr = m MOD 2`] >>
154  qspec_then `2` mp_tac DIVISION >> asm_simp_tac bool_ss [] >>
155  disch_then (qspec_then `m` mp_tac) >> asm_simp_tac bool_ss [] >>
156  rw[] >> markerLib.RM_ALL_ABBREVS_TAC >>
157  simp[EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT] >>
158  `!p. p < 2 ==> (EVEN p <=> (p = 0))`
159    by (rpt strip_tac >> `(p = 0) \/ (p = 1)` by decide_tac >> simp[]) >>
160  simp[]);
162val EVEN_PRE = prove(
163  ``x <> 0 ==> (EVEN (x - 1) <=> ~EVEN x)``,
164  Induct_on `x` >> simp[] >> Cases_on `x` >> fs[] >>
165  simp_tac (srw_ss()) [EVEN]);
167val lookup_insert = store_thm(
168  "lookup_insert",
169  ``!k2 v t k1. lookup k1 (insert k2 v t) =
170                if k1 = k2 then SOME v else lookup k1 t``,
171  ho_match_mp_tac (theorem "insert_ind") >> rpt strip_tac >>
172  simp[Once insert_def] >> rw[lookup_def] >> simp[] >| [
173    fs[lookup_def] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> Cases_on `k1 = 0` >> simp[] >>
174    COND_CASES_TAC >> simp[lookup_def, DIV2_EQ_DIV2, EVEN_PRE],
175    fs[lookup_def] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> Cases_on `k1 = 0` >> simp[] >>
176    COND_CASES_TAC >> simp[lookup_def, DIV2_EQ_DIV2, EVEN_PRE] >>
177    rpt strip_tac >> metis_tac[EVEN_PRE],
178    fs[lookup_def] >> COND_CASES_TAC >>
179    simp[lookup_def, DIV2_EQ_DIV2, EVEN_PRE],
180    fs[lookup_def] >> COND_CASES_TAC >>
181    simp[lookup_def, DIV2_EQ_DIV2, EVEN_PRE] >>
182    rpt strip_tac >> metis_tac[EVEN_PRE],
183    simp[DIV2_EQ_DIV2, EVEN_PRE],
185    >- metis_tac [EVEN_PRE] >> simp[],
186    simp[DIV2_EQ_DIV2, EVEN_PRE],
188    >- metis_tac [EVEN_PRE] >> simp[]
189  ])
191val union_def = Define`
192  (union LN t = t) /\
193  (union (LS a) t =
194     case t of
195       | LN => LS a
196       | LS b => LS a
197       | BN t1 t2 => BS t1 a t2
198       | BS t1 _ t2 => BS t1 a t2) /\
199  (union (BN t1 t2) t =
200     case t of
201       | LN => BN t1 t2
202       | LS a => BS t1 a t2
203       | BN t1' t2' => BN (union t1 t1') (union t2 t2')
204       | BS t1' a t2' => BS (union t1 t1') a (union t2 t2')) /\
205  (union (BS t1 a t2) t =
206     case t of
207       | LN => BS t1 a t2
208       | LS a' => BS t1 a t2
209       | BN t1' t2' => BS (union t1 t1') a (union t2 t2')
210       | BS t1' a' t2' => BS (union t1 t1') a (union t2 t2'))
213val isEmpty_union = store_thm(
214  "isEmpty_union",
215  ``isEmpty (union m1 m2) <=> isEmpty m1 /\ isEmpty m2``,
216  map_every Cases_on [`m1`, `m2`] >> simp[union_def]);
218val wf_union = store_thm(
219  "wf_union",
220  ``!m1 m2. wf m1 /\ wf m2 ==> wf (union m1 m2)``,
221  Induct >> simp[wf_def, union_def] >>
222  Cases_on `m2` >> simp[wf_def,isEmpty_union] >>
223  metis_tac[]);
225val optcase_lemma = prove(
226  ``(case opt of NONE => NONE | SOME v => SOME v) = opt``,
227  Cases_on `opt` >> simp[]);
229val lookup_union = store_thm(
230  "lookup_union",
231  ``!m1 m2 k. lookup k (union m1 m2) =
232              case lookup k m1 of
233                NONE => lookup k m2
234              | SOME v => SOME v``,
235  Induct >> simp[lookup_def] >- simp[union_def] >>
236  Cases_on `m2` >> simp[lookup_def, union_def] >>
237  rw[optcase_lemma]);
239val inter_def = Define`
240  (inter LN t = LN) /\
241  (inter (LS a) t =
242     case t of
243       | LN => LN
244       | LS b => LS a
245       | BN t1 t2 => LN
246       | BS t1 _ t2 => LS a) /\
247  (inter (BN t1 t2) t =
248     case t of
249       | LN => LN
250       | LS a => LN
251       | BN t1' t2' => mk_BN (inter t1 t1') (inter t2 t2')
252       | BS t1' a t2' => mk_BN (inter t1 t1') (inter t2 t2')) /\
253  (inter (BS t1 a t2) t =
254     case t of
255       | LN => LN
256       | LS a' => LS a
257       | BN t1' t2' => mk_BN (inter t1 t1') (inter t2 t2')
258       | BS t1' a' t2' => mk_BS (inter t1 t1') a (inter t2 t2'))
261val inter_eq_def = Define`
262  (inter_eq LN t = LN) /\
263  (inter_eq (LS a) t =
264     case t of
265       | LN => LN
266       | LS b => if a = b then LS a else LN
267       | BN t1 t2 => LN
268       | BS t1 b t2 => if a = b then LS a else LN) /\
269  (inter_eq (BN t1 t2) t =
270     case t of
271       | LN => LN
272       | LS a => LN
273       | BN t1' t2' => mk_BN (inter_eq t1 t1') (inter_eq t2 t2')
274       | BS t1' a t2' => mk_BN (inter_eq t1 t1') (inter_eq t2 t2')) /\
275  (inter_eq (BS t1 a t2) t =
276     case t of
277       | LN => LN
278       | LS a' => if a' = a then LS a else LN
279       | BN t1' t2' => mk_BN (inter_eq t1 t1') (inter_eq t2 t2')
280       | BS t1' a' t2' =>
281           if a' = a then
282             mk_BS (inter_eq t1 t1') a (inter_eq t2 t2')
283           else mk_BN (inter_eq t1 t1') (inter_eq t2 t2'))`;
285val difference_def = Define`
286  (difference LN t = LN) /\
287  (difference (LS a) t =
288     case t of
289       | LN => LS a
290       | LS b => LN
291       | BN t1 t2 => LS a
292       | BS t1 b t2 => LN) /\
293  (difference (BN t1 t2) t =
294     case t of
295       | LN => BN t1 t2
296       | LS a => BN t1 t2
297       | BN t1' t2' => mk_BN (difference t1 t1') (difference t2 t2')
298       | BS t1' a t2' => mk_BN (difference t1 t1') (difference t2 t2')) /\
299  (difference (BS t1 a t2) t =
300     case t of
301       | LN => BS t1 a t2
302       | LS a' => BN t1 t2
303       | BN t1' t2' => mk_BS (difference t1 t1') a (difference t2 t2')
304       | BS t1' a' t2' => mk_BN (difference t1 t1') (difference t2 t2'))`;
306val wf_mk_BN = prove(
307  ``!t1 t2. wf (mk_BN t1 t2) <=> wf t1 /\ wf t2``,
308  map_every Cases_on [`t1`,`t2`] >> fs [mk_BN_def,wf_def]);
310val wf_mk_BS = prove(
311  ``!t1 x t2. wf (mk_BS t1 x t2) <=> wf t1 /\ wf t2``,
312  map_every Cases_on [`t1`,`t2`] >> fs [mk_BS_def,wf_def]);
314val wf_inter = store_thm(
315  "wf_inter[simp]",
316  ``!m1 m2. wf (inter m1 m2)``,
317  Induct >> simp[wf_def, inter_def] >>
318  Cases_on `m2` >> simp[wf_def,wf_mk_BS,wf_mk_BN]);
320val lookup_mk_BN = prove(
321  ``lookup k (mk_BN t1 t2) = lookup k (BN t1 t2)``,
322  map_every Cases_on [`t1`,`t2`] >> fs [mk_BN_def,lookup_def]);
324val lookup_mk_BS = prove(
325  ``lookup k (mk_BS t1 x t2) = lookup k (BS t1 x t2)``,
326  map_every Cases_on [`t1`,`t2`] >> fs [mk_BS_def,lookup_def]);
328val lookup_inter = store_thm(
329  "lookup_inter",
330  ``!m1 m2 k. lookup k (inter m1 m2) =
331              case (lookup k m1,lookup k m2) of
332              | (SOME v, SOME w) => SOME v
333              | _ => NONE``,
334  Induct >> simp[lookup_def] >> Cases_on `m2` >>
335  simp[lookup_def, inter_def, lookup_mk_BS, lookup_mk_BN] >>
336  rw[optcase_lemma] >> BasicProvers.CASE_TAC);
338val lookup_inter_eq = store_thm(
339  "lookup_inter_eq",
340  ``!m1 m2 k. lookup k (inter_eq m1 m2) =
341              case lookup k m1 of
342              | NONE => NONE
343              | SOME v => (if lookup k m2 = SOME v then SOME v else NONE)``,
344  Induct >> simp[lookup_def] >> Cases_on `m2` >>
345  simp[lookup_def, inter_eq_def, lookup_mk_BS, lookup_mk_BN] >>
346  rw[optcase_lemma] >> REPEAT BasicProvers.CASE_TAC >>
347  fs [lookup_def, lookup_mk_BS, lookup_mk_BN]);
349val lookup_inter_EQ = store_thm("lookup_inter_EQ",
350  ``((lookup x (inter t1 t2) = SOME y) <=>
351       (lookup x t1 = SOME y) /\ lookup x t2 <> NONE) /\
352    ((lookup x (inter t1 t2) = NONE) <=>
353       (lookup x t1 = NONE) \/ (lookup x t2 = NONE))``,
354  fs [lookup_inter] \\ BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC);
356val lookup_inter_assoc = store_thm("lookup_inter_assoc",
357  ``lookup x (inter t1 (inter t2 t3)) =
358    lookup x (inter (inter t1 t2) t3)``,
359  fs [lookup_inter] \\ BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC)
361val lookup_difference = store_thm(
362  "lookup_difference",
363  ``!m1 m2 k. lookup k (difference m1 m2) =
364              if lookup k m2 = NONE then lookup k m1 else NONE``,
365  Induct >> simp[lookup_def] >> Cases_on `m2` >>
366  simp[lookup_def, difference_def, lookup_mk_BS, lookup_mk_BN] >>
367  rw[optcase_lemma] >> REPEAT BasicProvers.CASE_TAC >>
368  fs [lookup_def, lookup_mk_BS, lookup_mk_BN])
370val lrnext_real_def = tzDefine "lrnext" `
371  lrnext n = if n = 0 then 1 else 2 * lrnext ((n - 1) DIV 2)`
372  (WF_REL_TAC `measure I` \\ fs [DIV_LT_X] \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ DECIDE_TAC) ;
