1structure Logging :> Logging =
4open OpenTheoryCommon
5structure Map = OpenTheoryMap.Map
7val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "Logging"
9fun uptodate_const Thy Name =
10  Theory.uptodate_term (Term.prim_mk_const {Thy=Thy,Name=Name})
11  handle Feedback.HOL_ERR {origin_function="prim_mk_const",...} => false
13val verbosity = ref 0
14val _ = Feedback.register_trace("opentheory logging",verbosity,5)
16val proof_type = let open Thm fun
17 f Axiom_prf = "Axiom"
18|f (ABS_prf _) = "ABS"
19|f (ALPHA_prf _) = "ALPHA"
20|f (AP_TERM_prf _) = "AP_TERM"
21|f (AP_THM_prf _) = "AP_THM"
22|f (ASSUME_prf _) = "ASSUME"
23|f (BETA_CONV_prf _) = "BETA_CONV"
24|f (CCONTR_prf _) = "CCONTR"
25|f (CHOOSE_prf _) = "CHOOSE"
26|f (CONJ_prf _) = "CONJ"
27|f (CONJUNCT1_prf _) = "CONJUNCT1"
28|f (CONJUNCT2_prf _) = "CONJUNCT2"
29|f (DISCH_prf _) = "DISCH"
30|f (DISJ_CASES_prf _) = "DISJ_CASES"
31|f (DISJ1_prf _) = "DISJ1"
32|f (DISJ2_prf _) = "DISJ2"
33|f (EQ_IMP_RULE1_prf _) = "EQ_IMP_RULE1"
34|f (EQ_IMP_RULE2_prf _) = "EQ_IMP_RULE2"
35|f (EQ_MP_prf _) = "EQ_MP"
36|f (EXISTS_prf _) = "EXISTS"
37|f (GEN_prf _) = "GEN"
38|f (GEN_ABS_prf _) = "GEN_ABS"
39|f (INST_TYPE_prf _) = "INST_TYPE"
40|f (INST_prf _) = "INST"
41|f (MK_COMB_prf _) = "MK_COMB"
42|f (MP_prf _) = "MP"
43|f (NOT_INTRO_prf _) = "NOT_INTRO"
44|f (NOT_ELIM_prf _) = "NOT_ELIM"
45|f (REFL_prf _) = "REFL"
46|f (SPEC_prf _) = "SPEC"
47|f (SUBST_prf _) = "SUBST"
48|f (SYM_prf _) = "SYM"
49|f (TRANS_prf _) = "TRANS"
50|f (Beta_prf _) = "Beta"
51|f (Def_tyop_prf _) = "Def_tyop"
52|f (Def_const_prf _) = "Def_const"
53|f (Def_const_list_prf _) = "Def_const_list"
54|f (Def_spec_prf _) = "Def_spec"
55|f (Mk_abs_prf _) = "Mk_abs"
56|f (Mk_comb_prf _) = "Mk_comb"
57|f (Specialize_prf _) = "Specialize"
58|f (deductAntisym_prf _) = "deductAntisym"
59in f end
61datatype log_state =
62  Not_logging
63| Active_logging of TextIO.outstream
65val log_state = ref Not_logging
67fun log_raw s =
68  case !log_state of
69    Active_logging h => TextIO.output (h,s^"\n")
70  | Not_logging => ()
72fun log_num n = log_raw (Int.toString n)
74fun log_name s = log_raw ("\""^(OpenTheoryMap.otname_to_string s)^"\"")
76fun log_comment s = log_raw ("#"^(String.translate (fn #"\n" => "\n#" | c => String.str c) s))
78fun log_command s = log_raw s
80fun log_nil () = log_command "nil"
82fun log_list log = let
83  fun logl []     = log_nil ()
84    | logl (h::t) = (log h; logl t; log_command "cons")
85in logl end
87fun log_pair (loga,logb) (a,b) = let
88  val _ = loga a
89  val _ = logb b
90  val _ = log_nil ()
91  val _ = log_command "cons"
92  val _ = log_command "cons"
93in () end
95fun log_redres loga logb {redex,residue} =
96  log_pair (loga,logb) (redex,residue)
98type thy_tyop  = OpenTheoryMap.thy_tyop
99type thy_const = OpenTheoryMap.thy_const
100type otname    = OpenTheoryMap.otname
102val (log_term, log_thm, log_clear,
103     set_const_name_handler, reset_const_name_handler,
104     set_tyop_name_handler, reset_tyop_name_handler) = let
105  val (reset_key,next_key) = let
106    val key = ref 0
107    fun reset() = key := 0
108    fun next()  = let val k = !key in (key := k+1; k) end
109    in (reset,next) end
111  val (reset_dict,peek_dict,save_dict) = let
112    fun new_dict() = Map.mkDict object_compare
113    val dict = ref (new_dict())
114    fun reset() = dict := new_dict()
115    fun peek x = Map.peek(!dict,x)
116    fun save x = case peek x of
117      SOME k => k
118    | NONE => let
119        val k = next_key()
120        val _ = dict := Map.insert(!dict,x,k)
121        val _ = log_num k
122        val _ = log_command "def"
123      in k end
124    in (reset,peek,save) end
125  fun saved ob = case peek_dict ob of
126    SOME k => let
127      val _ = log_num k
128      val _ = log_command "ref"
129      in true end
130  | NONE => false
