1(* ========================================================================= *)
2(* FILE          : alignmentScript.sml                                       *)
3(* DESCRIPTION   : Theory for address alignment.                             *)
4(* ========================================================================= *)
6open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib Q
7open wordsLib
9val () = new_theory "alignment";
11val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "alignmentScript"
13(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
14   Constant definitions
15   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
17val align_def   = Define `align p (w: 'a word) = (dimindex (:'a) - 1 '' p) w`
18val aligned_def = Define `aligned p w = (align p w = w)`
20val byte_align_def = Define`
21   byte_align (w: 'a word) = align (LOG2 (dimindex(:'a) DIV 8)) w`
23val byte_aligned_def = Define`
24   byte_aligned (w: 'a word) = aligned (LOG2 (dimindex(:'a) DIV 8)) w`
26(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
27   Theorems
28   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
30val align_0 = Q.store_thm("align_0",
31   `!w. align 0 w = w`,
32   lrw [wordsTheory.WORD_SLICE_BITS_THM, wordsTheory.WORD_ALL_BITS, align_def]
33   )
35val align_align = Q.store_thm("align_align",
36   `!p w. align p (align p w) = align p w`,
37   srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss, boolSimps.CONJ_ss] [align_def]
38   )
40val aligned_align = Q.store_thm ("aligned_align",
41   `!p w. aligned p (align p w)`,
42   rewrite_tac [aligned_def, align_align]
43   )
45val align_aligned = Q.store_thm ("align_aligned",
46   `!p w. aligned p w ==> (align p w = w)`,
47   rewrite_tac [aligned_def]
48   )
50val align_bitwise_and = Q.store_thm("align_bitwise_and",
51   `!p w. align p w = w && UINT_MAXw << p`,
52   srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] [align_def]
53   \\ decide_tac
54   )
56val align_shift = Q.store_thm("align_shift",
57   `!p w. align p w = w >>> p << p`,
58   srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] [align_def]
59   \\ Cases_on `p <= i`
60   \\ simp []
61   )
63val align_w2n = Q.store_thm("align_w2n",
64   `!p w. align p w = n2w (w2n w DIV 2 ** p * 2 ** p)`,
65   strip_tac
66   \\ Cases
67   \\ lrw [align_shift, GSYM wordsTheory.n2w_DIV, wordsTheory.word_lsl_n2w,
68           wordsTheory.dimword_def]
69   \\ `dimindex(:'a) <= p` by decide_tac
70   \\ imp_res_tac arithmeticTheory.LESS_EQUAL_ADD
71   \\ simp [arithmeticTheory.EXP_ADD, arithmeticTheory.MOD_EQ_0]
72   )
74val ths = [GSYM wordsTheory.WORD_w2w_EXTRACT, wordsTheory.w2w_id]
76val lem =
77   wordsTheory.EXTRACT_JOIN_ADD
78   |> Thm.INST_TYPE [Type.beta |-> Type.alpha]
79   |> Q.SPECL [`dimindex(:'a) - 1`, `p - 1`, `p`, `0`, `p`, `w`]
80   |> Q.DISCH `0 < p`
81   |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) (DECIDE ``0 < p ==> (p = p - 1 + 1)`` :: ths)
82   |> GSYM
84val align_sub = Q.store_thm("align_sub",
85   `!p w. align p w = if p = 0 then w else w - (p - 1 >< 0) w`,
86   rw_tac bool_ss [align_0]
87   \\ Cases_on `dimindex(:'a) <= p - 1`
88   >- (
89      `(p - 1 >< 0) w : 'a word = (dimindex (:'a) - 1 >< 0) w`
90      by simp [wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_MIN_HIGH]
91      \\ rule_assum_tac (SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) ths)
92      \\ asm_rewrite_tac []
93      \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] [align_def]
94      )
95   \\ Cases_on `p = dimindex(:'a)`
96   >- srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] (align_def :: ths)
97   \\ `0 < p /\ p <= dimindex (:'a) - 1` by decide_tac
98   \\ imp_res_tac lem
99   \\ pop_assum (qspec_then `w` (CONV_TAC o Conv.PATH_CONV "rlr" o Lib.K))
100   \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss] [align_def]
101   )
103val aligned_extract = Q.store_thm ("aligned_extract",