374val lrnext_def = prove(
375  ``(lrnext ZERO = 1) /\
376    (!n. lrnext (BIT1 n) = 2 * lrnext n) /\
377    (!n. lrnext (BIT2 n) = 2 * lrnext n)``,
379  THEN1 (fs [Once ALT_ZERO,Once lrnext_real_def])
380  THEN1
381   (full_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [Once BIT1,Once lrnext_real_def]
382    \\ AP_TERM_TAC \\ simp_tac (srw_ss()) [Once BIT1]
383    \\ full_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [ADD_ASSOC,DECIDE ``n+n=n*2``,MULT_DIV])
384  THEN1
385   (simp_tac (srw_ss()) [Once BIT2,Once lrnext_real_def]
386    \\ AP_TERM_TAC \\ simp_tac (srw_ss()) [Once BIT2]
387    \\ `n + (n + 2) - 1 = n * 2 + 1` by DECIDE_TAC
388    \\ asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [DIV_MULT]))
389val lrnext' = prove(
390  ``(!a. lrnext 0 = 1) /\ (!n a. lrnext (NUMERAL n) = lrnext n)``,
391  simp[NUMERAL_DEF, GSYM ALT_ZERO, lrnext_def])
392val lrnext_thm = save_thm(
393  "lrnext_thm",
394  LIST_CONJ (CONJUNCTS lrnext' @ CONJUNCTS lrnext_def))
395val _ = computeLib.add_persistent_funs ["lrnext_thm"]
397val domain_def = zDefine`
398  (domain LN = {}) /\
399  (domain (LS _) = {0}) /\
400  (domain (BN t1 t2) =
401     IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 2) (domain t1) UNION
402     IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 1) (domain t2)) /\
403  (domain (BS t1 _ t2) =
404     {0} UNION IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 2) (domain t1) UNION
405     IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 1) (domain t2))
407val _ = export_rewrites ["domain_def"]
409val FINITE_domain = store_thm(
410  "FINITE_domain[simp]",
411  ``FINITE (domain t)``,
412  Induct_on `t` >> simp[]);
414val DIV2 = DIVISION |> Q.SPEC `2` |> REWRITE_RULE [DECIDE ``0 < 2``]
416val even_lem = Q.prove(
417  `EVEN k /\ k <> 0 ==> (2 * ((k - 1) DIV 2) + 2 = k)`,
418  qabbrev_tac `k0 = k - 1`  >>
419  strip_tac >> `k = k0 + 1` by simp[Abbr`k0`] >>
420  pop_assum SUBST_ALL_TAC >> qunabbrev_tac `k0` >>
421  fs[EVEN_ADD] >>
422  assume_tac (Q.SPEC `k0` DIV2) >>
423  map_every qabbrev_tac [`q = k0 DIV 2`, `r = k0 MOD 2`] >>
424  markerLib.RM_ALL_ABBREVS_TAC >>
425  fs[EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT] >>
426  `(r = 0) \/ (r = 1)` by simp[] >> fs[])
428val odd_lem = Q.prove(
429  `~EVEN k /\ k <> 0 ==> (2 * ((k - 1) DIV 2) + 1 = k)`,
430  qabbrev_tac `k0 = k - 1`  >>
431  strip_tac >> `k = k0 + 1` by simp[Abbr`k0`] >>
432  pop_assum SUBST_ALL_TAC >> qunabbrev_tac `k0` >>
433  fs[EVEN_ADD] >>
434  assume_tac (Q.SPEC `k0` DIV2) >>
435  map_every qabbrev_tac [`q = k0 DIV 2`, `r = k0 MOD 2`] >>
436  markerLib.RM_ALL_ABBREVS_TAC >>
437  fs[EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT] >>
438  `(r = 0) \/ (r = 1)` by simp[] >> fs[])
440val size_insert = Q.store_thm(
441  "size_insert",
442  `!k v m. size (insert k v m) = if k IN domain m then size m else size m + 1`,
443  ho_match_mp_tac insert_ind >> rpt conj_tac >> simp[] >>
444  rpt strip_tac >> simp[Once insert_def]
445  >- rw[]
446  >- rw[]
447  >- (Cases_on `k = 0` >> simp[] >> fs[] >> Cases_on `EVEN k` >> fs[]
448      >- (`!n. k <> 2 * n + 1` by (rpt strip_tac >> fs[EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT]) >>
449          qabbrev_tac `k2 = (k - 1) DIV 2` >>
450          `k = 2 * k2 + 2` suffices_by rw[] >>
451          simp[Abbr`k2`, even_lem]) >>
452      `!n. k <> 2 * n + 2` by (rpt strip_tac >> fs[EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT]) >>
453      qabbrev_tac `k2 = (k - 1) DIV 2` >>
454      `k = 2 * k2 + 1` suffices_by rw[] >>
455      simp[Abbr`k2`, odd_lem])
456  >- (Cases_on `k = 0` >> simp[] >> fs[] >> Cases_on `EVEN k` >> fs[]
457      >- (`!n. k <> 2 * n + 1` by (rpt strip_tac >> fs[EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT]) >>
458          qabbrev_tac `k2 = (k - 1) DIV 2` >>
459          `k = 2 * k2 + 2` suffices_by rw[] >>
460          simp[Abbr`k2`, even_lem]) >>
461      `!n. k <> 2 * n + 2` by (rpt strip_tac >> fs[EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT]) >>
462      qabbrev_tac `k2 = (k - 1) DIV 2` >>
463      `k = 2 * k2 + 1` suffices_by rw[] >>
464      simp[Abbr`k2`, odd_lem]))
466val lookup_fromList = store_thm(
467  "lookup_fromList",
468  ``lookup n (fromList l) = if n < LENGTH l then SOME (EL n l)
469                            else NONE``,
470  simp[fromList_def] >>
471  `!i n t. lookup n (SND (FOLDL (\ (i,t) a. (i+1,insert i a t)) (i,t) l)) =
472           if n < i then lookup n t
473           else if n < LENGTH l + i then SOME (EL (n - i) l)
474           else lookup n t`
475    suffices_by (simp[] >> strip_tac >> simp[lookup_def]) >>
476  Induct_on `l` >> simp[] >> pop_assum kall_tac >>
477  rw[lookup_insert] >>
478  full_simp_tac (srw_ss() ++ ARITH_ss) [] >>
479  `0 < n - i` by simp[] >>
480  Cases_on `n - i` >> fs[] >>
481  qmatch_assum_rename_tac `n - i = SUC nn` >>
482  `nn = n - (i + 1)` by decide_tac >> simp[]);
484val bit_cases = prove(
485  ``!n. (n = 0) \/ (?m. n = 2 * m + 1) \/ (?m. n = 2 * m + 2)``,
486  Induct >> simp[] >> fs[]
487  >- (disj2_tac >> qexists_tac `m` >> simp[])
488  >- (disj1_tac >> qexists_tac `SUC m` >> simp[]))
490val oddevenlemma = prove(
491  ``2 * y + 1 <> 2 * x + 2``,
492  disch_then (mp_tac o AP_TERM ``EVEN``) >>
493  simp[EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT]);
495val MULT2_DIV' = prove(
496  ``(2 * m DIV 2 = m) /\ ((2 * m + 1) DIV 2 = m)``,
497  simp[DIV_EQ_X]);
499val domain_lookup = store_thm(
500  "domain_lookup",
501  ``!t k. k IN domain t <=> ?v. lookup k t = SOME v``,
502  Induct >> simp[domain_def, lookup_def] >> rpt gen_tac >>
503  qspec_then `k` STRUCT_CASES_TAC bit_cases >>
504  simp[oddevenlemma, EVEN_ADD, EVEN_MULT,
505       EQ_MULT_LCANCEL, MULT2_DIV']);
507val lookup_inter_alt = store_thm("lookup_inter_alt",
508  ``lookup x (inter t1 t2) =
509      if x IN domain t2 then lookup x t1 else NONE``,
510  fs [lookup_inter,domain_lookup]
511  \\ Cases_on `lookup x t2` \\ fs [] \\ Cases_on `lookup x t1` \\ fs []);
513val lookup_NONE_domain = store_thm(
514  "lookup_NONE_domain",
515  ``(lookup k t = NONE) <=> k NOTIN domain t``,
516  simp[domain_lookup] >> Cases_on `lookup k t` >> simp[]);
518val domain_union = store_thm(
519  "domain_union",
520  ``domain (union t1 t2) = domain t1 UNION domain t2``,
521  simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, domain_lookup, lookup_union] >>
522  qx_gen_tac `k` >> Cases_on `lookup k t1` >> simp[]);
524val domain_inter = store_thm(
525  "domain_inter",
526  ``domain (inter t1 t2) = domain t1 INTER domain t2``,
527  simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, domain_lookup, lookup_inter] >>
528  rw [] >> Cases_on `lookup x t1` >> fs[] >>
529  BasicProvers.CASE_TAC);
531val domain_insert = store_thm(
532  "domain_insert[simp]",
533  ``domain (insert k v t) = k INSERT domain t``,
534  simp[domain_lookup, pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, lookup_insert] >>
535  metis_tac[]);
537val domain_difference = Q.store_thm(
538  "domain_difference",
539  `!t1 t2 . domain (difference t1 t2) = (domain t1) DIFF (domain t2)`,
540  simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, domain_lookup, lookup_difference] >>
541  rw [] >> Cases_on `lookup x t1`
542  >> fs[] >> Cases_on `lookup x t2` >> rw[]);
544val domain_sing = save_thm(
545  "domain_sing",
546  domain_insert |> Q.INST [`t` |-> `LN`] |> SIMP_RULE bool_ss [domain_def]);
548val domain_fromList = store_thm(
549  "domain_fromList",
550  ``domain (fromList l) = count (LENGTH l)``,
551  simp[fromList_def] >>
552  `!i t. domain (SND (FOLDL (\ (i,t) a. (i + 1, insert i a t)) (i,t) l)) =
553         domain t UNION IMAGE ((+) i) (count (LENGTH l))`
554    suffices_by (simp[] >> strip_tac >> simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION]) >>
555  Induct_on `l` >> simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, EQ_IMP_THM] >>
556  rpt strip_tac >> simp[DECIDE ``(x = x + y) <=> (y = 0)``] >>
557  qmatch_assum_rename_tac `nn < SUC (LENGTH l)` >>
558  Cases_on `nn` >> fs[] >> metis_tac[ADD1]);
560val ODD_IMP_NOT_ODD = prove(
561  ``!k. ODD k ==> ~(ODD (k-1))``,
562  Cases >> fs [ODD]);
564val lookup_delete = store_thm(
565  "lookup_delete",
566  ``!t k1 k2.