132  fun log_type_var ty = log_name (tyvar_to_ot (Type.dest_vartype ty))
134  local
135    open OpenTheoryMap
136    fun default_tnh t = raise ERR "log_tyop_name"
137      ("No OpenTheory name for type "^(#Thy t)^"$"^(#Tyop t))
138    fun default_cnh c = raise ERR "log_const_name"
139      ("No OpenTheory name for constant "^(#Thy c)^"$"^(#Name c))
140    val tnh = ref default_tnh
141    val cnh = ref default_cnh
142  in
143    fun log_tyop_name tyop = let
144      val n = Map.find(tyop_to_ot_map(),tyop)
145              handle Map.NotFound => (!tnh) tyop
146      val _ = log_name n
147      in n end
148    fun log_const_name {Thy="Logging",Name} =
149      log_raw ("\""^Name^"\"")
150    |   log_const_name const = let
151      val n = Map.find(const_to_ot_map(),const)
152              handle Map.NotFound => (!cnh) const
153      in log_name n end
154    fun set_const_name_handler h =
155      cnh := (fn c => h c handle _ => default_cnh c)
156    fun reset_const_name_handler() = cnh := default_cnh
157    fun set_tyop_name_handler h =
158      tnh := (fn t => h t handle _ => default_tnh t)
159    fun reset_tyop_name_handler() = tnh := default_tnh
160  end
162  fun log_tyop tyop = let
163    val ob = OTypeOp tyop
164  in if saved ob then () else let
165    val _ = log_tyop_name tyop
166    val _ = log_command "typeOp"
167    val _ = save_dict ob
168    in () end
169  end
171  fun log_const const = let
172    val ob = OConst const
173  in if saved ob then () else let
174    val _ = log_const_name const
175    val _ = log_command "const"
176    val _ = save_dict ob
177    in () end
178  end
180  fun log_type ty = let
181    val ob = OType ty
182  in if saved ob then () else let
183    open Feedback
184    val _ = let
185      val {Thy,Args,Tyop} = Type.dest_thy_type ty
186      val _ = log_tyop {Thy=Thy,Tyop=Tyop}
187      val _ = log_list log_type Args
188      val _ = log_command "opType"
189    in () end handle HOL_ERR {origin_function="dest_thy_type",...} => let
190      val _ = log_type_var ty
191      val _ = log_command "varType"
192    in () end
193    val _ = save_dict ob
194    in () end
195  end
197  fun log_var v = let
198    val ob = OVar v
199  in if saved ob then () else let
200    val (n,ty) = Term.dest_var v
201    val _ = log_name ([],n)
202    val _ = log_type ty
203    val _ = log_command "var"
204    val _ = save_dict ob
205    in () end
206  end
208  fun strip_old s = let
209    open Substring
210    val s = triml 3 (trimr 5 (full s))
211    val (_,s) = splitl Char.isDigit s
212    val s = triml 2 s
213  in string s end
215  fun log_term tm = let
216    val ob = OTerm tm
217  in if saved ob then () else let
218    open Term Feedback
219    val _ = let
220      val {Thy,Name,Ty} = dest_thy_const tm
221      val Name = if uptodate_const Thy Name then Name else strip_old Name
222      val _ = log_const {Thy=Thy,Name=Name}
223      val _ = log_type Ty
224      val _ = log_command "constTerm"
225    in () end handle HOL_ERR {origin_function="dest_thy_const",...} => let
226      val (t1,t2) = dest_comb tm
227      val _ = log_term t1
228      val _ = log_term t2
229      val _ = log_command "appTerm"
230    in () end handle HOL_ERR {origin_function="dest_comb",...} => let
231      val (v,b) = dest_abs tm
232      val _ = log_var v
233      val _ = log_term b
234      val _ = log_command "absTerm"
235    in () end handle HOL_ERR {origin_function="dest_abs",...} => let
236      val _ = log_var tm
237      val _ = log_command "varTerm"
238    in () end
239    val _ = save_dict ob
240    in () end
241  end
243  val log_subst =
244    log_pair
245      (log_list (log_redres log_type_var log_type),
246       log_list (log_redres log_var log_term))
247  fun log_type_subst s = log_subst (s,[])
248  fun log_term_subst s = log_subst ([],s)
250  (* Attribution: ideas (and code) for reconstructing DISCH, SPEC, GEN, etc.