104   `!p w. aligned p (w: 'a word) = (p = 0) \/ ((p - 1 >< 0) w = 0w: 'a word)`,
105   rewrite_tac [aligned_def]
106   \\ Cases
107   >- rewrite_tac [align_0]
108   \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] [align_def]
109   \\ eq_tac
110   \\ lrw []
111   \\ res_tac
112   \\ Cases_on `i <= n`
113   \\ Cases_on `w ' i`
114   \\ fs []
115   \\ decide_tac
116   )
118val aligned_0 = Q.store_thm ("aligned_0",
119   `(!p. aligned p 0w) /\ (!w. aligned 0 w)`,
120   srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] [aligned_extract]
121   )
123val aligned_1_lsb = Q.store_thm ("aligned_1_lsb",
124   `!w. aligned 1 w = ~word_lsb w`,
125   srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] [aligned_extract]
126   )
128val aligned_ge_dim = Q.store_thm ("aligned_ge_dim",
129   `!p w:'a word. dimindex(:'a) <= p ==> (aligned p w = (w = 0w))`,
130   Cases \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] [aligned_extract]
131   )
133val aligned_bitwise_and = Q.store_thm("aligned_bitwise_and",
134   `!p w. aligned p (w: 'a word) = (w && n2w (2 ** p - 1) = 0w)`,
135   simp [aligned_def, align_bitwise_and]
136   \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss]
137        [wordsTheory.word_index, bitTheory.BIT_EXP_SUB1]
138   \\ eq_tac
139   \\ lrw []
140   \\ res_tac
141   \\ Cases_on `i < SUC n`
142   \\ Cases_on `w ' i`
143   \\ fs []
144   \\ decide_tac
145   )
147val aligned_bit_count_upto = Q.store_thm ("aligned_bit_count_upto",
148   `!p w.
149     aligned p (w: 'a word) = (bit_count_upto (MIN (dimindex(:'a)) p) w = 0)`,
150   lrw [aligned_extract, wordsTheory.bit_count_upto_is_zero]
151   \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] []
152   \\ Cases_on `p = 0`
153   \\ simp []
154   \\ eq_tac
155   \\ lrw []
156   \\ res_tac
157   >- decide_tac
158   \\ Cases_on `i < p`
159   \\ fs []
160   \\ decide_tac
161   )
163val aligned_add_sub = Q.store_thm("aligned_add_sub",
164   `!p a: 'a word b.
165          aligned p b ==>
166          (aligned p (a + b) = aligned p a) /\
167          (aligned p (a - b) = aligned p a)`,
168   strip_tac
169   \\ Cases_on `dimindex(:'a) <= p`
170   >- simp [aligned_ge_dim]
171   \\ `p < dimindex(:'a)` by decide_tac
172   \\ Cases_on `p`
173   \\ simp [aligned_extract]
174   \\ Cases_on `SUC n = dimindex(:'a)`
175   \\ srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss] []
176   \\ simp [Once (GSYM wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_OVER_ADD2),
177            Once (GSYM wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_OVER_MUL2)]
178   \\ lrw [wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_COMP_THM, arithmeticTheory.MIN_DEF]
179   \\ metis_tac [arithmeticTheory.SUC_SUB1]
180   )
182val aligned_add_sub_cor = Q.store_thm("aligned_add_sub_cor",
183   `!p a: 'a word b.
184       aligned p a /\ aligned p b ==> aligned p (a + b) /\ aligned p (a - b)`,
185   metis_tac [aligned_add_sub]
186   )
188val aligned_mul_shift_1 = Q.store_thm ("aligned_mul_shift_1",
189   `!p w: 'a word. aligned p (1w << p * w)`,
190   strip_tac
191   \\ Cases_on `dimindex(:'a) <= p`
192   >- simp [aligned_ge_dim]
193   \\ `p < dimindex(:'a)` by decide_tac
194   \\ Cases_on `p`
195   \\ srw_tac [ARITH_ss]
196        [aligned_extract,
197         Once (GSYM wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_OVER_MUL2)]
198   \\ `(n >< 0) ((1w:'a word) << SUC n) = 0w: 'a word`
199   by lrw [wordsTheory.WORD_MUL_LSL, wordsTheory.word_extract_n2w,
200           arithmeticTheory.MIN_DEF,
201           bitTheory.BITS_SUM2
202           |> Q.SPECL [`n`, `0`, `1`, `0`]
203           |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) []]
204   \\ simp [wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_COMP_THM, arithmeticTheory.MIN_DEF]
205   )
207val aligned_add_sub_prod = Q.store_thm("aligned_add_sub_prod",
208   `!p w: 'a word x.