567      lookup k1 (delete k2 t) = if k1 = k2 then NONE
568                                else lookup k1 t``,
569  Induct >> simp[delete_def, lookup_def]
570  >> rw [lookup_def,lookup_mk_BN,lookup_mk_BS]
571  >> sg `(k1 - 1) DIV 2 <> (k2 - 1) DIV 2`
572  >> simp[DIV2_EQ_DIV2, EVEN_PRE]
573  >> fs [] >> CCONTR_TAC >> fs [] >> srw_tac [] []
574  >> fs [EVEN_ODD] >> imp_res_tac ODD_IMP_NOT_ODD);
576val domain_delete = store_thm(
577  "domain_delete[simp]",
578  ``domain (delete k t) = domain t DELETE k``,
579  simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, domain_lookup, lookup_delete] >>
580  metis_tac[]);
582val foldi_def = Define`
583  (foldi f i acc LN = acc) /\
584  (foldi f i acc (LS a) = f i a acc) /\
585  (foldi f i acc (BN t1 t2) =
586     let inc = lrnext i
587     in
588       foldi f (i + inc) (foldi f (i + 2 * inc) acc t1) t2) /\
589  (foldi f i acc (BS t1 a t2) =
590     let inc = lrnext i
591     in
592       foldi f (i + inc) (f i a (foldi f (i + 2 * inc) acc t1)) t2)
595val spt_acc_def = tDefine"spt_acc"`
596  (spt_acc i 0 = i) /\
597  (spt_acc i (SUC k) = spt_acc (i + if EVEN (SUC k) then 2 * lrnext i else lrnext i) (k DIV 2))`
598  (WF_REL_TAC`measure SND`
599   \\ simp[DIV_LT_X]);
601val spt_acc_thm = Q.store_thm("spt_acc_thm",
602  `spt_acc i k = if k = 0 then i else spt_acc (i + if EVEN k then 2 * lrnext i else lrnext i) ((k-1) DIV 2)`,
603  rw[spt_acc_def] \\ Cases_on`k` \\ fs[spt_acc_def]);
605val lemmas = prove(
606    ``(!x. EVEN (2 * x + 2)) /\
607      (!x. ODD (2 * x + 1))``,
608    conj_tac >- (
609      simp[EVEN_EXISTS] >> rw[] >>
610      qexists_tac`SUC x` >> simp[] ) >>
611    simp[ODD_EXISTS,ADD1] >>
612    metis_tac[] )
614val bit_induction = prove(
615  ``!P. P 0 /\ (!n. P n ==> P (2 * n + 1)) /\
616        (!n. P n ==> P (2 * n + 2)) ==>
617        !n. P n``,
618  gen_tac >> strip_tac >> completeInduct_on `n` >> simp[] >>
619  qspec_then `n` strip_assume_tac bit_cases >> simp[]);
621val lrnext212 = prove(
622  ``(lrnext (2 * m + 1) = 2 * lrnext m) /\
623    (lrnext (2 * m + 2) = 2 * lrnext m)``,
624  conj_tac >| [
625    `2 * m + 1 = BIT1 m` suffices_by simp[lrnext_thm] >>
626    simp_tac bool_ss [BIT1, TWO, ONE, MULT_CLAUSES, ADD_CLAUSES],
627    `2 * m + 2 = BIT2 m` suffices_by simp[lrnext_thm] >>
628    simp_tac bool_ss [BIT2, TWO, ONE, MULT_CLAUSES, ADD_CLAUSES]
629  ]);
631val lrlemma1 = prove(
632  ``lrnext (i + lrnext i) = 2 * lrnext i``,
633  qid_spec_tac `i` >> ho_match_mp_tac bit_induction >>
634  simp[lrnext212, lrnext_thm] >> conj_tac
635  >- (gen_tac >>
636      `2 * i + (2 * lrnext i + 1) = 2 * (i + lrnext i) + 1`
637         by decide_tac >> simp[lrnext212]) >>
638  qx_gen_tac `i` >>
639  `2 * i + (2 * lrnext i + 2) = 2 * (i + lrnext i) + 2`
640    by decide_tac >>
641  simp[lrnext212]);
643val lrlemma2 = prove(
644  ``lrnext (i + 2 * lrnext i) = 2 * lrnext i``,
645  qid_spec_tac `i` >> ho_match_mp_tac bit_induction >>
646  simp[lrnext212, lrnext_thm] >> conj_tac
647  >- (qx_gen_tac `i` >>
648      `2 * i + (4 * lrnext i + 1) = 2 * (i + 2 * lrnext i) + 1`
649        by decide_tac >> simp[lrnext212]) >>
650  gen_tac >>
651  `2 * i + (4 * lrnext i + 2) = 2 * (i + 2 * lrnext i) + 2`
652     by decide_tac >> simp[lrnext212])
654val spt_acc_eqn = Q.store_thm("spt_acc_eqn",
655  `!k i. spt_acc i k = lrnext i * k + i`,
656  ho_match_mp_tac bit_induction
657  \\ rw[]
658  >- rw[spt_acc_def]
659  >- (
660    rw[Once spt_acc_thm]
661    >- fs[EVEN_ODD,lemmas]
662    \\ simp[MULT2_DIV']
663    \\ simp[lrlemma1] )
664  >- (
665    ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[spt_acc_thm]
666    \\ simp[]
667    \\ reverse(rw[])
668    >- fs[EVEN_ODD,lemmas]
669    \\ simp[MULT2_DIV']
670    \\ simp[lrlemma2]));
672val spt_acc_0 = Q.store_thm("spt_acc_0",
673  `!k. spt_acc 0 k = k`, rw[spt_acc_eqn,lrnext_thm]);
675val set_foldi_keys = store_thm(
676  "set_foldi_keys",
677  ``!t a i. foldi (\k v a. k INSERT a) i a t =
678            a UNION IMAGE (\n. i + lrnext i * n) (domain t)``,
679  Induct_on `t` >> simp[foldi_def, GSYM pred_setTheory.IMAGE_COMPOSE,
680                        combinTheory.o_ABS_R]
681  >- simp[Once pred_setTheory.INSERT_SING_UNION, pred_setTheory.UNION_COMM]
682  >- (simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION] >> rpt gen_tac >>
683      Cases_on `x IN a` >> simp[lrlemma1, lrlemma2, LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB]) >>
684  simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION] >> rpt gen_tac >>
685  Cases_on `x IN a'` >> simp[lrlemma1, lrlemma2, LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB])
687val domain_foldi = save_thm(
688  "domain_foldi",
689  set_foldi_keys |> SPEC_ALL |> Q.INST [`i` |-> `0`, `a` |-> `{}`]
690                 |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [lrnext_thm]
691                 |> SYM);
692val _ = computeLib.add_persistent_funs ["domain_foldi"]
694val mapi0_def = Define`
695  (mapi0 f i LN = LN) /\
696  (mapi0 f i (LS a) = LS (f i a)) /\
697  (mapi0 f i (BN t1 t2) =
698   let inc = lrnext i in
699     mk_BN (mapi0 f (i + 2 * inc) t1) (mapi0 f (i + inc) t2)) /\
700  (mapi0 f i (BS t1 a t2) =
701   let inc = lrnext i in
702     mk_BS (mapi0 f (i + 2 * inc) t1) (f i a) (mapi0 f (i + inc) t2))
704val _ = export_rewrites ["mapi0_def"]
705val mapi_def = Define`mapi f pt = mapi0 f 0 pt`;
707val lookup_mapi0 = Q.store_thm("lookup_mapi0",
708  `!pt i k.