251                  taken from HOL Light *)
252  local open Thm Conv boolTheory boolSyntax Term Type Lib Drule in
253    fun proveHyp th1 th2 =
254    case HOLset.find (aconv (concl th1)) (hypset th2) of
255        SOME _ => EQ_MP (deductAntisym th1 th2) th1
256      | NONE => th2
257    val p = ``p:bool``
258    val q = ``q:bool``
259    val eqtIntro = let
260      val pth = let
261        val th1 = deductAntisym (ASSUME p) TRUTH
262        val th2 = EQT_ELIM(ASSUME(concl th1))
263        in deductAntisym th2 th1 end
264      in fn th => EQ_MP (INST[p|->concl th] pth) th end
265    (* These are in the OpenTheory standard library, so we can give them axiom proofs *)
266    val IMP_DEF = mk_thm([],``$==> = \p q. p /\ q <=> p``)
267    val EXISTS_DEF = mk_thm([],``$? = \P:'a->bool. !q. (!x. P x ==> q) ==> q``)
268    val AND_DEF = mk_thm([],``$/\ = \p q. (\f:bool->bool->bool. f p q) = (\f. f T T)``)
269    val EXISTS_THM = boolTheory.EXISTS_DEF
270    val DISCH_pth = SYM(BETA_RULE (AP_THM (AP_THM IMP_DEF p) q))
271    val MP_pth = let
272      val th1 = BETA_RULE (AP_THM (AP_THM IMP_DEF p) q)
273      val th2 = EQ_MP th1 (ASSUME ``p ==> q``)
274    in CONJUNCT2 (EQ_MP (SYM th2) (ASSUME p)) end
275    val P = mk_var("P",alpha-->bool)
276    val x = mk_var("x",alpha)
277    val SPEC_pth = let
278      val th1 = EQ_MP (AP_THM FORALL_DEF P) (ASSUME (mk_comb(universal,P)))
279      val th2 = AP_THM (CONV_RULE BETA_CONV th1) x
280      val th3 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) th2
281      in DISCH_ALL (EQT_ELIM th3) end
282    val GEN_pth = let
283      val th1 = ASSUME (mk_eq(P,mk_abs(x,T)))
284      val th2 = AP_THM FORALL_DEF P
285    in EQ_MP (SYM(CONV_RULE(RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) th2)) th1 end
286    val Q = mk_var("Q",bool)
287    val EXISTS_pth = let
289      val tm  = (mk_forall(x,mk_imp(mk_comb(P,x),Q)))
290      val th2 = SPEC x (ASSUME tm)
291      val th3 = DISCH tm (MP th2 (ASSUME (mk_comb(P,x))))
292    in EQ_MP (SYM th1) (GEN Q th3) end
293    val CHOOSE_pth = let
295      val th2 = SPEC Q (UNDISCH(fst(EQ_IMP_RULE th1)))
296    in DISCH_ALL (DISCH (mk_comb(existential,P)) (UNDISCH th2)) end
297    val f = mk_var("f",bool-->bool-->bool)
298    val CONJ_pth = let
299      val pth = ASSUME p
300      val qth = ASSUME q
301      val th1 = MK_COMB(AP_TERM f (eqtIntro pth),eqtIntro qth)
302      val th2 = ABS f th1
303      val th3 = BETA_RULE (AP_THM (AP_THM AND_DEF p) q)
304      in EQ_MP (SYM th3) th2 end
305    val P = mk_var("P",bool)
307    fun CONJUNCT_pth t = let
309      val th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM th1 Q)
310      val th3 = EQ_MP th2 (ASSUME (mk_conj(P,Q)))
311      in EQT_ELIM(REBETA_RULE (AP_THM th3 (mk_abs(p,mk_abs(q,t))))) end
312    val CONJUNCT1_pth = CONJUNCT_pth p
313    val CONJUNCT2_pth = CONJUNCT_pth q
315    val th2 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (AP_THM th1 Q)
316    fun DISJ_pth t = let
317      val th3 = MP (ASSUME (mk_imp(t,p))) (ASSUME t)
318      val th4 = GEN p (DISCH (mk_imp(P,p)) (DISCH (mk_imp(Q,p)) th3))
319      in EQ_MP (SYM th2) th4 end
320    val DISJ1_pth = DISJ_pth P
321    val DISJ2_pth = DISJ_pth Q
322    val R = mk_var("R",bool)
323    val DISJ_CASES_pth = let
324      val th3 = SPEC R (EQ_MP th2 (ASSUME (mk_disj(P,Q))))
325    in UNDISCH (UNDISCH th3) end
327    val NOT_INTRO_pth = SYM NOT_ELIM_pth
330    fun specify c (th,defs) = let
331      val th1 = SEL_RULE th
332      val (l,r) = dest_comb(concl th1)
333      val {Thy,Name,...} = dest_thy_const c
334      val Name = if uptodate_const Thy Name then Name else strip_old Name
335      val th2 = mk_proof_thm (Def_const_prf({Thy=Thy,Name=Name},r)) ([],mk_eq(c,r))