209      (aligned p (w + (1w << p) * x) = aligned p w) /\
210      (aligned p (w - (1w << p) * x) = aligned p w)`,
211   metis_tac [aligned_add_sub, aligned_mul_shift_1, wordsTheory.WORD_ADD_COMM]
212   )
214val aligned_imp = Q.store_thm("aligned_imp",
215   `!p q w. p < q /\ aligned q w ==> aligned p w`,
216   srw_tac [wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss] [aligned_extract]
217   >- fs []
218   \\ Cases_on `p`
219   \\ lrw []
220   \\ res_tac
221   \\ simp []
222   )
224val align_add_aligned = Q.store_thm("align_add_aligned",
225  `!p a b : 'a word.
226     aligned p a /\ w2n b < 2 ** p ==> (align p (a + b) = a)`,
227  strip_tac
228  \\ Cases_on `dimindex(:'a) <= p`
229  >- (`w2n b < 2 ** p`
230      by metis_tac [wordsTheory.w2n_lt, wordsTheory.dimword_def,
231                    bitTheory.TWOEXP_MONO2, arithmeticTheory.LESS_LESS_EQ_TRANS]
232      \\ simp [aligned_ge_dim, align_w2n, arithmeticTheory.LESS_DIV_EQ_ZERO])
233  \\ fs [arithmeticTheory.NOT_LESS_EQUAL]
234  \\ rw [aligned_extract, align_sub, wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_COMP_THM,
235         arithmeticTheory.MIN_DEF,
236         Once (GSYM wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_OVER_ADD2),
237         wordsTheory.WORD_EXTRACT_ID
238         |> Q.SPECL [`w`, `p - 1`]
239         |> Q.DISCH `p <> 0n`
240         |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [DECIDE ``p <> 0n ==> (SUC (p - 1) = p)``]
241        ]
242  \\ fs [DECIDE ``(a < 1n) = (a = 0n)``, wordsTheory.w2n_eq_0]
243  )
245(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
246   Theorems for standard alignment lengths of 1, 2 and 3 bits
247   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
249fun f p =
250   let
251      val th1 =
252         aligned_add_sub_prod
253         |> Q.SPEC p
254         |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [fcpTheory.DIMINDEX_GE_1, wordsTheory.word_1_lsl]
255      val th2 = th1 |> Q.SPEC `0w` |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [aligned_0]
256   in
257      [th1, th2]
258   end
260val aligned_add_sub_123 = save_thm ("aligned_add_sub_123",
261   LIST_CONJ (List.concat (List.map f [`1`, `2`, `3`]))
262   )
265   val bit_lem = Q.prove(
266      `(!x. NUMERAL (BIT2 x) = 2 * (x + 1)) /\
267       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 x) = 2 * x + 1) /\
268       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 x)) = 4 * x + 3) /\
269       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 x)) = 4 * (x + 1) + 1) /\
270       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 x)) = 4 * (x + 1)) /\
271       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 x)) = 4 * (x + 1) + 2) /\
272       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 x))) = 8 * x + 7) /\
273       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT2 x))) = 8 * (x + 1) + 3) /\
274       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 (BIT1 x))) = 8 * (x + 1) + 1) /\
275       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 (BIT2 x))) = 8 * (x + 1) + 5) /\
276       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 (BIT1 x))) = 8 * (x + 1)) /\
277       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 (BIT2 x))) = 8 * (x + 1) + 4) /\
278       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 (BIT1 x))) = 8 * (x + 1) + 2) /\
279       (!x. NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 (BIT2 x))) = 8 * (x + 1) + 6)`,
280      REPEAT strip_tac
281      \\ CONV_TAC (Conv.LHS_CONV
282            (REWRITE_CONV [arithmeticTheory.BIT1, arithmeticTheory.BIT2,
283                           arithmeticTheory.NUMERAL_DEF]))
284      \\ decide_tac
285      )
286   val (_, _, dest_num, _) = HolKernel.syntax_fns1 "arithmetic" "NUMERAL"
288   fun bit_lem_conv tm =
289      let
290         val x = dest_num (fst (wordsSyntax.dest_n2w tm))
291      in
292         if List.null (Term.free_vars x)
293            then raise ERR "bit_lem_conv" ""
294         else Conv.RAND_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [bit_lem]) tm
295      end
298val aligned_numeric = Q.store_thm("aligned_numeric",
299   `(!x. aligned 3 (n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 (BIT1 x)))))) /\