709   lookup k (mapi0 f i pt) =
710   case lookup k pt of NONE => NONE
711   | SOME v => SOME (f (spt_acc i k) v)`,
712  Induct \\ rw[mapi0_def,lookup_def,lookup_mk_BN,lookup_mk_BS] \\ fs[]
713  \\ TRY (simp[spt_acc_eqn] \\ NO_TAC)
714  \\ CASE_TAC \\ simp[Once spt_acc_thm,SimpRHS]);
716val lookup_mapi = Q.store_thm("lookup_mapi",
717  `lookup k (mapi f pt) = OPTION_MAP (f k) (lookup k pt)`,
718  rw[mapi_def,lookup_mapi0,spt_acc_0]
719  \\ CASE_TAC \\ fs[]);
721val toAList_def = Define `
722  toAList = foldi (\k v a. (k,v)::a) 0 []`
724val set_toAList_lemma = prove(
725  ``!t a i. set (foldi (\k v a. (k,v) :: a) i a t) =
726            set a UNION IMAGE (\n. (i + lrnext i * n,
727                    THE (lookup n t))) (domain t)``,
728  Induct_on `t`
729  \\ fs [foldi_def,GSYM pred_setTheory.IMAGE_COMPOSE,lookup_def]
730  THEN1 fs [Once pred_setTheory.INSERT_SING_UNION, pred_setTheory.UNION_COMM]
731  THEN1 (simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION] \\ rpt gen_tac \\
732         Cases_on `MEM x a` \\ simp[lrlemma1, lrlemma2, LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB]
733         \\ fs [MULT2_DIV',EVEN_ADD,EVEN_DOUBLE])
734  \\ simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION] \\ rpt gen_tac
735  \\ Cases_on `MEM x a'` \\ simp[lrlemma1, lrlemma2, LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB]
737  |> Q.SPECL [`t`,`[]`,`0`] |> GEN_ALL
738  |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [GSYM toAList_def,lrnext_thm,MEM,LIST_TO_SET,
739       pred_setTheory.UNION_EMPTY,pred_setTheory.EXTENSION,
740       pairTheory.FORALL_PROD]
742val MEM_toAList = store_thm("MEM_toAList",
743  ``!t k v. MEM (k,v) (toAList t) <=> (lookup k t = SOME v)``,
744  fs [set_toAList_lemma,domain_lookup]  \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC
745  \\ Cases_on `lookup k t` \\ fs []
746  \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ EQ_TAC \\ fs []);
748val ALOOKUP_toAList = store_thm("ALOOKUP_toAList",
749  ``!t x. ALOOKUP (toAList t) x = lookup x t``,
750  strip_tac>>strip_tac>>Cases_on `lookup x t` >-
751    simp[ALOOKUP_FAILS,MEM_toAList] >>
752  Cases_on`ALOOKUP (toAList t) x`>-
753    fs[ALOOKUP_FAILS,MEM_toAList] >>
754  imp_res_tac ALOOKUP_MEM >>
755  fs[MEM_toAList])
757val insert_union = store_thm("insert_union",
758  ``!k v s. insert k v s = union (insert k v LN) s``,
759  completeInduct_on`k` >> simp[Once insert_def] >> rw[] >>
760  simp[Once union_def] >>
761  Cases_on`s`>>simp[Once insert_def] >>
762  simp[Once union_def] >>
763  first_x_assum match_mp_tac >>
764  simp[arithmeticTheory.DIV_LT_X])
766val domain_empty = store_thm("domain_empty",
767  ``!t. wf t ==> ((t = LN) <=> (domain t = EMPTY))``,
768  simp[] >> Induct >> simp[wf_def] >> metis_tac[])
770val toAList_append = prove(
771  ``!t n ls.
772      foldi (\k v a. (k,v)::a) n ls t =
773      foldi (\k v a. (k,v)::a) n [] t ++ ls``,
774  Induct
775  >- simp[foldi_def]
776  >- simp[foldi_def]
777  >- (
778    simp_tac std_ss [foldi_def,LET_THM] >> rpt gen_tac >>
779    first_assum(fn th =>
781    first_assum(fn th =>
782      CONV_TAC(LAND_CONV(REWR_CONV th))) >>
783    first_assum(fn th =>
785    metis_tac[APPEND_ASSOC] ) >>
786  simp_tac std_ss [foldi_def,LET_THM] >> rpt gen_tac >>
787  first_assum(fn th =>
789  first_assum(fn th =>
791  first_assum(fn th =>
793  metis_tac[APPEND_ASSOC,APPEND] )
795val toAList_inc = prove(
796  ``!t n.
797      foldi (\k v a. (k,v)::a) n [] t =
798      MAP (\(k,v). (n + lrnext n * k,v)) (foldi (\k v a. (k,v)::a) 0 [] t)``,
799  Induct
800  >- simp[foldi_def]
801  >- simp[foldi_def]
802  >- (
803    simp_tac std_ss [foldi_def,LET_THM] >> rpt gen_tac >>
804    CONV_TAC(LAND_CONV(REWR_CONV toAList_append)) >>
805    CONV_TAC(RAND_CONV(RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV toAList_append))) >>
806    first_assum(fn th =>
808    first_assum(fn th =>
810    first_assum(fn th =>
812    first_assum(fn th =>
814    rpt(pop_assum kall_tac) >>
815    simp[MAP_MAP_o,combinTheory.o_DEF,APPEND_11_LENGTH] >>
816    simp[MAP_EQ_f] >>
817    simp[lrnext_thm,pairTheory.UNCURRY,pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] >>
818    simp[lrlemma1,lrlemma2] )
819  >- (
820    simp_tac std_ss [foldi_def,LET_THM] >> rpt gen_tac >>
821    CONV_TAC(LAND_CONV(REWR_CONV toAList_append)) >>
822    CONV_TAC(RAND_CONV(RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV toAList_append))) >>
823    first_assum(fn th =>
825    first_assum(fn th =>
827    first_assum(fn th =>
829    first_assum(fn th =>
831    rpt(pop_assum kall_tac) >>
832    simp[MAP_MAP_o,combinTheory.o_DEF,APPEND_11_LENGTH] >>
833    simp[MAP_EQ_f] >>
834    simp[lrnext_thm,pairTheory.UNCURRY,pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] >>
835    simp[lrlemma1,lrlemma2] ))
837val ALL_DISTINCT_MAP_FST_toAList = store_thm("ALL_DISTINCT_MAP_FST_toAList",
838  ``!t. ALL_DISTINCT (MAP FST (toAList t))``,
839  simp[toAList_def] >>
840  Induct >> simp[foldi_def] >- (
842    CONV_TAC(RAND_CONV(RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV toAList_append))) >>
844    simp[MAP_MAP_o,combinTheory.o_DEF,pairTheory.UNCURRY,lrnext_thm] >>
845    simp[ALL_DISTINCT_APPEND] >>
846    rpt conj_tac >- (
847      qmatch_abbrev_tac`ALL_DISTINCT (MAP f ls)` >>
848      `MAP f ls = MAP (\x. 2 * x + 1) (MAP FST ls)` by (
849        simp[MAP_MAP_o,combinTheory.o_DEF,Abbr`f`] ) >>
850      pop_assum SUBST1_TAC >> qunabbrev_tac`f` >>
851      match_mp_tac ALL_DISTINCT_MAP_INJ >>
852      simp[] )
853    >- (
854      qmatch_abbrev_tac`ALL_DISTINCT (MAP f ls)` >>
855      `MAP f ls = MAP (\x. 2 * x + 2) (MAP FST ls)` by (
856        simp[MAP_MAP_o,combinTheory.o_DEF,Abbr`f`] ) >>
857      pop_assum SUBST1_TAC >> qunabbrev_tac`f` >>
858      match_mp_tac ALL_DISTINCT_MAP_INJ >>
859      simp[] ) >>
860    simp[MEM_MAP,PULL_EXISTS,pairTheory.EXISTS_PROD] >>
861    metis_tac[ODD_EVEN,lemmas] ) >>
862  gen_tac >>
866  simp[MAP_MAP_o,combinTheory.o_DEF,pairTheory.UNCURRY,lrnext_thm] >>
868  rpt conj_tac >- (
869    qmatch_abbrev_tac`ALL_DISTINCT (MAP f ls)` >>
870    `MAP f ls = MAP (\x. 2 * x + 1) (MAP FST ls)` by (
871      simp[MAP_MAP_o,combinTheory.o_DEF,Abbr`f`] ) >>
872    pop_assum SUBST1_TAC >> qunabbrev_tac`f` >>
873    match_mp_tac ALL_DISTINCT_MAP_INJ >>
874    simp[] )
875  >- ( simp[MEM_MAP] )
876  >- (
877    qmatch_abbrev_tac`ALL_DISTINCT (MAP f ls)` >>
878    `MAP f ls = MAP (\x. 2 * x + 2) (MAP FST ls)` by (
879      simp[MAP_MAP_o,combinTheory.o_DEF,Abbr`f`] ) >>
880    pop_assum SUBST1_TAC >> qunabbrev_tac`f` >>
881    match_mp_tac ALL_DISTINCT_MAP_INJ >>
882    simp[] ) >>
883  simp[MEM_MAP,PULL_EXISTS,pairTheory.EXISTS_PROD] >>
884  metis_tac[ODD_EVEN,lemmas] )
886val _ = remove_ovl_mapping "lrnext" {Name = "lrnext", Thy = "sptree"}
888val foldi_FOLDR_toAList_lemma = prove(
889  ``!t n a ls. foldi f n (FOLDR (UNCURRY f) a ls) t =
890               FOLDR (UNCURRY f) a (foldi (\k v a. (k,v)::a) n ls t)``,
891  Induct >> simp[foldi_def] >>
892  rw[] >> pop_assum(assume_tac o GSYM) >> simp[])
894val foldi_FOLDR_toAList = store_thm("foldi_FOLDR_toAList",
895  ``!f a t. foldi f 0 a t = FOLDR (UNCURRY f) a (toAList t)``,
896  simp[toAList_def,GSYM foldi_FOLDR_toAList_lemma])