336      val defs = th2 :: defs
337      val th = CONV_RULE BETA_CONV (EQ_MP (AP_TERM l (SYM th2)) th1)
338      in (th,defs) end
340    fun mk_ra (b,r,rep,abs) = mk_eq(mk_abs(r,mk_eq(mk_comb(rep,mk_comb(abs,r)),r)),
341                                    mk_abs(r,mk_comb(b,r)))
342    fun mk_ar (abs,rep,a)   = mk_eq(mk_abs(a,mk_comb(abs,mk_comb(rep,a))),
343                                    mk_abs(a,a))
344    fun absspec x th = CONV_RULE(BINOP_CONV BETA_CONV)(AP_THM th x)
345    val Def_tyop_pth = let
346      val phi = mk_var("phi",alpha-->bool)
347      val abs = mk_var("abs",alpha-->beta)
348      val rep = mk_var("rep",beta-->alpha)
349      val a   = mk_var("a",beta)
350      val r   = mk_var("r",alpha)
351      val ar  = ASSUME (mk_ar(abs,rep,a))
352      val ra  = ASSUME (mk_ra(phi,r,rep,abs))
353      val c             = concl TYPE_DEFINITION
354      val tyd           = lhs c
355      val (c1,c2)       = dest_conj(snd(dest_abs(snd(dest_abs(rhs c)))))
356      val ([x',x''],_)  = strip_forall c1
357      val (x,_)         = dest_forall c2
358      val w   = mk_comb(mk_comb(tyd,phi),rep)
359      val th1 = BETA_RULE (AP_THM (AP_THM TYPE_DEFINITION phi) rep)
360      val rx' = mk_comb(rep,x')
361      val rr  = mk_eq(rx',mk_comb(rep,x''))
362      val xar = absspec x' ar
363      val th2 = TRANS (TRANS (SYM xar) (AP_TERM abs (ASSUME rr))) (absspec x'' ar)
364      val th3 = GEN x' (GEN x'' (DISCH rr th2))
365      val phx = mk_comb(phi,x)
366      val xre = mk_eq(x,rx')
367      val exr = mk_exists(x',xre)
368      val xra = absspec x ra
369      val th4 = DISCH phx (EXISTS (exr,mk_comb(abs,x)) (SYM (EQ_MP (SYM xra) (ASSUME phx))))
370      val xrt = ASSUME xre
371      val th5 = TRANS (REFL rx') (SYM xrt)
372      val th6 = TRANS (AP_TERM rep (TRANS (AP_TERM abs xrt) xar)) th5
373      val th7 = DISCH exr (CHOOSE (x',ASSUME exr) (EQ_MP xra th6))
374      val th8 = GEN x (deductAntisym (UNDISCH th7) (UNDISCH th4))
375      in EXISTS (mk_exists(rep,w),rep) (EQ_MP (SYM th1) (CONJ th3 th8)) end
376  end
378  fun log_thm th = let
379    open Thm Term Type Lib Drule Conv boolSyntax Feedback
380    val ob = OThm th
381  in if saved ob then () else let
382    val ths = Susp.delay (fn () => (Lib.ppstring Parse.pp_thm th))
383    val pt  = proof_type (proof th)
384    val _ = if !verbosity >= 4 then HOL_MESG("Start a "^pt^" proof for "^(Susp.force ths))
385       else if !verbosity >= 3 then HOL_MESG(proof_type (proof th))
386       else ()
387    (*
388    val _ = log_comment ("("^pt)
389    *)
390    val _ = case proof th of
392      Axiom_prf => let
393      val _ = log_list log_term (hyp th)
394      val _ = log_term (concl th)
395      val _ = log_command "axiom"
396      in () end
397    | ASSUME_prf tm => let
398      val _ = log_term tm
399      val _ = log_command "assume"
400      in () end
401    | BETA_CONV_prf tm => let
402      val _ = log_term tm
403      val _ = log_command "betaConv"
404      in () end
405    | REFL_prf tm => let
406      val _ = log_term tm
407      val _ = log_command "refl"
408      in () end
409    | Def_const_prf (c,t) => let
410      val _ = log_const_name c
411      val _ = log_term t
412      val _ = log_command "defineConst"
413      val k = save_dict ob
414      val _ = log_command "pop"
415      val _ = save_dict (OConst c)
416      val _ = log_command "pop"
417      val _ = log_num k
418      val _ = log_command "ref"
419      in () end
420    | ABS_prf (v,th) => let
421      val _ = log_var v
422      val _ = log_thm th
423      val _ = log_command "absThm"
424      in () end
425    | deductAntisym_prf (th1,th2) => let
426      val _ = log_thm th1