300    (!x. aligned 2 (n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 x))))) /\
301    (!x. aligned 1 (n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 x)))) /\
302    (!x. aligned 3 (-n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 (BIT1 x)))))) /\
303    (!x. aligned 2 (-n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 x))))) /\
304    (!x. aligned 1 (-n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 x)))) /\
305    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (f x)))))) =
306             aligned 3 (y + 7w)) /\
307    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT2 x))))) =
308             aligned 3 (y + 3w)) /\
309    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 (BIT1 x))))) =
310             aligned 3 (y + 1w)) /\
311    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 (BIT2 x))))) =
312             aligned 3 (y + 5w)) /\
313    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 (BIT1 x))))) =
314             aligned 3 (y)) /\
315    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 (BIT2 x))))) =
316             aligned 3 (y + 4w)) /\
317    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 (BIT1 x))))) =
318             aligned 3 (y + 2w)) /\
319    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 (BIT2 x))))) =
320             aligned 3 (y + 6w)) /\
321    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (f x)))))) =
322             aligned 3 (y - 7w)) /\
323    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT2 x))))) =
324             aligned 3 (y - 3w)) /\
325    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 (BIT1 x))))) =
326             aligned 3 (y - 1w)) /\
327    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 (BIT2 x))))) =
328             aligned 3 (y - 5w)) /\
329    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 (BIT1 x))))) =
330             aligned 3 (y)) /\
331    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 (BIT2 x))))) =
332             aligned 3 (y - 4w)) /\
333    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 (BIT1 x))))) =
334             aligned 3 (y - 2w)) /\
335    (!x y f. aligned 3 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 (BIT2 x))))) =
336             aligned 3 (y - 6w)) /\
337    (!x y f. aligned 2 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (f x))))) =
338             aligned 2 (y + 3w)) /\
339    (!x y. aligned 2 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 x)))) =
340           aligned 2 (y + 1w)) /\
341    (!x y. aligned 2 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 x)))) =
342           aligned 2 (y)) /\
343    (!x y. aligned 2 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 x)))) =
344           aligned 2 (y + 2w)) /\
345    (!x y f. aligned 2 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (f x))))) =
346             aligned 2 (y - 3w)) /\
347    (!x y. aligned 2 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT2 x)))) =
348           aligned 2 (y - 1w)) /\
349    (!x y. aligned 2 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT1 x)))) =
350           aligned 2 (y)) /\
351    (!x y. aligned 2 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 (BIT2 x)))) =
352           aligned 2 (y - 2w)) /\
353    (!x y f. aligned 1 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (f x)))) =
354             aligned 1 (y + 1w)) /\
355    (!x y f. aligned 1 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT1 (f x)))) =
356             aligned 1 (y - 1w)) /\
357    (!x y. aligned 1 (y + n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 x))) = aligned 1 y) /\
358    (!x y. aligned 1 (y - n2w (NUMERAL (BIT2 x))) = aligned 1 y)`,
359   REPEAT strip_tac
360   \\ CONV_TAC (DEPTH_CONV bit_lem_conv)
361   \\ rewrite_tac
362        [GSYM wordsTheory.word_mul_n2w, GSYM wordsTheory.word_add_n2w,
363         wordsLib.WORD_DECIDE ``a + (b * c + d) : 'a word = (a + d) + b * c``,
364         wordsLib.WORD_DECIDE ``a - (b * c + d) : 'a word = (a - d) - b * c``,
365         wordsTheory.WORD_NEG_LMUL, aligned_add_sub_123]
366   )
368(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
370val () = export_theory ()