898val toListA_def = Define`
899  (toListA acc LN = acc) /\
900  (toListA acc (LS a) = a::acc) /\
901  (toListA acc (BN t1 t2) = toListA (toListA acc t2) t1) /\
902  (toListA acc (BS t1 a t2) = toListA (a :: toListA acc t2) t1)
905local open listTheory rich_listTheory in
906val toListA_append = store_thm("toListA_append",
907  ``!t acc. toListA acc t = toListA [] t ++ acc``,
908  Induct >> REWRITE_TAC[toListA_def]
912val isEmpty_toListA = store_thm("isEmpty_toListA",
913  ``!t acc. wf t ==> ((t = LN) <=> (toListA acc t = acc))``,
914  Induct >> simp[toListA_def,wf_def] >>
915  rw[] >> fs[] >>
916  fs[Once toListA_append] >>
917  simp[Once toListA_append,SimpR``$++``])
919val toList_def = Define`toList m = toListA [] m`
921val isEmpty_toList = store_thm("isEmpty_toList",
922  ``!t. wf t ==> ((t = LN) <=> (toList t = []))``,
923  rw[toList_def,isEmpty_toListA])
925val lem2 =
926  SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [] (Q.SPECL[`2`,`1`]DIV_MULT)
928fun tac () = (
929  (disj2_tac >> qexists_tac`0` >> simp[] >> NO_TAC) ORELSE
930  (disj2_tac >>
931   qexists_tac`2*k+1` >> simp[] >>
932   REWRITE_TAC[Once MULT_COMM] >> simp[MULT_DIV] >>
933   rw[] >> `F` suffices_by rw[] >> pop_assum mp_tac >>
934   simp[lemmas,GSYM ODD_EVEN] >> NO_TAC) ORELSE
935  (disj2_tac >>
936   qexists_tac`2*k+2` >> simp[] >>
937   REWRITE_TAC[Once MULT_COMM] >> simp[lem2] >>
938   rw[] >> `F` suffices_by rw[] >> pop_assum mp_tac >>
939   simp[lemmas] >> NO_TAC) ORELSE
940  (metis_tac[]))
942val MEM_toListA = prove(
943  ``!t acc x. MEM x (toListA acc t) <=> (MEM x acc \/ ?k. lookup k t = SOME x)``,
944  Induct >> simp[toListA_def,lookup_def] >- metis_tac[] >>
945  rw[EQ_IMP_THM] >> rw[] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> rw[]
946  >- (tac())
947  >- (tac())
948  >- (tac())
949  >- (tac())
950  >- (tac())
951  >- (tac())
952  >- (tac())
953  >- (tac())
954  >- (tac()))
956val MEM_toList = store_thm("MEM_toList",
957  ``!x t. MEM x (toList t) <=> ?k. lookup k t = SOME x``,
958  rw[toList_def,MEM_toListA])
960val div2_even_lemma = prove(
961  ``!x. ?n. (x = (n - 1) DIV 2) /\ EVEN n /\ 0 < n``,
962  Induct >- ( qexists_tac`2` >> simp[] ) >> fs[] >>
963  qexists_tac`n+2` >>
964  simp[ADD1,EVEN_ADD] >>
965  Cases_on`n`>>fs[EVEN,EVEN_ODD,ODD_EXISTS,ADD1] >>
966  simp[] >> rw[] >>
967  qspec_then`2`mp_tac ADD_DIV_ADD_DIV >> simp[] >>
968  disch_then(qspecl_then[`m`,`3`]mp_tac) >>
969  simp[] >> disch_then kall_tac >>
970  qspec_then`2`mp_tac ADD_DIV_ADD_DIV >> simp[] >>
971  disch_then(qspecl_then[`m`,`1`]mp_tac) >>
972  simp[])
974val div2_odd_lemma = prove(
975  ``!x. ?n. (x = (n - 1) DIV 2) /\ ODD n /\ 0 < n``,
976  Induct >- ( qexists_tac`1` >> simp[] ) >> fs[] >>
977  qexists_tac`n+2` >>
978  simp[ADD1,ODD_ADD] >>
979  fs[ODD_EXISTS,ADD1] >>
980  simp[] >> rw[] >>
981  qspec_then`2`mp_tac ADD_DIV_ADD_DIV >> simp[] >>
982  disch_then(qspecl_then[`m`,`2`]mp_tac) >>
983  simp[] >> disch_then kall_tac >>
984  qspec_then`2`mp_tac ADD_DIV_ADD_DIV >> simp[] >>
985  disch_then(qspecl_then[`m`,`0`]mp_tac) >>
986  simp[])
988val spt_eq_thm = store_thm("spt_eq_thm",
989  ``!t1 t2. wf t1 /\ wf t2 ==>
990    ((t1 = t2) <=> !n. lookup n t1 = lookup n t2)``,
991  Induct >> simp[wf_def,lookup_def]
992  >- (
993    rw[EQ_IMP_THM] >> rw[lookup_def] >>
994    `domain t2 = {}` by (
995      simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION] >>
996      metis_tac[lookup_NONE_domain] ) >>
997    Cases_on`t2`>>fs[domain_def,wf_def] >>
998    metis_tac[domain_empty] )
999  >- (
1000    rw[EQ_IMP_THM] >> rw[lookup_def] >>
1001    Cases_on`t2`>>fs[lookup_def]
1002    >- (first_x_assum(qspec_then`0`mp_tac)>>simp[])
1003    >- (first_x_assum(qspec_then`0`mp_tac)>>simp[]) >>
1004    fs[wf_def] >>
1005    rfs[domain_empty] >>
1006    fs[GSYM pred_setTheory.MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY] >>
1007    fs[domain_lookup] >|
1008      [ qspec_then`x`strip_assume_tac div2_even_lemma
1009      , qspec_then`x`strip_assume_tac div2_odd_lemma
1010      ] >>
1011    first_x_assum(qspec_then`n`mp_tac) >>
1012    fs[ODD_EVEN] >> simp[] )
1013  >- (
1014    rw[EQ_IMP_THM] >> rw[lookup_def] >>
1015    rfs[domain_empty] >>
1016    fs[GSYM pred_setTheory.MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY] >>
1017    fs[domain_lookup] >>
1018    Cases_on`t2`>>fs[] >>
1019    TRY (
1020      first_x_assum(qspec_then`0`mp_tac) >>
1021      simp[lookup_def] >> NO_TAC) >>
1022    TRY (
1023      qspec_then`x`strip_assume_tac div2_even_lemma >>
1024      first_x_assum(qspec_then`n`mp_tac) >> fs[] >>
1025      simp[lookup_def] >> NO_TAC) >>
1026    TRY (
1027      qspec_then`x`strip_assume_tac div2_odd_lemma >>
1028      first_x_assum(qspec_then`n`mp_tac) >> fs[ODD_EVEN] >>
1029      simp[lookup_def] >> NO_TAC) >>
1030    qmatch_assum_rename_tac`wf (BN s1 s2)` >>
1031    `wf s1 /\ wf s2` by fs[wf_def] >>
1032    first_x_assum(qspec_then`s2`mp_tac) >>
1033    first_x_assum(qspec_then`s1`mp_tac) >>
1034    simp[] >> ntac 2 strip_tac >>
1035    fs[lookup_def] >> rw[] >>
1036    metis_tac[prim_recTheory.LESS_REFL,div2_even_lemma,div2_odd_lemma
1037             ,EVEN_ODD] )
1038  >- (
1039    rw[EQ_IMP_THM] >> rw[lookup_def] >>
1040    rfs[domain_empty] >>
1041    fs[GSYM pred_setTheory.MEMBER_NOT_EMPTY] >>
1042    fs[domain_lookup] >>
1043    Cases_on`t2`>>fs[] >>
1044    TRY (
1045      first_x_assum(qspec_then`0`mp_tac) >>
1046      simp[lookup_def] >> NO_TAC) >>
1047    TRY (
1048      qspec_then`x`strip_assume_tac div2_even_lemma >>
1049      first_x_assum(qspec_then`n`mp_tac) >> fs[] >>
1050      simp[lookup_def] >> NO_TAC) >>
1051    TRY (
1052      qspec_then`x`strip_assume_tac div2_odd_lemma >>
1053      first_x_assum(qspec_then`n`mp_tac) >> fs[ODD_EVEN] >>
1054      simp[lookup_def] >> NO_TAC) >>
1055    qmatch_assum_rename_tac`wf (BS s1 z s2)` >>
1056    `wf s1 /\ wf s2` by fs[wf_def] >>
1057    first_x_assum(qspec_then`s2`mp_tac) >>
1058    first_x_assum(qspec_then`s1`mp_tac) >>
1059    simp[] >> ntac 2 strip_tac >>
1060    fs[lookup_def] >> rw[] >>
1061    metis_tac[prim_recTheory.LESS_REFL,div2_even_lemma,div2_odd_lemma
1062             ,EVEN_ODD,optionTheory.SOME_11] ))
1064val mk_wf_def = Define `
1065  (mk_wf LN = LN) /\
1066  (mk_wf (LS x) = LS x) /\
1067  (mk_wf (BN t1 t2) = mk_BN (mk_wf t1) (mk_wf t2)) /\
1068  (mk_wf (BS t1 x t2) = mk_BS (mk_wf t1) x (mk_wf t2))`;
1070val wf_mk_wf = store_thm("wf_mk_wf[simp]",
1071  ``!t. wf (mk_wf t)``,
1072  Induct \\ fs [wf_def,mk_wf_def,wf_mk_BS,wf_mk_BN]);
1074val wf_mk_id = store_thm("wf_mk_id[simp]",
1075  ``!t. wf t ==> (mk_wf t = t)``,
1076  Induct \\ srw_tac [] [wf_def,mk_wf_def,mk_BS_thm,mk_BN_thm]);
1078val lookup_mk_wf = store_thm("lookup_mk_wf[simp]",
1079  ``!x t. lookup x (mk_wf t) = lookup x t``,
1080  Induct_on `t` \\ fs [mk_wf_def,lookup_mk_BS,lookup_mk_BN]
1081  \\ srw_tac [] [lookup_def]);
1083val domain_mk_wf = store_thm("domain_mk_wf[simp]",
1084  ``!t. domain (mk_wf t) = domain t``,
1085  fs [pred_setTheory.EXTENSION,domain_lookup]);
1087val mk_wf_eq = store_thm("mk_wf_eq[simp]",
1088  ``!t1 t2. (mk_wf t1 = mk_wf t2) <=> !x. lookup x t1 = lookup x t2``,
1089  metis_tac [spt_eq_thm,wf_mk_wf,lookup_mk_wf]);
1091val inter_eq = store_thm("inter_eq[simp]",
1092  ``!t1 t2 t3 t4.