427      val _ = log_thm th2
428      val _ = log_command "deductAntisym"
429      in () end
430    | EQ_MP_prf (th1,th2) => let
431      val _ = log_thm th1
432      val _ = log_thm th2
433      val _ = log_command "eqMp"
434      in () end
435    | INST_prf (s,th) => let
436      val _ = log_term_subst s
437      val _ = log_thm th
438      val _ = log_command "subst"
439      in () end
440    | INST_TYPE_prf (s,th) => let
441      val _ = log_type_subst s
442      val _ = log_thm th
443      val _ = log_command "subst"
444      in () end
445    | MK_COMB_prf (th1,th2) => let
446      val _ = log_thm th1
447      val _ = log_thm th2
448      val _ = log_command "appThm"
449      in () end
450    | ALPHA_prf (t1,t2) => let
451      val t = mk_comb(inst[alpha|->type_of t1]equality, t1)
452      val _ = log_thm (EQ_MP (MK_COMB (REFL t, REFL t2)) (REFL t1))
453      in () end
454    | TRANS_prf (th1,th2) => let
455      val _ = log_thm th1
456      val _ = log_thm th2
457      val _ = log_command "trans"
458      in () end
459    | SYM_prf th => let
460      val _ = log_thm th
461      val _ = log_command "sym"
462      in () end
463    | AP_TERM_prf (tm,th) => log_thm (MK_COMB(REFL tm, th))
464    | AP_THM_prf  (th,tm) => log_thm (MK_COMB(th, REFL tm))
465    | Mk_comb_prf (th,th1,th2) => log_thm (TRANS th (MK_COMB(th1,th2)))
466    | Mk_abs_prf (th,bv,th1) => log_thm (TRANS th (ABS bv th1))
467    | CONJ_prf (th1,th2) => let
468      val th = INST [p|->concl th1,q|->concl th2] CONJ_pth
469      val _ = log_thm (proveHyp th2 (proveHyp th1 th))
470      in () end
471    | CONJUNCT1_prf th => let
472      val (l,r) = dest_conj(concl th)
473      val _ = log_thm (proveHyp th (INST [P|->l,Q|->r] CONJUNCT1_pth))
474      in () end
475    | CONJUNCT2_prf th => let
476      val (l,r) = dest_conj(concl th)
477      val _ = log_thm (proveHyp th (INST [P|->l,Q|->r] CONJUNCT2_pth))
478      in () end
479    | DISCH_prf (tm,th) => let
480      val th1 = CONJ (ASSUME tm) th
481      val th2 = CONJUNCT1 (ASSUME (concl th1))
482      val pth = INST [p|->tm, q|->concl th] DISCH_pth
483      val _ = log_thm (EQ_MP pth (deductAntisym th1 th2))
484      in () end
485    | MP_prf (th1,th2) => let
486      val tm = concl th1
487      val (ant,con) = dest_imp tm
488      val th1 = if is_neg tm
489                then let open boolTheory in
490                       (CONV_RULE BETA_CONV)
491                       (SUBS_OCCS [([1],NOT_DEF)] th1)
492                     end
493                else th1
494      val pth = INST [p|->ant, q|->con] MP_pth
495      val _ = log_thm (EQ_MP (deductAntisym th1
496                               (EQ_MP (deductAntisym th2 pth)
497                                      th2))
498                             th1)
499      in () end
500    | SUBST_prf (map,tm,sth) => let
501      val (h,source) = dest_thm sth
502      val fvs = FVL (source::h) empty_varset
503      fun f (m as {redex,residue},(fvs,allfvs,map,tm)) = let
504        val (h,c) = dest_thm residue
505        val allfvs = FVL (c::h) allfvs
506      in
507        if HOLset.member(fvs,redex) then let
508            val vv = prim_variant (HOLset.listItems fvs) redex
509            val fvs = HOLset.add(fvs,vv)
510            val m = {redex=vv,residue=residue}
511            val tm = subst [redex|->vv] tm
512          in (fvs,allfvs,m::map,tm) end
513        else (fvs,allfvs,m::map,tm)
514      end
515      val (_,fvs,map,tm) = foldl f (fvs,fvs,[],tm) map
516      fun rconv fvs source template = (* |- source = template[rhs/vars] *)
517        ALPHA source template
518      handle HOL_ERR _ =>
519        if is_var template
520        then valOf(subst_assoc (equal template) map)
521      else let