1093       (inter t1 t2 = inter t3 t4) <=>
1094       !x. lookup x (inter t1 t2) = lookup x (inter t3 t4)``,
1095  metis_tac [spt_eq_thm,wf_inter]);
1097val union_mk_wf = store_thm("union_mk_wf[simp]",
1098  ``!t1 t2. union (mk_wf t1) (mk_wf t2) = mk_wf (union t1 t2)``,
1100  \\ `union (mk_wf t1) (mk_wf t2) = mk_wf (union (mk_wf t1) (mk_wf t2))` by
1101        metis_tac [wf_union,wf_mk_wf,wf_mk_id]
1102  \\ POP_ASSUM (fn th => once_rewrite_tac [th])
1103  \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [mk_wf_eq] \\ fs [lookup_union]);
1105val inter_mk_wf = store_thm("union_mk_wf[simp]",
1106  ``!t1 t2. inter (mk_wf t1) (mk_wf t2) = mk_wf (inter t1 t2)``,
1108  \\ `inter (mk_wf t1) (mk_wf t2) = mk_wf (inter (mk_wf t1) (mk_wf t2))` by
1109        metis_tac [wf_inter,wf_mk_wf,wf_mk_id]
1110  \\ POP_ASSUM (fn th => once_rewrite_tac [th])
1111  \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [mk_wf_eq] \\ fs [lookup_inter]);
1113val insert_mk_wf = store_thm("insert_mk_wf[simp]",
1114  ``!x v t. insert x v (mk_wf t) = mk_wf (insert x v t)``,
1116  \\ `insert x v (mk_wf t) = mk_wf (insert x v (mk_wf t))` by
1117        metis_tac [wf_insert,wf_mk_wf,wf_mk_id]
1118  \\ POP_ASSUM (fn th => once_rewrite_tac [th])
1119  \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [mk_wf_eq] \\ fs [lookup_insert]);
1121val delete_mk_wf = store_thm("delete_mk_wf[simp]",
1122  ``!x t. delete x (mk_wf t) = mk_wf (delete x t)``,
1124  \\ `delete x (mk_wf t) = mk_wf (delete x (mk_wf t))` by
1125        metis_tac [wf_delete,wf_mk_wf,wf_mk_id]
1126  \\ POP_ASSUM (fn th => once_rewrite_tac [th])
1127  \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [mk_wf_eq] \\ fs [lookup_delete]);
1129val union_LN = store_thm("union_LN[simp]",
1130  ``!t. (union t LN = t) /\ (union LN t = t)``,
1131  Cases \\ fs [union_def]);
1133val inter_LN = store_thm("inter_LN[simp]",
1134  ``!t. (inter t LN = LN) /\ (inter LN t = LN)``,
1135  Cases \\ fs [inter_def]);
1137val union_assoc = store_thm("union_assoc",
1138  ``!t1 t2 t3. union t1 (union t2 t3) = union (union t1 t2) t3``,
1139  Induct \\ Cases_on `t2` \\ Cases_on `t3` \\ fs [union_def]);
1141val inter_assoc = store_thm("inter_assoc",
1142  ``!t1 t2 t3. inter t1 (inter t2 t3) = inter (inter t1 t2) t3``,
1143  fs [lookup_inter] \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC
1144  \\ Cases_on `lookup x t1` \\ fs []
1145  \\ Cases_on `lookup x t2` \\ fs []
1146  \\ Cases_on `lookup x t3` \\ fs []);
1148val numeral_div0 = prove(
1149  ``(BIT1 n DIV 2 = n) /\
1150    (BIT2 n DIV 2 = SUC n) /\
1151    (SUC (BIT1 n) DIV 2 = SUC n) /\
1152    (SUC (BIT2 n) DIV 2 = SUC n)``,
1153  REWRITE_TAC[GSYM DIV2_def, numeralTheory.numeral_suc,
1154              REWRITE_RULE [NUMERAL_DEF]
1155                           numeralTheory.numeral_div2])
1156val BIT0 = prove(
1157  ``BIT1 n <> 0  /\ BIT2 n <> 0``,
1159              ADD_CLAUSES, numTheory.NOT_SUC]);
1161val PRE_BIT1 = prove(
1162  ``BIT1 n - 1 = 2 * n``,
1164               ALT_ZERO, ADD_CLAUSES,
1165               BIT2, SUB_MONO_EQ,
1166               MULT_CLAUSES, SUB_0]);
1168val PRE_BIT2 = prove(
1169  ``BIT2 n - 1 = 2 * n + 1``,
1171               ALT_ZERO, ADD_CLAUSES,
1172               BIT2, SUB_MONO_EQ,
1173               MULT_CLAUSES, SUB_0]);
1175val BITDIV = prove(
1176  ``((BIT1 n - 1) DIV 2 = n) /\ ((BIT2 n - 1) DIV 2 = n)``,
1177  simp[PRE_BIT1, PRE_BIT2] >> simp[DIV_EQ_X]);
1179fun computerule th q =
1180    th
1181      |> CONJUNCTS
1182      |> map SPEC_ALL
1183      |> map (Q.INST [`k` |-> q])
1184      |> map (CONV_RULE
1185                (RAND_CONV (SIMP_CONV bool_ss
1186                                      ([numeral_div0, BIT0, PRE_BIT1,
1187                                       numTheory.NOT_SUC, BITDIV,
1188                                       EVAL ``SUC 0 DIV 2``,
1189                                       numeralTheory.numeral_evenodd,
1190                                       EVEN]) THENC
1191                            SIMP_CONV bool_ss [ALT_ZERO])))
1193val lookup_compute = save_thm(
1194  "lookup_compute",
1195    LIST_CONJ (prove (``lookup (NUMERAL n) t = lookup n t``,
1196                      REWRITE_TAC [NUMERAL_DEF]) ::
1197               computerule lookup_def `0` @
1198               computerule lookup_def `ZERO` @
1199               computerule lookup_def `BIT1 n` @
1200               computerule lookup_def `BIT2 n`))
1201val _ = computeLib.add_persistent_funs ["lookup_compute"]
1203val insert_compute = save_thm(
1204  "insert_compute",
1205    LIST_CONJ (prove (``insert (NUMERAL n) a t = insert n a t``,
1206                      REWRITE_TAC [NUMERAL_DEF]) ::
1207               computerule insert_def `0` @
1208               computerule insert_def `ZERO` @
1209               computerule insert_def `BIT1 n` @
1210               computerule insert_def `BIT2 n`))
1211val _ = computeLib.add_persistent_funs ["insert_compute"]
1213val delete_compute = save_thm(
1214  "delete_compute",
1215    LIST_CONJ (
1216      prove(``delete (NUMERAL n) t = delete n t``,
1217            REWRITE_TAC [NUMERAL_DEF]) ::
1218      computerule delete_def `0` @
1219      computerule delete_def `ZERO` @
1220      computerule delete_def `BIT1 n` @
1221      computerule delete_def `BIT2 n`))
1222val _ = computeLib.add_persistent_funs ["delete_compute"]
1224val fromAList_def = Define `
1225  (fromAList [] = LN) /\
1226  (fromAList ((x,y)::xs) = insert x y (fromAList xs))`;
1228val lookup_fromAList = store_thm("lookup_fromAList",
1229  ``!ls x.lookup x (fromAList ls) = ALOOKUP ls x``,
1230  ho_match_mp_tac (fetch "-" "fromAList_ind")>>
1231  rw[fromAList_def,lookup_def]>>
1232  fs[lookup_insert]>> simp[EQ_SYM_EQ])
1234val domain_fromAList = store_thm("domain_fromAList",
1235  ``!ls. domain (fromAList ls) = set (MAP FST ls)``,
1236  simp[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION,domain_lookup,lookup_fromAList,
1237       MEM_MAP,pairTheory.EXISTS_PROD]>>
1239            optionTheory.option_CASES,
1240            optionTheory.NOT_SOME_NONE])
1242val lookup_fromAList_toAList = store_thm("lookup_fromAList_toAList",
1243  ``!t x. lookup x (fromAList (toAList t)) = lookup x t``,
1244  simp[lookup_fromAList,ALOOKUP_toAList])
1246val wf_fromAList = store_thm("wf_fromAList",
1247  ``!ls. wf (fromAList ls)``,
1248  Induct >>
1249    rw[fromAList_def,wf_def]>>
1250  Cases_on`h`>>
1251  rw[fromAList_def]>>
1252    simp[wf_insert])
1254val fromAList_toAList = store_thm("fromAList_toAList",
1255  ``!t. wf t ==> (fromAList (toAList t) = t)``,
1256  metis_tac[wf_fromAList,lookup_fromAList_toAList,spt_eq_thm])
1258val map_def = Define`
1259  (map f LN = LN) /\
1260  (map f (LS a) = (LS (f a))) /\
1261  (map f (BN t1 t2) = BN (map f t1) (map f t2)) /\
1262  (map f (BS t1 a t2) = BS (map f t1) (f a) (map f t2))`
1264val toList_map = store_thm("toList_map",
1265  ``!s. toList (map f s) = MAP f (toList s)``,
1266  Induct >>
1267  fs[toList_def,map_def,toListA_def] >>
1268  simp[Once toListA_append] >>
1269  simp[Once toListA_append,SimpRHS])
1271val domain_map = store_thm("domain_map",
1272  ``!s. domain (map f s) = domain s``,
1273  Induct >> simp[map_def])
1275val lookup_map = store_thm("lookup_map",
1276  ``!s x. lookup x (map f s) = OPTION_MAP f (lookup x s)``,
1277  Induct >> simp[map_def,lookup_def] >> rw[])
1279val map_LN = store_thm("map_LN[simp]",
1280  ``!t. (map f t = LN) <=> (t = LN)``,
1281  Cases \\ EVAL_TAC);
1283val wf_map = store_thm("wf_map[simp]",
1284  ``!t f. wf (map f t) = wf t``,
1285  Induct \\ fs [wf_def,map_def]);
1287val map_map_o = store_thm("map_map_o",
1288  ``!t f g. map f (map g t) = map (f o g) t``,
1289  Induct >> fs[map_def])
1291val map_insert = store_thm("map_insert",
1292  ``!f x y z.
1293  map f (insert x y z) = insert x (f y) (map f z)``,
1294  completeInduct_on`x`>>
1295  Induct_on`z`>>
1296  rw[]>>
1297  simp[Once map_def,Once insert_def]>>
1298  simp[Once insert_def,SimpRHS]>>
1299  BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC>>fs[map_def]>>
1300  `(x-1) DIV 2 < x` by
1301    (`0 < (2:num)` by fs[] >>
1302    imp_res_tac DIV_LT_X>>
1303    first_x_assum match_mp_tac>>
1304    DECIDE_TAC)>>
1305  fs[map_def])
1307val insert_insert = store_thm("insert_insert",
1308  ``!x1 x2 v1 v2 t.