522        val (sf,sa) = dest_comb source
523        val (tf,ta) = dest_comb template
524        val f = rconv fvs sf tf
525        val a = rconv fvs sa ta
526      in MK_COMB (f,a) end handle HOL_ERR _ => let
527        val (sv,sb) = dest_abs source
528        val (tv,tb) = dest_abs template
529        val vv = prim_variant (HOLset.listItems fvs) tv
530        val sb = subst [sv|->vv] sb
531        val tb = subst [tv|->vv] tb
532        val b = rconv (HOLset.add(fvs,vv)) sb tb
533      in ABS vv b end
534      val _ = log_thm (EQ_MP (rconv fvs source tm) sth)
535      in () end
536    | GEN_prf (v,th) => let
537      val vty = type_of v
538      val P   = mk_var("P",vty-->bool)
539      val pth = INST_TY_TERM ([P|->mk_abs(v,concl th)],[alpha|->vty]) GEN_pth
540      val _ = log_thm (proveHyp (ABS v (eqtIntro th)) pth)
541      in () end
542    | DISJ1_prf (th,tm) => let
543      val _ = log_thm (proveHyp th (INST [P|->concl th,Q|->tm] DISJ1_pth))
544      in () end
545    | DISJ2_prf (tm,th) => let
546      val _ = log_thm (proveHyp th (INST [Q|->concl th,P|->tm] DISJ2_pth))
547      in () end
548    | SPEC_prf (tm,th) => let
549      val abs = rand(concl th)
550      val (v,_) = dest_abs abs
551      val vty = type_of v
552      val pth = INST_TY_TERM ([mk_var("P",vty-->bool)|->abs,mk_var("x",vty)|->tm],[alpha|->vty]) SPEC_pth
553      val _ = log_thm (CONV_RULE BETA_CONV (MP pth th))
554      in () end
555    | Specialize_prf (t,th) => log_thm (SPEC t th)
556    | GEN_ABS_prf (c,vlist,th) => let
557      val dom = fst o dom_rng
558      fun foo th = let val (_,_,ty) = dest_eq_ty(concl th) in dom ty end
559      val f = case c of
560        SOME c => let val ty = dom(dom(type_of c))
561        in fn th => AP_TERM (inst[ty|->foo th] c) th end
562      | NONE => I
563      val _ = log_thm (List.foldr (f o uncurry ABS) th vlist)
564      in () end
565    | EQ_IMP_RULE1_prf th => let
566      val (t1,t2) = dest_eq(concl th)
567      val _ = log_thm (DISCH t1 (EQ_MP th (ASSUME t1)))
568      in () end
569    | EQ_IMP_RULE2_prf th => let
570      val (t1,t2) = dest_eq(concl th)
571      val _ = log_thm (DISCH t2 (EQ_MP (SYM th) (ASSUME t2)))
572      in () end
573    | EXISTS_prf (fm,tm,th) => let
574      val ty = type_of tm
575      val (_,abs) = dest_comb fm
576      val bth = BETA_CONV(mk_comb(abs,tm))
577      val cth = INST_TY_TERM ([mk_var("P",ty-->bool)|->abs,mk_var("x",ty)|->tm],[alpha|->ty]) EXISTS_pth
578      val _ = log_thm (proveHyp (EQ_MP (SYM bth) th) cth)
579      in () end
580    | CHOOSE_prf (v,th1,th2) => let
581      val vty = type_of v
582      val abs = rand(concl th1)
583      val (bv,bod) = dest_abs abs
584      val cmb = mk_comb(abs,v)
585      val pat = subst [bv|->v] bod
586      val th3 = CONV_RULE BETA_CONV (ASSUME cmb)
587      val th4 = GEN v (DISCH cmb (MP (DISCH pat th2) th3))
588      val th5 = INST_TY_TERM ([mk_var("P",vty-->bool)|->abs,Q|->concl th2],[alpha|->vty]) CHOOSE_pth
589      val _ = log_thm (MP (MP th5 th4) th1)
590      in () end
591    | DISJ_CASES_prf (th0,th1,th2) => let
592      val c1 = concl th1
593      val c2 = concl th2
594      val (l,r) = dest_disj (concl th0)
595      val th = INST [P|->l,Q|->r,R|->c1] DISJ_CASES_pth
596      val _ = log_thm (proveHyp (DISCH r th2) (proveHyp (DISCH l th1) (proveHyp th0 th)))
597      in () end
598    | NOT_INTRO_prf th => let
599      val _ = log_thm (EQ_MP (INST [P|->rand(rator(concl th))] NOT_INTRO_pth) th)
600      in () end
601    | NOT_ELIM_prf th => let
602      val _ = log_thm (EQ_MP (INST [P|->rand(concl th)] NOT_ELIM_pth) th)
603      in () end
604    | CCONTR_prf (tm,th) => let
605      open boolTheory
606      val th1 = RIGHT_BETA(AP_THM NOT_DEF tm)