1309      insert x1 v1 (insert x2 v2 t) =
1310      if x1 = x2 then insert x1 v1 t else insert x2 v2 (insert x1 v1 t)``,
1311  rpt strip_tac
1312  \\ qspec_tac (`x1`,`x1`)
1313  \\ qspec_tac (`v1`,`v1`)
1314  \\ qspec_tac (`t`,`t`)
1315  \\ qspec_tac (`v2`,`v2`)
1316  \\ qspec_tac (`x2`,`x2`)
1317  \\ recInduct insert_ind \\ rpt strip_tac \\
1318    (Cases_on `k = 0` \\ fs [] THEN1
1319     (once_rewrite_tac [insert_def] \\ fs [] \\ rw []
1320      THEN1 (once_rewrite_tac [insert_def] \\ fs [])
1321      \\ once_rewrite_tac [insert_def] \\ fs [] \\ rw [])
1322    \\ once_rewrite_tac [insert_def] \\ fs [] \\ rw []
1323    \\ simp [Once insert_def]
1324    \\ once_rewrite_tac [EQ_SYM_EQ]
1325    \\ simp [Once insert_def]
1326    \\ Cases_on `x1` \\ fs [ADD1]
1327    \\ Cases_on `k` \\ fs [ADD1]
1328    \\ rw [] \\ fs [EVEN_ADD]
1329    \\ fs [GSYM ODD_EVEN]
1330    \\ fs [EVEN_EXISTS,ODD_EXISTS] \\ rpt BasicProvers.var_eq_tac
1332                MULT_DIV|>ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[MULT_COMM]]));
1334val insert_shadow = store_thm("insert_shadow",
1335  ``!t a b c. insert a b (insert a c t) = insert a b t``,
1336  once_rewrite_tac [insert_insert] \\ simp []);
1338(* the sub-map relation, a partial order *)
1340val spt_left_def = Define `
1341  (spt_left LN = LN) /\
1342  (spt_left (LS x) = LN) /\
1343  (spt_left (BN t1 t2) = t1) /\
1344  (spt_left (BS t1 x t2) = t1)`
1346val spt_right_def = Define `
1347  (spt_right LN = LN) /\
1348  (spt_right (LS x) = LN) /\
1349  (spt_right (BN t1 t2) = t2) /\
1350  (spt_right (BS t1 x t2) = t2)`
1352val spt_center_def = Define `
1353  (spt_center (LS x) = SOME x) /\
1354  (spt_center (BS t1 x t2) = SOME x) /\
1355  (spt_center _ = NONE)`
1357val subspt_eq = Define `
1358  (subspt LN t <=> T) /\
1359  (subspt (LS x) t <=> (spt_center t = SOME x)) /\
1360  (subspt (BN t1 t2) t <=>
1361     subspt t1 (spt_left t) /\ subspt t2 (spt_right t)) /\
1362  (subspt (BS t1 x t2) t <=>
1363     (spt_center t = SOME x) /\
1364     subspt t1 (spt_left t) /\ subspt t2 (spt_right t))`
1366val _ = save_thm("subspt_eq",subspt_eq);
1368val subspt_lookup_lemma = Q.prove(
1369  `(!x y. ((if x = 0:num then SOME a else f x) = SOME y) ==> p x y)
1370   <=>
1371   p 0 a /\ (!x y. x <> 0 /\ (f x = SOME y) ==> p x y)`,
1372  metis_tac [optionTheory.SOME_11]);
1374val subspt_lookup = Q.store_thm("subspt_lookup",
1375  `!t1 t2.
1376     subspt t1 t2 <=>
1377     !x y. (lookup x t1 = SOME y) ==> (lookup x t2 = SOME y)`,
1378  Induct
1379  \\ fs [lookup_def,subspt_eq]
1380  THEN1 (Cases_on `t2` \\ fs [lookup_def,spt_center_def])
1381  \\ rw []
1382  THEN1
1383   (Cases_on `t2`
1384    \\ fs [lookup_def,spt_center_def,spt_left_def,spt_right_def]
1385    \\ eq_tac \\ rw []
1386    \\ TRY (Cases_on `x = 0` \\ fs [] \\ rw [] \\ fs [] \\ NO_TAC)
1387    \\ TRY (first_x_assum (fn th => qspec_then `2 * x + 1` mp_tac th THEN
1388                                    qspec_then `(2 * x + 1) + 1` mp_tac th))
1391    \\ fs [EVEN_ADD,EVEN_DOUBLE])
1392  \\ Cases_on `spt_center t2` \\ fs []
1393  THEN1
1394   (qexists_tac `0` \\ fs []
1395    \\ Cases_on `t2` \\ fs [spt_center_def,lookup_def])
1396  \\ reverse (Cases_on `x = a`) \\ fs []
1397  THEN1
1398   (qexists_tac `0` \\ fs []
1399    \\ Cases_on `t2` \\ fs [spt_center_def,lookup_def])
1400  \\ BasicProvers.var_eq_tac
1401  \\ fs [subspt_lookup_lemma]
1402  \\ `lookup 0 t2 = SOME a` by
1403       (Cases_on `t2` \\ fs [spt_center_def,lookup_def])
1404  \\ fs []
1405  \\ Cases_on `t2`
1406  \\ fs [lookup_def,spt_center_def,spt_left_def,spt_right_def]
1407  \\ eq_tac \\ rw []
1408  \\ TRY (Cases_on `x = 0` \\ fs [] \\ rw [] \\ fs [] \\ NO_TAC)
1409  \\ TRY (first_x_assum (fn th => qspec_then `2 * x + 1` mp_tac th THEN
1410                                  qspec_then `(2 * x + 1) + 1` mp_tac th))
1413  \\ fs [EVEN_ADD,EVEN_DOUBLE]);
1415val subspt_domain = Q.store_thm("subspt_domain",
1416  `!t1 (t2:unit spt).
1417     subspt t1 t2 <=> domain t1 SUBSET domain t2`,
1418  fs [subspt_lookup,domain_lookup,pred_setTheory.SUBSET_DEF]);
1420val subspt_def = Q.store_thm("subspt_def",
1421  `!sp1 sp2.
1422     subspt sp1 sp2 <=>
1423     !k. k IN domain sp1 ==> k IN domain sp2 /\
1424         (lookup k sp2 = lookup k sp1)`,
1425  fs [subspt_lookup,domain_lookup]
1426  \\ metis_tac [optionTheory.SOME_11]);
1428val subspt_refl = Q.store_thm(
1429  "subspt_refl[simp]",
1430  `subspt sp sp`,
1431  simp[subspt_def])
1433val subspt_trans = Q.store_thm(
1434  "subspt_trans",
1435  `subspt sp1 sp2 /\ subspt sp2 sp3 ==> subspt sp1 sp3`,
1436  simp [subspt_lookup]);
1438val subspt_LN = Q.store_thm(
1439  "subspt_LN[simp]",
1440  `(subspt LN sp <=> T) /\ (subspt sp LN <=> (domain sp = {}))`,
1441  simp[subspt_def, pred_setTheory.EXTENSION]);
1443(* filter values stored in sptree *)
1445val filter_v_def = Define `
1446  (filter_v f LN = LN) /\
1447  (filter_v f (LS x) = if f x then LS x else LN) /\
1448  (filter_v f (BN l r) = mk_BN (filter_v f l) (filter_v f r)) /\
1449  (filter_v f (BS l x r) =
1450    if f x then mk_BS (filter_v f l) x (filter_v f r)
1451           else mk_BN (filter_v f l) (filter_v f r))`;
1453val lookup_filter_v = store_thm("lookup_filter_v",
1454  ``!k t f. lookup k (filter_v f t) = case lookup k t of
1455      | SOME v => if f v then SOME v else NONE
1456      | NONE => NONE``,
1457  ho_match_mp_tac (theorem "lookup_ind") \\ rpt strip_tac \\
1458  rw [filter_v_def, lookup_mk_BS, lookup_mk_BN] \\ rw [lookup_def] \\ fs []);
1460val wf_filter_v = store_thm("wf_filter_v",
1461  ``!t f. wf t ==> wf (filter_v f t)``,
1462  Induct \\ rw [filter_v_def, wf_def, mk_BN_thm, mk_BS_thm] \\ fs []);
1464val wf_mk_BN = Q.store_thm(
1465  "wf_mk_BN",
1466  `wf t1 /\ wf t2 ==> wf (mk_BN t1 t2)`,
1467  map_every Cases_on [`t1`, `t2`] >> simp[mk_BN_def, wf_def])
1469val wf_mk_BS = Q.store_thm(
1470  "wf_mk_BS",
1471  `wf t1 /\ wf t2 ==> wf (mk_BS t1 a t2)`,
1472  map_every Cases_on [`t1`, `t2`] >> simp[mk_BS_def, wf_def])
1474val wf_mapi = Q.store_thm(
1475  "wf_mapi",
1476  `wf (mapi f pt)`,
1477  simp[mapi_def] >>
1478  `!n. wf (mapi0 f n pt)` suffices_by simp[] >> Induct_on `pt` >>
1479  simp[wf_def, wf_mk_BN, wf_mk_BS]);
1481val ALOOKUP_MAP_lemma = Q.prove(
1482  `ALOOKUP (MAP (\kv. (FST kv, f (FST kv) (SND kv))) al) n =
1483   OPTION_MAP (\v. f n v) (ALOOKUP al n)`,
1484  Induct_on `al` >> simp[pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] >> rw[]);
1486val lookup_mk_BN = Q.store_thm(
1487  "lookup_mk_BN",
1488  `lookup i (mk_BN t1 t2) =
1489    if i = 0 then NONE
1490    else lookup ((i - 1) DIV 2) (if EVEN i then t1 else t2)`,
1491  map_every Cases_on [`t1`, `t2`] >> simp[mk_BN_def, lookup_def]);
1493val MAP_foldi = Q.store_thm(
1494  "MAP_foldi",
1495  `!n acc. MAP f (foldi (\k v a. (k,v)::a) n acc pt) =
1496             foldi (\k v a. (f (k,v)::a)) n (MAP f acc) pt`,
1497  Induct_on `pt` >> simp[foldi_def]);
1499val mapi_Alist = Q.store_thm(
1500  "mapi_Alist",
1501  `mapi f pt =
1502    fromAList (MAP (\kv. (FST kv,f (FST kv) (SND kv))) (toAList pt))`,
1503  simp[spt_eq_thm, wf_mapi, wf_fromAList, lookup_fromAList] >>
1504  srw_tac[boolSimps.ETA_ss][lookup_mapi, ALOOKUP_MAP_lemma, ALOOKUP_toAList]);
1506val domain_mapi = Q.store_thm("domain_mapi",
1507  `domain (mapi f pt) = domain pt`,
1508  rw[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION,domain_lookup,lookup_mapi]);
1510val size_domain = Q.store_thm("size_domain",
1511  `!t. size t = CARD (domain t)`,
1512  Induct_on `t`
1513  >- rw[size_def, domain_def]
1514  >- rw[size_def, domain_def]
1515  >> rw[pred_setTheory.CARD_UNION_EQN, pred_setTheory.CARD_INJ_IMAGE]
1516  >-
1517   (`IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 2) (domain t) INTER
1518     IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 1) (domain t') = {}`
1519      by (rw[GSYM pred_setTheory.DISJOINT_DEF, pred_setTheory.IN_DISJOINT]
1520          >> Cases_on `ODD x`
1521          >> fs[ODD_EXISTS, ADD1, oddevenlemma])
1522    >> simp[]) >>
1523  `(({0} INTER IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 2) (domain t)) = {}) /\
1524   (({0} UNION (IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 2) (domain t)))
1525        INTER (IMAGE (\n. 2 * n + 1) (domain t')) = {})`
1526  by (rw[GSYM pred_setTheory.DISJOINT_DEF, pred_setTheory.IN_DISJOINT]
1527      >> Cases_on `ODD x`
1528      >> fs[ODD_EXISTS, ADD1, oddevenlemma])
1529  >> simp[]);
1531val num_set_domain_eq = Q.store_thm("num_set_domain_eq",
1532  `!t1 t2:unit spt.