607      val tmF = ASSUME(mk_eq(tm,F))
608      val th2 = EQT_ELIM (ASSUME(mk_eq(tm,T)))
609      val th3 = SUBST [P|->th1] (mk_imp(P,F)) (DISCH (mk_neg tm) th)
610      val th4 = SUBST [P|->(tmF)] (mk_imp(mk_imp(P,F),F)) th3
611      val th5 = MP th4 (SPEC F FALSITY)
612      val th6 = EQ_MP (SYM(tmF)) th5
613      val _ = log_thm (DISJ_CASES (SPEC tm BOOL_CASES_AX) th2 th6)
614      in () end
615    | Beta_prf th => log_thm (RIGHT_BETA th)
616    | Def_spec_prf (cs,th) => let
617      val (th,defs) = rev_itlist specify cs (th,[])
618      val _ = app log_thm (rev defs)
619      val _ = log_thm th
620      in () end
621    | Def_const_list_prf (thyname,stys,th) => let
622      val nvars = map (fn (s,ty) => ({Thy=thyname,Name=s},mk_var(s,ty))) stys
623      val _ = log_list (log_pair (log_const_name, log_var)) nvars
624      val _ = log_thm th
625      val _ = log_command "defineConstList"
626      val k = save_dict ob
627      val _ = log_command "pop"
628      val _ = app (fn _ => log_command "hdTl") nvars
629      val _ = log_command "pop"
630      val _ = app (ignore o save_dict o OConst o #1) (rev nvars)
631      val _ = log_num k
632      val _ = log_command "ref"
633      in () end
634    | Def_tyop_prf (name,tyvars,th,aty) => let
635      val n = log_tyop_name name
636      val (ns,n) = n
637      val ns'    = ns@[n]
638      val abs_name = (ns',"abs")
639      val rep_name = (ns',"rep")
640      val _ = log_name abs_name
641      val _ = log_name rep_name
642      val _ = log_list log_type_var tyvars
643      val _ = log_thm (EXISTENCE_RULE th)
644      val _ = log_command "defineTypeOp"
645      val (phi,_) = dest_comb (snd(dest_exists(concl th)))
646      val (rty,_) = dom_rng(type_of phi)
647      val a       = mk_var("a",aty)
648      val r       = mk_var("r",rty)
649      val absty   = rty --> aty
650      val repty   = aty --> rty
651      val ots     = OpenTheoryMap.otname_to_string
652      val abstc   = {Thy="Logging",Name=ots abs_name}
653      val reptc   = {Thy="Logging",Name=ots rep_name}
654      val abs     = prim_new_const abstc absty
655      val rep     = prim_new_const reptc repty
656      val ra      = mk_thm([],mk_ra(phi,r,rep,abs))
657      val _       = save_dict (OThm ra)
658      val _       = log_command "pop"
659      val ar      = mk_thm([],mk_ar(abs,rep,a))
660      val _       = save_dict (OThm ar)
661      val _       = log_command "pop"
662      val _       = save_dict (OConst reptc)
663      val _       = log_command "pop"
664      val _       = save_dict (OConst abstc)
665      val _       = log_command "pop"
666      val _       = save_dict (OTypeOp name)
667      val _       = log_command "pop"
668      val pth     = INST_TY_TERM ([mk_var("phi",rty-->bool)|->phi,
669                                   mk_var("abs",rty-->aty)|->abs,
670                                   mk_var("rep",aty-->rty)|->rep],
671                                  [alpha|->rty,beta|->aty]) Def_tyop_pth
672      val _       = log_thm (proveHyp ra (proveHyp ar pth))
673      in () end
674    val _ = if !verbosity >= 4 then HOL_MESG("Finish proof for "^(Susp.force ths)) else ()
675    (*
676    val _ = log_comment(pt^")")
677    *)
678    val _ = save_dict ob
679    (*
680    val _ = log_pair (log_list log_term, log_term) (dest_thm th)
681    val _ = log_command "pop"
682    *)
683    in () end
684  end
685in (log_term, log_thm, reset_dict,
686    set_const_name_handler, reset_const_name_handler,
687    set_tyop_name_handler, reset_tyop_name_handler)
690val definitions = ref []
692fun log_definitions () =
693  (List.app log_thm (List.rev (!definitions));
694   definitions := [])
696fun export_thm th = let