1533     wf t1 /\ wf t2 ==>
1534     ((domain t1 = domain t2) <=> (t1 = t2))`,
1535  rw[] >> EQ_TAC >> rw[spt_eq_thm] >>
1536  fs[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, domain_lookup] >>
1537  pop_assum (qspec_then `n` mp_tac) >> strip_tac >>
1538  Cases_on `lookup n t1` >> fs[] >> Cases_on `lookup n t2` >> fs[]);
1540val union_num_set_sym = Q.store_thm ("union_num_set_sym",
1541  `!(t1:unit spt) t2. union t1 t2 = union t2 t1`,
1542  Induct >> fs[union_def] >> rw[] >> CASE_TAC >> fs[union_def]);
1544val difference_sub = Q.store_thm("difference_sub",
1545  `(difference a b = LN) ==> (domain a SUBSET domain b)`,
1546  rw[] >>
1547  `(domain (difference a b) = {})` by rw[domain_def] >>
1548  fs[pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, domain_difference, pred_setTheory.SUBSET_DEF] >>
1549  metis_tac[]);
1551val wf_difference = Q.store_thm("wf_difference",
1552  `!t1 t2. wf t1 /\ wf t2 ==> wf (difference t1 t2)`,
1553  Induct >> rw[difference_def, wf_def] >> CASE_TAC >> fs[wf_def]
1554  >> rw[wf_def, wf_mk_BN, wf_mk_BS]);
1556val delete_fail = Q.store_thm ("delete_fail",
1557  `!n t. wf t ==> (~(n IN domain t) <=> (delete n t = t))`,
1558  simp[domain_lookup] >>
1559  recInduct (fetch "-" "lookup_ind") >>
1560  rw[lookup_def, wf_def, delete_def, mk_BN_thm, mk_BS_thm]);
1562val size_delete = Q.store_thm ( "size_delete",
1563  `!n t . size (delete n t) =
1564          if lookup n t = NONE then size t else size t - 1`,
1565  rw[size_def] >> fs[lookup_NONE_domain] >>
1566  TRY (qpat_assum `n NOTIN d` (qspecl_then [] mp_tac)) >>
1567  rfs[delete_fail, size_def] >>
1568  fs[size_domain,lookup_NONE_domain,size_domain]);
1570val lookup_fromList_outside = Q.store_thm("lookup_fromList_outside",
1571  `!k. LENGTH args <= k ==> (lookup k (fromList args) = NONE)`,
1572  SIMP_TAC std_ss [lookup_fromList] \\ DECIDE_TAC);
1574val lemmas = Q.prove(
1575  `(2 + 2 * n - 1 = 2 * n + 1:num) /\
1576    ((2 + 2 * n' = 2 * n'' + 2) <=> (n' = n'':num)) /\
1577    ((2 * m = 2 * n) <=> (m = n)) /\
1578    ((2 * n'' + 1) DIV 2 = n'') /\
1579    ((2 * n) DIV 2 = n) /\
1580    (2 + 2 * n' <> 2 * n'' + 1) /\
1581    (2 * m + 1 <> 2 * n' + 2)`,
1582  REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ SIMP_TAC std_ss [] \\ fs []
1583  \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [MULT_COMM] MULT_DIV]
1584  \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [MULT_COMM] DIV_MULT]
1585  \\ IMP_RES_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``(m = n) ==> (m MOD 2 = n MOD 2)``)
1586  \\ POP_ASSUM MP_TAC \\ SIMP_TAC std_ss []
1590val IN_domain = Q.store_thm("IN_domain",
1591  `!n x t1 t2.
1592      (n IN domain LN <=> F) /\
1593      (n IN domain (LS x) <=> (n = 0)) /\
1594      (n IN domain (BN t1 t2) <=>
1595        (n <> 0 /\ (if EVEN n then ((n-1) DIV 2) IN domain t1
1596                              else ((n-1) DIV 2) IN domain t2))) /\
1597      (n IN domain (BS t1 x t2) <=>
1598        ((n = 0) \/ (if EVEN n then ((n-1) DIV 2) IN domain t1
1599                             else ((n-1) DIV 2) IN domain t2)))`,
1600  full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[domain_def] \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC
1601  \\ Cases_on `n = 0` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
1602  \\ Cases_on `EVEN n` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
1603  \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[GSYM ODD_EVEN]
1605  \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[ADD1] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[lemmas]
1606  \\ Cases_on `m` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[MULT_CLAUSES]
1608  \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[lemmas])
1610val map_map_K = Q.store_thm("map_map_K",
1611  `!t. map (K a) (map f t) = map (K a) t`,
1612  Induct \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[map_def]);
1614val lookup_map_K = Q.store_thm("lookup_map_K",
1615  `!t n. lookup n (map (K x) t) = if n IN domain t then SOME x else NONE`,
1616  Induct \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[IN_domain,map_def,lookup_def]
1617  \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ Cases_on `n = 0` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
1618  \\ Cases_on `EVEN n` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]);
1620val spt_fold_def = Define `
1621  (spt_fold f acc LN = acc) /\
1622  (spt_fold f acc (LS a) = f a acc) /\
1623  (spt_fold f acc (BN t1 t2) = spt_fold f (spt_fold f acc t1) t2) /\
1624  (spt_fold f acc (BS t1 a t2) = spt_fold f (f a (spt_fold f acc t1)) t2)`
1626val IMP_size_LESS_size = store_thm("IMP_size_LESS_size",
1627  ``!x y. subspt x y /\ domain x <> domain y ==> size x < size y``,
1628  fs [size_domain,domain_difference] \\ rw []
1629  \\ `?t. (domain y = domain x UNION t) /\ t <> EMPTY /\
1630          (domain x INTER t = EMPTY)` by
1631   (qexists_tac `domain y DIFF domain x`
1632    \\ fs [pred_setTheory.EXTENSION]
1633    \\ qsuff_tac `domain x SUBSET domain y`
1634    THEN1 (fs [pred_setTheory.EXTENSION,pred_setTheory.SUBSET_DEF] \\ metis_tac [])
1635    \\ fs [domain_lookup,subspt_lookup,pred_setTheory.SUBSET_DEF]
1636    \\ rw [] \\ res_tac \\ fs [])
1637  \\ asm_rewrite_tac []
1638  \\ `FINITE (domain y)` by fs [FINITE_domain]
1639  \\ `FINITE t` by metis_tac [pred_setTheory.FINITE_UNION]
1640  \\ fs [pred_setTheory.CARD_UNION_EQN]
1641  \\ `CARD t <> 0` by metis_tac [pred_setTheory.CARD_EQ_0] \\ fs []);
1643val size_diff_less = store_thm("size_diff_less",
1644  ``!x y z t.
1645      domain z SUBSET domain y /\ t IN domain y /\
1646      ~(t IN domain z) /\ t IN domain x ==>
1647      size (difference x y) < size (difference x z)``,
1648  rw []
1649  \\ match_mp_tac IMP_size_LESS_size
1650  \\ fs [domain_difference,pred_setTheory.EXTENSION]
1651  \\ reverse conj_tac THEN1 metis_tac []
1652  \\ fs [subspt_lookup,lookup_difference]
1653  \\ rw [] \\ fs [pred_setTheory.SUBSET_DEF,domain_lookup,PULL_EXISTS]
1654  \\ CCONTR_TAC
1655  \\ Cases_on `lookup x' z` \\ fs []
1656  \\ res_tac \\ fs []);
1658val inter_eq_LN = store_thm("inter_eq_LN",
1659  ``!x y. (inter x y = LN) <=> DISJOINT (domain x) (domain y)``,
1660  fs [spt_eq_thm,wf_inter,wf_def,lookup_def,lookup_inter_alt]
1661  \\ fs [domain_lookup,pred_setTheory.IN_DISJOINT]
1662  \\ metis_tac [optionTheory.NOT_SOME_NONE,optionTheory.SOME_11,
1663                optionTheory.option_CASES]);
1665val _ = export_theory();