697  open Thm Feedback Parse
698  val _ = case !log_state of
699      Not_logging => ()
700    | Active_logging _ => let
701      val _ = log_definitions ()
702      val v = !verbosity >= 1
703      val s = Susp.delay (fn () => Lib.ppstring pp_thm th)
704      val _ = if v then HOL_MESG("Start logging\n"^(Susp.force s)^"\n") else ()
705      val _ = log_thm th
706      val _ = log_list log_term (hyp th)
707      val _ = log_term (concl th)
708      val _ = log_command "thm"
709      val _ = if v then HOL_MESG("Finish logging\n"^(Susp.force s)^"\n") else ()
710      in () end
711    val _ = delete_proof th
712in th end
714fun mk_path name = OS.Path.concat(OS.FileSys.getDir(),OS.Path.joinBaseExt{base=name,ext=SOME"art"})
716fun mkpair f x = (f,x)
718datatype OTDirective = DeleteConstant | DeleteType | SkipThm | DeleteProof
720fun log_some_thms axdefs th =
721  (if (case Thm.proof th of
722         Thm.Def_const_prf (thyrec, _) =>
723           Lib.mem (DeleteConstant, #Name thyrec) axdefs
724       | Thm.Def_const_list_prf (_,stys,_) =>
725           List.exists (Lib.C Lib.mem axdefs o mkpair DeleteConstant o #1)
726                       stys
727       | Thm.Def_spec_prf (cs,_) =>
728           List.exists (Lib.C Lib.mem axdefs o mkpair DeleteConstant o #1 o
729                        Term.dest_const) cs
730       | Thm.Def_tyop_prf (thyrec,_,_,_) =>
731           Lib.mem (DeleteType, #Tyop thyrec) axdefs
732       | _ => false)
733   then Thm.delete_proof th
734   else ();
735   definitions := th::(!definitions))
737fun raw_start_logging axdefs out =
738  case !log_state of
739    Not_logging => let
740      val _ = Thm.set_definition_callback (log_some_thms axdefs)
741      val _ = log_state := Active_logging out
742      val _ = log_num 6
743      val _ = log_command "version"
744    in () end
745  | Active_logging _ => ()
747fun read_otdfile fname =
748  let
749    val instrm = TextIO.openIn fname
750    val _ = Feedback.HOL_MESG("Reading "^fname)
751    fun recurse acc =
752      case Option.map (Substring.splitl (not o Char.isSpace) o Substring.full) (TextIO.inputLine instrm) of
753          NONE => List.rev acc
754        | SOME (d,nm) =>
755          let
756            val d = Substring.string d
757            val dir = case d of
758                          "deltype" => SOME DeleteType
759                        | "delconst" => SOME DeleteConstant
760                        | "delproof" => SOME DeleteProof
761                        | "skipthm" => SOME SkipThm
762                        | _ => (Feedback.HOL_WARNING "Logging" "read_otdfile"
763                                                     ("Bad directive "^d);
764                                NONE)
765            val fixnm = Substring.string o Substring.dropl Char.isSpace o Substring.trimr 1
766          in
767            recurse (case dir of NONE => acc | SOME dir => (dir,fixnm nm) :: acc)
768          end
769  in
770    recurse [] before TextIO.closeIn instrm
771  end
773fun start_logging nm =
774  let
775    val mungefilename = nm ^ ".otd"
776    val axiomatic_defs = read_otdfile mungefilename handle IO.Io _ => []
777  in
778    case !log_state of
779        Not_logging =>
780        let
781          val name = Theory.current_theory()
782          val path = mk_path name
783          val file = TextIO.openOut path
784        in raw_start_logging axiomatic_defs file end
785      | Active_logging _ => ()
786  end
788fun stop_logging() =
789  case !log_state of
790    Active_logging h => let
791      val _ = log_clear ()
792      val _ = TextIO.closeOut h
793      val _ = Thm.clear_definition_callback()
794    in log_state := Not_logging end
795  | Not_logging => ()